we are all born superstars

Looking at my own house from the tarmac at Porter. It took me <15min to walk there, in heels. Who WALKS to the airport? You bet your ass I felt damn cool strollin’ rollin’ in that door. Right before I boarded the plane something awesome happened, I got my first ever FULL PATDOWN in PUBLIC! It was done by a hot babe and we were giggling. I told her I was gonna blog about it. I had the hugest smile on my face the whole time. They really pat you down all over if ya know what I mean 😉 Toronto Island is quite pretty, will look even nicer once the trees get all greened up. I really notice a differnece between my old camera (Cannon Elph) and the new camera (Olympus XZ-1) when taking shots from the air. New is MUCH clearer. Started reading the poetry book sent to me by Vanessa Grillone, My Pen My Voice. I’m thinking I really should re-issue my poetry book. I wrote some pretty aweosme stuff when I was young. Thanks for the book Vanessa. Everytime I travel I still can’t believe they let me use this passport photo. Red lipstick & a big bow, in my hair. Who the hell am I? haha. I’m Casie Stewart, that’s who. One of the great(est) things about flying Porter are the snacks & free drinks. They have these great sandwiches on really nice bread w/ brie and of course Steamwhistle. * tights were sent to me from SECRET. What up Beantown! Here I come. Love this massive Nella-Bella bag for travel. It fits all my gadgets & important things – two Olympus cameras, ipad, netbook, toiletries, makeup, a cardigan & all my tech accessories. Man, security had a FIELD DAY with all my gadgets (not).…

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super nerds & mayors around the world unite! #4sqday

Rememeber Foursquare Day last year? Yes you do. It was 4/16, I worked at MuchMTV. I printed a big 4sq badge on a tshirt and scooted over to the Loose Moose for the party. I’d been there a few times so when I checked in, I TOOK THE MAYORSHIP. Everyone cheered as I walked to the table then Molson gave me a bucket of beers. It was an epic winning of mayorship & nerd pride. * that gun necklace got me hardcore hassled by border patrol at YYZ last summer! This year’s #4SQDAY meetup in Toronto is at The Firkin @ 461 King Street. For all the info on the Toronto meetup check the FB page. I chatted Karly (@_topshelf), one of the organizers yesterday and there are HEAPS of sponsors, free beer for an hour and BUTTONS like this. I picked up a few buttons yesterday because I will be attending the 4sq Day meetup in Boston at the Boston Common. Rumours floating the interwebs  Foursquare just may have a special badge for those attending the worldwide festivities. Really looking forward to relaxing with my friends & escaping the city.  Also stoked to fly with Porter again!

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#contest: for diddy tix txt me @ 416 476 7576

Wanna see Diddy Dirty Money at Koolhaus, Sunday April 17? Universal Music Canada & I wanna send you. There will be 12 of us going so quite a wolf pack. I hope he rocks some old jamz. I dedicate this to all the pretty girls, all the pretty girls, all the pretty girls in the world, and the ugly girls too, cause to me your pretty anyways baby. IN ORDER TO WIN TODAY’S TICKETS: 1. Txt me @ 416 476 7576 for instructions. 2. Go do what I tell you. 3. Photograph it. 4.Upload photo to internet, link to photo in comments below before 6pm. 5. Tweet “Hey @casiestewart, I got ya money. http://bit.ly/eebMu8“ 6. Random winner chosen from comments by 9pm. UPDATE: wiener is…

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fashion: @torontobuckler – SS 2011 blog party

* boys take note

Went to a private little shindig at Bucker’s Toronto store the other day. Say hello to Buckler PR girl,  the famous April Wozny. Hot. Yeah you, boy who wears this.  Total sucker for a cardigan. Won’t even talk stance. Yes. Yes please, socks and shorts and you again, with the hoodie this time.  You look hot. This cardigan is perfect for me (to steal from future boyfriend). I have one pair of Buckler undies (man ones) and they are so comfortable. They look so hot on boys, girls you should get a pair for your man. TRUST ME. Don’t even start with that vest and wipe that look off your face please. Ladder is a good accessory. For more Buckler photos see Buckler Blog Party album on FB with models Diamien & Justin. The store is at 700 Queen Street West.  Say hi to Nikki for me when you go in.

