Toronto Fashion Week Begins w/ Greta SS 2012

Offsite shows during FW are my fav. Attended Greta Constantine SS 2012 last night. One thing I love about FW is seeing all the fashion faces together. Last night felt less snobby than usual. It was nice. Pix from Greta SS 2011 are in this post. You’ll recognize lots of peeps from that show/party. I had come from a string of meetings & wasn’t really dressed for the ocassion: boots & scarf vintage, jacket Holts, bag Nella Bella, dress H&M. This little one was my fav piece: Shoes Kirk & Stephen, so cute. On Team Olympus blog babe Jay Strut wearing a monkey fur jacket. Yes, MONKEY! Kirk & Gail April <3 Kat & a babe from Elmer. So many cute model boys. J’adore. I’m looking for someone to cover LGFW shows for me next week. If you are interested or already volunteering, LMK.  Lots of meetings, events today. I’m gonna work harder than ever the next month so I REALLY enjoy my vacation. Have an awesome day!

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catching waves & feeling the power of the ocean

Feeling like I have heaps on my plate. You know that feeling? Yeah. Good thing I enjoy making lists and checking things off.  I’m going back & forth planning my trip to Costa Rica and haven’t event started to face the car situation. My coffee is cold. Insurance, licence plate, kinda overwhelming considering I’ve never had a car. I’d love to be outside right now. I should be getting in the shower, meeting in an hour. I spend so much time writing emails these days. Accounts receivable is a fun part of my job too. I hate math. I ate so much yesterday. I could use a visit to the gym. Wonder if I got mail today? Have a meeting this afternoon to get my first piece of MERCH. You gonna want it. Stoked.  Tonight is the Greta SS 2012 show. Toronto Fashion Week starts Monday. THIS IS MY LIFE> oh my gaga. When I get stressy I take a deep breath & think…I’ll be here this time next month 🙂 This is a good song: My girls at PinkMafia have an awesome Britney Prizepack to give away, contest closes on Thursday, October 13th and all you have to do is: Tweet @PINKMAFIA4LIFE your fave Brit lyric using the hashtag #BritPackPM and they’ll set you up with the most amazing prize pack ever. Have an awesome day, enjoy the sunshine!

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i’m thankful today and every day thereafter

Happy Tuesday and welcome to a short week. Really good last couple days. Thanksgiving yesterday was the best. I’d say the trail hike by the river was my fav part (besides the food!). Mum & Steve put on the hugest dinner and it was so nice to have a massive group of family & friends together. Us kids had a great time 🙂 <a href=”” target=”_blank”>View “Giving thanks, Thanksgiving 2011 :)” on Storify</a> Heaps planned this week. Action packed and lots of work on the go. Need to sort out my car details too. I can’t believe I won a car last week. CRAZY! Hope your day is off to a great start. Remember, you’re younger today than you will be again, make the most of it!

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have a slumber party, dress the same

Heading home to Mum’s w/ all the kids. Had a slumber party last night w/ Keri & Barbie. I’m incredibly thankful today & every other day. Enjoy the sunshine! <3 CASIE

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Weekend Tune: “Stumble” by Bonjay

Happy long-weekend everyone! Thanksgiving! That’s happening! Turkey am I right? Now before you get stuffed with stuffing, here’s a tune to dance your but off to. It’s “Stumble” by Toronto natives Bonjay! You should know that every time I watch this music video or hear this song I do the same dance as the girl in the video. What I’m saying is that I’ve got some unreal moves. I had no idea just how amazing Bonjay are (or who they were) until last week when I saw them play Steam Whistle Unsigned! Needless to say they started a dance party AND blew my mind. Overall awesomeness. Enjoy! xo Kate  

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I’m not growing flowers, I’m growing friends

I am seriously in love with whoever is responsible for creating the Dairy Queen ads. They make me smile. The one with subtitles you can ride on is my fav. Saw this ‘friend grower’ one today. I’ve never had a meal at there but I’d like to try it now. The DQ near me only makes hot dogs, no burger or fries. I would love a burger right now. Kate & I were working at Tequila Bookworm today and ordered burgers but they were out. iSad! Updated my art blog, Borderline Artistic w/ new layout after watching this video from Google. Blogger has totally changed the interface & available layouts. I have a couple Blogger blogs. I actually have heaps of blogs 20+. I don’t update them all anymore but one day I will. This is one of my fav drawings. Borderline Artistic has been around since Sept. 2008. Found out today that Aggy Deyn (who used to blog about all the time like here and here) is the spokesperson for Dr. Martens FW 2011 campaign #FIRSTANDFOREVER. Ahh, two things I love together. Gonna go get a pair of Docs like her next week. Heading to Gladstone tonight for Pop Kult. Ross is DJ at midnight. Gonna be fun, fun, fun!  

