the most fun for me/annoying for you app ever

Barbie told me to download this app but since I effed up my iPhone in the jungle last week I didn’t get to try it out. It’s called MadPad and it is hilarious. This was my first go at using it… Nov 21, 2011 | Source: Looks like this and records 12 short video clips to make a set of sounds you can then remix. For $.099 it’s a damn steal. Can’t wait till I make some good sets and add then to vids. Moohahahaha. Maybe I will get you saying something? I’m gonna be so annoying with this at first but then gonna remix some funny shiz. If you would like me to play with your app email [email protected].

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Tech | Ticket to the Art of Sales Conference for Tuesday

I’ve attended both The Art of Leadership and The Art of Marketing and left each event inspired with new thoughts in my pocket. My friends at The Art of… have got it going on. There’s a bunch of great people who make these massive events happen. Tuesday at MTCC is The Art of Sales, a unique one-day conference featuring five amazing international speakers. One of them is NYT best selling author Seth Goodin (125k+ on @Twitter). I’ve never met Seth but I know his blog and he also works with SAY Media. I have 2 tickets for you to attend. If you would like to go then watch this and tell me your favourite part in the comments. I will take both winners out for lunch on conference day. Approximate value of each prize = $450/ticket + lunch experience/pricele$$. BONUS! Conference is at Metro Toronto Convention Centre and goes from 8:30am-4:30pm, Tuesday November 22. [How is it almost DECEMBER? ahh.] If you are in sales you probably have a fav line and will like that I posted this. If you are in sales and you have NOT seem this then… PUT THAT COFFEE DOWN. Coffee’s for closers only. If you have never commented, it’s easy, don’t like, be shy. I’m not shy. Winning is fun. Watch the video leave’ a commento and win. Voila!

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we found love… and by we, I mean me and the sea

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There’s Magic in the Air, Pura Vida!

Went on a gorgeous sailing trip this week with the owners of Anamaya Resort and friends. We drove to the ferry spot and sailed to Tortuga Island one of the most popular & beautiful beaches in Costa Rica. My stay here has been incredibly magical. I have photos and stories but the experience is the most treasured part of it all. Huge thank you to Joseph, Kelsey and Jeff for having me. Anamaya Resort is a slice of heaven. If you are looking for a beautiful vacation, come here. You will feel the magic of Montezuma, taste warm breezes of the ocean and see views that will stay forever in your memory. With love from Costa Rica,

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Weekend Tune: “Help A Bro Out (M-O-V-E-M-B-E-R)” by The Elwins

We interrupt Casie’s wonderful Costa Rica posts for a Movember reminder in the form of a weekend tune brought to you by Toronto’s most charming indie quartet The Elwins. Ladies and gentlemen I present to you “Help A Bro Out (M-O-V-E-M-B-E-R)”! Y’all better be growing some nice mos! You can download the song for free here and donate to their Movember team here! Wanna catch em live? They’re currently touring all over Ontario and hitting up Quebec, check them out. And yes, they do sing about more than mustaches… Enjoy! xo Kate

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Sailed Away & Left My Heart in the Ocean ♥

Back at @AnamayaResort after breakfast on the beach in the sunshine 🙂 # I’ve just snapped a new picture: # reggae night at Chico’s bar last night, danced so much. it was awesome. # # Life Was Made for Living So Try Your Best: Couple days behind on documenting my… #thisismylife # you only regret the things you don’t do # MANDATORY HEATH & FITNESS MEETING: ONE WEEK!: Ladies & gentemen, Rebel Bingo is… #thisismylife # Getting pretty tanned and I think I look relaxed now, eh? # HEALTH & FITNESS MEETING, Nov. 25th – BE THERE @ THE UNDERGROUND REBEL BINGO CLUB – TORONTO… # RE: @katekillet @katekillet they’re hot eh. Dayummmm! Perhaps we should go to New York & find them 😉 # Photo: relaxed # Making friends & don’t wanna come home. It’s cold, eh? # Hola! # Went sailing wiith the awesome owners of @AnamayaResort yesterday. Perfect day! # You know I love McDonalds 🙂 # eating the best chocolate cake of my life right now. omgaga EL Sano Banano ILU! #costacasie # I’m excited to come back. I know its cold but the future looks sunny. # You can have it all. # Mum, go on Skype later! (she always check’s the twitter!) # dinnertime at @AnamayaResort! there’s a bunch of us eating together this evening. #lastsupper #

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Life Was Made for Living So Try Your Best

