advanced twitter search

If you don’t know what you’re search for, it’s hard to find it. Depends what you’re searching but twitter search is kinda fun. Advanced options make searching for what you want  easier, not harder.  Positive attitude comes up in the search bar as a winky face 🙂 i like it I watched 50 First Dates today. I imagine losing my memory…writing a post of what I did everyday, it would be the only way to go on. Ya, great idea…make a new movie about a girl with a blog who forgets, there’s an idea. Talk about social media robot! New event, new people everyday. Online update, real life modern Truman, human. By the way, there’s body scans and pat downs at the airport now, wear nice undies and good bra if you have boobs. Check out this kid, barefoot bandit! He’s a little badass.  I loved catch me if you can… Frank Abagnale Jr.

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only boring people get bored

I’m really excited for this year and I’ve got a really good feeling that excitement is not going anywhere but more. I got an agent today, new media. I’m looking forward to so many things. Have you checked out the Blog Girls lately, they’re all doing good too.

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nothing screams euro like salmon pants

Hotel Nacional is a really nice place to stay and had people from all over. Highly recommend going there. They’ll let you into the pool and all the different areas even if you’re not a guest. We had a gay old time trying to guess who was from where based on the way they did or didn’t speak English. There was a lot of Euro’s and you could spot them based on their style. We saw a bunch from peeps Brazil too. As far as I knew Americans weren’t allowed in Cuba, however, this is not the case. They don’t stamp your passport and you can’t fly direct. I made friends with an American girl who came from Cuba and an Aussie living in NY who flew in from Toronto. In the woods of Snookie…..”parties here”!

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get it fired up in a hurry, wanna get dirrty

I’m watching Holiday Wrap’s 100 top vids and it’s great. Christina’s Dirty is on right now. I LOVED this song so hard. We had a dance to the whole thing. We used to do it at the bar. We’d even go early to practice. Loose Change Louie’s & The Rev in Waterloo were THE SPOTS back then. I was living at Mum’s and in College at Conestoga in Kitchener. Sarah Baker, Buddy, Gay, I know you remember that shit! It was awesome. We were always dancing back then… Is Rev still cool? I checked out the site and it made me think of Jersey Shore right away. haha

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you don’t bring a gun to a snowball fight

A bunch of peeps in DC organized a snowball fight in on the weekend via social media. These are the best videos I saw, there are heaps. It was all fun and games until a cop in an unmarked hummer got pissed his car got hit with a snowball and pulled a GUN. Here he is admitting it: In-fucking-sane. I doubt this would happen in Canada. Imagine? Gah. No way. Brutal.

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she kinda reminds me of andy warhol

This is the desktop of @irieras at work…feel free to put me on yours too. haha so funny.  It’s my current FB profile pic and she loves it. I got to thinking the other day about this blog and me and everything…. it’s fun reminding yourself about your own life. It becomes a story, unreal at times. I often say to myself “Can you believe it Casie? THIS, this, this is your life and you are living it, good job. Casie you are living it out.” AND Yes,  yes I talk to myself often. Kinda why I have a blog, to make the talking to myself seen normal….or necessary. Oh, look at me so funny again. To remember my life, that’s why I do it, this whole charade. I’m so happy and I hope it lasts forever. Thank you for reading. I love when you comment cause then we’re both sharing and it’s not just me talking to myself day after day. I’ve got all my gear here to scoot to NY after work. I’ve got a driver arranged at the airport and I’m meeting Jello at the hotel. No anxiety, only excitement! OMG! Have an awesome day.

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what have you secretly searched? #google

I’m watching Inside the Mind of Google on CNBC. Did you know there’s 2 billion Google searches done daily? That’s mad hits. I found it super interesting thinking about what people put in that little search box. Admit it, you’ve typed things in Google search would wouldn’t tell ANYONE; dirty secrets, naughty desires, sickness, infection. Everything. Google’s got all those queries stored in their database. Imagine someone reading your Google list? I learned Google’s been subpoenaed in heaps of court cases to get peoples Google search lists. Basically, the lesson learned is if you don’t want someone to know, don’t Google it. The US Patriot act states that law enforcement agencies can get Google’s access to your search terms. However, they’re made anonymous after 18 months but that doesn’t mean they can’t link your searches back to you. Dogfooding is what they call testing Google products on all their 20,000 genius employees; using their own products in house. The hour finished off talking about Adwords & I could have watched it all night. I PVR’d it so I can watch it again. I love Google, you know I do.