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if you don’t vote you can’t say sh*t.

I mean in the election. I don’t care WHO you vote for just vote. People fought for our right to have a say, some people in the world don’t have that opportunity. Enough on that for now. I don’t EVEN wanna get started. The whole reason I was REALLY talking about voting is for two reasons. First: If you click on this photo and vote for me WE win $250 at ticketmaster gift card. If I win, I will buy someone tickets to something. Bummer is you have to sign up so if you don’t feel like it, no prob. BTW, I was like,  super kawaii last night. Second: We can make Shawn Hawaii’s DREAMS COME TRUE by voting for him in the BMW contest. If you haven’t seen this video yet, you’ll like it. Super cute & fun 🙂 #teamhawaii. It takes ONE click to vote vote for him so if  you don’t do it, are we even FRIENDS? Couple more things, my friend Mark (aka @MHP) new app GUARDLY will be in CBC news tonight. (Mentioned him the the earlier post today. ) AND my client Shelly Purdy is in Wedding Bells Magazine today too. P.S. I UPDATED CASIESTEWART.COM/JOBS

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Fashion Connect Toronto – #FCTO

Got there early & was hoping for a packed house. Started to fill up FAST! View from the stage is fun. Love taking these pano shots. For info in the panelists and the event see xconnectto.com. Follow the peeps on Twitter here: @soniyamonga @theflist @jumaonline @aditya8020 @shopabletv @wearethirdocean. My shoes: Aldo. Outfit was from Bicyclette, posted about it yesterday if you missed it. I was tweeting DURING the panel replying to people. MHP was like “who is tweeting for Casie”. Nobody tweets for me! (reminded of ‘nobody puts baby in a corner’ for some reason) Glasses from friends at Rightsleeve. I am a SUPER HERO: Super Blogger/Lady Blogga. Hey LEESA! Super cute. We blondes get along so well. Told everyone to say HI! HI FRIENDS! Skipped to the loo and met this beautiful lady named Jean. I imagine I will be kinda like her when I grow up (if I ever do). Corner. Love the many settings on this Olympus camera (XZ-1 is my new party cam). I fell back on the step ofter I took this shot, didn’t see it. Bruised my booty too.

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dans l’amour avec la bicyclette

Let me introduce you to my new friend, Bicyclette Boutique on Queen Street. I met the darling owner Paige on Twitter and after browsing the site, I knew we would get along. The shop is filled with pretty things, vintage, white space,  foreign style, mirrors and heaps of shiny things.  Paige opened the shop in March, although she’s had two pop-up shops and an online presence for a while. It’s totally my kind of shop. Look at all these things. I wish I had my closet organized like a store. Paige calls it “urban meets fairytale“.  See, so me. *sprinkles glitter* I was trying on outfits for the Fashion Connect panel: 265 people have tickets. Cripes. The night is about fashion & technology so, the other day I called out on Twitter to see if someone wanted to outfit me for the night. That’s how Paige & I met. Her twitter is @shopbicyclette. I love meeting people who love what they do. We had a great chat today. Hi Paige! She was at the Blog Stars talk I did last year with Raymi, Sean & Carly. Nice to know she’s had an eye on my blog. I heard about her pop up shop last summer via Twitter 😉 How great is the internet? Pretty awesome great. The shop had a steady flow of girls in & out while I was there. Then, who walked in the door? Only the lovely Carla…who I see EVERYWHERE! I’m gonna start her Jukari & dance classes the week after next at King West Fitness. I really need to get my bike fixed before then. Hehe Bicyclette Boutique, bike talk, no relation corelation. Alliteration. Love. Carla, you are cute. Her friend is the girlfriend of my other friend Ish. Small world yo. Love the paper…

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New York Cab Lemon Sunflower Scrambled Egg, mellow.

