To Do List: Create a Gallery Wall

You know those things in your home that you mean to get done for days, weeks, months but them years go by and they still aren’t done? Sigh… I’ve got a spare room and gallery wall on my list along with all the sewing projects (that have been sitting for years). My friend told me that photo mounting helped her get through her wall gallery project quicker so I might consider that going forward. Came across this inspiration on the Globe this morning and am sharing for two purposes: 1) To tell you (ovbs) 2) To remind myself to actually do this I love this look and our home needs some love. I think some black and white prints could add a really classy aesthetic to this gallery wall, so I’ll be sure to do some research and find ones that I like best. This video gives some tips and will get your brain thinking. Found a bunch of help on Pinterest here too. You can check out 200+ of my fav art pieces on my Nuvango profile. Yes, I do work there but Nuvango but is also a great place to find affordable art for your new gallery wall! How to Create A Gallery Wall for Your Home

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Artness is All Around You

Saw a bunch of artistic things around today as I was out walking. One kinda crazy thing I saw was this let of kids mannequin legs out for the trash bin. Naturally, I snapped a photo and posted on Instagram. My friends at the AGO regrammed my photo as part of their #isartalien pop up. As I was on my way back to the office after lunch I saw that a mad had picked UP THE LEGS and was taking them somewhere. I creepily snapped this photo to document. You know how I do! Hopefully he is using them as a sculpture or something artistic… Somebody FOUND THE LEGS. — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) May 15, 2014 This table is at Ravi Soups, I thought it looked lovely with the chairs and floor pattern. The floor in there was super slippery from the rain so I was concentrating on it quite a bit. These guys are workin’ on the railroad near our house. All the live-long day. My rose coloured glasses seem to add a brightness to everything despite the dreary rainy day. I’m really looking forward to the weekend. More than ever, really. I feel like I need a vacation, even if only for a few days. Sending sunshine your way! <3 CASIE

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Happy Birthday! The Drake Hotel Turns 10!

Last Thursday The Drake Hotel celebrated it’s 10th birthday. I started the night on the roof sipping cocktails and catching up with some of the girls I used to work with at Community. BTW the lobster poutine and popcorn shrimp are both SO GOOD. Before heading home I joined in the birthday celebration fun that filled the building. Here’s a sneak peek into the festivities! All photos by Becca Lemire for She Does the City. See the full set here. Me & Tanvi Fonzy rocked the stage w/ his new band   There was a huge cake piñata Love his makeup tho Can you believe I’ve been GOING to The Drake Hotel for almost ten years!? It’s always a place you can go for a good time to start your night or finish it off. I’ve certainly closed down the place a few times. It’s a spot I always run into a familiar face or make new friends. Happy Birthday Drake Hotel, you’ll always have a special place in my heart. <3 CASIE

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Work/Life: GelaSkins Update for Y’all!

Well hello from my new office at GelaSkins! I’ve been here for a week and I thought it’s time to post a lil’ update.  I’ve joined the team as Social Media Director and over the next few months I’ll be building a team and helping strategize how to make waves for some exciting company news. I’m loving it so far and working with awesome people. What is GelaSkins?   We have a very cool office. This is only one little sneak peek! The space is super creative with art everywhere, hardwood floors, gaming, AppleTV, sweet couches, full kitchen, and a gym downstairs. There’s also a roof top patio and beer taps. It’s great the office is a 10 walk from our house too.  I get two songs in from door to door. 🙂 News about my new gig was published last week on Canada’s top Tech website TechVibes and this week in Marketing Magazine ‘On The Move‘ section. Woot! When I joined MuchMTV, Metro did a story about about blogging my way to MTV and last year when I joined Community, Marketing Mag wrote ‘The Perks of Being an Influencer‘ (with that great shot by Steve Carty!). Quotes from the News & GelaSkins Co-Founder TechVibes:  “This is an exciting time for GelaSkins as a company,” says Drew Downs, CEO of GelaSkins. “We’re growing steadily and in the coming months we’ll be making some giant leaps into what will be the future of our company.” “Adding someone like Casie is definitely going to help us accomplish our goals as we grow,” he added. “We’ve had our eye on Casie for a while because our products start conversations and there are few people better to help manage those conversations than her.” “Joining GelaSkins is the next big step in my career. I’m excited…

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‘David Bowie Is’ at AGO. I saw him!

