Weekend Tune: “All Yr Songs” by Diamond Rings

Canada day! Pride! Long weekend! Yay! Torontonian Diamond Rings a.k.a. John O’Regan has opened for Robyn, makes rad rainbow remixes and is touring North America!  Cool stuff right? He’s also has the best Twitter handle – @stayfierce! So sing along to this cute tune and enjoy your long weekend! Put on some sunscreen and dance in front of the CN Tower! Enjoy! xo Kate

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best country, like, ever.

My friend send me some pix from yesterday from INQ Mobile’s launch party last summer. That was a fun party.  Love this cute one of Renee, Michael & I. Toronto & Canada miss you Renee! Met Michael’s TWIN brother last night. Updates from Social Media Day & last night coming soon. Thinking about taking the day off for Canada but doubt I can manage to stay away from my computer. Damn, here I am again! Haha FYI: Amsterdam Brewery is OPEN today.

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i teenage dreamed about you last night.

The money shot. I love this camera so much. Thank you Olympus. Katy Perry makes me happy. Play this. Gonna make you happy too. John Legend – Rolling In The Deep (Prod. By Skeet Skeet & Turbotito) by skeet skeet Here it is from the show last night. Skeet Skeet baby, mama likes you. Decided to wear the cute little sequin bodysuit with tutu & fringe from The Australian’s shop. I love this outfit. Statue of glittery awesome. I love her mostly cause she’s living my teenage dream. The stage, the outfits, the glitter, the sequins, travel, dancing, the life looks fun & I like it. EPIC MEAL TIME. Her outfits, the performing, the glitter and sequins, balloons & big fluffy clouds, candy and fun dance moves. Clearly things I like. The show was very Alice in Wonderlandish with a Katy Perry candy, glitter twist, some meat and a butcher. Yesterday was a crazy day. Was blog spotted on the street then again at Cobra x 2. Nice job from my babes at Z-List for putting on a good afterparty. DJ Skeet Skeet aka @skeetonmytwitts. I didn’t realise at the time that HE was the same dude I was Tweetin’ with last year, telling him to home to Toronto etc. He had a great Halloween costume inspiration once. Good show. Great fun with friends! Had a blast with Brent Winsor, thank you honey for taking me. Don’t know HOW I didn’t get any pix of us. Brent, where is that cute one of us with the Virgin peeps? Any hoots, love her more than before. Wish I got a change to peep her husband though! haha

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Tech | Social Media Day -Toronto is one of most most social in the world.

I’d like to think I had something to do with that. I kid, I kid. We’re SO online and our  Social media Day meetup is SO BIG that Mashable wrote about us today. We Toronto peeps know how to have fun. Get social baby. Props to Michael Nus & Dan Levy for putting this together. Last year I spoke about running the social media for MuchMusic & MTV Canada & this year I’m speaking about building a personal brand. Over 350 people are attending so it’s gonna, kinda a big deal. Wish Mum was here to see me in action. I’m sure someone will have on video. Last year I was JUST getting into speaking and has my hands in my pockets the whole time. Won’t do that again. What am I going to wear? I should really have planned this out. Hope to meet some new peeps & will for sure see a bunch of familiar faces. Looking forward to it. If you have any questions, ask away! Follow @casiestewart

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My friend Katiya is an accessories designer.

Stopped by Goodnight Bar (the reservation only spot in the dark alley, Richmond/Spadina) to see Katiya and her new collection of accessories. See her lookbook here. She makes accessories that are right up my alley and is a complete darling. I wear bracelets everyday and hers are now part of my routine. Thanks for the new gems babe. This one especially. You know sharing positiveness is part of my MO. Couple photos from her show last night. When we met at the VOCAB gifting Lounge during MMVAs, her team & I were insta-friends. Real book cut outs! LIBRICIDE! I like this guys obvs. Pride has started in our house. Been rocking to Kisstette Pride Week Mix today. Enjoy!

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Queen Spadina Fire

Walked Brent Winsor to Brocklyn’s house and heard so many sirens on the way. This is where they were going… One of the units on the South side of Queen just West of Spadina across from CTS was on fire. Spadina/Adelaide/Queen Street shut down. People were evacuated. I saw a couple with their cats in cat cages. Sad, I really hope everyone is ok. I looked serious. One of the restos right there recently went out of business.  Other than that, no details to report. These are my photos. Adelaide East to Spadina. So many trucks. Fire was in the building right behind these fighters. Queen/Spadina. Queen Street West. Then I saw an open manhole on my way home. This is what it looks like inside. Casie Stewart, reporter of daily events on Toronto.

