black clothes, black boots, cold air, warm heart

Lookin’ rather tall & skinny here eh? Tall, deff not but I have been going to the gym at a regular pace. Look out summer, imma kill you this year. Yesterday I wrote this post and poured my heart out about the funeral but then I lost it. I mean, I lost the post not my mind. I attended a very public funeral yesterday afternoon, the largest Tornoto has ever had. It was for Sgt. Ryal Russel who was killed last week in the line of duty. These guys faces, there’s so much happening in this photo. The last time I saw so many police it was the G20. I will never forget that experience. Remember when I dressed like a riot girl and went right into the madness? This was the most embarassing (or hilarious) G20 moment: I love the way the police/ambo/fire look together in their uniforms, all standing in a row. Luckily this time there were bag pipes playing and no riot gear. Despite it being a funeral, the air felt warm and people seemed pleasant. It was clearly a reflection of how great Saregant Ryan Russell Was. I  learned quite a bit about him in the last few days and he seems like an all around stand up guy. CP24 even said he “looked good in uniform”. There were so many Tweets about Ryan Russell. I wonder how he feels about the mass of people, road closures and media coverage of the event. I notived a bit of controversy about that. It HAS been almost a decade since our city lost an office in the line of duty. Who am I to say what is appropriate for this kinda thing? There were over 14,000 uniformed people walking the streets. It was quite a sight to see.…

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Yes, hi, imma talkin’ to YOU. It’s winter, deal with it. Don’t feel grumpy. There’s nothing that will make you feel happier than seeing your friends and making new ones. Lucky for you, I’m quite the social butterfly and I’d love you to come hang out with me. Here’s a couple resons for you to brush your hair and leave the house: Monday, Janury 24th: Community Manager Appreciation Day @ The Rivoli Saturday, January 29th: Gino vs Hipster Party @ Tattoo w/ z-list Friday, February 11th: GenYTO Social Media Week Party @ Lee’s Palace Clicking on each event will get you to the registration page, get your name on the list and  come. If you have any questions, or would like to volunteer or donate something to one of these fab events,  leave a comment or email me. See you on Twitter 🙂

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there’s no blue monday in this department sir

the only blue is the sky above cause we’re covered in sunshine here and here Who leaves those big footprints? I wish I could walk on water. I should go to the island soon. I was thinking I missed the beach and the sunshine so I went to the urban beach, sat in a muskoka chair and felt the sun on my face. I kicked around some snow, found the sand below and even only if for a minute, I was reminded of summer. Did you know there’s actually a formula for ‘why’ today is the ‘ most depressing day of the year‘. Crazy talk. I always thought it was some time in February but maybe that’s high suicide day or something. According to a press release by a mental health charity, the formula is: where weather=W, debt=d, time since Christmas=T, time since failing our new year’s resolutions=Q, low motivational levels=M and the feeling of a need to take action=Na. ‘D’ is not defined in the release, nor are units. DON’T LET THE WINTER GET YOU DOWN EH! Have fun with it. Go exploring But dress warm. Nobody likes a whiner. You never know what you might find.  Hopefully it’s beauty in something 🙂 Hey, Red row boat your cuzzy Red Canoe is my neighbour. You look chilly sitting there. Read this nice article in the Toronto Star that is part of an essay called Lessons Travel Has Taught Me by Arthur Frommer. Thought it was worth sharing with you. It was a nice read, these are the main things travel has taught him: We are all alike. We are responsible for one another. There is no single solution for human problems. All people should be “minorities”. Travel keeps us young. Travel teaches us humility, the best human trait. In…

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there isn’t anything wrong with a vivid imagination

