Day 295: Fasting + Habit Stacking

When it comes to goal setting or creating a new routine, there is no day like TODAY to start. You are the director of your life and you make the decision each day how you live out your 24 hours. Just because we’re starting a new year, you don’t need to lead with the ‘new me’ mentality. I’m moving forward with my quest for constant improvement and giving myself the freedom to follow what gives me joy.

I’ve mentioned how over the last year my focus has been on health & fitness. Working out has been a big help in getting me through the cold, dark days of winter and months of quarantine.

This year I’ve added a few new things to the mix, I’m focussed on mindfulness, skincare, and what I put into my body. My commitment to fitness has become a lifestyle and I wake up to workout first thing each morning, even on weekends.

I’ve been stacking my habits by adding a few extras to things I’m already doing. It helps me stay on track and it feels like less work. Here’s a few new things I’m adding to my daily routine!

The NRC & Zero apps are free and I’ve linked to free trials for Calm and Peloton.

  • 10-minute meditation before I get out of bed each morning in the Calm app and a sleep meditation at night
  • A shot of Apple Cider Vinegar w/ water first thing in the AM for digestive health
  • Fresh lemon juice in my room temp water each morning
  • Running at least 2k/day w/ Nike Running Club App (Last year I started with 1k/day!)
  • 1 workout in the Peloton App (at least 10min)
  • Washing off makeup before bed and using face oil + night cream (I need it for my wrinkles lol)
  • Taking breaks from social media whenever I want
  • Getting 8hr sleep
  • Tracking my daily fast in Zero App
  • Reading before bed
  • Drink less alcohol (Currently trying Dry January ?)

Over the past year, I’ve come to really love fasting! I used to be a hardcore late-night snacker, chips, chocolate, whatever snacks I could find. Intermittent fasting has big a big factor in curbing those habits and reaching a weight where I feel like myself again. I fast each day from 8 pm and have only black coffee/water until noon/1 pm each day. Imm less hungry during the day and I have fewer cravings for unhealthy snacks. I’m on day 273 of consecutive fasting!

Day 294: What Does 2021 Have for Me?!

Feels great to be home! Who would have thought we’d spend most of 2020 up at the cottage. Being home has a different vibe and feels a bit more like normal life, despite the fact we can’t really go anywhere because of lockdown.

I’ve been playing around with my iPad pro a bit more. I’ve dreamed of making fabric, more art, and creating. It’s such a great little tool! I mostly use Procreate App with the Apple Pencil.

What does 2021 have in store for me?

According to my 12 most used emojis (this is social science haha), it’s looking like 2021 will have:

Happiness, praise (clapping), love (red heart + pink heart to me means friends & family), star (success), more cute hearts, a crown, laughter, high fives, art/creativity, brains/nerding out, silliness, home, kindness, and rock on (hopefully this means some partying with people!).

Day 293: The First Day of 2021

Hello gorgeous, beautiful new year! I greet you with my love, kindness, hope, and joy! I have high hopes, a renewed sense of self, and a positive outlook.

I know the world we live in is going through a rough patch but each of us has the ability to shift our perspective and see the light. There are heaps of things to be grateful for each day, the moon and a pink sky on a cold January morning, a new book, exercise, food, love, health, friendship. We have all grown so much in the past year as the world has changed, we’ve learned and unlearned. The world will never be the same and neither will we.

This morning I did Peloton cardio and ran 5k on the treadmill. Listened to my latest read on Audible while cleaning.

We’re heading back to the city today and I’ll be at home for a little while. I’m looking forward to going back to work on Monday and being at my desk.

Here’s to a fresh start and high hopes!

Day 292: New Year’s Eve 2020

Here we are, we made it to the end of this insane year, New Years’ Eve 2020. I had a nice day & went to bed before midnight. Feeling good about the year ahead. We have a lot to be grateful for. Looking back at everything that happened this year, I learned a lot. Despite being home/cottage for 90% of the year I did a lot of new things, ditched some old habits, made some new ones. On a side note, I’m really glad to have grown my hair out. I wanted to do it for years and this is the most un-dyed it’s been since I was a teenager. I’m celebrating the growth.