To be completely honest, I wanted one of these mugs. Keri has one. Process Yellow C is fresh, bright and beautiful. It’s the colour of sunshine. I love when people call me sunshine. Any of you guys have a Pantone mug? Send me a pic! I will make something. The mug came with the epicly awesome HP Envy print/scan/copy machine today. I can’t wait to make stuff. Yay to making stuff! Ok, here’s the yesterday recap. It was a great day from the moment I woke up. Yesterday on Twitter This Happened: I am in looooove with everything! (@ Bicyclette Boutique) http://4sq.com/g3V8Kt # You maaaaaaake me feel shiny & new… # Mix: @nellabellabrand bags, @metowestyle beaded heart, @rubyboutique fur http://twitpic.com/4hmyzd # Daily reminder to take a sec & vote for my boy @shawnhawaii http://bit.ly/hX6DKX #ultimateblogger # had a kinda fun request from my agent @fairlieagency this morning. i love fun jobs! # just had lasagna. i love lasagna. what you having for lunch? # Photo: kinda like me. http://tumblr.com/xmj20mo592 # Where do you want to live? — on the internet. http://4ms.me/g7oJ0m # How are you? — Awesome. http://4ms.me/h0Gdep # If you had the opportunity to live one year of your life over again, which year would you choo… — 2004 in Australia http://4ms.me/gC8bJn # I was wondering if you’d like to grab a coffee, Thursday aft, you, me ? Riot Zone.? — who are you would help? http://4ms.me/fVuKOw # What do you think the world will be like in 50 years? — less fighting, less water, less trees. http://4ms.me/ijf5WF # Photo: i need these coins STAT. http://tumblr.com/xmj20mn3xx # 15% OFF Latex Clothing http://post.ly/1rLso # Photo: i would get this for nerd boyfriend: Circuit Board Tie http://tumblr.com/xmj20mj0ga # How to Put Together an Effective Startup Press Kit via @erinbury – erinbury:…

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Beautiful Alchemy – Nick Von K, New Zealand #video

When I was in NZ last year I met Nick Von K., designer of accessories for people with awesome lifestyles. Heaps of rad things. I browsed the collection and picked out this super sharp claw; silver cast eagle claw on silver chain. It will cut you. He just created a this video for his new line Beauful Alchemy. He told me “the film is about transformation; how when inspired, you can be transformed, and your inspiration can take new forms and take on a life of its own.” I like this idea. The video does have one boob shot in it, this is your NSFW warning. I would seriously love to own/give you all of these pieces. There are no stockists in Canada yet but I would LOVE to see some, at least one right here in Toronto. This is Nick, you can find him on Twitter or at nvk.co.nz.

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let’s start the day right boys & girls!

Good morning to you too. They ‘toasted’ my photo & printed me a cute personalized card. PR win 🙂 Thanks for sending breakfast guys! Very nice to wake up to. If you would like info about the Microsoft National Breakfast Campaign visit breakfast.msn.ca or MSN Canada on FB. This is a special song dedication: Feeling full of love & light today. Heading to Bicyclette on Queen Street shortly to play dress up, then to work with Shelly, then meeting Sunta. Tonight I’m catching up on the Y&R and spending time home with myself. I have heaps to catch up on the blog.

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fashion + technology = fashionconnectTO #FCTO

I’m on a panel for FashionConnectTO an (XConnect Project) Thursday at The Gladstone Hotel. It brings together desigers and fashion people to talk about fashion & technology. There are almost 200 people attending at the moment. Other Panelists are Aditya Shah – Loosebutton, Alia Juma – Juma, Jackie Lee – SHOPABLE TV, Leesa Butler – the f – list. Get a free ticket here before they are all gone. It starts at 6pm. I’m popping into Bicyclette on Queen Street tomorrow to play dress up for an outfit. Wee!

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“an all-around plugged-in pioneer” #personalbranding101

I recently wrote an article for Levis about Crafting Your Persoal Brand. It came out this week and I’m pretty proud of it.  I shared some tips that will help you (or anyone) to build and showcase their talents online. I hope you will check it out. “Casie Stewart knows a thing or two about leaving an online footprint. Recognized by Klout as one of Toronto’s top tweeters and bloggers, she has plenty of tips on how you can leverage social media channels as an invaluable element to your personal brand.” Here are some tips on building your personal brand to help  establish yourself online: Set a goal: Make a plan for your brand. What are you passionate about? What do you want to be known for? Start a blog: Use WordPress, Tumblr, Blogger or Posterous to create a free home for your online activity. Find a mentor: Find someone who is doing what you want to do and introduce yourself, learn from them and get inspired. TGIF: Twitter, Google, Internet, Facebook: Create profiles for yourself online and update them regularly with things that align with your brand. Get Involved: Seek out events related to your passion and get involved by volunteering. This is a great way to grow your brand, meet others and learn from experts. I’ve been building my personal brand online for over five years. At first, no one read my blog, and I had no followers on Twitter. We all have to start somewhere but have the potential to go anywhere. In the words of Napoleon Hill, “What the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve.”

