I’ve got something to tell you…

Ladies & gentlmen, it is without regret that I inform you I have left CTV as the Social Media Girl for MuchMusic & MTV Canada.  I’m excited about what’s in store and I’m really excited to take on new projects.  If you’ve got a cool project you want to talk to me about, I’m happy to finally say, I’m available (professionally speaking that is). heh heh. Really looking forward to seeing all the Tweeps and meeting new faces tonight at TweetgasmTO, the Gladstone’s first ever Tweetup.  If you’re around, come by and say helloooooo! Here’s all the info you need to know. I’ll be on the dancefloor cuttin’ a rug and doing high kicks as per usual.

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I’ve been having a blast this Summer and y’know what, it be gon’ get much bettahh. I’m heading to Wakestock August 6-8 with three of the hottest most awesome bloggers in Canada – Raymi the Minx, Carly Anne, Lauren O’Nizzle. Playing this year  are Public Enemy, Alexisonfire (AOF), Crash Kings, U.S.S., Maestro Fresh Wes., Hollerado and KO. I loooooove outdoor events and concerts. I’m sure to see a whole heap of cute baes too. Yahooooo PARTY! We’ll be on the ground, back stage and anywhere you can find beers. Haha! This weekend is gonna be off the hizzle!  I’m STOKED. If you wanna come party with us Wakestock has been kind enough to give you a special discount and you can get a weekend social pass for only $55 bones. MAD DEALIO. Get tickets here THE PASSWORD IS: PARTYGIRL. Come join us if ya wanna have fun, and like, duh, who doesn’t wanna haz fun times? Excting day ahead of me, heading to an audition for a Bell commercial then to Lilith Fair with Carly Anne. Yahoooo! I love Summer. Happy Saturday! k.thx.bai xo

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you bring a whole new meaning to the word #loser

And that meaning is awesome. I’ve mentioned it before and the message is always the same, #loserkaraoke is a damn good time. This is me & Kristen singing ‘How Bizarre’, Team New Zealand in full force. I was rappin’ in full accent. Pretty good summer song if you ask me. I love walking into Tequila Sunrise and being greeted by friends and familiar faces having fun. The party was inside & outside last night as the place was packed and it was really hot out. Speaking of, look at this stud in mama’s cape… I was a weeee bit tipsy after the King St. Crawl earlier and after a few beerski’s was more than happy when Michael offered to drive me home. Ha! It’s so neat that each week all kinds of twitter peeps show up to have a good time. If something comes up on a Thursday night, I seriously consider if I should miss #loserkaraoke or not. I was never really a big ‘karaoke’ person but y’know what, I really love it now. I don’t care if it makes me a loser, because I’ve got a whole group of people who are are most awesome losers ever. We will sing our hearts out week after week and if you come too, you will love it. Karaoke is GREAT! You might also love that I wore a Wonder Woman outfit last night. Just for fun. Alas, back in the office today, Ms.  Casie Kent. BTW, I love this ad. Online, on line. I wanna be online like that, online at the beach under a sun umbrella with my laptop, working., drinking a cold beer.  Ahhh, a girl can dream can’t she! Happy Friday everyone.

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GRAPHIC: the smirnoff experience

Monday night I had the pleasure of attendng one of TO’s most exclusive events ar ARD Events (my fav venue). It was the who’s who of social, media & fashion. Everyone was there and looking super stylish. I took the handsome Michael Nus as my date. I wore a vintage Albert Nipon that was a hit. I’ve not got so many complimentsa on one dress from so many social sites/people in a while. Good score I tell ya! This is my fav photo. Thanks to Erin Bury for snappin the pix, I forgot to bring Nancie (my camera). No one knew what to expect, the invitation was very mysterious (and creative) and the whole night was comic book themed. I loved seeing so many fmiliar faces in one place. Oh, Deadmau5 was there too so the music was epic. I’ve got more photos to upload but have to scoot to the office. First say back since Thursday. Overal, the Smirnoff Experice was awesome. I’d like the opportunity to do more parties like that and if you vote for me to be the Virgin Provocateur, I’ll be able to do it. Vote here, I thank you in advance. Have an awesome day 🙂 Party is killer. @deadmau5 @jpricchio @annavon @liztrinnear @jessegiddings @michaelnus @thejons on 12seconds.t v

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foursquare: it’s time to have “the talk”

