Day 617: Then I Heard Clapping

A little story for ya today! I went out mid-day to grab some lunch from Gaspar Cafe. While I was waiting for my sandwich, I thought why not take a photo of my cute outfit?! Set my coffee on the table out front, leaned my phone against it, and used my watch as a self-timer. As I was taking photos I noticed a package truck and a bunch of film gear, thought nothing of it. Took about 20 photos, need that many to get a good one lol. When I was done, grabbed my phone to see my work…then I heard clapping. ??? Turns out, the shop window beside me had a full film crew and they were clapping for ME! ? HAHAHAHAHAH. I was slightly embarrassed but then two different crew members came out and said “that was great” and “you are so cute we wanted to show support”. The highlight of my day.

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Day 616: The Art of Browsing

Went for a long walk after work and stopped into Value Village on Lansdowne. I really missed browsing the aisles of VV and seeing what they have. I strolled the racks, scrolled my phone, and had calls with friends along the way. Left without getting anything but it was nice to look, try things on, and put things back. Here are a few things I didn’t end up getting but enjoyed the art of browsing.

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Day 598: Hippie Market Life

Went for a long walk to the final Hippie Market at this location. There are so many great vendors there! If you missed out on going this year, keep an eye out for their IG posts for the next event.

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Day 591: So Lovely

Had a nice little Sunday with Cory Lee! We popped in to see Morgan Lovely and her new spot, THIC Studio, a beautiful hair salon + studio you can rent to shoot in. The space is stunning with beautiful light, great details, and lots of plants. Morgan gave me a bang trim and I got a B12 shot from the TIGHT Clinic who was onsite. Very thankful for the much-needed bang trim as I’m having colour done at Sassoon later this week. ? Late last year Morgan created THIC, the hair inspired company and introduced a Daily Hair Perfecting Oil. I’ve been using her product since January and it is SO LOVELY. It’s really helped my hair to grow and feel healthy. I have fine hair so I was hesitant to try and oil on it but I swear it doesn’t make my hair greasy. I use it almost every single day. Saw this little window box as we were leaving and of course, I stopped Cory to take my picture. You gotta find joy in the little things!

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Day 580: What’s Behind Door Number 2?

Feeling pretty good today! We’re heading up north to the cottage tonight and I’m really looking forward to being in the woods. After getting my nails done yesterday I popped into Door Number 2 Vintage on Dundas West, they have three floors of treasures tucked away. I’ve been looking for a small rug to go under my desk chair so it doesn’t roll on the concrete. Well, I found the perfect one, a bright red/pink Moroccan rug that was hiding in the basement. That’s the thing I love about vintage shopping, you never know what you’ll find. In other news, Everlane sent me a package with The Way High Jean and a beautiful cashmere sweater. I used to be obsessed with Everlane and went to the opening of their store in San Francisco a few years back. If you’re looking for well made, sustainable, stylish items, use this link for 10% off your first order. You will not be disapointed!

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Day 579: Got a Mani-Pedi!

Before the pandemic, I was religious about having my nails done. Every 10 days or so, for about 4 years I’d pop into Ivy Nails for fresh shellac. Today was the first time since March 2020 that got a mani-pedi. ? I know salons have been open for a few weeks but I just wasn’t ready to sit inside and go through the process. But today I was home alone, work was good, the sun was shining, so I figured why not! I ordered one of those pedicure tools with a blade from Amazon so my feet weren’t that bad but it was time to make them look better. It felt so nice to have my nails fresh again! I got one hand pink and one hand orange but when I left, I realized they almost look exactly the same. Oh well! Left a nice tip then biked around the neighbourhood a bit. It was so lovely out, here’s hoping these warm temps last a few more weeks.

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Day 578: TikTok Plant Hack – Aerial Roots

Spent the whole weekend working on my room and WHOA what a job it was. On Saturday I had a bit of a meltdown once almost everything was outside on the roof, the thought of putting it back was overwhelming. Thankfully I stuck to it and am nearly done putting everything away, throwing out the carpet, and organizing my stuff. I also watched the entire season of MAID on Netflix, kinda sad but a good show. In other news, I am SO happy with my plants. Saw a TikTok Plant Hack (PlantTok) about putting an aerial root from a monstera in a small glass jar to help them grow. It works! I’ve got two tiny glass jars on different plants and a bunch of new leaves sprouting. It took about 2 weeks to see new growth. This monstera is the same large plant that I shared cuttings from in my post the other day. I am yet to post anything on my own TikTok yet but I must say, I am loving all the plant hacks. Learned so much the last few weeks and look forward to growing more and more plants over the winter.

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Day 576: Geary Art Crawl

Sean and I went on a date for the first time in ages. We walked about 4km to and from Geary Ave to check out the Geary Art Crawl. The whole area was alive with music, art, and eats. We sat in the grass to watch a performance by Seastill Music, Fezz from Occupied VR‘s latest project. The light and sounds were elevated by the train shaking the ground as it went by. There were some really rad light shows by Matt Mansion too, aka LED Daddy. I’ve seen this tag a few times around the city, “you are not your mistakes”. I like it. The funny thing is, as I waited for someone else to take a photo of the sign, Sean pointed out that someone was in the alley…making a mistake? Haha. A dude stopped to take a wee and I wasn’t going to take a pic but it was just too perfect. See photo. ?