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TGIF – all i hear is click click keyboards

I’ve got some exciting news… I’m heading to NEW YORK and CUBA with my favorite for Christmakkuh. So excited. OMG. Leaving in two weeks… I didn’t update my blog yesterday but let me tell you, tweets are flying with what I  am doing 24/7/365. If you’re ever bored and have already trolled this blog, go read my tweets. You just might pee your pants.  I laugh and love it. For example, today I had toasted coconut after a Boston creme #FML. My friend posted these old pics on Facebook yesterday and I had a chuckle. I’ve changed so much over the years. These were all in about 1998-199. I looked TOTALLY different in 2001 here. New show at work, Jersey Shore. haha so funny;  beers +bitches +beach +protein +tanning +hair gel +cologne = guidos.  I’ve been talking with an accent all day and I can’t get enough.  I’m watching the repeat right now. Tonight is heart for the Holidays at Marben. Come out. Have drinks fun & party with me and a zillion of TO’s coolest., smartest & best looking GenY peeps. See ya there! Happy Friday! TGIF

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you really gotta work hard for what you want

“That’s a strange combination” was the response I got from Darius this morning on Twitter after I posted “tired.inspired.”  That’s how I feel. I told him I’d explain in a blog post and I’m quite happy to. I’m tired. I’m exhausted but I can’t seem to slow down, take a break, rest, sleep, or simply ‘do nothing’ because I am inspired. I’m excited. I want to work more and harder and pick up speed. The hardest part has now become focusing my time making the most out of each moment. It’s either working towards goals or doing things that inspire me to set new ones. It’s how entrepreneurs & inventors feel, driven.  When you bust your ass  working hard and you wanna sleep but you stay up all night to put in a few more hours because you love it. That’s how I feel. I love it. Today I am listening to Selah Sue and I did my hair like this girl with dark purple nail polish, red bandana. I checked Twitter just before posting this and Darius had just posted one of my favorite quotes… Words to live by. Have a nice humpitty hump day… * Did you see Marilyn Monroe smoking pot? It’s Britney’s birthday too, Happy Birthday once former idol. I hope this year is less train-wercky than the past few ♥ xo Casie

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Can you imagine this was your last holiday with your mom or dad? I can’t.

Heart for the Holidays from Heart for the Holidays on Vimeo. Can you imagine this was your last holiday with sister or brother? Girlfriend or boyfriend? Some people have to and that is a heart wrenching thought to me. Just stop and think about it for a moment…seriously. You know I’m a positive girl and I can’t imagine the effect it would have on me knowing it was the last Christmas with one of my family members. I’d be a complete wreck. This is Mum and Dad with my awesome sister Jenie. I love you guys!! The Heart House Hospice is a volunteer driven organization which reaches out to these families in their time of greatest need. With your help we can give them the best holiday ever while they still have the chance to live it! To make a donation from yourself or your company visit Come out next Friday, December 4th to celebrate the season with us for a wonderful cause. Get your tickets right here. Looking forward to seeing some new faces out this time 🙂

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get a heart on this holiday season

You can’t rain on my parade! It’s gonna rain all week and if you need some sunshine you can find it here. I was happy to see a Christmas Tree standing in the window of the bank on my way to work this morning. I’m not really a big Christmas-loving-person but I really love giving. This season, I’m planning to some some serious giving of my time, energy,  PRESENTS to you my readers. For the holidays, a bunch of us behind #GenyTO have launched a campaign called Heart for Holidays. Our goal is to raise $20,000 for Hospice of Canada. Our donation does directly to families affected by terminal illness and give them food and gifts to be able to enjoy what might be the last holiday season they share together. We’re having a party on December 4th and we’d all love you to come. If you can’t make it, it would be really nice of you to purchase a ticket so you can still be involved in the giving. Trust me, giving feels so good inside. If you would like to donate a prize, gift basket or some moolah to our event for Hospice of Canada. Email, Tweet, or holler at me and we’ll sort out the details. Have an awesome day! Happy Monday Tuesday!

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TGIF: Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook

Last Friday I posted TGIF and you know what? I’m gonna do it again! I’ve had a great week at work. Feeling better as each day goes by, I’m kinda getting the hang of things. If you wanna see you can follow @MTVcanada on Twitter and check in to the MuchMusic & MTV FB’s. Here’s some stuff I checked out this week around the interwebs… 1. Gaga gorgeous Barbie from my Tumblr blog: 2. Things that make us happy…[read more] Having a Good Laugh – Laughter is the greatest cure of all. Life is extraordinary in the moments when you are laughing so hard you can barely breathe. These moments of deep laughter are divine in the sense that they cleanse your mood and set your mind on a positive track. Making the Yellow Light – It’s one of the most common simple pleasures, the act of beating the pack. As you blaze through the yellow light you glance in your rearview to see all the cars behind you stopping at the red light. Yes! You made it! 3. This laughing girl…love laughing and photos of girls laughing always put a smile on my face. I like to Tweet them via Tumblr when I see a real beaut. That’s it for the Friday wrap up. I’m back to the Impact Conference & stoked to be at the HEAD TABLE with Jeff and Justin Trudeau. I’m out of town all weekend and back at the office Tuesday! BON WEEKEND!

