i love french music

A Pirate’s comin’ to town on Friday,  @BeatricePirate! Coeur de pirate || Ensemble Coeur de Pirate aka french superstar Béatrice Martin is in TO to perform Friday on Jian’s show. She playing a special set in the Gladstone Melody Bar before TNC on Thursday. She doesn’t have any planned Toronto summer concert dates. Think I’m gonna go before I hit up Tech Karaoke in the eve and sing myself Happy Birthday!

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my world 2.0

The sound of a rooster woke me up, and, just as I planned, I started laughing. I fell asleep thinking positive thoughts of “welcome summer” and “I want a porsche“. Got up about an hour earlier than usual to kick off the week before my birthday on Saturday, I’m gonna be 28. Its a beautiful day, the ground is wet, the air is warm. Might rain but for now, the sun is shining bright. Pulled out the AA thigh highs, threw on my wellies and shorts and made it out the door just after 8am. Sun shining in my face… Pretty walk through the park. Ready for puddle jumping. Having lunch with the lovely Lucia and I’ve also booked the whole night to myself. Started cleaning room last night, finally. Brought a banana for brekky today. It’s time to start planning for Florida trip, as in not eating crap! I need that toned up beach body in place, maybe I’ll even get a couple workouts (won’t hold my breath on that one!). Its absolutely lovely outside today. I wrote this as I walked to work using WordPress mobile & added the pix from my phone when I got into the office.  Hope your day starts off great like mine did. If it didn’t, maybe reading this little note might help. Happy Monday!

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saw this and thought of you!

A friend just emailed this pic from Newbury Street in Boston saying ‘saw this and thought of you’. I love it. Words to live by & lessons to learn. Remember when I went to Boston last Summer? Meeting those friends in Florida next month and totes excited. Thanks for sending! Love you xo

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gonna fixer up real good old rusty

Finally gonna take my baby in for a tuneup. I very unsuccesfully fixed her myself. The chain is so rusty and not on properly. Maybe I should try some rust converter spray? I’m pretty sure someone jumped on it and twisted the middle pedal part while it was locked up on one of the TO bike stands. I reeeeeally hope it can get fixed, I love this bike so much. She’s like my summer bff. Looks like a nice day out. Kinda overcasty but warmish. I went to Wicked last night. It was wicked.

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no smiling allowed missy, wanna see your serious face

Got up early and filled out my passport application. Photos later this afternoon. I need to renew my Canadian before I ship off to FLO-RIDA next month. Stoked. This little lady is due for a vacay! Wearing jeans today, rarely ever wear jeans (or pants). These babies are from a shop I worked at in Bondi Beach. I loved that job & beach side surfy life. Loving my new photo spot in the morning, it’s SO sunny. New Converse today too. I usually pick up a new pair in the spring time so I can wear them out during the Spring and draw on them in the park in the Summer. My team at work is going to the AGO this afternoon. Remember how much I used to go the AGO? I’ve got a membership but haven’t been in ages. Quite looking forward to it. I hope you enjoy the day. GLEE is on tonight! YESSSSSSSS. Ok. Bye 🙂

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FORA me. FORA you. FORA us.

Wanna contribute? Let me know NOW. My team and I are gonna pick a bunch of lucky peeps to contribute to the Summer issue of FORA. We’re looking for all kinds of people from ACROSS CANADA to contribute video, images and articles. The mag is all about fashion, beauty, style and YOU & sponsored by Clean & Clear. Check it out and email me or leave a comment with your blog/twitter/youtube etc. Okthxbye.

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And do I help them? Yes, indeed!

Hello world! Happy Hump Day…wait…it’s Thursday. Days turn into weeks and before you know it we’re like 10 days into a new month. Just a quick note today. Heading to Ryerson University’s annual fashion show tonight mass, Exodus in Bloom. My boss asked if  I could coordinate some bloggers to attend as media and obvs that was NO problemo! Work + life are getting closer as time goes by. It’s cool, I love social media bringing bloggers together. Bloggers Carly, Keri, Lynsie, Jonny and actress Kristin Fairlie are my dates,  holy babe alert!  I’m a stud… er, Jonny is since he’s the only boy. Wore my late night disco skirt to work today. Just love being able to wear whatever I want. Makes me feel freeeeeeeee! Just had a great meeting about FORA Summer. Really looking forward to having MORE great contributors from across Canada. in this issue.  If you wanna contribute email me [email protected] and share a little something about yourself. I love this lady. Gonna be her for Halloween this year I think. Just imagine me 8 arms/legal singing, “Poor unfortunate souls, in pain, in neeed” Really loud all night. haha, ok won’t do that but I reckon I could do it well. Oh, Ursula you fat sea witch/sorceress you.

