Man I love this guy. Rick Mercer for the win. Imagine the government could peep in your comouter any second.t\ The first thing that it would kill in me is creativity. I love my computer and everyone has some things we don’t want to show others. Mercer’s confident us Canadians aren’t stupid enough to let the Tories peak into our hard drives without a warrant. He might just be right. Like Rick said “that’s why we close our blinds at night”. Well done. Proud to be Canadian. P.S. Check out these TOTALLY INSANE AWESOME book carvings. Yes, books.

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I want a balloon tree. I always have. The Balloon Tree by Phoebie Gilman was one of my favourite books as a child. We used to read heaps of books. Each summer Jenie and I would join the Summer Reading Club at the Preston library. I spent so much of my childhood at that place. I was either there, the dance studio, or gymnastics. I’m pretty sure I had my first reading by Robert Munsch at the Preston library.  I remember meeting Phoebie Gilman and having my photo taken with her. Authors were my celebrities back then.  When I wrote ‘Jeans: an anthology of poetry & prose‘ in 1996 we had our book launch there. We sold over 80 books that night and one dollar from the sale of each went to the Women’s Crisis Shelter.  It was a magical night. I’l never forget how good it feels sitting there signing your own book for a lineup of people. I’ve been (slowly) working on another  book. Write more, read more, that’s what I keep telling myself. I’m a big believer in the power of positive thought and a few things I’ve been thinking about lately are libraries and speaking. Not necessarily together but in general. The crazy thing is, I got an email from Marketing Magazine asking me to speak at an event next month and guess where it is? A LIBRARY. My favourite library in the city, Toronto Reference. We’re talking youth culture and the founder of VICE Magazine will also be there talking about The Creators Project between Vice & Intel. I’ve been a Vice fan for about ten years and have a diploma in marketing so this is all quite exciting. THERE IS NOTHING WE CAN’T DO. The Creators Project is really cool and well, CREATIVE. “I have…

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It’s a trending on twitter and it’s making news. Is this the war of 2012?  The war we knew was coming but nobody predicted exactly what because it wasn’t invented then. What if it sneaks up one day, like Sunday and ALL OF A SUDDEN… I can’t even imagine… Just think about how ANGRY and LOST you would be if you didn’t have your Internet life, love, freedom? Would I die? I might. I know I’m being dramatic but when I think about it, it seems like a 2012 movie that I’m IN, happening in real time, right now I don’t know much about hacking but ‘Largest Attack Ever‘ are big words.  Four peeps linked to Megaupload were arrested in New Zealand and are now being denied bail. Keri knows all about hacking and online security so naturally I went to her blog. Found this post: You NEED to Care About SOPA and PIPA We can’t vote in Canada on this, we’re counting on you big time, American friends! January 24 – please vote. Sh*t is going down right now! Those feds would shut this blog down in a hot second. I’m not in the USA but I’m sure they could make me stop publishing. The internet doesn’t have boundaries the way countries do. I have seven years of links and content at least. (Back up your blog!) Youtube has the most crazy comments but that’s why it seems like this is a movie. Scary thing is this IS REAL. Random Comments from this Video: Under SOPA, YOU COULD GET FIVE YEARS FOR DOWNLOADING MICHAEL JACKSON.. ONE MORE YEAR THAN THE DOCTOR THAT KILLED HIM! By Jeezo People will commit suicide, lose their jobs, and all hell would break loose if that bill passes. WTF congress?! Why censor our fucking internets?! Navyisgreat476 Mayans: 2012 = end of the world, 2012: pricks in congress…

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Get out there and build it.

