blah blah blah, think you’lll be getting this nah nah nah

I was a 3rd grade unicorn. /via @wafflesgirls # Any of my followers in the GTA have #iPad #039;s? I have some screen protectors and skins to giveaway. Hit me up for info /via @cellguru # RE: @photojunkie awesome. stared at this for a while. i like. # Summer fun my friends. RSVP: Aug. 23 @tweetgasmTO & Aug. 26 #GenYTO # blog makeover show? # Nice phone… # Photo: tumblr love. # Photo: i see you # Photo: suicideblonde:Rihanna photographed by Ellen von Unwerth # do we know what RiRi got tattooed yet? # Photo: pjpanoramas: Toronto Eaton Centre Apple Store. iPhone 4 line, days after launch. # “I believe in my heart that @LadyGaGa is going to positively help shift the world for the better. She is…” # dying w/ laughter reading @raymitheminx blog today. she is so funny “photos don’t take them fucking selves you know.” # oh snap, y’all know whoa time it is. # Tell me … how many lights do you see. — It’s so dark in here. # Is Tim Deegan as useless as he seems? Like, he is the worst. — He’s pretty cute. # Staff at this branch are the best. Srsly. (@ CIBC) # Photo: jeopardy + snoop (via polkaroo) # OMG Len, amazing. RT @LenCervantes: @polkaroo! like my halloween costume? # ME TOO! RT @erin_bury: Tomorrow night I’m going to a party with a donut wall. So…yeah. Pretty excited. @INQMobile # if you are not following @brundle_fly, you really need to. he is awesome and his avatar today melts my heart. # it’s like real hot out today. love it. # Do what she says!! NOW!! RT @raymitheminx: vote for waste case! #…

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i would like a barbie house and hot modern ken.

This afternoon Beans and I threw on some heels and strutted over to GCI Canada for the Summer BBQ. Nice roof patio partio they have going on. Perfect for tanning. My boy Luke wasn’t there (Mexico vacay!) so I got to know a bunch of the ladies.  Seems like a real positive place to work, they all seemed quite happy.  Beautiful sun and beers were a nice addition too. Food was great. Very organic and healthy tasting which went swell with radiant sunshine and an ice cold Stella. Ice cream sanny was the perf addition to our lunchable. Don’t judge my chippy nail polish or funny face. Ok, now for the best part. I chatted Naz who does stuff with Barbie and she gave me a present. It was in a nice box and I was like OMG OMG is it a BARBIE? It WAS a BARBIE! A 1662 Special Edition, Brunette, Bubble Cut hair with bathingsuit and outfit. Oh man. Now Peaches & Creme has a new bestie. Just kiddin, not opening it. The Barbie faces have changed to much over the years. Sabrina got one too.  Skinnier with bigger boobs now. I like the older Marilyn style better.How sweet is this lady? I love her.

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omg. i am totally going to be late for this bbq. sorry.

Don’t have long. Gotta run. Roof lunch beer BBQ at GCI Canada shortly and I don’t wanna be late. I wonder if they will have gift bags? They sent me VIP to the Barbie show for LGFW. I love Barbie. Do you know I hve all my Barbies at my condo right now. I would love to play with them. Maybe later.  A  gift bag was delivered to CTV for me but marked FORA, so they kept it. Naturally. Hope my PR girly sends a new one. I guess it was like a parting gift for the girls I used to work with. Ha! You’re welcome. Went for dinner with a babe to Joe Mama’s last night. Goat cheese, pistachio salad I love you. Must clean room today. Omg the days are flying by. I have some serious work to do post BBQ in the sun. Still winning the Virgin Provocateur votes but PLEASE tell you friends, I must win this thing. If you vote the others down Richard Branson will say cheeky things to you. How naughty! Vote here. My friend Crystal designed this Social Media Monopoly and it was on Mashable yesterday. I shared it on FB and didn’t even see that it was HER, MY FRIEND. Iwas like OMG, getting on Mashable is a social media geek wet dream. CONGRATS GIRL, keep up the awesomeness. One day I will be on Mashable too! I’ve seen a couple peeps I know on there in the last year so I know it can be done. Ok I am so late. BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Wakestock Recap in Photos: Part 1

So it started. Four girls, one car, one weeknd. Go. We arrived safe and sound. You saw the Cribs O’Nizzle did of where we were staying eh. Went out the first night Sailor Hats were a hit. There were lineups at all the clubs so next time, go early. Saturday rolled around and before we knew it, the party started. It was so hot out. I went to Uni in Australia with these punks – Prince left, Rye right. So nice to see them. My Zeugari suit was a hit. OMG Prince! We spent time cruising around the grounds. Heaps of pople enjoying the tunage. Back stage Allison helped us out with whatedcer we needed. Including driving us in the production vehicle. We were up front and back stage like traditional media. I loved seeing the fans screaming from front stage. Back stage was a the place to be in order to avoid beer lines for sure. Part 2 coming up including Flava Flav & night time party…

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Come join us for a #genYTO #partio August 26th!

