Positivity Tuesday! Yeah! Right Here!

Shake it out. Don’t let this weather get you down. Perk up that attitude and throw the bad one in the garbage. It’s heavy. Find a slice of sunshine and soak it up on your face. Wear sunscreen. Put on a smile and greet the world. This is your life, your movie, you are the director!  Is it is a comedy, a romance,  a documentary about success? YOU DECIDE.   Positivity baby!  <3 CASIE finasteride without prescription flomax without prescription fluoxetine without prescription

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All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them.

It seemed like just another Thursday but it was more than that. Yesterday I had a meeting that was planned two months earlier and the outcome was fantastic!  I accomplished something I’ve been working towards for ages. Soon as my profile is live I’ll share more details. I was reminded once again that you really CAN achieve anything you set your mind to. You must believe you can do it and have the courage and confidence to make it happen. Banana Repubic jacket, Burberry scarf, Tiffany & Co. necklace I’ve gotta set some big goals for this year and the next 5 because over the past few years I’ve crossed so many things off my life list. I’m super excited to get working on my new secret project this weekend. Me at my desk yesterday. Wearing hearts again today too. ♥  With love + light, <3 CASIE DREAMS  

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Rewrite Your Own Destiny

I still have all my Barbies and their clothes, the accessories, cars, living rooms set, pool furniture, and more. While I don’t usually write about things for kids, Mattel always thinks of me when there is something they think I’ll like. Thanks guys! I recently got sent these two lovely Ever After High dolls, Meet Apple White (Snow White’s daughter) and Raven Queen (the Evil Queen’s daughter). The line is based upon  characters from fairy tales and fantasy stories.  They each come with inspirational little stories, clothes, and there’s a whole online component at  Everafterhigh.com.  My BF’s daughter is five and she was so happy when I let her open them. In the story, the school gets divided in ‘Royals or Rebels’ which is between those who know they will have a happily ever after, those with less favourable destinies, or those who prefer the idea of writing their own destiny. Writing your own destiny is 100% my vote! The package arrived with this little locket inscribed “rewrite your own destiny”. This product may be for kids but the message is something that lasts a lifetime. The team at Mattel said they thought of me when learning about this new brand. I’m writing my own destiny each day, found something I love and made my dream a reality. Go out there and follow your dreams people! <3 CASIE   buy Bactroban cream no prescription buy bupropion no prescription buy cipro no prescription

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A Piece of Powerful Positivity for You Peeps

Love this drawing by Ani Castillo. Us bloggers really are a mix of skills and talent! She is married to one of my colleagues at Community and the talented artist who did our branding on thecommunity.ca. I love her work! See more of it here. Very busy today so sharing this piece of positivity with you. It’s been a while since I posted this great video. Reminds me of myself every single time I watch it. I really do love life this much. Powerful! Sending sunshine your way! <3 CASIE   Buy Amoxil Buy Clomid Buy Flomax Buy Fluoxetine

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Put a Smile on That Face and Share It w/ Someone

Hello and HI from West Queen West. I’m your host Casie Stewart reporting live from TEH INTERNET. It’s a beautiful 18 degrees in the sunny city of Toronto and I wish you an amazing day! Now, go put a smile on that face and share it with someone. With love & light, CASIE Posted from WordPress for Android on HTC One

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Don’t forget to smile. #surprisenotes

Happy Friday! Love, CASIE

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Where do we find the will and the courage to continue?

This is one of my fav songs on one of my fav all time albums. This weekend I sat alone, late and at the cottage kitchen table writing, finally working on that book I’m been talking about, and finally doing some web stuff I’ve been avoiding. It wasn’t until I slowed down, I realized how fast I was going. I’ve always liked MIA but “Live fast, Die Young” isn’t in my creative “take over the world” plan.  If I’m ever having a bad day, I go put on Lisa Loeb – Tails or White Stripes – Elephant. I love those albums. This is Dad and I doing the CN Tower Eggewalk about a year ago, almost to the day. It was so awesome. This Makes Me Happy When problems overwhelm, us and sadness smothers us, where do we find the will and the courage to continue? Well, the answer may come in the caring voice of a friend, a chance encounter with a book, or from a personal faith. For Janet help came from her faith, but it also from a squirrel. Shortly after her divorce, Janet lost her father, then she lost her job. She had mounting money problems. But Janet not only survived, she worked her way out of despondency and now she says, life is good again. How could this happen? She told me that late one Autumn day when she was at her lowest she watched a squirrel storing up nuts for the winter, one at a time he would take them to the nest. And she thought, if that squirrel can take care of himself with the harsh winter coming along, then so can I. Once I broke my problems into small pieces I was able to carry them, just like those acorns, one at a time.…

