TGIF: i apologize to everyone & kiss my mommy

Twitter: His name has been trending all freaking day and every news station as well as Youtube and Ustream broadcasted the apology today. Also Twitter trending is #tigershouldve. What the hell has our world come to? It was if President Obama was making a statement about national security or something. Sheeeeeeeeesh. Google: Buzz…into it…kinda. Seems to be pulling in my Tweets in slow-time not real-time. Good thing I updated my Google Profile days before Buzz launched. Internet: Just discovered Caveman Circus today. Awesome does not even describe it. It’s a Men’s entertainment site dedicated to all the things men care to waste time on. Have fun 😉 Facebook: Tonight MTV is doing web-only LIVE screening of the new movie ‘Turn the Beat Around‘  at 7p EST.  You can watch the entire movie and chat LIVE on the MTV Facebook Fan Page. It’s so they can get feedback before it airs on TV later this month. Preeeeety cool. Wonder if we’ll see more movies on FB this year? Seems like a good idea. Gonna check it out tonight. Have a great day dudes TGIF!

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turn upside down and shake the creative salt

This is my favorite quote of the day: “There’s a lot to be said for not giving two flying fuck’s Mr. Darwin.” It’s from my book, I’ve been reading Generation A by Douglas Coupland. I like it. It’s interesting.  He Tweets.  I quite enjoyed a this bit of the book today when one of the characters, Zack said “To cope with this realization I chose nature’s ultimate ego-preservation tool: I chose not to give a shit”. This book had a good story to me before I even cracked the spine. I won’t tell you after I read it. I love this time of year when the seasons change. Magic.

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socialnomics? does that make you a socialnomist?

Sprung out of bed and yawned out loud, the sun was on my face. Slugged to the kitchen, to the loo, not yet in a race. My mind, it slipped me…such good sleep! I saw the clock, I was in SHOCK… I was nearly late! For brunch today, I was graced with the lovely presence of British, Bangs and a Bun writer Muireann Carey-Campbell. I pulled up to see her locking her bike up in a cute blue dress, bangs and a bun and all. It’s one of the hottest days so far, I wore the Edie dress.  Gah, I’d rather bike in my bathing suit. We had some damn good laughs over brekky. Looking forward to reading about he life in NY and Japan. I’m waiting for friends to come over and go swimming. The air is like a thick brick cloud and it sticks to you when you walk through it. This video has been circulating on Twitter today and I found it to be quite interesting.

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you’ve won an all inclusive vacation to balconia

Nice outside today. I had a teacher in college that said he was spending the summer in beautiful Balconia and I  assumed it was somewhere in Europe. Nope, Blaconia = balcony, as in your own. It’s a more mod and exotic way to say the now popular term ‘staycation’. These are something things in my room I like a lot. Natalie Dee = favorite comic. She’s a riot. She posts new ones everyday. I have heaps of hers saved to look at later. This is a good one. One of my first blog stickers is on the bottom. One of my most favorite photos us us girls. It was in the back yard at Mum’s one summer. It’s been ages since I went home. I reckon i’m due. We used to have this Zen page-a-day calendar at home back in the 1990’s.  I always really like the Shakespeare ones.

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i’d like one casie bot please, rush delivery

I met a Robot the other day. I was freaked right out. I was freaked right out because I kinda thought it was real.  I didn’t clue in to the fact that there was guy walking around hiding and being his voice. haha.  I told Sabrina and she thought it was so cute that I didn’t get it. Made her giggle. I’ve seen robots on the internet that really do talk and it was at a computer thing so I though it could be real, ok. We made a video for all my friends on the internet and it’s taking ages to upload…so here’s two seconds. for now so you can hear the voice. His name is D3 and he works for Dell. I think having a robot would be pretty cool yet creepy at the same time.  I’d like if CasieBot could go to work for me…and make me dinner…and drive me around. I’m sure I could find a few jobs for her.

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some kind of broken social scene

 Last night the Harbourfront Centre was a buzz with fans of Broken Social Scene. I was looking forward to it and it was music to my ears. It was so crowded that it in itself, was a broken social scene. Cool crowd though, mix of hipsters, families, public drunken-ness and the smell of pot in the air. I love Toronto.   The best thing about it was that the whole BSS crew was on stage  including Feist, Amy Millan, Emily Haines and the boys. I didn’t bother to climb through the crowd but has Ryan has some closer photos and this one was my favorite. Look at Emily, so cute. I made an amazing emo video walking through the crowd as Metric was on and Emily was singing Gimme Sympathy. For some reason, it got deleted when I added it to my computer. So sad, I can feel it in my bones.  It was beautiful and the sun was setting.  Ran into lots of people but the one who made me most happy is Levey. The boy’s been in Korea for ages and I’ve not seen him in at least a year. Those are the best run-ins. The long-time-no-see-love-you-miss-your-guts kind. It was a really pretty night.  