Mark your calendars cause on Thursday, August 26th it’s genYTO at The London Taphouse. They have graciously set aside a HUGE area for us on the roof patio starting at 8pm till late.  Snapped this pic on that same roof last summer,  sun setting is pure beauty. If you have never been to a genYTO night before, be prepared for awesomeness. It’s a group that was founded in January 2009 by Erin Bury, Dave Coleman, Renee Warren, Daniel Patricio and myself to combat the negative portrayals of generation Y in the media. Articles were floating around saying  we’re  self-absorbed, confused, spoiled, lazy, and entitled. Truth is – we are inspired and motivated to drive change in our world. Erin said it well on her blog: “We think we’re actually some of the most driven, hard-working and inspired people out there, so we decided to host a monthly event in Toronto to bring the GenY community out, share ideas, and of course share a couple beverages. The events now get over 100 people out each month and have inspired folks in Ottawa to found the GenYOTT events. “ This time we will have some special announcements.  Exciting stuff is happening behind the scenes with the GenYTO crew and we are looking forward to sharing that awesome with you. Get your tickets here. They’re free 🙂 Feel free to check out  the stuff we’ve done over the last couple years on Google or on my blog. If you would like to donate anything to enhance the experience, let me know. I’d be happy to get you involved. My Sims  Nintendo DS BFF Joey totally has the right idea. Have a great day! <3 CASIE

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in yesterday’s news some things happened and stuff

anyone have a call centre offshore i can borrow for about an hour? # “excitement is my thing” this guy is like the polish prince gino edi…(YouTube # remember when we went to the @torontofc game. that was fun. (YouTube # “stop tweeting nerd” “nerd tweeter” haha(YouTube # This kind is really good. #icecream # Photo: this looks fun. thedaintysquid: # september 2009 – it’s amazing how fast time flies whoa. # i want that freaking sharpie pencil right now god damnit. get over to my house. right now. NOW! # #crazyawesome talking @tweetgasmTO & @oldspice w/ @perpetualradio # RE: @PerpetualRadio I like 3 or 6. # Hell yeah. RT @thatdrew: Today is 8/9/10. Lets get drunk. # i would snooki punch that fake cancer girl. hearing about her loserness boils my blood. # I think of you babes when I hear it, won’t get sick I reckon, such good #memories @raymitheminx @carlyannedotcom @laurenonizzle <3 # whoa @mrssharonnewman is throwin the smackdown. # Windows, I can not see through your rain coating but I like you. # time for the #YandR # today is emo day eh? cripes am i the only one who loves these days? #smile # RE: @MichaelNus @michaelnus talk about a wet dream. hazaaaa. # talking about helping you make your company cool on the internet makes me really happy. #

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talking @tweetgasmTO & @oldspice w/ @perpetualradio

On the first episode of the  Social Media Show on Perpetual Radio, Karim Kanji interviewed Saul Colt, the Mayor of Twitter and myself. I had the video of the show here but the audio was not great quality. It may have been my internet, will be better next episode. You can listen to it here or download the Perpetual Radio podcast from itunes. Topics TweetGasmTo Old Spice Social Media Marketing Campaign Vote for your Favourite SMS Album Art! We’ll be back on as guests on September 5th to chat about more awesome stuff with a couple new guests.  Stay tuned! This cute pic was drawn by my friend Randeep Katari. I love his sketches! Please keep blogging. 🙂

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#wakestock #vlog1 – lets get the party started

Hello there Village…more on that later. BYE FOR NOW!

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wear suits and get ready for sailing baby

We are going to Wakestock and we is excited. Drive up, checkin to our new home, and get the party goin’. These are only a jems from  Zeugari swimwear we have to rock this weekend. Raymi posted a bunch of pix today, Lauren tweeted and Carly has them all. If yolre looking for designer swimwear check out Bathing Belle! Oh god I need to pack.  Probs gonna pass on #loserkaraoke tonight. WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOT!