Dear Foursquare, I’ve gotta gett his off my chest, so here it is… I’ve been having mixed feelings about our replationship recently. I’ve started feeling a bit crowded.  I need some space. I don’t want everyone knowing where I am all the time. You know how much I love you and I really  like what you do. It’s not you, it’s me.  I don’t wanna break up, I just need some space.  I want the mystery back in  our relationship.  I want things more like they used to be. We have so many great memories and you’re always bringing me closer to my friends (Twestival, Foursqaure Day, Earthquake/Superswarm, Karaoke, NXNE). I still want more of that. It’s the little things, the little checkins all the time here and there, it’s getting to be too much. I’m taking back the pants. Please no hard feelings. Remember when I made that awesome shirt for your birthday? I’ll checkin at work tomorrow.  Love you. xo CASIE

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it’s more about the us than the meme

Mum is coming today and I’m really excited to see her. I’m really excited for Lady Gaga tonight too. Currently watching the Hooters Bikini pageant, it’s hot/awesome. Have you ever seen the Hooters  outfit on me? It was 2005, I looked different, heavier. I never worked there, but I was close once, in my younger days.  I won a pageant and bikini contest back then too. Ha. Thanks for the votes in the Virgin contest. I’m in the lead, lets keep it that way. I think the other six are under the impression it’s a job.(Yes, only six entries!) It’s just like winning an online pageant, you get to carry the title of Toronto Provocateur for the year and you have perks/duties. You get to be the party planner and 12 free trips, I have room for that in my life.  I do. I would LOVE some free trips… I dream about all the people I could visit, conferences I can attend and things to explore. I’d also REALLY like to be able to leverage the stellar community we’ve got for GenyTO and do some really great/cool/fun things. I’m darn sure that’s a win-win for everyone. We’re having GenyTO on July 27th. You saw how fun the game was I went to recently. Did you know that out of the whole group, I had only ever met two of those people in real life? And one is Jon fron the TFC. Tickets are $40, the  special code to purchase is ‘genyto‘ and you can get tickets here.  All the other important info is right here. I would love to see you there! Rah-rah-ah-ah-ah! Roma-Roma-ma-ah! Ga-ga-ooh-la-la! Want your RAD romance ♥

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Last night was epic. EPIC. Such an awesome time with the girls. I love Emily Haines so hard, we all do. It was me, Jenie, Michelle, Grace and Jess (we are all on the twitter). Hanging out with my sister is the most fun. We are so positive, happy & energetic together, I get super charged. Look out. Ain’t nothin’ gonna break my stride, nobody’s gonna slow me down, oh-no, I got to keep on moving. I have so many great photos from the night. Heaps. The sun setting over the water and the pink sky were the perfect back drop to the music and atmosphere. The place was packed but we hardly noticed anyone else because we were laughing and having so much fun. One dude tried to make friends with us, but we were not having it, he was Snooki’s type. We also saw a couple guidos who really loved Emily and knew the lyrics to every song. All our seats were scattered in different sections but we didn’t go to them once. Instead, we parked our camp on the lawn and danced and sang and threw our arms in the air and screamed. The lawn is really the best place to be. You can relax and lean back or dance in circles. I love that feeling, the one when you hear the music live and the lights shine on the crowd and they reach out and touch your face and you scream. It melts my popsicle. Michelle = babe. She has a fashion blog and she’s got the wicked style. My phone desktop image matches her leopard onesie, that’s why she is posing with phone. Jenie is too cute. Heart melt sandwich. Ater we went to the afterparty @  Parts + Labour for a private Holy Fuck…

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warped tour: mike albertini reporting for casie stewart

Tonight is the Toronto stop of the Vans Warped Tour and this Lady Blogga has called upon a little monster to report from the ground. I’ve  partnered with Warped Tour to give Mike Albertini two tickets, media access and back stage passes to get the dirt and have a hella good time in my place. It’s summer and I’m crazy busy so I though I’d share the fun so we don’t miss out on any of the action.   Have any questions for him or  tasks? Tweet him here and tell him I sent you! Did I mention I’m hiring an intern? If you are interested or woudl like to recommend someone. Email me. HAPPY FRIDAY ♥

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how many clicks does it take to get to the centre of the…

this post is regarding the influence project: the search for the most influential person online i feel like, if i participate in ‘everything’ that shows my ‘influence’ it devalues when i post good content. everything is becoming about your so called ‘influence’ and i hate pushing links on people all the time. what do i get if i put my name in this?  my picture in a magazine. meh, been there done that a few times. so, it doesn’t really seem worth it? who really gains? they do. where are the perks for making people click on something that does nothing for them. i like to give people value, that’s where my influence comes from. i hope someone cool gets this thingy but it surely won’t be me. as for the Virgin thing, that will provide heaps of value back to everyone who votes for me. i will be an ambassador, organize parties and create fun memories for people all over the place. all this talk about influence, makes me think it’s more about VALUE. y’know what i’m sayin? another thing, the site is all built in flash and really slow too.  i’m more than happy to not try for this one. i’m sure we will all be seeing more and more of this user generated ‘meme’ stuff floating around (ex. donttellashton.com). i only wanna take part in things that give back, things that have value for everyone not just for myself. it’s pretty much the same reason I don’t put ads on my site, i don’t want you to think i’m banking off you visiting, i like to think i make you smile, and maybe  i even inspire you. i do the internet stuff because i love it. it started out as a way to keep more memories and…