Tried on this Liza wig at Raymi’s while she was gettin’ ready. Watcha think? We arrive at The Motion Room about 10ish, I think to myself, what the hell have I gotten myself into here. I’m not much of a worker-outer so I wasn’t sure 1) if I was gonne be any good 2) if I would be into it. However, after my computer crashing last night I figured it would be a good release of the stress I was building up. I had to convince myself that this was a great idea for a chilly Friday morning. This is my let’s go face, haha. Stopped by Cherry Bomb for hipster coffee and who did we see? GINGER JESUS. OMG. But seriously, look. I tried to get a better picture but I was clearly spotted by one of the girls who then proceeded to tell the others what I was doing by making camera taking hang gestures. Clearly I would be a bad papparazzi. The rest of the day will be spent here doing work and admiring how bright the sun shines into my condo and how pretty the water looks right now. The thin layer of ice on the looks so neat, borderline artistic. Tell you all about my workout later after I take care of some biz, Happy Friday 🙂

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when you smile the whole world stops and stares

Sabrina was in NY for a couple days and she brought me back this little special robot guy. So perfect for me. There’s a heart in the other side of the diamonds. Expect to see it in regular rotation. Thanks Beans! I told Sabrina I want to walk to the island when the lake freezes over. She told me that won’t happen and I’m not allowed to anyways. Thanks MOM. I snapped this guy and I’m not even sure what to say about his style and hair. I found it intersting. Fashion district has a pretty mesuring tape on the sidewalk. Had lunch with a friend at Le Gourmand today. I don’t usually share my food but my sandwich was totally delish delish. Chicken curry, yum. Thank goodness for FB, a package was delivered to my old work at CTV and a friend in shipping sent me a wee note. I’m yet to go to the Tim Burton exhibit. Would anyone like to take me? I’m a good date. what’s in the box you ask? One of my darling friends Monika saw I was not feeling better and sent me a whole pack of vitamins from Swiss. A tiny gesture that really brightened my day. Thanks MONIKA! Heading to Blake McGrath’s video shoot uptown right now with my sister. So running behind. Sorry sister. Listening to this to get me up and moving. ROBOT SAYS: STEP AWAY FROM THE COMPUTER. Tomorrow I am going to The Motion Room with Raymi. We’re gonna do challenges and see who’s stronger. She’s got a head start and bigger nuscles I reckon but imma try and make you proud. Ok bye. My sister is gon’ kill me!!!!

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public service anouncement #boggTO

welcome to trinity bellwoods park. it’s a hip spot queen west if you don’t know already. cruised into the park with Sheldon and Jessica ready to’boggan some hill it was dark by the time we arrived at the bowl. same place i do to drum circle in the summer. there’s a video of me going down the hill screaming somewhere. haha. it was chilly but we can handle it. we’re cool. ladies Madeline & Kelly as you can see my photos are blue tinty and blurry. i like it like that ok. borderline artistic. ice rink, CN tower, snow = oh so canadian. ice cold. we were dancing to chromeo in the snow to keep warm (oh so hipster), stomping the snowy path making it easier to walk on. that’s why we called it a public service… this is the announcement. happy weekend 🙂

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‘We Live In Public’ makes me feel funny inside.

I can’t stop thinking about this movie. It’s the sharing that sometimes creeps me out. The ‘onlineness’ of my life. That movie got me thinking about privacy and openness. I obviously don’t mind being open and sharing about my life and thought to myself, ‘where do I draw the line?’ Where do you draw the line? Is there even a line? Do I care about a line? I leave out certain things from you, the internet, my friends, things like sex, dating, my family, pretty much any problems I have as well as feelings of sadness/anger. Would I be more real if I shared all that? Am I less real because I don’t? To a bunch of people, I’m a girl from the internet, possibly someone they (you)  feel connected to but have never met. On the other hand, there’s many people I’ve met via Twitter who know me, but don’t really know me at all. It boggles my mind when I think about our world sometimes. Everyone is so connected. I feed on connections with people. I need them.  I’m sitting at my desk as I write this with a external monitor for my netbook (two screens going) while my iPad is beside me (anbother screen) and my phone beside that (four screens). All have twitter running and multilple email accounts and the second I hear a sound from one of them my attention is captured. Maybe that’s it right there, my attention is captured by the internet, by you. I don’t really know how I feel about the future of the internet but I like it. Even if it makes me feel funny sometimes. It’s a crazy world we live in. We live in public. This is what I did last night… I took a break from work…

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CASTING CALL #TORONTO: @blakemcgrath’s new video for STAGE FRIGHT

Casting for Blake McGrath‘s new video for Stage Fright shooting January 13 in Toronto if interested please send photos to [email protected] Casting both features & extras Male or Female Must be 18+ Director will contact feautre potentials (NOT ME!) Follow Blake on Twitter here. Universal Music Recording Artist/ MTV Dancelife/ SYTYCD/ Judge- SYTYCDC.

