name that puppy

I recently had a chat with my good friend/hot babe musician Morgan Cameron Ross and asked him some questions. He’s a got a new album coming out and he just released the video for his new song “Let It Go”. In the video the couple are trying to name their new puppy. I like “Winsome”. Morgan has a contest on his FB Fan page. If suggest a name you can win a prize pack of Morgan stuff. Here’s some more info you won’t find about him anywhere else: when is your next show? Saturday March 12th Supermarket, Toronto what instruments you play? Guitar, Mandolin cable or internet? Internet currently reading? The Double by Jose Saramago have any pets? Petunia Ross the stretchy cat and Cam Ross the pup. what do you wanna be when you grow up? I want to continue being a songwriter.

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this makes me very happy

My clean room is so incredibly sunny today. Can I tan through the windows? It sure feels like it. Oh summer, I miss your love. They’re back together. She got her Ken. I told you love was in the air. #swoon ♥ Happiness: Mum, a good fortune and the eight of hearts. Eights & hearts are my fav. I got a bouquet of tights from the spring line for Secret Legwear yesterday. THANK YOU!  I’ve been wearing tights Secret sent me all winter and to be honest, they have lasted, washed & worn really well. Casie stamp of awesomism! Considering I hardly EVER wear pants, getting these is HUGE for me. Shared a pair with my darling roomie @itsbrownbarbie. Things are better when shared, happiness for you, for you, for you, for EVERYONE! Was given a very special painting yesterday wrapped in this very special paper. I’m the luckiest girl in the world! Weeeeeee. Since I demolished clothes mountain and turned my once closet back into a bedroom, I’m finding all kinds of  gems that were hiding. Did you know I was nominated for a YTV Achievement Award in 1996? It was the first award show I ever went to. I saw Robyn, met Nick Lachey (w/ 98 degrees) and didn’t end up winning. It was an honour to be nominated 😉 Pretty much nothing online about them now, it was before internet was really mainstream. The reason was nominated was for that book I wrote. I found these articles in the same portfolio. My first time in the Toronto Star: Hockey Hall of Fame & NHL star Darryl Sittler came all the way to Cambridge from the big city to present this award to myself and co-author. Young Entrepreneur of the Year 1996: That very photo was in every…

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love is in the air

Mmm, chocolate cake. Happy Birthday Joelle! This one if from Joelle’s camera. And this one captures a very serious conversation…total ‘OMG’ face on me. Back to my camera for some more real talk. Uh, pardon me? Omg. Hmmm, someone taking photo with shaky hand. Bad romance. Vodka/water/strawberry, good for sipping. Light, refreshing, hydrating and will keep you from hangover given you don’t go crazy. Joelle had this gorgeous dress with a fringe on the arms, look closely. Totally in love with fringe. Fringe everything. Hearts on everything too. I have two different heart tattoo’s in case you were wondering. Both on right arm, one pink, one red. Nice surprise to see you there Simon. Goo work on the tunage and fun times. Your date was a babe. borderline the girl artistic borderline artistic borderline is borderline artistic feeling borderline artistic borderline artistic borderline her borderline borderline artistic heart artistic artistic borderline on artistic borderline artistic borderline artistic fire. All these snowflakes are full of love & light. Mum collected all these heart photos on her sailing trip to the Bahamas. She sounds so happy when I talk to her. Imagine living there on a boat right now. Bliss. When I see a heart shape in something I always think it’s a sign she’s watching out for me. For example, this sweet potato tempura heart. Yum one, Mum! The more love you give the more love you have. If you need some it’s right here for you. Ok byeeeeeeee. Valetines night get ready time. xo

