I’m from downtown and I’m here on a mission.

HI. The good news is: EVERYTHING. Ahhh. Working hard will get you places. Creativity and a positive attitude (really) help too. I’ve not commented much on the Klout thing. I might have mentioned a while back when Bre was making a stink about Klout, wondering how they rank, etc. Klout is the ‘Online Standard for Influence’. If you don’t know what I’m talking about checking out this list of 10 Most Influential Tweeters in Toronto (I’m on there #6). Earlier this summer I got a free flight from Virgin American & Klout. (Vote for me in the contest here.) I couldn’t manage to make the trip while at my old job so I never used it. I bet all the people who cried about not getting one would hate to hear that! Yesterday an article was published in Tech Vibes by Jas Banwait (who didn’t get a flight) about Klout, influence, and measurement. People who didn’t get flights seem to really have lots of opinions on Klout.  Those of us who did, just seem grateful. The world is a funny place. It was a free thing and it certainly got people talking. I’ve asked my share of questions about Klout and I think what they are doing is pretty neat. I find it all quite interesting. Social media & measurement, social and the connection with new media. The measurement of something so new and massive without regulation is hard. I have always been a social person involved in lots of things with lots of friends. The internet just gave me a microphone, it allowed me to amplify my voice. Ok, part 2… The bad news is: NOTHING. I’m a delegate at the TEDxTO conference in September. YAHOOOOO! I’m really looking forward to attending. I missed the application deadline last year…

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today in the news

being nice will get you places. # create it, design it, now let me see you work it. # Bullshit = Twifficiency. There I said it. # I need some photo’s taken of me STAT. Anyone? # dang. My Twifficiency score is 53%. does that mean i’m really efficient or a big tweeting-time waster! http://bit.ly/alHTPL # My Twifficiency score is 53%. Whats yours? http://twifficiency.com/ # now tell us a dirty joke. — your mom. that’s a dirty joke. http://4ms.me/bbZbPt # what is your favorite type of dessert? — Pavlova. http://4ms.me/cbKfPm # Did you vote for mama kiddies? http://bit.ly/9V8x8S # I want your horrorI want your design # found it. # can’t find passport. need #hakastrength @kristenannehill. # Looks like I’m going to New Zealand in September. #

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casie stewart vs. teh interweb

I’m running late again because the internet so damn distracting. Weak excuse I know. I just can’t be tamed, creativity killed her. “Sorry I’m late guys, it was the internet!!” Going to Scott Pilgrim vs The World with a heap of people. Got tickets already. Hopefully some are already there. Movie is at 7:30. I you see me say HI. Today is also Friday the 13th, explains how the shewolf in my closet came out strike of midnight last night.  Owwwwwwwwwww owwwww! Tonight is tame time. Byeeeeeeeeeeeee! BTW, someone reminded me of this today. Ever seen it? 420 photos one train ride, no internet.

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I’ve been having a blast this Summer and y’know what, it be gon’ get much bettahh. I’m heading to Wakestock August 6-8 with three of the hottest most awesome bloggers in Canada – Raymi the Minx, Carly Anne, Lauren O’Nizzle. Playing this year  are Public Enemy, Alexisonfire (AOF), Crash Kings, U.S.S., Maestro Fresh Wes., Hollerado and KO. I loooooove outdoor events and concerts. I’m sure to see a whole heap of cute baes too. Yahooooo PARTY! We’ll be on the ground, back stage and anywhere you can find beers. Haha! This weekend is gonna be off the hizzle!  I’m STOKED. If you wanna come party with us Wakestock has been kind enough to give you a special discount and you can get a weekend social pass for only $55 bones. MAD DEALIO. Get tickets here THE PASSWORD IS: PARTYGIRL. Come join us if ya wanna have fun, and like, duh, who doesn’t wanna haz fun times? Excting day ahead of me, heading to an audition for a Bell commercial then to Lilith Fair with Carly Anne. Yahoooo! I love Summer. Happy Saturday! k.thx.bai xo

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you bring a whole new meaning to the word #loser