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you did it HOW MANY times? WHOA.

I first joined twittter on May 5th, 2008. At that time I was working for an online casino company doing project management. I liked my job and was blogging daily. Near the end of 2008 I was really into Twitter despite not knowing THAT many people into it. I had under 500 followers and the Toronto community was very small compared to what it is now. Since then, my life has been enriched with HEAPS of wonderful people and experiences. I’m looking forward to the next 45,000 AND when I hit 100,000 tweets. OMFG that will be AMAZING. Cheers to Twitter and my 45,000 milestone! One of my followers @MCIbites introduced me to this video made with 45,000 still images. Pretty neat. Fat City Reprise – Long Gone from Cesar Kuriyama In other news, there’s this new thinger called Facto.Me and Mashable said it’s kinda addicting so naturally, I tried it. Well, it is quite amusing. See facts about me here. Some thing you might now know like “The ring on my finger is based on a personality theory.”

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ringin’ it in style: december 31, 2010 #INQNYE

wakey wakey it’s breakfast tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime! i’ll have water (w/ airborne), simosa, juice, coffee, and a smoothie, thank you. yummy. raymi & both went glasses styles, it was like 8:30 am. ahem, pardon me, what’s that? oh,  cock & balls bull. back to the hotel to get ready for the evening our group 20 had a five course dinner at the ever so lovely buonanotte. the website has heaps of plates signed by famous people who ate there like lenny kravitz, jerry seinfeld & jimmy kimmel. me & brother andrew stewart melodie got a sexy new short cut. hawt! sat beside Stew our chariot for the night was a massive limo disco bus (like the ones 905’ers get to come downtown!) we had a massive area for our crew at this club calle BAINS DOUCHES. haha. these hot ladies danced sexy burlesque for us. rrrrrarrrrrrr. one of the girls is from TO and would like me to come to her class. i like this idea. HAPY NEW YEAR! 2011 OMG! this giant 6’5″ 19 year old may have kissed me at midnight we had a photographer so i didn’t take many photos of our party i came back from the club earlier than the rest and made use of our awesomely huge tub our suite was pretty awesome, well except that it was 911. bad sign, gah 9/11?  bathroom is behind blue curtain. had a great sleep, woke up and hung out with myself around the hotel lobby looked at the beautiful & modern art displayed by an artiste named TONE then i went to the Away Spa @ W Montreal for a massage and a lovely breakfast post brekky i met up with the rest of the crew and prepared for departure… and finally… I share this with you beacause…

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c’est où la partie commence

our NYE adventure started out with a lovely lunch breifing at Mercatto in TO. andrew & monoka gave us all the deets incuding fancy dinners, clubs, limo rides, shopping, plus hair & spa appointments. we like this all ma ladies melodie, raymi, monika post lunch we hopped into cabs to the island airport and caught a 4:30 on Porter to MTL by the time we left the plane was full and were were so loud and excited. i’m sure everyone hated us. a limo picked us up and from P.E. Trudeau airport & took us to our new home, the W Montreal beautiful hotel, go there next time you are in MTL. i was in love with the art they have displayed right now. reminded me of a fine toronto artist, HINTO. most comfy beds at W hotels “why am i single” was not long before the party got started looooooved the colour changing lights in our booth at Wunderbar (the club inside the dubs) team INQ: andrew & karin the friedly giant contest winner & raymi poppin’ bottles. sht gon’ get wiiiiiild. Stew is pretty much the cutest thing everrr. W Montreal has cult cloaks for smoking in cold weather. they think of everything! heck yeah party time. thanks INQ mobile 🙂

