i’d like to introduce you guys to some peeps

Oh hi. It’s me Casie. In case you ever wondered, my blog, This is My Life, started out as a way to keep more memories one  sunny April day in 2006. This b-b-baby has been a best friend, therapy, and a great platform for me to get closer to the dreams I’ve always had. I love it dearly. Tomorrow evening I’m doing a seminar about blogging with some people I’ve met and been inspired by over the last little while. You may not know them, the same way you know me, so I’m introducing you. There’s still a couple tickets left so go get one here and come meet me & them IRL. I met Carly last year through the internet, then IRL at a music thingy. Along with being cute and a good friend, she’s really talented. She is a Talent Agent representing principal actors in film, TV and voice.  In Jan 2010, her agency,  Fairlie Agency launched the New Media division and the Toronto Blog Stars group.   Carly has over 15 years experience in the entertainment industry, both on camera and behind the scenes. You’ll get to meet her if coming on Thursday. You may know Raymi from her blog or me mentioning her  (if you don’t, I’m a little surprised). She’s been blogging since 2000 and was the first daily blogger I knew; She was cool and from Toronto like me. I immediately added her as a friend on Facebook based on this alone. About a year later, we met IRL. She writes about her life and gives you a really close view of it. She became famous on the internet by blogging and has a unique style that’s won her heaps of awards.  Her videos also get heaps of attention ex: I met Sean Ward when…

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stop complaining about the raining

You will not hear me complaining about this weather, I love it. Pull out a raincoat, throw on some Moovboots or Wellies and walk right through mud puddles.    I’ve heard people whining about it on Twitter and I don’t get it. I could find a zillion things to do instead of that. Make a fort. Art project. Movie night.  The rain, it’s so refreshing. Wet hair is kinda hot and mascara running down the face is super hot. Hope your day’s been good. Gramma came out last night. HAHA.

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video made the internet star

I always dreamed of having my own show and thanks to the internet it’s so possible for anyone. I’ve been making some vids but I would LOVE  to win this $250,000 viralocity contest with Doritos… BTW, I’m sick of the work viral. I can’t enter it because of my job but it’s open to anyone in Canada over who’s ever been  teenager.  I checked a bunch of videos today and didn’t seen anything particularity hilarious. This one is my fav cause it’s artistic, short, cute and has good music: This is Billy, he makes youtube videos that have mega millions of views. He said key things to viralocity are: 1. Humor 2. Short & Sweet 3. Unique. Sounds kinda like me doesn’t it.  heheh… I joke. You gotta have creativity too.  Doritos are out to see who can make the biggest digital footprint, so I asked him a few questions about the internet! How long you had your site up? 2004 Do you use formsrping? No. Tumblr? No. Youtube views?  Over 11 million. Twitter: 879 followers/1,045 tweets.  Have you ever been to GenyTO? No but I want to. Where you from? Victoria, B.C. Met anyone famous? Rhianna in YYZ. Nice softspoken, pretty. Interesting. If YOU make a vid I’ll totes post it!!

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new dork, online jungle where geeks are made of

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blog blog fashion baby, work it, move that bitch crazy

Started out as a blog hang and turned into a full blown Red Carpet Oscar EXTRAVAGANZA! I want your comments Your RSS feed I want to tell the world That hey this is me I want your love Love-love-love I want your love Sean Ward, Keri Canadian, Carly, Breanna, Me, Crystal I’m an explorer I wanna shine ‘Cause I’m individual And this world is mine I want your love Love-love-love I want your love Raymi samesi’s Oh-oh-oooh-oh-oh! Caught in a RAD romance

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nerds of a feather flock together

Friday night’s #genyto #Canlit was awesome. Rannie took all these great shots. I was on video recording all night. Rannie & Renee, loves! Coleman at the boozy table. Got to #genyto #canlit about 9er. Hi from some of the babes! Drank, danced, chatrouletted party style, took some vids, the usual stuff. BTW, chat roulette is REALLY fun at parties. It’ll catch on for that reason I think. Try it next time and tell me about it. Was very successfully not hungover. Looking back though all the video’s, I’m kinda surprised. Met a bunch of internet Tweeps and blog readers IRL which is always exciting. I have about 50 video’s. Most of them are for a little movie project that I was planning to start at sundown but I was fucking around with an Ikea bed that I am now going to return. Soooofuuuuhhhhkingpisssssssedoffaboutit. So beauty out today. Bunch of Blog Girls & Sean Ward are coming over for a hang.Yahooots.

