Millennials: Getting the right mix of financial advice

I never thought I’d be in an article about having good finances, let alone millennials and good financial advice.. It seemed impossible back when I graduated from collegge and uni, faced with debt from school, and every major credit card. I moved back from Australia and was BROKE. I had mounting debt and wasn’t making nearly enough money. I was on this show called Maxed Out (now on the Oprah Network!) where I confronted my debt with a financial advisor and through that experience, got a better paying job. If you don’t think you’ll get a spot on a show so you’re able to tackle your financial issues head-on, instead just get in touch with a service like Traverse City wealth management firm so you’re able to fix your finances. The host thought me making a living by being ‘Casie Stewart’ was a total joke and nearly impossible since I didn’t come from money. She compared me to Paris Hilton and I officially launched my website at the end of the show. I had been writing THIS IS MY LIFE at blogspot but finally went to my own url. This week, an article that I consulted on recently came out with a study from TD bank. It quotes me and was published on PR Newswire, Yahoo Finance and some other places. This is my real story and my actual serious advice is if you are having money worries, no matter how broke you are, it is helpful to see someone who can get you on the right track. I’m 31 and debt free now! When looking into loans and finance advisers, you’ll need to do your research and learn to understand the alternative lenders and options you have. I have also learned a lot about managing money and utility…

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Rewrite Your Own Destiny

I still have all my Barbies and their clothes, the accessories, cars, living rooms set, pool furniture, and more. While I don’t usually write about things for kids, Mattel always thinks of me when there is something they think I’ll like. Thanks guys! I recently got sent these two lovely Ever After High dolls, Meet Apple White (Snow White’s daughter) and Raven Queen (the Evil Queen’s daughter). The line is based upon  characters from fairy tales and fantasy stories.  They each come with inspirational little stories, clothes, and there’s a whole online component at  My BF’s daughter is five and she was so happy when I let her open them. In the story, the school gets divided in ‘Royals or Rebels’ which is between those who know they will have a happily ever after, those with less favourable destinies, or those who prefer the idea of writing their own destiny. Writing your own destiny is 100% my vote! The package arrived with this little locket inscribed “rewrite your own destiny”. This product may be for kids but the message is something that lasts a lifetime. The team at Mattel said they thought of me when learning about this new brand. I’m writing my own destiny each day, found something I love and made my dream a reality. Go out there and follow your dreams people! <3 CASIE   buy Bactroban cream no prescription buy bupropion no prescription buy cipro no prescription

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HTC One Guest Post by Vanessa Grillone

What do you value in life or in a job? What do you want for your future? What are your goals? I’ve been trying to answer these questions as clearly as I possibly can without being influenced by others. I’m finding it tougher to be authentic in my twenties, than I did when I was younger. Your mid-twenties come with a lot of second-guessing, a lot of doubt, and many many questions. With the constant use of social media comes the pressure to conform, which is why I follow blogs that feel authentic. Blogs that aren’t solely about every single product said blogger uses. Seeing them hang their individuality proudly makes me want to be authentic, online and in person and every other way possible. That’s a huge factor in my love for You can tell that Casie doesn’t blog for the sake of blogging, she writes about things she likes and ALWAYS aims to inspire her readers to have a better day, to have a more positive outlook on life, and to LOVE their lives. She has a style all her own and an authenticity about her that shines through the screen. I can’t tell you how amazing it is to be writing on THIS IS MY LIFE. This blog has inspired me in so many ways and has lifted my spirits on even my worst mornings. I’ve been lucky enough to meet Casie and was thrilled to see that her online personality is one in the same with the woman that stood before me. I always find it interesting to attend events, meeting your Internet friends in person is quite a nerve-wracking experience. Am I the same person that they interact with online? I get a little anxious when they ask what I’m into, what I’m doing…

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Sometimes a dream looks like a meatpie, but it’s more than that.