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a brief interruption

In case you were wondering, or if you weren’t, I’m gonna tell you anyways.. I’m still vibrating my eyelashes every morning with the Maybelline mascara. The mascara is really quite good. Been a while since I actually liked one for the product vs. the price. Smelling ever so sexy in Givenchy Play.  Play comes out in August and features Justin Timberlake in sexy photos. Maybe you remember my sexy ones to match? I’ve got a new pair of prescription glasses on the way from Glasses USA thank-you-very-much. Black rimmed ones like an old man but good for a young lady. Tomorrow night is #Genyto at the London Tap house downtown. I’m looking forward to seeing smiling faces like the ones in this photo of @kathrynboland,@rlangdon, @MichelSavoie & @kevrichard . There will be lots of cool kids there. It’s Rayanne’s birthday too so look the fuck out. Someone on Twitter just said I look like Toni Collette bur more bitchin’. That’s hot.

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there’s a lot of babes that live around here

You know what’s fun? The recycled rubber they use as the ground on kids play things in parks. Had a blast jumping on that stuff last night. You should try it if you haven’t, just don’t fall. I think you’re gonna like my friend she said, her name is Jessie and she’s kinda like you. Kinda? Hmm. Red/black vs pink/white, side shave, same height, smiley and fun attitude. Yeah, just a bit.  My pink is fading, gonna get it fixed tomorrow. The bbq area on top of Sobey’s is visible to anyone over 4 floors at Cityplace and last night it was rocking. It’s kinda like being at a club just you’re not at a club and bottle service is cheaper. A private club, I like that.

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cover me in rainbows and let me dance all night

Every year when the party is over I think, that was the best Pride ever. Then, when the next year rolls around it seems to be ever more fun than the last. Definitely the case again this year.   On Saturday we went out the Northbound party in the then hit up Subspace. I had quite the outfit that night! There’s something so awesome about wearing latex. Didn’t make it to the Parade on Sunday, watched it from homer instead. The live coverageon CP24 was totally humiliating. Matt Babel and the other girl were not funny at all and they kept saying the gayest things. I don’t mean gay as in gay pride, I mean ‘dude, that was so not funny’ kinda gay. There is a big difference. We danced the night away at Fusion to the dirty beats of Mr. Matt C. It’s been a while since I heard tunes that really moved me like that. It was awesome. There were a heap of really cool peeps there. Had a blast hanging out with them all including this dude…. and this babe… The thing about Pride weekend is that every one is so happy and open and free. The people are nice. There’s not attitude, well, except from the diva’s but that’s not frowned upon. I saw a hottie doing something I’d never seen before…fork as a cig holder. Um, yeah! FYI, pobably works a-ok as a roach clip too if youre in a jam. Overall, awesome weekend. Hopefully my voice comes back  but until then, I’m reminded of just how awesome Toronto is as a city and I know we throw the best Pride. The rain also held up pretty good despite the forecast, told you my theory was true. I found this dude to be super creepy. Before…

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it’s hard to hear when the music is pounding

i have a dude voice from me on Vimeo.

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gearing up for the best party of the year dudes

Canadian Track and Field Champs last night, got a media pass (p.s. it’s cool to blog). I found it nerve wracking to watch a friend race. It was beautiful sitting there in the sun.  I love summer nights. I got to go on the track and I also got flowers because Jeff won a medal. Girls love getting flowers.  Baton Rouge for dinner was not really that good, I expected better. That’s what you get for setting expectations!I was thinking about making voice notes on my bike ride to work. I always have great ideas but typing on my non-qwerty keyboard while riding is like a deathtrap. God, Mum’s prolly having a heart attack thinking about that. I think it will be fun to voice note, upload. Morning ride podcast maybe. I was practicing chatting to myself this morning and enjoying it as I so often do. We’re good friends, me and my thoughts.  Haha, crazy person. There’s gonna be so much Michael Jackson at Pride this weekend. Wore Superman undies today, Spiderman yesterday and Big Bird the day before. Having a theme week I think…leading up to dancing in the street  & fun outfits all weekend.  I really hope it’s sunny on Sunday. It never rains on Pride. I think it’s all the positive energy and gayness that the universe joins forces with mother nature to keep the sun shining down on everyone.  Yeah, that’s my theory. I’m still using the vibrating mascara. I like it. If you wanna get a coupon for it and try it out Matchstick & Maybelline give you one here. My site’s been kinda slow lately and I’m gonna fix the baby and make some changes this weekend. Sorry, it bugs me too.  Lunch bike ride time.  Have a good day.