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art battle: your loser painting gets destroyed…

Cruised over to The Great Hall with Toronto Blog Girls & babes Bre & Keri. Put my name in the hat to compete as a painter, I did not get picked. Maybe next time! More vids on the new cammy cam to post but I’m super busy today so this is it for now! TGIF! #genyto tonight. Quite looking forward to seeing so many friend and meeting people IRL. Walking the red carpet at YES Movie premiere for Notable TV before the party. See ya later internet! Love you xo

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i hid you from my newsfeed on facebook

i don’t wanna see your updates…i don’t want to know what you are doing…i don’t want to know how you feel about your day…or who commented on it…i don’t want to see who you reply to…or who you’re friends with now… i don’t wanna remove you completely, i just want you out of my thoughts right now… i don’t want to think about you…see your name…your recent activity…your face in the little square box…i hope you still read mine at work or home before bed… i fee like things got turned upside down… it’s easier to live out of sight out of mind…i censor what i see because i can…it made me hide a few others too like an old’s new girlfriend and negative thinkers… you know me, i like rainbows, unicorns and stars.

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i had a girl and donna was her name

I love tumblr. There, I said it.  I spend hours each week scanning pages of pretty girls with beautiful style. Dreaming of new clothes draped on my body while endlessly scrolling wordboners. New find on Tumblr last night….hellooooooooooo, j’adore so hard. Blog called P.S. I Made This makes me say “P.S love you”. Perfect for stylish girls on a budget or those of us who like to add our own creative flare to an outfit.

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so you wanna start a bloggy blog, eh?

In the last couple months all kinds of people have been coming out of the woodwork and asking me about blogging. I’m talking people I went to school with years ago, friends from across the world, country, Mum, Sister and friends that were so not into ‘”the whole blogging” thing. If you or one of your friends are interested in learning about blogging, personal branding online and/or social media, here’s ya chance to get some good value. Raymi the Minx, Sean Ward, Carly and I along with Function 13 Gallery in Kensington are hosting a blog chat/seminar. This is your invitation from me. Get a ticket HERE.

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i’m just not that into you

I don’t really like to play. Not like that. It was fun for a little bit.  I’m glad I tried it, but I’m not really into that type of display. Breanna and I did it together today… It’s fun dressing up. I like wearing masks and makeup. I also like getting scared, the waiting, the strangers. Think it’s more fun when you’re drunk. If you feel sexy you can really show off without getting busted. First One Up These guys were nice but didn’t speak English OMG! HI! We ‘nexted’ each other right away… Some people have cameras set up with scenery…? Straight face for about 30 sec… JUSTIN BIEBER? ONE TIME NSFW if you click below…………………

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notabletv: hot babes tweeting

Last Thursday, I was one of about 100 people chosen to attend an exclusive event hosted by Notable TV. Good fun, great food, cool crowd, babes. Can’t ask for much more than that. You know these blog stars, Sean Ward & Carly. Blonde blogging babes, Carly, Lysnie, Casie, sounds so cute to me. I love Carly’s pink/blonde and Lynsie’s grey/blonde style. I’ve been thinking about grey with orange or pink or peach. Have never had orange/grey before, not on purpose at least. My hand looks really large to me here for some reason. I have small little hands like kid size .  I’m never posing with my glass like that ever again. Take note. Papapparazzi on these boys! If you come to this part, you will get your picture taken/be on camera. There is no way to avoid it unless you wear a mask. We were at Annex Loft Houses, Bathurst/Dupont and the night was called Nuit D’azure. The Loft House site plays automatic music when you go to it so I am not linking to it, pissed off at them for that.  I will also never buy a condo from them based on that single first impression in the 0.3 seconds it took the site to load. The crowd was fun and included all kinds of familiar faces to me. Sean Ward made this vid. I’m so freaking happy Sean and Carly had their cameras, I went back and redid this whole post. Makes a better loooking blog, my Milestone photos were subpar compared to power of a real camera. Catering by The Food Dudes, mme tell you, them boys make some tasty treats. Braised lamb with goat  cheese on a little crostini and beet bruschetta, amazing. I’ve been attending Notable events since Julian Brass launched around this time last year.…