Went on a private tour of ‘David Bowie Is’ at the AGO this morning with some Community colleagues. Later this week they start the Ago 1st Thursday events and our client Drambuie is a sponsor. The exhibit was so freaking cool. It’s matched up with Sennheiser Sound so that as you travel from room to room the audio is updated and talks you through the exhibit or plays a song to go with the art. It was pretty amazing, not gonna lie! It’s the first time I’ve experienced a 3D sound system quite like that. This part was super cook. The pano is a bit fuzzy but you can see me and my trench on both sides in the mirrors. I think this sign might have been my fav part, I love the sign.. Could really have stayed at the AGO all day… Saw my old Andy Warhol favs. I used to go to the AGO all the time! See all old posts tagged AGO here.  It pays to be a member! For $100 you can go anytime you want for a year and use the members lounge (it has wifi!). Hair is in a bun today 🙂 Forgot my damn sunnies and the sun just came out, urgh. I am back at my desk in my office with coffee, water, sunflowers, and work. Hope you are enjoying the day wherever you may be! <3 CASIE Buy Propecia Buy Sildenafil Buy Trazodone Buy Zithromax

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because when it’s quiet the only sound is the voice in my head

Rain today. Calming, refreshing, inspiring. I wear earphones to block out the noise. No noise. Silence helps me connect my thoughts. Creative thoughts. Creative thoughts on making things. Making things creative. waiting……………………………#borderlineartistic on On the way in I saw an adorable old woman with a cane who had just placed a ‘P’ sign on the sidewalk in front of her house. There was already one car parked on the lawn. “That’ a great idea” I shouted. There are a few people around the are doing it while the CNE is on. We wanted to do that at my old house on the Danforth during Taste of the Danforth since we lived right where the action was. We never ended up doing it because we always had friends over. They parked in the spots. I should have invited them over and said “hi friends, thanks for coming. It’s $10 to park here” . Haha, funny money. The sun just came out. Wore two different socks today. Happy Wednesday 🙂

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holizontal more than vertical

if you’ve been reading for a while you might have seen these but if you haven’t you may like them.  i watched a few old videos today and it’s totally time for a whole new set to get made. these are two of my favorites. i feel like having a lazy weekend with myself. the kind where you stay in your room and listen to music. eat chips in bed. fall asleep with a bottle of wine on the bed side table. draw in my sketch book.  make stuff on computer. get back to people. paint on some clothes.  maybe sew something. play dress up in my closet.  read a book. take naps.  wear the same clothes the next day and don’t even shower like a skid. watch old movies.  maybe i’ll buy annie hall finally since mum hasn’t returned it.  watching sex and the city online while i work.  makes me productive like when the tv is on at home. i got a package in the mail waiting at home. exciting. i want to relax and play with my thoughts. i want that kinda weekend.

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i find that haaaaaaaad to BAH-leeeve

hee we gow I’m between the clouds. I’m 34,000 feet  tall. Floating, flying, soaring. The sun is setting in the sky. Sitting right here, the power went off before we left and my heart dropped as I fought my own panic button. The lights didn’t even turn on. Why is there no wi-fi on this thing? I’m 130 miles from Washington, that’s twenty minutes.  I’m much further than that from home. I might be even further than that if I don’t make this connecting flight. I’ll have to spend the night in Washington in hotel all by myself and miss a day of work.  I missed my flight last time and I’m sure my boss would think I planned it. I watched some really cool documentary snippets. * Looked it up It was This American Life, Season Two, Episode 3 about Going Down in History. The kids in school talked about their lives and things then sat there to take one cheezy photo for the yearbook. That photo, the same pose they do every year represented nothing about what their life was really like at that very moment.  I liked it. It was one of those shows that was fast and creative and stays on your mind even when it’s over. One part was about two guys who escaped from an institution using rope they made from dental floss. Very creative. I was scheduled for the middle seat but I got the aisle. I’ve been wondering if the two beside me know each other or it was just in my cards to be lucky.  I can’t tell. The gate for my connecting flight is different than the one on my ticket .  Now, because of that, the girl said ‘you’re really close’ and looked at me happily.  I’m going to…

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someone had to build the ceiling first