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Imaginary Like a Unicorn

I found these glasses the other day, they’re mine from years ago. Popped the sunnies part out so they’re just frames now. Better for pictures than real life. Glasses are fun. I have so many in my collection! Have been collecting since those amazing neon Harvey’s glasses in the 80’s. My drawer of frames is constantly rotating, new ones, broken, traded, vintage, lens free.  I’ve had so many hairstyles/colours over the years, pink, purple, blue, red, brown, black. Haven’t had a rainbow yet, maybe this summer? I love changing my look, short hair is the best.  This is one of my favourite pictures,  I love it for the colours the unicorn puking a rainbow. A glorious thing really. I’ve fantasized about having a tattoo like it. I wear this special pin on my jacket most the time, a rainbow a unicorn and star. I always say it represents my life. A joke, but kinda serious… Rainbow: rain, sunshine, bright, special, happy, love, better when shared, spectrum, angles, reflection. Unicorn: unreal, imaginary, strong, flying… read so much unicorn crap in the Wiki. Star:  shines, goals, the sky, dreams and stuff Ooh, I saw this today and omgaga reeeeallly want an iPad. Universe, can you hear me? I believe in you! GAWD, it looks nice, Tweetdeck on ipad. Just imagine… I’ve never known a better reason to get a mac. I wasn’t turned by iPhone but this baby makes a little kitten purrrrr. Meow!  

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And now you won’t stop calling me; I’m kinda busy.

I had a really fun weekend. Partied with Raymi,  Carly & Meredith on Friday for Raymi’s bday @ The Central. Was fun to hang with the blog babes and boys. We always pose like this together, haha. Classic. I feel like going over what I did the last couple days would be too repetitive, I was tweeting, uploading twitpics & updating tumblr all weekend. I really need to set up mobile posting now that summer’s on it’s way. Have a nasty bruise from falling at LGFW during a photoshoot. I put this little tattoo on it, gonna do that when I  get bruises now. It looks waaaay better than the nasty purple/blue/black, trust me. Hung out a friends roof  in the yesterday and went for dinner. Also sat down by the water this weekend, it’s really lovely. I’m so excited for the warm weather. Oh yeah, this launches today FORA!

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WWKCD: What would Kelly Cutrone do?

I watch more then I listen, but I dig the Gossip Girl style. Always dressed up, classy. I started K.C’s book today. Gonna read a little more before bed. I’m about twenty pages and into it. Her attitude is totally refreshing. She doesn’t put up with whiny, negative, bitchy, complainers, and she knows what she’s doing because she worked at it. I find her to be quite admirable and I’m looking forward to seeing her IRL. I love this: “Because, if you’re the kind of person who senses there’s something out there beyond whatever it is you’re expected to do- if you want to be extra-ordinary- you will not get there by hanging around a bunch of people who tell you you’re not extraordinary. … We have a saying in New York: when you’re the most happening person at the party, it’s time to leave.” – Kelly Cutrone, If You have to Cry, Go Outside       She grew up in a small town and always wanted the city. It’s inspiring to learn about people that do the kinda things you like doing. I’m glad I got her book today, I was due for a new one since that bee sting book before last Fall. I like reading. I read more books in the summer, winter is online time. I like to bike somewhere  with my book and lay under a tree,  on a park bench in the sun. Did you know Kelly Cutrone used to read tarot cards  AND married Andy Warhol’s protégé, Ronnie Cutrone at 21? She has worked with the best fashion designers and heaps of interesting creative peeps. ELLE wrote about her here and asked a bunch of questions. This is my favorite Q/A: On witchcraft: “A lot of people think I’m a Wiccan. I’m…

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you can’t fly with the eagles if you’re with the seagulls