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Play Time: Sex, Religion & Other Hang-Ups

Attention everyone! James Gangl is on the hunt of a lady friend! He’s searching for his boo and it could be you! Let me explain…   Last night I was lucky enough to go to the press opening of Sex, Religion & Other Hang-Ups at  Theatre Passe Muraille. It’s a one-man-show in which James Gangl tells the story of how his horn-dog ways conflicted with his intense Catholic upbringing. I don’t want to give to much away because YOU HAVE TO GO SEE IT! Really you guys. It’s pretty great. I don’t even usually dig solo-shows but this? LOVED it! Is it raunchy? Just enough. Hilarious? Most definitely. Does he sell copies of his real journal filled with love-struck bad poetry after the show? You bet. I have a copy. You simply must check it out – unless you don’t like laughter, in which case what’s wrong with you?! Sex, Religion & Other Hang-Ups is playing at Theatre Passe Muraille until October 22nd so get your tickets now! And if you’re a single lady tickets are only $15! What a deal! Laaaaaaaaadiessss! Enjoy! xo Kate    

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ultimate hipster activities

With respect to Steve Jobs, my fav Apple ad of all time. “Here’s to the crazy ones…” I raised a glass to him last night. Happy I switched to Apple before his passing. iSad. This morning I went the Direct Energy Centre for the mega huge American Apparel warehouse sale. HUGE sale. Met the legend behind American Apparel Dov Charney there too. He chatted to Sabrina & I outside 🙂 #hipsterwin Tomorrow night Scottie hottie Ross aka HAL KILMER is DJ at The Gladstone Hotel. I’m going with a bunch of peeps. Come out & dance with us. Ross made this mix especially for you my blog loving friends. I’ve been listening while I make this blog stew. Pop Kult! Mix by Hal Kilmer Gonna vote, meet Sam for lunch & prep for my talk tonight at Workplace One. There’s about a hundred people coming. Woot.

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I won a car live on YouTube, not even kidding.

 Remember how I was like “Come to YD Square, first live event ever” blah blah blah. Well, let this be your lesson that you should listen to me more often.  Well, I went and test drove the new Chevy Volt during the #chevroletallday event. It’s electric and was really quiet & smooth to drive, had some kick too. Vrooooooom. Keri drove too. She’s a really good driver. Cute graffiti artist boy who was part of my Arm Yourself event at YD Square last year was there. This guy 🙂 Still cute. Three finalists who answered their phones after txting in were called up on stage. First up, didn’t start the car, next was me, my key started it. OH MY GAWDDDD. Check me out in my new Chevy Sonic. It’s small & cute which is exactly what I would want if I was going to get a car. I’m really excited to roadtrip! Me & the lovely Peter Cornu, Manager of Special Events for General Motors of Canada. Hey Peter, let’s work together! I’m in shock that I won and all kinds of grown up questions are coming at me from everyone. I don’t know If I can take a buy out, I have no idea about insurance, I don’t think it’s a lease,  yes I want sunroof, no I can’t come pick you up yet, and I think I get it soon. OMFG I WON A CAR. For SURE getting a lotto ticket for tonight. If I win lotto you can go ahead & hate me but I promise to do good with the money 🙂   [all photos (except the cute grafitti guy from last year) taken October 4, 2011  by Richard Budman for Chevrolet Canada  

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do not go to the fridge, you have no friends there

I always eat snacks & watch crime shows at night while on computer and I’m trying not to snack before morning cause I’m determined to get through three darn days of a real cleanse like I know I can. Run on sentence, thoughts. Last time I tried I had zero willpower but I’m stronger now. Ok, I ate some vegetables at lunch. 🙂  Have you ever watched that Life After People Show? It’s crazy. Shirt is from the Hitmen who travel. If you’re curious, I’m doing the Energize from Total Cleanse. Was delivered three days of pre-made juice all nicely bottled and bagged. Six juices per day, four different. They’re not gross, they’re good.  I was worried I wouldn’t like drinking them but I’m gonna go at it again tomorrow. Bixi to YD Square with my comp first thing in the morning. Hoping for sun!