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i like when the sun shines through the clouds

I love biking in the rain. It’s so refreshing riding through the puddles. Yesterday I rode home and I got 100% soaked. It was great. The rain was warm and the only thing that make it not great was that I don’t have my Wellies. Bugger, still haven’t found them. The other day before it decided to rain so much we hit up the Spoke patio for a friends event. We pretty much just went for sitting in the sun. It’s so lovely up there in the early evening.  We’re not buying condo’s at the moment. I’ve had a couple thoughts of moving back down under lately.We were surely the youngest people there. It was kinda funny because there were these cougars who had very obviously had their share of work done and they were snarking at us and giving us cut eye. Michka was ready to snap but she kept her cool.  There were lots of fake boobs around. Beans was looking sexy like a Miami real estate agent. I liked it. It fit with the whole theme of the night.  I really enjoyed watching the photog’s creep around with their cameras. It was pretty awkward. They’d make eye contact and mutter “Photo?” or “Take your photo?”. I think I’d hate that job, always rather have photo taken really. I met a really cool girl but I can’t remember her name. Not suprising! We went off  about Facebook and Twitter and Blogging, the internet, my favorite stuff.  She said she was gonna read and comment on blog. I like when people do that, not just say they will. I’m sure she’s out there somewhere. I’d really appreciate if the sun would come out already.

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there’s a club house they hang out at

I’ve made friends with a couple peeps at The Musebox a record label that stems from Vice Mag who rep a heap of cool indie bands.  The coolest things about it being their friend is that I get to hear about all kinds of cool shiz before anyone else does and tickets to events. I recently watched a vid of the Cancer Bats at the Adrift Club house right here in lovely TO.  My friend Justin was recently in NZ, AUS and UK. I snagged this guy from his FB album, that’s him on the right with the dirt stash and sneeky smile. I got hooked up with tickets to go see Patrick Wolf and some other hipster bands for the Nylon Magazine Summer Music tour tomorrow night. It’s gonna be a fun time.  Sabrina’s my date already, sorry. I have  another friend by the name of  Sean Goodchild. He is total babe and a very talented. We went to high school together and he was rocking it then and he is also rocking now.  I hope Mum remembers him when she reads this. He used to do an amazing Stomp show when we had the school talent thingy.  His new band is called Two Crown King. His voice makes me swoon. I was listening on myspace and I was taken back to when  I used to dream he was singing to me in high school. One more thing,  if you don’t know it yet, I heart you online.

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island adventure guy

I had a stellar weekend. It was super sunny and I made the most of it. On Saturday I went to the island with Raymi , Phil and friends. Lots happening on the island on a lovely Saturday. There were heaps of kids in interesting costumes. I wanted to get close to take their photos but didn’t bother.  I’ll just keep those memories to myself. There’s  an art installation that plays music when you bike. We found it to be quite fun. The island it really pretty. I haven’t been for ages. Next time I’ll take my bike for sure. There’s a zillion photos from the whole day. This is the art work out, good thing Raymi got it on video so you can enjoy reliving the excitement. There’s more photos Raymi’s blog. She posted yesterday. I slacked off and made a nice dinner for friends and avoided the internet. The ferry ride back to the mainland is way more fun once you’ve spent the afternoon in the sun drinking beer. We all went back to my house for some pizza and swimming. It was great.

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yeah, i’m totally an expert

Today I Mastermind in MaRS… Social Mastermind brings together a diverse mentor network of social media strategists, marketing specialists, advertising gurus, and public relations experts (ME) to help put together the foundations of a viable and impactful campaign. Read more here.

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it’s good be a crazy cool kiwi girl

About two yearsago I worked at Hemingways, a Kiwi pub in Toronto or a couple months.I was working away on the patio one night and had been watching Conchords on HBO non-stop for about a month. It was On Demand andI could not get enough of it. I saw this one guy who had the most uncanny resemblance to Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords. At the same time,  I had also been checking out this cute boy who looked kinda like Brett Mackenzie, also from FOTC. I always have a thing for those cute ones that have the Sam Roberts hair. Seperately, I told them about FOTC, at the time it was a hilarious Kiwi show that hardly anyone had heard of. The were both nice and said  ‘ok, sounds kinda cool’ but I needed evidence. I rounded them up like sheep and got them together for a pic. Totally awesome. First pic is the real ones and the other two pictures are the fakes. They look just like ’em!

