it’s gonna get even hotter as the day progresses

I have sprinklers! Wanna come play? Guess what. Video making Casie is back in action. I’m about to make this wee pants jumper into a shorts onesie with my sewing maching. Zoey Ng time. It’s DANG HOT out today. Shorts onesie is totes necessary. I have heaps of energy today, like, more than normal. I reckon the heaps of sleep I got this weekend helped me right out. The Toronto Mayoral race is annoying to me, watching them dog on each other. Urgh. Just about as annoying as all the times I’ve asked you to vote for the Virgin Provocateur contest. That’s kinda like mayor too, Mayor of F-U-N! 🙂 I hope it thunderstorms today. Summer rain dancing! Stay cool kittens xo

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I’m from downtown and I’m here on a mission.

HI. The good news is: EVERYTHING. Ahhh. Working hard will get you places. Creativity and a positive attitude (really) help too. I’ve not commented much on the Klout thing. I might have mentioned a while back when Bre was making a stink about Klout, wondering how they rank, etc. Klout is the ‘Online Standard for Influence’. If you don’t know what I’m talking about checking out this list of 10 Most Influential Tweeters in Toronto (I’m on there #6). Earlier this summer I got a free flight from Virgin American & Klout. (Vote for me in the contest here.) I couldn’t manage to make the trip while at my old job so I never used it. I bet all the people who cried about not getting one would hate to hear that! Yesterday an article was published in Tech Vibes by Jas Banwait (who didn’t get a flight) about Klout, influence, and measurement. People who didn’t get flights seem to really have lots of opinions on Klout.  Those of us who did, just seem grateful. The world is a funny place. It was a free thing and it certainly got people talking. I’ve asked my share of questions about Klout and I think what they are doing is pretty neat. I find it all quite interesting. Social media & measurement, social and the connection with new media. The measurement of something so new and massive without regulation is hard. I have always been a social person involved in lots of things with lots of friends. The internet just gave me a microphone, it allowed me to amplify my voice. Ok, part 2… The bad news is: NOTHING. I’m a delegate at the TEDxTO conference in September. YAHOOOOO! I’m really looking forward to attending. I missed the application deadline last year…

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kiss me like that in your fall attire please

Feeling some serious arthrisis today. Ankle and arm wrapped in castor oil compress. Mum would be proud. She’s still sailing away to Bahamas, they won’t get there until some time near winter. Feels like Fall today, air is cooler, sun is hiding. Summer is deff over. I’ve got a stay in bed all day kinda feeling but I can’t do that, I’ve got work to do. Feeling a bit overwhelmed. Need to send more info to NZFW for my visit. I can’t believe I am going to NZ.  Send stats to Wakestock too. This next year is gong to be really exciting. I hope to get to Europe and/or Asia (just throwin it out there). Haven’t seen my sis lately. Have an event tomorow night at Andrew Richard Designs to see the new stuff from Gap and the launch of online shopping. Happy to be making friends with Gap Inc., my first job was at a Gap store in 1996. I’m in love with Fall fashion and can’t wait to rock tights and jackets again. Boots, I miss wearing boots. I hardly wore open toes this summer, I’m just not that into it. Looks like we’re gonna have a big crowd at Gladstone for TweetgasmTO tonight. GenyTO Thursday will be good too. Love that we’re getting more people out to meet & greet each other. Listening to Yacht today, good band and chill for working.  I need hocus focus please. Go go gadget focus. Enjoy the day. You are the youngest today you will ever be. Don’t ever forget that 🙂 See you tonight.

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i love this city.

Rannie took this beautiful photo from our balcony before out shoot yesterday. We took photos for the Vitamin Water Canada blog and in his 140 project. Stay tuned for that. Good day yesterday mostly around the house working on a couple upcoming projects. Went for an evening stroll with Sabrina to Bellwoods and visited a friends roof patio for some wine and sunset. Stopped by CTS on the way, my fav shop. They had a bunch of items that were $1 and I picked up a couple vintage dresses I can totally do a Pretty in Pink switch to. I’m giving Zoey (my sewing machine) a workout this winter. Heading to the Fairlie Agency for a little co-working woith Carly-Anne today. Haircut at 4 with Darren, think I’m gonna buzz it one last time for summer. Dinner with Jeremy and some friends tonight, we finally all get to meet his crush. Loser karaoke after that but I’m gonna have to call it an early night. I still haven’t packed for Bud Camp  and we leave at 7am. Check out this vid I make a cameo in by My City Lives. I’ve been in a few of their videos one on the red carpet and one about genYTO. Check out their site to see more stuff about our wonderful city and some other cool peeps talking about it. Gotta run. Lots of work to do. See ya on the internet loves!

