riverside adventure

When I was home this weekend I went on an adventure in Riverside Park. The Grand River was higher than normal and most of the park interior was flooded. Bonga and I set off in to the forest. It was not long before we found ourselves trapped in the middle of melting ground, mud, ice and marsh. It was time to conquer the elements. The sun was shining bright giving us super powers to take on the cold. Not even the high flowing river could hold us back. I was dressed to lead the pack with my warm jacket and Hunter Wellies.We grabbed walking sticks to ensure we knew exactly if the ground was hard or soft and to make it easier to jump over stuff. This also helped in breaking up the ice on the boardwalk. It was really fun.

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great times in the hometown

I went home to Cambridge after Valentines Day to hang with my friends and family. I had a really great time. Karrera and I stopped to get some pho on the way at Ben Thahn in Cambridge. I used to love it there but my pho was gross and over priced compared to downtown.The sun was shining so bright I needed to wear my sunnies. In the car Karrera has a crystal and I caught some rainbows on my tattoo’s as we drove through the sunshine.

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the people i know in a cloud

This image is a tag cloud of all my contacts on Twitter and what they do. The largest words are the ones that show up the most (in case you are unfamiliar with this kind of thing!). It is evident that the most predominate are 1. social 2. media 3. marketing. I find that the amount of new stuff I learn each day is greatly increased by following these people. The Twitsphere is an ongoing life stream of what is happening in the world around us online and offline. If you don’t use Twitter yet, get on it! You can follow me very easily and begin the learning and sharing for yourself. I find it to be the greatest social tool at my fingertips for getting smarter, staying connected and branding. Twestival is a party uniting Tweeps from around the world. It is on Thursday, February 12th. Get your tickets here.

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give $20, raise $20, and tell 20 friends

Its a lovely day in the city of Toronto and I took the time to enjoy it. I went for a sun filled walk on the West side and stopped by some shops. I’m working on a few things for Twestival today and really looking forward to Thursday night at Circa. I hope you have your tickets! Molson is buying your first drink and there are heaps of prizes to be won. The event is four days away and the TwestivalTO fundraising goal is $10,000. This contribution to charity:water will help fund 2 different water well projects. There are over 165 cities around the world participating. Can you imagine if you aren’t there? It’s going to be a rad party. Toronto, lets kick it up a notch and roll with Twestival’s “20/20/20 vision“: give $20, raise $20, and tell 20 friends. Get your tickets today! See you on the dance floor ♥

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an interview to inspire: Jesse & MS

I recently found out that my friend, Jesse Lee from high school was diagnosed with MS. I don’t know alot about MS and saw an opportunity to learn about the disease and share it with others. Jesse is a really cool guy (and funny) so when I found out about him and MS, I was really interested to learn more. Below is my interview with Jesse. Please read it. I assure you it will touch your heart and inspire you. You can donate too MS and help Jesse raise money for the cause here or by following the links below. Did you have symptoms, how did you know? The first two symptoms I encountered were numbness in my fingers and face and blurry vision in one eye. It was in the summer of 2007 while playing baseball. I have always been a good athlete and all of a sudden I was missing fly balls because of my blurry vision and the numbness caused my coordination to be off. I contacted my Doctor who originally gave me eye drops. Once the eye drops didn’t work I was sent for an MRI. When did you find out you had MS? After my first MRI came back and showed some lesions on the brain, a neurologist that I was referred to said there was a possibility that I had MS and sent me for more tests and a second MRI. The results of those tests confirmed I did in fact have MS and I was officially diagnosed in March of 2008. This was a very frustrating time because as you can see it took almost a year to diagnose and so much uncertainty was surrounding while other symptoms started to arrive and get worse. These other symptoms included; loss of balance, poor short…

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a story of beauty featuring me by darren

I walked into the salon tucked away in a lovely loft in the heart of Queen West. I was greeted by charming eyes and warm beats that made me forget it was even winter. The shelves were stocked with the hottest Redken and he politely took my jacket. I felt as if I had already escaped the winter blues and I had only just arrived.Alas, the night begins…I was ready to relax, add some new blonde over my old ugly and chop a few strands off. I was totally having a lovely time being the focus of his attention as I patiently awaited the results.VOILA!! My hair is looking bangin’ with bright blonde and partial mahogany pieces to spice it up. The pix just don’t do it justice. It’s lovely. New camera comes next week. Thank you Darren for making me feel so pretty. If you would like Darren to run his fingers through your locks call him, he’s a babe. Find him @ www.darrenkwik.com

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gettin’ ma hair did

Tonight I am heading over to the Darren Kwik Studio, Queen West to get my hair done. It has been ages and I’m quite excited about it. Darren has been doing hair for ages and I’m looking forward to seeing him again. It’s been years! I’ve read a bunch of reviews of his salon and it has an excellent reputation. Darren was a hairstylist for the 2008 Much Music Video Awards and also took part in Redken’s Annual ONE X ONE Cut-A-Thon which raised awareness and funds in support of child poverty in Canada and around the world. Stay tuned for how beautiful my hair looks tomorrow!!