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added information or an observation

I recently met Sean Ward. He writes a blog, draws cartoons, raps and is one cool ass dude. After we met he checked out my blog and left a few comments. That sparked his idea about  the etiquette behind blog commenting. Especially when you just met the person or aren’t part of that blog’s community. We shared some thoughts over Facebook this week about our feelings on the topic. The conversation can be found on Sean’s awesome blog at

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she’s smart and sexy at the same time

When I was in Florida I met this adorable darling from Louisiana. She shocked me with what she does to fill up her time…I found it to be very interesting. Much different from my life in IT blogging away in Toronto. She’s working on a crazy Ph.D and also does fetish porn, similar to what you’d find if you would Browse around tubev sex for top quality Milf sex. I know! I don’t think I’ve ever met anybody that’s a doctor and that appears on sites like videos hd xxx in their spare time. So, I wanted to interview her. She has some crazy stories and she’s cute as a button. As I’m sure you can imagine, stories don’t get much crazier than a porn star’s. Maybe if she does cam sex in the future on a site like LiveJasmin, you can ask her about them yourself ( questions frequentes). This is Part One of my interview with Fetish Porn Star Sicilia Ricci in New Orleans, Louisiana. That’s not your real name! Where did it come from & where do you come from? I really liked Sicilia, because my dad’s family is from Sicily. I grew up around a lot of my Italian family and I love the family recipes and all the yummy desserts. So, I thought Sicilia would be perfect! And then the Ricci just seemed to really flow. I really like going by Sici Ricci for short!!! You’re hot. Is the weather as hot as you in New Orleans? Thanks my little Cas-nugget! I think I am so hot because I live in New Orleans. There is nothing like New Orleans heat. Have you ever been to a lovely spa and had a luxurious treatment and then sat in there glorious sauna and felt all refreshed after…

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a social league of awesomeness

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99 Luftballons, Auf ihrem Weg zum Horizont

It’s been windy as in Toronto this year. I can’t rememeber it ever being THIS windy.  It’s the first of June and yesterday afternoon was a measly temperature somewhere around…bloody cold.  Tahnee, Beans (Sabrina) and I went for a lovely little jaunt in the wind which turned out to be quite an adventure. there was something in the air and on the ground… that’s not my computer from Casie Stewart on Vimeo.

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is she yours, yes, she’s mine

I love this scene in Closer. Natalie Portman is a favorite of mine. In this movie she moves me.  She plays this girl, so mysterious and naughty yet childlike and carefree. This is the only movie that has ever made me have strong feelings for at least two days after seeing it in theatres. The relationships between the characters are real and crowded with mixed messages. They are allso strong but weak at the same time. Pulling their feelings from one another and back to where they used to be. It’s my most favorite at 4:37 when she  says “Where is this love?  I can’t see it,  I can’t touch it.  I can’t feel it.  I can hear it.  I can hear some words, but I can’t do anything with your easy words.”  I used to watch Closer over and over. So many times  I found comfort in her honesty, the way she could just just let herself  be so open and vulnerable.  Meanwhile,  the whole time she was really just hiding.

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omg, i like totally LOVE walking

I’m just about to head off to Metro Hall to meet my team of Social Media Superheroes for the World Patrnership Walk. It’s nice out. It’s Sunday. Come walk with me. If you’re not coming, maybe you wanna donate to a good cause? Donating will also make me look cooler when they say how much everyone raised. This is my outfit.

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the poutine paper tummy tale

I am posting this as fair warning that you should really be more careful when eating AFTER drinking.  I was at Kitchen then Cadillac Lounge on Queen last night. Kitchen – music was HORRIBLE and we busted outta there before the night took over.  I felt like I was back at a grade 8 dance.  I was hoping to catch @tswizz and the #hypercube meetup at Caddy but the staff seemed clueless as to what I was talking about.  Not to worry, we had fun. I’ve been craving poutine since last weekend and then I got one. However, the paper got caught up in the fork, gravy, cheese and fries and ended up in my tummy. I was grossed out but I guess it won’t hurt too much. Be careful when eating! That is all I have to say about that. I’m going to Toronto Roller Derby tonight. I’ve never been before. It looks really rough, I’d never want to be a roller derby. I fall over enough on my own feet, nevermind on wheely shoes. Real women. Real hits. Real Heart.  I say, real awesome.

