monday mashup

It’s gettin’ chilly and I don’t mind. I really hate being cold but I also love wool sweaters and staying inside. I got a new bed this weekend and it’s as my hips so you have to jump up. I feel like a Princess, I’ve never loved my own room so much. I’ll be spending most the winter there now. Room transformation is coming along good too. I have thrown out more crap in the last three days than ever in my life. Determined to shed things I do not need so I only have the things I want. Next stop is the closet, then Goodwill. It feels great to get rid of stuff, new addiction coming, I can feel it. I will NOT be a hoarder. Measuring Tape Girl screening went well yesterday. I quite enjoy short films, so much packed into a small time frame. Lots of creativity. I’ve got one that needs some attention. Hope to have done before 2012. Here’s myself w/ Chrissy from Vocab Communications, Marco, director and Jessica the lead. I want to be in a movie. It’s about time I had a meeting with my agent and sussed out how we can make that happen. Big American Apparel warehouse sale coming up. Remmeber the last AA Rummage Sale? It was MEGA. Luckily we got line bypass (Thanks Joey!). The deals were really, really good. Hipster heaven. Go early, bring cash. In other news, saw this on TheGrid, Nuit Blanche Animated. I love animated, you know this. I’ve made a commitment to drink the juices today and do the cleanse. I am determined to do it. I am strong.  Yesterday I wasn’t but today I am. Amazing how you change one day to the next. I think Monday has a lot to do with it. I miss not having a bike. I have a new…

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Don’t let the rain get you down, feel it on your face, feel alive!

For Nuit Blanche last night I was in disguise, Keri too. Some interesting findings from our art installation that I will share with you later. It is amazing the difference from my usual blonde hair  to these long brown locks. SHOCKING really. Big ups & thanks to the team at Travelling Hitmen. They sent me a huge box of shirts & goodies. This one is my fav. WATCH YOUR BACK. Hitmen be commin’. <a href=”″ target=”_blank”>View ” ” on Storify</a> Screening of Measuring Tape Girl is today (2pm & 4pm) at the National Film Board. I’ll be there all afternoon hosting & doing interviews. The film is about self expression & blogging. I just finished pre-screening it. Looking forward to chatting about it with the director.

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She’s Connected Social Media Conference – Speaker

I was tweeting via iPad while I was on stage. View “Some of my fav Tweets from the She’s Connected Social Media Conference” on Storify Panel after me had Wendy & Raymi on it. Good day. Sitting with some nice peeps right now. They were nice enough to give me a seat at their table. Stephen and I are interviewing She’s Connected Organizer Donna and an attendee at the end of the day.

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I should be getting ready, I’m addicted to blogging…

I love this time of year. For me it’s all about working hard, trying to get the most done, cleaning clutter and getting ready to hibernate and foster ideas for the winter. You too? Keri‘s inspired me to get rid of heaps of crap. She’s ditching EVERYTHING. Went to her emporium yesterday, picked up few nic nak’s plus a couch and bed stuff. Lauren is moving too and I scored a book shelf from her. Oh yeah! Thanks besties 🙂 The next week is mega re-org of all my things.  Got this yesterday! Yippee. Casie Stewart: This Is My Life has been nominated for the 2011 Canadian Weblog Awards in the Life category. The 2011 Canadian Weblog Awards are a juried competition with nominations open in 37 categories between January 1st and October 31st, 2011. The nominees shortlist will be announced on December 1st, 2011, and the winners will be announced on January 1, 2012.    I told myself  (and you) I’d start the Total Cleanse juices today but it needs to be Sunday post Nuit Blanche. I’ll be up all night and there’s a good chance I might have a drinks. I’m also at conference most the afternoon and … I know I’m making excuses. SHUT UP CASIE!! Looking forward to it though.  I’ll be drinking these six juices for three days. They look yummy! I’m seriously going to try & follow the rules. I am writing this down so I must stay true to my word, and you, blog. Sunday I’m hosting the film screening for Measuring Tape Girl at the National Film Board so I won’t be up THAT late. If you are on camera and up late the night before IT SHOWS BIG TIME. I learned that the hard way. I really need to get off the computer…

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Speaking | Social Media Marketing 101, Workplace One

What are you doing next Thursday evening? I’m speaking at Workplace One about social media & branding along with Daryl from Lou Dawgs/NextStep Consulting and Sheldon from Sysomos. Workplace One is a shared boutique office space for entrepreneurs, professionals and anyone in between. It’s gorgeous in there! This is a free event and a great opportunity to learn about social media for your small business or personal brand. We’ll be talking branding, analytics, monitoring, how to grow your audience and more.  Food had been generously donated by  Lou Dawgs and beverages by Natural Vines and Steamwhistle. We have limited space available so please register sooner than later. For more information see the event page here or leave your questions in the comments. Hope you can make it 🙂  

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Redefinition: A re-definition can change the world.

