Ok Here We Go, Bundle Up! ❄️

Ok it’s back to the grind and totally freezing outside. I know it’s hard to keep your head up but you MUST. Your attitude will shape everything around you. Grab some summer photos and keep them close by for inspiration. Make sure you have super warm gloves, hat, scarf, jacket, boots. The only way to get through this it to bundle up! It appears that I am frozen in. #dlws pic.twitter.com/ScBHTDmsv5 — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) January 5, 2015 Here’s to a great first day back. I’ve planned out heaps of new and old things to write about and I can’t wait to share. With love, CASIE * Also, on a positive note, I feel it’s appropriate to bust out my vintage mink coat!

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Fashion | Rudsak, A Sample Sale for The Cool Rebel

Popped into the Rudsak sample sale yesterday just after 10am when it opened and there were heaps of shoppers filling their arms. It comes at the perfect time of year since winter just hit! There’s a ton of shoes, bags, accessories (hats, gloves, wallets etc), as well as winter coats and spring/fall leather jackets. In a preview of the sale the other day I picked up a new leather/fur jacket, purse, and boots. The sale is at 99 Sudbury and runs November 13th-16th. Full details below.       If you’re not familiar with Rudsak you might want to check out my posts from their April sample sale, fashion week, and the store opening at Yorkdale earlier this year. Founded in Montreal in 1994, Rudsak is a brand that celebrates the authentic cool rebel. They’ve got a rock and roll attitude with a focus on quality leather. This year they celebrated 20 years with a capsule collection named after 20 rockstar greats with only 20 of each item available. Here’s a sneak peek at some of the goodies you’ll find at 99 Sudbury this weekend… If you stop by I’d LOVE to see what you get. Yesterday I got Sean a nice black scarf and this hat/scarf for myself.  Find Rudsak on Instagram at @Rudsak, Twitter @RusdakCanada, and Facebook/RudsakCanada. Rabbit fur & wool scarf, perfect @RudsakCanada purchase for this ❄️ weather! #RockRudsak… https://t.co/pMoY3Us0EO pic.twitter.com/q3JkRqZ1fi — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) November 13, 2014 CASIE

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Get a Fresh Perspective ✌️

I’ve given myself a few days to check some tasks off my list. Nothing like the change of seasons to clean out your closet, rediscover your wardrobe, and organize before hibernation. If this winter is anything like last winter, I’ll be spending heaps of time at home and I’d like to be productive. One of my fav things about winter is to stay home and unleash creativity. I’ve been meaning to break out my sewing machine and creative cabinet since I moved over a year ago. What have I been doing!? Where has the time gone!? Come Friday, studio will be back in session. I’ve got a few days to make magic happen. Here’s to a great week! Get your creative juices flowing and share them with the world. There’s no time like right now. <3 CASIE

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Nella Bella LONDON Bag | Commercial for Web

A couple months ago I filmed this web commercial for Nella Bella’s LONDON Bag with 1188 Films. It’s a multifunctional bag and in the ivdeo I show you all the ways it works. I gave one of these to Mum a while back and it’s her absolute fav. Check out the video below!

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Swimming Pool, Sunshine’s Cool, Winter Drools

I was saying yesterday how I’m really looking forward to summer and sunshine and the cottage. I found myself looking through old photos of us last night, hanging out in Muskoka, relaxing with the calm sound of nature and the lake. I’m due for a vacation. Thailand was months ago and although it was a really good time, it was the opposite of relaxing! We were on a tight media schedule and it was rare to have a couple hours alone for naps or lazing on the beach. I just want to feel that sunshine. I want to feel warm. I’ve not taken off my scarf or hat since arriving at the office and there’s a space heater beside me. This is the longest winter in 25 years and we’ve had a record number of ‘cold weather alert’ days. I try my best to stay positive and not let the weather get me down but sheesh, this is the hardest it’s been. I know months down the road I’ll look back at this and think, if you could get through this you can get through anything. It’s snowing again… <3 CASIE

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Grey Goose ‘Taste By Appointment’ at Soho House

Last week I was invited to the Soho House as a guest of Grey Goose for an exclusive dinner for 10. It was an occasion called ‘Taste by Appointment’ where we learned all about taste, flavours, and of course, drank Grey Goose. I ran into my old friend Mr. Brainwash AGAIN too. (When I say old friend it’s because I met him there the week before!) I’ve been a fan of GG for ages and last year at Community Agency got to work w/ Grey Goose where I learned all about their latest FLY BEYOND campaign. The food at Soho is excellent and totally chowed down on the steak pictured below. Thanks to Ryan Emberley from C Daily for the photos, see the whole set here. Now who’s ready for a cocktail!? <3 CASIE

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Errrryday I’m tumblring | Leave Yours in the Comments!

