The Proof is in…the Whisky!

Last week I stopped by the Roots store on Bloor to hang in the lovely Dougals Coupland room and taste Proof  Brand Wisky for the first time. They had a variety of cocktails to test out and the whisky gets two thumbs up from me. The bottle is really cute, has a  stylish design and is only $19.95 for the 500ml.  I met the creator, a former LCBO employee who gave me the dirt on the brand. They’ve got a rum and vodka launching in the next year. I really like the way the bottle looks. I reckon the trio of whisky, vodka, rum would make a nice set for bottle service either at home or a resto. Jonathan Roy was performing, he’s a babe and his Dad, Patrick Roy is a pretty big deal in the world of hockey. This guy was bringing sweaty back. You can check out the Proof site at Ran into one of my most fav MTV coworkers evahhhhh, the lovely Miss Sheena from MTV Live. We had a very passionate embrace as you can see. She picked me right up like a wee doll. ILU SHEENA. Happy Monday internet friends!

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i need an ipad. like, yesterday.

More stuf to share but I do not have time right now. At all. I’m having lunch with the Mayor or Twitter and I need to look beautiful for him. Here are some things I drew on ipad last night. I need an ipad. Need like, not like I need air or water but need like as in want. Baaaaaaaaaaaaaad. We make a cute couple, don’t we? You know the Unnecessary Wheels Collection from Borderline Artistic. I’m late again. I am always late. It’s part of my charm. Ok, bye. I love too you internet. p.s. Heard i’m in a MTV Video Music Awards commercial. Look for me, if you see let me know. I’ve not seen it!

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i took it out. it just wasn’t me. too all up in ma face.

Going to get it was really fun.  It hurt and I liked it. The people at Blackline Studio were cool and professional. It was a fun little Saturday afternoon adventure to poke a hole in my body. I realise I’m just not that into it anymore.  There is a super cute girl who help my hand when I got it done and the boy who pierced me was cute too. I wanted  a septum piercing for a while but once I had it, it took away from all the cuteness that makes me me. I really like that cuteness. I used to have a bunch of piercings, took then out in Australia cause I didn’t like the way they rubbed my surf board. I had two massively painful ones in my ears one called a rook (through thick cartilage) and one called an industrial (long bar that goes through twice). They were really painful. I mostly got them to deal with some type of pain in my heart or loss. Somehow, poking that hole and going through the healing process, made the heart ache a little less painful. I am so deep. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand, we’re back.

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i’m falling for you.

Love the seasons changing. I promise myself I will clean up my room on Sunday. It is honestly one big closet with a bed in it. Thinking the next place I live will need to be a 2 bdrm, preferably an old house with big rooms. Been thinking about moving out of the core-hardcore deep downtown. Meh, I’ll probably change my mind again like tomorrow. I love the view here. Holy nut case eh. bahaaa. Reilly took this last night. I like it. Finally chatted with Mum today. She’s sailing to Bahamas with her BF on their 40 ft sail boat. Begged her to send some photos already. They are in New Brunswick at the moment. Today they sailed 10 hours and went through a lobster fishing area. Mum said it was nuts. She is going to freak when she see’s this. Don’t worry, the piercing comes out. My eyes wattered like CRAY when he put that needle in. Don’t know how long i’ll keep the piercing it but it looks pretty cute. This is pretty crazy too. Dude landed the first double back flip in a wheelchair ever!! Mad skills. Watching his couple attempts before he gets it were insane. Balls that guy. WHOA. Don’t try this at home ok. You could really hurt ya damn self! Really getting excited for NZ Fashion Week. Been checking out designers and NZ bloggers on NZTV. It’s one of my cuzzie’s birthday and imma get to hang with her. We’ve only ever met a couple times so pretty stoked. Probs gonna see Nana too. SO EXCITED. Weeeeeeeeeee! Sunday funday!