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what are you talking about?

This is what I’ve been talking about recently on Twitter. Kinda cool. I like visuals and things that are pretty. I’m not a big stats checker upper or anything but sometimes I like to look at charts or graphs. I really love Sysomos and their social media monitoring and analytics tools. They track things like sentiment analysis, workflow, Facebook & Twitter. Pretty neat stuff. Are you using somehting cool I should know about? LMK! BTW remember when I was hiring and some of you applied to work for me? Well, it’s ALIVE now. Meow. Check out The Central Counties! If you register and submit a story about something cool you did there you can win a helicopter ride.

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#LGFW ticket giveaway from me & @rockitpromo

Contest is for the closing show of LGFW F/W 2011, presented by LINE. It’s Friday night at 10:30 and sure to be followed by some partying. Ths is some of the Spring stuff from Line Knitwear: ABOUT LINE: Line exudes feminine class and luxury while identifying the need for comfort and ease. Line was one of the first knitwear collections to push design possibilities to the max through draping, embellishment and exaggerated detailing. Composed of oversized sweaters, the infamous wrap cardigan and basic layering tanks, the innovative collection is exactly what the knitwear market was missing. Featured in publications such as Lucky, InStyle and Flare + international media. Celebrity fan base including Jennifer Garner, Kate Bosworth, Jessica Biel and Taylor Swift. (I LOVE TAYLOR) Tweet me in the comments  to enter: Hey @casiestewart I wanna go to #LGFW with you & @rockitpromo on Friday! http://bit.ly/foRhPS * Contest closes Thursday. I have 10 tickets. You must follow on Twitter & comment to win.  Ticket is valued at $50 & for 10:30 pm runway show Encore featuring Line Knitwear.

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getting a new tattoo, this one’s for you <3

I’m getting it Thursday night at Tattoo Rock parlour & my money is being donated to Red Cross for Japan. I love getting tattooed.  Piercing not as much, remember when I did this for fun? Where is that vest BTW. I think I lost it in Montreal w/ Raymbo & friends. I’ve wanted this tattoo for a while. I always start out with markers and draw them on  my skin first. Make sure I like it as permanent fixture in my life.  I’v drawn on a zillion times now. BTW have you read the news about Japan the last couple days? ‎Come to Tattoo on Thursday night for JapanquakeTO and donate some time/money to a good cause. Door 9pm at Tattoo  Rock Parlour on Queen Street. Get a ticket here. The night is going to be fun. We have three DJs lined up – Justin Barkie, HopScottch and Carson from LE DJ. They’ll be hosting a shuffle party all night long. There’s HEAPS of AWESOME sponsors check’ em out at japanquaketo.ca.  These goodies are all up for raffle tickets too: Rogers Palm Pre 2 donated from the Cell Guru 2 Flip Cameras donated from Cisco Canada Dinner for two at Oliver Bonacini with Chef Jason Bangerter Toronto Maple Leafs Dion Phenuef jersey Deluxe one night stay at the Fairmont Royal York Festival passes to the Toronto Reel Asian International Film Festival Four-week BootyCamp Fitness pass Caplansky’s gift certificates Crepe Delicious prize pack Frida Restaurant gift certificates $300 worth of product and services from Arbonne Me to We Apparel Prize Pack from Free the Children $100 Gift Certificate to Home Sav Ufile and Norton AntiVirus prize packs AND MUCH MORE

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i totally had a dude where’s my car moment