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Courage is the Most Important Virtue

Last night a bunch of us went out on the town. It was heaps of fun! First stop was the Praxis event at Hart House on the U of T Campus. Second was the annual party at Entrinsic. Nice to see the team there too! They have heaps of cool art done by Happy Sleepy. Lauren and I are sitting in front of one of the installations. [View the story “Best Friends Forever <3” on Storify] Best Friends Forever <3 Storified by CASIE STEWART· Fri, Apr 19 2013 11:05:02 Best friends forever @laurenonizzle xoCASIE STEWART This is Magda Wojtyra, an artist with a background in architecture and an energy unlike anything I’ve encountered. Google her.Lauren O’Neil This.Lauren O’Neil

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Dare to Wear Love at World Mastercard Fashion Week 2013

 This was a cool thing to wake up to on Monday morning! Last spring I was a model in the  Dare to Wear Love fashion show for Toronto’s World Mastercard Fashion Week. This year, I’m on the website with fashion legend Jeanne Beker! See last year’s post about the fashion show here.   The show for this season is March 22nd. See the DTWL details here and the full World Mastercard Fashion Week schedule here. It all starts next week! Have an awesome day!

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For My Special Ladies

I intended to post this for International Women’s Day but to ME, every single day is a day to celebrate the wonderful women in my life. Two of the most very special people to me today, and forever will always be my beautiful Mum and my sister Jenie. I love them dearly. Rounded up these images from old posts. This ones for you girls, I love you and you mean the world to me. Us on the set of American Pie Beta House years ago. And this is for you too… For all you other ladies out there, don’t wait for a special day to tell someone you love them. Tell them now! Sending sunshine your way, <3 CASIE

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Good morning on this cold, dreary Saturday. I love this weather for writing, blogging, working, watching old movies, eating lasagna, and drinking the fancy tea I’ve been saving ‘for a rainy day’. Have a bunch of posts to get caught up on and photos to share from fashion week. The new camera Samsung sent me is pretty awesome, determined to figure out the wifi today. Use this rain to inspire you to do something you might have been putting off for a while. It will cheer you up to start the weekend. Then go treat yourself. Treat yourself to some personalized umbrellas, there are lots of different styles and varieties to choose from, you will look amazing walking down the street in the rain with a brand new colourful umbrella. You cannot change the weather so why not enjoy the rain instead. I’m off to read a book in the hot tub over looking the lake, I may not be in the rain but still enjoying it. Taking Staycation for a few hours before I tackle the pending episode of Hoarders that is currently my room. Have a lovely day 🙂 CASIE P.S. This video is hilarious and will make you laugh at least 1/100 times.

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Good Morning

Woke up and my room was filled with pink sky. It’s raining now and I’m safe at work hibernating inside the computer. SEE! (Inside computer talking to you right meow.) I thought it would be nice to say hello & good morning. Having a full time job doing something I love really makes my blog more exciting and enjoyable to write. I write to remember. It started out as a daily journal in 2005 so I could keep more memories of people, places, things, and thoughts. Now, coming up on eight years later I have documented my career starting fashion, working through jobs, tv shows, travel, hairstyles, and many outfits. I’m extremely grateful for the journey my blog and I have taken together and that you are along for the ride. Was thinking about that this weekend and I thought I should write it down. Enjoy the day. This is the only October 1oth, 2012 that WILL EVER BE. Make it memorable 🙂 <3 CASIE   Super pink sky filled my room this morning. twitter.com/casiestewart/s… — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) October 10, 2012  

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Give thanks every single day.