Met Louis Lautman last night at Notable TV’s premiere of The YES Movie. I asked him to tell you about the movie since it’s his movie [see video]. He said it’s kinda like The Secret on steroids meets MTV. Would really like to know if the young peeps in the movie have blogs, Tweet etc.  Also, making lotsa money like that, these kids should be rocking serious style/designer shit.  Was surprised at the style, I expected more savy! Watched part of the movie today. Couldn’t make it last night, stopped by to see Raymi before #genyto #canLit. Nice guy, very tall and says ‘theater’ with an accent. He started the Young Entrepreneur Society, so naturally  I chatted him about entrepreneurship. I’m really into the big E. I firmly believe and know I can have anything I want , this is my life. He also told me he didn’t know how to spell ‘entrepreneurship’ for a long time, said lots of people have trouble with it. I’ve never had that problem. I won Young Entrepreneur of Cambridge when I was 15 for starting a publishing company. Little did I know then I’d become a modern daily internet  daily social publisher.  I spend lotsa my time going to these events, Tweetups, Genyto, etc these babies are really all about a crowd, a crown full of entrepreneurial thinkers. Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. B.Franklin Watched one of Lou’s (can I call you Lou?) video on the YES Ning network and it was about internship and inspiring. I always wanted to intern somewhere really cool but those days passed. In the year 2000 I worked work at a marketing company sorting catalogs for the summer.  Boring. Really excited to be mentoring about 6 girls from PR at Humber College.…

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life is about building relationships

I think this “Gold Canada Gold” melted.  Sun was so beautiful in the afternoon yesterday, I really wanted to get on my bike. It needs a tuneup and a shine. Watched the Bachelor. It’s so annoying, I can’t believe he picked Vienna but he did.  I realize I hate that stupid show and remind myself not to watch it. I’ve been having trouble sleeping, I stay up and work on things. I wish I didn’t get tired.  The body needs rest, as does the mind. Gah, I’m excited about life, I can’t help it. Been eating a bit less healthier the last two weeks, lost a few pounds. Feels good, dreaming of summer like errrry day. I’ve started liking Google Buzz. Seems like a good aggregation tool and my Google profile has links to everything. Looking into more features and will share another day. I’ve been in a love affair with Google for a long time. It’s been a really good relationship. Very little downtime and always surprising me with new things. I like it.

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celebrity endorsement for a good time #bridlebash

Last Thursday a me & some of the blog girls were guests to Cabbie’s Celebrity ping pong tourney. I played for my very first time & it’s fun! We’ve got a table at our condo and thinking about having our own “twing twong” with Carol and some other Twitter tweeps. Team Bijan took the trophy once again. Look at these guys, they beat ALL the young whippersnappers. Heard a rumor Bijan was once world champ or something…Hawaii can you confirm this fact?? Jallore got a couple pix from the after-party and boy am I glad cause Cabbie cracks me up. Look at his shirt ‘Plan B $29.99‘ BAAAAAHAHAHA. Oh man, so many jokes running through my head right now… If you don’t know what plan B is (Mum?) it’s an over the counter ‘don’t get pregnant’ pill combo for after sexual relations/condom mishap. When I asked him about it, he said he always pays. Everybody loves a HOE train? Look at Cabbie’s face, BAAHAHA. (Actually laughed out loud, hence the caps.) Loved this blonde girl, she had great dance moves and a rocking body. She’s so beautiful compared to Sheffi’s ass. Spent most of the night talking about blogging The Bridle Bash this summer. Bridle Bash parties are easily the best I’ve ever been to. Last time (in my friends backyard) the party raised about $500,000 and had over 1,000 people. Serious house party. I’ll be doing roll call for an entourage of hotties to join me. I’ve got a bit of a history of rolling up to the red carpet with about a dozen beauties. Stay tuned 😉

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you’ve been saying that for years, just do it

I thought about working out. Always happens around now. I start thinking about summer and I really wanna work out. The thing is, I don’t ACTUALLY like working out or the gym. I was kinda into it before Cuba. I’m a jerk cause I’ve always been petite and never really got into the habit of working out. It gives me anxiety for some reason. I usually start by eating less and think about being skinny.  It actually works if you realllllly use your brain. I might start going with a friend who’s totally NOT scared of the gym. I recon I’ll need a bit of an ass whooping to get there but I know I can do it. Well, I don’t KNOW I can but I’m gonna have to fake it until I do.