No seriously. I’m not used to driving a car downtown. I love to walk and text and take photos and look at stuff. Yes, driving is fun but YES driving downtown in the middle of the day can make you a crazy person. A CRAZY PERSON. I feel like a tourist driving. Yesterday Toyota Canada gave me a Matrix to drive for the week. I’m not sure why I think this, but I have a feeling that they got it to me by using a car moving company similar to CarsRelo as it was the easiest way to do it. However they delivered it to me though, I was so excited to try it out. It’s a fun car. The ability to just get up and go is awesome. For example, today I had brunch at my Sister’s house:) Back to the story… Today my car was towed. I got it yesterday. “There’s a first for everything! #casiefail (@ JP Towing) http://4sq.com/i1vsxd“ Stop laughing. I thought I was fine where I parked but I was wrong. I left the office and was chatting away on the phone as I walked back to the car on King Street just after 5:15pm. I parked at 2:45. You can’t park there 4-6pm. My friend on the phone witnessed a mini panic. Where’s my car? OMG. All the cars were gone. It took me less than 15min to find it at JP nyc towing company and in about an hour I had it back. Thank you Shelly for driving me. The towing people were really nice and despite that it cost $180, it was kinda fun. I originally thought they’d put the cars on tandem trailers to transport them to the towing company but I later realised it wouldn’t have fit on one! I’m…

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Woke Up to Me ON @Mashable

As soon as I saw the first part of the tweet pop up on my push notification on ipad I knew what it was, I just had a feeling…could it be? Me and for what? In this: Top 5 Digital Marketing Agencies on Mashable “When Virgin America was launching its first international route to Toronto, its Creative Director Jesse McMillin contacted Evan Fry, V&S’s Chief Creative Officer to brainstorm ways to build buzz and find a local brand ambassador in Toronto. They came up with the Virgin America Toronto Provocateur. The website V&S created — with a video of Sir Richard Branson himself — received 1,500 contest entries, which were narrowed down to 20 candidates (this seems like a small number, but candidates needed to live in Toronto, be able to do the joband submit a video, which limited the applicant pool). The site received 46,000 unique visitors and V&S helped Virgin find its cheeky new ambassador, Casie Stewart, who still functions as the provocateur.” Never heard of Mashable? Geeks & nerds across the universe think about/have thought about waking up to themselves on Mashable. Well, I know I sure have. Read the article on Mashable & leave a comment! Have an awesome day. P.S. get a ticket for JapanQuakeTO at Tattoo on Thursday right hurrrrrrrrrrrrre!

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rockstar hotel – spoke club #junos

Was at the lovely Spoke Club last night for a super fun Juno party. Olympus XZ is a great party cam. Loved seeing my MuchMTV family & all the other friends. Good people, great time. Ashley & Kingsley lovely beauties from MuchMTV. You may recognize this guy from CBC Q, The City or about a zillion other things. Can someone remind me of this guys name? I have a terrible memory. Remember Ryan? He was my intern at MuchMTV last year. He’s at Universal now, way to go bro. You’re awesome. The ever so lovely & beautiful Shera Bechard, Playboy’s Miss November 2010 and star of the film Sweet Karma. The one & only George Sully. Add him on FB here, he’s doing some cool stuff with his brands and I just might be showing up on the pages of his magazine TCHAD in the near future. Tash & I used to be good friends. It’s probably been about three years since I saw her. She’s married now, congrats sista. Make sure you call me about your new job btw 😉 So proud of Mike aka Mike’s Bloggity. He’s now the producer for BT in Calgary and a rad blogger. We hung at MMVAs last year for the first time but were friend on the internet way before that. Brad just left MuchMTV to join Vuse. Totally rad dude. he said I was one of his fav peeps to follow on Twitter, me & SNP. We’re total opposites me & her. Toronto is gonna miss you BSSchwarts. Last night at the Juno’s, he was this close to big winners Arcade Fire. Jesse, what’s not to love about this stud. He’s got a new rad show on Much too. There were a few bands playing downstairs. Morgan, did you play? You gave…

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#twestivalTO 2011 – tweet. meet. give.

