when amanda came home she inspired me

It had been over a year since I got back and Amanda had just returned from her year in Perth. She learned something while away that inspired her and she wrote it on this little piece of papaer that I keep sticking around as I move from place to place. It says: “The moment of reckless abandon where you lean back and laugh at the simplicity & absurdity of everything…the moment when you so fully realize it doesn’t get and better than right now” Isn’t she just the cutest thing. I like the way I feel when I read it, as if each breath and moment is to be savored and cherished before it’s gone and you move to the next. I took this video this morning on my way in. So happy I don’t have to battle any traffic. morning traffic in toronto filmed by me on Vimeo.

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i’m blushing now

because he wrote this. “There is a reason I started all this gibberish, or at least there was … I had a moment today, a kinky one. Which is true, and it was a moment of pure joy to click on the Awesomest Blog Ever and find a blog void of gibberish. It was one of those moments that can change a man’s attitude about himself and his life for a while… Like the time a man first shaves his balls and realizes he just became that much closer to being just like David Lee Roth in his hey-day… Unchained! And unchained she is… Fun, Honest, Humble and Authentic are just a few of the words I can use to describe this modern artist, without even knowing her or her character. But I can say this… Her genuine nature comes through in her blog and coming from a professional Gibberish Rustler, take it as a lesson… Her words have the power to shrivel nuts of the toughest Gibberish Rustler and make them fall off the body like raisins off a bush. Lucky for me I’m not that tough…“ read it and comment, if you have feelings ♥

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they all make me happy

Urgh, I’m having trouble concentrating all I can think about is how sunny it is and how much I want to be outside. I’m really feeling the ADD today and it doesn’t make it any easier that I spend all day on computer. I’ve been asked to download one of our casino’s to check some numbers and it involves looking at a bunch of games – get it now? Makes it really difficult to get things done. My skin feels warm from my tan at lunch, I like it very much. I had a Booster Juice, there’s a new one in Liberty Village, like that very much too. Strawberry Sunshine is my favorite. Love it. Found out today that some goodies are coming my way in the mail next week.  Guess what? I really, really like that. I get everything delivered to my office so that our secretary brings over big bags and boxes and everyone wonders what I got.  Makes me feel happy. I’m going for dinner with a really awesome friend  tonight and then gonna see my sister too – very happy about that. I like to dressin fun outfits and costumes up  and I found some pictures of different things I’ve worn and well, that all makes me happy too. Ok, now that I got that out I go play games with my happy face on. Enjoy the day! ♥

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thank you for a great weekend

I had a great weekend filled with relaxing, a little partying, some shopping, pool time, sun tanning, friends and lots of fun. I’m stoked for a short week as I fly out to Miami on Friday for the weekend. I’m very excited.Good thing I got those new bikini’s, I’ll be needing them. Sabrina and I had a lovely time in the sun yesterday. It was so warm out while blocked by the wind. I’m a very lucky girl, I got new glasses again. It seems I can never have enough. I have a drawer filled with heaps of pairs. I finally tossed about five pairs that were old ugly guys or broken. I also took a tour in Kensington on Monday and paid a kid draw to a portrait of me. It cost $2.00 and this is what it looks like. I put it on the fridge, I figure if I leave it there for 20 years I might get a good return on this young artists work. ha! Celebrate creativity! His name is Chris Scriver.

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really fun but my legs kinda hurt today

Happy I didn’t drink much last night so I can fully remember all the greatness that was #spinTO. There were so many awesome people there that above and beyond the flashing lights, bare skin and dancing the crowd was larger than life.  I spent most the night outside racing in racing suit and cheering on all the other peeps that gave ‘er a go. I raced 2x and in this video I’m Racing Kevin Joseph and he beat me. #spinTO Bike Race from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. He was fast. It’s hard to race like a mother bitch for 500 metres. My legs can feel that I worked them and they’re probably going to make me pay for it tomorrow. The lady beside me was cheering me on so hard, she thought I was kicking his ass. I wasn’t but she was so encouraging, it made me feel like I did! This was my best time and last time. #spinTO rain suit dancing guy from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. I hope you have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Celebrate and drive safe please.

