i find that haaaaaaaad to BAH-leeeve

hee we gow I’m between the clouds. I’m 34,000 feet  tall. Floating, flying, soaring. The sun is setting in the sky. Sitting right here, the power went off before we left and my heart dropped as I fought my own panic button. The lights didn’t even turn on. Why is there no wi-fi on this thing? I’m 130 miles from Washington, that’s twenty minutes.  I’m much further than that from home. I might be even further than that if I don’t make this connecting flight. I’ll have to spend the night in Washington in hotel all by myself and miss a day of work.  I missed my flight last time and I’m sure my boss would think I planned it. I watched some really cool documentary snippets. * Looked it up It was This American Life, Season Two, Episode 3 about Going Down in History. The kids in school talked about their lives and things then sat there to take one cheezy photo for the yearbook. That photo, the same pose they do every year represented nothing about what their life was really like at that very moment.  I liked it. It was one of those shows that was fast and creative and stays on your mind even when it’s over. One part was about two guys who escaped from an institution using rope they made from dental floss. Very creative. I was scheduled for the middle seat but I got the aisle. I’ve been wondering if the two beside me know each other or it was just in my cards to be lucky.  I can’t tell. The gate for my connecting flight is different than the one on my ticket .  Now, because of that, the girl said ‘you’re really close’ and looked at me happily.  I’m going to…

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his name is robert but you can call him bobby

I spent the whole day lazing around in the sunshine in the pool. It was simply divine. As I laid there floating in the pool gazing up at the blue sky and occasional cloud, I thought, it doesn’t get any better than this. It did get better. Ellen checked into the hotel and Bob took me on a secret excursion. I had no idea and was I ever surprised. They knew I’ve been looking for a new laptop and Bob woke up this morning and told Ellen he was gonna surprise me with one today.  I just about died when he said ‘we’re going to get you a laptop right now’. We went, I got. I’m still smiling and I’m super excited. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. I named him Robert after Bob and I’m extremely grateful to have you both in my life. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.  This kiss is for you.

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larry big foot bird

It’s a cool place this city. Wandered around the Quincy Market. Lots of history and things to look at. I’ve got a Red Sox hat now too. These kids were about to do a parade. There were heaps of them around. All girls in this photo but there were mostly boys. We stopped to ask what they were doing and one of the boys said ‘put your hands over your head’. I did. What I didn’t realise was that he was on the phone and not talking to me at all. Pretty funny if you were there. Talk about big shoes to fill, Larry Bird had some massive feet. I loved learning about all the buildings around Boston. There’s some really neat ones with beautiful windows and doors that are really old. I like that stuff. Popped into Cheers to see some old friends. Everyone knew my name.  Glad to know they’re keeping it real in Beantown. Look Mum, travelled all the way to Boston and found Cambridge. It was scheduled to rain today but it did a little this morning and not it’s all sun, sun, sun. Heading out to a special party tonight. Going to jump in the pool now. Have a great day!

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i’ve got a crush on boston

I almost missed my flight this morning as I woke up late to my driver knocking at my door after waiting for over half an hour. Had to pay for that. I arrived to Pearson International at 5am for a 6 am flight and wisked my way through customs to barely make it. Switched in Washington and barely made that too. I toured around downtown Boston with my friend. Beautiful city. I love it here. The history and old buildings amazes me and I’ve been soaking it up all day. Beautiful day it was too.   I rode around on the Boston Duck tour (kinda like the Hippo Tour we have in TO) and got to go on the Charles River. I also got to drive the Duck Truck/Boat. I also made BFF’s with a 4 year old who got to drive it too. We got stickers.  I’ve got a heap of photos to add but i’ll get to that later. Just had a dip in the pool and a beer at the house. Heading downton for dinner. It’s been a really great day.

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mama’s getting a new boyfriend

I’ve been through some tough times with my comp-units over the past year.  Lost, stolen, broken, wine spilled on. Yes, tragic. You may remember one of my favorite tales Me, The Men, The Machines. The time has come for me to purchase a new laptop. I want a mini guy that is PC and not MAC.  Please don’t try and convince me to switch, I’m just not that into it. I’m looking for durability and value. I’m really hard on stuff and I don’t want to spend too much because I might break/lose it and I’m likely going to replace it in a year or two anyways. If you know someone who might wanna hook a sista up with a good deal, don’t hold back AT ALL.  They will get huge perks from me like mad links and BFF status. I’m gonna be taking my new unit everywhere I go and using it for everything I do.  That’s huge value right there.