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hot nerd takeover

OFFICIAL impact of  #haihaiTO event: $22,030! #HaiHaiTO + #GenYTO = AWESOME! Party was stellar.Tons of people were there, if you weren’t… be sad for a second then make sure you come to the next one! I was busy selling raffle tix and didn’t bring camera so good thing Sophie got pix. I also find the Flash on my new Motorola Droid isn’t that bright anyways. BTW, I’ve got a reputation for selling mad tickets and I lived up to it big time. Hire me for your next party! haha Skip to :40 in this video where the guy come off the stage and dances with me. I’m ok with it until he dances UP ON ME. I felt his “you know what” rub on me and all of a sudden I was MAD embarrassed. SO many cool peeps and so much fun. We danced our asses off like it was a highschool dance. It was amazing. I met a heap of peeps IRL (in real life) that I only knew from Twitter. So good to put the actual person to the face/name/voice. Thanks to everyone who came out and made it a success. Will letcha know when the next GenyTO is.

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hope. aspirations. dreams. goals. canada.

Keri, my friend & hot blog babe a.k.a The Canadian Explorer is leaving for the Olympics today.  A couple months ago Keri said “man, I gotta get to the Olympics, what kind of Canadian Explorer am I if I don’t get there?”.  She was focused and determined to get there and to get some sponsors behind her while she’s at it.  I told her she could do it and I had not one ounce of doubt she would. She’s reporting from Whistler as an official correspondent for Canoe.ca & Sun Media and she’s totally decked out in Canada Goose gear. Proof you can do it if you put your mind into it.  Go Keri & Go Canada!! I’m not that excited about watching sports, I’m more excited to watch the commentary online, Twitpics from the games and to read Keri’s daily reports. I’m way more into the Internet than sports.

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party with TO’s coolest peeps? obviously.

I’m inviting you to come out and party with me and a whole slew of TO’s coolest, nerdiest, smartest and best looking people who love social media being social.  This is the Feb. 2010 edition of #GenyTO and we’ve partnered with #HoHOTO to form #haihaiTO. Gosh darnit, just saying that sounds fun! Lots of people are chatting about it, look right here for proof. We’re donating proceeds to those poor folks in Haiti. You think the snow here is bad? HA! Imagine your whole house and life in rubble with no place to go. Ya, doesn’t seem so cold out now does it? HaiHaiTO is TOMORROW, Thursday, February 11 starting at 7 p.m. at the Courthouse, 57 Adelaide Street East. Lets have a fun night and do some good while we’re at it. I’ll be there early, like 7ish. If you’re not in TO but wanna be, buy a ticket just for fun because giving feels so good inside. Get your tickets here and NOW!

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OH: stop marketing, start engaging

First of all, OH = Overheard on Twitter. I layered my tights today as you can see, it’s the perfect way to incorporate fishnets into a cold winter day. Looking forward to trying it with my red guys. I overheard this phrase last night at a session for Social Media Week Toronto held by Scott Stratton. He runs  a company called Unmarketing, he’s  someone I look up to in the world of social media marketing, this guy really ‘gets it’. I met Scott about this time last year and he’s grown to over 47,000 twitter followers since then. He’s got a book deal now and the tag line for the book and his whole thing is “stop marketing, start engaging“. I learned a heap of stuff last night that’s gonna help me in my job at MuchMTV as well as furthering my own personal brand. Here are some interesting stats for you: There’s more crazy where this came from but, I shall save it for another day!