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let the sun shine in.

We used to chill on the grass all the time when I was a kid. I love fresh cut grass. Was looking for a four leaf clover, those things are almost impossible to find. New Toms are rad & oh so cozy. Thanks Mum for the flowers. They’re all from her garden. People don’t really do that much here as compared to NZ I find. Nana could always pull together a boquet from her garden. Mum took a whole bunch to someone the day before too. I want that when I grow up, a beautiful garden. BTW Mum, the newspaper made my arm all black so when I got home I looked really skiddy. How cute is she?! Love you. Keri got to meet Mum first time. Think we might adopt her. It was so clear out across the Lake when I got home. I could see across to Rochester and it looked bright. So cool to see another country.  Heaps of Kiters on the South side of the island. I tried it once. Camped on the beach too. Hope you have an awesome day!

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What is the use of a book, w/out pictures or conversations?

Reach out & touch me. So ncie in the park today. Spent heaps of time here as a kid, highschool too. Fed the ducks. Man they were hungry. Some came right up on the rocks scared the jeepers outta me. Jeepers creepers. Met this guy. Don’t get too close. He bites. Rarrrrrrrrr! Chantelle and I have been coming here together for a really long time. No need to know actually how long, ages. Hi to Chantelle’s Mum [waves at computer]! They did Zumba yesterday. So cute. This wall faces a skatepark, used to be a swimming pool. Heaps of kids skatin’. Went on a long path, Wonderland Walk. Was lovely except I rekcon I got a few mozzy bites. See that butterfly. Flutter by, so pretty. Title is from Alice in Wonderland in case you didn’t know. Feel like a kid playing in the park so nice. Someone lost their balloons. Not me! Camera if you’re curious is Olympus XZ-1. It’s awesome & best cam I’ve used yet. Engadget review about it here. Garden time.

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The blog days are over.

I went to bed fuming last night. Blood was boiling. I never tell you when I get angry, I think I’m going to start. To be honest though, it doesn’t happen too often. I had a few conversations with agencies & clients over the last few days that made me wonder what the hell I’m doing. Also made me wonder what the hell they are doing? I have heaps of PR friends in the city and I’m starting to wonder about those relationships. They’re in meetings coming up with all these expensive & fun campaigns for big name clients with the intent to do blogger outreach & connect with ‘top influencers’ but not putting any budget in the plan for that. Gimme a break.  Do you work for free? Why should we? This morning I logged into WordPress (blog publishing platform), like I have done every day for years and had a different feeling about it. Last night after talking with Mum and friends, I didn’t know if I’d be back to publish today.  I didn’t feel like it. Clearly, I am addicted to publishing and love writing so I’m back but I’m different. Every morning I read Mashable on Flipboard via my ipad and this morning they published an article that touches on exactly what had my blood boiling yesterday. How Social Media Is Changing Paid, Earned & Owned Media Those in the marketing and agency world are privy to the buzzwords “paid,” “earned” and owned.” Traditionally, they stand for the different types of media and can be easily broken down like this: Paid: Buying a 30-second Super Bowl spot Earned: Coverage on Mashable Owned: Your company’s website You should read it, especially if you work in PR, media or are one of my wonderful friends at an agency who regularly ask…

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< designers of the future >

Welcome to your hotel Miss Casie. Gift card for $1,000. Shopping spree with the girls (models). Stoked! We are here at the Met Hotel for Crystal Light Purse challenge where a bunch of designers are designing handbags. Mega blog girl gang hang. So nice to catch up with all the girls. Wish Mum was here. She’d love it. I love being in hotel my myself though too. These are the designers. Had a big meet n’ greet to learn about designs etc. This prawn-magnificent was delish. I ate a whole bunch more than this though. Borderline artistic. Love you. Your fav movies right when you want them haha. (Dazed & Confused yeah here.) Olsen Twins at Tweet Valley High. See Raymi’s post here with more pix. She beat me to the blog last night. My shirt needs to be tucked in better or shorts higher. Always jump on the bed in your hotel, it’s good luck. (Don’t hit your head though) Up & at em to go have girls brekky then scoot to Holts. Ok byeeeeeeee.

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stand closer to the (star) light.