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#GENYTO #SMWTO party photos

Friday night at Lee’s Palace was great fun. Thank you to everone who came out. I love seeing so many good looking familiar faces & meeting new ones. Many thanks to Marcel aka @mdee14 for being my photog for the night. Pictures look great, see the full set on Facebook. You can tell which photos in this post are from my wee little camera. 😉 Ex. 1, 2, & 3. Sheldon you look hot, Lisa too. SMWTO stickers by Sticker You. I need some stickers, pronto. Any of you remember/have my OLD stickers? Back stage for Prince Perry‘s show. BTW if anyone wants to go to their show on Feb. 25th, LMK. I got your guestlist. Gave away a couple flights on Virgin America as your Virgin Toronto Provocateur; one to a GenYTO ticket buyer, one to a Social Media Week Volunteer, third to a fan of the band Prince Perry & the Gladtones. Winners were Ava Zack, Kayla McQueen & Natalie Taylor. This game takes me back to highschool so bad, love it.  I’d like to play more often, who has a table?? Once there was no more dealing with capacity issues  & everyone could get in, I gave myself a thumbs up… …and had a beer. Afan you are a party animal, I like it. If anyone wants to get involved with our GenY initiatives in some way, please email me. We have a tumblr GenYTO and if you would like to contribute content related to young entrepreneurs or cool internetty stuff, let me know that too. The next GenYTO will be in the spring and it will be HUGE. Keep an eye on the hashtag for other cool stuff until then. Have a great day,

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can’t buy me love

8am, no problemo. Smilin’ & stylin’ in the sunshine w/ Brock before going to Rogers Daytime show. I’ve not seen it yet, I can’t seem to find it, PRV recorded a totally different Daytime show. Oh well. It was 2 seconds NBD. TV time, duck game face. This little one’s mama was on TV and she was pointing and saying “mama” to the TV. It was adorable. I hope my kids get to say that one day (my own show prefered just for the record). Somebody was here… Ally & Shannon chatting up the auction & Nella Bella live. I’m creepin. HI MUM! Hope you are loving the Bahamas, I’m just going on TV and being in the WSJ, nothing too out of the ordinary going on here. Miss you xo On the way home I saw this stylish lady in Yorkville waiting for the bus. Fur coat, big glasses, black lipstick. Gaga in 30 years, minus waiting fr the bus. (or not? No.) Valentights. Lover tights. Love you long leg time. Saw this from Virgin Mobile, for your valentine. Reminded me of this one time in grade school, I wrote a MEAN valentine to a boy who liked me, it was grade 4. I made it myself and on the inside in hard pencil it said “I HATE YOU”. I signed my name. I got in big trouble. Like huge. Who sign’s their OWN name? Duh. Anyhoo, came home to this huge package from Netflix Canada. So nice, thanks guys! Slippers, free Netflix subscriptions and all kinds of score cards/bingo for the upcomingOscars. Who is coming to my Oscar party/joining my cult? Getting mail is one of my favourite parts of my job. So is sharing it. I put together a few of these cards in packages and gave…

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show me your tweets #bornthisway #borderlineartistic

Lady Gaga in black after winning at the 2011 Grammy’s drawn by me. “Thank you so much from the bottom of my heart to all my fans, all the monsters, watching,” she said. (MTV) Lady Gaga & Justin Bieber shot by Terry Richardson. Love it. Grammy tweeting and blogging. So fun. Are you watching? What do you think? All my thoughts are streaming here. haha…

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setting the wheels in motion

The other day some of my babe friends joined me at The Motion Room for the Saturday Re-Energizer Bootcamp. Say hi to the ladies! *waves at computer* Here we go! My sis is so fit. She’s going to be teaching Zumba soon. Pretty proud/excited for that. My new Reebok Easy Tone gear makes me feel like a superhero. Look like one too. Thank you Reebok Canada! Perfect form here. James is standing behind me making sure I don’t give up and keeping the ball from moving. Thank you from my muscles! Everyone in this photo is working it. Can you count how many? I’m motivated to be healthier since going to the gym. People always say it makes you feel good and it’s true. Wheels in motion, eating healthier. Snack break – Unnecessary wheels: apple (minus the worm, I dunno how he got there). Back to working out… Jenie is totally beating me here, I was having trouble. See, Kelly is laughing too. Working out with freinds like this is a blast. The staff are super nice and don’t mind our jokes and laughing. Eye spy a Minx named Raymi. Do we look alike? All the girls really enjoyed the workout. You will be hurting the next day if you go, a good hurt. If you wanna go check out The Motion Room call them at 647-351-8671 or go to Make sure you tell them yo know me. Now that I’ve sat here bloggin’ I’m motivated to go work  up a sweat at the gym. Hope you’re havin’ a really great day. P.S. Where’s the beach? Cause like, I’m ready for it. RAAAAaaaaaaaaaaaa!