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meet my new bestie emily haines from @metric

Yesterday evening I cruised over to Union Station for the free metric show hosted by Samsung. Show was to announce the launch of the new mobile device which seems pretty cool, android, big screen 5pm camera, touch keypad. O’Nizzle and I scored some last min VIP tickets and were front row for the whole show. Thanks Samsung! DANCED UP A STORM! I high fived Emily.. Oh yeah. I’m famous. Heh heh. We made an article on (how ironic?) and were quoted: “She approached three girls who were leaping and screaming beside me and shared a moment of “crazy eyes” with them that gave them perma-grins for the rest of the night.” Yeah that’s us and those were eyes of love. I’ve seen Metric a bunch of times but this was by far the closest I’ve ever been. We were in the media area and after seeing a bunch of MuchMusic & MTV people I was asked  “who are you here for?”, I proudly said “I’m here for myself, as Casie Stewart”. Do you know how good feels? Damn good. Blonde blog bots as O’Nizzle called us – Kate Killet, Me & O’Nizzle. SO FUN GUYS!! Thanks to Virgin Radio for putting this on too. Make sure you vote for me to be the Virgin America Toronto Provocateur!! Contest ends of this month. Have an awesome day!

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the view from our office is terrible

Setting up a blog/twitter for Mum today so she can update while on her sailing adventure. Gonna spend more time with my sketchbook I reckon. We hung out last night and, we really miss each other. The Unnecessary Wheels Collection is growing. If you have no idea what the heck I am talking about you should browse over Borderline Artistic, my art blog or check out some of the first ones I drew in this old post. Two of my fav’s are the bong with wheels and the blackberry with wheels. I want to have an art show within the next year. I’ve got so many things I created hiding  away, they want to come out, they want to see your eyes and give you feelings. Postsecret, all about feelings. I hear you lady, I want my own adventure TOO! Made some new friends last night at drum circle & Squirley’s. HI THERE! Interesting enough, I met one babe who looks exactly like Brett from Flight of the Conchords or exactly like an old BF or two, or three. Whoops.  I always seem to find them/they find me, maybe I do have a type afterall. 🙂 Hitting up the free Metric show tonight with O’Nizzle, 7pm Union Station. After that we’ve got fittings with Raymi & Carly of our ZEUGARI swimsuits for Wakestock. We’re staying at a loft in Blue Mountain, it is going to be epic fun. Get ready for lots of bikini’s & babes all weekend. I tried this one on the other day….ooh hubba hubba. Excited x 1,000,000. If you’re gonna be there lemme know ok. Have an awesome day xo

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google image search ‘working out’ & this picture shows up pg. 11

Lisa found this one today. Weird eh. Especially considering I’m not into working out! I wonder what other interesting search terms will return my photo? If you find an interesting one, let me know. This is what happened yesterday, kinda: Working on the #unnecessarywheels drawing collection….gimme an object. Anything random! Photo: broken heart emergency 12seconds – Sounds like clapping but really is a nice drumming. Today on Y&R: Kevin is crushed when Ryder doesn’t show up to court. Watch the full episode on /via @YandR_CBS Drum circle. Wanna come? (@ Trinity Bellwoods Park) Boys in bands in line in front. (@ The Beer Store) Photo: RT @crystalgibson: God put me on Earth for three reasons: To make loud music, gay videos and cause a… Got these today too 🙂 #flowers Photo: i got a wicked pants romper today Photo: i need this paua shell feather STAT. Photo: nice rings please pick ME!!!! RT @mtvcanada: Want to win tickets to see Rihanna with @keshasux in Toronto on Thursday? RT to win! Must live in TO. Imma gonna eat you. Phone is dead. Msg you back when home 20mins. these are the 4 babes for @wakestockcanada this weekend me @raymitheminx @carlyannedotcom @laurenonizzle 🙂 #blog does anyone have a cottage in Collingwood that can bunk 4 hot babes this weekend? Pretty please with daisy dukes/bikini on top!! 🙂 Morning friends. Up for a bike ride then spening the day with a family friend who was like my fairy god mother growing up. So excited 🙂 Happy Birthday @marcandrewsmith darling 🙂 xo in reply to marcandrewsmith #

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good morning, good morning and how are you today?