My word for 2020 was BLOOM.

At the end of 2019, I had a deep-rooted need for change, I wanted something different in my career and was well on my way to leading a healthier lifestyle. In my mind, by the time spring arrived in 2020, I’d be ready to bloom. In January 2020, I went to Cuba, stayed in a hotel, went to events. One weekend in February, I met with some friends and one specific conversation bloomed into something really great career-wise. In March, most of my work was canceled and I ended up on CERB until the end of summer.

During that time I did a lot of creative things, I wrote every day, did tie-dye, learned to propagate plants, read books in the sun, and worked out heaps. There were a lot of hard times too, don’t get me wrong, but for the purpose of documenting this memory, I want to be thankful for all the ups and downs. I am grateful for the opportunity to slow down, to create, to be in the moment and not the rat race. As a working human, I might never get to do that again!

We’re getting close to Day 300 of my Pandemic Diary and I am pretty glad I stuck to writing (almost) every single day. Even if just a photo or a quick note, a journal is an incredible tool for self-discovery and reflection. If you want to learn more about yourself, keep a daily journal. No matter what, you’ll be able to look back and see how you have grown and changed.


Day 291: Wild Woman, Onesie, Winter Wear

I’ve had this suit from The Drake General Store for ages and finally decided to wear it. ? A onesie makes great winter wear, cute, cozy, and warm. FYI The Drake has a great habanero hot sauce you can order online or with your takeout order. Highly recommend! I like to add it to pasta, stir-fry, or just about anything deep-fried.

In other news, my latest round of scrunchies are white organza! The fabric is from a sheer curtain I ordered on Amazon ages ago but was the wrong size. This one turned out so good, she pretty! I can’t wait to gift a few of these to friends as a surprise by mail. I’m quite behind on sending out anything Christmas-related (as planned) but maybe Valentine’s Day is a better time to send love anyway. ?

This was the moon last night over the cottage, the last full moon of 2020. I stared at its beauty, then closed my eyes, and took a few deep breaths. Before going inside, I made six wishes and gave a howl like the wild woman I am, as a way to say:


Day 290: This is Me on Zoom

Look at the camera. Check the lighting. Fix your hair. Grab a pen and notebook. Pay attention. Mason jar of water. Listen, respond. Don’t touch your hair. Have some coffee. Smile. Look at the camera. Smile. Write something down. Look at the camera. Stop looking at yourself. Listen. Don’t touch your hair. 2020 work in a nutshell.

Day 289: Last Monday of 2020

What a year it’s been! I’m planning to write something thoughtful about the things I’ve learned this year before the end of the week. We’ve all grown and changed so much. It’s crazy to think we’re almost at 300 days of the pandemic with no end in sight. As this is the last Monday of 2020, think about how you can make Monday your fav day of the week in 2021.

Today is a holiday (Boxing Day) and I’m looking forward to being back in business tomorrow and meeting with a colleague (over Zoom of course!).

We have to clear off some snow from the last couple of days but we’ve got a skating rink and cold-plunge pool down by the lake. Sean has really been into cold immersion this year. I’m not as experienced but I love the idea and how it feels (after, not during!). Planning to do at least one more dip before 2020 is over.

Day 288: Snow Queen

No, I didn’t change my face! These were taken with an Instagram filter! It’s wild how they can change your face to look different. I see how smooth my skin looks, eyes bigger, lips full, and all the comments about how great I look. No wonder people have body image issues! I am not this glam in real life haha.

This is my fav hat from Rudsak a few years ago for their 20th Anniversary, they only made 20 of them. Coat is the kids Jilly Jacket from Joe Fresh.

That’s all for today, not much happening up here in the woods.