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leather latex cotton rubber nylon fur & a smile

Oh hey there blog,  Happy Wednesday! Feeling good.  Had a great sleep. Didn’t have clothes so made an outfit of his shirt and a little latex belt with my tights and wellies. Yeah, stylish improvisation I tell ya. All I need is my shirt to have some PVC trim and I’m set with all the kinky fabrics! Ha. One of my Tweets from @mtvcanada making fun of Norway made the Toronto Sun today. Tee hee. We totally spanked them last night in the hockey. Have a little chitty chat with someone from the Metro today, you’ll read about it soon enough. Last night I got my leather outfit for Northbound’s 20th Anniversary party on Sat. So excited. Gonna do some serious blogging this weekend. Last weekend I was so exhausted all I wanted to do was sleep, so I did. Might hit up podCamp too. Ah, there’s always something to do. The now was pretty this morning but I’m really looking forward to Summer. Saw these guys on my way in … haha

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SWF likes surfing & long blogs by the beach

Dear Summer, How are you babe? Been thinking about you lately.  I bet your tan is glowing and muscles are pumped.  I was going through some photos of us together and was reminded how much fun we have.  Spending Christmas together was such a tease! I miss you! My tan practically  faded and froze the minute I stepped off the plane. I know you’re not that far away, but I feel like you’ve been gone for ages.  Wondering if you wanna wrap up traveling  and come here  in May? You can be here for me birthday 🙂  I’d really love that. I promise to make it up to you. Getting my hair done on Tuesday, you should see my roots right now. You’d die.  Luckily it’s  stylish to wear hats at the moment.  Remember the shave I had in Florida? I was considering going back to that but now the long is kinda growing on me. Anyhoo, hope you are well and making the most of each day.  Despite the cold here, I’m having a great time. Looking quite forward to your return in a few months.  I love you very much! xo ♥ Casie

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this time last year i…

asked the universe for a new camera. saw andy warhol. had a different russian hat. still had my beloved red wellies. told you a story about being on degrassi high. cursed a damn pigeon for coming to work. saw social media for good right before my eyes. visited my family in new zealand. hated that red tea commercial. learned about our big unit. was still using burts bees. used a shitty shampoo. wanted to wake up in bondi beach again. wrote rhymes in tights. used to have a cat. my sister was a raptors girl. was glamorous. made a confession. got called out by a friend for being on the internet so much. wore tights in bed. was a bohemian gypsy queen in argyle tights.  drank ketel one vodka. was banging obama. was full of zeal. changed my perspective. lived.

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unique mix of elegance & spontaneity

The package arrived safe and sound in Hillzy’s hands on Friday. I sent her a handwritten note on big colorful paper with some other stuff and a special edition of Very Irresistible called Summer Vibrations. It doesn’t come out until April 2010. I love getting handwritten letters, the main reason I responded to Hillzy’s call for a penpal. This year I’ve already send a couple packages out and I want to send more. It makes me happy to put stuff together and ship it off. Who doesn’t love getting mail? Liked this:  To be irresistible is not something you can choose: you just are! It is uncalculated, a state of mind, a certain innocence, a very special smile, a twist, a certain “je-ne-sais-quoi”.”

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04012010: day four oh one twenty ten

It was really cold out so I stayed inside after a quick trip to see a few awesome people. Checked stealklingkitty.tumblr found this. Made me think of Fall and a photo from the summer by kellykruschel in Liberty Village. Bids flying, warm, sun on my face, it was beautiful that day. Monday will be beautiful too, it will be day 4: 04012010, the numbers look nice.

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new joizy. omg. fml. i love you.