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i like when the leaves come on the building

I was walking into the office this morning and it was really beautiful outside. Sabrina and I were giggling our little asses off as I proceeded to say “I like then the leaves come on the building”. Being our immature selves she replied with “I like when you come on the building”. I hope you can imagine just how funny this was. I almost peed my pants. No, I did not make an error I wore pants today. I’m heading to Spin TO tonight at the MOD Club on College. SpinTO is a fundraising project that kicks off today and celebrates the Friends for Life Bike Rally from Toronto to Montreal in support of the Toronto People with AIDS Foundation. The theme is Solid Gold and I think you should all come if you can.  Tickets are on sale for like the next two hours but you can also get ’em at the door. There’s lots of fun stuff happpening there tonight.

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i love this city and your photos

Toronto is a great place to live. There is always something to do whether its warm or cold or you have money or don’t. There are so many pockets of creativity and diversity that it makes me proud of our culture and country. 300 Toronto Panorama Images from photojunkie on Vimeo. My friend and photographer extraordinaire, Rannie aka photojuknie has taken 300 panaroaic photos of our great city and compiled them in an awesome video. Each of the he 300 photos in this set were taken with an iPhone for his entry into the Hypercube viral campaign  icanhaz.com/hypercube. He shared the video with me and I liked it so much I wanna share it with you too. You can vote for him here.

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the worlds greatest gift, thanks mum

When my Mum was pregnant with my sister I was 3.5 years old.  I distinctly remember laying on Mum and Dad’s  water bed and being asked ‘what should we call the baby?” I was an interesting kid, as I am an interesting character now and could only think of one name to call her, Jenie. I had a whole slew of dolls at home and each one I had was named Jenny.  I’m not quite sure why or what made me love that name so very much. A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. ~Marion C. Garretty I love hanging out with her. It’s like we’re little kids again half the time. It’s also almost creepy how alike we are. We talk the same and say the same things at the same time all the time. We make the same hand gestures when we talk and do the same knee-slap-head-throw-back when we laugh really hard. Kills me. Having a sister is something I am so grateful for, I have someone who will always be there for me and pick me up when I’m down or tell me when I need to pick it up.  Jenie is on Twitter too if you want to follow her.  She’s not all internet/twitter obsessed like me, but she is 100% pure gold. Pure gold.

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she was happy dancing with her arms over head

Drum circle happens every week during the summer. It goes down at Cherry Beach one week than Trinity Bellwoods the next. I usually only go to TBP because it’s closer than the beaches.  I love it.  There are lots of mad hippies dancing. There are also lots of skid kids too. We moved our home-base-blanket around a few times to avoid the dirty kids from contaminating us. One time a kid puked while sitting in front of us and we picked up shop like nomads and moved in NO time. My favorite is being in the middle of the circle dancing with my arms flailing around. There is something magical about the connection between the music and the people all being brought together in an open space .  When it gets really hot out there’s more girls & boys with their shorts and shoes off dancing. There is drinking and smoking in the park  all around.  We saw a couple of kids chasing each other around with McCain pies and tossing them at each other. What are kids doing these days you ask? That I guess. There were hundreds of people there. You can hear the beating of the drums as you approach the pit in the park, I love that sound! Drum Circle #001 2009 from moi on Vimeo. this is sadie, she spins fire from me again on Vimeo. There’s fire spinning too. Some nights there is lots of fire spinning!! This girl was really good she was doing the hula-fire-hoop and poi’s at the same time. I’m not even going to try that, I’m waaaay to accident prone. Overall, stellar time. Absolutely stellar.