Day 287: Boxing Day 2020

Drove back up to the cottage today to spend the last week of 2020 in the woods. It’s SO snowy! The roads were pretty crazy once we got out of the city as we drove through the snow storm.

Sean did a bit of shovelling as I collected wood for the fire. I’m gonna bo back to eating less meat after indulging a bit over the holidays. I’ve also ate more chocolate and candy in the last few days than the entire year. Felt good tho, I earned a good binge.

One of my fav things to make is a simple chickpea curry in the Instant Pot. While soaking the chickpeas, I sauté onions & garlic with olive oil, then add spices to activate them. I add in some broth and chickpeas without the shells. I like to throw in tomatoes, potatoes, or cauliflower depending on what’s in the fridge. I set the timer for 12 minutes and once done, I add in chopped spinach. It is so incredibly good, especially on cold winter days.

Day 284: Christmas Eve Eve

Traditionally Sean and I give each other our gifts on Christmas Eve Eve. We’re back downtown and it’s so nice to be home. I met up with a friend for a brief distance hang then Sean and I celebrated the holidays with some drinks. We’re both officially off work for a few days and it feels GREAT. 

Today, Sean gave me an Apple Watch and I’m really excited about it. I’ve wanted one for ages and we’re gonna do so much working out together.

This year I was really focused on getting to a weight where I felt good. For 2021, I really want to work on strength and muscle.

Day 283: Whatever is Better!

This year we decided to take a ‘whatever is better’ approach to Christmas. Meaning, we don’t need to do everything according to tradition and whatever we do is good enough. We opened presents and burned the wrapping paper in the fire with intentions, letting go of things we want to leave in 2020.

We had a casual Christmas style dinner on the 22nd with a turkey breast, gravy, vegetables, and cranberry sauce. It was good. We haven’t been eating meat much this year so it was a treat. I’ll make some brother with the turkey leftovers.

Spent a bit of time playing outside on the lake but it was SO WINDY. We were hoping to do some fireworks but they’ll have to wait for another day!

Day 282: Clear Your Head in the Woods

Needed to clear my head. Went for a nice long walk in the woods,, about 8km. The air was brisk and fresh, just what I needed.

Stopped to watch the water at this little creek and on my way back saw something on the road the resembled a snowman (see above). It was squished and a bit abstract but it made me smile. So simple, just sitting there in the wild.

Had a nice long chat with dad then listened to the final chapter of Greenlights on Audible.

Day 279: Mermaid Hair

Spent the day at home then decided to venture out for a walk before the sun went down. The street were surprisingly busy and there was a line at the LCBO. Today is the last day of school for 2020 and Emily is back with us now.

I added some pink to her hair and mine too. She was happy to have ‘Mermaid Hair’.

My new ‘indoor’ shoes arrived and I love them! Ordered from ASOS and was happy to get them on sale, however, the duty was $46 so they weren’t really a deal. Here’s to working from home in style for 2021!

Day 277: The Ice is Nice

Today was the first day the lake was fully frozen. The ice is nice. This year, we’ve been up on the woods from frozen, to not, and back again. What a year!

Tomorrow we’re going back downtown to spend a few days in the city and pickup Emily.

Don’t worry Mum, Sean is standing on the dock here. It’s safe! Once making sure it was fully frozen, Sean cleared a section for an ice rink and cold plunge pool. He’s really been into Wim Hof Method the last year. It’s amazing how a dip in ice water gets your blood pumping and leaves your muscles feeling fire. ?

Day 276: Country Livin’

It was so nice and sunny today. Sean was outside with his chainsaw so I decided to pop out for a bit to get some vitamin D. It was FREEZING! I love being up in the woods but I wasn’t ready for the wind to hit my face, making my eyes water. Winter is here, baby! Made a little video on Instagram.

Today was a good day at work and once the sun went down, I closed my computer and we watched Designated Survivor. We’ve been watching it on Netflix the fast few days, it’s filmed in Toronto, and there are three seasons so it will keep us busy for a while haha. Remember back in October when I watched 6 seasons of Gossip Girl in just over a month? Perks of having nowhere to go! ? My guess is we’ll finish Designated Survivor in mid-January unless we kill the final 2 seasons over the holidays.

