Team Canada & Friends @ SXSW

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THE GRID: Introvert or Extrovert?

This week has been full of awesome fun. While I’ve been away I was written about TWICE in Toronto’s culture newspeper The Grid. One day I was in an article about being an introvert and the very next day was a video about me being extroverted and all over the city. Truth is, I’m a little bit of both. I really love spending time alone, in silence and at home and, as you all know, I also love being around lots of people and in the spotlight. Here’s a link to each article. Casie Stewart is a 29-year-old blogger who was recently featured in an article in The Walrus by Maryam Sanati called “Brand Me,” which shone a spotlight on the major players among Toronto’s “Gen Y personal branders.” These professional internet personalities have managed to generate the success and attention they quite openly—and shamelessly—seek, simply by transcribing the minutiae of their existence online. “Because Stewart’s peers have not known self-doubt as much as we have,” Sanati, a self-identified Gen-Xer, writes, “and because they’re so much better at maneuvering in the digital age than we were, they feel perfectly at ease.” That may be true for Stewart. When it came time for her to speak at the pub, she described herself as “hyper-social.” In fact, the only time she admitted feeling less than socially fluent was during her offline hours. One more thing! If you are at SXSW Storify will build a story from all your online activity automatically if you connect your accounts. I’ll publish mine tomorrow. Now, off to the convention centre for some fun! Have an awesome day 🙂

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Earlier this year in between my travels I filmed this video with my friends at My City Lives. I’ve got a bunch of videos on their platform and I’ve watched the company grow over the past few years. I’m happy to share with you this awesome vid put together by My City Lives and The Biz Media. Enjoy! Here’s an excerpt from the My City Lives blog. Read the whole post here! Meet Casie Stewart: daily lifestyle vlogger, brand ambassador, and one of Toronto’s most influential bloggers. Casie is a household name in the Toronto social media community – and for good reason – she’s got an infectious personality and an enormous amount of hustle. We’ve been fans of Casie for a long time so being able to collaborate with her was really special. Casie, having worked for brands like MuchMusic and MTV, is well armed when it comes to communicating with different audiences and succeeds in showcasing her talent in her blog, which she has been writing for over seven years now. Aside from creating a constant flow of contents for her blog, Casie has been an avid creator of My City Lives videos for years. Kate was on the scene with her camera. Here’s a few behind the scenes pix from her Flickr stream. My City Lives Co-Creator, Adil Emma & Xavier from Timeless on Queen (before renos was CTS) I like laughing! Thank you to the My City Lives team for featuring me. I love you guys <3

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Good  morning, good morning, and how are you today? I’m feeling a wee bit frazzled since we leave for SXSW Wednesday. I woke up early, cleaned my room, did the dishes and started packing. I’m about to get dressed and head to MTCC for The Art of Marketing, Randi Zuckerberg from Facebook is speaking today. Been offered a pretty sweet new in fashion so I need to make one stop around Dundas Square today.  I can’t wait to tell you about it, it’s cool.  Meeting Lauren at Yorkdale mid day for a SHOPPING SPREE at West 49 & Billabong cause they’re sponsoring us for SXSW. How freaking cool eh? Ahhhhh. On my way back downtown I’ve got a fitting at Peach Berserk cause guess what? I’m walking in the (huge) closing show, Dare to Wear Love for Mastercard International Fashion Week on March 17th. Ahhhhhh again! Tonight my SXSW team has a meeting to plan out the final details and out route from Toronto to Texas.  It’s been years since I went on a big road trip and this is by far the biggest one ever. I can’t wait to get there. If you’re gonna be there LMK & make sure you add my panel to your schedule. It’s Sunday at 12:30! Have an awesome day! P.S. MUM, I miss you. Call me xo  