Gratitude journal. ♥ CASIE

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Early Riser, Morning Sunshine

Woke up early after a super long day. Dance was great last night. Routine to Rack City, no joke. Filmed an episode of Coral TV, comes out tomorrow. Arrived first at the office. Sunshine halo at my desk. I’m so slow leaving the house.  I have a taxi problem. Wore a hat. It’s getting colder. Can’t wait to buy a new bike. Don’t have a case on my iPhone just screen protector. Work is going good. Going the to Casby awards tonight. Seeing the Hip on Saturday. Ready for the weekend. Working full time is tiring but so is freelance. I’ve been drinking less. It’s really sunny today. Maybe I’ll go for a walk at lunch. You will never be younger than you are today, do something special, do something fun, tell someone you love them. Have an awesome day, <3 CASIE

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Stick Up for Yourself, Son

Never Mind What Anybody Else Done

Feeling so excited. I might just take off, levitate, hover, from one place to another. It’s a holiday in Ontario but when you are an entrepreneur you don’t really get many days off, you don’t want to. Hopefully you are doing work you love that doesn’t ‘reallllllly’ feel like work. Friday, I fully made myself not work and I slept the entire day. Today, I’m working and getting ahead on things for the week. Have a video shoot today for something in LA LA Land. I am crossing my fingers, sending all my positive energy into the universe, hoping that a few things that have come up lately work out. You can cross yours too. I think it will help. This time last year was the calm before the storm of work and events that kicked off in September. Here’s to good things happening! Set your goals, write them down, tell your friends, tell a stranger. The best way to make them a reality is to believe in them.  Your thoughts become things!! This song always makes me feel like I can do anything. In Other News: Check out my latest episode of THIS: The Hot Internet Show on Coral TV, talking Creative Blogging (watch for my vids in the promoted section of youtube.ca!)  My latest post on the SummerWorks blog: Dare Night Lockdown Please like my Kurations on Notable.ca & Enter yourself! Madonna tickets & weekend getaway! Helloooo. NEXT, GET OFF THE COMPUTER AND GO OUTSIDE! P.S. Mum, if you get Internet, call me. Love you. (She is in NY sailing back to Canada right now!)

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There’s something sacred about reading a blog…

“There’s something sacred about reading a blog post on someone else’s site. It’s like visiting a friend’s house for a quick meal ’round the breakfast table. It’s personal — you’re in their space, and the environment is uniquely suited for idea exchange and uninterrupted conversation. In many ways, we should be treating our blogs like our breakfast tables. Be welcoming & gracious when you host, and kind & respectful when visiting.” – Trent Walton Thanks Kate for sharing this quote. This month marks SEVEN years I’ve been blog writing and I’m pretty proud of that. It started out as a journal of “people, places, things & thoughts in an attempt to keep more memories” and it’s done that and so much more. See original Blogspot blog here. It’s opened up doors to things I only ever dreamed about doing and allowed me to connect with amazing people all over the world. I love opening this window to my life and sharing it with you. Thank you for being part of my (this is) my life. I’ve had a slew of different jobs in fashion, tech, and entertainment which have all shaped the person I am now. Many moons ago I found out that Martha Stewart started her empire at her kitchen table. Just like her and many entrepreneurs, I started there too. I would sit for hours and create things. One of the first companies I started was Kitchen Table Productions in 2005. I wasn’t sure what I was gong to do exactly, but I knew we would be producing things and they would creative, they would be media. I’ve always looked up to Martha in the way that she has branded herself in so  many areas, product lines and really grabbed business by the reins. Never mind the short term she spent in jail! I…

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Sometimes I just sit here and think… this is my life. If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much. Jim Rohn GO GET ‘EM.

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This drawing is by Valfre. I’ve never met her but I know her through her blog/twitter. She’s one of my favourites. One of my really good mates in New Zealand is blowing up the charts there and in Australia. This is new track. Who Gives A Damn ….. by imagine this

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If not now, when?