This photo means something really special to me. It reminds me how much I, we have grown and changed over the past couple years. Erin, Satish & I (below)  were on an aweosme team that came together in Jan. 2009 to create the first big Twitter event Toronto ever had. Twitter was slowly catching on at the time and the event was part of a global thing called Twestival. Last night, Twestival 2011 took place and it was awesome. It was a totally new team of people who took the initiative to create the event and I was proud and happy to be there. Twestival OG organizer group hug, my happy moment of the night. The first Twestival was at CiRCA and we donated to charity:water. Remember that place? My sis was there, she was a Raptors girl back then. She’s the blonde if you don’t already know/can’t tell. Once we had Twestival on a boat cruise. Renee you were missed last night, I had a shot for you. I need to get to SF to you v.soon. Another time we had Twestival at Tryst in the club district. See all the great pix Erin Leydon took last night here on flickr. My Olympus pix were not as great. I’m not familiar with the camera yet and had some issues. I’m used to having a point & shoot. This is me frustrated, haha. Don’t judge me, ok, judge me. I don’t care! Lady Blogga raaaaaaaaaa! #pawsup Lauren! #blondetourage #ftw Ava. Ally. Love you Erin. Allisaaaaaaaaan Bathroom party. I make the girls giggle. Marie your dress was GORGEOUS, designer was Cat Shanahan right? Sheldon. We met at the very first Twestival. Both had shirts w/ our @name on them. Word. Jon Crowley. Michael. Jeremy. Kevin. Andrew. Jonathan. Sean Ward, lookin’ good…

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i’d like to thank you for watching my show

Just kidding, I don’t have a show yet! Yesterday I woke up and rode the subway just after rush hour, it was still packed. I was heading to BNotions Internet & Strategy to be filmed for an upcoming panel I’m on. They told me originally 3-5 hours and I was like ‘WHAT DO WE NEED THAT LONG FOR?’. I’m pretty speedy & no fuss to work with, especially when shooting. We were done in about an hour which included Broll too. WIN! Panel is called Fashion Connect TO, it’s at the Gladstone April 7th and it’s free. There are 89 people already attending. Get a ticket here! Last night I stopped by Abode w/ Keri & saw these lovely peeps. Awwww. Tonight during the six o’clock news there’s a special on being cool on the internet and prolific amazing tweets,  I’m part of it.  Not sure if it is national, it might be.  Thre’s a spot running today on Global enticing you to watch. Ahhhh. I’m often nervous before things like this because despite how genuine kind/nice/grateful you are you sometimes come off different after editing. I was asked about all the great things I get to do because of my job (blog). To be honest, I’m thankful every day for what I do, I work really hard at it and Iove sharing it with you. #FINGRSCROSSED! OMGaGA.

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Jukari Fit to Fly Toronto w/ Reebok & Cirque du Soleil

Check out Julie & Carla swingin’ & getting shot by Global TV. I’m up next! Here we GO! Post workout. Totally got a sweat on! If you want to try Jukari, King West Fitness has free classes at noon all week. All this working out is starting to pay off. Check me out 🙂

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Philip Sparks FW 2011 – fashion week begins @burroughes

Models look prettier when they smile. Burroughes is good for parties, not as good for fashion shows. He did this pose for me and smiled right after. Eye contact. Glitter, Julio. I looked like a Nana. Vest knitted by a nana. Yannnnnnnnnnnno you giant, you totall missed Puma Social. Duh! Hi Tristan, nice hustle. Daniel and I worked together at Gap in Kitchener when I was 16. First job ever and to this day one of the very best. I made connections there that will last a LIFETIME. Work it gurllllllllll. Hey Hawley. The end. How much of a difference does my new camera make? Like a zillion. Thanks Olympus!

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If you figure out how to harness the power of female customers, you can rock the world.

This article I read on TechCrunch called Why Women Rule the Internet is very interesting. It kinda make it seem that women do all the buying of pretty things however, I firmly believe that women play a huge part in building relationships & spinning the social web. Some things I found interesting: Facebook, Zynga, Groupon and Twitter …the majority of all four properties’ users are female. Make that “horsewomen”. Women played a key role in the early days (of Facebook) by adopting three core activities—posting to walls, adding photos and joining groups. (Why the guys came!) The average social gamer is likely a 43-year-old woman. Women follow more people, tweet more, and have more followers on average than men. Women are thought to be more social, more interested in relationships and connections, better at multi-tasking. Women are the routers and amplifiers of the social web. And they are the rocket fuel of ecommerce. The ongoing debate about women in tech has been missing a key insight.” Read the article here. If you wanna chat me about this kinda thinger  contact media AT casiestewart.com. Enjoy the day!

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Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have no self.

