Day 459: SHE’S BACK!

LADIES & GENTS, I AM HAPPT TO REPORT I AM NOT SICK ANYMORE. At this point, I am pretty certain I had a reaction to getting my first Pfizer shot I got just over a week ago. During this process, I learned that *if* you had Covid, you might have a more severe reaction to the vaccine. I had never been tested for Covid and didn’t have any symptoms during the pandemic, but will never 100% know unless I take an antibody test. I have no regrets about getting the vaccine and will 100% still be getting my second dose as soon as I can.

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Day 457: Sick Day 2

Sean got home from the cottage last night and was not expecting to see a zombie. I was swollen, slow-moving, and he said my skin looked almost grey. I am not doing good at all. I can’t remember being this sick. I got my first Covid-19 test last night and am waiting for results. I hope I don’t have covid. I hope I don’t have covid. I hope I don’t have covid. I hope I don’t have covid. I hope I don’t have covid. For now, I’m isolating myself in my room and avoiding Sean. I hadn’t seen him in days and now I have to keep my distance. I hate this. Wasn’t able to work today. Feel like death. Please cross your fingers that I don’t have covid.

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Day 456: Sick Day 1

Yesterday I wasn’t feeling so great and spent the whole day on the couch. I’d planned to meet some friends in the park but just wasn’t up for it. Played Animal Crossing for hours and watched Netflix shows back to back. Today I woke up feeling like DEATH. My whole body hurts, face & neck are swollen and my throat is sore. I’m hoping it’s from the vaccine and not a cold but at this point, I don’t know. Took the day off from work as I can’t focus on anything.

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Day 453: Patios Are Open!

The day has finally come! Patios are open in Toronto so of course, I went to one! Natalie and I met up for a girl’s night and snagged a spot at Hemingway’s. I used to work there over a decade ago and it hadn’t been back in ages. It was nice to be back and we had a bunch of drinks, so fun. One of the bartenders I used to work with was still there and we laughed a lot. Hemingways is owned by a Kiwi and there is memorabilia from new Zealand all over, love it. Over the summer, I’ve booked off Friday afternoon so pretty excited to make the most of an almost-long weekend, every weekend. Woo hoo!

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Day 451: Pink Party

Met up with April for a nice little walk after work. We went to Pierre Elliot Trudeau Elementary where I heard there was a magical pink wall for photos. People always ask ‘where do you find the bright walls?’ Well, tbh I find them everywhere and keep a list of my fav ones around the city. This space is hidden in the back of the school and there are steps and a pink wall. So cute! A couple of Instagram comments mentioned my ‘new hair colour’, but it’s not new, just grown out roots! I can’t wait until we are in the next stage of Lockdown so I can get my hair done. I’m into the darker, more natural roots but am looking forward to spicing it up with a bit more blonde. Hope all is good! Have a great day!

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Day 446: Live Music in the Sun

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Day 445: Sometimes I Don’t Feel Like It #21

It’s been a little while since I updated and to be honest, I just didn’t feel like it. Over the last 20 days, I often opened WordPress to write so many times but ended up saving drafts, only counting the days. The last 2 weeks have been hard, we’re still in lockdown, I haven’t been vaccinated, I miss my parents, going places, doing things. Sometimes I just don’t feel like it, being on the internet, sharing my life. Over the years I’ve written 20 posts with this same title, you can read them here. Work is going good and I’ve finally gotten into the groove of being an employee, it took 8-10 weeks. I hadn’t worked full-time since 2013 so it was quite an adjustment. I really love the work I’m doing and can’t wait to share an exciting project. I’ve been riding my bike a lot lately, and going for walks after work, seeing friends in the park. It’s the only thing keeping me sane! With the pandemic, work, relationships, family, and general anxiety, I haven’t felt like sharing here. I still post something to my IG Stories most days, Instagram, or pop up on Twitter but each time I went to write, I couldn’t do it. I’d been on such a good run with blogging for the past year and was feeling down about not posting. I really enjoy blogging but I feel like this year caught up with over me the last few weeks. I missed a few days, then it felt like a lot to catch up on and before I knew it, it was almost a month. I’m keen to update the last couple of weeks so I have memories to look at. Journaling is such a beautiful thing and once I started writing this,…

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Day 431: Mellow Yellow

‘ Had a nice park date w/ Chloe after work/ So nice to see her, it had been ages. Opened a few packages on Stories this morning and they were all so nice. Lays sent a box of chips and I got a huge box of goodies from Sitti Soap. Their annual box goes to support refuges and is a BIPOC + woman-owned business. Check it out here.

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425: Better Days Are On Their Way

Had such a nice bike ride today after work. Went over to see April and hang out in the backyard. I’ve been loving these warmer temps and wearing cute clothes. We walked about 5km from her place, up to Dundas, to Bathurst, and back along Queen West. The trees are all starting to bloom and it will be summer in no time. Don’t lose hope, better days are on their way. Sending you love from the internet, have a great day!