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Vroom Vroom!

I love summer and sad it’s almost over but quite looking forward to Fall fashion and the return of tights and boots. Next weekend my friends at Notable TV invited me to the Distillery District for a weekend long event featuring cars and bands called Lexus Live at the Distillery. (Cars & bands to means there will probably be some babes.) Chum FM & Virgin 99.9 will also be hanging out along with some pretty rad Canadian talent. I love visiting this part of town. I need to take Team Boston there when they visit. Kinda reminds me of the oldness of Newbury Street. The event is Aug 27-29 and is the Canadian Debut of a new Lexus baby called the CT 200h & Worldwide debut of the CT 200h Tour.  This is the only Canadian stop and the only chance you’ll have to check out the new ride before it comes out next year. Hope Dad reads this cause there’s also the Lexus Targa GS 450h race car. Now that’s the fast one, vroom vroom!. I’ll take one of those please! There’s refreshments & you can catch the free shows at these times: The Stills (Friday 7:00-8:00pm) Lily Frost (Sat 12:00-1:00pm) The Midway State (Sat 5:00pm-6:00pm) Paper Lions (Sun 3:00-4:00pm) I’ll be there for the Friday night show for sure. If you’re going, tell me. Also for a little more info check out the post on Notable TV.  This is Lexus’ second dedicated hybrid, i.e. only hybrid model and it is no gas. No gas! Bring on more hybrid! I hope I get to sit in test drive the race car!!

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#WarpedTour: guest post by @jordanrachael feat @lights @taylormomsen @OfficialAAR

Earlier this summer I sent two people as Casie Stewart Brand Ambassadors to Vans Warped Tour – Mike Albertini & Jordan Rachel. I gave them all access media & back stage. I asked Jordan to write about her experience & here it is. I’m Jordan, reporting for … Van’s Warped Tour 2010. The Van’s Warped Tour is known to have one of the biggest set lists for any concert, with 70+ bands appearing at our hometown Toronto date, there was no shortage of genres represented. From the smooth poppy vocals of newly acclaimed Mike Posner, to the grungy rock sound of Taylor Momsen’s band The Pretty Reckless, fans of all kind gathered to see their favourite bands.I had the opportunity to get all access, backstage, media access with my partner in crime Michael Albertini. One of the first things Mike and I saw was a pretty tough looking dude sporting a “F**K JUSTIN BEIBER” tshirt.. (yes, spelt like that). From then on, we knew that this day would be one for the history books. The first artist we knew we had to see was Mike Posner, and as I suspected, with him came along a following of loyal fangirls. Although fairly new to the scene, or at least to my knowledge of him, he’s had a pretty steady crowd goin’ on. I guess that hit “Cooler Than Me” has really caught on! Soon after, we hit a few other bands such as The Cab, and The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band (They were insane!!!) Then it was time for The Pretty Reckless, and most importantly for us: T.MOM! Not gonna lie, I have been a big fan of Gossip Girl for a while now, but let me tell you I have now seen Lil’ J in a whole new light… and I loved it! She had…

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Breakfast making. Last night was a sht show.

So many friends and babes. Free drinks. Photographers. Hipsters galore, which I loved. Vice magazine + INQ Mobile. Never even saw a phone.  So many beards. I need a day to recover.  Ha! Summer was made for love. I love you.