Couple days behind on documenting my trip, it’s just so lovely outside, who wants to be on the computer?! Yesterday I went sailing to Tortuga Island and have HEAPS of photos. The day before I went to visit Tracy’s hostel and hung out with her & Barratt. This is her view! Breathtaking. Barratt and I had lunch at this little café and they gave us cutlery in plastic. Never seen that before. I had a sandwich but it was nothing special. While I was sitting there the owner of the place I stayed the night before walked by and asked to talk to me. My first thought,”sh!t, I’m in trouble for being loud, drinking and smoking” but that was not the case at all! He gave me back 5000$ colones ($10) because he felt bad that it was under construction and I had paid a full $20. Score! After lunch I waited at the bar (Choco’s) for the other Anamaya people to finish up surfing. I’m a bit silly though and forgot our driver parked somewhere else and I totally missed the ride back up the hill of death (mega steep). Liquid dinner again. Good thing though cause I met this lovely blonde girl from England named Jules. Her and I hit it off right away, she’s crazy like me! HI JULES! <3 One of a kind, & hand painted designer cigarettes. Ok, hand painted by me with Sharpie but cool. Borderline Artistic! Jules and I played pool with some local boys and we all brought our own drinks to the bar. Crazy! Meet the Israeli boys babes  Evyatar & Amir. Quite lovely! Since there’s only one bar in town you get to know everyone pretty quick, especially when you’re tres friendly and Casie Stewart. No seriously though, I’ve met heaps…

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you missed this yesterday

was walking the beach last night during lightening storm & rain, so wonderful # i don't feel like coming back to work. vacation is so nice! # Going sailing for the day to Tortuga Island! Have fun at work! Bye <3 # Crazy jungle driving today! #

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you missed this yesterday

I'm back. Had no wifi for 24 hours! Weeeeeee # Relaxing at @AnamayaResort, incredibly beautiful, breezy & warm. I just walked ALL the way up this mega steep him from Montezuma. INSANE. # Invite to Australia rom my cuzzy, she has 5 acres on the sunshine coast now. # stayed in Montezuma last night at a dive on the beach, jumped on the bed. it was fun! #costacasie # Night Rain, Day Beauty: It’s rained each night I’ve ben here but the days have… #thisismylife # might be surfing in the rain today, here we go # Look what I can do!: Yesterday before surf I did a class in aerial silks lead… #thisismylife # OH MY VICTOR NEWMAN GOD! #yandr So, last weekend I had the opportunity to meet… #thisismylife # LOOK WHO MISSES ME! # SIlky, NBD. # what's it like at home TEEOOHHH peeps? Chilly willys? # Worst Day Surfing is Better Than the Best Day Working: I’m getting pretty… #thisismylife # Snake, surf, monkey, mantra! # oooh thunder. maybe no surf today. #

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Worst Day Surfing is Better Than the Best Day Working

I’m getting pretty tanned and not even really trying.  Yes I have sunblock Mum! There’s only ONE bar, this is it. Heyyyy Chico’s! Chilled here for a little smoke. Surf school & turtle conservatory. En route to pick up our boards, saw some monkeys. Check out this papa! Ok, so I didn’t carry my own board, Big Blue my new bestie did. He’s a surf instructor/local legend. I was like ooh can I get a shot of me like Britney in Slave?… “Well, you’ll only do it once”. Thanks Blue, these bad boys are mega poison. Ahh. I love Costa Rica.   I think everyone loves Costa Rica, never heard anyone say a bad thing about this place. It’s pure bliss! Apres surf I got a cheap hotel and went to Chico’s, chilled on the beach and had a house party. It’s all about balance! Although, coming BACK to Anamaya after bring at the little dive I stayed as made me appreciate it even more. I think Costa Rica and I love each other.

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So, last weekend I had the opportunity to meet THE ONE, the man, the moustache, Eric Braeden and do a 10 minute interview. Unfortunately, I was en route to Costa Rica but FORTUNATELY Kevin and Barbie did the interview. I’ve got that to share when I return from vacay BUT…in the mean time, look/listen/love this message with me. AHHHHHHH. I DIE. Thank you Kevin & Barbie. ILU x <8!!