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i’m on tv today. does anyone even watch rogers daytime?

Today I’m on Rogers Daytime (again, HA!) for the Love a Heart Auction for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Show is on at 10am & 3pm. The auction is tonight and it’s gonna be hilariously fun/awesome. The whole group of 20 that are being auctioned off are a hoot; they’re are good looking with a sense of humor. What more can you ask for? Not much. The peeps being featured on ‘daytime’ today are Brock McLaughin and I along with Ally & Shannon who are running the auction/event. Babe #1 Babe #2 I’m stoked to have been chosen, mostly because I’ve wanted to be in an auction since Saved By the Bell/90210. I’m wearing a gorgeous dress made by Kingi at Peach Berserk JUST for this event.  Ah, celebrity…..I kid I kid. Did you know that the Peach Pit (aka Peach Berserk) makes custom dresses AND wicked custom prints. You can print a silk with your name/face and make a whole outfit. Not even joking.  I am so in love with the shop (hence why I always tell you about it!). Honestly though, I hope one of you reading this thinks “I wanna go on a date with Casie Stewart, I’m gonna make a bid“.  I’m super fun to hang out with, you can ask around. Srsly. Oooh BTW, you can also win a bag from Nella Bella and some other stuff. I think there will be lots of babes there. Valentine anyone? If you bid on me and you win, I will put your name on my arm for the night. P.S. I was mentioned on yesterday, that huge business site for business people and such. You better BELIEBE that they said “social media elite”. This week is social media week but it feels like social ME week! (Ok, that’s…

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it was day 40 yesterday

looking forward to seeing what goes on with tonight’s #blogstar chat. IMHO our #blogstar seminar last year was pretty rad. #smwto # RE: @crystalgibson love it. love you <3 # RE: her name is Genna!! # OMG aby you’re a FIREWORK! RT @brentwinsor: The Mailman Brought Our @katyperry Tickets @casiestewart #Pumped # more hours in a day please? # seeing @amforever then @peachykingi today! yahooots. # it luuuuurve!!! 🙂 RT @digitalfemme: Finally got to meet @iamkhayyam and @casiestewart today #smwto #sysomos # Gardener Westbound is a parking lot right now, before York past Spadina. #spadinawatch #toronto #traffic # Thanks @dermaglow! Can’t wait to try this stuff out. #awesome #mail # twitter loves attention. # Woot! CBC @metromorning payed @PrincePerry this today the band playing #GENYTO Friday! 😀 # je suis hungry. # mes amis # My day is made! @iamkhayyam just walked in. *waves* #smwto # I create transmedia content & conversations. #smwto # Btw 3D porn guy chatted me and I TOLD him I tweeted his photo. He creeeps me out. Tried to tell me that it is the ‘next big thing’ ew #smwto # Celebrating my ENGAGEMENT! ….social engagement. #smwto # Human interaction has always been about listening & sharing. #smwto @dbradfield #sysomos #socialmedia # Listening to @dbradfield talk about Heart & Stroke Fdtn. All proceeds from tomorrow night’s #LoveAHeart auction @ Hideout go to H&S!! #smwto # spotted @chrisunwin doppleganger at @sysomos event #smwto Btw you at anything this week? # “Meet the new social media elites” #inc #entrepreneur # omg the 3D p0rn guy from #wikibrands is here. #smwto # Oh, @sysomos will you be my valentine? ILU. This session is so informative. Dying to run some queries together. #smwto # love all this talkin’ nerdy @sysomos. #smwto #

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two turntables and a microphone

Brock McLaughlin just posted this AWESOME pic. Love it. It’s like meggggggga brrrr outside today. Took this with my new Motorola phone,  it takes pretty fancy photos (5 megapix). In other news, check out THIS Hip & Urban Girl of the Week, MOI!