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blah blah blah, think you’lll be getting this nah nah nah

I was a 3rd grade unicorn. /via @wafflesgirls # Any of my followers in the GTA have #iPad #039;s? I have some screen protectors and skins to giveaway. Hit me up for info /via @cellguru # RE: @photojunkie awesome. stared at this for a while. i like. # Summer fun my friends. RSVP: Aug. 23 @tweetgasmTO & Aug. 26 #GenYTO # blog makeover show? # Nice phone… # Photo: tumblr love. # Photo: i see you # Photo: suicideblonde:Rihanna photographed by Ellen von Unwerth # do we know what RiRi got tattooed yet? # Photo: pjpanoramas: Toronto Eaton Centre Apple Store. iPhone 4 line, days after launch. # “I believe in my heart that @LadyGaGa is going to positively help shift the world for the better. She is…” # dying w/ laughter reading @raymitheminx blog today. she is so funny “photos don’t take them fucking selves you know.” # oh snap, y’all know whoa time it is. # Tell me … how many lights do you see. — It’s so dark in here. # Is Tim Deegan as useless as he seems? Like, he is the worst. — He’s pretty cute. # Staff at this branch are the best. Srsly. (@ CIBC) # Photo: jeopardy + snoop (via polkaroo) # OMG Len, amazing. RT @LenCervantes: @polkaroo! like my halloween costume? # ME TOO! RT @erin_bury: Tomorrow night I’m going to a party with a donut wall. So…yeah. Pretty excited. @INQMobile # if you are not following @brundle_fly, you really need to. he is awesome and his avatar today melts my heart. # it’s like real hot out today. love it. # Do what she says!! NOW!! RT @raymitheminx: vote for waste case! #…

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i would like a barbie house and hot modern ken.

This afternoon Beans and I threw on some heels and strutted over to GCI Canada for the Summer BBQ. Nice roof patio partio they have going on. Perfect for tanning. My boy Luke wasn’t there (Mexico vacay!) so I got to know a bunch of the ladies.  Seems like a real positive place to work, they all seemed quite happy.  Beautiful sun and beers were a nice addition too. Food was great. Very organic and healthy tasting which went swell with radiant sunshine and an ice cold Stella. Ice cream sanny was the perf addition to our lunchable. Don’t judge my chippy nail polish or funny face. Ok, now for the best part. I chatted Naz who does stuff with Barbie and she gave me a present. It was in a nice box and I was like OMG OMG is it a BARBIE? It WAS a BARBIE! A 1662 Special Edition, Brunette, Bubble Cut hair with bathingsuit and outfit. Oh man. Now Peaches & Creme has a new bestie. Just kiddin, not opening it. The Barbie faces have changed to much over the years. Sabrina got one too.  Skinnier with bigger boobs now. I like the older Marilyn style better.How sweet is this lady? I love her.

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Come join us for a #genYTO #partio August 26th!

Mark your calendars cause on Thursday, August 26th it’s genYTO at The London Taphouse. They have graciously set aside a HUGE area for us on the roof patio starting at 8pm till late.  Snapped this pic on that same roof last summer,  sun setting is pure beauty. If you have never been to a genYTO night before, be prepared for awesomeness. It’s a group that was founded in January 2009 by Erin Bury, Dave Coleman, Renee Warren, Daniel Patricio and myself to combat the negative portrayals of generation Y in the media. Articles were floating around saying  we’re  self-absorbed, confused, spoiled, lazy, and entitled. Truth is – we are inspired and motivated to drive change in our world. Erin said it well on her blog: “We think we’re actually some of the most driven, hard-working and inspired people out there, so we decided to host a monthly event in Toronto to bring the GenY community out, share ideas, and of course share a couple beverages. The events now get over 100 people out each month and have inspired folks in Ottawa to found the GenYOTT events. “ This time we will have some special announcements.  Exciting stuff is happening behind the scenes with the GenYTO crew and we are looking forward to sharing that awesome with you. Get your tickets here. They’re free 🙂 Feel free to check out  the stuff we’ve done over the last couple years on Google or on my blog. If you would like to donate anything to enhance the experience, let me know. I’d be happy to get you involved. My Sims  Nintendo DS BFF Joey totally has the right idea. Have a great day! <3 CASIE

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the daily twitter talk for 2010-08-07