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the retrieval of events or information from the past #memory

i love going back and looking at my archives, it’s amazing how much you forget. for me, it is a really good reminder to make the most of each day, smile, be positive and keep motivated. you never know what you can achieve when you put your mind to it. lots happened january – march 2010, here are some of my favs: i was in toronto life magazine and now everyone knows where i live i worked at CTV doing the FB & twitter for @MuchMusic & @MTV Canada i didn’t feel like blogging then i posted a fav quote by thomas edision a professor at queens university used me as an example in her class told you about a date partied with DJ pauly D and The Situation, kinda. told you about about a best friend i was interviewed in techvibes i met the guys from mtv’s the buried life …but then it was suddenly warm out. we all learned about chatroulette an example of modern media at work played with barbies bare bum on blogTO kissed a REAL Olympic gold medal there was a hot nerd takeover to raise money for haiti I’m way more into the Internet than sports. gave away some givenchy play for men to this lucky guy told you about my old job twestival 2010 went to a leaf’s game patio season was just around the corner had a blog girl gang hang bloggers dressed pretty in peachy for MTV lady blogga came out for a blog party i talked about blogging crazy awesome fun #genyto party went to art battle canada won gold

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canadians spend more time online than anyone else

says the globe & mail: Canadians were curating their Facebook profiles long before the rest of the world got hooked, many were experimenting with the limitations of writing in 140-character snippets at Twitter’s launch in 2006, and we watch online video more than any other web surfers. There aren’t many theories as to why exactly, but Canadians rank among the most enthusiastic users of the web and all its various offshoots. The Canadian Press talked to a few of the Internet’s biggest properties about what Canadians are doing online. read it here.

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it’s been an awful good year, santa baby

2010 has been the most awesome year yet. I’ve always held 2004, my year in Australia as the best year but now I’m ready for 2011. I’m looking forward to working with more great people, sharing more things with you and giving back. Yesterday I was named one of the Women’s Post’s Top 8 Web Savy Women of 2010. Here’s what the lovely Erin Bury wrote about me: Casie is one of Canada’s most well known online personalities, and a true force to be reckoned with. Whether it was helping to build MuchMusic’s online brand; winning the coveted title of Toronto’s Virgin America Provocateur; or creating unique and entertaining content on her blog; Casie has spent 2010 building her online portfolio, all with her signature spunk and sense of humour. Warning: don’t start reading her blog if you have a lot to do – it’s seriously addictive. Thank you Erin. Check out all the other lovely ladies right here. In other news, Eye Weekly posted this today: Local writers, bloggers, chefs, filmmakers, dancers and several Toronto Raptors tell EYE WEEKLY’s Kate Carraway what’s on their holiday wish-list this year: Casie Stewart, blogger: On my list is XBOX with Kinect. I wanna master the dancing game and have a dance off! Sanasaaaaaa! Bondetourage @ Electric Christmas on Monday: Lauren, Me, Raymi Heading home to see Dad for the holidays. Really looking forward to his jokes and spending some time time in Cambridge with old friends. (Yo, message me if you are around peeps!) BTW, have you seen Mariah Carely lately? WHOA HUGEEEE. Remember when she used to look like this? Happy Holidays 🙂 P.S. If you are downtown tonight come see Prince Perry @ Bovine.

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party tonight, you’re invited! @princeperry @ bovine

Hey friends! What are you doing tonight? My friend and totally cool dude otherwise known as Prince Perry is playing at Bovine tonignt. Never been to Bovine Sex Club? One of the most legendary music venues this city has. Happy holidays come have a dance and a drink 🙂

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Big news. Remember how I was going to LA for NYE? Well, change of plans. I’ll get to LA early 2011. I’m flying to Montreal on Porter Airlines to stay at my beloved W Hotel with Raymi and friends. Big thanks to the INQ Mobile team for putting this all together. You can enter Raymi’s contest to come here on INQ’s FB. I’M STOKED. OMFG. GONNA BE THE MOST CRAZY AWESOME PARTY EVERRRRRRRRRR. You can follow all the crazy via #INQNYE. XO CASIE PERRY P.S. Did an interview for a NY/LA/Dallas online mag called Pink Memo “Virgin America Get’s Awesome”