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This week I went to Twist Gallery for the after party for Vice’s movie PROJECT X. Kwasi, Ross, Brock, Sam Jean in H&M Miss Emma Recourt from Timeless on Queen Project X : mini review by Jason Nip If you’ve watched the trailer you know what you’re about to see. 3 unpopular high school teens, parents leaving for a weekend trip and a house ripe for the most destructive house party ever captured by a shaky handheld camera. What you don’t expect is just how far this party escalates and the number of “oh shit!” moments peppered with some laughs that carry the audience on a train ride to some unexpected dark places, keeping the genre fresh with a more realistic and less Disney like conclusion. I half expected to hate the film and there are those who will but the bastard child of Superbad and Cloverfield works on most levels if you let it. It’s a ride you want to stay on till the wheels fall off and do they ever. Project X hits theaters March 2nd.

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Toronto International Auto Show

This photo was taken using 360 pano for iPhone. I love this app. Check out the interactive 360 here. This is similar to the Sonic I won from GM last year. Man I loved driving that little car. This mustang is modelled after Hot Wheels. I get to take the brand new mustang for a spin this summer. Ahh, I’m so looking forward to summer. I’m totally gonna drive it wearing a muscle shirt listening to hard rock. The size of the booths at the Toronto Auto Show vs Detroit Auto Show is very different. Been coming to this Toronto show since I was a kid and always thought Toronto’s was so huge but  Detroit is MASSIVE. There’s a lesson there… Something about not knowing how big/great things are until you go out and see them. There’s a big world out there. Lauren and I are driving this bad boy allllllllll the way deep down south to Austin, Texas. The team at Ford Canada are really cool. Thanks for car hookup guys! They won a couple awards last night. NICE WORK! I’d love to drive this little rocket. Probably only a concept car. Small, fast card are my favourite. I didn’t love driving until I started taking all these cars for test drives. It’s rad to take so many different ones, I know what features I really like. I’ve never owned a car but I’ve always seen my first one as a Porche. Not joking. I’ve never driven a Mini either. I’d like to. MINI, CALL ME! Thank you GM for breakfast. I’m prepping for my panel this evening while this presentation takes place. I think it’s full but if you are keen try & sign up here. It’s 6-8pm at the TWG office in the Burroughs building. Happy Friday!

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Speaking | Panels, Parties & People #SMW

Social Media Week kicks off around the world today. Here’s my picks on what you wanna check out including parties and panels. I’m speaking on two that fall on Thursday & Friday. There’s a TON of things going on so check the schedule & see what peaks your interest. Image is from Say Media’s blog, LEGGOOOO, VROOOOOOOOOM! Monday: 7pm: SMW Tweetgasm & Official Launch Party (Both at Gladstone Hotel) Tuesday: 8am-6pm SMW Coffee House @ ING Direct 2-3:30 Keynote: Jon Sinden on Brands & Fans 3:30-4:30 Conversation in Social Metrics @ Entrinsic Wednesday: 10am-12pm: Content may be king, but without Context – no one will pay attention 4:30-5:30: Not Another Open Bar Event: Is Your Brand Seeing a Return On Influence? 9pm: Social Media Week Toronto Official After-Party: After Hours Conversation Thursday: there’s LOTS of great stuff! 9am-1pm: Entrinsic Presents: CaseCamp (No it’s not Camp about ME!) 1-2:30: Social Media Friends, Anxiety & You: 5:30-6:30: Community Management beyond Twitter & FB 5:30-7pm: Getting Serious About Travel Blogging 5:30-9pm: SXSW Pre-Party @ Spice Route Friday:  8:45-10:30pm: Driving the Social Media Conversation w/ GM 12:30-3:30 Post it, Pin It Party (lunch/drinks) 3-4pm: Social Storytelling: Creating and Curating Content Strategies That Work Friday 6-8pm: Building Valuable Social Features into your Web and Mobile Applications Information about my panels:  Thursday, 1-2:30: Social Media Friends, Anxiety & You: Hosted by Maria Lianos-Carbone, publisher & editor of, this panel will be talking about the anxiety that can come along with being so open in social media and sharing more of your life than ever. I’m looking forward to this cause I deal with anxiety ALL THE TIME. Other panelists include Stéphanie Montreuil Principal, The Lotus Pad Consulting, and Chris Eh Young. Location is The Office Pub, 117 John Street, 2nd Floor at Adelaide. There will be networking after so come say HI. Friday 6-8pm: Building Valuable Social Features into your Web and…