This year’s TedX theme was Redefinition “A changing definition can be the most powerful force on Earth. A re-definition can change the world.”. Great job by the entire team. I left Friday feeling inspired, that we are the future and we are changing the world around us. Took some street style to see what the smart kids were wearing Friday at TedXToronto. Lots of babes in the house. When I say house I mean Royal Conservatory of Music, Telus Centre. Awesome work by the organizing team  (below). See the guy on the far right? Co-Chair Ryan Merkley and I served as founding members of the Youth Advisory Committee Council in Cambridge 10+ years ago. I was Director of Public Relations, he was Chair. We governed youth issues that affected Cambridge youth with the City Council. That was my first real experience with PR! Dr. Draw was amazing on the violin. Dancers were great too. Sep 23, 2011 | Source: This performance was controlled by words used combined with the #tedxtoronto hashtag. VIP Loved this kid, Nicholas, 17 year old math whiz who’s invented a new way to micro search the web. Fascinating. Great talk by David Miller. Afterparty was at Steamwhistle! Lovely to hang out with my kiwi girl Kristen. O’Nizz and I love photobooth.

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Speaking | Connecting Digital Women & Brands

Thursday & Friday this week Toronto hosts the She’s Connected Social Media Conference which brings together hundreds of women from across Canada who have a passion for digital, social and all things online. Friday at 1pm I am speaking on a panel called “Social Media Rock stars: Veteran, New and rising stars” with a whole bunch of successful Canadian women in media. Panel includes: Carrie Burrows , Proud member of the Walt Disney World Mom’s Panel Casie Stewart , Lifestyle Blogger, Personality & Co-founder GenYTO Christine Cushing , TV Personality, Chef & Entrepreneur Tracy Moore , Host, CityLine, City TV Lianne Phillipson-Webb ,Founder, Sprout Right Shannon Mischuk , Blogger, Shasher’s Life Moderator Tom Gierasimczuk , Editor in Cheif, Marketing Magazine Unfortunately, the event is not open to the public but I do have a public event coming up October 6th at Workplace One that you can attend. I’ll get details about that out to you today or tomorrow. Hope you are having an awesome day 🙂

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I love this city.

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would you like to come for a sail? yes, yes i would.

Went sailing on Lake Ontario yesterday with a friend. It was great. Felt like a mini-vacation. Meet Bandit. I love this city, so damn pretty. Cue Mickey Avalon, So Rich, So Pretty. I can only imagine how lovely it was for Mum on her sailing trip. I absolutely love, love, love sailing. Nothing like being on the water. It was just windy enough to get a little speed. This one reminds me of you Mum. Blogged most of this from a taxi on my Macbook Air using Telus mobile 3G wifi en route to the Telus Centre for TEDxToronto. WHOA. THE FUTURE is friendly!!

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Gladstone Hotel Melody Bar Relaunch

Last night the Gladstone Hotel held a packed party to celebrate the relaunch of their Melody Bar! I stopped by to check it out and grab some pictures. Busy bar! Yummy looking snacks. Brock talking business 😉 Tunes spinning! And speaking of tunes… Gentleman Reg was there! He’s just as nice as he is handsome. Have you heard/seen/fallen in love with his Stevie Nicks “Wild Heart” cover yet? Here! Enjoy! Thanks so much Gladstone! I’ll be back soon. xo Kate        

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Toronto Tweed Ride: A dashing metropolitan ride in style!