Something I really love about life is the uncertainty of not knowing what the day will bring you. Opportunity, challenges, happiness, stress, whatever it is, I accept. Woke up today feeling kinda meh. Waited ages for a driver from CO-OP, they should be called slow-op. Was angry for a few minutes seconds but had a lovely chat with concierge while waiting. Arrived at 1 King West during morning session break at Dell CAP. I didn’t realize how big the thing was before I went. I was taken to my seat (which I then realized) was two seats down from the moderator (Mark Evans), beside a Dell exec. and in clear view of the livestream. I don’t know WHAT I was expecting but it wasn’t this. I was pleasantly surprised. I’m not a Dell user, nor do I have any Dell products and before today I knew very little about the brand or company. I was impressed by the attention to detail, organization, and care the people at Dell have to their business. There were not more than 30 people, some local, others flown in from across Canada & the US. We shared ideas about brands we thought were doing things well in customer service, purchasing, sustainability and social media. My favourite part was the Social Media Discussion which included all Dell Panelists. The livestream is available to watch in sections here. This is the segment lead by Mark Graham (Rightsleeve) & myself on SM: View the story “Tweets from Dell CAP Day – October 2011” on Storify]   Everyone met in the Vault for cocktail hour and I walked to Ryerson University were I was speaking to the Image Arts Union & other students about personal branding & social media. We had a good discussion going for a while and in the middle of my talk the lights went…

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See you in Austin! #SXSWi

View “SXSW Interactive 2012 – March 9-18” on Storify Digging Skeet Skeet’s P.U.K. mix by FTP. Fitting for today ’cause I’m feeling PUMPED UP! Reminds me, Mum learned “LOL IRL” yesterday and was like “ooh, I like that.” haha enough acronyms yet? NBD. Pumped Up Kicks (Skeet Skeet Remix) by Mikemusichealth

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Social Change Through the Social Web: The Boy Who Harnessed The Wind

Today I’m biking over to Yonge Dundas Square (where I won a car last week!) to launch, an online hub that connects volunteers with non-profits through micro-volunteering. There’s gonna be a fun ‘Wipeout’ style game for uni kids and I’m a judge with Jeremy Taggart of Our Lady Peace and Daniel Johnson from Stereos. The whole fun event is hosted by Sheena from MTV Live. We’re volunteering our time and is making a $20,000 contribution to a charity of our choice. My charity is the Moving Windmills Project which supports Malawian-run rural economic development and education projects in Malawi. Mum introduced me to William’s story and I wanted to get involved. Here’s his TED Talk so you can be inspired too. For more info on micro-volunteering in Canada see Koodonation on Newswire here or check out the site at If you’re around today come to YD Square & say HELLOOOOOO!

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Jillian, Jillian, Jillian Jiggs!

Instead of cleaning my room I’m blogging about cleaning my room while NOT AT ALL cleaning my room. Phone vibrates  on the counter and the thing get’s my attention again. Damn. Just got a ticked to AndroidTO. Going to opening night of Another Africa a Canadian Stage production.  Imagine the ADD people are gonna have years from now. Crazy. Is there an app for Mum telling you to clean your room? SO nice & warm out today eh. Our place is really sunny. I got Alpha-getti for lunch. Tomorrow I do that cleanse and I’m kinda nervous/excited. I love that feeling. Ok, this has gone on long enough. Computer and internet, you are a distracting combo. An open door for creativity that never EVER sleeps. [hits publish, returns to room]

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Redefinition: A re-definition can change the world.

This year’s TedX theme was Redefinition “A changing definition can be the most powerful force on Earth. A re-definition can change the world.”. Great job by the entire team. I left Friday feeling inspired, that we are the future and we are changing the world around us. Took some street style to see what the smart kids were wearing Friday at TedXToronto. Lots of babes in the house. When I say house I mean Royal Conservatory of Music, Telus Centre. Awesome work by the organizing team  (below). See the guy on the far right? Co-Chair Ryan Merkley and I served as founding members of the Youth Advisory Committee Council in Cambridge 10+ years ago. I was Director of Public Relations, he was Chair. We governed youth issues that affected Cambridge youth with the City Council. That was my first real experience with PR! Dr. Draw was amazing on the violin. Dancers were great too. Sep 23, 2011 | Source: This performance was controlled by words used combined with the #tedxtoronto hashtag. VIP Loved this kid, Nicholas, 17 year old math whiz who’s invented a new way to micro search the web. Fascinating. Great talk by David Miller. Afterparty was at Steamwhistle! Lovely to hang out with my kiwi girl Kristen. O’Nizz and I love photobooth.

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we will all be history one day

[<a href=”” target=”blank”>View the story “I got to thinking about how many times I am late or tired from Blogging.” on Storify]</a>

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This video is funny. Thanks Kate for sharing. You’ll be seeing more of her around these parts in the coming weeks. I’m off to the Stella Block party tonight with the girls. Gonna be a blast and it’s right around the corner. Woo hoo. Have an awesome night!