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i’ve been an awful good girl, santa baby

Made a wee list of a couple things I really enjoy having. I would never have this stuff without recomendations and introductions from a bunch of you.  I appreciate it. Here we go: Yoga Jeans from Shop Girls Gallery Boutique I was invited t the shop and given jeans and they are super comfy for someone who hates pants. I haven’t worn jeans in years and now I love these ones. I wear them when I travel and they are so comfy on the plane. They never lose their shape. I have dark denim and this one time I spilled a beer on me when flying and you could hardly even tell. It dried in no time and I got another beer. Bam Jamz Bamboo clothes Was given this at the TIFF gift lounge and I’ve been living in it since. The tank top has a panda on it’s really comfy. I like looking stylish but I also like no fuss, feel good clothes. Mine is pajams/yoga wear but I wear it as day clothes. Also great for traveling. You get it at at these stores. Marks Work Warehouse super long soft cardigan Before New Zelanad Fashion week I was invited to Mark’s. One of the things I got was this super long soft cardigan that I have been wearing like crazy. It’s really nice for around the house. Soft like a more stylish snuggie for traveling. Warm too. I woud buy one for all my girlfriends if I could afford it. Joe Fresh Nail Polish & Lipstick * need manicure Got these at athe TIFF gift lounge too. I have Cherry, Tomato and a matte topcoat that I wear all the time. I like redish tones the most.  There’s matching lipstick for both too. Betty Kiss Reversible Clutch I…

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interview with a toy expert: hi, i am five years old.

This week I interviewed Riza Javellana, a Toy Expert at Mattel Canada. I asked questions I wanted to know. I am five year old inside and love toys and I refuse to lose the childlike sparkle in my eye. You will find it fun if you are wondering what the hell to get your sisters kids or your brother-laws cousin or that special munchkin in your life. 🙂 * natalie dee drawing What is the most “tech” toy out for kids this year? For girls, Barbie Video Girl has been a real hit. (I HAVE THIS! It’s awesome.) It enables girls KIDS to capture memories with a camera lens hidden in Barbie’s necklace and a colour LCD screen on her back. It’s movie-making from Barbie’s point of view. It is compatible with Windows and Mac and even comes with editing software, allowing kids to add music and graphics to their videos. I can imagine this product being a real hit for those kids who love singing to videos. It’s an all-in-one entertainment toy! What is the most popular toy this holiday season for boys, for girls? (both!) For boys, the Hot Wheels Criss-Cross Crash Track Set has been very popular. With four intersecting crash zones, it allows kids to line up their Hot Wheels cars and let them rip for near misses or total wipeouts. With more than 16 feet of track that includes hairpin turns, motorized boosters, and a giant crash zone, kids can enjoy crash and bash fun all holiday long. For girls, the entire line of Monster High has been a big hit! The new Monster High franchise was recently launched with doll characters who are modern teenage descendants of classic monsters. They are undergoing the trials and tribulations of high school. Characters include Draculaura, Clawdeen Wolf,…

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a holly jolly #hohoto

Last night was fun. Didn’t take many pix but there are a few from Rannie aka @Photojunkie. I look pretty tanned beside the lovely Keri. My darkness reminded me of ‘African Child’ by Aldus Snow, LULZ. Shawn Hawaii and i killed the dance floor. Like, lit it on FIYAHHH. You know this little rascal, Brock McLaughlin. My outfit was a hit. Rarrrrrrr. Have you seen Get Him to the Greek? It’s deff worth watching. So hilarious. The event last night raise over $61,000 for the Daily Bread Food Bank. SO RAD! NICE TWERK! I took these three photos. Ha, soooo unlike me. Was busy chatting and dancing. I slept in past 1pm, missed my hair appt. Damn. (SORRY DARREN!) Ate some Shepherds pie and am now watching the old classic ‘All I Want for Christmas’. Today is a good day. No contest today. I’ll notify all the winners later (hopefully!). Happy Friday, I am the couch xo p.s. this too.