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art hives: Saturday in Kensi with Charlietron

We went into “This Ain’t the Rosedale” to check out some books. I got 2 really creative mini ones that fit great in the purse. I love those little ones. Trying on fancy hats is always one of my favorite things to do, along with trying on stuff and taking my picture in it. I went to Bungalow and as I was leaving but then found this totally rad dress that was black with RED LEATHER! I knew it must be tried on, by me. Obviously. I went to the Cameron House and the bathroom stall I went into your DJ Scootz in it from 2007. Rad! Charlie and I read books there and listened to some live music. He tried on my glasses and put his book upside down for the pic by accident. I think it looks intellectual. I dug for some scarves to find jems. Got hooked up these. Those vintage babies were only a buck a piece. God I love that, I make it look a million bux! All & all, I haven’t had a Saturday afternoon in Kensi like that for a couple weeks and it was lovely.

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so, like, who’s your friend?

Check out this little feature about yours truly on Canadian Blog Friends. They contacted me recently to profile me and my blog. They said I’ve been doing good. I think that’s great. The site, Canada Blog Friends is an index of our nation’s best blogs. I’m happy to now be added to the mix! Check it out & leave a comment on there. I’d be really happy for you to share your thoughts. Thanks for all the love ♥

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tag those greenbacks

Would you get in trouble if you tagged a URL on cash?What if you wrote your twitter name?Would it help you keep track of your money? Yesterday I came across this fine stamped bill at a friends place as we were celebrating the greatness that was yesterday. Seems the Black Diamond Riders have stamped their bills. Interesting. I’m sure I’d get haterade from someone if I marked up the bills I use! Is it worth a shot? Hmm.

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lots of toes in yoga pants

I meant to post this yesterday, but forgot to hit ‘post’. Unfortunately, I was not feeling good and hated the Internet. I puked and had a nap at work. Here we go… This weekend, after making some delicious walnut bran muffins (naturally) I stopped in to the MTCC to check out the Yoga & Pilates conference.It was a very relaxed place to be since I had been at #pibTO and broke a world record earlier. I ran into some friends and also checked out some cool products. My favorite was the purses & accessories made from cork, which deserve their own post.Overall, it was probably much more interesting if you actually took a class. I just cruised around and listened to some musica. This is a video of the Hare Krishna mantra. Sing along, watch it on repeat, it’s catchy, trust me. It might even take you to a higher state of consciousness. My friend & yoga teacher Jonny is in India right now, he has a blog called Yoga Bar.Hare Krishna at the Yoga Conference from me on vims. When the sixteen names and thirty-two syllables of the Hare Krishna mantra are loudly vibrated, Krishna dances on one’s tongue – Stava-mala-vidyabhusana-bhasya, Baladeva Vidyabhusana in Bhaktisiddhanta’s Gaudiya Kanthahara 17:30

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rain or shine baby!! #pibTO

The day has finally come! I’m stoked for #pibTO today at 1pm. If you haven’t got all the details or joined in on FB, that’s a-OK all you have to do is SHOW UP for 1pm to Second Cup at Queen & John. It’s meant to clear up by mid-day and not be too wet. If it is wet, don’t let that stop you from being involved in something really awesome. I’ll be rocking my favorite Wellies and rain coat just in case! You’ll be able to find me with the media, Raptors girls, Flow 93.5, Freestyle Soccer, and lots of others on location at 1pm. All proceeds, yes 100% go directly to the SickKids foundation. See you at 1pm! ♥

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the more we get together, the happier we’ll be

“For your friends are my fiends and my friends are your friends” and #genyTO meetup’s are a great way to get together! Yes, Raffi. It was really awesome to see many familiar and new faces. I met some tres cool people and have lots of pix that I will add to the #genyto group on FB later this weekend.This month’s meetup was at Andy Pool Hall. Must say I’m sorry that some of my stickers got ‘stuck’ on the pool hall and not just on peoples clothes etc. I won’t be going back there with this a haircut. I recieved a nasty email today from Andy’s that went something like “your f***in stickers, what the f**k “. Sheesh, sorry guise. Don’t have to be so mean about it. I had a blast dancing, it’s abviously a really classy place. I wasn’t quite having as much fun as barefoot lady. She went all out! For real. I’m really excited to be part of this growing group of wired, creative, motivated young people. Seeing the growth from the first #genyto in February to last night’s April meetup has been really cool. I’ve met some of the most inspiring & fun people ever. Hope to see heaps of you out at #pibTO today 1pm, Second Cup @ 307 Queen Street and John Street! 100% of the proceeds go to SickKids so bring your travel mug and get in line!