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live on i wanna do that!

Canada, tomorrow we make history in the first ever live event on!  Think about the future of live events, no really, think for a second if you could attend anything live anywhere. I imagine we will… One of the things I really love about social media is the way it has enhanced real time integration of live events & across different channels (tv, internet, mobile). Mouthfullofowordsthere. Tweeting while watching on youtube and posting comments on Facebook that shares to Twitter. You may not work kinda like that but I do and I love this stuff. A friend works with Chevrolet and when he told me about their event live on I was like “OMG I WANNA BE ON“. Thing is, anyone can be on cause they’re doing #chevroletallday live in Yonge-Dundas Square to tell the world about new cars (Volt, Sonic, and Orlando). Famous 15 seconds everyone!!  I’d like to host an event live on youtube one day. Tomorrow I’m just cruisin’ by to check it out . They have music, test drives, graffiti, test drives, and a show by  Fitz & the Tantrums at 7pm (who Rolling Stone called, “A Band To Watch..”). They said sames about The Sheepdoggs and I love those guys. I like this video they performed live on a boat in Amsterdam. I wanna go there. If you wanna come with me or meet me there I’m going in the AM because there’s a chance to win a new car and heaps of prizes. OMG IMAGINE YOU WIN A CAR?! You could drive (me). 🙂 Will probably go back to see the band in the evening too.

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monday mashup

It’s gettin’ chilly and I don’t mind. I really hate being cold but I also love wool sweaters and staying inside. I got a new bed this weekend and it’s as my hips so you have to jump up. I feel like a Princess, I’ve never loved my own room so much. I’ll be spending most the winter there now. Room transformation is coming along good too. I have thrown out more crap in the last three days than ever in my life. Determined to shed things I do not need so I only have the things I want. Next stop is the closet, then Goodwill. It feels great to get rid of stuff, new addiction coming, I can feel it. I will NOT be a hoarder. Measuring Tape Girl screening went well yesterday. I quite enjoy short films, so much packed into a small time frame. Lots of creativity. I’ve got one that needs some attention. Hope to have done before 2012. Here’s myself w/ Chrissy from Vocab Communications, Marco, director and Jessica the lead. I want to be in a movie. It’s about time I had a meeting with my agent and sussed out how we can make that happen. Big American Apparel warehouse sale coming up. Remmeber the last AA Rummage Sale? It was MEGA. Luckily we got line bypass (Thanks Joey!). The deals were really, really good. Hipster heaven. Go early, bring cash. In other news, saw this on TheGrid, Nuit Blanche Animated. I love animated, you know this. I’ve made a commitment to drink the juices today and do the cleanse. I am determined to do it. I am strong.  Yesterday I wasn’t but today I am. Amazing how you change one day to the next. I think Monday has a lot to do with it. I miss not having a bike. I have a new…

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Don’t let the rain get you down, feel it on your face, feel alive!

For Nuit Blanche last night I was in disguise, Keri too. Some interesting findings from our art installation that I will share with you later. It is amazing the difference from my usual blonde hair  to these long brown locks. SHOCKING really. Big ups & thanks to the team at Travelling Hitmen. They sent me a huge box of shirts & goodies. This one is my fav. WATCH YOUR BACK. Hitmen be commin’. <a href=”″ target=”_blank”>View ” ” on Storify</a> Screening of Measuring Tape Girl is today (2pm & 4pm) at the National Film Board. I’ll be there all afternoon hosting & doing interviews. The film is about self expression & blogging. I just finished pre-screening it. Looking forward to chatting about it with the director.