There’s something to be said about following your dreams… I’ve always been a dreamer, always been a little ‘out there’. Someone with big ideas who looked at the world like I could go anywhere, achieve anything. To the moon Alice! The moon isn’t as far away as it used to be and it’s easier to get there if you know how. Today I had a dream. A small dream to some, but to me it was one I had been dreaming about for a long time. It was important to me. The small dream is part of a bigger dream. It’s all the small dreams along the way that helped the big dream come true. My dream was to have an English meat pie. It was part of the bigger dream of going to England that I have had since I was a teenager. [View the story “Meat Pie Dreams” on Storify] Meat Pie Dreams Storified by CASIE STEWART · Tue, Dec 04 2012 15:50:04 I walked a ways to get a meat pie cause the one location was sold out then when I got home realized it was a BUTTER TART. WHAAAHHH. #londonCASIE STEWART All I want for Christmas is a mince meat pie. With potato on top. Love, Casie<3CASIE STEWART That’s the thing, you have to dream a little dream, and set goals, and work at them every singe day. Your thoughts become things and the more positive thoughts you throw at those things, the more real the dream becomes. Then, one day you’re sitting on a king size bed, draped in a white fluffy, hotel robe, in your deluxe suite at Le Meridian Picadilly in London, England, FINALLY eating that god damn English meat pie you have SO been dreaming about. It’s that very moment you smile…

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Dream Come True: On Stage with The National Ballet

At the age of three I started ballet. I danced at Meyerhofer Academy in Cambridge lead by Miss Lisa for ten years. I learned so many things from that woman. To this day Mum says I remind her of Miss Lisa. My first recital was at Humanities Theatre in Waterloo when I was five, I was a fluffy cloud in our annual recital. This photo & costume are from in my first Solo as “The Clown”. Mum made this entire costume out of a beautiful fabric and we still have it at home. After five I began competition which sometimes took me out of school to travel with the other kids. I went to NY and Myrtle Beach, SC to Showstopper, the National American Dance Championships and did heaps of competitions in Ontario. I was at the studio several days a week for most of my childhood. I guess that’s where my love for the stage & sequins comes from. (Thanks for that too Mum!) I’m extremely grateful that Mum kept me in dance even though we had some tough times. I learned heaps from growing up in dance. Tonight, I will be backstage, in costume and part of a show that as a child, I only dreamed of. The National Ballet of Canada’s The Nutcracker is Toronto’s favourite holiday tradition and this year the  Ballet celebrates 60 years. With over 340 performances and 814,635 people enjoying it since 1995, the National Ballet’s The Nutcracker has been hailed “the best on the planet”. Thank you kindly to the National Ballet of Canada for asking me to be part of The Nutcracker. Mum and her BF are coming from out of town to see tonight’s performance. It truly is a dream come true! Sammy and I will be Cannon Dolls and look a little something like this: Here’s a sneak peek from backstage…

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Speaking | SociaLIGHT

Social what? There’s a new buzz word created every :02 seconds but ‘socialight’ is one I wasn’t really familia with. Socialite, yes. I’ve been a social person my whole life and I also like working hard and doing nice things for others. When I was introduced to the SociaLIGHT conference, I smiled knowing there’s gonna be lots of like minded people in a room together. I’m speaking on a panel this weekend at MTCC for the Socialight Conference. It’s a one day event for entrepreneurs & small business people from across Canada. Never heard of it? No problem! This vid will give you the low down in < :60 seconds. Did you know that “Last November, more than 100 countries celebrated Global Entrepreneurship Week and now 2011 has been recognized as the Year of the Entrepreneur in Canada.”  Learned that and some other smart facts from the Canadian Guv’s Biz dept. I’ve had an entrepreneurial fire burnin’ for years. In 1996 I won Young Entrepreneur of Cambridge for a publishing company I co-founded. Being on a panel at MTCC is totally checking something of a list for me. I’ve been going there & seeing speakers since I was a kid. Check out the other great speakers here. This past summer I hosted the Bench room during BHD Suites Gifting Lounge on MMVA weekend (here, here & here). The lovely peeps at Bench asked me if I have any upcoming events they could dress me for.  I mentioned the SociaLIGHT conference and today I had a shopping party for one at the Eaton Centre! Say hello to the Bench store babes who assisted me in picking a bunch of gear. Thanks girls! We were looking for two full outfits and I was leaning towards non-sporty or too branded. Thanks Bench Canada for a fun time and new digs. This is what I tried on: I…

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Her life was her movie. Yours can be is yours.

Seeing ‘My Week with Marilyn’ tonight. Looking forward to Michelle Williams as her, I like them both. Thanks to AMy @ Alliance Films for the tix. Her life is a love story (Marilyn). It’s like a love story with her life and herself with herself and everyone else who plays a role. If you think about life like that you might  will  be more interesting. You’ll have more experiences too. On the plane home from Costa Rica I watched Jim Carey’s Poppers Penguins and Rise of the Planet of the Apes. I love Jim Carey, not so into animal/kid movies but it was cute. Apes was good, I liked it. Cool SF scenes, Franco is a babe and the apes were cool. After a week in the jungle with real monkeys it was perfect to watch that movie.  Catching up on the Y&R before I go to bed. It’s nice to be home. This little monkey is back in the concrete jungle … My life is my movie and, you’re in it! Thank you ♥   It’s nice to be home but I want to go away again!