Guys, I updated my tumblr. Omg. It’s been years. Started from the bottom now we here … at this new design. Do you have a tumblr too? Leave it in the comments so I CAN FOLLOW YOU home. It just started raining and I didn’t bring an umbrella. I was meant to go to an event tonight but when I look outside and see the sky falling, all I wanna do it be on the couch with my computer (and BF lol). Some rain songs for you! Enjoy! ♥ CASIE   I didn’t bring an umbrella. Fml. #firstworldproblems #dlws #millivanilli http://t.co/bJImDgr5yx — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) February 19, 2014   I look out the window and … http://t.co/1xRWPBXcPJ via @youtube — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) February 19, 2014

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Hope your day is filled with love and chocolates and besties and flowers and sunshine. When I arrived home from my Justin Timberlake experience last night my amazingly wonderful BF Sean surprised me with roses, an über cute card, and jewellery from Vivienne Westwood. He knows me so well and always gets the most thoughtful gifts! ILU HONEY! ♥ Today Ryan Gosling showed up to give me a kiss! Straight from the Internet. Lucky girl! We had tacos for lunch at work and XOXO cakes ! Chocolates delivery from Motorola! Obvs shared w/ workmates. House of Cards IS BACK! Netflix sent me a love note and candy hearts that are House of Cards. Love! Much love from the Internet across the world wide web from my heart to yours. ♥ ILU! ♥ CASIE * top photo by the ever so talented Becca Lemire! citalopram no prescription fucidin no prescription lasix no prescription ventolin inhaler no prescription

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Love Is in Air, The Freezing Cold Air

Love is in the air this week! I adore Valentines Day mostly because hearts are my fav print, flowers, cinnamon hearts, and presents. Last year my bf surprised me with a gift from Tiffany’s and I’ve been wearing it since. Nothing really planned this year bc Sean is shooting a commercial this weekend and I’m shooting a new YouTube series I’m in with Cuisinart. Snapped these on my way into the office w/ GoPro this morning. When is it every going to get warm? I’m so sick of winter. Photos with rose filters and hearts seem to brighten things up. Gloves/Glasses – ALDO,  Hat Parkhurst,  Coat/Shoes – Nasty Gal, Pants – Express  Hope your day is good. Here’s some love songs for you 🙂 ♥ CASIE

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I’m Not Crying, It’s Just SNOWING ON MY FACE!

Gah. Today is like the maddest winter blizzardy day we’ve had YET! It’s snowing like cats and dogs everywhere. I tried to make it look pretty with my little pink coat from NastyGal and GoPro but I feel there is almost nothing a girl can do in weather like this. Look at my hair when I got to work…. urgh! WTF is this? Well, that’s all for now. Stay safe out there yo! <3 CASIE   Amoxil no prescription Clomid no prescription Flomax no prescription Fluoxetine no prescription

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Summer I Miss You, My Love.

I can’t stop thinking about summer. I need to get my a$$ to hot yoga or something. I’m not sure WHAT it is but I’ve been feeling so blarghhhh the last few days. Spent a few hours getting pampered on the weekend followed by a day of relaxation w/ my one true love then BAM I was sick on Monday. Gimme a break! Thinking Sean and I might hop over to Jamaica or somewhere hot next month. I’m dying to feel the sun on my face and salty ocean water on my skin. My few days off work last week were nice but I was still so connected to the Internet (and work) that it wasn’t really much of a break. You know what I mean? I feel like I need a ‘real vacation’ a digital detox. In other news, Valentines Day is coming up and we’ve not really got anything planned. I’d like to have a nice dinner and get a good sleep. I’m old now, lol. Last year I was surprised with a bracelet from Tiffany’s and he made me bacon hearts. It was perfect. I have a few giveaways for things for you coming up over the next few days. Urgh, just saw we are getting more snow tonight. ENOUGH ALREADY, ENOUGH! Looks like I’ll be hibernating all week AGAIN! With love, CASIE <3     Tadalafil no prescription Abilify no prescription Aciphex no prescription