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in the still of the night

Attended Lexus Live in the Distillery last night with my lovely date Jessica Gardener. Big thanks to Notable TV and Rock-It Promotions for a great event.  I was full on in a nana sweater. I thought it woud be colder. Ended up having to remove tights later in the night, I was clearly over dressed for the weather. This is the new car from Lexus, the CT 200h. Pretty nice, roomy, has mouse in it to control the dashboard screen thingy. I’m not in the market for a new car anytime soon (never owned a car) but this I would drive. It looks kinda Audi-ish. You can easily fit two in the trunk. Lexus hired a heap of photographers, it felt like everywhere I turned they were snappin. I wonder if they knew who I was because it felt like they took 800 photos of me. I can only imagine how many people take when you’re crazy famous. I didn’t really mind. I’d really wouldn’t mind if Lexus put me in a commercial or something. hint hint. The Stills were pretty good. I’d never heard them before. The drummer was a total babe and the bass player smoked during the show and then put his cig out on stage. THAT, is badass. There were two ‘just married’ couples in the area and one of them popped into the VIP for some  front row access. Their photog took some great shots and April and I totally photo bombed a heap of them. I hope you like your wedding photos guys! Lots of people were there, the who’s who of Toronto’s media and social you could say. Check out these fine ladies Hawley Dunbar (Sidewalk Hustle) & Charise Garcia (Lucky Penny Daily). Thanks to Julian Brass (below) and Notable TV for the…

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blog, blog, fashion baby, NZFW here I come!

Getting pretty dang excited for NZFW coming up Sept. 20-25th. I’m really stoked to see the style and meet sponsors, designers. Who knows who I will meet! I thought it would be a great idea to look at some of the stuff online to see what I’m in store for. Image below will take you to the gallery on the NZFW site. Last year PAMELA ANDERSON was there. I’ve alweays had a thing for her. Imagine I go all the way back to NZ and meet a Canadian celeb? Crazier things have happened. Check out these hot models from the pre-shoot. Skip to 3:00 and check out the model competition winner with the moustache. I am already secretly in love (or not so secretly). Omgaga. I am tres EXCITED!!! So running behind right now because I browsing NZFW stuff. I need to get’ a moooooovin’. I’m off the #lexuslive event hosted by Notable TV at the Distillery for The Stills concert. haha Stills/DiSTILLery. Have an awesome night!

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we bring the fun, we bring the fire, we are the future.#genyto

First of all, thank you everyone that came out last night. It was one of the most epic GenYTO night’s we’ve had. It was HUUUUGE! I arrived early and there were already a few peeps ready to get the party started. Soon as 8pm rolled around, the sun was setting and a steady flow of people filled the London Tap House patio. Before we knew it, we had a full on PARTIO happening. There are five of us on the organizing team and we all have red marked name tags, they are Erin (above with Jonathan), Renee (below) , Daniel & Dave. Dave in the pink shirt. I met a heap of new people who were happy to be attending a GenYTO for the first time. Heard comments all night about how many new faces there were around. I love that. This group started in Feb. 2009 with about 30 people meeting at an uptown bar near Young and Eglington. Last night, our guest list topped 300 and there was lineup to get in for part of the night. Amazing, eh! There were lots of babes around too. That’s Daniel on the right beside tattoo’d stud. Fiiiiine ladies. Digging this track reco from @JoelReilly, below. He made this for me today. I called him Wayne and now I’m Garth. haha So funny. Sean Ward show in the haus. There were a heap more photos you can see here or check me on FB for the album. Stay tuned for September GenYTO info. We’ve got some things to share with everyone and it will without a doubt be a night NOT to miss. Happy Friday everyone. TGIF MoFo’s! p.s. sorry to be annoying but did you vote for me in the Virgin thingy? it’s over in 4 days. don’t worry 🙂

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Sounds of Social Media: Noise or Sweet Music?