Ask yourself this every single day.  I’m sitting in the Boston Logan Airport lounge listening to music and soaking up as much free wifi as a girl can. I got to thinking about life and goals and what I dreamed of doing and where I’m going. Not like, back to Toronto but where am I really going? I think January is a time everyone does that introspective look into their life and wonders, what am I doing? It’s probably also why people get sad and maybe have breakdowns! Last year in January I considered giving up blogging and getting a 9-5 job. I’m really glad I didn’t.  The last two years have been filled with all kinds of things I only ever dreamed would happen. How did I get to do them? How did I make them a reality? I feel inspired to tell you today. When I was in Australia at Uni (2004 & pre-blog) I often felt homesick. I missed my sister terribly and everyone from home seemed light years away. One fine day I went to a bookstore in search of  ‘something’ that would give me guidance or direction or make me feel better.  I picked up The Power of Kabbalah by Yehuda Berg, a book that claimed to be ‘technology for the soul’. I went home and read it cover to cover in one sitting, staying up all night, moving from couch to bed to floor until it was finished.  I was not raised religious and this book wasn’t about that at all. It was about the power of the universe and creating the life you wanted.  It was spiritual wisdom. It helped me realize that I could have everything I ever wanted. It helped me understand that I already did. As I embarked on this journey of self-discovery (I…

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Every Day is a Chance to Make Your Life Better

The last couple days I’ve been feeling really exhausted. I wondered if I’m getting sick and refuse to let that happen. This morning I dragged myself out of bed ready for a new routine. When I was in away in the hot sun last month I still worked every day but I added things to my life that made it better, long walk on the beach, smoothie for breakfast, writing in my journal. When I returned to the hustle and bustle of city life, I got caught up in the rush and lumped right back into old habits, drinking, eating bad etc. I got to thinking last night that there is nothing standing in my way of eating healthier and doing more exercise. I have a damn grocery store across the street and two gyms downstairs for christs sake! Took one look right into iPhoto and said STOP BEING A LAZY WOMAN! Every single day that passes is a chance to make your life better, to start volunteering, to help a friend, to clean your room, to buy better groceries, to walk instead of transit, to hit the gym instead of the bar. You are the director of your movie, cast who you want to star in it and live out the script of your dreams. I’m drinking a smoothie, watching The IT Crowd on Netflix and cleaning my room AND when I stop for break I will be at the gym. Enjoy the day! Do something amazing 🙂 Love, Casie xo P.S. Got a beauty rose tattoo beside the ship on my arm yesterday. I know I’ve not really shown many photos but I’m planning to shoot some real nice ones when they’re all healed up & looking bright!

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Anyone from Twitter YOU would like to meet?

Blogged before bed last night because I had to get up early and go to the office. Ok, I didn’t HAVE to go to an office but I decided to get my booty to Edelman’s Toronto office to meet David Armano their Global EVP from Chicago. I’ve been following @armano on Twitter for YEARS. Sometimes I get people saying they’ve followed me for ages and they’re excited when WE meet, this is one of those people for ME. the power of a post: social media with love I wrote a blog post about him on January 6, 2009 when I WITNESSED him raise money to help a friend who had fallen into an unfortunate situation. It was heart touching to watch as the donation meter on his blog post “Please help Daniella’s Family” went up and up. As I followed along, they raised $12K in 24HR! He’s a rad guy and today we get to meet in person. Today is going to be awesome 🙂 Make the most of it, you’re younger today than you will be again! James Dean reading poetry, 1955

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a slice of paradise in your own backyard

Had a lovely afternoon in the sun today. Picked up a new paid of Doc’s at the Dr. Martens Store (I’m the Mayor!). I gad a gift certificate from the team to get a any pair I saw at the Fall preview back in July. I got black polished laredo Serena’s, last size 6 they had. Lucky me!  Stopped by Quicksilver and got a pair of board shorts & a matching top for my surf trip to Costa Rica next week. So excited to surf. Visited the lovely  ladies at Get Outside  for a new pair of plain black Havaianas (trashed my old ones at the end of summer). Got may nails done on my way home. I love the hand massage you get. I wonder if I could just go in for hand massage? Is that weird? I’d say it was because I spend all day on the computer. Read my book in the balcony sun for a bit and am about to clean my room. Lauren is coming by before the My City Lives “That Night in Toronto” party and I’d like if my room didn’t look like hoarders. Hope you’re having an awesome day. Get some sun on your face! This is where we’re going tonight! Cheers to the Biz Media for making & My City Loves for sharing 🙂

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Emotion is an unlimited resource.