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#FIRSTANDFOREVER: Dr. Martens SS 2012 Preview

All photos by Becca Lemire for She Does the City. See the entire album of who was there & what they were wearing here. See FW 2011 post here. Thanks for a fun time. Great pix Becca! Love my docs for life xo

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Last night at the SAY Media party for DX3 I had the time of my life playing with a parachute. It was so fun/cool/awesome, seriously. The band man is Rich Aucoin and here are his deets so you can follow him. Canadian and good looking too.   I was shaking the parachute with about a hundred other people. A bunch were in the middle and running from side to side as the parachute went up and down dancing the air. Charlotte from SAY emailed this photo to me after the show and I’m sure there are heaps more in cameras around. Right when photo was taken I was in this totally awesome childlike state where I swear I don’t know if I’ve ever had so much fun. It was absolute bliss. I’ve said it before and will again, the SAY Media team really know how to throw a party. In conversations last night I learned that lots of people were learning about the company for the first time. This is pretty rad for me because I’ve been working with them for almost a year now. I’m their Canadian ‘poster child’ for social & one of their passionate people building culture. I’ve mentioned them a few times on blog before. I think lots of old friends were surprised to see my face on their signage. “Hey look, that’s you“ I fell in love with how SAY Media really ‘get it’ the first time I received an email and checked out their site. They work with Passionate Voices connecting us with brands and stuff we like. Last year when I was an Android user, I did a national campaign with HTC. SAY is the first ever real advertising I hooked up with too. Those fancy video ads in my sidebar, that’s them. I’m heading to DX3 for day two today and will probably…

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We’re second best in the world! Embrace Winter!

Toronto’s been named second best city in the world! The big apple took the cake for first place but hey, it’s NEW YORK. Read it here in the Globe & Mail. We had a mini blizzard in Toronto today. When I say ‘we’ I mean Toronto and not the kind of blizzard you get from Dairy Queen! Brrrrr. Took this pano from the balcony just before sunset. The weather was really moody today all up, down, angry, then the sun finally came out. I felt a bit like that too. This video is down by the lake when I was almost BLOWN OVER. keek/casiestewart Stopped by the beach in the afternoon. No really, I went to the urban beach even though it was FREEEEZING.  Sand & snow! Embrace winter! I love how the boats look, pretty, peaceful and cold. I have so man memories from this spot. Hung out at CTS with Emma in the afternoon and she dressed me in a full leather outfit. Decided to walk back from my meeting to get some fresh air. Hanging out with these guys tonight. These are my favourite chocolate treats if you are wondering what to get me for valentines. In celebration of Toronto’s awesomeness and being one of the BEST CITIES to live in here’s a lovely tune from GTA cool kids Walk Off the Earth called ‘Corner of Queen’. Queen Street FTW!

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When opportunity knocks? I’m waiting by the door.

Well, here we go packed and ready for a week of two cities, two climates, two time zones and two conferences. It’s a beautiful day to fly and my sister is coming to meet me for brekky then wisk me off to YYZ for afternoon takeoff. Luggage packed carefully last night. Layers and all the same colour scheme to accommodate the many activities. I’m really not sure why I need two cameras but I’m testing the new Nikon and the Olympus is my baby. Now that I have iPhone I hardly use my camera. I took, edited and am posting all this from it now. THE FUTURE. All that stuff goes in my purse for easy access. My passport photo always gets a giggle cause I’m wearing bright red lipstick with a bow in my hair. I love this painting. It’s the last thing I see before going out the door. The title is “keep this one” and it was done by Hinto in 2008.