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a world of pure imagination with willy, kelly, mila

Hello Willy Wonka. Wanna go to the chocolate factory? Yes please. Take me there… I love this style.

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stand closer to the (star) light.

Big props & love to Think Tank Management for putting the party together last night. It was a blast. Lady Starlight is a beauty inside & out. She said “omg you’re so cute” soon as we met. I hoped that would happen. We got to chat & party. Amazing energy. Starlight darling, please say hi to Gaga for me. Love you both.

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a good team is a family, a family is a team – Kyle Benjamin

Dad loves racing so to be working with a race car driver is pretty neat. Especially an epic, race winning child prodigy one. Sky & I were twerkin’ hard in the office aka the rig. She is 11. We were tweeting our hearts out during the bike race portion. She is a riot.  RA RA RIOT. I was telling Kyle how he’s gonna have ladies all ova’ him. He’s so dang cute. Any of you out there 13ish? He’s single. Gettin’ ready. Talladega styles. Race time. Team #71. Was a totally crazy race. Started with 25 drivers, finished with 16ish. About 20 cautions, three ambo’s. This one went straight to hospital, back injury. Hope you’re ok man. Waiting for the track to be cleared then take a few laps to warm up the tires. (Get’s easily distracted) HAHAHAHAHAHHA. What a winner this stud. Kyle took 3rd. Nice one buddy! Kyle loves Gatorade. (wink wink nudge nudge) Sky, you are the cutest ever. Check those tire marks from racers bumpin’ him. Bump & grind fo’ realz His shirt was actually soaking wet. We were laughing. Dang hot drivin’ them cars. (Clearly I’ve been in the South, I’m typing with an accent.) Impressed with how well spoken you are Kyle. Nice twerk. Good interview. Night was fun. Brekky & travel home tomorrow. I miss my own bed. I like being away but I love coming home. Next trip is Boston in July. Next week is busy with NXNE (music & interactive), MMVAs & more. Gonna be real fun. Have an awesome day 🙂

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This afternoon I’m heading back to Centennial College with my (digital) brother Andrew Stewart. We’re chatting a PR & Digital Media class about social media and our lives. I love this city! Andrew works at Strategic Objectives PR and is going to discuss social media from an agency perspective. He was the brains behind the NYE weekend in Montreal this past December. I’ll be speaking about how I built up a big following, grew my network and turned something I truly love into my job, living an exciting, positive life! I walk on glitter BTW. Reckon imma plank in the classroom. I bet they will think it’s funny. Maybe we can group plank? That would be way cool. Yeah I said ‘way cool’ dude. Ok ttys. Love you.

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Guest post from my Bahama Mama

A few photos to enjoy. Deans Blue Hole opens opens up into a vast 4,000-foot-deep underwater cavern ranking it as the largest yet discovered in the world.  The platform in the middle has two divers on it who practice free diving twice a day. The world record for free diving in the blue hole is held by a guy from New Zealand. Love to all xoxo Thanks for sharing Mum. It looks SO very beautiful. I wish I was there with you! How long is your hair now Mum? You look super cute as always. Miss you <3

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hey there school girl

Leather jacket, sweet ride. I rarely ever take TTC. I noticed that today. I pretty much walk everywhere. I stay in my neighbourhood heaps. I need to tune up my bike. Anyone have a hook up? I have a varity of talents for barter. Seeing a pack of cops will forever remind me of the G20. Google “casie stewart riot girl“. I hope I never have to be in a situation like that again. Running through the streets soaking wet, people were being detained and arrested, cops everywhere in riot gear, riots. No,  thank you. Last time I was here I was in American Pie Beta House. I like this campus. It’s really pretty and old. I walked home after. It was pretty warm out. You are beautiful Jessica. sunshine | motorola milestone | me to we beaded heart | capezio cowboy boots | steve madded dress (raymi) | nella bella change purse | motorola milestone telus | jean jacket, queen west clothing swap | jessica’s scarf (she has mine) | rabbit fur, ruby NZ | leather jacket | smile ipad | moleskine style bamboo dodo case | croissant | americano this view is very creepy to me. haha. hey there jessica and some speakers. one guy looks like he’s late, eh? It was really fun talking to all the students and other speakers at U of T Mississauga. Thanks for having me. Remember kids, BE AWESOME, and follow me on twitter. Today I am at Centennial College in the morning and St. Lawrence Market for St. Patty’s day in the arvo. Kinda feel super busy but then I think I would be bored if it was any other way.  I so often wish I didnt have to sleep so I could work on stuff all the time.  Things are…

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never stop fighting.

