TheTech | Business of YouTube: Buffer Festival Industry Day

There is no doubt that video is a powerful platform to connect with your audience. If you are a brand, blogger, or you want to be famous on the Internet, knowing how to work the YouTube machine is to your advantage. The key to this is to build a large follower base and have plenty of views on your videos. Luckily, you can buy these, just make sure you use the best site to buy youtube views otherwise you might fall to victim to one of the many scam sites out there. You might not like the idea of buying views and followers but it has been proven to lead to their authentic counterpart, and many people have chosen this path to the top. There are plenty of alternatives to Youtube you can also use. I had the opportunity to travel to Thailand last year with some of Canada’s top YouTubers and it was a learning experience. There’s a real science to cracking the YouTube code and the more you know, well, the better you’ll be! I’ve partnered w/ the CFC to let you know about Buffer Festival Industry Day on October 16th. The one day event is not a YouTube fan event, but rather a chance to soak up information about the business of YouTube from some of the top YouTubers in the world. YouTube is the 2nd biggest search engine (to Google) and 1 out of EVERY 2 internet users visits YouTube. Innovation is key to relevancy in our ever changing internet world, so if YouTube is on your radar you don’t wanna miss this. About Buffer Festival Industry Day: This one-day conference is for industry professionals looking to optimize YouTube as a content and talent development platform and a marketing and distribution channel. It provides a unique…

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Saw this from Gary Vaynerchuk earlier today and just thought I would INFORM YOU. HUGE pet peeve on Twitter is people who RT everything nice someone says about them. It’s not necessary! It’s bad party form. You wouldn’t do that in real life so, don’t do it on the internet! * BTW thinking about cutting my hair like this again?  To be honest though, I fav all the nice things people say about me, great for uplifting spirits on a bad day or reminding yourself just how awesome you are! Fav is different than ReTweeting though. WHAT IS A BIRDY BRAG? READ THIS: BE HUMAN, PEOPLE! <3 CASIE buy propecia without prescription buy prozac without prescription buy sildenafil without prescription buy tadalafil without prescription

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so what i’m crazy, that leaves me with all the freedom

“People will laugh at you because you’re different. You will laugh at them because they’re all the same.” This quote came in a Twitter post by an experienced blogger I follow on Twitter named John Chow. People have always said “You’re crazy” or as I dance by myself in the middle of the dance floor with my arms over my head “That’s Casie, she’s crazy“.   For a while I thought, “Oh no, they think I’m crazy” but that was followed by thinking, “no, you are just different and they are all the same.” (Yes, I have had this conversation with myself more than once.) I would rather be seen as crazy, than ordinary any day.     As soon as someone says you are crazy, they really give you the power and freedom of expression to do whatever you want. You can transcend all boundaries of what people consider normal because they already know you’re ‘out there’.   This motivates me. Buy Propecia without prescription Buy Sildenafil without prescription Buy Trazodone without prescription Buy Zithromax without prescription

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I wish I could share posts to other sites like Facebook, Twitter, tumblr, Pinterest. Remember when it first came out? It has changed heaps. I think there’s potential. I use so many other Google products and have  thousands of photos from Picasa web albums that are now Google+ photos. We shall see… follow me Buy flomax online Buy fluoxetine online buy lasix online buy nexium online

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Believe it: essence & the Justin Bieber World Tour

A week ago I was in Brooklyn, NY on a press junket with the 2013 Justin Bieber tour sponsor essence cosmetics. It was awesome. I got TO MEET JUSTIN BIEBER. (I’m sure you saw or knew when I was there because I could not simply help myself from documenting the entire thing!) He was very… mellow. The concert was really good though, he’s a great performer. I was swooning, actually. essence is  the #1 value cosmetics brand in the world and I started using their products about six months ago after receiving them at the Canadian launch. All the essence products can be found at Shoppers Drug Mart in Canada and range from $.99 to $4.99. There’s a new collection for fall that’s jam packed with great new items and colours. I’m in love with the new matt lip paint (the red I’ve been wearing recently) and the Extreme Lash mascara. There’s some rad new nail polish colours which are great because they dry really fast. Look at Shoppers, you will see a massive rainbow. [View the story “BROOKLYN + BELIEVE TOUR #essenceJB” on Storify]