Like the sounds of this? It’s our panel submission for SWSX Interactive 2010. The other member of my panel are: @unmarketing, @thatericalper and @Kathy_Valentine. You can vote for our panel here or by clicking the little picture on the sidebar. Here goes… For decades, the music industry has been about gatekeepers and untouchable “s tars”. Today, everything is about connecting with each other and the smart few in music have realised that and embraced it. With representation from all avenues of the industry: Media, labels, management and artists, this panel will explore the current landscape of social media in music, and where they see it.

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I’m from downtown and I’m here on a mission.

HI. The good news is: EVERYTHING. Ahhh. Working hard will get you places. Creativity and a positive attitude (really) help too. I’ve not commented much on the Klout thing. I might have mentioned a while back when Bre was making a stink about Klout, wondering how they rank, etc. Klout is the ‘Online Standard for Influence’. If you don’t know what I’m talking about checking out this list of 10 Most Influential Tweeters in Toronto (I’m on there #6). Earlier this summer I got a free flight from Virgin American & Klout. (Vote for me in the contest here.) I couldn’t manage to make the trip while at my old job so I never used it. I bet all the people who cried about not getting one would hate to hear that! Yesterday an article was published in Tech Vibes by Jas Banwait (who didn’t get a flight) about Klout, influence, and measurement. People who didn’t get flights seem to really have lots of opinions on Klout.  Those of us who did, just seem grateful. The world is a funny place. It was a free thing and it certainly got people talking. I’ve asked my share of questions about Klout and I think what they are doing is pretty neat. I find it all quite interesting. Social media & measurement, social and the connection with new media. The measurement of something so new and massive without regulation is hard. I have always been a social person involved in lots of things with lots of friends. The internet just gave me a microphone, it allowed me to amplify my voice. Ok, part 2… The bad news is: NOTHING. I’m a delegate at the TEDxTO conference in September. YAHOOOOO! I’m really looking forward to attending. I missed the application deadline last year…

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The best thing to hold onto in life is each other.

Today was a weird kinda day, well it has been so far. I slept in, woke up with a hurting back and felt like I was hit by a truck. I even went to bed early last night, so totally strange. Just drained I guess. Didn’t last long though, I was energized by Lucia when we shared lunch at BQM on Queen Street. That’s our spot. Came home, did some business and scooting out to a last minute consulting appointment. Looking forward to GenYTO tomorrow. Gonna be a fun time. Last night at the Gap Inc. online shopping launch they gave us each a $100 Visa card to use in the online store. I totally used it last night, this is what I got. Pretty excited for new Fall clothes to arrive at my door. Thanks Gap Inc PR! Lets do that again! Giving people gift cards to actually TRY out the online shopping expereince is a great idea. I probably would have not tried it otherwise. The experience was pretty good, stress free and the interface was nice/easy to use . Go outside. It’s lovely out there. Won’t belong till these hot hot days go far away! xo

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TweetgasmTO V1.2 with lazers and stuff yo.

Was home at a decent hour after Tweetgasm last night. Thanks for everyone who came out.  There was a neat art display in room 212 upstairs and Lynsie and some friends played with lazers!! We tried like crazy to make hearts, this one is the best we got. Good thing she is a photographer and knows how to work a camera. I would have never figured out how to make fancy light show photos. I know now! Yay. The mural in the little Twitter room was pretty rad too. Next Tweetgasm is late September, stay tuned for that. Quite looking forward to GenYTO on Thursday, over 235 people confirmed! New faces and old friends will make for a great time. I’m heading to Andrew Richard Designs shortly, Gap Inc. is having a launch party for their new online shopping site. Kinda crazy they didn’t have online shopping in Canada till now eh? Laughing photos are my most fav. Enjoy the day! Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeee.