Big props & love to Think Tank Management for putting the party together last night. It was a blast. Lady Starlight is a beauty inside & out. She said “omg you’re so cute” soon as we met. I hoped that would happen. We got to chat & party. Amazing energy. Starlight darling, please say hi to Gaga for me. Love you both.

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Epic Meal Time w/ The Biz Media

Photo booth 1 is here. Photo booth 2 is here. The Biz Media is a totally awesome company full of really great people. I’m happy to call them friends. Check them our here. Meeeeeeeeaaaaaaatttt O’Nizzle. Sauce boss of The Biz Media, Guy Gal.

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and then there was starlight

First Happy Fathers Day to my Dad. Rung him & he’s in the shop working on an hot rod right now. You are cool Dad. I love you. Gaga is performing the MMVAs tonight. I hope she some comes out to play later and I can meet her. Omgaga, I would be calm & cool. I want to meet her so, like no other. This is my post from last year. I’ve done something fun on this day for the last ten years, MMVA day. Last year I ran @muchmusic Twitter durring the show. It was insanely awesome. Putting together a show is so massive, there are so many jobs it takes to make it happen. This year, I’ve attended MMVA gifting lounges & have parties galore. I’ve put together the biggest baddest bag of goodies for Mum cause guess what, she came back from the sailing trip yesterday. AHHHH! I’m so happy & can’t wait to hug her. I missed you Mum. Watching Top Gun right now and thinking that scene where the guys sing to her in the bar is a wicked good halloween costume. I love the Dairy Queen commercials. Waterski-boxing? Major crush on that guy. Heading to Field Party 2011 in now then home to change before the night events start. I want to meet Lady Gaga, she is performing at the MMVAs. It would be so amazing to meet her. Snoop Dogg would be rad too.I’ll be home to watch the show. Post show parties include Velvet with Lady Starlight, Gag’s DJ. Ok bye. xo    

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i’m a model you know what i mean

Oh yeah. This week I’ve got a fashion show. Crystal Light contacted me and flattered me by  saying I’m a “leading Canadian fashionista and social media maven” then asked me to be in their fashion show for the Crystal Light Purse Challenge. I get to meet a personal shopper and have a shopping spree at Holt Renfrew. OMGaga. I love fashion & style as you know. Remember last year when I was hanging out with NYC’s finest in fashion Nicole Miller & Derek Fabulous. Other babes in the show are Anita Sharma, Valerie Stachurski, Karla Moy,  Erin Blaskie,  Lisa Charleyboy, & Cammi Pham. Fashion show takes place Tuesday at Design Exchange, Stacey Mckenzie preps me for the runway, then I do hair and make-up. Gonna be fun!

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BHD Suites Gifting Lounge @ Le Germain

On site all day n the Bench room for Broken Heel Diaries  gifting lounge. Will be updating all day. Fun day so far! Kardi & I played DJ Hero. It’s kinda hard. I was explaining although I am NO expert. Karla Moy & the lovely Lola. DJ Agile is rockin’ the tables for us today. Lovely babes from Bench Canada on either side. I’m decked out in Bench yoga gear. You know this babe. My fav giant. Best MO ever. Big thanks to Macintyre Communications & Broken Heel Diaries for the BHD Suites. Fun to be part of the action & gifting. Great job ladies.

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&baconstrips &baconstrips &baconstrips &baconstrips

Omg Seriously. The Biz Media Epic Meal Time last night was epicly awesome. Say hello to the Bacon Volcano. Bacon strips & cheese & bacon strips & bacon strips. Chocolate bacon cake. Big thanks to the lovely miss who brought the Tums. I’m thankful for you. Was a beautiful night for a patio party. Biz Media consistently throws the best parties. Wicked crowd there last night. Heaps of people I knew & lots I didn’t. Makes for a fun time, I love meeting new people. The man who delivers me a dozen bacon roses. ILU. These were so tasty. Heaps of props for the photobooth. The photos are gonna be so funny. Bacon in the tree too. Bacon everywhere actually. I missed this one but wow, probs was delish. Epic Meal Time guys are rad. This one is so huge, like giant. I want one of those &baconstrips shirts guys. Fo realz. Thank you to the Biz Media team & Guy Gal. You know mama loves you. Heaps of friends in this crowd. I’ve never seen/ate so much bacon at one time. We really got into it too. Two girls, one bacon.