I recently had a photoshoot early one morning in Kensington with some lovely bike enthusiast and former Mayor, Mr. Miller. We were decked out in tweed and vintage digs gearing up for the Toronto Tweed Ride October 16th in Toronto. (My brain is programmed to type Tweet not Tweed. Stop it CASIE!) The leisure ride starts at Trinity Bellwoods and raises money for Bikes without Borders‘ work in Africa. It’s also chance to ride in style. You know I love a good dress up! What is a Tweed Ride? Tweed Rides are a worldwide phenomenon, started in London in the fall of 2009 as “The Tweed Run London.”  Promoted as a slower-paced “metropolitan ride with a bit style” they dressed up in tweeds, rode their bikes through London streets celebrating the bike and raising money for a good cause. Where do we meet?  We will leave Trinity Bellwoods Park at 3pm, through the gates on Queen St. at the traffic light travelling east. There will be a loud bell (or something obvious like a trumpet/trombone) signalling the start of the ride. How do I join? To register for the 2011 Tweed Ride Toronto, visit the registration page.  All funds raised will support Bikes Without Borders‘ work in Malawi, Africa. If you have any questions see the info site here or leave a comment. I’m better with questions like “What are you gonna wear? What am I going to wear?!”.  I hope you will join us. Cheeriooooooo!

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It’s Over.

The last week has been a whirlwind of crazy awesome. I love Toronto International FIlm Fest. So many people, parties and places. Kate took heaps of photos at Festival Music House last night and will post tomorrow.  I’m about to leave town for a few days to recharge my batteries. Very necessary after a week of non-stop events. I’m looking forward to trees and lake and very few humans. What did you like most about TIFF? I loved meeting Clive Owen at Strombo’s party. Was out for cigs with Aussie actor Geoffrey Rush from The Kings Speech at Mod Club last night too. You will never be younger than you are today, do something fabulous! Love you xo

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Sheepdogs and Lights at Mod Club

Awesome time last night at the Festival Music House. Having it at The Mod Club is so much better for the music compared to last year’s event at Roosevelt Room. See all posts from last year’s event here. Lots of music industry peeps & execs were there. We caught Lights and The Sheepdogs.  Mum, next time there’s a Sheepdoggy show I am taking you. These good pix from are from RockIt on Flickr. I didn’t take my camera (again). Heard Lights just got engaged. Congrats sista. Remember that time she did a shout out to me and all my “internet amazingness“. Props to her for being so adorable. I think she’s great. I wore these down a$$ tiger tights Secret sent me. Rarrrrrrrr! For a girl who hardly ever wears pants, a shipment of tights like this really kick starts the winter wardrobe. This year for Fall/Winter they have lots of texture (light rib, cable rib), colour blocking and animal print. I practically screamed when I opened the package. THANK YOU SECRET! Sammy & I are heading back to Mod Cub for the final night of Festival Music House. If you see me, say hi!

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we will all be history one day

[<a href=”” target=”blank”>View the story “I got to thinking about how many times I am late or tired from Blogging.” on Storify]</a>

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George Strombo’s TIFF Takeover at The Hazelton

Cue Katy Perry TGIF cause last Friday night Keri, Lauren and I had an awesome time at The Hazelton and I’d do it allllllllll again.Red carpet love from your three fav blondes 🙂 There were thousands of people gathered around watching. I wore a top from Bicyclette, American Apparel Late Night Disco Shorts and Jeffrey Campbell pixie wedges with Zebra nails & matching purse. Most of these next photos are from Keri’s blog, check it here. I didn’t take camera. I spy Julian & I met CLIVE OWEN. I love him. My fav role he played was in Closer with Natalie, Julia and Jude. He was beautiful and charming in person, just like in my dreams. Mega swoon. Bono, Jason Reitman, Gerard Butler, Juliette Lewis, Jon Hamm and heaps more celebs were there too. Thanks for another great party George. CBC Live tweeted that we were there along with all the celebs. How cool is that Mum?! Finally met Amber Mac. Her name comes up all the time, she said the same, although we had never met in person before. Super nice girl. Been following her for years. Sarah Was super cute and said “ahhh my fav bloggers all together”. Her post is here. More blonde blogging babes! Lynsie is covering Fashion Week in London. Congrats girl! Kris was my fav meet of the evening. I was certain he was Chris Martin from Coldplay but he is an actor on Tudors who is also a Pentathlon, riding and fencing champion. Mega catch there. For sure my fav party of the whole Toronto Film Festival. It was great to see all kinda of people I hardly see on the regular. Thanks Strombo & CBC for doing it up again this year.  You were a good date too Keri 🙂