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TGIF: Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook

That’s my day in a nutshell, everyday. I read about TGIF in an article from Ad Age this week.  It’s lovely outside and my day is busy, busy, busy. Some Tweetness in my day: The Agenda & LA Times blog editor Tony Pierce recommended you follow me on Twitter. Blogging babe Lisa aka Urban Native Girl wrote for a magazine. Raymi’s in the Torontoist. New word: Framilies Thanks for comments BTW, don’t stop. It’s nice to get feedback. You come and look and read and laugh and when you comment it’s like giving back. Ok bye for now. #TGIF

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they’re over rated and rarely worn

It’s been going on for a while, or should I say not going on…on my legs, pants that is. Yes, pants.  I rarely wear them. I’ve got under ten pairs now since I cleaned out my closet. I gave away all the ones I never wore. They just didn’t get used. I saw this post earlier today and HA..thanks to GaGa and all the other Hollywood whores, no pants is picking up speed. There’s a bunch of references to me and #nopants in Google from the last year. I usually wear tights but with a skirt, long shirt or DRESS. Tights are not pants. Once I had a boyfriend take me shopping just so I would wear pants jeans, they’re just not my thing. Looking forward to The 9th Annual Toronto No Pants ride in January 2010. I’ll be riding that rocket for sure. Here’s a little dance for you from me. Happy HUMP day.

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a fashionable woman is always in love…

And so it began…the day of closet organizing. I photographed about 100 pieces and there’s  many more to go. It’s a huge job. I had a garbage bag size pile of clothes to take to the swap and at the end of the day all the leftovers go to charity. It was at Amy’s friend Daniella’s shop Chasse Gardée, Queen and Dovercourt. So many nice things in the shop. I spotted about 20 pairs of shoes I’d love to own.  Smile for the cam-cam ladies! People brought clothes throughout the day so the merch was always changing. I ended up going back later with Keri and donating more clothes. Oh it felt so good to give them away! We all managed to find a few jems. There was lots of really nice stuff (vintage, designer). Demin jacked I’ve now altered, vintage dress and brand-new-tags-on FCUK mini dress with pockets. Steal. I am now the proud owner of a room where there are no clothes on the floor, EVERYTHING is clean and has a home. It’s been ages. I feel like my mind is free from clutter, finally! I’m thankful for my first job at the GAP in 1996, everything is perfect folded. I’m totally inspired to host my very own swap with wine and cheese. Stay tuned. I reckon before the holidays (which are very quickly approaching). It’s so beautiful outside today, like a second summer. Enjoy it. I’m going for a bike ride. Woot – Sunday Funday! p.s. Taylor Swift was hilarious on SNL last night and I love her.

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i heard swine flu gives you pig tail

I hate this stupid H1N1. I hate hearing about it an seeing the long lines of people non TV. You will not catch me lined up. I reckon you’re more likely to get swine flu in the line of ‘high risk’ people. I mentioned on Twitter I wasn’t gonna get a flu shot. Peter Mansbridg and I exchanged a few DM’s (direct messages). He told me I’m in a high risk group and that not getting it was selfish. Gah! I love that the Raptors & Leafs players got the shot already. ‘High Risk’ my ass. That doesn’t make sense, I know. If you have money you can probably buy a shot from a private clinic. Who says we don’t have two tier health-care? ha! I wondered what the Swine Flu, urgh, I mean H1N1 looks like through a microscope. Like a pig I reckon… outbreak, outbreak, there’s an outbreak of chaos! crashing and burning, spreading like wildfire! worldwide & deadly it’s an epic pandemic! (knocks on wood coffee table reciting I hope I don’t get it)

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a stewart won the koodo party, but not me

click the pictures to see for yourself.