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hardly no service for two days + didn’t internet

But it was fun. Seeeeeeeee!!!!!!!! Exhausted from a whole day on the bus with the Bud gurlz. Sweet thangs they are. (HIIIIII to you if you are reading girls!)  Everyone was super nice and fun especially the security and event staff. One employee girl was bit snooty but I reckon it’s because I got an outfit and didn’t wear it. Yay me! I’m wearing it NOW as I BLOG. 🙂 Overall, we had a fun time. The food was pretty good too. Nice getting there before all the boys arrived on Friday. There were so many boys. About 150 winners each with a plus 1.  Watching them get off the bus and come down the gaultlet past the girls was charming. I missed the internet but not as much as I thought. Wilderness was pretty nice. Fresh air, stars, woodchips and fire. We stayed offsite at a house with full bathroom and tv which was great. Freaked out over chipmunks. I though I liked them, but no. They are cute from far but far from cute. Rascals, all nut eating and scurrying and stuff. They  need to have mobile charging stations at these type of things. The cabin stayers had no outlets. None!! I hardly had phone service and couldn’t checkin on foursquare.  Wahhhh. Chatted a dude about getting the mayorship but my phone was not playing nice so he got it. Learned for about $5,000 per carrier you can get a temp tower put up. That would be badass, wifi for everyone. WordPress mobile, twitter, facebook and posting via email to tumblr FTW. Talk nerdy to me. Lots happening this week, looking forward to it.  Tweetgasm at the Gladstone Melody Bar Monday night and GenYTO Thursday at the Tap House. Also The Virgin contest is over in 9 days…

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today in the news

Totally whatever… #loserkaraoke # You are so good looking. My party feat @jeremywright @michaelnus @randeepk @photojunkie # I don't feel like it today # I pretend that I am partying hard when I am not …see photo for fake party animal # If I do not get in to #tedxto y'all need to rethink what is important. # I'm so hip right now #hipsterhop # #geeeeks CASIE + @photojunkie @jeremywright at #thecrush dinner /via @MichaelNus # I eat #iphone4 for lunch # Uh, asked for unicorn puking rainbow and I got it! Careful what you wish for!! Thanks @randeepk # Omg cuhest -@photojunkie and me #thecr # Stella ella ola chop chop chop singing… # Small and tan and young and lovely…the girl from? Toronto. # Yes @tera_kristen I drew it on then had it tattooed! in reply to tera_kristen # The view of #Toronto from Sound Academy right now, beautiful /via @robsarj # just did this sweet infinity tattoo on the lovely @casiestewart /via @TourLife # Hair cut, tattoo, sent invoice, ininerary, en route to dinner, today is a great day. # RSS board # Hideout boarding # New artwork done, just a little guy # Ink me @tourlife # Quick tattoo before dinner with #thecrush & @jeremywright (@ New Tribe Tattooing & Piercing) # Wicked smart. # Told a running girl "you have a nice bum" drove away and she is still smiling. #kindness # I could really use a wish right now. Like shooting stars. # International – transcending boundaries and timezones. I'm ready. # …and I do my little turn on the catwalk… # Me right now @ my stylist Darren Kwik # My hair right now is…

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i love this city.

Rannie took this beautiful photo from our balcony before out shoot yesterday. We took photos for the Vitamin Water Canada blog and in his 140 project. Stay tuned for that. Good day yesterday mostly around the house working on a couple upcoming projects. Went for an evening stroll with Sabrina to Bellwoods and visited a friends roof patio for some wine and sunset. Stopped by CTS on the way, my fav shop. They had a bunch of items that were $1 and I picked up a couple vintage dresses I can totally do a Pretty in Pink switch to. I’m giving Zoey (my sewing machine) a workout this winter. Heading to the Fairlie Agency for a little co-working woith Carly-Anne today. Haircut at 4 with Darren, think I’m gonna buzz it one last time for summer. Dinner with Jeremy and some friends tonight, we finally all get to meet his crush. Loser karaoke after that but I’m gonna have to call it an early night. I still haven’t packed for Bud Camp  and we leave at 7am. Check out this vid I make a cameo in by My City Lives. I’ve been in a few of their videos one on the red carpet and one about genYTO. Check out their site to see more stuff about our wonderful city and some other cool peeps talking about it. Gotta run. Lots of work to do. See ya on the internet loves!