The tree is looking extra cute, especially at night. We’re planning to do a Christmas-style dinner and gifts here with Emily on Tuesday before going back to the city on Wednesday.

With love from the woods!

Day 275: Start The Week Off Right

Monday is my business day at work and I look forward to it each week. I spend some time yesterday working on brand development for a new client just to get a jump start & start the week off right. I really love being back in an agency and it’s great to work from home. I met our agency co-founder at a party once almost a decade ago saw him briefly for a few meetings this summer when we could. Other than that, I’ve only met everyone virtually! I wonder how many companies will keep doing things this way?

I did my first run on the treadmill before my first meeting and it’s SO GOOD. I really loved using the treadmill at the gym last year so I feel like I’m back on my groove. I’ve also got similar weights to those at the gym so no excuses, gonna be even more fit in 2021!

Day 274: Tis’ The Season

I woke up pretty emo and it was not a great start to the day. Idk exactly whether it was being cold, not having coffee, or the general state of the world!

Sean and I decided to reset and make it Christmas. Tis’ the season! We set up the tree, lights, and some decorations. It looks cute ’round here!

We took a load of stuff to the dump, tbh, one of our fav activities. It’s so fun to toss things into a giant garbage can! Dropped off the trailer near Gravenhurst and went to Walmart to get some groceries & Christmas stuff. These days, going out for stuff like this is as close to a date as you can get.

Spent the afternoon baking banana bread and getting ready for the week. Feeling good all around!

Day 273: Marmite for Life

I have been searching for Marmite for weeks, months! We used to be able to get it at Loblaws or Sobey’s but I haven’t found it. I grew up eating Marmite on toast, Marmite sandwiches, or a kiwi pizza (Marmite on toast w/ cheese!). I love it, always makes me think of mum.

Sean and I drove back up to the cottage today and stopped at the 400 Market where there’s a British shop. I left Sean to walk around on his own and when I found him, he was there and bought all the Marmite she had! I’m so happy! Marmite for life!

I had a really great call w/ the CEO of Funday Agency today and I am SO EXCITED about the project I’ll be working on for the next 8 weeks (and beyond!). At the start of this year, I wasn’t sure where my career was going and now, at the end of 2020, it’s looking BRIGHT.

We’ll be up at the cottage for a few days before going back at the end of the week. I’m excited to set up the treadmill we picked up yesterday from Sean’s a parents!

casie stewart, thank you, 2020

Day 271: Do One Thing

Tonight I got wild and used my straightener for the first time in months. My hair is getting so long! I did a tiny trim to the ends, an ‘air cut’ as my Sassoon Stylist calls it. Barely noticeable, just a tiny snip!

Over the course of this year, I’ve often had a list of things I want to accomplish each week. I set out to try and do one thing each day then, by the end of the week, I’ve accomplished a lot. It can so be super overwhelming to see the list and think, ‘where do I start?‘.

Today I called the CRA to deal with my taxes and straightened my hair (aside from work during the day) and tbh, I feel pretty good about it. Some days it’s something as simple as dealing with a laundry pile or going for a run.

What did you do today?

Day 270: Spice Up Your Zoom w/ Snap Camera

This year we have all spent more time on Zoom or Google Meet than ever. If you’re feeling Zoom-fatigue, you are not alone. It’s totally normal to feel exhausted right now, there are so many contributing factors work, health, covid, money, plus the holidays are just around the corner. I used to love getting groceries but I find it stressful now.

The other day I download Snap Camera for Mac and it’s a great way to spice up your meetings. You can get festive for the holidays, add a filter for perfect skin, or use all kinds of camera effects. It’s kinda fun. I’ve been using a colour filter to change my lighting and make my skin look flawless.

Check out this great video by my friend Amanda Cosco on how to easily add Snap Camera to your computer.