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you missed this yesterday

Shoulder icing. # Saturday brunch reco? I know some of you are experts on this! # iPhone 5 Could Be Revealed September #rumor # I like it. RT @mashable: Twitter Adds Subtle New Feature – # Photojojo Lens Shot Glass set, so cool! # Fresh croissants! (@ Sobey’s) # Conference call. # RE: You did an awesome job! # Hipster girls, shake yo a$$ # At what point will you feel you’ve accomplished something? When I’m dead & my funeral is selling seats. (@kreayshawn) # next time you are IN @raymitheminx # yep @Zelartworks @TheEllenShow I got mad dance skills. # I’m dating Waldo. (@YouTube # I know. I will. RT @flashpunk You should do more videos # Photoset: › Dita von Teese’s wedding dress was custom designed by Vivienne Westwood, made from seventeen… # michelleforan: # RE: @laurenonizzle yeah duder, dinner was so damn good. We had mega VIP. You would have loved it. Amex for the win! # Shot by @KellyKruschel in Liberty Village, 2009. # Everest? or Lita? @jgrdnr @bettykissstyle? # BaBaBa BaBaBa BaBaBa! via @DJKidTronic (@YouTube # RE: @thinkcontra Love that girl. We just did a shoot for PinkMafia yo… # hashtag overhaul for Stella party tomorrow. get’er done #stellarparty # The difference between first & third world problems #firstworldproblems # this song is so lovely. someone awesome fall for me please. (@YouTube # #LOVE # TIFF info & Fall Previews get me so excited. Dear Life, ILU. xoxo CASIE # New meme FTW! RT @GosiaAntkowski Move over owling & planking, “horsemaning” new trend : people posing as if beheaded # me too babe! RT @kristenannehill Working on my happy dance. #goodthings…

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Clearly people and interested! I’ve had heaps and heaps of questions about how I am using Spotify in Canada the last few weeks. I was in the USA when Klout gave “influencers” a Klout perk last month. Everyone was like “WTF we can’t use our code in Canada, wahhhh, wahhhh”. I signed up thinking “I better get on this while I’m here since I go home in a few days blah blah blah”. When I got home, IT STILL WORKED. OMFG HEAD EXPLODE, MIND BLOWING. That’s how I have Spotify. You can get it too, get curious and look it up yo! Use a proxy, (If you want to go overkill try one made for accessing Piratebay, that’ll work really well) Go to the USA and sign up there Ask a friend online or offline to sign up an account for you I’ve been totally loving it. Music is filling my house and the playlists are introducing me to beautiful sounds I’ve never heard before. One of my friends is an aspiring artist and she has a few songs coming out on Spotify soon so I cannot wait to give them a listen! She also told me that because the number of streams your tracks get is so important these days, she has considered buying some Spotify plays from the Get Fans website here: The music industry has always been very competitive, so it makes sense that people are looking for ways to give their songs a boost. Anyway, here’s a sneak peek of what my Spotify account looks like. Dashboard: Playlist: Social Feed: ISN’T THE INTERNET AMAZING.

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Panel on Panels at MaRS in Toronto

Last night’s panel discussion on panel discussions (meta) went really well. I was happy to chat a few people after who said they really learned something. Thanks to Johnny Bunning aka @emanintdot for snapping this photos of us. I forgot to get someone to take a few shots. Doh! I love sharing things I’ve learned over the past few years. I’ve learned heaps about blogging, the social web and building your personal brand. I’ve been invited to speak at the She’s Connected Conference in the Fall that brings together all kinda of females in business. Hope to speak at more conferences in the coming year. I’m a natural on stage! Although I love vacation, I really love working and it’s great to be back at my home office. It’s been a busy day with lots of phone calls. Planning some cool stuff for the next month. I wanna get in as many things as I can before the summer is over. I love this heat too. No chance of complaints from this lady! I watched this again and I feel like Optimism Girl today. If you’re not smiling, you will be after you watch this. Enjoy the day 🙂