I’ve been watching and and I think it’s so funny. The accents, fake tans, muscles, the boobs, getting ready to go out,  the boys the girls, “the situation”. I got single a message from a friend who is not on Twitter but knows me really well he said “have you seen jersey shore?” Called him RIGHT BACK. Rambled for a bit how I totally love it and he says, “I know, that;s why I messaged you”. Fake tans, Italians, muscles, spikey hair, tattoos…I used to love it. It’s so entertaining when I’m always on computer/blackberry while watching tv. I went through a stage…Tanning. Nails done. The mall. Dancing. Fast cars. Guys with spikey hair who were tanned with muscles. I checked stalked some old friends who married those guys with hair gel and most still have a tan. I even saw some blonde streaks and a dog named Jerzy. Back then, I had tan even though it was winter in Canada and I didn’t go on vacation. In a recent interview, Mike ‘the situation‘ said “These days in New York and New Jersey a ‘guido’ is a good-looking Italian male that likes to have fun and a ‘guidette’ is a good-looking Italian girl.” For me, it wasn’t Jersey Shore, it was Woodbridge. If you don’t know Woodbridge…it’s Italy just outside Toronto. We used to drive there from Cambridge to hang with the gino’s. Some facts of a true Gino from a helpful site: you have at least one pare of flares. you wear diesel, kappa, energie, parasuco,puma etc. clubbing is life. you glowstick .your addicted to energy drink .spikes hair. at one point had blonde streaks. chilled at Tim hortons before with the gino’s. SAY “BROO THATS MY FAVV SONG TO EVERY EURO SONG”. GOT EXCITED FOR THE SUMMER SO…

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the hemingway: beer. booze. babes. butts.

A couple years ago, 2007, I was in a job I began to hate so one day, I flat out quit. I started doing freelance PR. It was good glam for a while but then I was poor ass. So… I went to work at Hemingways, Toronto’s very own Little New Zealand in Yorkville. It was really fun. I hadn’t worked in a resto in a few years. It was a bit tough at first to adjust to the lifestyle but it really didn’t take long. I made friends with a heap of awesome people, mostly hot girls. I worked there for the best busiest time of year too; end of summer before Flm Fest – Christmas. I was proud of myself for not getting sad about not making enough money doing freelance work, instead I pulled up my socks, hiked up my miniskirt and started serving. No matter what job I was doing, I never lost sight of what I truly love…being social. Instead of complaining about  the waitress life I took more shifts and worked as much as I could. It was a good strategy and worked well to bond with other employees. I got a call in December from an old colleague, in recruiting who had an opportunity he thought I’d be great for. Turns out, I was great for it! I left Hems for that job and stayed there until recently leaving to work for the MuchMTV Group. It’s amazing to think of all the changes I’ve gone through. Been going through lots of photos lately, there’s only about 10,000 from the past five or so years. Wendy was one of my fav’s. She was a little crazy one just like me. We partied alot together. It was more than fun.  She moved away to Japan…

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gonna storm that beach like it’s mine

Went to the gym today at 8am. I don’t like that place unless I’m the only one there. I put on the tv and sung out loud to my ipod. It was nice. It gives me anxiety but I fought it today. Proud of myself for that. I don’t want a trainer but I don’t really know what to do. I could look it up online but I don’t feel like it. I got in good shape this summer from biking and now I just gotta trim the edges a wee bit. I’m so excited. I was super skinny last time I went  vacation at a beach so I wanna be like that again.  Self motivation is key and frankly, I’ve got lots! Beach body FTW here I come!

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yes mum, naked and bodypainted downtown.

If you watch tv or moves you might see my face pop up from a couple years of random shows, background work & really wanting be on tv. I’ve since chosen the internet and appear here everyday. This show doesn’t stop. I loved this outfit. There were like 250 of us dressed like this for the Beta House party scene at U of T & Toronto Film Studios. It was hot. My sister is one of the Girls of Pie. I did a show for W Network in 2006 and got to know a bunch of producers etc. One contacted me about a year later to do the pilot of a new show on Slice called The List. The show’s all about living life to the fullest. Host Liza Fromer helps people cross crap off their life list, you get it like the Bucket List. They wanted it to be exciting and a bit extreme, calling me was obviously the right choice. They came up with the idea, told me and I was like “uh, yeah sure I’ll do that”. They put me in a big wooden box at King and Bay in the middle of the financial district. It was a hot summer day and like 8am. I took off all my clothes and replaced them with flesh coloured nipple stickies and a tiny thong. There was a guy in box airbrushing a business suit all over me. Once it was done, around lunch time, the door opened and amongst a crowded street, mid day, I came out. I walked a block and back a few times and turned heads. It was exciting. Everyone was doing second-takes cause it looked like a real suit. It was a fun experience, I wasn’t even scared. I loved it. Just got off…

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ambition, aspiration, inspiration, dream, live