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a small but historic hotel & noted performance venue

Thanks heaps to Jeremy for inviting us to come play at The Gladstone Hotel on Friday night. He’s the Creative Director there and deff knows how to party. We ended up doing karaoke  later on (bug surprise) and thanks to everyone who bought me (way too many) drinks. The event space upstairs at Gladstone is looking like a future party spot. Chatter Jer about doing some fun things there. It would be perfect for a #GenyTO! Weeee! Gawd I looooove summer. SO much to be had like erry day. Don’t waste your time doing nothing, get off the couch and go!

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i’ll take ten virgins on the thompson roof please

My friend Vaneska was DJ at the Thompson Pride Pool Party in Sunday.  I kinda screwed up because it WAS a day party and I thought it was a night party. It was finished at 8 and we all arrived after 9pm. Whoopsey. I wore one of my favorite dresses, ever. Matched perfect with my new tan from earlier in the day. It worked out more than a-ok and we had a quiet & classy Sunday night rendevous on my new favorite patio. Pretty good looking group I say. We had such a fun time soaking up the scene and couple drinks. The place is gorgeous. I would LOVE to live there. It’s hotel/condo and you can get membership for the roof/partio bar. I found out recently that Virgin & Thompson Hotels worldwide are BFF’s. Another reason why you should vote for me to be the Toronto Provocateur. It would  be a seriously hot ticket in the door for us ALL. Vote here. Too cute not to post this 🙂

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i’ve always wanted to be a virgin girl

I figure it would be crazy of me to NOT enter to be the Virgin America Toronto Provocateur. Who knows? I might win. It includes free flights for a year and  some pretty sweet perks.  I have been in looooove with the Virgin brand for years, following all the many things that Richard does. He is someone I really admire for his creativity and business acumen. If you love me, vote for me. It’s not a full time gig so I could still keep my job and just add on all the perks of being a Virgin girl. Awesome? Heck yes.

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mashable social media day :: toronto

I like social and media. And I like talking. Pix frm the event are here via Kevin Chung. Here’s my talk, I hope you enjoy it. Casie Stewart (@casiestewart) at #SMdayTO from Ron Wolf I like talking about how many awesome people I have met through twitter. How I got a job because I really loved the internet, being social and sharing creativity all over the place. I like landscape photos better than portrait. I like when the sun shines through the clouds and you can see it coming right at you. I like writing the stories as they happen and living out all kinda of adventures. I like being positive, it’s really the best medicine you can give yourself. I’ve always liked to write. In 1996 my friend Holly and I, with the help of our Mum’s publihed and anthology of poetry & prose called JEANS. It was all kinds of things we had written in Grade. 8. I wanna publish a new book. I have hundreds written verse and such just dying to have your eyes. Words all wanting attention. I’ve decided to hire and intern, I need some help with the casiestewart.com stuff. Looking for someone unique, someone kinda like me to be honest; loves internet, learning, sharing, twitter, hard work, fun. There’s always skill involved but the things that really matter most are not learned in class. What I think (1996) I’d like to do more public speaking. I like it and I’m just getting started. I won in a speech competition about a hundred years ago when I was younger. This one time, in drama class, I read my whole speech with my back facing the audience, it was the speech you tell youself before you go on stage. The two minute “you can do…

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so many epic days in a row thanks to you

Wednesday night was Jeremy Wright‘s birthday and it was so much fun. Our Toronto Social Media crew is seriously some of the mostest awesomest people I have ever known. Lauren, Me, Carly Jon, Me Michael Erin & Kevin Party people, ILU! Haha, Randy will love this photo I’m sure. Karaoke has become my new favorite thing to do ever. Look at this fun! SRSLY. Team Tweet Agora (If you have iphone + Twitter download it here) Team New Zealand right here w/ Kristen. KIAORA MATE <3 Really, really enjoying summer. Love being surrounded by so many awesome people. This is gonna be the best Summer ever. I posted the rest of the photos from #jerbear31 in a web album here. Heading to Galdstone tonight for  QUEER LIES – Trashed Alterna-Pride Dance Party. I am going to dance my ass off. Been thinking of what crazy outfit I shall wear all arvo. Peach out, till lata 🙂