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you missed this yesterday

Morning! Raining sheets here today but beauty still. Drank 20+ beers last night with my new besties Lizzy & Jen D. # Good morning from Costa Rica cuties! #puravida # Surfing, surfing, yoga, surfing, yoga, surfing, beer, bong, surfing, yoga, surfing, yoga. # omg the cat just caught a hummingbird. killed it 🙁 # cat is eating it now! you animal! # Thinking about moving to New York. # New BFF is a producer at Bloomberg and think I might stay with her then find a place n NYC. # whoa my Google calendar is en espanol! # Women in Biz Network Interview: I was recently interviewed about my job and… #thisismylife # replying to work emails "please follow up next week I'm surfing in Costa Rica" is something I can get used to. # Hummingbird! #puravida # Photo: Pipe made out of coconut tree leaf # Morning yoga @anamayaresort. #puravida # got dinged in the head by my board yesterday. #surfing # doing aerial silks this morning. what are you doing? # You choices are half chance. So are everybody else. # Created "Casie Yoga" last night – gratitude yoga meditation where you be grateful. # New friend from BC at @anamayarestort –> @skichix! we went surfing together yesterday 🙂 (tweeted me from outside where I can see her haha) # There’s relaxed, then there’s REALaxed.: Doing a class in aerial silks this… #thisismylife # There's relaxed then there's REALaxd. Pura Vida! # WHOA, DOING AERIAL SILKS IS HARD BUT AWESOME!!!!! # Girl you know it's true. # Spanish searching, no translation necessary # I rode a wave for you and left my <3 in the ocean. Surfing in Playa Grande again today :)… # Surf Baby…

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Women in Biz Network Interview

I was recently interviewed by about my job and career during a She’s Connected event downtown Toronto. I chatted Women in Biz Network for about five minutes about social media, relationships, branding and business. Check it out.

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you missed this yesterday

You forget how bright he stars are when you can't see them shine. #toronto #costarica #beauty # “@brucepoontip: Right now I have a signal and I am tweeting from a ballon ride over the Masai Mara! Kaboom!” amazing! # Jungle Sounds All Around: I’ve never gone on vacation alone to some place warm… #thisismylife # In a hammock on the edge of the world @anamayaresort. #costacasie @ Montezuma # Good morning!! @ Anamaya Resort & Retreat Center # Stop. Yoga time. @ Anamaya Resort & Retreat Center # ésta es mi vida: Morning hello from my hammock to you. #puravida Nov 14, 2011 |… #thisismylife # Namaste # Fresh coconut milk in my coffee today. #puravida # Feels like time goes slow over here in Costa Rica, been in the sun/pool for 2HR and it's only noon. # HAPPY BIRTHDAY BFF @LAURENONIZZLE! ILU x <8!! # What's for lunch? No idea what the @AnamayaResort kitchen has planned for us. Something organic. Imma find a Maccas before the week is over. # Guess who jumped in the pool? Not me but someone you know… #noreallyguessplease #notfunny # iPhone, that's who. #notfunny # Howler monkeys are singing away. #

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ésta es mi vida

Morning hello from my hammock to you. #puravida Nov 14, 2011 | Source:

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Taking the High Road to Paradise

The drive to Montezuma from San Juan is about 5 hours. Many parts of it reminded me of New Zealand, narrow roads and huge green hills filled with trees and clouds. There are six of us on the shuttle all heading to the same area. Barratt from Oakland, LA, Simon from Germany, Carrie a Canadian from Vancouver, Tracey from Italy, and Christine who lives in London. Lucky for the rest of us Tracey & Christine speak Spanish!  Simon is a pretty cute German boy who is here to surf with some dudes form Austria. Throw a shrimp on the barbie! haha. Barratt is a tall, cute ginger with tattoos, argyle socks and a beard. Fun! Carrie is really nice too, reminds me of my Keri Blog from home. Whole crew is good people. I think we might go to the waterfalls together this week. This is Rikki, Barratt’s travel mate.  We stopped in a small village and had coffee for about 45 minutes before catching a 70 minute ferry. I’m reminded how much I love traveling, especially alone. I’m going to start planning a trip to Europe when I get back to Toronto. Ferry fairy. After ferry we met our next driver who took us on this crazayy dirt road on the way to Montezuma. After about 20 min we passed Anamaya Resort where I am staying and it was my turn to leave the pack. This is it… Got lunch soon as I arrived. This whole week is going to be filled with great food. I’m staying in this cabin with Dana, a girl from Vancouver. I am in complete AWE with the views of the resort. This is the most beautiful place I have ever seen. I can’t wait to go surfing tomorrow. The other girls here are super nice and my…