What a bitch. Rt @40deuce: 23-year-old Toronto girl fakes cancer to scam money – HORRIBLE /via @Cbrooker # #blondetourage #blondevoy #blondearama #blondtrix #blondemafia oh the hashtag ideas are endless. /via @natash #hot # These fly black chicks whooped all over us, our shoes & took our pics. CNTM they declared awww. /via @raymitheminx # Staying sober in college is hard! Any clue how PAINFUL it is doing beer bongs of red bull?? /via @LindsayInJail # Blondevoy. # 12seconds – caraoke on the way to #wakestock – ft. /via @laurenonizzle # skype call happening beside me via blackberry/iphone in the car from korea #technology # Well I'll be darned (@ Harvey's & Swiss Chalet w/ @carlyannedotcom) # Photo: I like your glasses @raymitheminx. # Totally drove path the damn behemoth and was having too much fun to remember to take a damn photo. # funny and good looking @michaelnus #followfriday in reply to MichaelNus # Photo: Nice shooes # Photo: I bringed the @ladygaga # Aaaaaand…. It's #BeerOClock /via @davidakermanis # Narly. Such a great word. Really. # sun is coming out!! /via @jgrdnr (did a rain dance) # OH: "hi I'm a babe and I'm going to #wakestock quot; via @varlyannedotcom #hotness #wakestock # OH: "blonde is ther skeleton key of life" via @raymitheminx #babestock # Getting picked up on the highway. In traffic. # Driving sideways on two wheels w/ @laurenonizze! Omg! cc @carlyannedotcom @raymitheminx # this weekend is going to be madness @WakestockCanada @carlyannedotcom @laurenonizzle /via @raymitheminx # going to #BudCamp SO STOKED! GAH! I LOVE SUMMERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR! # thank you for ze #FF love. I follow some really awesome people, you will see me chatting them. They can be your friends too 🙂 # help me be…

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I’m a lucky girl to have you in my life.

Night time creepout at Ireland Park. Not as scary in the day… The white marks in the rock that came all the way from Ireland are oyster shells. Pretty & neat, saw the heart, thought of Mum sailing the seas. In the night the statue had loonies and quarters but the next day, the money was all gone. I would have never taken it. Bad karma. Here’s the story: Ireland Park honours the Irish immigrants  who fled during the amine of 1847. 38,000 of them arrived here that summer,  at that time our city had about 20,000 living here. Wow, my blog is so educational! Saw this pretty thing too and thought it was a lucky day. Little did I know JUST how lucky it would be… Hung out with Keri and caught up on recent happenings. Love her. Shoutout to Team Boston from us both!! Caught up with Raymi later and she is letting me use her old bike! Yahoooooooooo. Check out this PYT I’ll be riding ’round town. Thanks RAYMI!! ILU. I’m so freaking happy to be riding again. I felt so FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE cruising home. Ahhh, the wind in my hair, the open road.  I’m home again. Remember how much I rode my old bike last summer? Stoked to take her out for a ride tomorrow AM. I think we look really good together, you could say I’m now in a relationship ♥.

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the daily twitter talk for 2010-07-29 I'm #crazyawesome Srsly # Oh: "they spend more on marketing than anything" #srsly #realtalk #universal #saw # I love @cpstyle cause she is all biz when I am all show. # Hanging out with directors of #saw No big deal. # Meet my new bestie @dbradfield. in reply to dbradfield # @ilivecpstyle and me # @ilovecpstyle w/ #iphone4 # Hanging out w/ #kijiji #paypal #ebay #fleishman. My life is pretty good right now. # I can haz #iphone4 # #topsecret (@ The Pilot) # omg. i'm gonna miss the #yandr today for a meeting. somebody please update me later, imma need my fix. # yes, @Mikealbertini tv is a web of lies. # do you like antique furniture? — i looooooove antique furniture. # what is your favorite meal that your mom would always cook for you? — bacon & egg pie + pavlova # are you enjoying the outdoor patio's this summer at all? — yeash, more than i should probably! haha # did you hit on me at a Rancho Relaxo electro show last year? coz I didn't mean to be… — omg. i have no idea. maybe? # What will you miss most about your Much/MTV PR job? — a couple cool peeps like @allisonbowsher @queensley 🙂 # Loonies or toonies? Anglais ou francais? Poutine or pho? — toonies. anglais. pho. # Who is your favorite Star Trek related twitter persona… — obviously @picard102, i would let him light me on fire… # are your parents both retired yet from the rat race? — nope. mum is taking a year off to sail to the bahamas on he… # what would you do if you won 50 million in lotto max? — throw a…