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someday i will find my big, my aiden, or my love

Saw SATC2 last night with my sister. I loved it. Oh gawd, Jenie and I cackled so loud and had a gay old time. Nothing like seeing a really long SATC episode with my sis. She is srsly the best. LOVE YOU! The following things are so ugly, this: And this: HAPPY SOCIAL MEDIA DAY TO EVERYONE. S&M YEAH! ♥

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toronto mashable meetup tweetup geekup speakup

Tomorrow is Social Media Day hosted worldwide by Mashable. I’ll be attending the Toronto Meetup Tweetup along with about 75 other social medialites from this fine city. Mashable created this day to celebrate all media becoming social, the social media revolution. For a while there is was just geeks in the SM scene and now social media has become part of pretty much every marketing campaign out there. Three cheers for social media! I love you internet. As it stands right now, I will be speaking at the event. How cool is that? My talk will only be about 10ish minutes and I’ll be addressing the two questions I get asked the most and a third if I have time. 1. How to get a job in social media? 2. How to get free stuff? 3. Managing multiple personalities (online) RSVP for the Toronto Meetup can be found here or on Facebook here. When: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 @ 8:00 PM Where: Madison Avenue Pub, 14 Madison Avenue The thing I love MORE than anything about the social web are the people I have met because of it. These are som eof my friedns that were at the Klout Tweetup @ The Gladstone last night. @40deuce @hawleydunbar @sidewalkhustle

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island adventure to find your love and baby i found it

After walking around for coffee on Sunday for about an hour (almost everything in my hood was closed G20), I decided to day trip it to the island. I chose Wards Island as I have never been there before and was keen for a true adventure. Got the ‘I’m on a Boat’ badge on Foursquare for checkin’ in on the Island Ferry. This was a great way to start. I was dressed like a teenage dirtbag, in fact,  a lesbian teenage dirtbag wearing rainboy bikini top. It IS Pride Week so, kinda fitting  I guess. It was sunny all afternoon. It was hot. Spent some time staring at boats. Mum is about to sail to Bahamas on her boat next month. I dream of doing that one day too. Camera got a little heat stroke from humidity (that’s what I’m calling the water effect) and it started taking blurry photos. Regardless, I LOVE my new camera. It’s making the life-documentation process way more fun. Soaked it in some dry rice when we got home, baby is back in action now. That trick works for phones too. If anyone knows about wrecking devices, it’s ME.  I’ve been through so many since starting this blog, not even gonna try counting. It was more than lovely. So relaxing. There was no noise, no distractions. I needed that.  I needed a break from my busy life. I hung out on the couch at the Island Cafe on Wards Island. Read a book. A real book, like hardcover. I love the island, gonna go back a few times this summer. It’s amazing how refreshing a couple hours away can be. Enjoy the day!

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TFC game was awesome, you should have been there

Pure awesomism at the Toronto FC game Saturday. It was seriously 10. EPIC. Look at this badass crew on the field… Group photos are so fun, lets do more of that ok. I loved seeing everyone IRL, it was a first meeting for a bunch of us. I had been REALLY excited ALL day week. Being there DURING world cup, priceless. This is my fav cheer “when the reds go marching in”. SUCH good energy. TFC games have THE BEST fans. I tried to pay attention to the game but was totally distracted by the funnest crowd ever. We got to go right down to the field as VIP’s with total babe as an escort (not me, the TFC guy on the left beside Michael). Chatted Jonathan about doing it again so don’t worry, you can come then. I was obvs prepped for the rain. This guy was prepped to cheer on! Michael was the ONLY guy with brolly for the downpour. They’re not allowed at games but somehow, he got away with it. Must be the charm or good looks? It was a tie and the crowd still cheered their faces off outside. It was stellar. We were hangin’ @ Liberty Bistro for a while after the game. God it was so fun. The owner  and I go way back to when I used to work in Liberty Vill so he hooked us up with sweet table etc. Love that little spot. Before we got table, we had hedge. There are about 30 photos from the night in this web album TFC 2010. I can’t WAIT to go again. SO FUN. Have a great day!

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riot girl in a burning car lights the world on fire

I was published in an article for canada.com about the G20. “For others, the G20 party is all about that once-in-a-lifetime experience of feeling trapped in an apocalyptic-themed movie. Toronto blogger Casie Stewart lives a stone’s throw from the west end of the security zone, and says she plans on hosting up to 15 people from her “sniper view” apartment balcony.” [article] Shit got CRAY-CRAY yesterday. Car on fire, tear gas, guns, breaking shit blah blah. Good thing they spent ALL that dosh on police. Heard this AM they arested over 400 people. Who? Hopefully none of my peeps. It was totes faaaaaacked up. This is right outside my work @muchmusic.