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I should be getting ready, I’m addicted to blogging…

I love this time of year. For me it’s all about working hard, trying to get the most done, cleaning clutter and getting ready to hibernate and foster ideas for the winter. You too? Keri‘s inspired me to get rid of heaps of crap. She’s ditching EVERYTHING. Went to her emporium yesterday, picked up few nic nak’s plus a couch and bed stuff. Lauren is moving too and I scored a book shelf from her. Oh yeah! Thanks besties 🙂 The next week is mega re-org of all my things.  Got this yesterday! Yippee. Casie Stewart: This Is My Life has been nominated for the 2011 Canadian Weblog Awards in the Life category. The 2011 Canadian Weblog Awards are a juried competition with nominations open in 37 categories between January 1st and October 31st, 2011. The nominees shortlist will be announced on December 1st, 2011, and the winners will be announced on January 1, 2012.    I told myself  (and you) I’d start the Total Cleanse juices today but it needs to be Sunday post Nuit Blanche. I’ll be up all night and there’s a good chance I might have a drinks. I’m also at conference most the afternoon and … I know I’m making excuses. SHUT UP CASIE!! Looking forward to it though.  I’ll be drinking these six juices for three days. They look yummy! I’m seriously going to try & follow the rules. I am writing this down so I must stay true to my word, and you, blog. Sunday I’m hosting the film screening for Measuring Tape Girl at the National Film Board so I won’t be up THAT late. If you are on camera and up late the night before IT SHOWS BIG TIME. I learned that the hard way. I really need to get off the computer…

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Speaking | Social Media Marketing 101, Workplace One

What are you doing next Thursday evening? I’m speaking at Workplace One about social media & branding along with Daryl from Lou Dawgs/NextStep Consulting and Sheldon from Sysomos. Workplace One is a shared boutique office space for entrepreneurs, professionals and anyone in between. It’s gorgeous in there! This is a free event and a great opportunity to learn about social media for your small business or personal brand. We’ll be talking branding, analytics, monitoring, how to grow your audience and more.  Food had been generously donated by  Lou Dawgs and beverages by Natural Vines and Steamwhistle. We have limited space available so please register sooner than later. For more information see the event page here or leave your questions in the comments. Hope you can make it 🙂  

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A prize for you from us & @Marks. Come get it!

Over the past year I’ve gotten to know Mark’s as they’ve been changing their brand and TBH, they’re way more stylish than I remember as a kid. Yesterday they had a fashion show and we couldn’t make it but we’re giving you a $50 gift card so you can check out their new Fall Lookbook. This time last year I went on a mega shopping spree before New Zealand Fashion Week and picked out all my favourite things. In other words, if you have been paying attention, winning this contest will be easy for you. Here’s how to win: Click here or the image below to see the lookbook & comment your pick. Good luck 🙂 I will send the gift card in the mail with a little note with hopes to make your day. Good luck!

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Feel It From The Inside

This one time I tried to do a cleanse. I made/drank the cayenne pepper, lemon, honey, water blend for about 8 hours. I hated it. I was so hungry after a long starving day at the office that I grabbed a big mac on the way home. I used to work in an office in the financial district and wear a suit every day. I had a meeting each morning called “Red Zone” where we went over accounts and urgent business. We had “Red Zone” again at 2pm and I worked really long hours. One day my boss called me into his office and said something like “Case, you don’t seem like you’re having fun anymore?“. I wasn’t. I was doing freelance PR on the side, I had a blog, I hated my job. I told him I didn’t like what I was doing and I thought about quitting but needed my two weeks pay. He said I could take my two weeks and be done end of day. I was thrilled! Freedom at last. I worked at Hemingways for a few months, a well known Kiwi restaurant in Yorkville. It was way more fun and I made the same money. Anyhow this whole story started with the idea that I am once again revisiting the idea of doing a cleanse this week. Starting Thursday, Total Cleanse is sending me 3 days of juice to drink and I’m kinda excited about it. (Starting it right after a Wednesday’s Jack Daniels party.)  Our condo gym gets new treadmills Friday which is good motivation to finally get back to the gym. Yippee. Have you ever done a cleanse? Tips, tricks. Anything is appreciated. I know some of you kids out there are real healthy.

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Redefinition: A re-definition can change the world.

This year’s TedX theme was Redefinition “A changing definition can be the most powerful force on Earth. A re-definition can change the world.”. Great job by the entire team. I left Friday feeling inspired, that we are the future and we are changing the world around us. Took some street style to see what the smart kids were wearing Friday at TedXToronto. Lots of babes in the house. When I say house I mean Royal Conservatory of Music, Telus Centre. Awesome work by the organizing team  (below). See the guy on the far right? Co-Chair Ryan Merkley and I served as founding members of the Youth Advisory Committee Council in Cambridge 10+ years ago. I was Director of Public Relations, he was Chair. We governed youth issues that affected Cambridge youth with the City Council. That was my first real experience with PR! Dr. Draw was amazing on the violin. Dancers were great too. Sep 23, 2011 | Source: This performance was controlled by words used combined with the #tedxtoronto hashtag. VIP Loved this kid, Nicholas, 17 year old math whiz who’s invented a new way to micro search the web. Fascinating. Great talk by David Miller. Afterparty was at Steamwhistle! Lovely to hang out with my kiwi girl Kristen. O’Nizz and I love photobooth.