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Day 575: Ditch the Carpet

Woke up and decided today was the day to ditch the carpet. Had to take almost everything out of the room, move shelves to rip it up. Big job but I’m glad it’s almost done. Still have a section of carpet under the bed but I’ll do that another time. I’m looking forward to reorganizing the space and maximizing the look of the concrete floor with some vintage rugs. The whole place is going to feel cleaner once we’re done. Thankfully it was REALLY NICE OUT so I could safely use the patio as storage. Over the winter I plan to do a full ‘Marie Kondo’ like I did a couple of years ago and clean out everything in the house that doesn’t bring us joy. How the hell do we accumulate so many things?! There’s stuff everywhere!

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Day 573: The Sun Shines Together

Went to an event after work tonight with San Rafael, a brand by Aurora Cannabis. You might remember the San Rafel events I went to quite often when legalization was first introduced. Heaps of good memories with this brand so although I hardly go out anymore, I was keen to see what they’ve been up to. I sat down at Mrs Robinson on College for a menu tasting of food & drinks curated to match the terpenes of their new strains. The food was delicious and the drinks too. My fav part was when I felt anxious and sat by myself, then the most lovely two people joined me, Luna & her friend. They made my night! We laughed a lot and it was kinda funny bc Luna and I were both wearing cute pastels, many rings, and both have tattoos. It’s like they knew to sit her beside me. Met some really lovely ladies thanks to San Rafael! We all hung out on patio chairs after the event and had a great chat. Overall, super fun time. I shouldn’t be scared of going out, people are a-ok!

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Day 571: Have a Good Day!

Had a relaxing weekend at home. We tore up a bunch of the carpet in my room and it’s mostly concrete floor now. I’m into it, looks cool. Have wanted to do this for a while and after we had a leak from the rain, it was time. That’s all for today, hope you have a great week!

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Day 545: Up to The Cottage

We drove up to the cottage after work and I am so incredibly grateful to be here. The last week is really catching up with me, physically, mentally. Feel like this is the best place to be right now. I have Friday and Monday off for the long weekend and am looking forward to charging my batteries. In other news, I’m a millionaire in Animal Crossing! I got this game in the spring and didn’t think I would play much but I’ve been playing for a few minutes almost every day. A nice break from everything to step into another world. ?

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Day 544: Growing Up The Wall

Took a break for a week and I’m back in action. Tomorrow we’re heading up to the cottage for a few days for the long weekend. I can’t wait to be back up in the woods. It’s so magical up there. The last few days have been pretty stressful and to be honest, I’m totally exhausted. Between, work, family, the pandemic, it’s hard to not feel tired. In other news, my Monstera is growing up the wall so much! I’m really happy with how my plants are doing at home, it’s been such a joy nurturing them the last year. Received a really cute package from Pure Sun Farms today, thank you!

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Day 535: Backyard Wedding

Last night we went to Val & Mike’s backyard wedding, it was beautiful. Thank you Chino for snapping these great photos of us. It was really nice to see everyone, celebrate with them, and dance. Congrats!!!! I wish them lots of love & laughs together. It was really heartwarming to have a big family experience together. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Chino Bar ( I had originally planned to wear a dress from The Fitzroy but I ended wearing this gorgeous number by Greta Constantine (thanks April!). Sean wore his best suit and it was so good to get dressed up. I can’t remember the last time I went to a wedding, it was years ago!

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Day 534: Find a Treasure

Last night I went out for a bike ride to The Hippie Market at Dundas & Ossington. I absolutely love this market and find a treasure each time I go. Arrived there in shorts and a cute top and left wearing a new flower dress! Walked over with Jen after stopping to visit and braid her hair. Feels good to be out & about in the sun. Happy weekend!

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Day 520: Stoney Saturday

We drove up to ‘Scottage‘ on Stoney Lake to spend a couple of days with our friend Jake. It was such a relaxing time. I spent most of Saturday laying in the sun, floating, and reading my book. I was due for a battery recharge and couldn’t have asked for a better place to do it. We had a big bbq for dinner and finished it off with a delicious birthday cake for Sean from Pusateri’s. His birthday is Sunday but since there were other guests, it was the perfect way to celebrate. Jake is the Manager for The Tragically Hip and their drummer Johnny Fay was staying there with his partner too. So cool! Young me never imagined I’d be hanging out with the Tragically HIp and singing HBD to Sean togetehr. What a trip!

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Day 518: Life is Beautiful

Life is beautiful! Was in Yorkville today for my first hair appointment in almost a year. It was GREAT to be back at Sassoon Toronto and have a more in-depth post on that soon. I stopped into the Mr. Brainwash pop-up to see a few of my fav art pieces. A few years ago Sean and I hung out with him at Soho House. What a night that was!