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the most beautiful girl, in the room

Sabrina = best. love the #iphone4 commercial w/ short hair girl, him: “you like it” her: “i do” #cute # Nick Newman is so hot right now. Stocks please. # RE: @photojunkie i love this.and you. # yo @kericdn we were wearing the EXACT same shoes for shooting with @photojunkie #TWINS # shooting with the famous @photojunkie this afternoon and it’s his birthday! weeeeeeeeee! # One of Toronto’s brightest and brilliant RT @techvibes: 5 Questions…with Renée Warren /via @orangerhino # Video: › New Of Montreal video: these are some fine young cannibals! (via @mtvnewscanada) # Photo: Sneak peek from my shoot with @lynsieroberts yesterday! # Law & Order wild wild west commercial, I like you. # Livin’ life in 3D baby.

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#WarpedTour: guest post by @jordanrachael feat @lights @taylormomsen @OfficialAAR

Earlier this summer I sent two people as Casie Stewart Brand Ambassadors to Vans Warped Tour – Mike Albertini & Jordan Rachel. I gave them all access media & back stage. I asked Jordan to write about her experience & here it is. I’m Jordan, reporting for … Van’s Warped Tour 2010. The Van’s Warped Tour is known to have one of the biggest set lists for any concert, with 70+ bands appearing at our hometown Toronto date, there was no shortage of genres represented. From the smooth poppy vocals of newly acclaimed Mike Posner, to the grungy rock sound of Taylor Momsen’s band The Pretty Reckless, fans of all kind gathered to see their favourite bands.I had the opportunity to get all access, backstage, media access with my partner in crime Michael Albertini. One of the first things Mike and I saw was a pretty tough looking dude sporting a “F**K JUSTIN BEIBER” tshirt.. (yes, spelt like that). From then on, we knew that this day would be one for the history books. The first artist we knew we had to see was Mike Posner, and as I suspected, with him came along a following of loyal fangirls. Although fairly new to the scene, or at least to my knowledge of him, he’s had a pretty steady crowd goin’ on. I guess that hit “Cooler Than Me” has really caught on! Soon after, we hit a few other bands such as The Cab, and The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band (They were insane!!!) Then it was time for The Pretty Reckless, and most importantly for us: T.MOM! Not gonna lie, I have been a big fan of Gossip Girl for a while now, but let me tell you I have now seen Lil’ J in a whole new light… and I loved it! She had…

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today in the news

being nice will get you places. # create it, design it, now let me see you work it. # Bullshit = Twifficiency. There I said it. # I need some photo’s taken of me STAT. Anyone? # dang. My Twifficiency score is 53%. does that mean i’m really efficient or a big tweeting-time waster! # My Twifficiency score is 53%. Whats yours? # now tell us a dirty joke. — your mom. that’s a dirty joke. # what is your favorite type of dessert? — Pavlova. # Did you vote for mama kiddies? # I want your horrorI want your design # found it. # can’t find passport. need #hakastrength @kristenannehill. # Looks like I’m going to New Zealand in September. #

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be my guest

It’s all about me over here all the time, after all casie stewart : this is my life started as a journal about 5 years ago to keep more memories.  It’s certainly worked to keep memories and has brought me lots of wonderful things like friends and opportunities. It’s been a place where I can share and appreciate all the small things and get through tough times and celebrate the good ones. I’ve got lots of exciting things on the go and I’ll be sharing them with you, in due time & all right here. Until then, I’d like to make it a little less about me and a little more about you – I’d like to include a guest post here and there. What about you ask? You know me, I like positive, inspiring, fun. I like photos and pretty things. I’d like to know your thoughts on what I do, real talk and stories about us. Maybe something you’ve always wanted to share, something I said that made you think or laugh, something you think people would like to see. No pitching or selling yourself, come out to genYTO Aug 26th if you wanna talk business with the team. I’m looking for your thoughts on things similar to what I write about. Maybe it’s your TTC tale or the way stage lights hit your face and make you feel like you can do anything. I’m up to your challenge. If you’ve got something you’d like to share title your email GUEST BLOG: [name + twitter] and send it to [email protected]. I would prefer you send a txt file no more than 300 words and 1 or 2 photos. If you have another idea, you can ask me about that too. Peace out. Peach.