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someone had to build the ceiling first

Feeling inspired today. It’s one of those days when I’m tired from working tirelessly but I have bright eyes when I think about where I’m heading. I was sitting on the couch last night and thought, man, how do I do it. So many things, so little time. The answer? You just do. You don’t sit around thinking about what you need to get done and wast time talking about it, you get off your ass and go. GO! I did a heap of laundry last night AND cleaned my room. That’s hugely productive for a school night. I hung a heap of summer gear around the bathroom and thought it looked so pretty. I love bathing suits. We have an office picnic and I wish I could lay out in the sun wearing one since it’s prime sun time, noon -2pm. Though, NSFW (That’s ‘not safe for work  Mum). Played with my clothes and makeup for a bit, felt just like beauty school. haha Must pack tonight as I fly out to Boston at 6am. I told my friend when booking that I was a morning person and well, that’s exactly what I got! Ask and you shall receive! haha love it. I’ll be at Tech Karaoke later in the evening to sing a few love songs to friends before I get my beauty sleep. I don’t usually go to Bucks for coffee in the morning but I drove in with Sabrina again since I didn’t get a helmet last night. I like this thought, it probably lead to the feeling of inspiration.  Someone had to build the ceiling first.

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a little walk down memory lane

didn’t bike today. drove in with sabrina. feel really bad about having no helmet. as if today will be the day i get in an accident because i know i need a helmet and i told the internet i’m getting one. i’ll get one after work. feeling hungry and tired. i wonder what catering will bring for lunch? something good i hope. my youngest stewart cousin is six month pregnant. seems like that’s what all my kiwi cousins do as soon as they get close to twenty, marry & make babies. i guess having family around makes a big difference. i’ve grown up without having aunts, uncles, cousins and stuff around. i have to look out for myself. i never went to an ontario private school like some other kids i know. not saying that mum and dad aren’t there because they are, but after them, it’s the friends i call family. friends are good family, you get to pick them. i’m gonna get a pedicure at lunch today. it’s been a while and i just wanna relax. i wore a sweater today that i got in niagara falls, NY when i was about 10. we went with the burchells for a dance competition. showstopper – american dance championships. i got it at united colours of benetton, it has a nautical theme. i’ve always loved it and it still fits so i’m keeping it forever now. i do that with clothes. it’s not just a sweater, or skirt…it’s a memory of where and when i got it and how it makes me feel. i get attached to my clothes and that’s why i keep them, i donate and give away some, but most of them stay.  i’ll be a hundred with the most massive collection, when I think about that…

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bike helmet meets babe

I’ve been avoiding wearing/getting a helmet despite Mum’s efforts to convince me I need one. This is going to be hard for Mum to read the most I think… Last night at the intersection where near my house, a 34 year old woman was  hit almost killed when a car struck her while biking. She was not wearing a helmet. The streets were closed off and as I rode by and saw the lonely bike standing beside the police car, my heart dropped. I took these photos on the way to meet Saul Colt for dinner. The accident happened while I was there and 3 blocks behind me in the photo. I’m going to get a helmet within the next week. I will be photo-blogging it all the time. If you or your company wanna be my helmet head sponsor please email [email protected]

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an ottawa citizen

Was hotter than I thought riding in today. It said 16 but after biking in pants and long sleeves it felt like 36. My hair is always wet when I leave and dry when I get there. It’s a pleasure having low maintenance hair that dries a perfect mess every time.  Wore my retainer, forgot a bra. Last week I did an interview with a reporter from CanWest about a customer experience I had with a big brand and Twitter. I first told the story on my blog earlier this year when it happened. You can read the article in the Ottawa Citizen. She quoted me saying “It shows the power of one voice,” says Stewart, a Toronto woman who describes Twitter as having “instant-messaging with the whole world.” I hope you have a great day.