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Day 422: Ray of Sunshine

Had a nice dip in the lake this morning. Things are in bloom; trees are growing leaves, flowers blooming, birds singing. ? This is my absolute favorite mug, Sasha got it for me ages ago in LA. The compliment I love most is being called a Ray of Sunshine or in this case Ray of F**king Sunshine. ? We’re still at the cottage and gonna stay a few more days. Sean got a new wireless router that will make it easier for us both to work from the cottage. Hoping we can spend a lot of time up here this summer. ☀️ Hope your week is off to a great start!

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Day 417: Taurus Twins

Saw Michelle for the first time in ages today. We’re born one day apart and usually spend our birthdays together, Taurus Twins. It was nice to sit outside, dance in the sun, and laugh together. Our last hang was back in March 2021 when some patios were open for about five minutes. It’s crazy to think how social life was before the Panini, I was a few events each week, it was normal to see hundreds of people, sometimes thousands. I feel like it will be ages before that happens again and just thinking about it gives me anxiety. It makes me feel nervous/excited about all the people/seeing everyone again. Most people have only seen me though a screen for 400+ days, a lot of people I haven’t seen at all. Feeling grateful for warmer temps and longer days. This week at work has been pretty good but I’m looking forward to the weekend. Sean and I are going up North for my birthday and I can’t wait to get back to the woods.

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Day 416: Toronto Lockdown, Locktown

Feeling much better overall today after a good 8hr sleep and a run this morning. This lockdown is really weighing on everyone. Even the most positive people I have been feeling down lately. It’s great to see more and more people being vaccinated but everything is still closed and cases are high. Today I heard that two people I know have Covid and two others are recovering. It’s all around us and doesn’t discriminate. Life before covid seems so long ago. I’ve love to hug my parents or laugh with friends but it doesn’t look like that’s anywhere in the near future. I keep seeing photos of people in other cities and countries out living their best lives while Toronto lockdown lingers on. This weekend is my 2nd covid birthday and hopefully the last. Today I went to the dentist for the first time in ages! I’ve had a sore tooth that hurts every now & then for about four years. Now that I’m a full-time employee, I have benefits! Feels so luxurious to go to the dentist and finally have my tooth fixed. I’M A NEW WOMAN. Ok, same woman, new-ish tooth. Getting my tooth fixed today, finally. — CASIE STEWART ☀️ (@casiestewart) May 4, 2021 Sean and I ordered sushi for dinner and started watching Them on Amazon Prime. Good show so far but scary! It’s a horror-themed series about a black family that moves from North Carolina to an all-white Los Angeles neighborhood in 1953. I hope I don’t have nightmares. In other news, this week my blog was awarded Best Website by The Good Estate. ? Toronto Lockdown, Locktown

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Day 415: Case of The Mondays

I usually look forward to Monday but this week I was struggling. I had a relaxing weekend but a bad sleep Sunday night that left me feeling down and out. Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays! Thankful for my job and working with great people, a good dose of motivation when you’re feeling off. The best part of my day was a visit from friends who dropped off one of the new branded hoodies we ordered. It was the perfect pick me up on a rainy day! I put it on right away and heated up a bowl of lentil soup I made on the weekend. It’s been ages since I watched Office Space but I’ve probably seen it 100 times. I used to meet up with my college girlfriends and we would watch it all the time. Highly recommend it if you’re looking for something funny to watch. A true classic!

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Day 414: Sunday Kinda Love

Had a nice Sunday at home. Sean and I went to another garden center today before coming home to work on the patio. I shot some content for my friend Tahnee’s brand, Pretty Denim. Excited to share it later this week! Sending you some smiley faces and good vibes for a great week! Sunday kinda love!

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Day 411: The Low Down

Today we have good news about vaccinations, finally! Looks like next month anyone over 18 in Ontario will be able to book a vaccine appointment. This is a relief! Sean got his last week and since we’re don’t live in a Hot Spot area, I’m not eligible for mine yet (still under 40 ?). This is the first step to this whole thing being over-ish and finally getting back to some kind of normal. Who knows what post-pandemic life will be like, but I am dying to get back to doing things and going places. I miss my friends, family, especially mum and dad. I also miss influencer events, random friends, acquaintances, and loud, packed spaces. Can’t wait to go to concerts, fashion shows, and media launches again. In other news, I ordered myself a birthday present, Apple AirPods! I’ve wanted a pair for ages and finally pulled the plug. I had them engraved with ‘CASIE IS THE BEST’, a reminder, and self-care, lol. I felt like getting my initials was too common so I went for something a little more personal. My Zoom meetings and workouts are about to level up. My over-the-ear headphones have been great the last two years but they’ve been taped up with duck tape for a few months and I was due for an upgrade. Please send me good vibes that I don’t lose one or both.