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Casie at Her Desk

I’ve been taking desky photos for years and today’s post is dedicated to two fun tumblr blogs by my internetty friends Kevin (@kevinjn) and Russ (@russless). Check out and for some animated fun of them, well, working. The video below is from four years ago when I worked in Liberty Village at a software company. That was fun. I used to take heaps of desky shots. It’s a fun time capsule, THE INTERNET! Hope the day is treating you well. Remember, you’ll never be younger than you are today so make the most of it! <3 CASIE

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Agility presents ‘Get Digital: Create Great Content’ at The Spoke Club

I’ve been invited to speak with some of my industry peers about creating great content in an upcoming session at The Spoke Club. The event is hosted by Toronto based Agility, they works with media companies and brands to help maximize the value of their online content. Their philosophy, “create great content, build your audience, make more money.” Now that,  is something I can stand behind! Read more about the event on the Agility blog. The event is free but you have to register! Visit this link and sign up. It’ll be a good discussion, trust me. <3 CASIE Share this event with your friends! Tweet

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Tech | Heart on for Social TV and Data Visualization

If you didn’t see this video on social TV from Twitter check it out. Pretty neat data visualization. I LOVE social TV. Something I’ve been really passionate about since working at a TV station a couple years ago. The magic of Twitter and TV fascinates me. I love real time communication, advertising, and interaction. I hope to work more in that space again one day. Last year at Banff World Media Festival, social TV was such a hot topic. Here’s my episode on Coral TV where I chat about upcoming trends, these are all relevant one year later! In other news, Vizify is a wicked way to visualize your social resume. Made this little ditty the other day. Cool eh! I made a movie of my twitter:… What do you think?  #Vizify — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) June 13, 2013   Almost the weekend! HUZZAHHHHHHH! WEEEEE. CASIE

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Don’t be late to the meme!

You know what I’m talking about. If your boss comes up to you says something about the ‘harlem shake’ you better it’hope it’s not about doing one, or you might as well Gangnam Style right out of the office. We posted a b-l-o-g at work written by Dylan about people coming late to the meme. It’s basically THE WORST thing you can do for your company, office, or brand. You risk being known as ‘behind the times’ forever. When it comes to memes, either get on that bus early or don’t get on at all. The viral video game is all about speed. Going “viral” is a funny thing. You can’t know if your video will ever go viral. You can’t plan for it to go viral. You can’t predict it will go viral. You can’t guarantee it will, or force it to go viral. The only thing you can ever really know about a viral video is that its popularity has faded. Eventually, everything viral dies. Goes six feet under. Kicks the bucket. Buys the farm. Read it here: A VIRAL DEATH. This is serious people. In other news, we found a new guitar in the library and I am making Sean play it for me. He hasn’t played much lately and his fingers are hurting but he is so good at it. True Lies Romance.  (Good movie though!) CASIE

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Your Fav Christmas Elf

Last day of work for the year is almost over. We had an office pizza party. Carli brought lil’ Fig, her dog into the office. Thanks Bacardi Canada for sending a present! The girls on my floor and I had a gift exchange, thanks for the goodies Kathleen. I can’t wait to sleep in tomorrow! Cheers to the weekend! Woo hoo. CASIE P.S Last at the Interaxon holiday party I used a MIND CONTROLLED BEEER TAP!

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Today is my three month anniversary at Community.

Took an iPhoto almost every day since September 14, 2012. I love working here. It blows my mind to see how my life has changed from starting this blog to this job. I feel like I’m just getting started.  Look out world here I come. Making dentist appointment next week!  Ha 🙂 HAPPY FRIDAY OMG! We have our FINAL Santa Baby show tonight at The Mod Club. Doors 9pm. Get there early. This is the hottest damn show this holiday season. You do not want to miss it. My Dad and his fiance are coming!  I’m heading to our office holiday party after the show. Seems every time there’s a work party I am in costume, remember Halloween?  I hope they are ready for my fake eyelashes! Huzzahhh! Have an awesome day! Love and light, CASIE

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In my opinion, we can live without Instagram.

I wrote about the new Twitter and changes to Instagram sharing on the company blog. Would love your comments there about all these changes to our fav photo sharing apps! Read it here.