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Speaking | Connecting Digital Women & Brands

Thursday & Friday this week Toronto hosts the She’s Connected Social Media Conference which brings together hundreds of women from across Canada who have a passion for digital, social and all things online. Friday at 1pm I am speaking on a panel called “Social Media Rock stars: Veteran, New and rising stars” with a whole bunch of successful Canadian women in media. Panel includes: Carrie Burrows , Proud member of the Walt Disney World Mom’s Panel Casie Stewart , Lifestyle Blogger, Personality & Co-founder GenYTO Christine Cushing , TV Personality, Chef & Entrepreneur Tracy Moore , Host, CityLine, City TV Lianne Phillipson-Webb ,Founder, Sprout Right Shannon Mischuk , Blogger, Shasher’s Life Moderator Tom Gierasimczuk , Editor in Cheif, Marketing Magazine Unfortunately, the event is not open to the public but I do have a public event coming up October 6th at Workplace One that you can attend. I’ll get details about that out to you today or tomorrow. Hope you are having an awesome day 🙂

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life outside the internet

It’s mega rare that I spend a whole day without working, tweeting, blogging or my computer and yesterday, it happened. I spent 12+ hours watching movies and it was quite wonderful. We watched Lord of the Rings 2 AND 3, Get him to the Greek, NY, I Love You and heaps of Youtube shorts. Sammy showed me this epic “Taking the Hobbits to Isengard, it goes for 10 hours. Seriously. The other day we stalked a sidecar on the highway. She WAVED at us! Yeahhhhhhh.

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It’s Heaps Good n’ That – AOFL Grand Final

Babes Shan & Barbie <3 Look close 😉 Was soooooo nice out today. Like SUMMER!! Blonde in the hat was a hottie. Is it butterfly season? Seen heaps today. Sammy is #18. Last time I had a number was in a pageant and I was #18 too. His team didn’t win 🙁 But… tonight we party! 🙂 High Park Devils lost to Etobicoke something massive like 68-17. Sorry boys. The boys will be at South of Temperance tonight if you wanna console them for their loss.

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Kate attends The Greatest Make-up Event Ever

Today I braved the rainy rain and marched down to Yonge and Dundas Square for The Body Shop and Virgin Mobile’s Greatest Make-up Event Ever. Celebrity Make-Up Artist, Chase Aston did a little demo and talked about the new Body Shop “Extra Virgin” products. They’re “Extra Virgin” because they contain fair-trade extra virgin olive oil. Cool right? Here’s Chase Aston and his pretty make-up models. After the demo Chase even gave me a mini make-over! Guess how I felt? I love me some mineral powder. So many pretty shades. There was rows upon rows of make-up artists giving some Virgin members make-overs. So much fun! Look at my goodies and fancy name tag.  Thanks Body Shop Canada and Virgin Mobile Canada. I can’t wait to try all this out! xo Kate  

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would you like to come for a sail? yes, yes i would.

Went sailing on Lake Ontario yesterday with a friend. It was great. Felt like a mini-vacation. Meet Bandit. I love this city, so damn pretty. Cue Mickey Avalon, So Rich, So Pretty. I can only imagine how lovely it was for Mum on her sailing trip. I absolutely love, love, love sailing. Nothing like being on the water. It was just windy enough to get a little speed. This one reminds me of you Mum. Blogged most of this from a taxi on my Macbook Air using Telus mobile 3G wifi en route to the Telus Centre for TEDxToronto. WHOA. THE FUTURE is friendly!!

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If you see this can you screen shot & send please?

This is a screenshot of the new HTC campaign you might see on sports, entertainment & lifestyle sites across Canada. Thing is, you might see it, you might not, I might not. If you do, could you pretty please screen cap and send to me or link in the comments. I will send you something very secial in the mail (snail) if you do. Thank you & Happy Friday. More updates later today rushing out the door to TedXToronto right now. Catch the live stream bat 🙂   Thanks Jonny Bunning for this!