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won a pink buddha for good debating. #swmt

Say hi to the babes, Keri, Brown Barbie, O’Nizz. Oh you know who ate a few of these. (Clue: starts with CASE, ends in EEEEE) Is social media more art or science? I debated ART. To me, social media IS an art. Sure you can get ‘formula’ for peak times to tweet or try to follow a ‘method’ but that doesn’t mean shit if you’re not creative. If you’re not artistic with your message (whatever or wherever it you’re selling it), people ain’t gonna buy it. You will be more successful in this new industry if you take risks and be artistic. Everything I have done/do to build my brand is driven by creativity. Debate winner: Rob Campbell aka @smojoe! We didn’t win the mass debate but we DO have cool blogs. | this girl| I’m talking about #roboTO at this very moment. Look at that passion. It’s a party coming up that I started so we can all make robot costumes and have fun. Stay tuned. That’s how I won the final round of the debate. There was a creepy dude at the end that hijacked the whole conversation and mentioned 3D p0rn. So weird. Mugshot here. Sabrina looked at me from across the room and said “I want the pink buddha”. Then I won it for her. She derves it. He’s at our house laughing right now. This is so very cute, girl had a nice outfit. Proud of you Moffitt, brother. Look at everyone smiling in this photo. That’s good stuff right there. Then we went home and had a girl party. In other news, THIS pretty much makes MY LIFE. Click to open this in a new window and prepare to be amazed.

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social media week has started and i am social me.

Heard some people from Roots Canada talk about social media this morning. It was a great talk for retailers or brands who are just getting into social media. Keri & I didn’t stay too long. I get antsy and have a hard time listening to a topic when I have so much to say about it. Tonight it’s a different story, I get to have a say. I’m in a debate on brands & social media at the Mill Street Brewery. The event is hosted by Wikibrands a book written by my friend Sean Moffit and Mike Dover about “Reinventing Your Company in a Customer-Driven Marketplace”. They like Wordles just like me. Who knew social media would take over in all kinds of industries around the world? It’s amazing.  I talking about love brands, social media & the people behind them. This is the second year of Social Media Week & you can see the schedule for Toronto here. This week for me is full of events & people talking about something I love, heaps of familiar faces and lots of new people. Keri & I cruised the downtown underground this afternoon and rode the streetcar. I got a My Little Pony in my Happy Meal at McDonalds too. I’ve been eating way less maccas BTW 🙂 Did you know Toronto’s streetcar system is one of the few in North America still operating along street-running tracks and has been operating since the mid-19th century. We are a cool city. AND, did you know that VW commercial I posted yesterday from the Super Bowl. Guess who the little kid is? Victoria & JT’s son Reed from the Young & the Restless.  You know how much I love that show. What a cute kid. Here’s a snip-it: Ok, clock is ticking, time…

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update: how many commercials during the #superbowl will have #socialmedia on screen?

Here are some of the commercial gettin’ hype for today’s game on Mashable. I’m off to fly around the city in a helicopter before planting myself on a couch/at a bar to watch the commercials & halftime show for today’s game. Rumor has it Go Daddy (my host!) is bringing some sexy. Doritos always have something creative. I reckon Coors Lite or Bud Lite will have something funny. This was JUST released a couple hours ago. Ha! Hate when this happens…. guess we’ll find out WHAT happened. This one surely will NOT make it to Canada. Hate that we get stuffed on the good ads. Where can Canada peeps watch the US version of the big ‘Bowl? How many commercials during the super bowl will have social media accounts on screen? As a percentage. Includes logo (twitter/facebook), audio or links. Take your bets. Winner wins something awesome. 😛

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beginning of a really fit romance w/ @reebokcanada?