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Scandinave Spa Getaway for Two

Scandinave is a great spa tucked away in the woods at Blue Mountain. They’re got all the spa services of any other place but with the addition of Scandinavian Bath nature spa experience. The renowned Scandinavian Baths include a Finnish Sauna, Eucalyptus Steam Room, Thermal & Nordic Waterfalls, Hot Baths, Cold Plunges & relaxation areas. I’ve been here before but this time it was REALLY COLD. It’s a great place to visit but I’d advise against going in a Polar Vortex.  Sean and I braved the blowing wind for about 45 minuted. In less brutal conditions, people stay for 2-3 hours. AED 🙂 The roads driving back to the city were pretty gnarly. The snow banks were as high as the car and snow was blowing all over the place. Coming back to the city brought on a wave of traffic and city stress. I’m ready to book a vacation somewhere HOT! <3 CASIE online Pharmacy Greenline Walter Pharmacy overnight drug online Online Pharmacy USA

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Refuel those Batteries Girl, Relax, Recharge

Started the day w/ brunch & shopping at The Drake Hotel for TFI’s Guilty Pleasures. Nice to see the Killigrew boys. Love those guys. They have heaps of new items in their collection. Cardigans, sweaters. They’re also adding jammies and pants. Check ’em out at killigrewfashion.com. Picked up some sweet handmade fortune rings. Good luck for Year of the Horse I hope! Had a lovely afternoon at Sekai Nail & Beauty Bar. My 90 min massage was great and followed by manicure & pedicure. Went for an electric sapphire blue on my nails, I usually only get red or black. Change is good! Tried my first Caramel Macchiato at Starbucks, I see now why so popular. Super sweet but delicious. It was crazy snowy so, after my relaxing afternoon out I retreated to our house and stayed in for the night. Posted heaps on Tumblr and Pinterest. Started watching the Kevin Bacon series ‘The Following’ on Netflix. It’s about s serial killer, like a really long episode of Criminal Minds kinda. So far, good! <3 CASIE Fluoxetine without prescription Levitra Professional Topamax without prescription Wellbutrin without prescription

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And just like that…we’re back to work.

Oh hai. Back to work. It’s cold. Stress hits you like a ton of bricks the second you get back to this wIld city! We ran into a bunch of road closures trying to leave Collingwood and then there was a gunman on the loose in my work/home neighbourhood. Traffic was insane. Sean had a late meeting to get to. It’s amazing how a few days of relaxation can just evaporate witht the hustle and bustle of city life. I long for the days when I used to live in Australia and the beach + surf was my sanctuary. In other news, I have a package from NastyGal (with shoes!) at the Postie and my new glasses from Warby Parker arrive today. Booked a 90 min massage + pedicure for Saturday morning so countdown to the weekend is on. I really hope Spring comes early this year, Winter has been a real B*TCH THIS YEAR! 🙂 <3 CASIE P.S. Have some Valentines Day giveaways coming up next week for youuuuuuuuuuu! ♥  

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Travel | Ontario Winter Vacation at Blue Mountain Ski Resort

I’ve spent the last 24 hours in our little chalet tucked away in the woods. Later this afternoon we checkin to our next destination, The Westin at Blue. Looking forward to skating on the pond later and swimming the heated outdoor pool. I love vacation! It’s been ages since I had a nice relaxing Ontario winter vacation. Winter vacations aren’t for everyone and I know a lot of people who would rather sunbathe on a nice hot beach but there’s something so peaceful about relaxing in a white winter wonderland. Different people love a nice snowy holiday for different reasons too. Some love to take their all mountain ski and bomb down a slope, others (like me) like to have a relaxing holiday of chilling in heated pools and hot chocolate, and others use the cold as an excuse to drink lots because it will “keep me warm!” Although, it doesn’t matter what your reason for the holiday is, as long as you have fun! We woke up to a whole bunch of fresh show. It’s quite cold and windy. Perfect weather to hibernate and enjoy the scenery. The only sound out here is my boots crunching in the snow with each step. <3 CASIE Lipitor without prescription Plavix without prescription Prednisolone without prescription Sildenafil without prescription

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Positivity Tuesday! Yeah! Right Here!