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Space, Google, Something Strange in the Neighbs

Tonight O’Nizzle and I are hosting a show with some astronomers for SPACE. Pretty stoked. Not too sure what we’re gonna be doing but I’m into it. Plus, we have to go to Hamilton! Mega adventure! Last night I went to a party hosted by GOOGLE and The Rapture played. It was pretty rad. Lots of nerdy babes. Heaps of business people. Was totally surprised none of the ‘social media’ peeps were there. Met some rad peeps. Tomorrow is TEDxToronto and I’m attending in person as a delegate. Really looking forward to being inspired and seeing/meeting other delegates. Check out this speaker vid by  The Biz Media featuring someone you’ve seen here before, Mr. David Miller: Saw this on a walk yesterday… the balance of marriage? What are we saying here, wife, kids, party girl taking you out on the town? Hmmm. Watching the Facebook F8 Keynote right now. Are you watching it? It’s kinda crazy how Facebook wants us to feellike it is our ‘home’ for all our online stuff. I’m all for sharing but it kinda freaks me out. They’re releasing ‘Timeline’ so we can create & cultivate the stories of our lives. Watch it here if you’re into it. Zuckerberg is a strange guy I bet. The new FB allows you to add a big photo at the top of your page kinda like a blog. Very blog like actually. Get ready for backlash!!

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Measuring Tape Girl Film Screening at the NFB

On October 2nd I’m hosting a film screening for Measuring Tape Girl at the National Film Board of Canada. Screening is limited to 60 people and the RSVP details are below. The film is produced by an old friend Byron Martin whom I worked with a few years back on American Pie. (I’ve been in a few movies over the years, was on Degrassi TNG once too.)  This is the director Marco Veltri at Cannes earlier this year. Nice measuring tape jacket 😉 The film is about “society’s willingness to pour their hearts and bare their souls through a digital medium“. It’s an examination of self-image, alienation, and indecisiveness the average person is faced with today. The lead, Jessica Embro, is a video blogger.   For the record, I did not call myself a rockstar or “influential Canadian Blogger” but I am humbled by the kind works. Thank you to Vocab Communications for asking me to be their host. Looking forward to the screening & media surrounding the film. Yay, films about blogging. I’M JULIA CHIIIIIIIIIIIIIILLLLLLLLLD!!! (That was for Keri and if you have never seen the blogging movie ‘Julie & Julia’ you might not get it.) Have an awesome day!

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you missed this yesterday

you missed this yesterday: – you missed this yesterday: – impressed with the… #thisismylife # MOrning! # Pillow fort, meet pillow sofa. I think you two can be BFFs. # Automated Video Editing Site Makes Movie Magic Out of Raw Footage – # Toronto Tweed Ride: A dashing metropolitan ride in style!: I recently had a… #thisismylife # Autumn Splendor in Tranquil Muskoka #rest #relax: Had an awesome couple days… #thisismylife # heartbiurn. i hate youuuuuu. # Ahh. My fav Vans now come in ankle bootie. #want # Do I know someone who works at The Marketing Store? Do you? LMK! Looking for a contact there. # I like Two & a Half Men with @aplusk. He is just, SO HOT. Like, SO HOT. So hot. Hottie hot hot. Naked hot. cc @KeriBlog @itsbrownbarbie # I liked a @YouTube video from @Ve3tro Deus Ex: The Eyeborg Documentary (HD 720p) # Photo: terrysdiary: Lindsey Wixson at my studio #3 # What are you thankful for today? @1ThingApp # Took the @NYTimes Personality Test. Turns out I'm a Trendsetter. Take the quiz here # Photoset: I love you ukamaku:More in our F/W 2011 lines, designs by Caitlin Power. Online and available for… # Yes, I read the @NYTimes via Flipboard on my iPad.: I have a thing for… #thisismylife # i wanna go back to the lake # Photo: @laurenonizzle if i could find this i would buy it for you # Photo: me too. # Screenshot of my current campaign with @HTC. #innovation #inspiration # Volunteering is a amazing thing. Do it! Great post by @djacob on The Positive Power of Selfishness #tedxtoronto # on the phone with casting producer for a new show weeeeeee…

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