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wow, you’re all so good looking

The other day I had a lovely evening with some of TO’s best bloggers.  I’m quite happy to be included in the best and would have been really pissed if I wasn’t.  Seriously.  It was really awesome to meet the other blog kids, most of whom I only know from le internet.  I was surprised to really see how different we all are. Each person brings to the mix a different perspective on life and a different creative process of putting it online through their blog. This is a pic of a few of them, you can see more of the Toronto local bloggers on Flickr. From left to right I have Vanessa from, Ted Healy from Dead Robot, Sean Ward, Lisa Charleyboy from UrbanNativeGirlStuff, Raymi The Minx, and of course yours truly. We had Julian Brass of Notable TV there documenting the evening as we build Toronto’s first Top bloggers network. There is so much opportunity for advertisers to reach Toronto’s people through our blogs that get read by thousands of cool TO people and HEAPS of others around the world. If you want to chat about opportunities don’t hesitate to leave comment or contact me.  I’m stoked about where this is heading!! My dream of being a full time blogger WILL come true! Andrew Lewis has some good pix of us all.  Nice one of me here.

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we’re obviously huge nerds

A couple weeks ago I got together with some of the organizers behind the greatness that has now become the #genyto Meetups. After one month hiatus the meetup group is ready to rock on June 11 2009 at Pogue Mahone (Bay & College). This time it’s during NetChange week and is the official Thursday afterparty. These are the times I wish I was freelance so it didn’t matter what day of the week I planned a massive drink up. Urgh… I’ll be at NetChange on June 10 speaking about PR & Social Media for Charity etc. More detauls to come. Was quite honored when the founder of Redwire asked me to participate and speak about stuff I do. Tonight I join Toronto’s finest and funnest bloggers at the Spoke Club for a special meeting. Looking forward to it the drinks and hanging with babes like Sass & Raymi.  I’m stoked to meet some of the other top 12 in this fine city!! Ok, more Florida pix. Me in car and Miami Beach…at night.

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It Was a Very Special Factory | #Florida

I had a great weekend, this is obvious. However, there is something else…Mum I never told you I was going to this party because I didn’t want you to worry! This weekend in Florida marked the Festish Factory 14th Anniversary Weekend. It was my first time ever going to a fetish party and it just so happened to be the world’s biggest and best. I wasn’t able to bring my camera to the parties but there will eventually be some great photos that show up from the many professional photographers that were there. I can totally understand why people enjoy BDSM Dating now! Here’s one from my camera and one that my friend took of us before going out. I hung out with the cool kids known as the NYC Tribe. It was badass. Sunday night was the Fetish Ball and what a night that was! OMG. I’ll update this post as I get more pix. I met some really awesome and really hot people. I wore latex and leather and some other stuff too. If you ask me, maybe I’ll tell you. This red outfit was what I wore the first night. I didn’t want to be too crazy for my first night there. For my second night, my outfit was a bit more ‘out there’ and, I won’t tell you what, but I purchased some bits from… I’ll leave that to your imagination. I made friends with some lovely ladies from Boston & New Orleans. They have been to these parties before. I was super nervous yet excited, I had no idea what I was in for. It was amazing, I loved it. There were pool parties and afterparties all over the place and the whole hotel was full of people attending the event. You gotta go.…

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so hot – so fun – all sun

My friends picked me up from the airport and we went back to the hotel. It felt so nice to be in the hot hot sun and surrounded my air that was so warm.  I did lots of cool stuff like drink and tan and I even went to a nude beach. I was a good girl and didn’t take any photos  there (it’s VERY frowned upon).  I love going to nude beaches, I usually keep my bottoms on. You feel so free just hanging out and not having anyone really staring. I was with some babes and we frolicked in the waves which did in fact attract some attention. The girls were both buck , so I can see why!! My friend June (aka: June Bug or Sicilia Ricci)  from New Orleans got a really, really, big hot dog. I got a big pizza but her photo was way more entertaining. Look at the size of that wiener! MASSIVE UNIT! I think this is a very artistic one. As we were coming off the highway there are these people selling flowers. I can’t imagine what that must be like or how you even get into a job like that.  I wanted to capture a pure expression and snapped this photo of him.  It’s so real.

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