Feeling inspired today. It’s one of those days when I’m tired from working tirelessly but I have bright eyes when I think about where I’m heading. I was sitting on the couch last night and thought, man, how do I do it. So many things, so little time. The answer? You just do. You don’t sit around thinking about what you need to get done and wast time talking about it, you get off your ass and go. GO! I did a heap of laundry last night AND cleaned my room. That’s hugely productive for a school night. I hung a heap of summer gear around the bathroom and thought it looked so pretty. I love bathing suits. We have an office picnic and I wish I could lay out in the sun wearing one since it’s prime sun time, noon -2pm. Though, NSFW (That’s ‘not safe for work  Mum). Played with my clothes and makeup for a bit, felt just like beauty school. haha Must pack tonight as I fly out to Boston at 6am. I told my friend when booking that I was a morning person and well, that’s exactly what I got! Ask and you shall receive! haha love it. I’ll be at Tech Karaoke later in the evening to sing a few love songs to friends before I get my beauty sleep. I don’t usually go to Bucks for coffee in the morning but I drove in with Sabrina again since I didn’t get a helmet last night. I like this thought, it probably lead to the feeling of inspiration.  Someone had to build the ceiling first.

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an ottawa citizen

Was hotter than I thought riding in today. It said 16 but after biking in pants and long sleeves it felt like 36. My hair is always wet when I leave and dry when I get there. It’s a pleasure having low maintenance hair that dries a perfect mess every time.  Wore my retainer, forgot a bra. Last week I did an interview with a reporter from CanWest about a customer experience I had with a big brand and Twitter. I first told the story on my blog earlier this year when it happened. You can read the article in the Ottawa Citizen. She quoted me saying “It shows the power of one voice,” says Stewart, a Toronto woman who describes Twitter as having “instant-messaging with the whole world.” I hope you have a great day.

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i see you airvertising subthing?

I often find that when I have a sub it stinks up the place like smelly armpits.  I don’t really mind it much when it is my own sub, it’s less obvious. I do quite mind when it is some others sub thing. The airvertising is not pleasing to the senses.  I still go for subs now and then, but rarely takeout.  It’s too much and my nose knows it.

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the randomness post 2/18/09

I still have all my Barbies and their vintage outfits. I hope to get them made in my size one day. I grew up around vintage cars and vintage clothes. My Dad builds hot rods and mum was a photog for Canadian Street Rod Magazine. My favorite gift I ever received was a hardcover Thesaurus from my parents in 1996. My Dad was a professional gymnastics/trampoline coach when I was a kid. I’m flexible and can still do the splits. I have lots of different talents and believe I can achieve anything. My career goal is to be the Awesomest I can be.

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outside seems so much more appealing

I dressed like winter today. I have no idea why. I woke up and was whining ‘it’s cold‘ meanwhile staring at the Weather Network on Blackberry seeing 21 degrees and partly cloudy. I’m a dress/skirt girl. I wore pants and a hat and a big frumpy wooly sweater.  I prove to myself  all my thoughts I’ve had for two days of  ‘I’m not feeling great’.  It’s Friday afternoon and the office is quiet and I know there are beers being had on patios around me.  School next door has free drinks after work and all of a sudden I feel better. The phone rings and it’s Mum who’s calling from the boat up North and has the day off.  It’s lovely to hear her and chat but I’m in the office and have been working really hard can’t leave yet and have more work to do and don’t really have the time to chitty-chat and get sidetracked. We always talk about blog for a minute or two.  She misses it today because there’s no internet yet on the boat for blog reading.  I told her I laid in the grass at lunch and had a smoke and it was nice and sunny on my face.  I get to the point where I have to say “MUM, I’ve got to go‘ in a stern voice and I feel like a character in a chicklit book trapped at the office. I like it.   The book is being written as I live it out each day.  It’s my favorite story. I like this picture.  I like how little my feet are. These babies are a kids size 3 in the US and 2.5 in the UK. That’s mini. Do you follow me on Twitter yet? That would be a damn shame if…

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so hot – so fun – all sun

My friends picked me up from the airport and we went back to the hotel. It felt so nice to be in the hot hot sun and surrounded my air that was so warm.  I did lots of cool stuff like drink and tan and I even went to a nude beach. I was a good girl and didn’t take any photos  there (it’s VERY frowned upon).  I love going to nude beaches, I usually keep my bottoms on. You feel so free just hanging out and not having anyone really staring. I was with some babes and we frolicked in the waves which did in fact attract some attention. The girls were both buck , so I can see why!! My friend June (aka: June Bug or Sicilia Ricci)  from New Orleans got a really, really, big hot dog. I got a big pizza but her photo was way more entertaining. Look at the size of that wiener! MASSIVE UNIT! I think this is a very artistic one. As we were coming off the highway there are these people selling flowers. I can’t imagine what that must be like or how you even get into a job like that.  I wanted to capture a pure expression and snapped this photo of him.  It’s so real.