Hello friends! Feels kinda Springy today, not that I’ve been outside or anything. Erin Leydon shot this of me in the summer. Amazing how the change in time, season, daylight really effects us humans. Oh science, you. CONFETTI! I have a confetti popper in my room and I so bady wanna pop it off the balcony one of these days. I will. Has to be sunny & a little windy to get what I’m looking for. Maybe I’ll save it for summer. I feel it getting closer… These photos are from tumblr, have you checked it before? It’s called OH CASIE and it’s mostly photos of pretty girls and stuff > I felt like a little Gwen today. I love her. I have all the Harajuku Girl parfums. I totally adored when she used to parade around with these harajuku babes. I’d love to do that too, naturally. Her outfits make me so happy, SUPA KAWAII. And these two, where do we even start, Gavin, such a babe. This hair makes me happy. Mine is growing on the top, slowly. I would so get extentions so I could have Gewn hair. So great. Remember waaaaaaaay back in like 2009 when I was obsessed with Aggy? I wrote about Aggy Style, her singing, and this one time she was all bruised up. Clearly I have a think for blondes with hair like me, haha. Haven’t seen her around much anymore. Wonder if she is still doing runway? She’s cute as ever still. Caught this recent snapshop on tumblr too. The Puma video is finshed and should be uploaded to their youtube anytime. JapanQuakeTO is coming together also. The site for that should be live later this afternoon.  I’ll share it all when it’s ready. Hope you have an awesome day!…

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i’m on tv today. does anyone even watch rogers daytime?

Today I’m on Rogers Daytime (again, HA!) for the Love a Heart Auction for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. Show is on at 10am & 3pm. The auction is tonight and it’s gonna be hilariously fun/awesome. The whole group of 20 that are being auctioned off are a hoot; they’re are good looking with a sense of humor. What more can you ask for? Not much. The peeps being featured on ‘daytime’ today are Brock McLaughin and I along with Ally & Shannon who are running the auction/event. Babe #1 Babe #2 I’m stoked to have been chosen, mostly because I’ve wanted to be in an auction since Saved By the Bell/90210. I’m wearing a gorgeous dress made by Kingi at Peach Berserk JUST for this event.  Ah, celebrity…..I kid I kid. Did you know that the Peach Pit (aka Peach Berserk) makes custom dresses AND wicked custom prints. You can print a silk with your name/face and make a whole outfit. Not even joking.  I am so in love with the shop (hence why I always tell you about it!). Honestly though, I hope one of you reading this thinks “I wanna go on a date with Casie Stewart, I’m gonna make a bid“.  I’m super fun to hang out with, you can ask around. Srsly. Oooh BTW, you can also win a bag from Nella Bella and some other stuff. I think there will be lots of babes there. Valentine anyone? If you bid on me and you win, I will put your name on my arm for the night. P.S. I was mentioned on yesterday, that huge business site for business people and such. You better BELIEBE that they said “social media elite”. This week is social media week but it feels like social ME week! (Ok, that’s…

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i believe i can change the world. i will.

you can too.

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you are as young as you will ever be

I feel so lucky. I have really awesome friends around me. I feel young and like I can take on the world. I can. You can. Yes we can. The last couple days have really been some of the best. I have spent heaps of time with people I really care about. Enjoyed the sun. Splashed in water. Had BBQ. Danced in the street. Someone special made me dinner. Got a tan. Phone chats with old friends. Soft kisses. Poetry writing. Photo diary. New office space (with windows!). Time alone. Pretty dresses. Rainbows. Sweet dreams. The summer has only begun and I don’t ever want it to end. Thank you everyone around me for inspiring me to share the light you give. * Side note, help me share MORE awesomeness (fun & positivity) by voting for me in to be the Virgin America Provocateur. It’s not a job it’s more of like being ‘the person’ who throws parties and gets people excited about the brand, the ambassador. I really think I’d be awesome at it! VOTE HERE. It’s super easy & takes 2 seconds.