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a kwik shave

Spring is in the air and I was feeling like an update. I get my hair done by Darren at his lofty salon in the heart of Queen Street West. I love it! Darren you did an awesome job! It’s super blonde and I got a new shave. I’m really happy. So glad I had camera with me this time. You can get Darren to do your hair too if you want it to look beautiful.

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the kiwi girl was in the kitchen again

Last night I made a nice dinner. I really love cooking. I don’t talk about it much because I’m not a food blogger. I hate talking about what I eat. Not fun to me so I don’t do it often. However, last night…It was lovely. Today I went to the AGO again. I was alone and I took a very introspective view. I only looked at things I like the most and for only as long as I felt like. It is a very free feeling. I had my Moleskine and pencil, camera, the important stuff. I got a picture of one of my favorite guys, but I’m nervous to post it.

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i hope we reach the doubles today

Today is a beautiful day. Might even go over 10 degrees! Whoa, nice but not quite open toe time yet. I love driving into work and feeling the bright sun. We rocked out to some tunage and put the windows down. It was so much fun. There horses are near the office all the time. The Police keep then just around the corner and bring them out more when the weather warms up for a little Liberty Village strut. Today I’m wearing Liquid Shot from Threadless and my old Chuck Taylor’s. It’s a good day. Thinking about getting a pedicure for lunch…

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there’s gold in the air of summer

I went to grab a coffee this afternoon and it was so cold and windy. I hate that. However, I did meet someone cool while I was at the coffee shop. His name is Jeff Adams. You may know of him? He is a two-time Olympian, four-time Paralympian, six-time World Champion, and former World Record Holder in the 1500 m men’s wheelchair event. His 800 m gold in Sydney was a record-breaker. He is co-founder of Marvel Wheelchairs and his workshop is right near my office. He invited my to check out the shop and I would really love that!

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where in the world is carmen sandiego?

If not for the weather, it is definitely spring judging by the amount of going out I’ve been doing over the past week! This morning I located the Elusive Carmen on Twitter and has a pretty cool site with agents and stuff. I like it. I am now following @vile, Carmen has tips on interesting things. I feel like I have so much to share! On Monday night I had drinks with the lovely Aga followed by the Raphael Saddiq show at the Phoenix with Bonga and some friends. I ran into Rahim otherwise knows as @funkstop. Then I saw this cute girl. It was a great show. As usual, I showed up fashionable & late when it was already in progress. Such is life!

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steamrolled by drunkards at steam whistle

Last night I strolled over to Steam Whistle to meet some friends. I arrived late, extremely late considering they opened at 5pm to start the party and most people were already totally wasted. It was a good time! I always have fun out, unless I lose something like my phone, ipod, camera, or dignity really. I was pleasantly surprised to run into Tweeps Andrew Lane & Kurt Gooden. It’s rad to meet the Tweeps offline. Makes me feel nerdy and cute. I like it. These drunky drunky dudes below did a lovely pose for moi. Ben in the middle said he blogs too which is also rad. I was pretty happy to find a loonie as you can see. That’s like a hundred days good luck. Day #1 – right on. So far so good! Good things come to good people. Dear Kharma, Please make hundreds stick to my shoes next time. Met the band Tiny Danza. They’re big a jazz hip hop fusion band and a big deal in Korea. They are also on Twitter. This pic is for you Ben.