Oh man so beauty out there today. Woke up earls and jumped on my new cruiser for a ride in the sunshine by the lake. Riding is so much more free than walking. Faster, wind in your hair. I rode alonside the lake lazily dreaming about traveling, writing and where the path will take me, the road less travelled that is. Love and miss you Mum. Enjoy sailing today. I think of her everytime I see the boats chilling. All this week’s plans are in a schedule so I make sure I maximize my time. Today I’ve got a dinner for Marc (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!), inerview for a Uni newspaper and family friend coming to visit this AM. Her name is Pat and she was like a second Mum to me growing up. I thank her for my love of designer clothes and outgoing style. She was always dressed so elegant and stylish. I would love to raid her closet and see what jem’s she’s still got kicking around. I’m gonna ask her today for sure hehe. Put my old basked on my new bike last night. Got my hands all dirty playing with tools. Reminded me of working in the garage with Dad as a kid. I loved that. Pretty stoked about Wakestock this weekend. We’re still  looking for accomodation, if you can help PLEASE TELL ME NOW! We’re open to hotel, cottage, RV, B&B anything that isn’t camping really. We need to get al dolled up pretty so no bathroom = no fun. Ok, man I gotta run. Pat’s gonna be here soon with Nicole and I’ve not showered or cleaned up the place. Oh, INTERNET, You are so distracting! I just can’t seem to quit you my love. Have an awesome day peeps 🙂

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I’m a lucky girl to have you in my life.

Night time creepout at Ireland Park. Not as scary in the day… The white marks in the rock that came all the way from Ireland are oyster shells. Pretty & neat, saw the heart, thought of Mum sailing the seas. In the night the statue had loonies and quarters but the next day, the money was all gone. I would have never taken it. Bad karma. Here’s the story: Ireland Park honours the Irish immigrants  who fled during the amine of 1847. 38,000 of them arrived here that summer,  at that time our city had about 20,000 living here. Wow, my blog is so educational! Saw this pretty thing too and thought it was a lucky day. Little did I know JUST how lucky it would be… Hung out with Keri and caught up on recent happenings. Love her. Shoutout to Team Boston from us both!! Caught up with Raymi later and she is letting me use her old bike! Yahoooooooooo. Check out this PYT I’ll be riding ’round town. Thanks RAYMI!! ILU. I’m so freaking happy to be riding again. I felt so FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE cruising home. Ahhh, the wind in my hair, the open road.  I’m home again. Remember how much I rode my old bike last summer? Stoked to take her out for a ride tomorrow AM. I think we look really good together, you could say I’m now in a relationship ♥.

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wanna go to a party hosted by me & @virginatlantic?

THEN VOTE FOR ME TO WIN THIS DARN THING ALREADY. Contest has 30 days still. Just ate a passion fruit, my fav! (@ Harbourfront Centre) I’m at Big Red Canoe (50 Fort York Blvd, Spadina, Toronto). Special Skills: lucas stewart handsome is on his way here. lucky meeeeeeeeeeeeeeee 🙂 omg the #iphone4 face time commercial. #tear #loveit Anyone seen this show or know what it’s about? Effects of a Three Martini Lunch on the Creative Process | Advertising Age – /via @randymatheson 12seconds – I feel de vibe. #caribana This flower is so pretty. Live music. Good relax on the grass in the sun. (@ Toronto Music Garden) I would like to be on a boat. Or in a boat. Or a boat. chatting with mum on skype from her boat in anchored out in brockville, so neat. they’re en route to bahamas! Photo: i like you sprinklers. before you tweet RT @yehudaberg: KEEP your tongue in check. Think twice before you speak go outside. talking about @virginamerica & Virgin Provocateur on @smspodcast here> vote here> Talking about @klout on @PerpetualRadio # Crush on @saulcolt. #smspodcast going live on the #smspodcast via #perpetualradio w/ @karimkanji @saulcolt tune in here now > ran though sprinklers. so fun. i am 5. Solid group of awesome right here > @carlyannedotcom @SDnRclothing @chadthevillain @matthewstylist in reply to carlyannedotcom Photo: this is called a ‘short’ not ‘shorts’ Photo: you were always on my mind me: how do you spell caribana? her: k-a.. [laughter] sabrina saw a PRINCESS tramp stamp at caribana. really. life in a day you are one sext Stewart. happy birthday @AndrewFstewart 🙂 me: where were you last night? her: good question. > baaahaaa how was i…