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i don’t think you should drink and bike dudes

NOTL – That’s what they call it. Like it’s a gangsta-short- code for something really bad ass. It’s a popular spot for wino’s and people from the State. If you enjoy people watching, grab a drink and score a seat because you’re sure to see some entertaining characters. I’m not sure where the people come from but it’s so much different than being in the city.  Here, it’s busy and noisy and there are so many people that you can’t even tell who the crazy ones are and you barely have time to watch the days go by. Good food at this place, Prince of Whales. I was a little shocked to see the below advertisement for Wine Tours combined with biking.  I’ve learned that biking and drinking, especially to multiple destinations, isn’t usually a good idea. By the time you get to your last stop you’re half in the bag and then you have to go all the way back home. I’m surprised that this place even exists. I wonder if I can take a dirt bike around to different breweries anywhere? Now, doesn’t that sound like a bright idea? This building made for pretty pictures. It’s a really old one covered in vines. I’m watching The Bachelorette and I think she’s a wild one. This could be an interesting show.  I dig that she drives a purple vintage classic. I think guys get snarkier than girls do and there will be some fights.  Shame the preview gives the show away and the guys are such dorks.

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borderline artistic with a little sauce on the side

I’m a very artsy girl. I make art stuff almost on the daily. Yesterday I photographed a TON of my artwork and am working on variety of prints, t shirts and fun stuff. You can see a huge pile of original work  including drawings, paintings and poetry at There is just waaaaaaaaay to much to post on this blog. I’ve got a Poetry Corner blog coming out soon also! Seems there’s lots of ‘coming out’ going on teeee heeeee. Check ’em out. There’s a whole lotta stuff.  The beauty of being an artist is the ability to create something that did not exist before. If you really like something and want to ask about how you can have it, send me an email me at casie at This is one of my favorites: careful writer patient spider

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H1N1 ~ HINI = hiney = haha :P ( flu+who)

I’m going to the TFC game today with a friend. Excited and dressed the part. My friend has a TFC scarf for me so I can really be ‘in’ it. I’ve been once before but this is birthday related which makes it better. This picture wants to be on it’s head. I’m not fighting it. I think that H1N1 is a better name for the flu but it also looks like ‘hini’ which sounds like ‘hiney’ which rhymes with swiney which is funny. And the flu was named by the WHO. Make the connection. I did. Stephen Harper called it the Mexican Flu the other day. I LMFAO. Had breakfast at School in Liberty Village. They’re kinda slow and the patio wasn’t open. I like the way it looks there. Very schooley. I was at the CONTACT opening last night. Will

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setting up for the world

I arrived on location at about 11am on Saturday. It was mighty windy and most of the team was already in motion. We had to make sure all was going to stay put with the wild wild wind! We successfully got the backdrop in a safe place! Ha ha wind, you are no match for a team of do-gooders. Look at @d_hock, no one can stop him.Erin & Dan were fueling the online excitement and tweeting awesome stuff like this, this and this. I was doing chalk art. I was in heaven. Nothing more fun than being part of a team when you get to do one of your favorite things ever. Did you know they have crayola spray chalk for kids now? It didn’t work that well so I stuck to the old school drawing style.

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the wheels are becoming more necessary

I did some work on my ‘Unnecessary Wheels“collection last night. You can see them all here. I’m beginning to think that some of my things would actually be great with wheels.No wheels on these guys. They’re for eating. Super tasty and full of life. Neon fruit, it’s hydroponic.

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can i get a book please?

Today is a sunny day. I like that. Mum sends us clothes here and there and she has great style. I pulled this guy out of the closet today and rushed out the door. One of the boys in the office said would “come by my desk to check out a book“. haha. I get it. I like this dress, it has pockets. I had to cut head off here, face was wrinkled up. I’m loving the new neon units. They are SO VIBRANT. I feel like if I was a pastel, I would be neon, electric yellow or pink or purple…or one of those multicolored swirl ones. Yes, for sure.