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I’ve been having a blast this Summer and y’know what, it be gon’ get much bettahh. I’m heading to Wakestock August 6-8 with three of the hottest most awesome bloggers in Canada – Raymi the Minx, Carly Anne, Lauren O’Nizzle. Playing this year  are Public Enemy, Alexisonfire (AOF), Crash Kings, U.S.S., Maestro Fresh Wes., Hollerado and KO. I loooooove outdoor events and concerts. I’m sure to see a whole heap of cute baes too. Yahooooo PARTY! We’ll be on the ground, back stage and anywhere you can find beers. Haha! This weekend is gonna be off the hizzle!  I’m STOKED. If you wanna come party with us Wakestock has been kind enough to give you a special discount and you can get a weekend social pass for only $55 bones. MAD DEALIO. Get tickets here THE PASSWORD IS: PARTYGIRL. Come join us if ya wanna have fun, and like, duh, who doesn’t wanna haz fun times? Excting day ahead of me, heading to an audition for a Bell commercial then to Lilith Fair with Carly Anne. Yahoooo! I love Summer. Happy Saturday! k.thx.bai xo

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you bring a whole new meaning to the word #loser

And that meaning is awesome. I’ve mentioned it before and the message is always the same, #loserkaraoke is a damn good time. This is me & Kristen singing ‘How Bizarre’, Team New Zealand in full force. I was rappin’ in full accent. Pretty good summer song if you ask me. I love walking into Tequila Sunrise and being greeted by friends and familiar faces having fun. The party was inside & outside last night as the place was packed and it was really hot out. Speaking of, look at this stud in mama’s cape… I was a weeee bit tipsy after the King St. Crawl earlier and after a few beerski’s was more than happy when Michael offered to drive me home. Ha! It’s so neat that each week all kinds of twitter peeps show up to have a good time. If something comes up on a Thursday night, I seriously consider if I should miss #loserkaraoke or not. I was never really a big ‘karaoke’ person but y’know what, I really love it now. I don’t care if it makes me a loser, because I’ve got a whole group of people who are are most awesome losers ever. We will sing our hearts out week after week and if you come too, you will love it. Karaoke is GREAT! You might also love that I wore a Wonder Woman outfit last night. Just for fun. Alas, back in the office today, Ms.  Casie Kent. BTW, I love this ad. Online, on line. I wanna be online like that, online at the beach under a sun umbrella with my laptop, working., drinking a cold beer.  Ahhh, a girl can dream can’t she! Happy Friday everyone.

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warped tour: mike albertini reporting for casie stewart

Tonight is the Toronto stop of the Vans Warped Tour and this Lady Blogga has called upon a little monster to report from the ground. I’ve  partnered with Warped Tour to give Mike Albertini two tickets, media access and back stage passes to get the dirt and have a hella good time in my place. It’s summer and I’m crazy busy so I though I’d share the fun so we don’t miss out on any of the action.   Have any questions for him or  tasks? Tweet him here and tell him I sent you! Did I mention I’m hiring an intern? If you are interested or woudl like to recommend someone. Email me. HAPPY FRIDAY ♥

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how many clicks does it take to get to the centre of the…

this post is regarding the influence project: the search for the most influential person online i feel like, if i participate in ‘everything’ that shows my ‘influence’ it devalues when i post good content. everything is becoming about your so called ‘influence’ and i hate pushing links on people all the time. what do i get if i put my name in this?  my picture in a magazine. meh, been there done that a few times. so, it doesn’t really seem worth it? who really gains? they do. where are the perks for making people click on something that does nothing for them. i like to give people value, that’s where my influence comes from. i hope someone cool gets this thingy but it surely won’t be me. as for the Virgin thing, that will provide heaps of value back to everyone who votes for me. i will be an ambassador, organize parties and create fun memories for people all over the place. all this talk about influence, makes me think it’s more about VALUE. y’know what i’m sayin? another thing, the site is all built in flash and really slow too.  i’m more than happy to not try for this one. i’m sure we will all be seeing more and more of this user generated ‘meme’ stuff floating around (ex. i only wanna take part in things that give back, things that have value for everyone not just for myself. it’s pretty much the same reason I don’t put ads on my site, i don’t want you to think i’m banking off you visiting, i like to think i make you smile, and maybe  i even inspire you. i do the internet stuff because i love it. it started out as a way to keep more memories and…