Day 269: Instagram Verified!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, today is a special day because I now have the coveted blue checkmark of IG of verification!

I’d like to thank me for all my hard work over the years, and not giving up on me, and for staying committed to my goals. Ha! Jk, I worked with a friend at an agency who helped initiate the process. I’m now verified on Twitter (2012) and Instagram (2020).

If you haven’t seen Snoop give this award speech where he thanks himself, you’re welcome.

Getting verified made me think about some of the cool stuff I’ve done over the years. The process involved submitting a bunch of references to verify my work and who I am in the world. If you ever wanna do a deep creep, I have another website at with speaking, directing, brand partnerships (over 100!), and press/media over the years.

Here’s a little hilight of some videos, awards, commercials, etc.

Canadian Academy – Academy Social

Looking back, this was a pretty neat experience and I don’t think they ever did this section of the awards as a separate event again. I was up against someone I really wanted to beat and was SO NERVOUS I would lose. I remember drinking too much that night to try and escape the anxiety. The Canadian Academy awards (Academy of Canadian Cinema & Television) are kinda like the Canadian version of the Oscars, awarding excellence in film, TV, and digital.

Sunwing Commercial

We shot this over a 4 day stay in Mexico. One day to rest once we arrived, 2 days to shoot (all on iPhone!), and 3/4 of one day to rest before leaving. It was a fun shoot but very busy. The whole team was great to work with. This commercial ran during the Superbowl AND the Grammys that year (it came on right after GAGA performed!). In January of 2020, I went on a Sunwing trip to Cuba (not work!) and that was my last vacation. I miss traveling. One day!

Aeroplan Commercial

This was shot by Sean’s company 1188 Films and the brand rep from Aeroplan was a former client we had both worked with. I remember being on the phone with the client a couple weeks before the shoot when she told me she was able to myself and a GUEST to New Zealand for the holidays. Mum and I went for a month and it was so memorable. That trip meant so much to my family, mum, and me. We were able to spend heaps of time travelling together, laughing with friends and family, and seeing her mum (Nana) before she passed away. I am so grateful for this experience and it warms my heart just thinking about it.

Comedy Network Commercial

I got a call from my acting agent at the time to go to an audition for this last minute. I didn’t have time to go home and change but the role was for ‘hipster girl’ so I went in what I was wearing. When I booked it, the message from the wardrobe dept. was to wear the same clothes. LOL. This would make me a certified professional hipster.

TEDx Talk

This was booked by my speaker agency (National Speakers Bureau) and I drove to London, ON, the day before. I will never forget that someone was killed on Highway 401 that day when a tire flew off a transport truck, it happened about an hour after I passed that same stretch. I stayed in a small apartment on the Western University Campus so I was ready to take the stage first thing in the AM. I am a bit embarrassed because I was so nervous that day! I’ve come a long way as a speaker since 2015 but looking back, I’m proud of myself for giving it a good go and talking about something I love. The theme was The Human Condition and my talk was Exploring What It Means to Be Human on The Internet.

Brand Me – The Walrus

I hated this article with a PASSION when it came out. I was so mad. The author had been so nice to me in the interview, I shared all kind of things I was excited about blah blah blah. Then, she turned it right around on me to make me sound like an idiot. Pretty sure I sent her a nasty email. Ah well, no press is bad press and I love this illustration. I think I’ll frame it.

I will remember this day as something great to come out of 2020!

Day 268: A Monday MOOD.

Feeling good today! I love Monday, it’s a day full of opportunity, a fresh start to the week. Yesterday’s outing left me feeling all kinds of happiness.

When I posted this today on IG, a few people were surprised at how long my hair is now. It’s growing like crazy! Longest I’ve had it in over a decade. One friend even said they weren’t sure if it was my sister until the mask came off! Did you like the IG post yet?!

This mask is a new design by my friend Anela, the designer behind Considerate Goods (posted about her here). I picked up a few new masks from last time I was in the city and they are SO STYLISH. I even got a special one for holiday and I look forward to sharing it with you! I also got the houndstooth which is super nice.