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yesterday in the news exciting things happened that i can not yet share with you but when i do you will be happy like me

if you’re happy and you know it # i need to write a short bio. wanna help? # omg love you Mum! Skype is the best. They are on a boat and I am clearly excited. # On skype with Mum from her boat somewhere Taddoussac River outside Quebec. So neat. They saw Beluga whales today. Mum said it’s is like NZ. # proudly not watching #bachelorpad # drum circle babe. calling. # Check out our #SXSWi panel feat @unmarketing @thatericalper @Kathy_Valentine & me! Yahooots # okok there are a bunchof brunettes # Most the bloggers I know are blonde. Who are the brunettes? # Where do you get your sunglasses? They’re cool. — Kensington Market & vintage shops all over the place. # how soon could you travel on a moment’s notice? — Soon as I get a ticket via email. # what is your favorite store to shop at lately? — Apt. 909 Vintage or CTS. # Photo: these guys are gonna get older and i’m looking forward to meeting them later. # RE: @rlangdon The music was really good too.Rock the dance floor baby! # I think foosball is a combination of soccer and shish kabobs. #MitchHedberg # I haven’t slept for ten days, because that would be too long. #MitchHedberg # A severed foot is the ultimate stocking stuffer. Mitch Hedberg #

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Hipster Hop: @vicecanada & @INQmobile Pheromone Party

Now this was a fun time. INQ Mobile & Vice teamed up to throw this donut party complete with bottled pheromones to turn up the temperature even hotter. Gimme pheromone pumps girl. The party was for a new phone. I didn’t really get to try it out. Open bar, good tunes and more babes with beards than I could handle. Fritz Helder & crew. (Note beards/babes ratio – told ya!) Party was at Air­ship 37, a ware­house just south of the Dis­tillery. Team Stewart happening here. Good Looks obvs run in the family. Hottest photog ever w/ Violca from Masion. I brought my business cards as you can see. Hi cuties. This babe was the art director of the party. He just flew in from France. He was very cute. He had a strong French accent. I got him with my URL too. Danced a bit to DJ’s Ryne­col­o­gist and Your Boy Brian. This is my friend Stephen. Saw a couple of the actual cool kids from MuchMTV too. Fistpump w/ Renee. It was def a lovely time. Happy Monday suckas. Make it a good one 🙂

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that’s what friends are for

You know when you’re being all emo and it rains like it did today? Yeah. Meh, ok now and then. Didn’t last too long. I saw a rainbow and was tweeting friends about waaaahmbulance and Randeep drew & tweeted this. Totally RAD-deep. I love drawings.  I drew the advice below. If it rains again I am totally going for a walk. Lazy watching In her Shoes movie and doing stuff. At the end Cameron Diaz reads this beauty at her sister’s wedding. It’s one of my favourites. I also love Retro Camera, new app I downloaded from the Android Market. Photo is Queen Street near Bathurst this afternoon. No matter where I go I will always have a little bit of Queen St West in my heart. Show me ya teeth 🙂 i carry your heart with me by E. E. Cummings i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) i am never without it (anywhere i go you go, my dear; and whatever is done by only me is your doing, my darling) i fear no fate (for you are my fate, my sweet) i want no world (for beautiful you are my world, my true) and it’s you are whatever a moon has always meant and whatever a sun will always sing is you here is the deepest secret nobody knows (here is the root of the root and the bud of the bud and the sky of the sky of a tree called life; which grows higher than soul can hope or mind can hide) and this is the wonder that’s keeping the stars apart i carry your heart (i carry it in my heart)