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Day 408: A Bike and A Bowl

I haven’t been taking as many photos over the last few days. I feel like my life is so boring these days! With everything shut down, there’s nowhere to go, nothing to do, and we’re not allowed to hang out with friends. I can’t wait for this damn lockdown to be OVER. It’s still going to be a few weeks before I get vaccinated. I really hope Ontario gets it together, we’re all getting so sick of this. So today, I share a photo from my bike ride and a beautiful smoothie bowl. Hopefully, the next month brings some excitement. I have a couple of campaigns coming up so those will be fun to share. ?

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Day 402: My Blog is 16 Today

A 16th birthday is a coming of age year, you’re a bit more mature and figuring out who you are. You’re in high school, you can get your license. I can hardly wrap my brain around the fact that I’ve been writing this for so long. And for 400+ consecutive days of a global pandemic. I would love to have had a post written with all kinds of favorite moments in blog history: travel adventures, red carpets, film festivals, tweetups, and events, but that life seems so incredibly far away right now. I didn’t have the energy but now thinking about it, going back in time seems kinda fun. Looking back, the thing I’m most grateful for is all the people I’ve met through this blog. Nearly everyone I know today is somehow connected to my blog, by way of social media, work, or events. It’s changed my whole life. I changed my whole life. The thing is, if you want to achieve something, or be something, you have to work at it. You need to do something each day that brings you closer to that goal. You get up early and work on it before your job, you think about it on your run, you stay up late, you work on it. You skip going out with your friends to learn HTML and use what little extra money you have to make stickers and cards with your name on them. You do something each day to bring you closer to your goal. You take a step forward each day. A couple of things I’m pretty proud of are being recognized by the Canadian Academy of Film & Television as an innovator & pioneer, receiving an Alumni of Distinction award from Conestoga College, and being recognized by Ontario as a…

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Day 397: Sending You A Little Love

Sending you a little love today. We’re going into a strickter lockdown and it will last until at least May 20th. Urghhhhhh! It feels like this is neverendinggggggggg.

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Day 396: A Wednesday

Spent the whole day working at my desk and decided I really needed some fresh air. Put on a cute outfit, aka dressing up my hoodie with a blazer, and took a tour around the neighborhood. The sun was out but the air was cool. It’s only Wednesday but I’m looking forward to the weekend. Sending you some sunshiine in a set of smiley photos. Hang in there my friends, we will get through this sh*t show!

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Day 395: She Ready

I was thinking about seeing friends and how much I miss events. Before the pandemic, I wasn’t going out as much, I was making myself a priority and spending more time at home. Now, I’d love to be in a packed venue, drinking a specialty cocktail and eating canapés. When it comes time to go out again, she ready.

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Day 373: Social and Culture

Today I started my new FT role at Funday Agency as Social & Culture Manager. My job is focused mostly on internal communications & operations relating to building company culture. Last year I came to the realization I didn’t want to work specifically in social media anymore. I was looking to expand and do more things related to general marketing. That beung said, it’s been 5+ years since I’ve worked FT and I expect there will be a *bit* of an adjustment. Today’s lunch was provided by Do Rueda in Spain who sent over a delicious selection of Spanish tapas and wine to taste. I saved the wine for after work but tuned in for a lunchtime seminar with several sommeliers from the region. Back in 2019, I went on a press trip to Spain where we spent a week visiting 13 wineries in Do Rueda, Spain’s top region for verdejo & white wine. See those posts here! Another great surprise today was the delivery of new blue light glasses from gry mattr, a new company from Joe Mimran (the founder of Joe Fresh). I picked this design on a whim without realizing they would look almost identical to my old fav glasses I wore when I first started Twitter (see small image here). I had this same black & white photo as my Twitter image from 2009-2012. Back then, I used to wear glasses ALL the time and I absolutely love these new ones from gry mattr. Thanks Joe!

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Day 371: First Day of Spring!

Today is the first day of spring! Guys, we made it through the winter, congratulations! I went to the garden center at Canadian Tire and cleaned up our patio. I finally planted all of the Pothos cutting I’d been propagating over the winter. After my gardening expedition, I went for a nice long walk with Michelle and we had a drink on a patio for the first time in MONTHS. It was so lovely to be outside and enjoying the sun!

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Day 370: Sunrise Cold Plunge in Lake Ontario

This morning I woke up nice and early and went to Humber bay part to meet some friends for a cold plunge in Lake Ontario. The sun was just coming up over the horizon and it was cold but beautiful. It was the first time IRL meeting Amy Shio, aka Les Best the wonderful woman who has been a big part in inspiring me to run daily. Megan, Amy, Eric, Phil, and I ran into the water just after 7:30 am and stayed in for about 45 seconds. I wasn’t expecting the waves to be SO HIGH but it was still fun. When I came out of the water, it was so cold that part of my hair was FROZEN! I reckon next time we’ll pick a spot that has less waves and rocks because it was a little scary! Hoping to go back in the water again next week. Happy Friday!