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i was at a party with obama smoking cigs

My friend had a wonderful dream and this is what happened… Him:You were in my dream this morningHim:We were at a party with Barrack Obama – but it was real casualHim: It was at his house and we were sitting on a picnic tableMe:omg really?Him:And the press rolled up and jumped out and started taking photos of usMe:how did I look?Him:It was nuts – and hyper realisticMe:was his wife there?Him:You looked great, you were wearing a strapless summer dressMe:No wonder I woke up feeling amazing!Him:And your hair was longHim:Ha-haMe:oh greatHim:Michelle was not thereHim:Just Obama – we were smoking cigarettesMeSounds like a lovely partyMe:I’d love to smoke cigs with ObamaHim:Ha-ha, it was so surrealme:I love itMe:Thanks for Sharing it with me. I was glad to be there with you in my summer dress.Him:No problem – have a nice dayMe:You too

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Get inspired!! Do Something Good – RIGHT NOW ♥

OK. Contest closes today. I’m ready to kick some ass in the Daily Challenge ‘Do Gooder’ Contest. I’m trying to win a camcorder so I can start video blogging. Daily Challenge is the worlds largest network of ‘ Do Gooders‘ and a media sponsor for the upcoming TwestivalTO. Please take a couple minutes TODAY to vote for me and my story. It’s about how my mum, sister and self served an afternoon meal to those without, followed by opening our home anyone alone to share our Christmas dinner. I only have 25 damn votes right now. I know I can win the unit with your loving vote. Your five minutes of internet timetoday is much appreciated!! See you at Twestival on Feb. 12!!

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tageriffic from down under

Last night I was talking with one of my mates in Palmerston North, New Zealand. A bunch of my wonderful family members live in that small but awesome city commonly referred to as ‘Palmy’. This is James Wynne with a tag he did. So swift!

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"Casie, if you weren’t on the computer so much…"

In reference to the upcoming Twestival on Feb. 12 I posted the following message: “1 in 6 peeps on earth don’t have access 2 clean water. On Feb 12, 100+ cities around the world set out to change that. This is @Twestival via Twitter“ I received a personal message from an old friend that I have known for years who has quite an opinion on the subject. Here is what said: “Casie, if you weren’t on the computer so much, maybe that 1-6 in people who don’t have fresh water, could have fresh water. The majority of the worlds fresh water is used for the use of hydro electric dams around the world and with the global demand for energy much of that fresh water is diverted from the areas needed. This whole green fad pisses me off, cause half the people who preach about this shit, spend their entire lives in front of a computer….Just some food for thought, i’m probably coming off like a dick, but I’ve spent my entire life protecting the natural environment and I get pissed off when people don’t do there homework or talk about shit they have no business talking about. In my opinion this world is worse due to Facebook, internet and everything else that goes with it, people preech about bringing the world together in unity, if you do research throughout history, it will lead to great demise…Both biologically and socially….Just think about mono cultural of plant and trees species, when one gets infected by a virus or disease the whole field goes…the whole crop or plantation is destroyed…Same goes with the human geno…Just some thoughts for you to think about….Not trying to be a dick!!…Hope your well”It’s nice to know I have friends who care more about the environment than…

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Bohemianism; Gypsy Queens

On Tuesday night I went to my friend Yossi’s event Legacy @ Bohemian Embassy. It was pretty fun. I went with Tahnee and Sabrina after work. There was food for us all and complementary bevvy’s. One of my favorites! We had a couple glasses and watched all the people. Another one of my favorite things, especially when you are there with your two BFF’s. There is one thing that needs to be mentioned – a fashion crime. There was a man who’s face I have cropped out – god, I am so kind! At first sight, he is wearing a suit, however, let your eyes wander and you will see he was wearing ADIDAS PANTS!! Omg. I had a field day with this one. Sneaking his picture while talking amongst ourselves was quite amusing. Please, do not ever do this. I don’t know how anyone would see this as appropriate attire. I have said my piece. Thank you for listening.

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so mature

This ecard is for me today. This year for NYE I will be attending an intimate dinner part with friends in Queen West. Contrary to popular belief, I am NOT going out for a raging good time as I have been known to do. I have no desire to attend a crazy, busy, mishmash party OR after party. I reckon it’s one of two things:1. I’m so mature that I am content spending a night surrounded by awesome people I call my friends.2. I’ve partied so hard over the past 10 years that there is nothing happening that I haven’t already done before. I like to wake up on the first day of the new year feeling positive about where I hope the year is going to take me rather than wanting to kill myself from all the substance abuse the previous night.

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it’s chalottage time again!!

If you are unaware of what a Chalottage is, you can find it in the Urban Dictionary defined by yours truly. I’m looking forward to a few trips out of the city in the new year to relax at the chalottage. Last winter we had a total blast heading up north and we had even more fun once we got there! Chalottage A place you go in the winter because it’s near a ski resort, ski hill or some type of winter activity AND a place you go in the summer because it is near water or for summer relaxing. part Chalet part Cottage, Chalottage. Winter: Lets go to the Chalottage for skiing this weekend!Summer: Lets go to the Chalottage and go to the beach this weekend! Ex. Collingwood, ON: Ski at Blue Mountain & sun, sand, surf at Wasaga Beach. Source: Casie Stewart, Toronto, ON

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didn’t over do it

I was successful. I feel good about it. Didn’t eat too much or spend money that I didn’t have (as people often do!). I had a great time over the holidays. I managed to make it home to see my parents and spend a meal with each one. I got to hang with a bunch of the hometown crew. I miss them quite dearly. Found this in the basement which I wore for half the day: Did some artsy stuff on Christmas Day waiting for dinner: I ran into an old friend… Made a shirt for friend who spent a little too much time at the Drake recently: I made all my cards for family and friends this year as I have before. It’s so much better to do it that way. I also hunted around for some gorgeous vintage scarves that were carefully packaged up for my friends. It’s lovely when they open the present knowing that I made the card and a special effort to give them something I know they will love. I went shopping on boxing day and we had a total riot. Shopping with mum and sister is the best. We seem to have this way about us that we laugh and laugh and laugh and forget that there is even anyone else around. We all found this great mod dress and all tried it on. The other people in the store were having a good chuckle and after seeing the photo, I reckon you will too. I found a real jem, these vintage boots that fit me perfect. It’s great having small feet for vintage shoes. It’s rare to find big sizes in amazing boots. Well, that’s my experience. Check out these babies. Oooh yeah.

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