Shake it out. Don’t let this weather get you down. Perk up that attitude and throw the bad one in the garbage. It’s heavy. Find a slice of sunshine and soak it up on your face. Wear sunscreen. Put on a smile and greet the world. This is your life, your movie, you are the director!  Is it is a comedy, a romance,  a documentary about success? YOU DECIDE.   Positivity baby!  <3 CASIE finasteride without prescription flomax without prescription fluoxetine without prescription

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The Weekend was Made for Lovers

  Had a lovely sunday afternoon w/ Sean. Went to the TIFF Bell Lightbox. Had a nice lunch at the Dog & Bear on Queen. This is the “stop taking my photo” face. Ha, anyone who has dated a blogger just has to deal with certain things like taking their photo, having their photo taken, or holding their stuff. Love you for it though! The tacos at Dog & Bear are sooooo good. The whole menu is splendid TBH. Walked Otis, the much loved Italian Greyhound at the 1188 Studio. Sometimes I think a puppy would be ok to have but then I walk someone else’s dog and it dog slobbers on me, gets hair on my outfit, or goes to the bathroom on the floor and I take it all back. No dog for me. Deff no cats either!   Next weekend we head up North for 5 days of snow hills, spas, and our very own two bedroom suite at Blue Mountain. It’s a winter min-break just like Bridget and Marc Darcy! Except snowboarding and none of the other people lol. Can’t wait! The Weekend was Made for Lovers, <3 CASIE   amoxicillin without prescription amoxil without prescription ampicillin without prescription

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Living Young and Wild and Free

Took my coat off to snap some pix and those dang birds were flocking above my head. Added some cats as protection. You suck birds! This is me ice dancing. It’s super slippery out there! Oh y’know, just L-I-V-I-N. <3 CASIE Propecia without prescription Sildenafil without prescription Trazodone without prescription Zithromax without prescription

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Who Hates Having a Cold? We do!

Today I left the house to go to the movies. First real outing in a while because I have had a cold since before New Years. I honestly can’t even deal, it’s horrible. Saw Wolf of Wall Street, loved it. It’s pretty long though, be prepared. Leo is such a fantastic actor. No spoilers so not saying anything more. Basically my living room is this. It’s gross. I feel disgusting. Have watched so much Netflix/iTunes over the past two weeks. Take any recos if you have them! It’s snowing outside heaps. Hope that you are not sick and that the weekend was lovely. I’m hoping to wake up feeling better. XO CASIE Tadalafil without prescription Abilify without prescription Aciphex without prescription Amoxil without prescription

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Find a Place Where the Sun Hits Your Face

OK YES, IT’S COLD! The weather isn’t so bad if you dress for it. Almost everyone in Canada and a bunch of the USA are all under extreme cold warming. This is the coldest winter we’ve had in 18 years or something. Wearing the Twiggy + Mickey sweater from Over the Rainbow today (see that post here). Dress is from H&M. Phone case is ‘Mountain View‘ by We Kill You from GelaSkins.   Today I sat down on the couch to take a call and when I did I heard a little jingle in the cushions and found these two babies! $4 find is a pretty good one I say. Gonna pick up a lotto ticket and hope my luck continues. Never know guys, you never know.   If you find place where the sun hits your face, you’ll be alright 🙂 <3 CASIE Pharmacy Greenline Lawrence Pharmacy online overnight drug Online Overnight Pharmacy USA

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Holiday GIFs: I’ve Been An Awful Good Girl, Santa Baby

This is my favourite Christmas sweater. Dance party? Desk dancing? Sure! Put on the tunes… This heart’s for you. Yes, you reading this, I see you. <3 HAPPY HOLIDAYS! XO CASIE Buy Cipro without prescription Buy Clomid without prescription Buy Cozaar without prescription Buy Flagyl without prescription

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These Vids Will Warm Up Your Monday!