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a small but historic hotel & noted performance venue

Thanks heaps to Jeremy for inviting us to come play at The Gladstone Hotel on Friday night. He’s the Creative Director there and deff knows how to party. We ended up doing karaoke  later on (bug surprise) and thanks to everyone who bought me (way too many) drinks. The event space upstairs at Gladstone is looking like a future party spot. Chatter Jer about doing some fun things there. It would be perfect for a #GenyTO! Weeee! Gawd I looooove summer. SO much to be had like erry day. Don’t waste your time doing nothing, get off the couch and go!

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you are as young as you will ever be

I feel so lucky. I have really awesome friends around me. I feel young and like I can take on the world. I can. You can. Yes we can. The last couple days have really been some of the best. I have spent heaps of time with people I really care about. Enjoyed the sun. Splashed in water. Had BBQ. Danced in the street. Someone special made me dinner. Got a tan. Phone chats with old friends. Soft kisses. Poetry writing. Photo diary. New office space (with windows!). Time alone. Pretty dresses. Rainbows. Sweet dreams. The summer has only begun and I don’t ever want it to end. Thank you everyone around me for inspiring me to share the light you give. * Side note, help me share MORE awesomeness (fun & positivity) by voting for me in to be the Virgin America Provocateur. It’s not a job it’s more of like being ‘the person’ who throws parties and gets people excited about the brand, the ambassador. I really think I’d be awesome at it! VOTE HERE. It’s super easy & takes 2 seconds.

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so many epic days in a row thanks to you

Wednesday night was Jeremy Wright‘s birthday and it was so much fun. Our Toronto Social Media crew is seriously some of the mostest awesomest people I have ever known. Lauren, Me, Carly Jon, Me Michael Erin & Kevin Party people, ILU! Haha, Randy will love this photo I’m sure. Karaoke has become my new favorite thing to do ever. Look at this fun! SRSLY. Team Tweet Agora (If you have iphone + Twitter download it here) Team New Zealand right here w/ Kristen. KIAORA MATE <3 Really, really enjoying summer. Love being surrounded by so many awesome people. This is gonna be the best Summer ever. I posted the rest of the photos from #jerbear31 in a web album here. Heading to Galdstone tonight for  QUEER LIES – Trashed Alterna-Pride Dance Party. I am going to dance my ass off. Been thinking of what crazy outfit I shall wear all arvo. Peach out, till lata 🙂

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island adventure to find your love and baby i found it

After walking around for coffee on Sunday for about an hour (almost everything in my hood was closed G20), I decided to day trip it to the island. I chose Wards Island as I have never been there before and was keen for a true adventure. Got the ‘I’m on a Boat’ badge on Foursquare for checkin’ in on the Island Ferry. This was a great way to start. I was dressed like a teenage dirtbag, in fact,  a lesbian teenage dirtbag wearing rainboy bikini top. It IS Pride Week so, kinda fitting  I guess. It was sunny all afternoon. It was hot. Spent some time staring at boats. Mum is about to sail to Bahamas on her boat next month. I dream of doing that one day too. Camera got a little heat stroke from humidity (that’s what I’m calling the water effect) and it started taking blurry photos. Regardless, I LOVE my new camera. It’s making the life-documentation process way more fun. Soaked it in some dry rice when we got home, baby is back in action now. That trick works for phones too. If anyone knows about wrecking devices, it’s ME.  I’ve been through so many since starting this blog, not even gonna try counting. It was more than lovely. So relaxing. There was no noise, no distractions. I needed that.  I needed a break from my busy life. I hung out on the couch at the Island Cafe on Wards Island. Read a book. A real book, like hardcover. I love the island, gonna go back a few times this summer. It’s amazing how refreshing a couple hours away can be. Enjoy the day!