And that meaning is awesome. I’ve mentioned it before and the message is always the same, #loserkaraoke is a damn good time. This is me & Kristen singing ‘How Bizarre’, Team New Zealand in full force. I was rappin’ in full accent. Pretty good summer song if you ask me. I love walking into Tequila Sunrise and being greeted by friends and familiar faces having fun. The party was inside & outside last night as the place was packed and it was really hot out. Speaking of, look at this stud in mama’s cape… I was a weeee bit tipsy after the King St. Crawl earlier and after a few beerski’s was more than happy when Michael offered to drive me home. Ha! It’s so neat that each week all kinds of twitter peeps show up to have a good time. If something comes up on a Thursday night, I seriously consider if I should miss #loserkaraoke or not. I was never really a big ‘karaoke’ person but y’know what, I really love it now. I don’t care if it makes me a loser, because I’ve got a whole group of people who are are most awesome losers ever. We will sing our hearts out week after week and if you come too, you will love it. Karaoke is GREAT! You might also love that I wore a Wonder Woman outfit last night. Just for fun. Alas, back in the office today, Ms.  Casie Kent. BTW, I love this ad. Online, on line. I wanna be online like that, online at the beach under a sun umbrella with my laptop, working., drinking a cold beer.  Ahhh, a girl can dream can’t she! Happy Friday everyone.

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i never really know how you feel, then this happens…

I got this email the other day and it really made me happy. I though I’d share with you because every once in a while, someone writes me something and I really really admire and love it.  It’s a crazy thing the internet and how we connect with people these days. I feel so happy when someone says I’ve touched their life in some special way. Don’t every be shy to email me. I read everything and  I reply. Have an awesome day. Don’t let the heat bother you, remember just how cold it gets in winter! brrr. Soak up the sunshine baby! I’ll be at Tequila Sunrise for #loserkaraoke tonight. If you’re around come on by & say helloooooo! The email: Casie, I’ve been following your blog and work now for months and as of late it has been resonating with me on so many different levels. I wanted to say thank-you for being so open to putting your thoughts and ideas and life out there through your work. It is truly inspiring and something I aspire to do through my own work. I’ve been contemplating a trip to Australia over the past couple days, going back and forth between putting down a payment or not, and then tonight I went to your blog and saw that you posted something about your time in Sydney. It was almost like a sign, this wasn’t the only time this has happened to me with things you post, but is the most recent and really struck a chord with me. Needless to say, I’m booking the trip. I admire a lot of your work, from the blog to Much and MTV, and the many other adventures and endeavors you take on. Just wanted to let you know, thank-you for being so open and honest and doing…

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toronto mashable meetup tweetup geekup speakup

Tomorrow is Social Media Day hosted worldwide by Mashable. I’ll be attending the Toronto Meetup Tweetup along with about 75 other social medialites from this fine city. Mashable created this day to celebrate all media becoming social, the social media revolution. For a while there is was just geeks in the SM scene and now social media has become part of pretty much every marketing campaign out there. Three cheers for social media! I love you internet. As it stands right now, I will be speaking at the event. How cool is that? My talk will only be about 10ish minutes and I’ll be addressing the two questions I get asked the most and a third if I have time. 1. How to get a job in social media? 2. How to get free stuff? 3. Managing multiple personalities (online) RSVP for the Toronto Meetup can be found here or on Facebook here. When: Wednesday, June 30, 2010 @ 8:00 PM Where: Madison Avenue Pub, 14 Madison Avenue The thing I love MORE than anything about the social web are the people I have met because of it. These are som eof my friedns that were at the Klout Tweetup @ The Gladstone last night. @40deuce @hawleydunbar @sidewalkhustle

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TFC game was awesome, you should have been there