Title is a quote by Cyril Connolly an English intellectual, literary critic and writer. I learned this today while watching Criminal Minds. I was working on a couple blog posts for my .com while publishing tumblr, posterous, twitter & facebook. I have ADD. Hey tower. I really like that quote. I’ve been writing this blog for a while and although I have written for many other companies in different voices, the one I am most true to is my own. I began this blog to keep more memories and it started getting more popular as I got better at it.  We grew together and we are forever growing & changing. I find I’m my best when writing about something I really love & believe in. This is my life.  I can hear my Mum chuckle in my head, I’m reminded of her telling me how I loved myself and used to stare into the mirror for hours telling stories. Some things don’t change, I love me and life and I’m happy to share that light with you. I’d like to share this too. Optimism is contageous.

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it’s players like these that are the future

Last year about 20 people like you who ready this bloggy  joined me for a TFC soccer game.  It was so much fun. My friend Jonathan hooked it all up and if I’m good maybe we can do it again this summer. I’m going to my first game this season on May 7th, the daye before my birthday (mark that day in your calendar and set a reminder). I kid I kid. 😛 The TFC just signed four kids from their youth academy. Check out this special video just for me from 18 year old Matt Stinson. Am I a cougar yet? Actually, I’ll stick with Puma. Remember that other time Lights gave mama a shoutout. Love her too.

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Aisles turn to catwalks: Stolen Girlfriends Club SS 2011

I’ve told you about Stolen Girlfriends Club before,  most fav NZ designer. My girl Anna Fitzpatrick at Red Bull in NZ sent me this awesome vid of the SS SGC collection ‘Untitled’. Check out what they did… Stolen Girlfriends Club invade New World Victoria Park. Stolen Girlfriends Club present their Spring 2011 collection ‘Untitled’ Gone are the runways, front row seating, backstage, and media-only invite list. It was everyday shoppers who were treated to 20 beautiful models walking the aisles of a supermarket as if they were the cat walks of Milan. Music courtesy of White Lies – Peace and Quiet (33s remix) No runways, front row seating, backstage, or media-only invite list, for six minutes New World Supermarket (Auckland, been there) was taken over by models. The show was put together with Red Bull who have been lovers of their unconventional style since 2005. Marc Moore, design director of SGC, wanted to present ‘Untitled’ in a location that took fashion out of its usual context. “We thought about presenting our new collection in a total random and public place, we wanted it to be like a ‘fashion flash-mob’. It’s always a challenge to keep people on their toes in anticipation but I think that today’s show really did surprise”. She looks surprised… Todday I’m heading to lunch to meet a few friend who is giving me a NEW fancy camera. I am going to take so many photos of everything including myself . Haha. Someone from Global News is coming to interview me after that about being cool twitter/blog. I dreamed of this kinda stuff happening to me when I grow up. Have plans to do something fun this evening too. Life is good. Enjoy the sunshine today 🙂

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hey there school girl

Leather jacket, sweet ride. I rarely ever take TTC. I noticed that today. I pretty much walk everywhere. I stay in my neighbourhood heaps. I need to tune up my bike. Anyone have a hook up? I have a varity of talents for barter. Seeing a pack of cops will forever remind me of the G20. Google “casie stewart riot girl“. I hope I never have to be in a situation like that again. Running through the streets soaking wet, people were being detained and arrested, cops everywhere in riot gear, riots. No,  thank you. Last time I was here I was in American Pie Beta House. I like this campus. It’s really pretty and old. I walked home after. It was pretty warm out. You are beautiful Jessica. sunshine | motorola milestone | me to we beaded heart | capezio cowboy boots | steve madded dress (raymi) | nella bella change purse | motorola milestone telus | jean jacket, queen west clothing swap | jessica’s scarf (she has mine) | rabbit fur, ruby NZ | leather jacket | smile ipad | moleskine style bamboo dodo case | croissant | americano this view is very creepy to me. haha. hey there jessica and some speakers. one guy looks like he’s late, eh? It was really fun talking to all the students and other speakers at U of T Mississauga. Thanks for having me. Remember kids, BE AWESOME, and follow me on twitter. Today I am at Centennial College in the morning and St. Lawrence Market for St. Patty’s day in the arvo. Kinda feel super busy but then I think I would be bored if it was any other way.  I so often wish I didnt have to sleep so I could work on stuff all the time.  Things are…

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