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i don’t know, sometimes i just don’t feel like it

Feeling refreshed today. Got up, made coffee sun is shining bright. Full moon last night was a real beaut, that Shewolf came outta my closet. Dreamt I dyed my hair silver grey and shaved both sides. Grew it longer on top too, it looked awesome. It just might look awesome.  Started watching Secret Diary of a Call girl online, it’s a pretty entertaining show.  Especially Friday night at home alone &  cozy in your bed. I rely on my phone alarm and it stuffed up twice this week freezing in the night, thus meaning I wake with just enough time, but no extra. Drives me freaking bananas, that extra time is the whole reason I SET an alarm. Next week, new alarm.  I spent a while reading Tavi Genston’s blog last night. You know her? She’s the new girl in town, Style Rookie, a serious 13 year old fashion blogger. She’s 100% awesome. Skipped last night’s AdWeek ball to hibernate in my cave.  I go through stages every once in a while where I don’t feel like internetting.  Last night, that’s how I felt, internet overload. Today, ready again but still hibernating where it’s sunny and warm 🙂

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it’s like holding the internet right in your hands

I think getting a ipad would only fuel my internet addiction. I would become more obsessed with blogging, tweeting and uploading content…well, except there’s no multitasking, flash or camera…so maybe not. I’m a PC. itampon was trending on Twitter today, seems ladies ain’t happy with the name of Apples new little baby haha. P.S. APPLE if you are listening to me and the internet, give me a tablet to test out. I’m cooler than ijustine and way less annoying. Thanks. Love you.

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today you will get things done & you will feel great

Do you do this too? Tell yourself that today you will check things off your list, you will feel accomplished, you will return email and phone calls one by one until you’re caught up. I talk to myself and I try to be a good coach, but I never really played sports.  I always stayed up late working on projects, the way I do now. I strive to do my best job, which means working harder and longer .  I’m not complaining, I’m just saying it’s hard  sometimes.  I get stressed out sometimes too. I went to sleep last night with warm thoughts of a new day  ‘today, today I will achieve and I will force myself to cross a few certain things off that list’. Unfortunately, my phone froze in the night, I woke up late,  took a taxi to the office, and was late for a meeting.   I’ve got a choice to feel stressed today or to feel happy… I choose happy. I’m getting my hair done tonight by Darren Kwik 🙂

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A blog is a best friend you find within yourself.

I’ve been thinking, about making changes.  I’m always making changes. I wanna wear high heels again. I wanna change my blog. I wanna change my hair, just a little. I used to write stories to myself about what I was thinking more often. Really helps me sort out my thoughts, like therapy.  A blog is a best friend you find withing yourself who is always there to listen and look at your pretty pictures.   I’ve been falling in love with Tumblr lately. Thinking about cheating on WordPress. I’ve recently had my hands all over the BB Storm  from Telus and I’m liking the touchscreen. It moves when you press it like a keyboard, it’s a good photographer and it’s kinda heavy which I like.  I’m spending today home alone and it ‘s great to be not hungover. Instead of GYM, TANNING, LAUNDRY today I’m COUCH, ICE CREAM, MOVIE and it feels so good.

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she let out all the evils except one: hope

I recently got asked on Formspring “what can I do to help someone in Haiti?”. Well… I can do lots. I’m working heaps to get the social media organized for Canada for Haiti and Help for Haiti Now specials later tonight.  I’ll be on MTV Twitter duty during the Telethon too.  We’re streaming live on CTV & MuchMusic.  We’ve got lists where you can follow all the celebs here and here. I feel bad for the kids who lost their parents in all this. I can only imagine how different I’d be if I didn’t have my parents around while I was growing up. Here’s to helping where we can. ♥

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TGIF: this is shit i like

Here’s my Friday roundup of good shit I’ve found around the interwebs. I’ve had a busy ass week of long days and late nights…that’s the price you pay for doing what you love! I try not to get down on myself for not getting everything done right away. I’m kinda anal about sticking to my own rigorous schedule.  I have to remind myself “there’s only 24 hours in a day Casie and you need sleep to keep going”.  Talking to myself really helps too.  haha joking. not joking. Twitter: Need I say more? No. Google: Featuring a YouTube video I found the other day. The put a very unique Coke machine in a College. I like this kinda thing, makes ya feel good in the inside. Where will happiness strike next? Here, right here. Internet: News about Conan went wild in online this week. Then, he put his show on Craigslist. Clicking the image will take you to the original posting. Facebook: I posted on twitter looking for anyone with a Haiti connection that wanted to be on MuchOnDemand. I was connected to Didier Dorelien, a Haitian residing in Toronto now via Lava. I arranged for him to be on the show. Here is the video: I was really touched watching this video on Facebook. I found out last night that his parents have been located but there are still so many people missing. . He’s coming back next week to talk about Haiti with the governor general. I’ll continue to help out where I can. Hope you all had a great day 🙂