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i got down with webster

Friday night DWW show was the fun. First ime actually seeing the boys play aside from the MMVAs. They are really good, I was super impressed (as you can tell). Pretty crap audio on this, it was SO LOUD but you get it. Bunch of cute girls there, like this one: And these two from work: Spent most the night in the balcony hangin’ with the DWW family & media peeps. Nice to be in the east end too, crashed at Carly’s place.  Her bro is in the band. I love this city,  I love summer, I love life.

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seeing this makes a little girl like me real happy

Boys + Bag Pipes + Drum + Summer = OMG Love at first sight Made friends with the dudes and asked if they play parties. They do anything. I wanna invite them to all parties hosted or organized by me. I wish I danced in the street but since it’s right outside my work on a school day, I resisted the temptation to throw my hands in the air & stomp.  Got their email but I really hope I see them at Drum Circle this summer! YEEEOW!

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walking wonder wander mind pathway to another world

I had a dream last night that I got a tattoo sleeve. Problem was I had been drinking and I got it on the wrong arm. Duh! My bed begged me to stay this morning, always hard leaving someone you love. Its really hot humid today, I love it. I’m not really into open toe shoes this year. Gonna rock the Cons and Dr. Martins all summer. Looking forward to tonight event, going with Carly. Guy said he has a surprise for me, I wonder what it could be? Love the video I made last night. The photos are a set I took months ago. My thoughts behind it are falling in love with someone, how fast it can happen, how many emotions you can go through during one conversation, the connection you feel in a matter of seconds. Wore my hair gray today. If I get rained on, the colour will run slightly. High maintenance today. Haha Enjoy the day, its almost the weekend!

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sorry i forgot, i was thinking about that oil spill

Gawd o’ lordy. It’s already half way through the day and I’m feelin’ energetic and ready to get lots done. This is what I’m thinking… Hungry and need to grab something to eat. I wish I made my damn lunch. Lotsa tricks up my sleeve  and plans for summer coming together. Looks like I’ll be in Boston in July and heading North for Wakestock in August. Submitted my time off for work, god I love Summer. Tempted to go for a tan tonight to keep my Florida glow.  I know it’s bad for me but I’ve got some left and already paid for it so either way, I’m paying. Tomorrow night I’ve got the Biz Media party and Friday is SATC2 with my sis. Next week is the Sailor Jerry screening/rum party and I’m finally introducing Carly to Jenie.  Gonna be a great scene with free rum drinks and lotsa babes with tattoos. Great news from my sister today about attending the LADY GAGA concert. ZOMG. Can’t freeeking wait. I haven’t got my bike fixed yet, I miss riding her.  I’m frustrated I’ve not gotten a new camera yet, I am a camera serial killer for real.  Next camera is gonna last, I won’t kill you well, I might but I  never really mean to hurt you camera. Spending time at home with myself tonight, need some time alone to internet and tidy my room. Hope to have a Skype chat with friend and relax a bit.  Feeling like a robot on auto pilot moving fast and not taking time to smell the roses. Maybe I’ll sew something tonight? That would be a good idea, Zoey misses me, I know she does. Ok time for a snack, I’m about to eat my arm.

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remember to always wear sunscreen

Woke up extra early and booted out the house for a speed walk in the sun. Totally gorgeous out, feels like summer. Got some sun yesterday. I forgot to put on sunscreen before I left the house today. (I know Mum, tomorrow ok!) I’m for sure gonna get super dark this year by traveling on foot to the office. Hope you have a splendid day. I wore a long flowy summer dress!! Yahoooooooooo!!!

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sun lay park love

The other day at lunch, I went to the park. I got my first summer street meat and sat in the grass. It was warm and sunny and it felt like heaven. I laid down in the grass and looked up at the sky and dreamed of far away places. It was the first day of wearing bare legs too. I love summer. I love summer. I love summer. Did I tell you I loved summer and park hangs? Cause I do.

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