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Ahhh. WHIRLWIND the last few weeks but nice to home. Not going anywhere but the parents till January. Reckon what happens now -March will determines most of 2012. I love this time of year and if my lunch meeting gets rescheduled today (I was still in CST not EST, whoops!) then I am going to the Eaton Centre and walking on Queen to see if I can catch some holiday spirit. Lots of work the next couple weeks, feeling really good about it. Can’t wait to spend time with my family & friends now that I’m back in the city. Those killer bites on my ankles are so ugly right now. I’m dyyyyying to go for a pedicure but they’re too gross to show ANYONE. These shots are from a recent afternoon shooting with My City Lives and the Biz Media Agency. Kate was on set as my PA and took some great shots, her flickr here. I love that my hair is growing. Lipstick is my most fav ‘999 Ara Red’ by Dior. In other exciting news: SXSW– My Speaker profile is live! Check out this fancy Gold Registrant -Panelist. See you in 2012 Austin! Air Canada, En Route Film Festival 2011- I made the credits for Working It Out  a short film by  Matt Apedaile. His film is one of the top finalists and will be shows in Air Canada flights. Watch in in the sky or here! HoHoTO – Toronto’s biggest most fun charity holiday event is Thursday. I have a ticket. Get one here. Community 54– Some friends opened a rad shop, check it out here. Gonna be there for a party Friday. Independent Fashion Bloggers – I’m there. I would love a BLT. Stop. Showertime.

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Here We Go Again

Good morning from Pearson airport Gate 272. Boarding shortly to Cancun via Houston. Haven’t been to either of those airports before so thats kinda rad. I love discovering new territory. Was a bit surprised on how warm it was this morning in TO. I’m totally ok if there is still no snow when I get back next week. Feeling a bit exhausted from a really fun weekend. Yesterday I did nothing but watch movies w/ Sammy and eat takeout. This week is gonna be so relaxing. I can’t wait. T-8 hours till I’m beside the ocean. See y’all in Houston. <3 CASIE Dec 5, 2011 | Source:

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At least we will be safe in a fire.

This is only a test. Nov 30, 2011 | Source: Where should I work today? It’s fire alarm testing day so working from home is not recommended (trust me). Since the weather is kinda blah I was thinking about hitting the PATH (Toronto’s underground walkway/mall) and checking out holiday stuff. I’m fully equipped with my own wifi hotspot (Thanks Telus!) so I can set up shop pretty much anywhere. Once I get dressed and out the door of course… I’m ready for a downtown adventure. 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Toronto Rebels Unite.

Lozzie and I are on stage callin’ numbers for bad kids Rebel Bingo with James Flames tonight….kinda like this: You should probably get a ticket. If you miss it, well, you’re probably not that cool anyways. Check Lauren’s bloggy for more secret details. Tickets here. In other sexy, rebel news, the Youtube takeover went live today for the Durex Savvy Lover campaign AND the documentary features Raymi! Nice work to all the peeps behind the campaign! I worked with Brand Momentum as a copywriter for Durex earlier this year and some of my topics included ‘Turning your walk of shame into a stride of pride” and ‘manscaping’. Super fun stuff to write about! Get some freaky Friday tips from four of Durex’s ‘sexperts’ on the Durex FB here. The FB app uses Pinpoint Social, Daniel’s company, fancy huh?! And finally, the most beauty marriage ad I’ve seen that, yes, brought tears to my eyes. (MUM, BOB, don’t get any ideas about ME! Just watch it!) It really IS time. Thanks to Andrew Stewart, my digital brother for sharing. Can’t wait till his wedding one day. ♥ Off to the postie to pick up a package then to mee Lau in Kensington, then to rehearsal. I hope it’s shoes or the camera I’ve been waiting for! You will be older tomorrow so BE YOUNG TODAY!