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Day 517: Business Babe

It’s all business babe! Went for a walk down a secret alley that April’s friend found filled with colourful garage doors. I absolutely love finding hidden gems like this in the city. So fun!

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Day 515: Cruisin’ Together

Cruisin’ together at sunset on the lake. Nice end to a lovely week up north. There’s nothing like nature to reset your mind and body.

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Day 514: That’s how the light gets in.

Ring the bells that still can ringForget your perfect offeringThere is a crack, a crack in everythingThat’s how the light gets in. Leoanrd Cohen, “Anthem”

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Day 503: Bloom with D Luxe Lab in Yorkville

My friend invited me to stop into the re-opening of D Luxe Lab, a premier cosmetic treatment clinic located in the heart of Yorkville. It’s absolutely beautiful! I sat down for a chat with the female founder, Dema Najjar scroll down for my interview with her. Dema is an immigrant to Canada from Syria and a graduate of Rotman Business School’s MBA program, alongside many other talents. I had a consultation followed by treatment with Dr. Basil. I’m very happy with the results, workin’ to keep my face looking rested and refreshed! As a female immigrant in Canada, how did you best prepare yourself for becoming a business owner? I moved to Canada with the intention of establishing a connection with Canadian culture and community. I completed an Executive MBA at Rotman School of Business and then integrated the Canadian work force. I spent 5 years working in the financial industry at MCAP, which allowed me to build and expand my knowledge base of this industry, as well as to grant me exposure to meet new and different people. From this, I was able to better understand Canadian culture and experience daily life as a Canadian. Through my work with MCAP, I gained valuable insight into agreements and deal-making, which encouraged me to pursue a Global Professional Masters of Laws at U of T.  During the past ten years in Canada, I have had the chance to work in finance, marketing and accounting, and through my network, I have been fortunate enough to be exposed to many wonderful people who have encouraged me along the way. A couple of years ago, I took a step back and began thinking of how I could combine my Canadian experience with that of my family’s in Syria. After evaluating the cosmetic beauty industry market and establishing that…

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Day 491: Dinner at Sabai Sabai in Yorkville

Had the afternoon off work and went to Yorkville for an appointment at D Luxe Lab. It was so nice to be out! I wore new boots from L’Intervalle boots and my fav green dress. After I met up with Marie (aka @Karmacake) at The Pilot for a LONG overdue catch-up. We’ve known each other for a decade and never really sat down to chat. I was going to head home but then Natalie offered to take me for dinner at Sabai Sabai in Yorkville. They serve incredible food from Northern Thailand & Laos. I haven’t had a meal that good in ages! Two of the owners, Seng & Jason treated us to amazing cocktails, food, wine, and lots of laughs. It was a bit chilly on the patio but we were having such a good time it didn’t bother us. We had deep-fried garlic shrimp, khao soi, and sausages. It’s located at Yonge Bloor and I highly recommend it! Here’s to a good weekend!

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Day 489: Hang In There, It Will Be OK

Sometimes you need a reminder that things are going to be ok. We’ve gotten this far and we will get through it, through everything. You are strong, don’t forget. Take time for the things that make you happy. Don’t be too hard on yourself. Find your joy again. Step away from the computer, put on your shoes, go outside. Hang In There, It Will Be OK. Necklace is the Herringbone Chain from Mejuri, I’m obsessed.

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Day 485: Nice Little Saturday

Went for an afternoon trip to Port Carling today. Attempted to go for tacos but the wait was 2 hours long! There were heaps of people and we ended up stopping by the grocery store then coming back to the cottage. It was. so nice out, I sat on the dock, had a beer, and finished my book. Managed to get a couple of tan lines too so I would call it a nice little Saturday!

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Day 484: Treat Yourself – Bespoke Facial at Youth MediSpa

With restrictions opening up we’re finally allowed to access more personal care services. I was so excited to go back to Youth MediSpa for their bespoke facial treatment. My last visit there was in July 2020 (Day 122) for a little Botox touchup. After months of being at home, I’ve really started taking good care of my skin but some things can’t be fixed with a good cream or face mask. This year I turned 39 and some skin concerns I have are signs of aging, sun damage, redness, and hydration. I was keen to get the bespoke facial from Youth MediSpa because it’s catered for each person and their skin needs.

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Day 482: Gamer Girl Aesthetic

When I first got a Nintendo Switch a couple of weeks ago I had no idea how much I’d actually like playing. I know I’m late to the game but safe to say Animal Crossing is deff a new hobby addiction. It’s a great way to relax, take a break from the internet, work, reality. I spend time on my island, building things, fishing, collecting shells, planting flowers, shopping, and selling stuff at Nooks Cranny lol. I don’t think this makes me a Gamer Girl but I read an article on gamer girl aesthetic today. I also have Zelda and Mario Kart. ?

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Day 460: To The Cottage

Sean and I drove up to the cottage in the afternoon and after the week I had, I was so ready for it. We plan to do a bunch of yard work around and clean things up outside. I hadn’t been back up for a couple of weeks so am quite looking forward to sun, relaxing, and getting my energy back up.

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