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hi, welcome to my winter wonderland!

For those of you not in TO, this is the situation. Have warm rubber/marino wool Moovboots and Isotoner touchscreen gloves so I can tweet w/ happy feet while walking. Ruskie hat Sabrina got me from Belarus to warm my head. Nella Bella black leather bag to hold my gear. I don’t mind the winter at all, bring on the snoooooooooow! These guys look cold but at least the have each other. Red guys is mine, rusty is Raymi’s. I will tune you up before we start summer spinnin’. Time to get ready for hohoTO. Party time!

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GIFTING DAY 9: creating @lifeEXPERIENCES baby!

Morning! Just got off the phone with a certain helicopter company on Toronto Island, I’m going on a heli tour of Toronto! YEP! What an experience it will be. I can’t wait to video it see what the city looks like from a birds eye view. I’ve got a few good looks at the city In the last six week’s with all my traveling but never have I ever been in a HELICOPTER. OMFG. Weeeeeeee. Today,  I’m giving YOU a $50 gift certificate for lifeEXPERIENCES so YOU can experience something really cool too. Today’s prize makes a great gift or an excellent way to treat yourself. There’s heaps of spa packages and dining experiences etc. lifeEXPERIENCES is a collection of gift escapes designed especially for those peeps who wanna get the most out of life. You know that’s right up my alley! You can find lifeEXPEREINCES at Shoppers Drug Mart, Walmart, or with RBC & HBC Rewards.While you’re onlne, like ’em on Facebook and follow on Twitter. To win today’s contest, log in below w/ Twitter, Facebook or DISQUS and tell me: What has been YOUR your fav life expereince in life so far? Mine has to be snorkeling in the Caribean Ocean or swimming with dolphing in the Bay of Islands New Zealand. Contest is open to anyone in Canada.

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GIVING DAY 8: wanna go to a movie tonight?

yeah you. what you doin’ this evening? Today’s gift is a movie date. Four people win, each gets to bring a guest the Advanced Screening of The Dilema. This one has some high* hilarity potential with a cast of Vince Vaughn, Kevin James, Jennifer Connelly, Channing Tatum, Queen Latifa and Winona Ryder.  I love me some Winona. I love Vince Vaughn too, met him while Toronto Film Festing once.  So tall. Big thanks to Calvin & Boston Pizza at Yonge & Sheppard for giving you this night out. Now watch this: To win today’s contest, leave a comment with your fav Vince Vaughn movie. I’ve got a few. * Movie is at Cineplex Yonge & Sheppard so you gotta be in the city to win it.  It feels good to do something NOT downtown for all you peeps North of Bloor!

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GIFTING DAY 7: left handed with a nice @rightsleeve

Leaving Boston today and heading home to my fav city for the holidays. My appologies  to all the other cities I love, y’know Torannah has my heart! ♥ Today’s gift  is a sturdy and bright market tote from @rightsleeve. Rightsleeve is a Toronto based promotional design agency, check’em out on the interwebs. I posted one of these babies on last week on GIVING DAY 2 if you would like to see the exact specifications. The bag retails for $60 at stores and it the signature print from RIGHTSLEEVE, see here: To win today’s contest, you have to name one my tattoos. There are a few but I rarely show them off. If you want to find them you will have to look for them. If you link a photo you are even cooler. Leave a comment below by signing into Twitter, Facebook or DISQUS. Contest includes shipping and is open to anyone in Canada. Don’t worry, the christmas deco and black marker are not included. They were added on with Doodleberry on iPad Andy. Have a great day!