Pure awesomism at the Toronto FC game Saturday. It was seriously 10. EPIC. Look at this badass crew on the field… Group photos are so fun, lets do more of that ok. I loved seeing everyone IRL, it was a first meeting for a bunch of us. I had been REALLY excited ALL day week. Being there DURING world cup, priceless. This is my fav cheer “when the reds go marching in”. SUCH good energy. TFC games have THE BEST fans. I tried to pay attention to the game but was totally distracted by the funnest crowd ever. We got to go right down to the field as VIP’s with total babe as an escort (not me, the TFC guy on the left beside Michael). Chatted Jonathan about doing it again so don’t worry, you can come then. I was obvs prepped for the rain. This guy was prepped to cheer on! Michael was the ONLY guy with brolly for the downpour. They’re not allowed at games but somehow, he got away with it. Must be the charm or good looks? It was a tie and the crowd still cheered their faces off outside. It was stellar. We were hangin’ @ Liberty Bistro for a while after the game. God it was so fun. The owner  and I go way back to when I used to work in Liberty Vill so he hooked us up with sweet table etc. Love that little spot. Before we got table, we had hedge. There are about 30 photos from the night in this web album TFC 2010. I can’t WAIT to go again. SO FUN. Have a great day!

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the earth moved me, shakey shake.

I think my first earthquake was in 1990 but i don’t really remember. Today I was sitting at my desk, working away when I noticed my monitor shaking and the table and me. Naturally, I tweeted. This is what happened… We’ve had crews taking down the MMVA stage from the roof and the street car goes by all the time so at first I didn’t think it was anything. When it went on for about 30 seconds I knew something was up. Pretty crazy. Even crazier that we got the first Super Swarm in CANADA. Woot.

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casie stewart is a celebrity? that’s what i heard.

Remember yesterday when I mentioned Virgin wanted to send me to LA? They wanna send a couple other bloggers too. My girl Bre Bre got on Mashable for her screen shot so I thought I’d share mine too. No big deal. Topic Summary: Toronto Blogging Torontonians media Twitteratti Marketing

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I attended one of the first sessions for NXNE Interactive this morning. Couple people I know were on the panel and I like to surpport them as well as the session itself was interesting: Social Media Circle Jerking 101. I’m surprised that I didn’t take considering all the girls I saw there: Carly, Abby, Lucia, Lisa & Jas. That’s a social media circle jerk right there. haha. Couldn’t help but think of Raymi, she always calls the SM events circle jerks. It’s true really, a bunch of ‘meme’ people in a room talking about themselves. If you wanna see comments from the session or what people are saying, check the hashtag #nxnei. Gonna get back there this arvo for Lucia’s session. Then I get ma hair did by Darren Kwik. What should I do? MMVA weekend and I’m tryna hook up with Katy Perry to be honest Today is a good day if you make it one. Your choice!

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my fav android market downloads

These are my fav apps I’ve downloaded to my Motorola Milestone android phone mini-computer from Telus.  Figured it was about time I shared them with you. By far the coolest thing I’ve ever seenon anyone’s phone – Google Sky Map. With Google Sky Map for Android you have the magic to discover, view and search the sky by pointing your phone to outerspace. It’s keeps me up at night, stargazing. I searched The Southen Cross, a star constallation I have tattooed on my back, my very first tattoo. You can see it in the southern Hemisphere near New Zealand & Australia. Last night, I found it from my bed. Makes the world seem small, and me there looking at it,  bigger than life. I don’t really play games that much but two that I’ve kept are Labyrinth and Jewels . They both kinda make you smarter which makes me happy, win-win. I like Foursquare too, obviously. I use Compas & Metal Detector for fun sometimes. I have the Gaga’s Monster app and Lady Gaga ringtones too. My phone rings bad romance, love love love. Some others I use for blogging are: WordPress for Android – great for bobile blogging, not that many options but good enough Fx Camera – Photo settings like Toy Cameras, Polandroid, Fisheye, Symetrical, Warhol Camera Illusion – heaps of different setting I don’t really get but on turns yout photo into a drawing. Love that. Not sure if i’ve told you a zillion times or not, but I realy love this phone, its’ the best I’ve ever had. Police light is pretty badass, check this out…

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tonight i’m not takin’ no calls, ’cause i’ll be dancin’

I had a really fun time last night. Like, reeeeeeeeeally fun.  Stayed late at work tweeting @muchmusic before shipping over to Rivoli to hang out with a bunch of music industry peeps from different labels etc.  I met this adorable little miss with great style named Monica who just moved here from Australia. I also met her lovely BF Ricky who…. PLAYS GUITAR FOR LADY GAGA! I die. I die. You know how much I love her. After that I cruised over to see 40Deuce & Hawaii for a hang then peeped over to #loserkaraoke and sang me some Telephone. I love my friends. I love my job. I love Friday and I love the weekend. Cheers to life and living it out. FTW!