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Day 368: Think About Perspective

I do a petty good job of sharing positive stories, sunshine, smiley faces but let me remind you, once again, what you see on the internet is never the whole story. Some days are hard, messy, or just plain garbage. Life is hard and we are living through a deadly global pandemic. We’ve learned a lot after one year of this but that doesn’t make it easier on the day-to-day. I try to find joy in the little things, stand and face the sun, and get out fresh air to clear my head. The past year has really taught me about perspective and I try to keep that in mind when I’m faced with it a challenge. No matter how much I try tho, I can’t help but feel sad or angry sometimes, both made more difficult if you’re tired. This week has been a mix of awesome and shitty, a real rollercoaster. It’s important to remember that a bad day isn’t all days, you are strong, you can handle this. Take some deep breaths, a walk outside, or even take a little nap. There’s no sense in letting a bad day ruin everything and with each new morning, we have an opportunity to find some good in the day. Today I was having a hard time when I decided to stop everything and go for a long walk. The air was cool but the sun was out, by the time I got back home, I felt better. I love this reminder shared by Amy Shio on Instagram, a good one to keep.

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Day 367: Making Fun Happen

Had a great run this morning and found some street art on the way home. Can you guess what I drew here? The sun of course! Love seeing people out here making fun happen. I received a fabulous box from the tourism folks in Stratford, ON filled with all kinds of goodies from local retailers. It was so fun to open! [WATCH THE VIDEO HERE] I grew up in the 519 and Stratford has so many memories for me. We used to visit all the time with my parents and I spent few weekends going there for dance competitions. To help support local businesses, they’ve created this lovely box filled with local Stratford treasures. Purchasing one is not only is a great gift, you’re supporting local shops in an Ontario tiny town. Check out @visitstratfordon on IG or visit their website to order. Each box is $100+HST (includes free shipping across Canada). My last visit there was in 2018 and I made a guide of things to do when you visit, in this post. The shirt I’m wearing is my OWN vintage from 1989. I used to go to heaps of car shows w/ the family as a kid. I was playing with the mirror and found it hilarious to see my reflections multiply. ? Just’ making my own fun over here. This week I also received a package I ordered from a childhood friend’s new biz, The Curator’s Shop. They created it during covid and ship boxed full of all kinds of luxury goods that make great gifts. I purchased the Hinza Tote, a green plastic, sustainable multi-use bag made from sugar cane, a renewable resource. For over 50 years these bags have been produced in Sweden. Finished the day with a long walk from Junction downtown to Queen & Bathurst…

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Day 366: Big Spring Energy

I’ve been waking up so early this week and I’m not sure if it’s Daylight Saving Time or general excitement. Knowing spring is around the corner has me feeling some kinda way and I’m working on a couple of projects that have me BUZZING. Last year when I was off work for a couple of months, it made me think about life and what I truly wanted. I’ve been working in social media for so long and felt like I needed a change. I joined the Advisory Board at Hvr then took a contract with Funday Agency. I’ve been so inspired by the work I’m doing, it’s transferred to everything I do. I spent years not being *truly* happy and I think this past year really gave me a chance to revaluate what matters. I reprioritized a few things and through that gained a new perspective on life. I am truly excited for the next year and what I might can accomplish. Here’s to BIG SPRING ENERGY. ☀️? She’s ready to BLOOM!

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Day 365: A Year of Cottage Living

Living in the woods for a year will change you. I remember when I started dating Sean and spending time at the cottage, I dreamed of us running away to live in the woods. I’d eat healthily, build a garden, go for long walks, and letting my hair grow out. Today marks one year since we packed up our essential items and moved up to the cottage to wait out the Covid-19 Pandemic. We thought it was a great opportunity to open the cottage a little early and get some jobs done around the property. We had no idea it would last this long. The first few months were filled with online workout classes, dance with Ryan Heffington, and long runs outside through the woods. Over the summer I read a bunch of books, perfected my tan, and safely hung out on the water with cottage friends. In August, I spent a week in the city and it was so nice to walk with friends, sit on patios, or hang in the park. I started a new job in August we both worked from the cottage for most of the fall. I was starting to miss home and good wifi, I wanted to get back to some kind of normal routine. In December, we had our first family Christmas at the cottage complete with a tree, presents, and fireworks. Sean and I spent a nice 7-day stretch at the cottage the week before NYE. We came back to the city on January 1, 2021. Sean spent most of January and February 2021 at the cottage alone or with Emily while she was doing home school. I wanted to spend some time at our house in the city, I missed my stuff, my closet, and the comfort of our space. I…

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