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fatal attraction to cuteness

Patio hang @ 99’s Patio with Raymbo last night. So good to chill just the two of us and talk shit about awesomeness and stuff. She had a brills idea to see if we could score tickets to Second City with our combined fame. I called, it worked. Two tickets – RAYMI/CASEY. Thanks manager guy! We saw this show. It was kinda funny. I’m not that great art shows you have to keep quiet the whole time. I like to laugh and talk. I remember last time I went I got in trouble. This time, I became part of the show for yelling out ‘internet’. You’re welcome for the great material. Couple dudes sent us drinks from across the bar. Thanks for supporting alcoholism dudes! We might be gettin’ decked out in some golf gear in the near future. Stay tuned for that hotness. See you tomorrow. Heading for a nice walk with someone handsome. Beautiful night!

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sister hang best ever. battery recharge mate.

Jenie & Tikka. I like when the sun shines through the clouds. It’s my religion on Facebook. Sabrina is the other darling sister I live with. LOVE YOU GUYS! XOXO Hanging out at home for the night. There’s a movie on DIVA with @aplusk (Ashton Kutcher) & Tara Reid. Hell yeah, Friday night girl hang. People always say “do what you love and you’ll be happy”. I think it’s true.  I believe them, who ever they are.  I hope it’s real sunny out tomorrow AM, I need at least an hour of direct sun. Caribana parade tomorrow and totally going this year. I wanna feel de vibe, dance in the streets. Friends coming from out of town +  living walking distance makes the day grow fonder. Enjoy the night yo! She’s a beauty! p.s. “Work hard”, people say that too & girl you know it’s true.

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new zealand composer & artist: juliet palmer #TTC

Meeting a hot babe for movie date 😉 (@ Yonge-Dundas Square) Meeting peeps (@ Spoke Club w/ 2 others) Audition for something Kiwi. #teamNZL in force here. (@ Instil Productions) this is my party right now #lovelovelove (YouTube omg looks sooooo nice. RT @unbrelievable: Mountains make me feel at home 143. Photo: this is freaking crazy dude. stop spam. read books. #captcha Photo: @40deuce no, i never get excited about anything. so true 🙂 RT @atubanos: @erin_bury You’re as bubbly and adorable as you seem in ur pics and writing:) have #smmeasure in calendar as a weekly meeting. chat is the new rt, pure engegement right there. i love seeing the conversations happen. i really like the way you handled this whoops dude RT @40deuce: whoops. last tweet should have said reach is “tough” #smmeasure omg @LadyBlogga. i honestly thought i typed @ladygaga. #srsly my mind they are same i guess 🙂 hey @meganberry lots of questions about @klout right now, can you give any insight to measurement? #smmeasure i’m all like @ladyblogga remix blastin, bikini blogging and checkin’ out #smmeasure #crazyawesome this is my party right now #lovelovelove (YouTube “tv is a dinosaur that’s going to fade away” – my mum #internet #smmeasure chat is really interesting Key things big brands need to know: 1. Size doesn’t matter. Influence does. 2. Earn it, don’t just pay for it. Four Reasons Brands Must Check in to Foursquare. Now! via @theyinspire @wakestockcanada I wanna do this next weekend ok! thanks guy #lunch whoa @google image search is different now. like, don’t like? i’m not sure. # “You are not special. You are not a beautiful or unique snowflake. You are the same decaying organic…”…

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you are so freaking fabulous look at these pix, #ILU

Talk about a good time. TweetgasmTO V1.0 on Monday night was a hit. Thanks everyone for coming. Who likes to rock the party? We do. there was dancing oh and tweeting and talking! and babes and more babes and MORE babes blog blog fashion baby oh co cute but they’re monsters! they will eat you rarrrrrrrrrrrr ok just kidding There are more pix in my web album here. Loved seeing/meeting everyone. I am lucky to be surrounded by awesome community of smart (and really really good looking) people. Looking forward to the next one.  If you have any ideas of what you would like to see of if you would like to get involved, let me know. There are heaps of peeps I didn’t get pix of, sorry guys. I’ve got Kyle to remedy that next time. If you had fun, please vote for me to be the @virginamerica Provocateur it takes 2 secs. I will get to throw parties with a budget for an entire year. It will be insane. It will also be insane if I do not win, so vote, please. I rarely ask anything of you. By the way,  after seeing these pix I dream of us all in Zombie makeup.  Anyone?