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stopped having a bad day & started being awesome

I love Twitter for so many reason but one of them is this…FRIENDS! Friends that are always there to cheer you up because sometimes a little thing happens to steer you in the wrong direction. Today I  kinda got off to a bad start and naturally, I tweeted… then before you know it my friends popped out of the internet, took action and typed me some sunshine. You can’t get that type of widespread instant happiness anywhere else. I tried to take a pic of my outfit but it’s impossible with a phone camera. I really miss having my camera. Don’t you miss my outfit shots? Well, I do and that’s really what matters here. I’ll get a new one soon. Maybe this week. Anyone have a hookup with Canon/Kodak/Camera Store? I’ll love you forever just like I love Telus for hookin’ a sista up with the most amazing phone, Motorola Milestone. Lots of meetings today which means time is very valuable! Carly’s BF’s band Hail The Villan is on MOD today at 5’er. Sailor Jerry event tonight and I dressed kinda sailor inspired. Yahooo! Have a wonderful day. i ♥ you xo

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be authentically yourself. show energy.

Did you see/hear/read that Oprah is on the hunt and taking names? OMG. Imagine, I mean, imagine how fun it would be to turn a fun positive blog into a show? Things a around the internet, people, shows, trending topics, minute news, thoughts on stuff, and  nonstop energy & awesomism. A girl can dream can’t she?

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the internet is a funny place

I was watching Jeopardy like I do pretty much every night I can. I saw this babe with a bowtie named J.R. so I tweeted it. Tweeting shows is one of my favorite things. It makes watching TV more intertaining and interactive. I do alot of work on the computer so it feels like I’m spending time with friends, which I am. I checked the hashtag and relized I wasn’t the only one noticing. Googled him naturally, found an article. Read the comments and… there he was. A second article posted today. He’s a Nashville Scenester with a signature bowtie. I also just notied this, heh heh. The Show premieres tonight. I’ve watched the first three episodes, it’s funny and…sexual.

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you can’t just ask a website why it’s black, y’know?

This is me today. Grey hair, glasses, Dr. Martens, tan, smile. I just went to Mc Donalds for lunch.  It was tasty as usual, I know it’s bad for me but I like it and i’ve been eating the stuff my whole life and it’s still not “caught up to me”. Life is short, do what makes you happy, eh! The stage is getting set up at work for the MMVA show June 20th. I’m pretty stoked that I’m the Twitter person, it’s the most fun job I reckon. Karrera is coming over tonight. She moved out West in Jan and we’ve been friends since we were kids so it’s pretty exciting. Today when I logged into Tumblr I was like WTF, YOU ARE BLACK NOW? Not that there’s anything wrong with it, I would have said the same thing is it was any colour. The reason Tumblr is black is they are requesting & matching donations for Safe Our Gulf. I get to frustrated watching stuff about the oil spill. So sad really. Ok, that’s all for now! MUAH! xoxo

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i love you and i hate you but i will never leave you

I wanna quit you. Sometimes you make me so mad I could leave you, but it’s impossible. You are bigger than me and you are so well connected, you know everyone. I like that about you. You know everything about me, pretty much. You definitely know more than anyone else.  I can trust you, at least I think I can despite what everyone says. When people banded together to rally against you and said we should stop, I didn’t listen, I still spent time with you. Damn you Facebook, you had me at hello.