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you missed this yesterday

My sisters bf has a muscle car. I'm I'm it. # Reggaeton. . # Driver coming at 6 am. Andrew my most fav one! # you missed this yesterday: – you missed this yesterday: – Got a real cute… #thisismylife # Weekend Tune: “Sister Wife” by Alex Winston: Happy lucky weekend everyone! 11… #thisismylife # Everyone has been SO nice here today. Can't wait to see the ocean in Costa Rica 🙂 [pic]: # Power # "It’s a bright Saturday morning in the middle of November, and I know Christmas is coming because: a) I…" # "The secret to happiness…be satisfied and be grateful." – Mitch Albom (Have A Little Faith) # Photo: suicideblonde: Beauty sisters # Photo: atsween: # Travel essential # Find a Russian! # Suzuki like # Miami, I am IN you. (@ Miami International Airport (MIA) w/ 57 others) [pic]: # Duty Freeeeeze # AA # Beard lube # #movember # Video: rsfe: # I really wish I had downloaded a movie for this flight. Boards in 20 min. Anyone have a suggestion? # I'm sure I will have a list to download when I land # Bored'ing again #

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you missed this yesterday

Got a real cute haircut this time @dkwikstudio # Met babes @toristreats @wardrobeprofessor @thedrakehotel # Never met a girl like you before… (@ The Beaver Café) # you missed this yesterday: – finding a few people have been unfollowed but not… #thisismylife # JUST in time for my trip new luggage from to be delivered tomorrow. Woooooooooohoooooo # Looking at posts from this time last year. Remember this day at #Finch station? Gave away @virginamerica flight! # Vintage @michaelnus & @shrued # What's for lunch? I'm hungry but can't decide. Wanna deliver a surprise lunch? Because, that would be amazing! # Be nice & share. # I liked a @YouTube video Aubade Alarm Clock # A Whole New World: iCasie! It’s like a whole new world now that I’m all Apple… #thisismylife # What inspires you? # Ballerina Rocket Man via @laurenonizzle #BLOG # just did my 600th @dailybooth # Used Siri to ring Mum at work! # RE: @TheDanLevy @thedanlevy @megbutton I blame #hipster culture on the popularity! # RE: yeah man, i was looking back at posts and thinking WHERE DOES THE DAMN TIME GO?! # Sign & sending PDFs on iPad is so satisfying. # Oh my, I will be in Costa Rica for Have Sex with a Man with a Moustache Day – N (@YouTube # #SwarovskiSneakPeek tonight # This makes me sad. I follow YOUR updates for YOU 🙁 RT @aplusk Twitter Management # Ooh boys look at his sexy #movember babe, Josh! # Waiting so long for his taxi I could have walked. #firstworldproblems # Yes please! # Lookin good @keriblog. #swarovskiskisneakpeek # Thanks for the cotton candy & gift @swarovski. # "In…

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A Whole New World

iCasie! It’s like a whole new world now that I’m all Apple, iPhone, IPad & Macbook. I dreamed about this day. No really, I did. Doesn’t everyone? Couple friends gifted their apps to try. Thanks Andrew for StyleStudio fashion design app and Lauren for PhotoForge photo editing. If you want to gift me your app email me at My how time flies. This time last year I had just returned from my first trip to San Francisco to meet the team at Virgin America. I gave away my first flight on Virgin as the Toronto Provocateur. Rochelle won & went to SF too. After the giveaway Calvin took the gang and I out for lunch after at his YS Boston Pizza. I don’t think I’ve been back up that way SINCE.  MAKE THE MOST OF EACH DAY PEEEEPALLLLL! Read a great article yesterday on the Harvard Biz Review about Why Inspiration Matters. Inspiration is very important to me, if you’re here, you probably already know that. I’m feeling really inspired knowing that I’ll be in the ocean and hot weather next week. Got an email from someone yesterday who was in a class I spoke to at Centennial last year. As it turns out, she does PR for a really cool German luggage company and I’ll have a new RIMOWA suitcase tomorrow. I went to purchase one earlier this week and my card didn’t work for some reason, crazy how things work out, eh?! Tonight’s I’m attending the SS 2012 Swarovski preview at Jamie Kennedy in the Gardener Museum. I think it’s a 50/60’s theme dinner! Lauren and I did a sing along to this on the weekend. It will brighten your day 😛

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Looking forward to culture & lifestyle.