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i got a new job

I just said bye-bye to my old job. I quit. I’m moving on… I’ve taken a position with Much & MTV on the Digital Marketing team. I knew when I read the description,  this job that was for ME. I remained positive the whole time and knew in my mind and my heart that this is what I truly want to do. I’ve worked really hard over the last year and it wasn’t luck that did it, it was preparation meeting opportunity.I used to work in web development Toronto and now I’m moving into new ground. I could not be happier than I am right now. I am proud to say, I have left a job and now begin a career. Thank you for your love and support. Let the wild rumpus START!! RAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA!

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did ya get my costumes from the cleaners?

It’s Monday morning…I’m looking forward to Friday and all the days in between. This week is jam packed with exciting things and it is going to be f-u-n. I’ve got my dress at the cleaners for the 1950’s Madwomen party on Tuesday. Wednesday is Fashion Week time with Notable TV‘s Fashion Week Affair in the evening. Thursday is my time. Friday is GenyTO. Saturday is zombie walk. Depending what you fancy there’s plenty of fun to be had. I’d like to wish Happy Birthday to the Amazing Saul Colt, Courtney ‘save it for later’ Greig and my friend I miss in NZ Simon a.k.a DJ MON. Thinking of you and your awesomeness. Have a great day guys 🙂

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some people have real problems…some kill it

It happens every year when the season change. You know what I mean, we all go through it. You wake up and wonder what to wear, what will it be like today? Outside? Inside at work? I think and say out loud “why don’t I wear a bikini under a parka so I’m prepared when it’s either freezing bloody cold or damn hot?” Ok…I exaggerate… I remember this one job I kept a blanket at my desk all year round. I  never knew if I was planning for heat or air conditioning, never mind the unpredictable outdoor weather. It’s a problem but not like a really serious one… I love fashion and style and clothes but don’t talk about them that often.  I’ve got a couple favorite blog spots that do cover fashion and they’re really good. I  like their style and they’re all so damn cute. They are: Danielle (TO), Final Fashion – Fashion Illustrator in Toronto Gloria (TO), Urbanebloc – Fashion, Style, Stuff Sheena (NYC), The Uniform Project – 365 Days 1 Dress Go check them out. You will like.

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if google was my boyfriend

I forgot something I said to Keri last night when we were hanging  out so I Tweeted her to remember. I had a three-way on Skype with Bob in Atlanta and Ellen in Boston, then Keri joined in from my place. I miss the famous Mayor of Twitter so I Google Waved him hello. Sabrina’s letting me pick out my Christmas present so I shop online and send it to her over MSN. I also don’t know if I’ve won the Build a Bash party yet so I obsessively Tweet at them and upload Twitpics of me visiting their site. I send photos to Posterous that update to a Facebook album and then post to Twitter. Oh the love is going round and round… This morning we were chatting about Google being a good boyfriend… Pros of Google BF Very open communication Easily connected to each other – in sync We won’t can’t hide anything from each other Her puts out alot He knows what I like Keeps track of all the blogs I like in a Reader for me Makes my photos pretty and appeals to my artistic side with Picasa makes it easy to subscribe to my life He makes money for me and him He’s got lots of room for me to grow and store stuff online Manages groups well – open relationship? Likes to travel the Earth Helpful when I want to know something Good at Jeopardy Likes to get to know me Good for maps and directions Sorts mail and throws out junk Could give me an even cooler office to work in Helps with advertising Cons of my Google Boyfriend That smartass has an answer for everything Terms and conditions Uses algorithms all the damn time and I hate math Kinda creepy collecting so…

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tell ME something for once and i’ll give you a prize

I love this photo. Jenie  and I ran into Johanna and Cassie on our way home from Nuit Blanche on Saturday night.  She just sent me a bunch of photos. Thank you. Ok, so I always tell you things I like, things I love…when the sun shines bright through the clouds,  pretty things, dressing up and riding my bike blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. It’s your turn to get something free in the mail now. I’ve teamed up with Matchstick to give you a Harijuku Lovers gift set valued at $250.00. I want you to tell me something you love. To enter, send an email to [email protected] with a photo, video or message about something you love. Please also include your full name, age and province.  Unfortunately this contest is only open to Canadian residents (excluding Quebec) that are over the age of 18. Really creative or hilarious entries may be posted and the odds of winning really depends on entries. I’ll pick a winner by random draw in a 12seconds video and send your info over to Matchstick who will take it from there to deliver the package right to your door. Contest closes Oct. 23 at 5pm. For official rules and entry crap that nobody wants to read click here.