I’ve been on a health kick for the last month and honestly, it has me feeling so great. I’ve got another Re-Energizer session at The Motion Room tomorrow afternoon. Work it! Lucky for me, I’ll be dressed in stylish gear that is functional too. Reebok Canada hooked me up with their Easy Tone apparel including kicks, pants & long bra top. THANK YOU! Friends, meet Julie! She’s a trainer/spokesperson for Reebok Canada (and a babe!) The Easy Tone shoes are those cool ones from TV with balance ball inspired technology. They actually strengthen and tone muscles when you wear them. Uh, you mean I can work out even more without working harder? I AM SO IN! This is me w/ Andy before I interview Julie. I reckon I look like a fitness instructor. I’d be a great teacher! 🙂 These shoes are also part of the Avon Breast Cancer Crusade. So, not only are you getting in shape by wearing them, you are supporting a good cause. NBD just gettin’ jacked up… Tonight I’ve got a meeting w/ Kingi from Peach Berserk. We’re designing my dress for the Have a Heart auction next week. (Please come bid on me!) I’ve drawn some sketches & can’t wait. After that, Jenie is my date to the Motion Ball Gala at the Carlu. Thanks Rightsleeve! Ok, bye! TGIF,

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her eyes make the stars look like they’re not shining

This week I got these darling little earings from Charity Diamonds. They’re 10k gold studs covered with Swarovski crystals and come in a bunch of colours. I chose black, cute eh? Charity Diamonds a Canadian jewelry company that sells conflict free jewelry and donates 50% of it’s proceeds to charity. Pretty rad considering diamonds are a girls best friend and giving to charity makes it that much better. Lucky for YOU they are giving away a couple pairs of Swarovski crystal Firecracker earrings ($79) before Valentine’s day. To enter: Tweet @sparkleforlife & hashtag #CharityDiamonds with the color you want to win! Shine on my friends! Still in love with this song BTW…

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can’t start a fire, you can’t start a fire without a spark

Saw my boyfriend yesterday. Was out and about around downtown and ran into him on the street.  Love when he calls me ‘doll’. I love this cover by these two. They’ve got such a great sound. Hadn’t been to the Eaton Centre in ages. Saw a few of these around: Are people using FB checkin’ that much? I guess so. Apple store self promo as usual haha. Red hair mannequins, how cute This is the phone I am giving away next week. I’ve got more than one and they are from Motorola Canada on the Rogers Network. Value $424. Good steal there. Canoe see it? Got some serious hookups from Reebok Canada yesterday and took my new Easy Tone kicks for a stroll. Pretty comfy & nice. Interviewed a fitness model & trainer and that will be up soon on “interview w/ casie“. Found this one the ground. Hung it on a tree for everyone to see. Was behind this dude at Sobeys. He had a window washing gear so I reckon he’s squeegie kid. Funny enough, he has no clue now to spell ‘anal sextherapy’. Is that even a thing? haha Going through these today and diggin up oldies from the vault. So much brain power and years of memories. Got this new parfum in the mail from Givenchy Canada this week. Smells pretty good. Claw is necklace pendant from Nick Von K a New Zealand designer. I picked it out during NZFW. Snow last night from my window, was hoping to wake up to a winter wonderland Alas, there was hardly any snow down there. Did you see Rob Ford declared it official Bob Marley Day on Sunday? He did. Toronto is a pretty forward thinking city in terms of decriminalization, nice to see the Mayor decriminalize Mr.…

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i like the way you work it out