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Wakestock Recap in Photos – Part 3

Sunday we packed up for the last day of our adventure and said bye to Jonathan. HUGE thank you to him & Wakestock Canada for hooking up the whole party thing for us. We had a blast. THANK YOU!! Made a pit stop for outfit changes. Needed to be more suited for the weather. Caught some actual Wakeboarding. The Virgin bus wasn’t as bangin’ on Day 2. BTW did you vote for me in the Virgin contest? These boys all look they love Hollister. Weather was not nearly as nice Day 2 and it rained a bit here and there. This is where the Virgin Back Stage tent was most special. These babes are Rebel Emergency. They were handsome and sweet. Music was pretty good too. They opened for Snoop Dog the night before. There was no way I was doing the Sprite rope jump. Get my hair wet & go in the freezing water? Aaah. Khaleed was less afraid of getting his hair wet and totally went for it. Awesomerrrrrrrrrr! That pretty much sums up our weekend. It was my first time at Wakestock and it was a blast.  I’ll do it again next year for sure. For more pix check out Part 1 and Part 2 or search Wakestock on my blog. You can find the others girsl blogs at Lauren Out Loud, Raymi the Minx & Carly-Anne. Thanks for following our Wakestock adventure. I’m looking forward to the Bloundetourage’s next quest! I’m at Bud Camp Aug 20th fore the weekend. Look out! BYEEEEEEEE!

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dear god make me a bird so i can fly far, far far away from here.

Animals! RT @jane_bot: Your mom’s tits are handing out free samples. # Its huuuuuge! RT @faris: Hooray! The Giant World War II is over! # Lords of Dogtown on IFC. Love this movie “who wants a free surfboarrrrrrrd?” # Photo: this is neat (via waaallisonthirteen) # Photo: there are so many nice pictures of her. love it. (via whatcourtneyworetoday) # Next weekend i’ll be at Bud Camp. It just sunk in. I should detox till then I reckon. # Photo: i should learn to play guitar. hot babe teachers apply. (via fashionfever) # does your gramma have an old fur jacket? cause i need it. # i was here!! #babe # met some fans last night. they were really excited to meet me. then i got excited too. it was great. # please come clean my room. i will pay you in blog tips & skills or awesomism. # nice saturday reading here hehe # i love you. # RE: @webdesigniinc that’s a great idea. # RE: @AndrewFstewart Stunning! # RE: @MichaelNus nice junk. # Love this photo > Me and @randeepk (#broforce east) #scottpilgrim afterparty /via @MichaelNus #

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the more we dress together the happier we’ll be

I want you. I need you. Stopped by to see Jonathan. Mentioned him before, he runs Shop My Clothes which you should totally check out. I got shopped. Check out my additions to clothes mountain – yellow skirt & top . Skirt was a hit last night. You can buy sell your own clothes on the site FOR FREE. There are so many nice things. I could get lost in that online closet for sure. I want these. Just got the Fall lookbook for Gap. GAH. SO many nice things.  Gap was my first job ever when I was 16. It was a dream to work there then. I was well dressed in high school. People love/hated it. Love the windows at Holts right now. I was never inside the box. Claustrophobia. Cluster-phobia. How cute is Marc? Adorable. He’s in the Scott Pilgrim movie. Seriously. Saw it last night and saw his face on the big screen. My friends are famous. Roof pool hangsies with Lauren time. Hmm, been hanging around a few ‘Laurens’ lately. Boutette, O’Nizz, Raymi Lauren – all babes, love it. Ok, have a great day. Byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!  