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you missed this yesterday

I’ve had the same Twitter photo since May, 5 2008. I just changed it. I don’t really wear glasses. Only sometimes. # Where does the time go? Into the internet, that’s where. # philanthropic ecommerce i like you RT @mashable: Is Sevenly the Next TOMS Shoes? # If you ever want to host a panel, learn how to do it RIGHT @ #panelonpanels July 18th @ MaRs Info: # Sexy new dress design features last person on Earth men want to picture during sex. via @HappyPlace # Ah! @keriblog, THIS! Man Flies Like a Bird [VIDEO] # wednesday is wig day # This is really cool RT @mashable: The State of the Web: An Interactive HTML5 Infographic # The Science of Social: Periodic Table & Google+ # “your passion” she said complete with two GIFs to brighten your day. Enjoy! # Have an awesome day! # You’re looking at a winner. # Mail from @etsy Phillipines & @egocloset in BC. Woo hoo # Pretty & yummy. # I love chatting great clients. Off the phone & full of smiles. # Twitter is my water cooler. # Everyday is a future memory. # Standing desk today. I find it makes me more productive. # awesome is you! # Surround yourself with people who inspire you. # “@shrued: SPOTTED: @casiestewart and @KeriBlog heading towards #HondaIndy” #paparazzi # Video of Photovine, Google’s Mysterious Photo Sharing Service # But I love it here!! …Toronto ranked Canada’s most expensive city via @blogto # Help. I’m stuck in my onesie. #hipsterproblems # I’m at Abode Supper Club (128 Peter Street, Peter and Richmond, Toronto) # Yes (@ Sushi Queen) [pic]: # I need A FAN? Any recos? Don’t say…

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if you missed it here it is.

Remember how I’ve been saying I wanna be on TV for the last few weeks (months)… Mum ring me early this morning all excited after watching it online. Ben referred to me as “famed blogger Casie Stewart”.  Head explode! Name was spelled “Casey” for a second at the start but said they will make sure it’s fixed next time. There WILL be a next time. SM Expert FTW. I love TV and the internet. Watch it here on CTV: Social media & the Royals.

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in CASE you didn’t know.

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What if they call me a “Social Media Expert”? UPDATE: They did.

So, Rockstars don’t call themselves ‘Rockstars’ but it’s cool cause everyone else calls them, which is what makes them rockstars. Say Rockstar one more time in that sentence haha. Do you know a ‘real’ Social Media Expert, am I one? I have heaps of Tweets/Blog/Posterous/Facebook/Skype/Flickr/Blogger/Google+/YouTube and more but that term is usually associated with douchebags. I’m not a douchebag. Catch me on eTalk tonight for the Royal Tour coverage (starts at 7pm on CTV). Got to tape in the studio, I was standing in front of that eTalk sign above. Didn’t get a photo of us shooting. Doh. I used to work at CTV behind the scenes so was a pretty rad to be back today in front of the camera. Saw a bunch of old colleagues and was dressed to impress.  Wore high shoes, nicely tailored dress, hair up, bow, red lipstick. Zing! I hope I come across smart and cool. I really hope I don’t look bad. (It’s nerve wracking ok!!) I’ll be at an event this evening so I won’t see it until I get home. I’m not sure how long it will be either. My segment is about the big role social media is playing in Will & Kate’s visit, the photo one of our MP’s posted of them (below) and the Royal Tour app. The Royal Tour App is one of the most popular in Canada right now. The Blue Man Group were also there this morning. I touched a BLUE MAN! They use blue oil paint and it is very messy. I had some on my finger. One of the BMG guys was pretty cute, well, for a Blue guy. 😛 I love being in front of the camera. I really want to be on TV. Look what they did to C. Perez, Senior Producer. He got…

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Tech | Social Media Day -Toronto is one of most most social in the world.

I’d like to think I had something to do with that. I kid, I kid. We’re SO online and our  Social media Day meetup is SO BIG that Mashable wrote about us today. We Toronto peeps know how to have fun. Get social baby. Props to Michael Nus & Dan Levy for putting this together. Last year I spoke about running the social media for MuchMusic & MTV Canada & this year I’m speaking about building a personal brand. Over 350 people are attending so it’s gonna, kinda a big deal. Wish Mum was here to see me in action. I’m sure someone will have on video. Last year I was JUST getting into speaking and has my hands in my pockets the whole time. Won’t do that again. What am I going to wear? I should really have planned this out. Hope to meet some new peeps & will for sure see a bunch of familiar faces. Looking forward to it. If you have any questions, ask away! Follow @casiestewart

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Now, don’t get me wrong because there IS a difference.