It’s been so beautiful out the last couple days.My week has been pretty chilled out which makes me reallllly happy. Everyone needs  a break once in a while. I wasn’t outside for long yesterday but I did have a charming stroll in the sunshine mixed with a few short Bixi rides (thanks Telus). Was almost ‘unplugged’ all say Sunday while we watched a marathon of movies eating Chinese takeout. Perfect day if you ask me. So good to disconnect once in a while. I’ll be less connected next week but not offline. Decidedly detoxing right now (sugar, carbs, drinking lots of water) so I’m cleansed & ready for nine full days of surf, sun, sand and yoga starting this weekend. I booked a room in a 1920’s mansion turned hotel for my first night before I get to Anamaya Resort. Yeowwww. This is going to be me:  My mouth is watering just thinking about fresh fish, bowls of fruit, salty skin and the smell of the ocean. The more I read about CR, I think I might fall in love. Pure love. Pura vida! * Actual Hipster Mermaid wig via Lauren O’Nizzle!  

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I <4 Moustache season.

It’s great for raising awareness about men’s cancers but Movember also raises awareness of two other things, 1) The sexiness of a man who takes care of his health and 2) The sexiness of well groomed facial hair. I don’t think I would ever date a man who didn’t (couldn’t) grow a nice mo/beard. I love it. To start your own donation page register here and to donate to a team go here. I’m planning to donate to a few mates this year. In spirit of moustache season, check out this awesome Playboy interview with one of the most lovely Modern Gentlemen I know, one of the founders of Movember, Adam Garone. He’s Australian too.   This might creep you out but if you donate he’ll do something special for you. Requests are a-ok too.

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Take all your problems and rip ’em apart.

When you find an old song you for got then you remember it. So good. Love this one by the White Stripes, Little Acorns. I paused the Y&R so I could listen. Was googling for a girl in a wing suit because the wind suit kinda looks like the CN Tower Edge walk suit and today Mastercard hooked me up with the experience to make it happen in the Spring. I’ve been tweeting I wanna do the Edgewalk since it was invented, last tweet was Oct. 4. The vault was full of vouchers and there was a grand prize of a $10,000 card with a trip to NY or London. I would love to go to New York or London or anywhere. Countdown gif, hehe. Base jumping is terrifying & fascinating. I have  bungy  and skydive in line before I try that one.  I found this one crazy/awesome girl, Géraldine Fasnacht, who does mind-blowing wing suit flying. This video get’s intense at  :40 and then my heart drops. After watching this I got lost in a wingsuit girl TIMEWARP of the the internet. I’ll need to get someone to shoot from by balcony when I do the walk on he Tower.  I can get pretty close with the new lens Olympus sent over.  Omg next week I am going surfing. This week is very chill compared to the last few months. I planned it that way. I want to feel relaxed when I leave for vacation. In one week I will be here. It does’t seem real yet but I’m trying to imagine. 🙂 * Little acorns, one at a time.  Storing up nuts for the winter. 

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i think i’m ready to move on with someone new #mobile

Construction season. Looking forward to winter, as much as I don’t like being cold, I love staying inside where it’s warm and working on things. A blog makeover is coming. If you have any suggestions in design or functionality, LMK. (Mum, that’s “met me know”) This weekend I started testing out a new phone, HTC Status. I’ve had one HTC before but I’ve been hooked on Motorola Androids for the last year at least. This new HTC unit has a front facing camera (yay) but no flash (boo). It has a full keyboard and looks like a Blackberry but the touch screen is a bit small. The DEFY I had previous was sturdy and had a good camera but sometimes it would be slow & freeze when typing. Of all the Androids I’ve tried, the Motorola Milestone was my fav. We were such good friends. Things that are most imoprtant to me in a phone are good camera, flash, easy to type, Google sync contacts, email accounts, favourite apps (WordPress, Twitter etc). Nice to have are front facing camera, video editing and dual core processor. I could never go back to blackberry. Cue this song, nice mix. When she was great, I thought she was great. I was cutting up some broccoli for snack just now and sliced a sharp knife into my right hand middle finger by accident. It’s not that bad but there’s a bit of blood and I’m short one resource when typing. I’ve been thinking heaps about iPhone lately. I can’t stop thinking about it to be honest. I think I’m ready to move on with someone new and that someone is an iPhone. I’m having a hard time holdingback my feelings.  It’s so natural. ♥ 

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the loft has some what of an alice in wonderland feeling

 Lauren & I started out at the Loft 404 on Saturday for My City Lives  “One Night in Toronto“. Love that space. Thanks Genna! Have you been there? It’s an “urban oasis”. Reminds me a bit of my Auntie Robyn’s old place somewhere near Ponsonby Road in Auckland, New Zealand. Loved the photo booth in the old elevator. See part pix on My City Lives FB. Hadn’t taken my camera out to a party for a week so I brang her along for the night. Did a brief sting at Wrongbar. Then back again! This shot  is for you Dad. Car inside as a table kinda decoration wall mount. Amira you are RAD  🙂 I played a little tune on the piano and we left to climb through King Street and catch a cab West. We made the walk fabulous before finishing up the night. Emma you looked fabulous. King West on Saturday night is so douchey and crazy. Cop everywhere. No taxis. I usually avoid but this time was unavoidable. No shoes, no shame. Been there, it sucks. Ross is back. We missed him. Lauren blogged some photos on her bloggy here.