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3D Printing Obsessed: Hot Pop Factory

Got this surprise in the mail the other day from Hot Pop Factory. 3D printing is growing in popularity and availability and I totally love it. There’s this one really neat photobooth where you can 3D print little action figures! Saw some 3D printing at the Wired Pop-Up shop in London, UK last week. [View the story “Hot Pop Factory Does 3D Printed Jewellery!” on Storify] Hot Pop Factory Does 3D Printed Jewellery! Storified by CASIE STEWART · Sun, Dec 09 2012 17:02:40 They are 3D printing in here wired. So many cool robots and stuff. @ Wired Pop-up Store STEWART 3D Printing At The @Wired Pop-up In #London Cool STEWART I have such a heart on for 3D printing. Santa?CASIE STEWART RT @Eve_Leung: So amazing – 3d printer in action @hotpopfactory POP Factory Beautiful jewellery made by @hotpopfactory with their incredibly cool 3D printer. Roney Hot Pop Factory – 3D Printed JewelryHot Pop Factory’s first collection of 3D Printed jewelry, Stratigraphia, uses emerging technologies to create intimate adornments for the…

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Whole Lot of Awesome in Five Minutes. #BestofWeb3 via @Zapatou

Just watched this. WHOA! There are 280 videos in 5 minutes. Great editing. Editing and Selection: Luc Bergeron @Zapatou, List 280 videos (Number in bottom right of each clip:

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Can I just make my Instagram my Facebook now?

Same, same. Same, same, same. Instagram, Facebook, Google+ Unified looks are here for social platforms and they have been changing right before your eyes. Lauren is hosting a chat about the crazy Twitter election exploding with memes and lighting the internet on fire. I’m going to be at Medieval Times eating with my hands and friends. But not friends hands. Cause that’s gross? Thanks CBC for showing this ad for Lita’s at Nasty Gal. Clearly targeting advertising correctly, I was wearing a pair when I saw this. NASTY GAL STOP TAUNTING ME. Just kidding. I love. Meme Chat w/ Lozzie – Thursday at 7 p.m. ET / 4 p.m. PT on CBC Your News Live Online w/ experts in web culture and politics. How to find my desk.… How to find my desk.… — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) November 7, 2012

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Today is My Day and I’ll Do What I Want

What I want and need to do is spend time at home, alone! I’ve been heaps busy the last few weeks and my room is Hoarders waiting to happen, the vaccum is calling my name, and I have things to blog. The sun is out and my music is blaring as I dance around the house giving it a makeover. Playlist: Modern Girls by Nicole Simone I hope you are doing something wonderful today and taking advantage of the beautiful rays beaming down from the sky! It’s the first sunny day in over a WEEK! VITAMIN D I MISSED YOU! You’ll never be younger than you are today, make the most of it. <3 CASIE

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Do You Pin or Tumble? iBoth.

I have 18 Pinterest boards and follow over 800 blogs on Tumblr. They are excellent ways to keep your mind fresh with ideas and inspire creativity. Last night I updated the cover photos on each of my Pinterest boards. I think they look so pretty now. Something I realllly love seeing is brands who use these well. They are great ways to visualize content and show creativity. I also blogged some style photos on my Tumblr, OH CASIE. I’ve had that thing for years. I love it. Some great high fashion, constant gifs, and weird wonderful things. I have about 10 tumblr blogs but I don’t update them all, yet. Since I started blogging in 2005 I’ve started and stopped SO MANY blogs. My fav one I still update here and there is borderline artistic on blogspot, my drawing blog. INNOVATE OR DIE. <3 CASIE

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Money Awesomeness + Best Apps to Manage Moolah

In my most recent episode of THIS on Coral, I teamed up with Shannon Lee Simmons, host of Money Awesomeness, to review the best personal finance apps to help you manage your money. You may also want to check out sites online for helpful advice regarding your personal finances, like this one – Check out her top picks and watch us have a bunch of laughs together. It’s so much fun doing shows with the other Coral hosts. A hoot I tell ya! Managing money isn’t easy, especially when it feels like you have tons of bills that need to be paid. Lots of folks often need tips to get your personal finances in order, as numerous people find themselves falling into debt because they can’t keep up with their expenses and the rise in the cost of living. Fear not, these apps and perhaps Credit Cards for No Credit can help you organize your finances whether you’re in debt or not. Listed Apps: Mint – iReconcile – Freshbooks – – See a review of Freshbooks here. Check out Shannon’s website for all kinds of tips on how to manage your finances. She really knows her stuff. Getting your finances in order lifts a HUGE burden, freeing your mind (and $$) to focus on other things. Whether it is choosing to fix your credit on your own or opting to speak to someone like a finance advisor, sorting out personal finances is really important, especially if this is an aspect in your life that causes a lot of stress. About seven years ago, I was on W Network show called Maxed Out and didn’t know how to manage money or debt. Getting my finances in order made a huge difference and I finally paid off school…