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sorry i forgot, i was thinking about that oil spill

Gawd o’ lordy. It’s already half way through the day and I’m feelin’ energetic and ready to get lots done. This is what I’m thinking… Hungry and need to grab something to eat. I wish I made my damn lunch. Lotsa tricks up my sleeve  and plans for summer coming together. Looks like I’ll be in Boston in July and heading North for Wakestock in August. Submitted my time off for work, god I love Summer. Tempted to go for a tan tonight to keep my Florida glow.  I know it’s bad for me but I’ve got some left and already paid for it so either way, I’m paying. Tomorrow night I’ve got the Biz Media party and Friday is SATC2 with my sis. Next week is the Sailor Jerry screening/rum party and I’m finally introducing Carly to Jenie.  Gonna be a great scene with free rum drinks and lotsa babes with tattoos. Great news from my sister today about attending the LADY GAGA concert. ZOMG. Can’t freeeking wait. I haven’t got my bike fixed yet, I miss riding her.  I’m frustrated I’ve not gotten a new camera yet, I am a camera serial killer for real.  Next camera is gonna last, I won’t kill you well, I might but I  never really mean to hurt you camera. Spending time at home with myself tonight, need some time alone to internet and tidy my room. Hope to have a Skype chat with friend and relax a bit.  Feeling like a robot on auto pilot moving fast and not taking time to smell the roses. Maybe I’ll sew something tonight? That would be a good idea, Zoey misses me, I know she does. Ok time for a snack, I’m about to eat my arm.

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united states of casie

Sometimes I feel like this too, heaps of blogs and twitter accounts, social profiles, multiple personalities. It ain’t easy but I can handle it. I’m crazy like that. I love this show. Toni Collette is beautiful and a totally wicked actress. The site has profiles all the characters she plays, I haven’t met them all yet, but I’m gonna. United States of Tara, good show. Part of why I love this show is John Corbett, I have been in love with him for many years. He melts my heart. I once dated someone he reminds  me of.  So handsome, both of them, heart melt sandwich. Heart melt sand wish. Heart melt. I posted his photo on tumblr, love.

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so, you wanna get a job in social media? (or any job)

This has come up in conversations a couple times over the last few weeks. There are lots of jobs out there and with the openness of the internet, you can find them and they can find you. You know I’m really big on attitude and positivity. As a former recruiter, I give you a couple things to think about. Now, to me, this stuff seems common sense but I’ve seen otherwise. You have to think like an employer. If they complete a background check or Google you what are they going to learn? What will they find on your blog, twitter, FB and what type of feeling are they gonna get from you? How are they going to perceive your attitude as a potential employee? Here’s a couple things NOT to do: tweet/blog about how hard of a time you are having finding a job tweet how hard up you are for money Complain on your blog about how life is hard/how busy you are doing nothing Whine about not hearing back from an interview Complain about not having a job BE NEGATIVE (downer) Here’s a couple things TO do: Follow positive people who have jobs you’d like to have; learn from them, you could potentially learn alot, such as gaining help with cover letters targetted for your specific job role you’d like, and more. Blog about things related to jobs you’d like to have Blog/tweet about things you’ve done that would be assets to a company Think about how good it will feel to have a new job Read articles and comment about them follow hashtags about jobs/hiring/your field attend tweetups & meetups in your area BE POSITIVE There ARE dream jobs out there I promise! I got myself into the job I wanted and I have other friends…

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the more we get together the happier we’ll be

Walked to work with the cousins this morning and showed than around the MuchMusic studio. It’s really nice having them here.  I’ve never had a cousin around my age visit me before. We had a fun at the game last night, but baseball, I’m just not that into it.  The Rogers Ctr was quite empty and we ditched our already good seats in the 200’s to move in to the 100’s super close.  Will post about that later. Thanks Mum for sending this little shirt dress, love it! This is an interesting vid from the Rogers blog with stats on how we use technology. It’s fascinating to think about how communication has changed in the last 10 years, 5 years, 2 years. My main source of communication is Twitter and I rarely actually ‘talk’ on the phone to anyone. Twitter is where I get the bulk of my info and most friends I hang with these days, all tweet. I love it. Text, gchat and email rank higher than voice over phone line for sure. In other entertainment news, the World Cup ACTUAL cup will be @muchmusic for MOD today.