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a slice of paradise in your own backyard

Had a lovely afternoon in the sun today. Picked up a new paid of Doc’s at the Dr. Martens Store (I’m the Mayor!). I gad a gift certificate from the team to get a any pair I saw at the Fall preview back in July. I got black polished laredo Serena’s, last size 6 they had. Lucky me!  Stopped by Quicksilver and got a pair of board shorts & a matching top for my surf trip to Costa Rica next week. So excited to surf. Visited the lovely  ladies at Get Outside  for a new pair of plain black Havaianas (trashed my old ones at the end of summer). Got may nails done on my way home. I love the hand massage you get. I wonder if I could just go in for hand massage? Is that weird? I’d say it was because I spend all day on the computer. Read my book in the balcony sun for a bit and am about to clean my room. Lauren is coming by before the My City Lives “That Night in Toronto” party and I’d like if my room didn’t look like hoarders. Hope you’re having an awesome day. Get some sun on your face! This is where we’re going tonight! Cheers to the Biz Media for making & My City Loves for sharing 🙂

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you missed this yesterday

Reading all your tweets now! Thank you everyone for coming to #CCspeakeasy last night. How you feelin'? #prohibition # You guys are so kind. Ahh. Waking up to all this is lovely. In other news, our water is shut off and I can't shower. # Link me to your pix or posts about #CCspeakeasy so I can share with the HBO & CC team! # Water back on, thankful for that! Mum always remind me how lucky we are to have fresh running water after her year on a boat. # "Why more people juggle more balls" written by @markevans in the @globeandmail today featuring me 🙂 # Last night Sam & I took a cab to Maccas drive thru after we got home. haha. # Tonight it's me & XBox Kinect. We have a date. # I liked a @YouTube video FIAT Presents – CBS Alternate Routes: James Flames – "Python" # Storytime: James Flames & The Python: My friend James who runs @RebelBingo… #thisismylife # omg one of my dreams JUST came true. #yandr # Rescue me! # Wolf Blass cab, 10oz NY, scallops & bacon. #lunchdate (@ The Keg Steakhouse & Bar w/ 2 others) [pic]: # I love you dinner. #keg # I love this city. # The #CCSpeakeasy I would say good morning but as I write this it’s already the… #thisismylife # wow, i am tired. so looking forward to Costa Rica, one week from today. #vacation # I want to go to Japan. # I got Sammy a lotto ticket for tonight but signed both our names so he has to split it with me. # Thinking about booking Myrtle Beach trip while @PorterAirlines still has 50% off. Hmmmm @Keriblog?? # #Jeopardy tourney of champs…

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The #CCSpeakeasy

I would say good morning but as I write this it’s already the late afternoon. What can I say? I’m still recovering from last night’s awesomeness. The Canadian Club Speakeasy was an old timey shindig if there ever was! Who doesn’t love dressing up all flapper-esque and pretending to be in Boardwalk Empire?! Here’s some photos I snapped of everyone dolled-up and  a ditty for you to listen along to! This car was outside and begging to be posed with. The bartenders were all dapper and pulled out some tricks as they mixed the Canadian Club cocktails. They were all Boardwalk Empire themed too. The hit of the night seemed to be the Nucky! Casie and I couldn’t help but have a mini photo shoot. The location was just so cool looking! This 1920s girl is always working! How handsome! It’s no surprise that Jason won best dressed! Although he did have some stiff competition… This Barbie is so classy! Sam and Ross all suited up! Can the men of the world just agree to dress like this all the time please? All of you guys just have a meeting and discuss it at least? Cool thanks. Well that’s all for now! Thanks so much to Canadian Club and HBO for putting on the ritz and feeding us tasty drinks! Now excuse me while I get back to my recovery and giant bottle of water. Maybe I’ll lazy about on the couch and watch something. Can you guess what? xo Kate

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