Morning everyone? Are ya ready? Let’s go. We are gonna work-it-work-it. Pushup skillz, I got em. Do you? Oh yes please and thank you for making me do this. Hurts but a good hurt 😉 Work it. When I’m down and I feel like giving up I think again, I whip my hair back and forth like this. Work it. This all makes me look so fit nevermind the next post where I have a drink in every photo. Having a balance is very important too kids but most important is a-t-t-i-t-u-d-e. NBD just air cycling. You’re welcome. Burpees you know what those are? I had no clue. That’s what we’re all doing here. The best thing for me about going to a gym where you are instructed and told what to be IS BEING instructed and told. I was a dancer growing up and I hated gym class in highschool.  I never really knew how/felt comfortable working out on my own. I feel much better about the whole thing now. How cute is this little angel April? Known April for a while now. We met that one summer (1997?) I did American Pie Beta House. Look at me here hangin’ with the Beta boys on set. I hated that outit, had to wear it for a multiple days shooting a really long scene. That’s my sis and Ish in the front. If you listen to happy upbeat music and mix in some dancing you will have more fun with your workout. If you dance in your day you will have more fun with your life. Trust me on this, I know. Workout inspiration/thinspiration is the Bodyrock Babe. Have you SEEN her body? OMG I die. So in shape it’s insane. This exercise feels like burning. James is a really…

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uniquely ironic tendencies of a youth generation

theme: GINO vs HIPSTER hosted by: Z-List location: Tattoo Rock Parlour, Queen Street West dress code: you are what you wear oh hey there, NBD just hanging out with some babes man of the night amdrew moretti. still not sure bro, are you gino or hipster? love you. Gina Sabrina & Alex were totes out numbered by hipster girls. They looked’ hot though! I did see a bunch of gino dudes, 905’ers as we call ’em downtown. (FYI 905 is a suberb North of Toronto that has like mad Italian people ;))

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people are brands too: meet the awesome @curtissantiago

I’m working on a piece about personal branding and I came across this awesome video by Scion Canada. The guy in the video is Curtis Santiago, he is a friend of mine and I always keep my eye on what he’s doing. Whether it’s painting, making music, his unique style, or positive attitude, he’s someone you want to be around. It’s clear by this video that Scion is embracing the connection they find between their brand and his personal brand. As a creative person who really likes connecting with cool brands, this makes me happy. Enjoy! The premiere of Life in a Day was last night at Sundance. Remember the youtube video anyone in the world could submit content to in the summer? I was in there somewhere. This video is pretty neat too. I’ve got a session at The Motion Room this afternoon. Ready to work up a mad sweat. Taking Beans aka @itsbrownbarbie with me. Fun, fun!

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“in the least creepiest way… i am most positive i saw you at sneaky dees tonight ahah”

always on her phone this one i’m planning to do something special for you with darren’s salon because i am nice and i want you to feel happy. we’re sorting out all the deets but you will know about it when we’re done. i’ll give you a clue, it involves you getting your hair did and someone not paying for it. yay! remember i was telling you about darren being in toronto life’s shopping issue recently? well, guess what? he’s in there again in the bridal issue. great skills. if you are waiting for colour to change it is a bad idea to go outside. you have to keep your head warm, like this kinda. this is my fav part, the shave. stitching came undone on on of my boots. think i can return them? i got them at the docs store last summer. i tweeted about the warranty and someone asked if i got them on the 1990’s. NO, they are new. very funny. haha ok hair done. off to kensington for a friends comedy show that i ended up missing. probably because i stopped to play here.  i am canadian ex. 1 ice rink. this is my fav vintage shop in the city, apt. 909 on dundas. i hardly share anything about it because i want to keep you away so i can get all the goodies for myself. no really though. oh hai again sneaky dee’s. somebody was here… my hair has a mind of it’s own and that mind likes to PAR-TAY. look at these studs, we’ve been friends for over ten years, coming up on 15 soon i reckon. bachelor 1 luke, bachelor 2 chris, both eligible entrepreneurs. they are getting hotter with age. if you wanna date them lemme know 😉 i’m not a fan of…

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the fifth most awesomest thing of the day?