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toronto life on the wild side

If you subscribe to Toronto Life magazine, I arrived in your mail box last night. I’ve not seen it yet but it’s out there….I got a twitpic from ModernMod. The article is about Cityplace the new-ish downtowen area where I’ve lived for the last two years. They chose a few people connected to the area to chat about living there and the lifestyle. They mentioned my rent (which is pretty easy to find out anyways) and that I was a Sunshine girl.  I hope my copy arrives today. Go get yours this week!

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volcanic sexuality wrapped in a childlike innocence

Some recent questions I answered on formspring: Are you trying to be an insufferable cliche as a means to an end (in terms of advancing your personal brand) or is this actually your personality? It’s actually who I am hence the title of my blog – this is my life. If you were to dig a hole all the way through the earth, and then you accidentally fell in, would you fall all the way through, or stop half way? I’d go all the way for sure. What is the best thing about working downtown for you? I can walk everywhere. Who would you like to meet? dead or alive I would like to meet Marilyn Monroe circa 1953. She just finished Gentlemen Prefer Blondes and was dating  Joe DiMaggio. She was blonde and beautiful. The title of this post is from her imdb bio.

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TGIF: 2010 First Week Edition

This is me at work today & rocking my favorite sweater, that yes, is my own vintage circa 1988. Twitter Over the holidays I had a bunch of messages from people sounding like “Teach me about Twitter”. This made me happy. Jeff even said ‘I think I’m gonna Tweet” and my heart melted. I’m doing classes on using Twitter for Personal & Business just let me know if you’re interested, you know how to find me. I’m booking Saturday & Sunday sessions starting February. Google All week I’ve been exploring stats and facts about social media. I educated my team about using Google alerts and Google Blog search. Both are really awesome for keeping tabs on your personal brand or business and really hearing what people are saying. Internet I’ve answered like a zillion questions people have been asking me on formspring. I really like it. I realized more and more how the internet is changing thanks to social media. We are all becoming more connected. This image breaks it down pretty damn good [click to view larger]: Facebook I went back to using FB connect & Disqus on my blog this week (feel free to comment and test it out!) The thing is, people always comment on FB but that doesn’t show up on the blog. I’d rather people commented on the blog and published the comment in their FB newsfeed. Get it? This year, I hope comments on FB & blog will show up both places this year so everyone can join the conversation. Happy Friday. Have a wonderful day!

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techvibes: uniting the tech community

Oh, look who it is…ME! Click the image to go straight to the article. If you read it, would be nice of you to leave a comment. I named Renee & Carol Zara as tech stars to watch this year, they’re smary & savy babes I met in 2009 and I’ve got good ‘techvibes‘ about them for 2010. Have a great day 🙂

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that’s a creative way of looking at it. nice hire.

I used to live and hang out in Queen West. The Hipsterville of Toronto. I met lots of hipsters from all over the globe, saw heaps of style and had hipster friends. We’d stay up late at secret hangouts with cool people, bands and models. I was skinny from partying/sleeping and I stayed out late on school nights. Hipsters often wear American Apparel and may be seen reading carrying Vice Magazine. I started reading Vice in Bondi Beach, 2004. I loved it. Bondi had the best style, boy or girl, they all had it. In 2005 American Apparel hired Lauren Phoenix to model tube socks and underwear. I remember getting that issue, she was on the back. It said “Meet Lauren Phoenix…….Look her up on Google. I wanted to know how she got her photo on a magazine and why to Google her. So I Googled and I’ve loved AA & Vice advertising ever since!! Not just because she’s a Toronto born Canadian pornographic actress who you may have seen in adult movies on https://www.hdpornvideo.xxx/?hl=ar, but because AA has made their socks really popular since then. I’m wearing over the knees right now. Creative marketing. I like it. They sponsor hipster bloggers now…like this babe Karla. Very nice idea. Sponsoring bloggers is a good idea for your brand. Find someone who fits your style and pitch them something. I reckon you’re more than bound to get your monies worth.

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