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THIS: Summer Tech Accessories & Apps

A brand new ep. of my show on Coral came out today. This week I’m sharing some of my fav gadgets for playing in the park and summer chilling. We had a big week for the channel passing 1,000 subscribers. Make sure you are one of them by visiting Things in the Show: House of Marley Headphones Belkin iPhone Charger Incipio OffGrid Battery Pack from Capsule Speaker from Multi device solar charger Rdio music streaming – Follow my tunes & playlists on

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You’re the next living leader of the world.

Inspired. I’m so into the narrative of this video. I’d love to write for something like this. I saw the Levi’s FW 2012 preview about a month ago at Burroughs, it was creative. Not your average fashion show. I want  that button down dress the babe with the fro has. I like that the campaign is GO FORTH.  Ford conference I was at last month and the new Ford campaign is GO FURTHER. Banff World Media had me repeating ‘innovate or die‘.  Notice a pattern here. Technology & innovation are changing everything, you can do anything now. ANYTHING. SHIFT IS HAPPENING. “You’re a queen, you’re a king, you’re the solo act in a sold out show at a six story stadium, and you’re proud, you’re a hero! You got a hero’s grip. Swingin’ by a single stitch. You follow your heart, follow the leader, you’re the leader.” Beatles Banditos just arrived in an email from Mr. Brainwash.  

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Underwater Blogging + Travel Tips + Friday Fun

Look what I can do! Underwater! Tweet, tweet, tweet! Last week on that underwater shoot for BravoFact everyone got photos in the pool. I  decided it was time to put my DryCase for iPhone to the test. Keys worked, camera worked, and my phone is 100% fine post pool. I mention the DryCase on my show this week. In this week’s episode of THIS on Coral TV, I share with you some of my fav gadgets for travelling. I don’t mind being stuck in an airport as long as I have power so the Incipio case sent me is a savior. It’s super thin and priced at $24.99 is a great buy. [View the story “Coral TV – Women’s Lifestyle Channel” on Storify] Coral TV – Women’s Lifestyle Channel Some tweets from peeps about our YouTube Channel, Coral. Subscribe at Storified by CASIE STEWART · Fri, Aug 10 2012 11:51:58 RT @CoralTV: Ever drop your phone in h2o? @casiestewart has a solution thanks to @dry_case – check it out on today’s ep of THIS – Case * I reallllllly tested this Dry Case on a shoot last week and it really works. I can’t wait for my next surfing trip to tweet from my board and listen to music while I surf. Go paperless when you travel with the @TripIt App! See how @casiestewart uses it in the latest episode of THIS – Thanks for the kind words! Love the people are enjoying my vids. I’m getting better at producing, it takes practice! @casiestewart You’re just too cute!! Love the @CoralTV Videos.Trina Stewart @CoralTV @casiestewart @ShannonLitt she is full of energy 🙂 love itCamMi Pham Domestic Geek @SaraLynnCauchon on @CoralTV is featured on @youtube with her amazing dishwasher tricks. Check it out Redmond I liked…

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Bot & Sold on Twitter (RE: Article from @FastCompany)

A couple of times over the last few years a photo of me has been used as a Twitter bot. I didn’t think much of it. I figured there was nothing I can do other than report for spam.  To be honest, my first thought was “you’ve made it” then it happened over a handful of times and it was kinda unsettling. Have I been targeted? What is going on here and why does this keep happening? Yesterday, Keri sent me this article from FastCompany  “Who’s That Woman In The Twitter Bot Profile? by Jason Feifer. I got a couple Tweets about it too. @casiestewart remember how there was a twitter bot of your Sunshine girl pic? Seems like you weren’t the only one! — Breanna Hughes (@unbrelievable) August 9, 2012 They’re sometimes called “bimbots”–the army of Twitter bots with pretty profile pictures. Who are the women pictured in those photos? This is the story of the quest to find out.” Omg, it’s a thing. I read on… “After dozens of searches, a pattern emerged: Most bot photos had a long digital tail, having been posted on dozens of sketchy porn sites or blogs devoted to the barely legal. Occasionally, I’d be able to track a photo back to what seemed like an original source–like when a bot’s photo showed up alongside many others of the same woman, all posted to the fratboy site Barstool Sports. The site claimed her name is Aurora. But when I reached out, as was always the case, nobody cared to explain where the photos came from. …I tracked two bots back to the 2009 SUNshine Girls calendar, a lingerie showcase produced by the Toronto Sun. (I guess newspapers have to make money somehow.) The calendar only offered the models’ first names, and the paper’s photo…