I’m currently shopping on to pick out an outfit for my talk on Thursday during Mashable Socal Media Day. Sign up here to come for the fun, there’s 250+ people coming already. Gonna be fun to see everyone. This skirt is cute too eh. Mum loves it. I’m also browsing EGOCLOSET to pick out something to review & while testing out their new online store. Thinking this uber cute Diamond Pocket Dress, Maxi Jumper or this Chifon tail dress. Loving those long flowy skirts & dresses. They were really popular in NZ last year & they are ALWAYS ahead in style down there. I love getting stuff in the mail, everyone loves mail.  The other day Keri & I came home feeling kinda blahhhh and my friends at Bud Light sent me a 12 pack just because they knew it was going to be a nice weekend. Thanks guys, it did make the weekend better and I appreciate it. Sometimes I wonder why I’m even talking about this…. should I keep quiet? Here’s the thing about blogging I don’t love: C.C Chapman wrote about it six months ago. The Mommy bloggers have been talking about it way before I brought it up,  good article on MomBlogMagazine about it here. PR email comes in about an ‘exciting’ new campaign that brand XX is launching. It is either a one day event or it spans several weeks but it is ‘perfect for my audience’. This is a what is called ‘Blogger Outreach’. The company knows from idea conception that they want to connect with bloggers although they bugdet nothing for the bloggers who are going to do a bunch of work. They know exactly who they are going to target because we are all on the same list.

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The blog days are over.

I went to bed fuming last night. Blood was boiling. I never tell you when I get angry, I think I’m going to start. To be honest though, it doesn’t happen too often. I had a few conversations with agencies & clients over the last few days that made me wonder what the hell I’m doing. Also made me wonder what the hell they are doing? I have heaps of PR friends in the city and I’m starting to wonder about those relationships. They’re in meetings coming up with all these expensive & fun campaigns for big name clients with the intent to do blogger outreach & connect with ‘top influencers’ but not putting any budget in the plan for that. Gimme a break.  Do you work for free? Why should we? This morning I logged into WordPress (blog publishing platform), like I have done every day for years and had a different feeling about it. Last night after talking with Mum and friends, I didn’t know if I’d be back to publish today.  I didn’t feel like it. Clearly, I am addicted to publishing and love writing so I’m back but I’m different. Every morning I read Mashable on Flipboard via my ipad and this morning they published an article that touches on exactly what had my blood boiling yesterday. How Social Media Is Changing Paid, Earned & Owned Media Those in the marketing and agency world are privy to the buzzwords “paid,” “earned” and owned.” Traditionally, they stand for the different types of media and can be easily broken down like this: Paid: Buying a 30-second Super Bowl spot Earned: Coverage on Mashable Owned: Your company’s website You should read it, especially if you work in PR, media or are one of my wonderful friends at an agency who regularly ask…

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CH-CH-CHECK IT OUT. Video was made & posted by Rannie aka @photojunkie.

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This afternoon I’m heading back to Centennial College with my (digital) brother Andrew Stewart. We’re chatting a PR & Digital Media class about social media and our lives. I love this city! Andrew works at Strategic Objectives PR and is going to discuss social media from an agency perspective. He was the brains behind the NYE weekend in Montreal this past December. I’ll be speaking about how I built up a big following, grew my network and turned something I truly love into my job, living an exciting, positive life! I walk on glitter BTW. Reckon imma plank in the classroom. I bet they will think it’s funny. Maybe we can group plank? That would be way cool. Yeah I said ‘way cool’ dude. Ok ttys. Love you.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