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mashable social media day :: toronto

I like social and media. And I like talking. Pix frm the event are here via Kevin Chung. Here’s my talk, I hope you enjoy it. Casie Stewart (@casiestewart) at #SMdayTO from Ron Wolf I like talking about how many awesome people I have met through twitter. How I got a job because I really loved the internet, being social and sharing creativity all over the place. I like landscape photos better than portrait. I like when the sun shines through the clouds and you can see it coming right at you. I like writing the stories as they happen and living out all kinda of adventures. I like being positive, it’s really the best medicine you can give yourself. I’ve always liked to write. In 1996 my friend Holly and I, with the help of our Mum’s publihed and anthology of poetry & prose called JEANS. It was all kinds of things we had written in Grade. 8. I wanna publish a new book. I have hundreds written verse and such just dying to have your eyes. Words all wanting attention. I’ve decided to hire and intern, I need some help with the stuff. Looking for someone unique, someone kinda like me to be honest; loves internet, learning, sharing, twitter, hard work, fun. There’s always skill involved but the things that really matter most are not learned in class. What I think (1996) I’d like to do more public speaking. I like it and I’m just getting started. I won in a speech competition about a hundred years ago when I was younger. This one time, in drama class, I read my whole speech with my back facing the audience, it was the speech you tell youself before you go on stage. The two minute “you can do…

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i have been in love with her for 365 outfits

Ever since I first saw her last year, I was in love. This little Sheena from NY has great style and likes to do nice things like raise money for kids to go to school. She wore the same dress (7 dresses/same style) for 355 days and has 10 days to go. I’ve been secretly, or not so secretly in love with her the whole time. Check ‘er out. Uniform Project Picture Book from The Uniform Project on Vimeo. Remember May 1st 2009? And the days since? Sheena’s yearlong journey is now coming to a close. Through the high times and low, holidays, birthdays, and trips abroad, there’s been one constant… or actually two. This is the story of a girl and her little black dress.

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Imaginary Like a Unicorn

I found these glasses the other day, they’re mine from years ago. Popped the sunnies part out so they’re just frames now. Better for pictures than real life. Glasses are fun. I have so many in my collection! Have been collecting since those amazing neon Harvey’s glasses in the 80’s. My drawer of frames is constantly rotating, new ones, broken, traded, vintage, lens free.  I’ve had so many hairstyles/colours over the years, pink, purple, blue, red, brown, black. Haven’t had a rainbow yet, maybe this summer? I love changing my look, short hair is the best.  This is one of my favourite pictures,  I love it for the colours the unicorn puking a rainbow. A glorious thing really. I’ve fantasized about having a tattoo like it. I wear this special pin on my jacket most the time, a rainbow a unicorn and star. I always say it represents my life. A joke, but kinda serious… Rainbow: rain, sunshine, bright, special, happy, love, better when shared, spectrum, angles, reflection. Unicorn: unreal, imaginary, strong, flying… read so much unicorn crap in the Wiki. Star:  shines, goals, the sky, dreams and stuff Ooh, I saw this today and omgaga reeeeallly want an iPad. Universe, can you hear me? I believe in you! GAWD, it looks nice, Tweetdeck on ipad. Just imagine… I’ve never known a better reason to get a mac. I wasn’t turned by iPhone but this baby makes a little kitten purrrrr. Meow!  

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i’d like to introduce you guys to some peeps

Oh hi. It’s me Casie. In case you ever wondered, my blog, This is My Life, started out as a way to keep more memories one  sunny April day in 2006. This b-b-baby has been a best friend, therapy, and a great platform for me to get closer to the dreams I’ve always had. I love it dearly. Tomorrow evening I’m doing a seminar about blogging with some people I’ve met and been inspired by over the last little while. You may not know them, the same way you know me, so I’m introducing you. There’s still a couple tickets left so go get one here and come meet me & them IRL. I met Carly last year through the internet, then IRL at a music thingy. Along with being cute and a good friend, she’s really talented. She is a Talent Agent representing principal actors in film, TV and voice.  In Jan 2010, her agency,  Fairlie Agency launched the New Media division and the Toronto Blog Stars group.   Carly has over 15 years experience in the entertainment industry, both on camera and behind the scenes. You’ll get to meet her if coming on Thursday. You may know Raymi from her blog or me mentioning her  (if you don’t, I’m a little surprised). She’s been blogging since 2000 and was the first daily blogger I knew; She was cool and from Toronto like me. I immediately added her as a friend on Facebook based on this alone. About a year later, we met IRL. She writes about her life and gives you a really close view of it. She became famous on the internet by blogging and has a unique style that’s won her heaps of awards.  Her videos also get heaps of attention ex: I met Sean Ward when…

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WWKCD: What would Kelly Cutrone do?