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Speaking | SociaLIGHT

Social what? There’s a new buzz word created every :02 seconds but ‘socialight’ is one I wasn’t really familia with. Socialite, yes. I’ve been a social person my whole life and I also like working hard and doing nice things for others. When I was introduced to the SociaLIGHT conference, I smiled knowing there’s gonna be lots of like minded people in a room together. I’m speaking on a panel this weekend at MTCC for the Socialight Conference. It’s a one day event for entrepreneurs & small business people from across Canada. Never heard of it? No problem! This vid will give you the low down in < :60 seconds. Did you know that “Last November, more than 100 countries celebrated Global Entrepreneurship Week and now 2011 has been recognized as the Year of the Entrepreneur in Canada.”  Learned that and some other smart facts from the Canadian Guv’s Biz dept. I’ve had an entrepreneurial fire burnin’ for years. In 1996 I won Young Entrepreneur of Cambridge for a publishing company I co-founded. Being on a panel at MTCC is totally checking something of a list for me. I’ve been going there & seeing speakers since I was a kid. Check out the other great speakers here. This past summer I hosted the Bench room during BHD Suites Gifting Lounge on MMVA weekend (here, here & here). The lovely peeps at Bench asked me if I have any upcoming events they could dress me for.  I mentioned the SociaLIGHT conference and today I had a shopping party for one at the Eaton Centre! Say hello to the Bench store babes who assisted me in picking a bunch of gear. Thanks girls! We were looking for two full outfits and I was leaning towards non-sporty or too branded. Thanks Bench Canada for a fun time and new digs. This is what I tried on: I…

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My City Lives LOVES!

Yesterday I downloaded the new iPhone app from my friends at My City Lives. It’s an awesome & forever growing collection of people, places, things & thoughts from around out great city of Toronto. If you check out my first THIS IS MY LIFE blog on blogspot you will learn that “people, places, things & thoughts” was how I defined my blog in ‘an attempt to keep more memories’. Check out this awesome vid MCL published today followed by some screen shots from their new app. Download it free from app store here & get sharing 🙂

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reach out and touch the sky

It is so lovely & sunny in our house right now, doors open, watching traffic and planes feels like anything is possible. It started out rainy & foggy then got really pretty today. Can’t decide what to wear to the ballet tonight. It’s Elton John music & tribute so I feel sequins are to be expected. Something dazzling.     Massive. I am going to walk right there. Say hello to my little friend…

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a slice of paradise in your own backyard

Had a lovely afternoon in the sun today. Picked up a new paid of Doc’s at the Dr. Martens Store (I’m the Mayor!). I gad a gift certificate from the team to get a any pair I saw at the Fall preview back in July. I got black polished laredo Serena’s, last size 6 they had. Lucky me!  Stopped by Quicksilver and got a pair of board shorts & a matching top for my surf trip to Costa Rica next week. So excited to surf. Visited the lovely  ladies at Get Outside  for a new pair of plain black Havaianas (trashed my old ones at the end of summer). Got may nails done on my way home. I love the hand massage you get. I wonder if I could just go in for hand massage? Is that weird? I’d say it was because I spend all day on the computer. Read my book in the balcony sun for a bit and am about to clean my room. Lauren is coming by before the My City Lives “That Night in Toronto” party and I’d like if my room didn’t look like hoarders. Hope you’re having an awesome day. Get some sun on your face! This is where we’re going tonight! Cheers to the Biz Media for making & My City Loves for sharing 🙂

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Fashion: The Roaring Twenties

View “Vintage Elegance – Tweed” on Storify

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National Post: Toronto Tweed Ride

Read about the Tweed Ride in the National Post or get event deets here on FB. I was a judge in the Tweed Ride style contest and this is the winner Arthur. Love the finishing touches of  the arm band & goggles. Bike colour is a nice touch too. Lookin’ good. I’m stoked to pick out my outfit and ride in style. See you there old chaps 😉

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organized crime…?