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engaged in action, full of activity

Sat w/ Carly for Stephen’s NXNE Interactive session this morning. It was packed! Blondetourage rides again. My pic of the slide w/ me on it didn’t turn out but his preso was good. He mentioned me & asked me to stand up. I did. Everyone stared & a few people quoted me on Twitter. I’m special (holds L to forehead). I’m super tired. About to watch the Y&R then get ready to stop by a hipster NXNE party w/ Raymi for an hour. Then I’m heading to the Biz Media for something totally EPIC… EPIC MEAL TIME! Omg gonna eat so much. Hardly ate anything this whole week been so busy. Can’t stay out too late. Hosting gifting lounge w/ Broken Heel Diaries tomorrow. Get to stay over at Le Germain & have a huge awesome bed all to myself. Pretty excited for that sleep. I need a good one before Sunday night’s MMVA madness. OMGAGA. This is my life.  

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KOVAK is a pretty rad band and they are babes.

Gah. Rushing (as always) to NXNEi for Stephen’s Globe & Mail session at nooner. I’m gonna make it. Can’t miss him talking about yours truly. After that I have audition for alcohol related commercial followed by Epic Meal Time at The Biz Media. Wish me luck. Last night was fun. Went NXNE’ing w/ The Australian. Checked out Kovak at El Mo, awesome. Meet the band! They’re all babes. Did you catch them on CP24 yesterday? Cool kids. Nice shirt & tie combo. Big fan. Band members are Annelies Van De Velde (hot blonde!), Darren Bray, Martin White & Karl Bray. The Australian looks like he’s in a band too. Cute. Ran into Hawaii & his hot date too. Nice bodysuit babe. Ok. I’m so running late. Hope you are awesome. Follow ma Tweets. Byeeeeeeeee. P.S. If you wanna come to MMVA party w/ Gaga’s amazing & awesome DJ Lady Starlight enter here.

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is this the real life cause sometimes it feels like fantasy

Day started with Converse Fall preview. I love me some Converse, been a fan my whole life. Thanks guys! Raymi & I got sames. Couple known fashion bloggers in there too. Hey Julio! Raymi & I are a great team. Want to hire us to host/cover your awesome event? Email [email protected] Converse also hooked us up with backpacks which is awesome because yesterday I said I needed a backpack. Amazing eh?! I love life. Thank you universe! Blog girl gang hangs are the best. A blog girl friend will always take your photo, knows how to work the camera & likes to have fun. Follow the Blondetourage here. I did not write this. WTF? Awesome. I love all Barbies. Ditched the box & cruised down College in the sunshine. Next stop, Pepsi Showcase for NXNE at Sneaky Dee’s. Hi Mr. Bunning, nice to see you as always. These onion rings saved me. Grease, ILU. Cutest little outfit. Be prepared to see it heaps this summer. Sailor Casie FTW. SO many fun nights here. Nice to be there during the day & sober. I can totally see myself driving a mini. The day ain’t over kids. Extra drink ticket for later. Moohaha. Next stop, back to the Hyatt for some NXNEi. Let’s get interactive.  Exhausted face. Some of my peeps in this video about empowering influence. Hi guys! There she is, O’Nizzle fo shizzle. Stoked to take these babies out for a stroll. Tonight I’m seeing Kovak at the El Mocambo 10pm, yay NXNE. Tomorrow I’ll be at Interactive in the AM and have I an audition in the afternoon. Big week guys, big week!

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we do it right, we own the night.

Went to the NXNE Opening Gala last night. Saw heaps of friends I’ve known from the media scene for years. That’s one of the best things about festivals, the peeps. My tan is so serious right now. Everyone was like “You’re so brown”. Love it. Was chillin’ my my homegirl Miss Raymbo bright. Lookin’ cute as always. Lucia so nice to see you. Jason, you should always have your shirt off. Megan introduced me to a bunch of her cool friends from NY. Always a pleasure to see you 🙂 Karine & my boys from Kovak. Seeing their band tonight at the ELMO 11pm. There’s four in the UK band and these two are brothers. So cute. I love the dancefloor too guys. Ladies bathroom bonding. So magical. Left 99 Sudbury & walked to King West to party w/ Tiny Danza & friends at Cobra. It was fun. Love the lights there. Cobra is fun cause you can hang from the ceiling. Reminded me of my old party ways. Brocklyn & Nate dogg. Galen you are cute. Ran into my love, Bucky Buck from Down With Webster. Good luck @ MMVAs this weekend! Freshly shaved head. Get’s touched heaps. Feels nice. Dance break. Shirt got lots of compliments. Got it in Florida @ Charlotte Russe. Met some cute girls. Hi babes! Nate said he was covered in glitter by the time he got home. You’re welcome. xo