I watch more then I listen, but I dig the Gossip Girl style. Always dressed up, classy. I started K.C’s book today. Gonna read a little more before bed. I’m about twenty pages and into it. Her attitude is totally refreshing. She doesn’t put up with whiny, negative, bitchy, complainers, and she knows what she’s doing because she worked at it. I find her to be quite admirable and I’m looking forward to seeing her IRL. I love this: “Because, if you’re the kind of person who senses there’s something out there beyond whatever it is you’re expected to do- if you want to be extra-ordinary- you will not get there by hanging around a bunch of people who tell you you’re not extraordinary. … We have a saying in New York: when you’re the most happening person at the party, it’s time to leave.” – Kelly Cutrone, If You have to Cry, Go Outside       She grew up in a small town and always wanted the city. It’s inspiring to learn about people that do the kinda things you like doing. I’m glad I got her book today, I was due for a new one since that bee sting book before last Fall. I like reading. I read more books in the summer, winter is online time. I like to bike somewhere  with my book and lay under a tree,  on a park bench in the sun. Did you know Kelly Cutrone used to read tarot cards  AND married Andy Warhol’s protégé, Ronnie Cutrone at 21? She has worked with the best fashion designers and heaps of interesting creative peeps. ELLE wrote about her here and asked a bunch of questions. This is my favorite Q/A: On witchcraft: “A lot of people think I’m a Wiccan. I’m…

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sounds about right little rebel, let it loud

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friday the 13th: me = highly excitable

I have always had this thing about threes. I make a conscious effort not to do things in threes, I stick to two and four when I notice. I used to be much worse but I’ve gotten over it a bit now. Earlier this year I got a tattoo I wanted for years. In order to change my negative thoughts about 3 or 13, I booked my much wanted tattoo on Friday the 13th. Now, I have a positive outlook every time one of those lucky days rolls around. This is me laughing at a Tweet re: a new word I learned – Twoosh. It’s when your Tweet is exactly the max allowed 140 characters. Twooshbag is when you do it alot-lot. Twitter is really fun. If you like fun, you should join and follow me so we can laugh together. Twilight New Moon cast members are at Much today for MOD. They’re got barriers set up and the crowd is gonna be huge. I’ve never seen the movie/read the books but the fact that people go ape shit over it is  pretty exciting. There’s people lined up and it’s not even 10am. I love working here. Happy Friday the 13th. Go do something that scares you.

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if a blog falls in the forest does anybody read it?

It’s almost Friday, already. I’m nervous and excited. November is Sunday and since September I’ve moved up almost 15 floors, got a new job and have a happy heart .  I stuck to my goals and keep my thoughts positive. I have a really good idea for Nuit Blanche next year and it’s beautiful in my mind. I’ve been dreaming of an iphone. I’m nervous and excited about everything. My skin tingles through my veins. photo by lee dale

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why is it always so hard to remember them

I had a really interesting dream last night. I moved to this house in Montreal. It was huge. I shared a really big room with a friend but it wasn’t small it was really big. It had it’s own bathroom. There were lots of things around the house from the people who  lived there before.  Maybe they still lived there. The house was really old too. There were a bunch of people that lived there. Madison Mitchell lived there and I saw her in action. There was a trap door under the floor near my bed that had a room with four bunk beds.  I had so much closet space to put all my clothes that I wanted more and more. The house was near a ski hill and it was winter. I wish I had that much closet space, today is closet organizing day.New rack will be delivered in about an hour.  The goal is all clothes have a home. Good luck to me.

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acting like a macro, tasks in sequence

Do you ever feel like the day is just passing by, slowly? You are going through the motions yet not really taking anything in? You smile, think, laugh even, yet you feel little to no emotion. You are not excited. You are floating and acting like a macro doing the same tasks in sequence as if you are programmed that way. Your output is routine, open your email & browse, plan the day, check Facebook, Twitter a bit, read a news article, send email, make phone call, check voicemail, get some entertainment news, walk to the kitchen, get a drink, send email, work on document, eat something; it all seems a blur.I watched this video and felt a bit lost, peaceful and weightless. It is beautiful and creative. It inspired this post.

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