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i think this brain would be pretty tasty

Zombies……I can’t stop thinking about them…. As soon as it turned October, it’s like my body knows it’s Halloween and I wanna dress up and wear masks and makeup and wigs and stuff. I don’t like scary movies or blood and gore but I love to dress up Zombie. The walk is coming up Oct. 24th. There’s gong to be a bunch of us and I’d love you to join in the bloody fun. I saw some photo’s on Tony’s blog of the Hollywood Walk last week and I’m pretty sure that’s what got my Zombie thoughts into overdrive. One more thing… I mentioned a while ago that fellow blogger and comic drawer extraordinaire Mr. Sean Ward has taken up residence in San Francisco.  His crew just produced this new video. Check ‘er out! Have a great day 🙂

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But, they don’t all bring you lasagna at work.

Watched Clerks last night for the first time. I know. The title of this post is part of a quote from Silent Bob saying “there’s a million fine looking women in the world…”. Listening to Selah Sue. Watched a video from boy crazy Alexi. Sent my stuff to insurance from my back-ccident and snail mailed a card to someone special. Billabong sample sale downstairs today. Lots of deals. 67 Mowat Ave first floor at Pady Sales if you wanna go, today or tomorrow. I wanna win the Build a Bash contest from Koodo where get $50,000 to throw a party. You can join my party here but you gotta be logged into Facebook cause it uses FB Connect. Gah, imagine I had $50K for a party. OMG. Have a great day!

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hello hollywood glamour!

The night was warm as over four hundred fine people walked the red carpet boarding the yacht. Toronto is full of do-gooders and together we surpassed our goal raising over $600o for Meal Exchange. Thank you everyone that purchased event tickets, raffle tickets and came out to have fun! Along with raising awareness of an awesome national student-founded, youth-driven charity, our donation will result in mentoring over 214 youth and providing over 7,500 meals to those in need. Thanks to Mariposa Cruise Lines for giving us a great spot to have a party and the Argo girls for coming out too. They’re lined up here to chat with Rob from Check out the photos from our wonderful photographers Rosa Park, Say Yeah, and Chris G. The next Twestival is in the new year and will an opportunity to tweet,meet and give for a global cause.  It will obviously be a night not to miss!  Have a great day. I did an interview for Daniele Rossi’s Creative Bender radio show after getting back on land. Take a listen, it’s short & sweet.

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attention, ladies and gentlemen of the internet…

Toronto is a city full constant excitement. I get messages once in a while saying it seems like TO is the city for me because we’ve always got something going on. This week, is NO exception, it’s one of the busiest times of the year when the city is filled with stars and red carpets. Tomorrow marks the opening of TIFF and the first day of our first TEDxTO Conference.  You’ll find me at the afterparty hosted by Notable TV at Brasaii on King Street. TED is all about ideas worth sharing and the event will be full of interesting people sharing great ideas. To RSVP head to Notable’s registration page and get your name on the list! Twestival Local is on on Saturday. What is it? Around the world cities are joining together to raise money for a local charities. Our charity is Toronto based Meal Exchange. All the proceeds go directly to Meal Exchange with a goal of raising $5000 to facilitate 178 youth leaders and over 6250 meals being distributed. Totally awesome! Just think about it, you’ll be on a boat, partying with Toronto’s social media community, hot DJs, deliecious free food and flowing drinks while cruising the harbourfront with a view of our beautiful city. When you get your tickets enter promo code CASIE for $5 off. How can you say no NOW?  YOU CAN’T! Check out the Facebook Event page. There are some badass prizes to be won including Palm Pre (that I want to win) if you dress up as your favorite celebrity. I have a feeling Toronto’s own Paris Hiton might just show up 😛

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when i put them on it’s business time

The little girl beside me is Irish and with her parents. She’s staring outside the window preying with every breath to capture a glimpse of the Jonas Brothers. She’s talking about Vanessa and their bus and I’m reminded of when I was young. I had those teen Bop posters of Joey Lawrence and Johnny Depp all over my walls. After that phase  I graduated to drawing all over my walls with quotes and thoughts and messages from friends when they came over. Mum let me do it; creative expression. Thank you. I watched the number 23 last night and he drew all over the walls too.  “The bus!” she shouts, this little girl is so cute. Where’s my little business phone? Gah, I lose it a few sometimes a day. I wear my eyeglasses to help me concentrate. It usually works. So far so good. Two cops in full uniform sat down beside me. I stare at the gun he doesn’t notice. Good. Someone else sat down and their cologne overpowers the sweet smell of coffee, not good cologne either, something cheap. They’re playing house music on Sunday afternoon. I wear my earphones to concentrate  too, although I’m not playing any music. It’s quite chilly today. This week I got prescription glasses in the mail from GlassesUSA. Thanks guys!

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