“Like power, you get Love by giving it”  Page 53 Been reading this book.  So many good quotes. It starts off with all these references to brands I’ve worked with and countless stories about New Zealand. I had to put it down a few pages in.  I was overwhelmed by coincidences. (They’re not coincidences.) I’ve been in Love with the Saatchi & Saatchi brand for a long time. They’re a Lovemark of mine. Thanks Shannon for the gift, I love it. “Love marks of the new century will be the brands and businesses that create emotional connections with the communities and networks they live in.” Page 60 “Keep it simple: set high standards andthen exceed them. Meet, Beat, Repeat.” Page 62 Marcus Troy posted this today. If you don’t know him he is a smart guys & lifestyle blogger who really gets personal branding. Read about him on LegendsLeague. Page is from the book “Be Great”. I bought it after reading a few pages.

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Redefinition: A re-definition can change the world.

This year’s TedX theme was Redefinition “A changing definition can be the most powerful force on Earth. A re-definition can change the world.”. Great job by the entire team. I left Friday feeling inspired, that we are the future and we are changing the world around us. Took some street style to see what the smart kids were wearing Friday at TedXToronto. Lots of babes in the house. When I say house I mean Royal Conservatory of Music, Telus Centre. Awesome work by the organizing team  (below). See the guy on the far right? Co-Chair Ryan Merkley and I served as founding members of the Youth Advisory Committee Council in Cambridge 10+ years ago. I was Director of Public Relations, he was Chair. We governed youth issues that affected Cambridge youth with the City Council. That was my first real experience with PR! Dr. Draw was amazing on the violin. Dancers were great too. Sep 23, 2011 | Source: Keek.com This performance was controlled by words used combined with the #tedxtoronto hashtag. VIP Loved this kid, Nicholas, 17 year old math whiz who’s invented a new way to micro search the web. Fascinating. Great talk by David Miller. Afterparty was at Steamwhistle! Lovely to hang out with my kiwi girl Kristen. O’Nizz and I love photobooth.

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Follow your heart, use your head.

Woke up feeling pretty inspired today. The chill in the air reminds me winter is around the corner but instead of being down, I though about all the time I’ll spend inside working on new ideas and projects. Winter is hibernation time. Lots of planning new ideas & projects for Spring/Summer.The Einstein photos is from the Incubus show I went to recently, Brandon on drum in the front.  Been trying to decide which Docs to get with a gift certificate I have and after seeing this girl, I think I’ve decided. Docs shoes for the win. Will be able to wear them all year and they look cute with socks/tights. Having a BBQ at Mum’s for dinner tonight. Super excited to see her. Sent her flowers yeaterday and the sound in her voice when she thanked me for them was absolutely priceless. When she was away for a year, there were so many times she didn’t have Skype so we weren’t able to chat. The fact that I can ring her at work now is something I cherish very much. Planning to escape north of the city on Sunday for a cottagey getaway. This week I learned something pretty cool. Did you know that filling out those annoying captchas actually is helping to digitize old books and newspapers. Check out this video when you have a few minutes. I love the internet. Thanks Sheldon & Dan for sharing on Google+. Sending out positive vibes and wishing you an awesome day 🙂

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Well I feel just like a child

[View the story “Happiness depends upon ourselves. Aristotle ” on Storify]

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we will all be history one day

[<a href=”http://storify.com/casiestewart/i-got-to-thinking-about-how-many-times-i-am-late-o” target=”blank”>View the story “I got to thinking about how many times I am late or tired from Blogging.” on Storify]</a>

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