I know things are hard right now and we wish it could be different but it’s important to see the joy in little things, to get outside each day, and find things to be happy about. Last winter I wrote a series about dealing with winter SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), you can find those suggestions here.

As it gets colder and we have nowhere to go, it’s gonna be hard but WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS.


This post was featured on Links à la Mode fashion roundup by Independent Fashion Bloggers.

More fashion articles:

Day 267: Take a Long Walk in The Sun

After a day of rest, I was ready to go out into the world. I woke up early, got dressed, and ventured out for a coffee. I chatted with a friend for an hour before picking up a few groceries. It was so nice and sunny out! Love a good long walk in the sun.

When I got back home I put on (yes, another!) Christmas movie and made falafels, an Israeli-inspired salad, and some delicious orzo in the Instant Pot.

I made plans to go on a photo walk with April and walked down to Queen & Lansdowne. We hung out in the sun, taking photos in the alleys. It was so lovely!

We walked west to the Bellwoods from Parkdale, I picked a bouquet of eucalyptus from Crown Flora and a vegan cookie from The Drake. We sat in the park for a little bit, taking in the sun, before heading back home.

It’s so nice to be back in the city, walking the streets, and having distance hangs with friends. Gotta appreciate all the little things!

Day 266: Do Nothing.

Today was a much needed day to just be with my thoughts, my bed, my snacks, and holiday movies. I took a much-needed ‘do nothing’ day to relax and recharge. I can’t even remember the last time I had SUCH a lazy day.

It was so nice. I made coffee & tucked myself into the couch for a holiday movie in the morning. Then I took a nap. In the late afternoon, I ordered McDonald’s on UberEats and ate it in IN MY BED. No shame! Selfcare!

It is more than ok to take a day or an afternoon to just BE. To do nothing. Actually, I highly recommend it. Take a personal day when you need it, it will revive your soul.

If you are looking for a little mini escape, play this song with headphones on and let your mind wander. It’s one of my favs.

Day 272: Bloom Like Flowers

New boots from L’Intervalle in Montreal arrived and I love them. Popped over to safely visit Michelle before she moved out of her apartment.

It was so nice out today, felt like spring at 7 degrees in the sun. In the afternoon Sean and I drove out to Oakville to visit Sean’s parents and pick up the treadmill. Can’t wait to set it up! Sean’s mum also gave me some fabric to work with. THANK YOU!

Looking forward to a few days up in the woods. I feel like my creativity is really popping these days, ready to bloom!

Day 264: Instagram Ads Got Me

I might have a problem, it’s Instagram ads, they get me all the time! I saw these tracksuits on Instagram and they looked SO CUTE. It took a couple of weeks for them to arrive and, low and behold, they were not as cute as the photos. The top one is hilarious, Sean said it reminded him of a clown suit. I love the colours but the fabric is not great.

The suit below was so big. I might be able to make the pants or top work individually but as a set, I’m swimming. I washed them right away hoping they might shrink but no dice.

It’s totally crazy how well Instagram can sense what things we might like. Over the years, I’ve made some questionable purchases. ? I’m currently waiting on two more jumpsuits I saw from an Instagram ad. After seeing IG ads for local jewelry designer Jenny Bird, I ordered myself sold beautiful gold pieces as an early Christmas present. I also took advantage of L’Intervalle’s 50% off sale and ordered some gorgeous leather boots. They’re on their way from Montreal and should be here Monday! The 50% off sale is still on FYI!

Day 263: Hibernating and Creating

I blocked off some time in my calendar this morning to dedicate to Christmas present making. I am so happy with how my scrunchies turned out!

I can’t wait to ship these out to friends later this month. It feels really great to make things and do an activity that’s not on phone/computer.

I’ve been building a Pinterest board of things I want to make next, now that I’ve got the hang of sewing again.

Here’s to hibernating and creating!