COMMUNITY 54 – From NY To Parkdale

Stopped by the Community 54 space in Parkdale the other day (Queen west of Dufferin). It was opened a couple months ago and features a wide mix of vintage & new clothes with a pile of old school artifacts you might find at granddad’s garage sale. I picked up a sweet & long vintage dress for summer. Wore it to Canadian Club Whisky tour. The Official: Community 54 is your neighborhood lifestyle boutique inspiring nostalgia through creativity. From classic arcade games and vintage street wear, to indie clothing brands and contemporary art, our space is a destination for curators of unique collectibles. It’s a place where culture mavens and social connectors interact with local artists and designers. First established in the Lower East Side of Manhattan by partners Daymon Green and Jason Jacobs, Community 54’s two locations are a manifestation of years of sharing ideas and a common entrepreneurial drive. (Toronto Partners are Trung Hoang & Joel Reilly) Shop Style: My Photo on the Shop Wall: In other news, The Condo Store is giving away 2 pairs of Toronto FC Tickets courtesy of TriTickets. ENTER HERE ON FACEBOOK. If you win, take me! I freaking LOVE the TFC. Been twice and the fans are freaking CRAY. I posted a few vids & photos from past TFC games etc here. Last year one of the hot young players sent me a personal message 🙂 Go win those TICKETS. On that note, I’m outta here & off to the ladies networking lunch for FITC! HUZZAHHHHH!  

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Community Service

On Friday, March 1, some of the girls from Community Agency and I cleaned up Trinity Bellwoods Park over lunch. If you don’t know it, Bellwoods is in the heart of Queen West, between Strachan and Bathurst. It’s one of my fav places to hang out in the summer or bike through with friends. If you search ‘Bellwoods’ on my blog there are heaps of entries! March 1st was YWCA’s Big Day of Change, a Canada-wide day of action for young women to do something good in their community. Friday this week is International Women’s Day (IWD), an annual commemoration that began in the early 1900s. Our ‘Community Service’ was organized by my friend & Copy Writer Carlimia. She was featured on She Does The City earlier in the week with 12 women who organized events to make positive change. Thanks to Becca Lemire for snapping some shots too.   We had so much fun doing this together that we want to make Community (Agency) Service a regular thing. It felt so great to be outside in the sunshine at the park again. I can’t WAIt for Spring/Summer to be out in the warm air. Luckily daylight savings isn’t far away! Do something nice for someone today. It will help you avoid a case of the Mondays. 🙂 CASIE   See more photos by She Does The City on the Community blog!

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CSAW Company | Good Kid Mad Hope

Sean got me this Good Kid Mad Hope hoodie from the CSAW Company for my birthday. Didn’t realize just HOW rad CSAW is. It’s also super soft and perfect for this not-yet-summer weather we’re having. You’ll see me living in this and the COTTAGE sweater (both from Community 54) right into the fall. Ellie Goulding in the same hoodie. Whut whut.  I’m ready for the weekend. Heading up to Muskoka later this afternoon. Can’t wait to be on the lake, and wake up in the wilderness tomorrow morning. Hoping to have a fire tonight and roast some marshmallows to kick off the summer! Wishing you a wonderful weekend. Be safe out there! <3 CASIE

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Not Quite Open Season | Cottage

I could tell from my Timehop app that the lake had no ice on this day last year, I was doing yoga on the dock and relaxing in the sun. We went up for a few hours on Sunday and it was still winter up there, frozen lake, snow covered driveway. The cottage was warmer inside than the air outside and it was warm enough in the sun for a spring jacket. Thanks to Sean, my lovely beau-tographer for snapping my photo. It’s great to have a TV/filmmaker boyfriend who knows how to work my camera better than me. I’m in love with this sweater from Community 54, it’s super comfy and I wore it almost the entire weekend (don’t judge!). I’d like to start making my own versions. My plan is to do some sewing at the cottage this summer. I know how to make things and use patters but I’m constantly letting TEH INTERNET distract me. Sewing and reading. Less internetting. Funny that I mention less internetting right now, today marks 9 years since this blog has existed. I better start planning my 10 year bloganza. <3 CASIE

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The Weekend: Sprinkler City, Summertime Pretty

Vintage dress from Community 54 (Toronto/NY), vintage head scarf, polarized cat eye glasses by Derek Cardigan, leopard shoes Michael Khors, shellac nails by 1Body Bar

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Ahhh. WHIRLWIND the last few weeks but nice to home. Not going anywhere but the parents till January. Reckon what happens now -March will determines most of 2012. I love this time of year and if my lunch meeting gets rescheduled today (I was still in CST not EST, whoops!) then I am going to the Eaton Centre and walking on Queen to see if I can catch some holiday spirit. Lots of work the next couple weeks, feeling really good about it. Can’t wait to spend time with my family & friends now that I’m back in the city. Those killer bites on my ankles are so ugly right now. I’m dyyyyying to go for a pedicure but they’re too gross to show ANYONE. These shots are from a recent afternoon shooting with My City Lives and the Biz Media Agency. Kate was on set as my PA and took some great shots, her flickr here. I love that my hair is growing. Lipstick is my most fav ‘999 Ara Red’ by Dior. In other exciting news: SXSW– My Speaker profile is live! Check out this fancy Gold Registrant -Panelist. See you in 2012 Austin! Air Canada, En Route Film Festival 2011- I made the credits for Working It Out  a short film by  Matt Apedaile. His film is one of the top finalists and will be shows in Air Canada flights. Watch in in the sky or here! HoHoTO – Toronto’s biggest most fun charity holiday event is Thursday. I have a ticket. Get one here. Community 54– Some friends opened a rad shop, check it out here. Gonna be there for a party Friday. Independent Fashion Bloggers – I’m there. I would love a BLT. Stop. Showertime.

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