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land of plenty

MMVA Stage is lookin’ pretty rad. I love cruisin’ by there mid day on my own schedule. Liberating! I worked mega long hours this time last year getting ready for the MMVA show. It was fun at the time. Took the subway yesterday. I rarely ever take the subway. Most the time I walk. There’s never a shortage of interesting characters. I used to TTC often & would write stories about people & things I saw. Remmeber that book lady, Seen Reading? I think she got slammed for writing about people on the subway. I wonder where this guy was going? I like his outfit. Went with Keri to The Richmond to learn about Snoxin. I’m gonna have a face like a child in no time. Lots of pretty girls there & nice outfits. This stuff makes you look younger. Better than any $500 cream and available for $39. Last year I got Nanoblur from the same company, that stuff is awesome too. Post girl time, got beer & had a hipster hang w/ Australian in the park. Watched the sunset. This dude was totes checking him out. I love park hangs. He doubled me on his hipster bike. I was scared, it was exciting. Rushing to Spoke Club, then Globe & Mail then to pick up my NXNE Priority media pass. Hectic day. Wish I had a bike right now. Hope you have a really awesome day! XO CASIE  

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Pure beer bliss.

All the beer shelves were fully stocked, store opens today in Liberty Village. I love straight lines. Everything was lined up with perfection. Pretty. Pinup. ♥ Very nice shop that appeals to urban consumers. Young urban professionals of downtown, generation Y, Yuppies 2.0. SO good to see Carly & have her back in town. Love you babe! Carly is my agent and today I have a top secret audition for something on TV. I was taking our pic in the mirror here… Then I totally spilled my beer. Doh! Food was really good and outside they had an oyster bar. Look how big that one guys is! They looked to slimey for me. I kinda like oysters but think I’m stopping liking them. The slimeyness over does the taste & other effects for me. Wiggly little buggers. Brown Barbie likes ’em! My peeps comin’ down the red carpet. We arrived early & left fairly early. My new thing, getting real good at it. It takes practice. DJ was really good. Arriving early gives you optimal time for dance breaks before it gets crowded. We were drinking these beers & Stella. I love beer. Blonde is one of my fav’s. Obvs. Hi friends! Brocklyn, you are so studly. Love ya Shan 🙂 Sebastian from bring Erica. Him & his bro are hot. Nice too. Megan who I was in American Pie w/ years ago. Nice to see you, didn’t get a chance to chat! Love you Carly. Blondes. Familia. I love you all. New short hair is tres cute Keri! Raymi & I had dance party. Nice moves baby girl. Your shorts were so hot. Rose ceremony. Marcello. You saw him in Textuality w/ Jason Lewis. I get the rose this time. Puma. More blondes, omg. BLONDETOURAGE. Ron, from inlibertyvillage.com. I wrote…

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you want him to do you so much you could do anything

Barbie & I jus LOLed to hard at these two videos. I was telling her a story and could not for the life of me get the words out and she said I reminded her of this kid. Then, by luck we stumbled upon this GEM! Do you remember doing this at Canada’s Wonderland as a kid. I do. I wish I had my video. I was in dance and the time but no way I could beat this awesome kid. I wonder where he is now? Oh, he’s in Boston, MA and his name is Robert Jeffrey. TWERK!

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rock wit me & windows & shad at NXNE 2011

Have plans Saturday? The city is gonna be full of excitement with NXNE & MMVA. I would like to invite you to come to The Ballroom Bowl  to see Shad live. I have two wristbands avail that let you jump the general admin NXNE passholder line. Heck yeah VIP! What:  Shad and Windows 7 + Windows Live at NXNE! Date: Saturday, June 18 Time: 11 p.m. Where: The Ballroom (145 John Street @ Richmond) Windows live will be giving away two Xbox 360s on site. They have ANOTHER two Xbox 360s and a Windows Phone 7 to randomly give away based on #RockwithWindows tweets or photos tagged at Microsoft Windows Canada on Facebook here. This is my fav vid of his. Fresh Prince throwback! Wanna go? Tweet me, @casiestewart with #RockwithWindows in the comments. Easy peazy. Will pick someone Thursday so you have time to plan your weekend.