This is an old photo, some time in 2009. Love browsing old ones, so many memories, outfits and hairstyles. Came across yesterday and it’s pretty awesome.  Give yourself a few mins to play there. Computer is 74th Mom is 26th. Can you guess what the 5th most awesomest thing of the day is? Starts with ‘C’ (ends with ‘ASIE’ haha I kid, I kid). No really it starts with ‘C’. Guess! Haven’t been drawing much lately but reckon I should. There are so many things I would like to have on a tshirt like this: These are all words from the most recent Twitter lists I’ve ben put on. I alwasy check those out. It’s  neat to see how other people view you, what categories they put you in. Some make me feel real proud too. Check yours. Klout says CASIE STEWART is a Networker: You know how to connect to the right people and share what’s important to your audience. You generously share your network to help your followers. You have a high level of engagement and an influential audience. Uh hey, thanks guys. Caught this on Tavi’s tumblr, how fitting. Creative people prone to madness? Yes. Prone to Madness & RADness. A collage of 800 words from the front page of my blog made up this wordle. Pretty neat. Love is the biggest because I love life and love stuff all the time.

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OMG. best boyfriend EVER!

Oh Ken, You shouldn’t have! “I can’t stop thinking about you. … Every girl wants to be like you because of your adventurous spirit. “ “No other doll can hold a candle to your fashion sense, and I can’t think of anyone else I prefer to stand beside.” “This October I was on the lookout for you at Toronto Fashion Week with my Kentourage, but you were nowhere to be found. “ “I’ll do whatever it takes to win you back.” I won’t give up until you give me another chance. Barbie, we may be plastic but our love is real.” Rose is real too! Here’s the best part… I was tickled pink when I got this package today. Still smiling. It’s so creative and fun. Love, love, love it. I bet it was so fun putting this together! I’m a big fan of Barbie (as you know) and I’m also a huge fan of what is what Mattel is doing with Barbie & Ken online. @barbiestyle & @officialken are active on Twitter and they both have Facebook and Foursquare here & here. I googled “Kentourage” and found out that Ken is REALLY asking Barbie to get back together. There’s an event coming up Feb. 8th at the Eaton Centre and has this on it: There’s also a show on Hulu hosted by Whitney Port called Genuine Ken that I didn’t know about either. I like the idea of them togetether, Sweet Talkin’ Ken & Barbie Video Girl. I hope I find my very own Ken. Maybe he will be the is the highest bidder in the auction on Feb. 10th. Thank you Amanda for sending. You made my day 🙂

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get ready to sign your name here lady OR gentleman…

I’m in a charity auction for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. There are 20 people in the whole auction.  I have no idea who the other girls are but, I do know you will be able to bid on bloggers  Zach Bussey & Dan Levy and young darling Brock McLaughlin. Maybe I will find a date myself? Remember when Scar Jo sold a date on e-bay for charity? That was kinda hot, wonder how much she went for? Oh y’know, about $40,000 USD! Let’s hope I break $100. The event is hosted by Ally & Dani from the Girls of TO blog and all proceeds to the Heart & Stroke Foundation. See the press release here. I was on a skipping team for the H&S when I was in Primary school so when they asked, I totally said yes. I’m nervous but mostly about what I am going to wear. Ah! Highest male & female bidders from the audience get Nella Bella bag (my fav!) and a $100 bar tab covered by Sleeman Brewery. Let’s hope someone is sharng that with me at the end of the night ok 😉 Date:February 10, 2011. Doors  8PM. Location: The Hideout, 484 Queen Street West Cost: $5 at the door Bidding begins at $25 It’s the Thursday night before GenYTO during Social Media Week. Good thing I’ve been hittin’ the gym lately. *covers eyes with hands* OMG. OMG.

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YOU wanna get involved?

I’m planning lots of fun things for the next couple months and thought I’d go ahead and extend an invitation for YOU to get involved! There’s no limits here! Last year some ambitious peeps started GenYOTT (Ottawa), we’re planning GenYSF (San Fran), Twestival is around the corner (March) and it will be patio partio season in no time. Send an email to casie @ if you have something in mind. Here’s some ideas: 1) Sponsor or Donate to an Upcoming Event 2) Host a Contest on 3) Volunteert to Help Out! 4) Advertise on Three cheers for awesomism! This Peach Berserk dress was made JUST for me for the 2010 MMVA’s. Have a great day,

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coldest day of the year right here. no fear!