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some kind of broken social scene

 Last night the Harbourfront Centre was a buzz with fans of Broken Social Scene. I was looking forward to it and it was music to my ears. It was so crowded that it in itself, was a broken social scene. Cool crowd though, mix of hipsters, families, public drunken-ness and the smell of pot in the air. I love Toronto.   The best thing about it was that the whole BSS crew was on stage  including Feist, Amy Millan, Emily Haines and the boys. I didn’t bother to climb through the crowd but has Ryan has some closer photos and this one was my favorite. Look at Emily, so cute. I made an amazing emo video walking through the crowd as Metric was on and Emily was singing Gimme Sympathy. For some reason, it got deleted when I added it to my computer. So sad, I can feel it in my bones.  It was beautiful and the sun was setting.  Ran into lots of people but the one who made me most happy is Levey. The boy’s been in Korea for ages and I’ve not seen him in at least a year. Those are the best run-ins. The long-time-no-see-love-you-miss-your-guts kind. It was a really pretty night.  

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artventure #1107009

was nice to go to the AGO. as a member i should go  more often. there’s a new surrealist exhibit and it is beautiful. have lots of old clothes and pretty dresses to see. i imagined my self stepping into the exhibit and putting them on and dancing or walking around the room. i heard about the community bike racks around the city. hadn’t seen one before. nice bikes, nice rack. nathan phillips square is taking part in the outdoor art exhibit. lots of nice things to take photos of. was feeling artistic.    sun was really hot on my skin. started to feel tired from walking around. didn’t realise it was so hot out. heading down to harbourfront now with the girls to see Broken Social Scene. awesome. night is young and warm.

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john butler is amazing

I was biking home on Monday night and stopped to the side of the road before crossing the street. I was feeling sad that day and then double sad I didn’t have a ticket to my favorite show.  My ringer was off but I reached for my phone to have a peek. Karrera was calling that exact minute and she had an extra ticket. I’ve seen John Butler in Toronto a few times since my first time in Sydney 2004. The crowd was so into this show and we all watched with amazement while sweating our asses off.  Good vibes in the air. It’s his solo tour and I was thinking I would miss his long dreds and the stand up bass. I didn’t, he over satisfied my need for good music.  I have so many videos and photos. The opening act was Nicky Bomba, also totally wicked and Australian. Karrera is moving to BC today.  She had just gotten back that day from seeing all kinds of bands for a week at Rothbury Fest. ZAAmazing stories about Grateful Dead and Willie Nelson.  I hadn’t seen Lisa Baker in ages, I miss her. We’ve all been friend since we were kiddios. Thought of her the day before when Now & Then came on before bed. Coincidence, no. Ocean is my favorite song. I made about 5 videos while he was playing, the song is long and beautiful. There’s some more videos here. If you’ve never heard of John Butler you should seriously go to Google right now and learn. He is amazing.

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i am doll eyes, doll parts

I came across two things in the last 24 hours that go with doll parts and wanting to be the girl with the most cake. Hole also may be getting back together. That could be good or it could be really bad for Courtney. 1) Barbie Doll parts jewelery. Kinda creepy? No. I’d love Barbie boobies and I like the hands necklace. It’s  a one-of-a-kind necklace with eighteen barbie doll hands chopped with silver end caps. The collection is made by Margaux Lange and she has a pile of Barbie parts stuff on her Etsy store.  I like this beauty smile ring too. 2) Last night I had a Mojhito cupcake with white rum, lime, mint & cane sugar.  Cocktails by Gateau was at my place last night for a Canada Day bbq. They can come over with the cupcake cart anytime.  She won my heart playing MJ.

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take a look at yourself and make a change

Mum rung me while I was at the track and told me about MJ. I knew he went to the hospital and while I was biking he passed. Poor Farrah, will forever be remembered in the shadow of the world greatest pop icon. I realize now much I love him  when I look at photos,  listen and see him dance in videos. Jenie and I used to watch Much Music for hours and learn his moves and make up dances. We’ve got a stack of MJ collection cards at Mum’s from when we were kids.  He’s got dark black skin black and wearing the red leather jacket in some of them,  he looks hot. God, I love him, always will. Michka made a tribute picture and sent it to me this morning. She looks great as MJ.

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