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you never know until you try

It is safe to say that I am currently having the time of my life. After spending the day with Carly at the Agency I flew to The Pilot to meet Miranda & David. We had a blast. The rain came in wee spirts and I managed to keep dry yet very hydrated. I also touched iphone 4 for the first time. Feels so delicate. The boy behind me is Jean Luc from Kijiji. The Pilot is an interesting place. Everytime I go there I meet the most interesting peeps. I was hanging out with Ebay, PayPal and one of the SAW writers Leigh Wannell . Today I have an audition for a commercial as a ‘Kiwi girl’ and a patio meeting about 4ish. Later  on I’m attending a screening with of Dinner for Schmucks with Michael before Loser Karaoke. Sunday I’m on the very first episode of the Social Media Show (SMS) podcast with Karam Kanji the Community Manager for TechVibes. I will keep you updated, show is at 3pm. Have an AWESOME day. Go do something great, this is the only July 29th 2010 that will ever exist, make it memorable. I’m up early to make heaps of awesome. Blog ya later 😉

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waiting for wednesday

Things have been REALLY busy this week. I kinda feel like whoa, how was I doing all this stuff before? No wonder I was tired.  Today I’ve been working out of the Fairlie Agency office with Carly following up on emails, auditions and work. Tomorrow I’ll be working from my home office and possibly the roof top pool. I’d really love to be able to work from home forever. The freedom to do exactly what I want is really inspiring to me.  Really inspiring. This is Carly & I with Shawn (from Ontario Place (middle) and Guy Boucher (right), the designer of Zeugari Swimwear. He’s outfitting Carly, Raymi, Lauren and I for Wakestock next weekend. I am so excited to wear his suits. They are GORGEOUS! If you wanna come to Wakestock the $55 social ticket offer for the weekend ends THURSDAY at 10AM. Get ya ticket here. Password is PARTYGIRL.

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see you saturday at the lilith fair ladies

Its Friday night and I’m in the 905. I must be crazy. So full. Hope I don’t fall asleep dans le movie! (@ Richmond Court) # Thinking of you tonight @seanward! Good luck bro lookin’ smart @torontoima! in reply to seanward love # Photo: yes, that is exactly what we did. (via #girlsgotafacelikemurder Photo: black lips coming up next (via trashionbitches) I’m on a unicorn. RT @AndrewRevesz: I’m on a horse. RT @davidcrow: I’m on vacation. hey @downwithwebster sorry i cancelled my interview for tonight, have a blast in bellville 😉 #teamchloe #yandr omgaga look who got twitter…@matthewstylist <3 good word to describe my feeds: ‘funtertainment’ via @Dan_L #THANKS DUDE Hello hello baby you called I can’t hear a thing…. mental. RT @clickflickca: Imcomplete sentence drives me god i love this#FF @LindsayInJail to have @mcdonalds or to not have #lunch “so many choices. making it easier to chose neither.” via @natasha – well said babe. was lovely to see y’all last night too <3 @SidewalkHustle @davidakermanis @joncrowley @40deuce @clickflickca @michaelnus @whats_haapanen America’s Toronto Provocateur!! yesterday was #wonderwoman today is casie kent i got DM spam from you @smichm

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you bring a whole new meaning to the word #loser

And that meaning is awesome. I’ve mentioned it before and the message is always the same, #loserkaraoke is a damn good time. This is me & Kristen singing ‘How Bizarre’, Team New Zealand in full force. I was rappin’ in full accent. Pretty good summer song if you ask me. I love walking into Tequila Sunrise and being greeted by friends and familiar faces having fun. The party was inside & outside last night as the place was packed and it was really hot out. Speaking of, look at this stud in mama’s cape… I was a weeee bit tipsy after the King St. Crawl earlier and after a few beerski’s was more than happy when Michael offered to drive me home. Ha! It’s so neat that each week all kinds of twitter peeps show up to have a good time. If something comes up on a Thursday night, I seriously consider if I should miss #loserkaraoke or not. I was never really a big ‘karaoke’ person but y’know what, I really love it now. I don’t care if it makes me a loser, because I’ve got a whole group of people who are are most awesome losers ever. We will sing our hearts out week after week and if you come too, you will love it. Karaoke is GREAT! You might also love that I wore a Wonder Woman outfit last night. Just for fun. Alas, back in the office today, Ms.  Casie Kent. BTW, I love this ad. Online, on line. I wanna be online like that, online at the beach under a sun umbrella with my laptop, working., drinking a cold beer.  Ahhh, a girl can dream can’t she! Happy Friday everyone.