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TGIF: THIS on @CoralTV, @SummerWorks blog, @DigitalJournal

FRIDAY ILU! Exciting week and lot of fun things coming up the next few days. Olympics start today. Shooting with amazing photographer Steve Carty tomorrow. Sunday is Beerfest. Monday shooting more episodes of THIS on CoralTV. We”re now over 800 subscribers. Woo hoo. Please subscribe! Latest episode of THIS: The Hot Internet Show Most Recent Post on the SummerWorks Blog: WONDERMART, A JOURNEY IN AUDIO BY SILVIA MERCURIALI Most Recent Feature in Digital Journal: Special report featuring ME! Ok, must run. I’m late for a lunch meeting. Back home to watch Olympics this afternoon! HUZZAHHHHH! TGIF FTW!

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EXPLORE LIKE A HERO. #thefutureisours #innovateordie

I’m passionate about innovation. It’s what is driving us forward and building the future. Last week at Ford’s Go Further conference, innovation came up in every talk about technology, design, sustainability. At Banff World Media two weeks before, I introduced you to the concept INNOVATE OR DIE on my show. If you are not constantly innovating your business, yourself, your thoughts, you will be left behind. The title of my recent interview in TechVibes was ‘Survival of the Fittest’, you gotta focus on making yourself better. Watch this video. You will be inspired: We are living in an extraordinary time, ’embrace your inner trouble maker’. Let’s build a better future. NEVER STOP DREAMING. The Future is Ours from Michael Marantz My favorite line is ‘intellectually seductive’. That’s what I wanna be. I wanna stimulate your brain and make you think. I want to get your mind all riled up and excited. Cause movement in your corpus. Get your central nervous system going. Thank you kindly to Julian Shenoy for tweeting me this. It was the first message I saw this morning and an AWESOME way to start the day. @casiestewart “The Future Is Ours” PSA For Innovation… — Julian Shenoy(@JulianxBrand) July 1, 2012 I’m heading up to Sean’s cottage in Muskoka then to the park to see the Tragically Hip with some of my best friends. I’m so CANADIAN! I can’t WAIT! HAPPY CANADA DAY! MY NAME IS CASIE AND I. AM. CANADIAN!

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“You kids waste so much time on that there Facebook.” Yeah GenY, THE INTERNET & entrepreneurs FTW! I predict $130,692,179,852 as the Facebook IPO day closing valuation — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) May 17, 2012 German news gives FB thumbs up! I’ll update this if something mind blowing happens like Facebook breaks the internet or the stock market crashes.

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Trumped For The Very First Time

Had my first visit to the Toronto Trump Hotel in February and in honor of the Trump family cutting the ribbon for it’s official opening this week, heres a few photos from the Veet Pink Carpet event. There was a performance by Lights, decadent hors d’oeuvres, pink desserts, champagne, and an Old Hollywood setting complete with Ms. Monroe. They had stylists on-hand for makeup and hair too. It was fun. Before makeup w/ the lovely Catriona. Love this Wes Anderson inspired photoshoot she posted.  Especially this photo. I foresee this in/as my future. So cute.  🙂 Ok aaaaaaand back to the event, Lights! Sheena! Last time I saw her we were at YD Square hosting that super fun bouncy castle event with Koodonation. Do you know what “microvolunteering” is? For my work that day Telus & Koodonation donated $20,000 to my chosen charity, Moving Windmills. A project that supports Malawian-run rural economic development by building windmills. Told that story a little bit here: Social Change Through the Social Web. Marilyn! I SO want to wear this outfit. My sister does an awesome throw back laugh light this.  HAHA. Love to see anyone laugh, even me! Listening/watching this episode of Behind the Brand with Brian Solis. I’ve told you about everyone before. Did you know Pinterst is three years old? Bet you didn’t. I almost feel like I shouldn’t blog this but most of you wont even watch it. Digital Darwinism my friends. Ok now, rushing to throw on heels, hat, jacket and make it to an event. Gonna get an Uber to pick me up! <3 CASIE

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