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3/14 1:59 & #spadinawatch

I saw on the news this morning that there was a smash up between a police car and street car last night at King & Spadina. Minor injuries to two our officers. I was news reporting last night when I started #spadinawatch. Today was a really beautiful day. I had coffee with a friend and went a walk for about two hours. around the St. Lawrence Market, Bay Street, Queen Street, Spadina. I had coffee with a friend who was off to Opera rehearsal for the COC. Pretty cool! Today is PI Day – 3/14. I stopped by Black Market on Queen, everything in the store is $10 right now. Got a couple goodies! I ran into a few peeps walking around which is always awesome. I’m enjoying all the tweets from my friends at the SXSW Interactive conference in Austin, TX. Wish I was there too!

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i love you barbie ♥

Today is Barbie’s 50th Birthday. I love Barbie. I still have all mine from when I was little including two corvettes, hair salon, house, TONS of clothes, accessories, shoes and much more. My favorite Barbie is Peaches & Cream. This is Hawaiian Beach Barbie wearing the Peaches & Cream Dress from 1984. She looks so great. Who’d know she was 50! I’m keeping all my Barbie clothes so I can have them made for me one day. I have heaps of gorgeous vintage dresses! Lucky for me there is now a whole line of Barbie clothing coming out. The Barbie blog has all the details and is written by Barbie. This week Jeopardy is featuring a category on Barbie TONIGHT for her birthday! Barbie is also on Twitter. Yahooo!

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the worlds largest untapped resource

Yesterday was International Women’s Day. “It is a major day of global celebration for the economic, political and social achievements of women.” I had a soak in the hot tub and thought about women who have inspired me to be strong & confident. Women that have helped me define myself by what I have learned from them and their experiences. I am truly blessed to have had some wonderful women around me since a very young age. The most inspiring, strong, unique women of them all is my Mum. She is visiting my awesome family in New Zealand. Lots of love to the family ♥. I think of New Zealand as an untapped resource too, the Maoris hanging out at Rotorua geothermal, the long drive out to Grandad’s Batch.

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i like the first part but not the second

This is the part I like – super rad shoes. Having unique shoes shows how cool you are. Having Monopoly kicks shows that you are ballin’!! I fell in love with the shoes when I saw them. I hope they make kid size cause I want my own pair. This is the part I do not like – subway loud talkers. I totally get annoyed when people are talking REALLY loud on the subway. Urgh. 1. Do you think anyone cares? or 2. Do you realize you are on public transit & not in a car and 3. Meh. These girls were on my streetcar the other day and they were just going off about all kinds of annoying stuff. meh from casie on vims.

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what the cool kids are doing these days

Partying! Imagine a sexy downtown loft filled with hot, young, internet innovators and cool kids. Dancing to downtown beats and raising glasses to each other…sounds good doesn’t it. Last night I had the pleasure of attending #GenyTO Meetup #2 at the Centre for Social Innovation. It was awesome. The bar was bubbling over with booze and there was even a movie premiere for Toronto’s 175 birthday (video below). This time the crowd was even larger as we joined forces with the SXSW & CanLIT groups. The #Genyto meetup/tweetup brings together some of the most creative and ambitious young people from the Toronto startup, marketing, PR and tech communities.For all the photos check my Flickr photo stream ♥ TO in 6 Words from Suresh on Vimeo.

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art & music: the sounds of friendship

Today it is damn ass cold again. I’m wearing the warmest unit on my head, found it in Mum’s basement. It’s a Turtle Fur headband from the 80’s! Love it. I used to wear it skiing when I was a kid. This evening I will be attending two events that are artistic and appealing. Planning on going with my sister and probably going to make a dance moves vid also. If you’d like to join us, message me on Twitter (@casiestewart). Stop #1 My friend K.Hinto, a fabulous Toronto artist has a show opening. What: VH2 – An exhibit of contemporary paintings by Venus Lukic and K. HintoWhen: Show opens Tuesday March 3rd, 6-9pm, continuing all month during Cafe hoursWhere: Bisogno Espresso Bar, 61 Sherbourne St. (just North of King St.) Stop #2 My friend Zoe Bentley, a fabulous Toronto singer/musician has a show at the Cameron House. I wrote about her before here. Tonight’s details are on FB.

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