Oh helloooooo! Really had to pull myself out of bed this morning even though I had heaps of sleep on the weekend. All this cold and snow makes for perfect sitting on the couch reading, working, in jammies weather. Can’t believe it’s almost Christmas! Mum is in NZ with the family, HI GUYS! In other news… Check out these awesome vids made by Seattle’s Travels and Gunnarolla on our Thailand trip. Oh man, today with this cold ass winter I really miss the hot hot sun! Contiki Thailand (iPhone 5s slo-mo) If you do nothing else today, watch this short love letter vid from @seattlestravels of her #contikithai adventure http://t.co/SXoXbSBG49 — Contiki Holidays (@ContikiCAN) December 15, 2013   Christmas Safari! ♫ (ft. Nanalew & Hey Nadine) Post by High On Life Sundayfundayz. Stay warm out there! <3 CASIE   buy lasix without prescription buy nexium without prescription buy prednisone without prescription Buy prevacid without prescription

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Year in Review from Facebook + YouTube

This year has been an exciting one! Had a couple small trips to NY, and big trips to California and Thailand. Started a new job and worked with some really great brands like HTC, Canon, and Ted Baker via my blog. Closer to New Years I’ll round up some of my most fav moments but Facebook does a handy job of rounding them for you. See my Year in Review by clicking this link facebook.com/yearinreview/casiestewart or check out your own by visiting the same link from your profile. Facebook’s Year in Review Video via TAXI YouTube’s Year in Review 2013 via The Next Web buy celexa without prescription buy cipro without prescription Buy cozaar without prescription

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BlogTO + Shopify Open Popify This Weekend

Sounds like a bit of tongue twister but trust me it’s cool. My friends from Jet Cooper now Shopify have partnered with BlogTO for a cool pop-up shop that I thing might be the future of retail. Located at 165 Augusta Avenue in Kensington Market the stop is part gallery part shop. The cool thing about it is you can see and touch all the merch then using Shopify’s payment system on the wall mounted iPads (below) you make a purchase and it’s delivered to your door, before Christmas of course. I think this concept is rad. I love online shopping and this bridges it with retail for a totally new experience. All those asking is Shopify good? Well here’s your answer. They’re innovating and adapting to market trends – and it really shows. I’ve seen a few of these stores online or came across them while doing online shopping since some eCommerce store use companies like Victorious to help with their digital marketing. I know lots of people who use Shopify daily and they love it. It’s cheap, it’s easy to use and it even has a mobile app. Of course, there is always the question of ‘Wix vs Shopify‘ but it’s down to personal preference which platform you prefer. If you own an online store, Shopify could be a great alternative online shopping experience, shipping out your products with custom retail packaging to your customers. For anyone that would be pretty sweet, but having a pop-up shop surrounding it is just plain awesome. If you’re out and about this weekend check out Popify. More details on the website here. <3 CASIE Buy citalopram without prescription Buy fucidin without prescription Buy lasix without prescription Buy ventolin inhaler without prescription

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Hello December…

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We’ve Been Accepted into Ottawa Film Fest!

Heard this great news this weekend… We have been selected for the 2013 @ottawafilmfest ! Keep checking oiff.ca for more details! #documentary #Ottawa pic.twitter.com/TgAz8RrDZ3 — It’s All About ME (@allaboutmemovie) September 18, 2013 Last time I was in Ottawa I was talking in the closing show with some Canadian celebrities for Ottawa Fashion Week. I’m not sure if I will be attending Ottawa Film Festival next week but it is definitely nice to have our film in there! Hopefully we can make it into a film festival somewhere warm and sunny one day. That one, I will have to attend! Buy Vardenafil Buy Amoxil Buy Fluoxetine

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World MasterCard Fashion Week FW 2013

It’s freezing guys. Too cold for fashion week! WTF is up with the snow? This is what backstage in hair & makeup looks like. I got a mega VIP experience last night and had my hair & makeup done by the lovely Lucky. We used to work at MuchMuaic/MTV years ago. Stopped by the RESERVE lounge for sponsors for a cocktail and went home early. @casiestewart Takes one to know one…or two! 😉 Great meeting you. — Scarlett Jane Music (@ScarlettJMusic) March 19, 2013 Found this at Sean’s studio before we went home. Would really make a WMCFW statement with this thing! Ha! Hope your day is off to a great start! Stay warm out there 🙂 <3 CASIE

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