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today in the news

Scott Pilgrim, love you. (@ Scotiabank Theatre w/ @dmrestivo @kyxer @rlangdon) # Ate 1/3 of popcorn, half mini eggs then totes dropped eggs on floor at seat. Don’t trip. The movie is just starting. #scottpilgrim # I need snack size like ACTUAL snack size, this movie theatre monster drink and popcorn do not go with my outfit at all. # Photo: everything was beautiful and nothing hurt (via fothermuckers) # shit damn. #scottpilgrim #fridaythe13th # Photo: it really is beautiful: Niagara Falls, Canada -cityoflove # Photo: A haiku from Tavi – tulletulle: # Photo: twilight #ftw haha # My closet has a bed in it and a tv. I wish it would clean itself into a room. # Chrome, I like you. # Photo: like this shot via girlcrushing # Photo: › “Gucci Chuck Taylors with the dragon on the side.” – Push @howtotalktogirlsatparties: # Photo: i have dreams so vivid that i begin wondering if they in fact weren’t dream. but forgotten memories…. # Photo: i feel this. (comicallyvintage:When scientists meet.) # photo tagging on twitpic – new today? # hipster hop hot shot @INQmobile, total babes: @crystalgibson & @michaelnus # branding – another soldier down # men in black at the hop last night # Photo: # shopmyclothes: # #ff #youngandrestless #FTW – @luckypennydaily @mommydoings @jylui # it’s almost 4:20 do you know where your children are? # hey what time are we meeting for Scott Pilgrim tonight?? # OH: “i’m going to lite you on fire” @picard102 # Scott Pilgrim massive group geek date tonight #ftw #

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today in the news

Sexy beards & babes (@ INQ Vice Event! w/ @j_lab) # When I'm on my way to a party and I see people out exercising I think 'nice'. # ha! @JohnInToronto my head is a party hat! # go go gadget outfit. # tamil lyger # omg just saw a donut burger on Globan news – Krispy Kreme w/ a meat patty. Zomg fatgasm. # Going on the #BudCamp bus with 30 Bud girls next Friday morning. I'm jealous of myself right now. # i'm going to be a meteor shower when i grow up. # Open roof film fest w/ @crystalgibson then meeting @michaelnus @kylerehling & heading to @INQMobile donut party. Woot. Look the eff out. # OMG. Nicest thing everrrr. RT @stephwashere: I wanna be like @casiestewart when I grow up. # i love you guys, you make me happy & feel good. # my ringtone is bad romance. what's yours? # i need a new tattoo artist. mine shipped out to BC to be a hippy. # beckham should just model now. he's the best when he just stands there & makes a sexy face. # yes, i know it's not friday. # you guys know about @shopmyclothes? pretty neat site. picking up new digs tomorrow. stay tuned! #followfriday # doododododo dee dada. # Tomorrow is Friday the 13th. Imma see if I can sneak in a tattoo 🙂 # i have a feeling tonight;s event might turn in to a shit show. i'm feeling roudy. # who's going to #BudCamp # Did I mention I'm in a contest with @VirginAtlantic & could use your votes? T-19 Days! # oh galen weston, you are so cute in those close to home commercials. # i lost 80 pounds with slimband too. ok no i didn't. #…

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Wakestock Recap in Photos – Part 2

Wha? Pubic Enememy. No way. Flava Flav! Time to get down. And get UP! I’m so badass. Scouts America shirt. Oh yeah. Lots of crown surfing in the sunset. Less surfing internet. We loved it. So much energy. We were on our phones about 80% of the time. Tweeting to tell everyone how fun it was. Mobile charging stations next year for sure. Opportunity there. After a long day it was time to be escorted back to our castle to chage for night imte fun. Party was at the curling club any everyone was going. Except maybe these dudes.No Wakestock pork shirts allowed. You may recognize this dude with Carly as Maestro, Canadian hip hip royalty. This was Kevin, Parkdale dreamboat. Saw him a couple times during the day. Nice shirt hot stuff. We didn’t stay out too late. Lauren & Raymi heaps taller than me yet adorkable 🙂 Part 3 coming with Sunday fun!!!!!!!

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