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TedXToronto: September 23, 2011

I’m happy to my acceptance as a Delegate for  TedXToronto on September 23! I attended last  year and it was quite riveting. For details on how you can take part in the conference go here. There’s a few speakers this year I know personally so I’m really looking forward to being there. Not sure who the hosts are. These are two of my favourite videos from the speaker vids created by my friends at The Biz Media. First up is Movember co-founder Adam Garone and second Rob Spence. Reckon you’ll find them quite moving 🙂 Dropped off a bday present for Emma at Sammy’s work today and have had this song stuck in my head. It’s real pretty. Give a listen, you will like it too. Tonight is the Diet Coke TIFF party. Two more nights of TIFF before it’s over! Gah. Mega tiring. Gonna take a city break and go visit Mum this weekend.

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TIFF Social Media Lodge and Gifting Lounge

Friday I attended the TIFF Social Media Lodge & gifting lounge at FSTOP on King street. Lots of great people and products. Thank you to event hosts Chrissy @ Vocab Communications, Gordon @ Social Lodge, Jeff @ Real TV Films and George @ TCHAD.

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Hey Skywalker!


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The Gladstone Hotel gets a Makeover

You’ll see a few familiar faces in this little ditty from the Gladstone for the re-launch of the Melody Bar next week. Stoked for the change in weather so I can bust out my real clothes. Shoes Jeffrey Campbell, shirt Joe Fresh, Lipstick Dior, Bag Nella Bella, Shorts Victoria Secret, Hair Darren Kwik Studio. Darren gave me a fresh shave yesterday. GO SEE HIM. He is awesome and will treat you like gold cause you are my friend. Discount too. His Twitter is @DKWIKSTUDIO. Stay of the show, ZOE! She is SUPER cute and I has a charming blog.     MEGA babe. Wicked style. Melody Bar opens next week. Stay tuned for party deets. Slow clap 😉

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always have a dream that is longer than a lifetime

Thought of you when I saw this Mum. Orange hearts painted outside Roy Thompson Hall. Orange tie. Mel. Everyone was ringing their bike bells for Jack. I Rang mine heaps too. I love how he inspired positivity in so many people. Has anyone in Canada had an impact like this before? I loved the old photos and seeing things people made for him. Few cans of orange crush too. Drum practice at N.P.Square. Huge clap when his daughter talked about his fashion sense in the early years. The funeral was beautiful. Music, singing, kind words. You were awesome Jack Layton. Your spirit will live on in me and so many people. Your funeral was touching. (I balled my eyes out to be honest.) Biked all over with Keri looking at the chalk and reading messages people wrote you. Everyone clapped and sang at your funeral. Tears, smiles and lots of love. You made the world a better place. I will do my best too. Thank you ♥ * title is a Jack quote 🙂 [View the story “Jack Layton Funeral” on Storify]

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The solution already exists.

Full on day yesterday. I love being busy but sometimes I wonder what it’s like to work 9-5pm and leave your work at home. I used to do that a few years ago but how easy you forget. Got a one year membership to Bixi from my friends at Telus yesterday. Stephen and I met with branding team about our show that launches in less than a month. We’ve got some neat stuff planned with some pretty cool people. The show is called Ay Caramba Career Show and it will air Thursday night’s at 6pm EST starting September 8th. We’ll be talking about chat about careers in emerging industries & trends. To sign up for all the deets go here and we’ll keep you posted. Stephen is pretty funny and I reckon you will enjoy his rhymes and jokes. Today I’m filming a video with the Gladstone Hotel for the relaunch of the Melody Bar. Stopping by Doll Bar to see my ladies & get some feathers in my hair. Darren is doing my hair at Darren Kwik studio. Both spots are on Queen Street and will give you 10% off your purchase. Go see them! They’ve been taking wonderful care of me. 🙂 Title of this post is very valuable information I learned for my lawyer last night. I’m doing all kinds of new things & emerging industries so I figure best to run them by an expert. He told me to think about that when there is a problem and the solution is already out there, we just have to find it. Read a bunch of Jack Layton’s tweets last night. Quite sad over his passing. I really liked him. His funeral is Saturday at Roy Thompson Hall. I’m going. There’s petition to have the CN Tower orange for him. I hope Rob Ford…

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grind it.