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caribbean gal gon’ feel de vibe

Its a huge party in the lot at work for Caribbana called “Feel de Vibe“. Took a break in my day to check it out and get some vibes groovin. I’ve stayed away from Caribbana the last few years but gonna go this year. Its the largest Caribbean festival outside, well, the Caribbean. There was some drama with it being not so safe but I think’ we ‘ gon be ok now. The lines for food in the lot were huge so I popped over to Ackee Tree my most fav spot for some island food. The lunch special is $6.95 and so damn good. I like to dress the part for events, I’m sure you knew that by now. Today at work is going pretty good. Starting to ‘feel da vibe’ there and get ‘tings all done in a day without stressing. Feels good. Looking forward to #loserkaraoke tonight. Gon’ sing a Kiwi tune I reckon! OMG I loooooove steel drums. Our city is always so action packed. It’s the best! Feel de Vibe @ 299 Queen St. #caribbana on

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is it wrong to be so excited for this?

Jersey Shore is BACK for Season 2 July 29th.  Fist pump baby. Yesterday was a great day. I went to see Bon Jovi w/ Michael & Cory. Post on that coming when I finally get some time to blog. I’ve been so busy lately, i’ve got so many things to share with you. Kid Rock & Bon Jovi #ftw (@ Rogers Centre w/ @alisaan @j0scelyn @dvln) # Madness at the rogers centre right now and traffic is insane #spadinawatch looking forward to #loserkaraoke tomorrow. honestly. Hmm. Can haz cheeseburger? #nomnomnom anyone 14-19 wanna come down to much on Friday AFTERNOON for something fun? looking for 2 peeps. lemme know ASAP! wow. time for lunch. where sis 4pm come from? gah. anyone else having #FB troubs tagging people in posts today or uploading images? driving me mental – already tried chrome/firefox/explorer. FB is being a real bitch today. That is all. Carry on as I try to keep calm. #fml lotsa #twerk to catch up on today after my holiday peeps, catcha replies in the arvo or lunch I reckon <10 #muchlove #twerk (@ MuchMusic Studios) today the hair is grey Gooooood Morning 🙂

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he called to say look at the moon, he’s a real catch.

I tweeted heaps yesterday: who was your childhood movie star that you always had a crush on? — lindsay lohan. # Testing out#motorola #backflip so far touch keyboard is soft on my fingers and camera is facing towards instead of away from face # <4 is more than <3 # zomg me too. fav show. RT @40deuce: I am kicking ass in Jeopardy tonight! # Photo: pretty girls w/ long hair # Photo: topless tuesday hottie (via girlsgotafacelikemurder) # how many newfies does it take to screw in a brake pedal on a toyota? — no clue. # i would like to see inception tonight. # missing the #exclusif courvoisier event tonight. sorry peeps. have fun & a couple drinks for me 😉 # Photo: i probably should not have laughed so hard at this. but i did. sorry @drakkardnoir, for i could not… # Photo: @michaelnus duuuuuuuuuuude! look what i found? whoa. # life has many positives. what is one positive that you have taken notice… — how wonderful the people around me are. # oh man,. mel gibson. # tell us something funny about your younger sister that… — she used to put these neon tie dye gloves on her feet … # RE: @michaelnus you’re a true rockstar Nus, glad you were there 🙂 #rockon # Favourite person of yours on twitter? — hard to say, there are so many, i realy love @wafflesgirls tbh. # Photo: › One more…Scarlett Johansson by Sheryl Nields via @lushvuitton # Photo: she’s like a total sex machine…Scarlett Johansson by Sheryl Nields via lushvuitton # your life seems to revolve around alcohol, are you an … — uh, no. i just go to alot of parties in bars or…

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what should i sing at #loserkaraoke this week? hmm.

Yesterday on Twitter, this happened: I have no idea what to expect…and I like it. #smirnoffexp # signed release form for @smirnoffcanada, put me in the commercial k.thx.bai. #smirnoffexp (@ Andrew Richard Designs & Events) # Happy Birthday to the handsome @MichaelNus!! (Sorry I missed the big party yesterday arvo) #dirtythirty in reply to MichaelNus # 10 Reasons to Stop apologizing for your online life /via @rochlatinsky > “internet is real life too” #rlt #

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