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GIFTING DAY 6: baby it’s cold outside

I’ve never really worn ear warmers (muffs?) before, but the other day it was snowing/cold and I didn’t want to ruin my hair. So, I took the 180s I goti n the mail out for a spin. My beautiful yellow leather bag is by Canadian designer Nella Bella. I wasn’t sure at first if they were my thing but they’re cute and they kept my ears super warm. The ‘not ruining my hair part’ was also quite important. I find it pretty rad that they have ones like this WITH  earphones. I need those. I have another pair that are brown suede, kinda dressier. I wore with a long coat and a hat and I was super warm. In Canada you can get them at The Bay, Sears, Mark’s Work Warehouse and Zeller’s or online at Today there are five winners. Each person gets a pair of holiday ear warmers in Rhododendron Red, Snow White and Kelly Green. These 180s make good  presents/stocking stuffers. Shipping is included so you might get them in time. To win today’s contest, leave a comment below with Twitter, Facebook or DISQUS and tell me: If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be? Contest includes shipping and is open to anyone in Canada.

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GIFTING DAY 5: you thirsty?

Earlier this year I went to New Zealand for New Zealand Fashion Week. It was an amazingly awesome trip. Words can not explain all the fun things  I did, the photos and blog posts will give you an idea but you need to ask me in person to really know. Thank you to Patty Huntington, Anna Jobz, the whole NZFW team, designers, sponsors and people I met for making it so freaking awesome-never-forget-fun. Today I share with you a story and a something from my little wee wine library. My most anticipated show for NZFW was Stolen Girlfriends Club.  It was the show I knew I’d like. This pic is me after the show w/ Venus who was my totally awesome Minder for the week. The fashion show ended with a cannon of confetti and roses. A cute boy caught a rose and gave it to me, there was glitter in my hair. I sat front row and centre and we were all in  an old theatre. Someone pointed out that the girl on the poster for the show looked kinda like me. Pretty neat. This was the final outfit.  The models all lined up then the ‘couple’ came out last.  That’s when the cannon went off. I love the clothes they make, the jewellry and how they put on a show. So hot. You know who else was there that night? And who had been tweeting away becoming friends before I even arrived on the scene? Kim Crawford Wines. (Found out the other day K.C Wine is Mum’s fav from NZ!). The people were all so nice and it was a pleasure meeting them. Everyone drank out of  little jars, it was fun.  The other day I recieved a case of Sauvignion Blanc and Pinot Noir from Kim Crawford…

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GIFTING DAY 4: you hungry?

Oh hey there! I’m on a beach working on my tan. It’s beautiful. Didn’t wanna leave you hangin’ while I was away so here’s day 4/10 of my holiday gifting. Have a great weekend! Guess what, FOUR of you win today! My friend Calvin aka @c_dot_tdot is hooking up 4 x $25 gift cards for Boston Pizza Yonge & Sheppard. Talk about nomnomom! Isn’t this fun? Let’s all give more often. Made this lovely pizza for these guys it has all these toppings: @monbud: lots of sauce and oregano @randycity: Meat lovers please thanks! @gwenstyles: Not a fan of: onions, sausage/baby meatballs, anchovies. Everything else is cool @i_am_joey: anchovies and pineapple @Jarvisemerald: i really like Mushrooms and chicken…tomatoes and green pepper To win today’s contest, leave a comment below and tell me some crazy unconventional pizza topping and WHY you have or have not tried it. * We chuckled making this up so please try and be funny. Contest is open to people who can make it to Boston Pizza Yonge & Sheppard (Toronto). If you and a friend both enter make sure you let me know who’s who cause it’s better to have $25 each and go together.  Follow YS location on Twitter if you like food and beer etc > @bostonpizzaYS. Please feel free to compliment my iPad drawing skills while you’re here too 😛

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GIFTING DAY 3: let’s play.

I love this smell. It’s sexy and masculine but soft enough that if it was your boyfriends you would spray it on just so you could think of him all day. I love it so much that I own the men’s one for myself. Ladies, the Play for women is also quite lovely. I have it too, been wearing it lately. I’ve been helping people smell great with products from Parfums Givenchy for the past three years. THANKS GUYS! To see all the goodies check here. The bottle for Play is designed by french artist and designer Serge Mansau and the celeb spokesperson is Justin Timberlake. That’s sexy. To win today’s contest, leave a comment below with Twitter, Facebook or DISQUS and tell me: Who YOU would like to go  on a play date with and why? Contest does not include shipping. Package is at my house downtown Toronto.

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