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the kiwi girl was in the kitchen again

Last night I made a nice dinner. I really love cooking. I don’t talk about it much because I’m not a food blogger. I hate talking about what I eat. Not fun to me so I don’t do it often. However, last night…It was lovely. Today I went to the AGO again. I was alone and I took a very introspective view. I only looked at things I like the most and for only as long as I felt like. It is a very free feeling. I had my Moleskine and pencil, camera, the important stuff. I got a picture of one of my favorite guys, but I’m nervous to post it.

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one of my favorite ones

This is a photo of one of my pieces I did with pastels. It is called ‘Strike Out in a Different Direction‘. It is full of light, energy, attraction, fire & passion. This is one of my most expensive ones because I like it the most. I think I will keep forever, unless an offer comes along I can not resist!! I’m planning on doing some painting this weekend. Looks like rain is on its way and thatinspires me to make art.

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some more unnecessary things made in to necessary art

I first posted my collection ‘Unnecessary Wheels” late last year. I have added more to the ever growing group of ‘things with unnecessary wheels‘. I took photos of a few today to share. I’m really looking forward to displaying them all together some time. Each image is made up & drawn with pastel, paint, marker etc on 60lb, 30% post-consumer acid free fiber. I use a Strathmore sketchbook from the first and only U.S. paper manufacturer to use wind generated electricity to run their paper mills. I share with you from my Unnecessary Wheels Collection – dumbbells, matchbox & motor canoe.

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green is my favorite colour

St. Patrick’s Day was a fun time. It’s pretty hard to screw up a night filled with everyone feeling ‘green’ and filling themselves with beer. I had green stuff all over me. The Brazen Head pub was packed so we filled up a 20 person table at a different location and started the fun. In the spirit of ‘green’ I’d like to point out a few things. My office building is green and has an Inorganic market for electronic waste. This is a growing problem in our world and I am proud that they are on it. This beautiful mural is my favorite shade of green. I walk past it everyday. Someone keeps spray painting this on garbage cans and buildings around. I am a fan of creative street art and creative graffiti. This is neither. I know infowars and what it is about but seriously, this is totally unnecessary. #FAIL.

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arts & culture writer = me

I wrote an article a few months back about a fascinating artist named Michael Golland. Afterwards, I found out that it was going to be the feature cover story! I was quite excited given I’m yet to have ‘write a cover story’ checked off my list. An excerpt is below. You can read the whole article here. “He wants people to be captivated, to find and immerse themselves in their flow of consciousness. Michael’s art is about finding the Zen within and connecting to its powerful energy. His paintings are unique and recognizable. Fluid lines dance across the canvas creating trajectory spaces filled with monochromatic colors. He aims to draw connections between the objects, the lines, the space, the spirit within and the essence of life itself. Michael was born in Yorkshire, England during the Second World War.” [get all the juice]

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you make music to my ears

Last week I had the pleasure of attending an event bridging the League of Kickass Under 30 and the Toronto Symphony Orchestra. The League is ‘a social network for young leaders and influencers that are the future of their industry’ & in partnership with the League of Kickass Business People. The League (#LOKU30) had the privileged of having Music Director, Peter Oundjian and VP of Marketing & Business Development Mike Forrester speak to prior us to the performance . They both were great to listen to and spoke about the TSO, the value of the symphony in Toronto and the importance of the arts. this is my orchestra from me on vimeo. The performanceI saw is part of the New Creations Festival and featured acclaimed violinist and Deutsche Grammophon recording artist Hilary Hahn, Cellist Shauna Rolston and a beautiful work for the string orchestra by Tōru Takemitsu. There was even an afterparty post show where I mingled with musicians over cocktails. It was a truly uplifting experience. I’m really looking forward to returning. If you didn’t know the symphony was this cool, you do now. I am excited to inform you that TSO on June 20 & 21st you can see The Music of ABBA! #OMG. I wondering if it would be frowned upon to dance in the aisles? All I need is a ticket because I doubt I could stay in my chair since they are playing everything from Dancing Queen to Take a Chace on Me. Totally awesome!

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canadian family you say, ma?

I just had a long chat with Mum who just returned from New Zealand. I miss it. I want to go back there so bad. She told me a story about the very tip of the North Island called Cape Reinga. It is so very beautiful. She said that New Zelander’s (The Kiwi’s!) are very creative and they place much of attention & value on the arts and artsy things. That makes me feel awesome.

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