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annoying department: excuse me for a minute

One of the most annoying things ever is when girls (any age) talk about you to other people. I’ve talked about it before and despite getting older, it never seems to go away. It is especially annoying when it is public, negative, the person has a high profile and they also don’t bother to say it to you directly. I was not Regina George in highschool and didn’t used to have the confidence I do now. I got bullied heaps growing up, mostly by mean girls. Today I got a message from a friend on my way home from the airport after six hours on airplanes and spending half the day before in an airport… “your tweets & blog post rant about parents with kids at airport is causing a shit storm with parents on fb” GREAT! Welcome home! First: Thank you for reading & linking to my blog Erica. I’m happy to have you as a reader. I’ve been a fan of yours since I was a kid. Circa 1991 here, lookin’ cute. We both worked at MuchMusic and I’ve often wondered if  we would work on a project together. We both blog & Tweet in Toronto. We have many friends in common. I always though of you as cool with great style.   Second: Why didn’t you comment/say ANYTHING TO ME? I know you’re not shy. Lots of options, Twitter, Facebook, Fan Page, blog , email? I am surprised you would single me out like that to your friends on Facebook without commenting as a mother yourself. I waited to see if you would say something to me since you were engaging your audience about my blog post. You didn’t. Your comment “what people without kids think of us who have kids” is a silly generalization about those who have kids and those who don’t. I…

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don’t test me in the most annoying competition.

Stuck at airport family with bunch of kids behind us. They are annoying. Update: Erica Ehm and the mommy bloggers went to TOWN on giving me hell for this post. Thanks for the hits and personal attacks. I was stuck in an airport and these parents from Florida let their kids run ALL OVER THE PLACE. Who does that? I wasn’t attacking ‘every parent’.  Check out this little blurb in the HUffPo, I’m sure I inspired it: “But should you find yourself in the presence of a family, try to avoid behaving like this girl. I’m thinking of bookmarking her site to show my daughter an example of how not to act in public. The tight close-ups of her sun-damaged face making rude expressions about a family committing such atrocities as wondering where they’ve put their boarding passes and worrying about running out of diapers during a delay do a disservice to urban hipster doofuses everywhere. Corinne McDermott is the founder of Have Baby Will Travel – your online guide for travel with babies, toddlers & young children.  Hey, why don’t you show your daughter my site? And also the amazing things I’ve done?  Then show her what you wrote about me and explain that? Original blog post images have been removed because those Mommy bloggers bullied me and I couldn’t handle it anymore. WHAT KIND OF MOMS DO THAT, HUH? I’ve decided to be annoying too. I’m using three outlets, ahem…airport asshole. Please don’t be offended by this post if you have kids. My parents used to travel with me heaps as a kid. If anything, feel sorry for me! I am a terribly creative person trapped in an airport with a bunch of misbehaved rascals. They are running all around the place, being loud, can’t hear the announcements, and the parents aren’t doing…

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a good team is a family, a family is a team – Kyle Benjamin

Dad loves racing so to be working with a race car driver is pretty neat. Especially an epic, race winning child prodigy one. Sky & I were twerkin’ hard in the office aka the rig. She is 11. We were tweeting our hearts out during the bike race portion. She is a riot.  RA RA RIOT. I was telling Kyle how he’s gonna have ladies all ova’ him. He’s so dang cute. Any of you out there 13ish? He’s single. Gettin’ ready. Talladega styles. Race time. Team #71. Was a totally crazy race. Started with 25 drivers, finished with 16ish. About 20 cautions, three ambo’s. This one went straight to hospital, back injury. Hope you’re ok man. Waiting for the track to be cleared then take a few laps to warm up the tires. (Get’s easily distracted) HAHAHAHAHAHHA. What a winner this stud. Kyle took 3rd. Nice one buddy! Kyle loves Gatorade. (wink wink nudge nudge) Sky, you are the cutest ever. Check those tire marks from racers bumpin’ him. Bump & grind fo’ realz His shirt was actually soaking wet. We were laughing. Dang hot drivin’ them cars. (Clearly I’ve been in the South, I’m typing with an accent.) Impressed with how well spoken you are Kyle. Nice twerk. Good interview. Night was fun. Brekky & travel home tomorrow. I miss my own bed. I like being away but I love coming home. Next trip is Boston in July. Next week is busy with NXNE (music & interactive), MMVAs & more. Gonna be real fun. Have an awesome day 🙂

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