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going to a show tonight with carly, taking my new friend

He can fly, He soars high, He can go anywhere. He can go anywhere. The sky is a limit you can exceed, Reach higher.

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the earth moved me, shakey shake.

I think my first earthquake was in 1990 but i don’t really remember. Today I was sitting at my desk, working away when I noticed my monitor shaking and the table and me. Naturally, I tweeted. This is what happened… We’ve had crews taking down the MMVA stage from the roof and the street car goes by all the time so at first I didn’t think it was anything. When it went on for about 30 seconds I knew something was up. Pretty crazy. Even crazier that we got the first Super Swarm in CANADA. Woot.

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casie stewart is a celebrity? that’s what i heard.

Remember yesterday when I mentioned Virgin wanted to send me to LA? They wanna send a couple other bloggers too. My girl Bre Bre got on Mashable for her screen shot so I thought I’d share mine too. No big deal. Topic Summary: Toronto Blogging Torontonians media Twitteratti Marketing

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thank you universe. this day gets better every minute.

Watching Kesha on stage right now and tweeting my heart out for @MuchMusic. Being here is blowing my mind. I’m soaking up every minute. Last night was so much fun I can’t even tell you.  Also, just got an email from Virgin American & Klout they are sending me to LA. I love life.  I love you.  I have so much to tell you but for now I just show you my dress from Peach Berserk made SPECIALLY for tonight’s MMVA’s. It’s going to be auctioned off after for a charity in Uganda. Tell you about that tomorrow. Have an awesome day.

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we got a situation on our hands here

What a weekend this is gonna be. Excited. Busy. Wristbands. Celebrities. Massive stage. Bieber fever. I am so excited. A massive amount of candy just arrived at the office and I’ll be hopped up on sugar all weekend. Katy Perry would love this. I’m working long hours and days/night but you know what, I always wanted to do this. I have the coolest job and I’m really excited to be party of the bniggest award show party in CANADA. I will not complain of being tired and I will try to share as much as I can with you from behind the scenes & what I’m up to. Check out this badass shirt I just got! YEOW!

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I’m inviting 20 FRIENDS to come to a TFC game with ME next weekend! Our seats are pretty sweet too 1st row is Section 110 which is right next to the super loud supporters section. It’s gonna be crazy! Oh, it’s TFC vs LA Galaxy too! Tickets are sometimes hard to come by but my friend Jonathan knew I wanted to check out a game, so he hooked up a dealio for me and my followers/readers/friends. If we’ve never met, this is gonna be a GREAT time. I’m really happy in these types if settings because I like top get ROWDY! Here are the details: Toronto FC vs LA Galaxy: Saturday, June 26th 7:30PM BMO Field – Seats are in section 110A ROW 1 Only 20 seats available. $40/seat BEST DEAL AROUND! DISCOUNT CODE IS: CASIE Includes special half time field level visit (great photo op). You can purchase your ticket from this lovely little link Jonathan set up for us HERE. Think about it, me, you, beer, yelling and the TFC. Ah-MAY-zing! I went to a game last year and had THE BEST TIME even though it rained cats and blogs that day! Comment so I know you are coming and get ready for a GONG SHOW!

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i went to NXNEi & all i got was this awesome photo

Carly & I, at it again! Life of the party 🙂 Thanks to Jason for stopping to shoot us & thanks to my planning, I’ve managed to get my work done today and attend two sessions. The afternoon one I went to was all about Women in Social Media and I learned I need to start being on panels. I’ve got lots to share about internet, personal branding, stalkers, privacy. I’ve been doing this internet thing since  before ICQ & I started blogging on that old myspace in 2005. In other daily news, got an email today for the SXSW panel picker for 2011. Had a great call about a campaign with a new client. Confirmed I’m a judge for the Canadian Online Publishing Awards. Heading over to Peach Berserk before getting my hair done  to see about a special MMVA dress too. I’m really excited about life and my friends and my job. All this stuff just makes me wanna work harder and set BIGGER goals! LOOK OUT WORLD HERE I COME! FTW! I got to thinking about that MTV TJ job everyone is buzzing about and looked back to that article about me in the Metro back in Jan. Made me feel pretty lucky/proud of how much I’ve grown since then and what I’m doing at work. You can read it here if ya want. “You may not know it yet, but Casie Stewart is your new favourite online VJ, the latest update on that oh-so-’80s on-air media personality.”

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