This is my notebook blowing in the wind on a beautiful summer day at Trinity Bellwoods park in Toronto. This forest photo is from Suicide Blonde, love the photos there. So glamorous, smart and sexy. Just what I like. I also learned about Ogze Samanel’s ordinarycomics.com from Suicide Girl. He did these drawings for fun. Today I went to winners. I picked up some great Betsy Johnson tights. One pair is bright gold with a lightening rod down the side. You’ll see, when they’re ready to come out.  I finally got some earphones too, bright pink ones. Today i’m a guest at the 2009 the Impact National Conference at the Westin. It’s part of Global Entrepreneurship Week and it brings together 500 of Canada’s top young leaders. I’m really looking forward to the lunch speaker, I heard he’s handsome and a tear-jerker. [bring a kleenex in your pocket] The conference is encouraging young people to achieve their dreams. That fits to my beat I reckon. Good friends Saul, Sarah & Darius are doing workshops. If you’re young and smart and want to learn from amazing people, go see them. There is a Gala at night. I have a hot date but don’t know the dress code. I always do better that way, just dress fabulous. Happy Friday

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her world is rainbows, unicorns and flying stars

Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. The weekend, yesterday, today. What more could you ask for than Spring in November? Summer in December? Ah, a girl can dream can’t she? Yes, a girl can dream. I absolutely love walking to work in the morning and home again at night. No more TTC, just me, an outfit and my cute little boots on the pavement. I really need to put some music on my ipod. I’ve been so wrapped up dreaming of iphone, I forgot about the little guy. Couple things to let you know… Just added a review to Chick Advisor, check it out.  I’ll be at the National Ballet tomorrow night for wine tasting (thanks for the invite). You’re welcome to join me, there’s still tickets. I’ve been listening to some pretty rad tunes lately including the new album from Yacht (who I love) and Adriane Lake (her album). I picked this little guy up on the weekend. Don’t you want it? I thought it represented me well. The store is Queen and Dovercourt and they’ve got a little sale on right now. I’ve started making some really snazzy jewels myself. All custom made and all one of a kind. I’ll post photos soon. Two friends were in the Financial Post yesterday, check out  Sarah from Sprouter and Mike from Scribble Live. They are both part of the awesomeness that made Toronto Twestival this year a huge success. Have an awesome day!

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a fashionable woman is always in love…

And so it began…the day of closet organizing. I photographed about 100 pieces and there’s  many more to go. It’s a huge job. I had a garbage bag size pile of clothes to take to the swap and at the end of the day all the leftovers go to charity. It was at Amy’s friend Daniella’s shop Chasse Gardée, Queen and Dovercourt. So many nice things in the shop. I spotted about 20 pairs of shoes I’d love to own.  Smile for the cam-cam ladies! People brought clothes throughout the day so the merch was always changing. I ended up going back later with Keri and donating more clothes. Oh it felt so good to give them away! We all managed to find a few jems. There was lots of really nice stuff (vintage, designer). Demin jacked I’ve now altered, vintage dress and brand-new-tags-on FCUK mini dress with pockets. Steal. I am now the proud owner of a room where there are no clothes on the floor, EVERYTHING is clean and has a home. It’s been ages. I feel like my mind is free from clutter, finally! I’m thankful for my first job at the GAP in 1996, everything is perfect folded. I’m totally inspired to host my very own swap with wine and cheese. Stay tuned. I reckon before the holidays (which are very quickly approaching). It’s so beautiful outside today, like a second summer. Enjoy it. I’m going for a bike ride. Woot – Sunday Funday! p.s. Taylor Swift was hilarious on SNL last night and I love her.

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that was a really great way to start the morning

I checked out to update blog on lunch and the guys beside me were gabbing away about internet, SEO and social media. I tried my hardest not to pipe up and join the conversation. They’re in the back of this video and were wondering what the heck I was doing. haha If they only knew! I say ‘layers’ at the end, hard to hear I know. Everyone was talking loud. I love style but in the summer it’s hot and a dress alone will usually do. Fall, that’s when all the good guys come out. I’ve got a new closet to display them all beautifully and I know they’re all dying to be hung. That’s the plan for the weekend, unpack all my crap and put it in its place. I don’t even mind if it rains, I would love to watch a thunder storm over the lake or stomp in some puddles. Have a great day!

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