#lean # Meet my new bestie @TheGingerJoo. # Girl to guy patio ratio 11/1 @loudawgs. #hawt #bbq # BBQ, beers & babes on the patio! (@ Lou Dawg's B-B-Q!) # Love the smell of this place, reminds me of Dad's garage. (@ jacob's hardware) # Seth's Blog: An end of magic – I used to love getting @Wired too. Now, I hardly even read it on ipad. # what's for lunch bro's? # Audio: [the only rapture i care about] RAPTURE, blondie # Rec'd a beautiful gift of black onyx mala beads from @tinydevotions. Thank you! #strength # we didn't win 649 last night @keriblog @itsbrownbarbie but we are closer to winning by actually playing 🙂 # have a meeting at le gourmand with someone i've never met IRL again today. remember last time this happened i met that TOTAL babe? 😀 # or pants RT @tylerconium: Never trust a person wearing a salmon coloured shirt # Photo: › Isaac Cordal, recently featured on [Wooster Collective,] is definitely catching my eye as of late…. # Photo: this photo of coco rocha is STUNNING. makeup omg. › VOGUE ITALIA – June 2011 # Photo: › SOMEONE’S DAD HAS SOME EXPLAINING TO DO # MY FAV TOO! RT @hipurbangirl: We love to @ShopBicyclette that's why it's our hip + urban store of the week: # phone chat w/ old friend after 10 years – he said i sound the same but happier. nice to know 🙂 # SocialGift makes group gift-giving a breeze via @blogto @erinbury # afternoon shopping w/ my sis today for two events 1) wedding 2) @fetishfactory. gonna be so fun! # Word. RT @shrued: @joncrowley LinkedIn is Facebook friends with jobs. # so excited for friends wedding…

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Voter turnout in 2008 was lowest in Canadian History

I know you are really smart because you are here reading this. If you are in Canada you are even awesomer and today you have an election. You get to have a say in what happens in your country, our country. I don’t care who you vote for but please, PLEASE GO OUT AND VOTE.  It’s so important. I rounded up a few things from the internet and I hope they inspire you to go to your polling station and PUT AN X IN A BOX. There is much at stake in this election. Yet the biggest decision for many eligible voters is not whom to choose, but choosing to vote at all. …read more. “stop being such a hipster and go to the polls and vote” These videos were made by KIDS in highschool. They are voting. You know you are legally allowed to leave work & vote. I found out some info about my riding & canditates from Project Democracy. You can find your info there too. I live in the downtown hipster riding. Imagine all of us voted? Our votes make a difference dudes. I read a good article about the ongoing election tweeting debate on “You can’t stop the tweeting folks“. Maybe we will change a law tomorrow? Do they really think they can put a lid on the information that is being released on the Internet on election day while efforts by other governments to control information in their repressive regimes are proving to be so ineffective? It’s as fruitless as trying to hold your ground while a massive tsunami rushes towards you. If Elections Canada is truly serious about the necessity of concealing election results while some polls are still open, the only way to accomplish it is to keep all the results…

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justice has been done.

Posted some funnies on my tumblr. Enjoy!

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sometimes i don’t feel like it #3

I’m immersed in technology from the moment I wake up to when I go to bed.  I often wonder what it’s like to wake up and not check the internet. Blogging about your own life is a wierd and wonderful thing but sometimes I don’t feel like it.  This isn’t a new feeling. I didn’t feel like it Jan. 13, 2011, Oct. 6, 2010,  Aug. 2, 2010, Jan. 30, 2010. Everyone has days they don’t fee like clocking in at the office. Remember going on vacation and being out of touch and not knowing what is going on at school or around the water cooler? That doesn’t happen anymore. I’m addicted to connecting, multitasking, multiplatform updates. When I  break I escape to tumblr. Well, that’s not really a break from the inernet but it’s really nice 🙂

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

the #yandr is very weirdy right now. # amazing “@philmoreira: @casiestewart how does a cheerleader sound?” # what are you doing? # wah, why so chilly out today! brrrrrrrrr. # finally seeing the new @twitter homepage! # looking forward to seeing friends @harryroseninc this evening – looking at you @crystalgibson Canadian jeweller rols out regal designs > my client @shellypurdy in 24HRs today! # New contest alert: Free clothes for YOU! # my name is Kate and I love contests #blog # YPG for a PYT (@ Sense Appeal w/ @modernmod) # inside jobs: the globe & mail + the motion room, raymi the minx & me #blog # who loves having an assistant? [throws glitter up & spins around] meeeeeeeeeeeeee! # inside jobs: @globeandmail + @themotionroom @raymitheminx & me #blog # can someone help me get the html for this video? # yesterday on twitter, this happened: #blog #

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