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painting the town green

Up early and off to the Green Living Show with Care Bear. I’ve not seen this sista for ages. Last time was that group girls date to see a movie months ago. Looking forward seeing her and all the goodies that come with attending the show. You have to pay to get in BUT this year Samsung is letting you bring old electronics to donate and you get in free. The list is right here if you’re feeling green with envy and wanna go. Ok, that was cheese, I know. There’s also a Hills marathon on MTV all afternoon if your feeling L-to the-AZY. Had a really fun night. New blog is in the works too. Just wait, you’s gonna love it. This  photo is like the cutest ever. I’m not Skypetarted and more and figured out how to chat full screen.  In the geekiest fashion we Skyped, tweeted and used mobile. Dorkilicious. Ok bye for now. Have a great day.

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do you like to makey things on the internet?

This is how I applied for my job: CTV posted a job and I thought, hell or high water goddd damn I’m gonna gonna get that jobby. So, if you wanna work on cool projects with a cool team, read more & apply here. You can say I told you about the job too it you want. Took this nice pic of my sister last night by the lake.

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if you want it, come and get it, crying out loud

I put a gray tint in my hair yesterday. The little piece I had before washed out really fast and I wanted it back. Went to Shoppers and picked up Roux Fanci-Full Silver Lining Mousse. This stuff is great – easy + fun to use. I use the blonde one when I need to get my hair done but don’t an appt scheduled. All you  do is put the mousse in your hair once towel dried, blow-dry and VOILA. It tints your hair then washes right OUT when you shampoo! My hair’s back to bright bleach blonde today. Lots of work to do today. Tonight I’m heading over to Peach Berserk to Judge the entries for their Spring/Prom Dress Design contest. Lookin’ forward to it. Yesterday I changed the URL’s on my photo blog + tech blog to subdomains of casiestewart.com. You can find them at posterous.casiestewart.com and  tumblr.casiestewart.com. Gonna try and rig up the borderline artistic in to a tumblr tonight, that baby needs some love from it’s mama. Have a great day. Enjoy the warm sunshine 🙂

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you’re such a nerd.

It’s Foursquare Day so I had this shirt made this morning. I’m going to a the Toronto Foursquare party at the Loose Moose with other Tweeps who play this game. That’s my Friday night. Yeah, I know what you’re thinking. It’s ok. I’ve been told a bunch of times today.

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changing the face & < body > language of advertising

Today I went to FW and I was a media, a real media. Being there challenged/changed any old thoughts I had of how Fashion Week goes down. The internet makes everything instant. I imagine the days when clothes are shown IN season and made to order online from the runway via mobile and delivered shortly after … ah, a girl can dream can’t she? I was in the media room often doing work (otherwise known as FB & Tweets) for MuchMTV. I was surrounded by bloggers and traditional media, however, quite impressed by bloggers. Filling up seats and sitting amongst Elle, Flare and the league of fashion then going straight back to little laptops updating blogs with photos hot off the runway.  Think of all the people it takes to produce something the ‘old way’ (photo, write, produce, edit, post) then a blogger comes along and is this all-in-one media publishing station. It’s truly amazing. Saw this video today via Marketing Mag basically, there’s NO FUTURE if you’re not going digital. I mean, that’s only true if you wanna advertise anything to anyone, ever. Duh, get up on it; power to the people! Did you know that half of FB’s 400 million users check in EVERYDAY? Take that to the bank. That’s like heaps. The Last Advertising Agency On Earth from FITC I’m a huge Saatchi fan for years but mostly since that book I told you about a couple times, remember? I used to dream about working there. Looks like CGI is doing a good job of listening/paying attention…my Tweet showed up on their homepage today retweeting a photo re: Barbie’s show on Wednesday at LGFW. Matel is one of their clients 😉 Most excited for that show to be honest, fingers crossed for gift bags! Yeaw! :: people…

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