hello friends. today in between doing things i have to do i decided to brave the cold and see just how rotten it was. played around a little. well, la-di-da! side note: LOVE this movie if you go outside remember to wear sun glasses. the winter sun is just as bad for you and nothing burns the retina like snow blind. if you are gonig walking you really should wear sunscreen too. (i know you will like that i am noting this mum, i’m sure you’re rocking the 50 down in the bahamas! miss you) i’ve made a promise to myself that i am NOT going to get the winter blues. there are waaaaaay to many things to be excited about and look forward to; making summer dresses, working on my summer beach body, writing compelling stories, taking beautiful photos, the way the sun shines on the snow, fresh cool air, staying inside and watching movies, planning events…the list goes on. warmest most favourite winter boots ever, Moovboot Siberian huskies. hello city i love so much. oh you, tower! this is the same spot rannie shot me for his 140 characters project. remember this photo? ahhh, summer… that dress is from united colours of benetton when i was about eight years old. growing is for suckers, haha. RIP those glasses though 🙁 the lake looks nice today, nice and freezing cold, nice and glittery in the sunshine. remember, the cup is half full in ths department. i fired that bitch girl debby downer, restraining order. i wonder if i will ever get married? if i do i want a hungi and a haka, old cars and vintage. not that i’ve thought about it much but i love style and this photo is really cute.  there are lots of cute photos…

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i don’t speak java but i can if you like

This is true. Remember that one. Rumor has it you can find this written all over the city. Positive grafitti is my fav. Hearts too. Well, hello there Hi I was heading to a research place where I ate this for lunch.  Basically selling little bits of my brain to mordern science. I am so very diverse in my skill set. You have no idea, I got mad skillz. We followed Starbucker with a visit to the Toy Store. Look what I got, a sheep, baaaaaaa. She loves it, Hello Kitty. This is worth a few good laughs. A couple years back I worked at Hemingways in Yorkville. I knew Martin the owner (a Kiwi) and thought as a New Zealand person they really should hire me. They did. I loved working there so much. It was really fun, the people were awesome and I made good tips. I was there during film fest time which is the best time to be there. We had a very fun time. Eli was great cause he offered to take our photo but he had no idea what he was getting into. After about 10 photos, he got it. Raymi played me Bad Romance on the jukebox. Have you heard mama monster’s new jam Sheibe? She says “I don’t speak German but I can if you like”. Hence title of this post, perhaps you made the connection already? This is the happy face of me talking about New Zealand Mountains with another kiwi. Annnnnnnnd we’re back. Eye spy Raymi has the camera. Nice new cards BTW. I need new cards now that Virgin America dropped the news yesterday about stopping service to Toronto. I’ll talk about that later. Too frustrated about it right now, must remain calm and not have a freakout. Imagine…

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i am fit and beautiful and awesome (repeat)

Positive self affirmatrions. Try it. Manifest the life you want and make it happen. When you are done reading this lovely post looking at the pictures here check THIS out The other day Raymi took me to The Motion Room for a workout. I’ve not been much of a worker outer the past few years, however, last week I had a very different gym experiece. You know what? I really liked it too. Shirt is from  Me to We in support of Africa, shorts are American Apparel from Bud Camp, socks from AA too. Hipster workout. haha. It was super rad to have someone show you what to do then push you to do it. I enjoyed this ladder thinger. I often make things into dance moves. The young ballerina in me will never die/grow up. Did you ever notice ballerina has the work ‘baller’ in it? Pairs, duet. Good form. I rocked the pushup plank style going down and back. I did such a good job that instead of going plank all the way he made me do pushups in between. Urgh, remind me NOT to try hard with a trainer. You will only end up hurting more. Look at my pipes. I’m huge. Squats too, check them muscles. I died a little post ladder. I dont like normal gyms cause I feel self conscious, and insecure because I don’t really know what to do. It might be different if I had a partner.  I often stick to the treadmill cause it’s self explanitory. The workout here was really fun cause we used different equipment and I had a coach. I think that’s what really makes the difference for me, having someone tell you what to do. (Keep the sub/Dom jokes to yourself, haha) This is what really…

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