Perhaps…stay tuned for RSVP to the Canadian Club Speakeasy in Toronto

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Social Change Through the Social Web: The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind

Today I’m biking over to Yonge Dundas Square (where I won a car last week!) to launch, an online hub that connects volunteers with non-profits through micro-volunteering. There’s gonna be a fun ‘Wipeout’ style game for uni kids and I’m a judge with Jeremy Taggart of Our Lady Peace and Daniel Johnson from Stereos. The whole fun event is hosted by Sheena from MTV Live. We’re volunteering our time and is making a $20,000 contribution to a charity of our choice. My charity is the Moving Windmills Project which supports Malawian-run rural economic development and education projects in Malawi. Mum introduced me to William’s story and I wanted to get involved. Here’s his TED Talk so you can be inspired too. For more info on micro-volunteering in Canada see Koodonation on Newswire here or check out the site at If you’re around today come to YD Square & say HELLOOOOOO!

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Toronto Fashion Week Begins w/ Greta SS 2012

Offsite shows during FW are my fav. Attended Greta Constantine SS 2012 last night. One thing I love about FW is seeing all the fashion faces together. Last night felt less snobby than usual. It was nice. Pix from Greta SS 2011 are in this post. You’ll recognize lots of peeps from that show/party. I had come from a string of meetings & wasn’t really dressed for the ocassion: boots & scarf vintage, jacket Holts, bag Nella Bella, dress H&M. This little one was my fav piece: Shoes Kirk & Stephen, so cute. On Team Olympus blog babe Jay Strut wearing a monkey fur jacket. Yes, MONKEY! Kirk & Gail April <3 Kat & a babe from Elmer. So many cute model boys. J’adore. I’m looking for someone to cover LGFW shows for me next week. If you are interested or already volunteering, LMK.  Lots of meetings, events today. I’m gonna work harder than ever the next month so I REALLY enjoy my vacation. Have an awesome day!

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I won a car live on YouTube, not even kidding.

 Remember how I was like “Come to YD Square, first live event ever” blah blah blah. Well, let this be your lesson that you should listen to me more often.  Well, I went and test drove the new Chevy Volt during the #chevroletallday event. It’s electric and was really quiet & smooth to drive, had some kick too. Vrooooooom. Keri drove too. She’s a really good driver. Cute graffiti artist boy who was part of my Arm Yourself event at YD Square last year was there. This guy 🙂 Still cute. Three finalists who answered their phones after txting in were called up on stage. First up, didn’t start the car, next was me, my key started it. OH MY GAWDDDD. Check me out in my new Chevy Sonic. It’s small & cute which is exactly what I would want if I was going to get a car. I’m really excited to roadtrip! Me & the lovely Peter Cornu, Manager of Special Events for General Motors of Canada. Hey Peter, let’s work together! I’m in shock that I won and all kinds of grown up questions are coming at me from everyone. I don’t know If I can take a buy out, I have no idea about insurance, I don’t think it’s a lease,  yes I want sunroof, no I can’t come pick you up yet, and I think I get it soon. OMFG I WON A CAR. For SURE getting a lotto ticket for tonight. If I win lotto you can go ahead & hate me but I promise to do good with the money 🙂   [all photos (except the cute grafitti guy from last year) taken October 4, 2011  by Richard Budman for Chevrolet Canada  

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expansion of the universe is accelerating

It’s hard to wake up, I could stay in bed all day but NO! Meeting Keri for coffee and gonna drive some cars. Remember last time we drove cars? Took a few veee-dubs round a race track with a pro driver. See Das Awesome for the vids. BTW did you see that Scientists in the US and Australia won the Nobel Prize in Physics “for the discovery of the accelerating expansion of the universe,” SMH has the full story. Who knew Aussies were so smart, hahaha. I kid, I kid, I love Australia. #kiwi Once again I’m running behind because I’m addicted to documenting. Need to get camera ready for my live debut on I’ll Tweet before I go on so you can tab your browser to and see ME! Want me to give you a shoutout? [View the story “casie adventure #10741 (age in days)” on Storify] New Gaga w/ Tony vid out today.

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