Last week I went into Grindhouse Burger Bar to test out their burgers. They’re in a city wide burger challenge so my friend/owner Rob invited me in to taste the goodness. I was starving at the time so it worked out awesome. No Coke or Pepsi products, Cane Cola has been around for over 100 years and uses real cane sugar. Was impressed to learn that all their menu items are made in-house. This includes ketchup & all the sauces! They have a bunch of fancy burgers but I went for their gourmet big mac style. You know I love my maccas. These onion rings were SO good. 🙂 Grindhouse is one of 4 Toronto Burger joints downtown who are up for to win ‘Best Burger‘ during the Hot & Spicy Food Festival. The winner demos the winning burger recipe with a “Hot & Spicy” side. Event is hosted by Catherine Jheon, writer and content producer for It all goes down Friday, September 2 at Harbourfront Centre @ 9pm. See ya there! Vote for Grindhouse here. Thanks for lunch Rob. Hope you guys win!

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exhibitIKEA: realms of bliss realms of light some are born to sweet delight

I cruised by this the night before it opened and snapped a bunch of shots in the dark. Yesterday I creeped into the beautiful art installation exhibit by IKEA at King & Peter. It’s in collaboration with Canadian fashion designer David Dixon, fashion & design photographer George Whiteside, sculptor Bruno Billio and Thrush Holmes, popular artist, painter & owner of Thrush Holmes Empire. I love the creativity. I could live here. Maybe one day I will.     These photos were taken the night before it opened and shot from outside.

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tv on the internet

Coming soon to a screen near you. HI from a park in Mississauga Aug 8, 2011 | Source: Hi from the new Fox & Fiddle on Fort York! Aug 5, 2011 | Source: hi from a photoshoot w/ @laurenonizzle! Aug 3, 2011 | Source: hi from taxi Aug 12, 2011 | Source:

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Gladstone Tweetgasm August 2011: Brock + Sockhop

This month’s Tweetgams was Monday night The Gladstone  hosted by the lovely Brock McLaughlin. Doesn’t he look like James Dean. Swoon. Tweetgasm is fun. I’m going to host one in October. Stay tuned for that. Boogie down baby. I went for 60’s Twiggy mod. Auditioned for a ghosty show today with Lauren O’Nizzle. It was fun. I hope they pick us. There were some nice outfits. I’m going to have a theme for my Tweetgasm too. Idea submissions encouraged. THE END.

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hey rainbow.

Yesterday on Queen Street outside the Gladstone Hotel.

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stella block party was a stellar block party, blog party.

Welcome to the party. Please drink responsibly. The lights were  my love of the night. More of this please. So pretty. These shots are so tumblrey or hipster bride. If you are reading this and getting married (I know there’s a few!) and don’t know Hipster Bride yet, well, be thankful you are reading this now. It’s full of inspiration. This one is cool. Beautiful clear sky & bright moon tonight. I love this city. Reminded me a bit of the supermoon, that night was special. Bit of a stalk party, cameras everywhere. I bet they make a wicked video from the night. Saw a couple videographers capturing moments in time. Look at that sky & view, so nice. Loved people walking by wondering what the heck this ‘pop up party’ was. Lights and music were in everyones eyes & ears. You couldn’t miss it. There was a lineup the entire night. You‘re alright but I’m here, darling, to enjoy the party. Now THIS is cool. Never seen one of these before… Say, wha? What’s a beer pumper? Oh yes, this is a beer pumper my friends. Trexxx on the TAPS! OMG YES! (Ok, wasn’t actually working but still cool.) Want that truck to put out MY fire ifyaknowhatimean. Had a bunch of peeps I’ve never met IRL who read my blog come say HI. HI GUYS, nice meeting you! Truly great meeting people who read/love this blog and no it’s not creepy/weird when you say “Hi, my name is ____ and I read your blog/follow you Twitter/FB.” (Google+ would be kinda creepy though to be honest. Ha. Seriously.) Always say HI, I love it. There were a ton of babes on the block. Seriously, babes everywhere. Nice one Keri for winning the contest & getting to host the party downtown.…

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