Media | YYZ Living Magazine Issue 7 is Now Online!

I wrote a little ditty about my beloved Dundas West hood for the latest issue of YYZ Living Magazine. It’s their first time working with a blogger in the iSpy editorial. My masthead photo was shot by George Pimentel and I’m wearing Ted Baker London.  In the feature I’m wearing a black & white dress from the Ted Baker London holiday FW14 collection. You can check out the issue here or click on the photos below.   YYZ LIVING shines a light onto our city, projecting its qualities through the lens of breathtaking photography, provocative storytelling, and exquisite fashion editorial. Each issue is a love letter to the city that is our namesake. We bring our readers the Toronto that parties with New York, dresses like Paris, schmoozes with London, and eats like Rome; a world-class city with a personality that is completely its own. YYZ Living Masthead Sneak Peek at Issue 7 iSpy: Dundas West Not the greatest photo of me. Motivation to drop a few lbs over the winter. Photos on this page are by fashion editor,  Alexandra Loeb.   Thanks for having me guys. Looking forward to the Issue 7 party later this month when the hardcopy hits the stands! <3 CASIE

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Media | Dundas West #LoveMyHood

Throughout September I was featured by Bench Canada in their Love My Hood campaign. You might have seen a couple of these photos on their Instagram or Facebook. We snapped these shot at  the Wallace Ave. bridge that was built in 1907. Their contest ends this week so scroll down for details on how you can enter. The bridge covers the train tracks that are currently being expanded to service the new GoTrain Express to Person Airport. Alongside the bridge, is the West Toronto Railpath that I like to run on and where I took heaps of GoPro photos at last winter. Dug up these old photos fro the depths of the Internet. I love seeing how the city has changed. I think about how the Internet has changed my life in the last 10 years, imagine how this bridge feels?! 🙂  Wearing: Bench hoodie, dress from Brandy Melville, boots from NastyGal It’s your last chance, our #LoveMyHood contests ends in a week! Have your shown us your city yet? — BENCH Canada (@BenchCanada) September 23, 2014 This is the last week to enter their #LoveMyHood contest. You can win $500 and 2 round trip flights anywhere in Canada. Tag your photos #LoveMyHood and make sure you’re following@BenchCanada. Good luck! You can bring a friend so like, if your BFF is away, you can always invite me.  Thanks Bench Canada for this new monogrammed hoodie. I love things with my face and or name on them! See all posts tagged Bench from over the years here. Have an awesome day. Remember, you’ll never be younger than you are today, so make the most of it! <3 CASIE

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Forever Inspired, Shakespeare

We read heaps at my house when I was growing up. I used to collect old poetry and English literature books from garage sales. I still love second hand books and tucked away in a bin at Dad’s house, are many of my old book treasures. I once made a heap Shakespeare quotes into magnets and stuck them on the fridge. I imagine I was about 13. (Mum, is that true?) I think some of them are still on her fridge. These are two of my favourite Shakespeare Quotes

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Early Riser, Morning Sunshine

Woke up early after a super long day. Dance was great last night. Routine to Rack City, no joke. Filmed an episode of Coral TV, comes out tomorrow. Arrived first at the office. Sunshine halo at my desk. I’m so slow leaving the house.  I have a taxi problem. Wore a hat. It’s getting colder. Can’t wait to buy a new bike. Don’t have a case on my iPhone just screen protector. Work is going good. Going the to Casby awards tonight. Seeing the Hip on Saturday. Ready for the weekend. Working full time is tiring but so is freelance. I’ve been drinking less. It’s really sunny today. Maybe I’ll go for a walk at lunch. You will never be younger than you are today, do something special, do something fun, tell someone you love them. Have an awesome day, <3 CASIE

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Write It Down

I’m ready. I’ve always been ready but now I feel it in my bones. The last few days have been filled with excitement, creativity, and I’m stoked about life. I took an adventure into a few notebooks I’ve scribbled in from the stack beside my bed, I was reminded how much I truly love writing. When I was 15 I wrote and published  an anthology of poetry & prose and I never really stopped. I’m keen to have a book written by December 1, 2012. I’m writing it down & telling you to make it real.  In other news, while I was Googling myself in Google Books I found out that BRIAN SOLIS mentioned me in his book “The End of Business as Usual“. I have blogged about him a few times and I love his work. Smart man. My credit in Dear Photograph also came up. I’m taking that as a sign I’m on the RIGHT TRACK baby!

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There Are No Walls in This Office

I said to myself as I peeked out from behind my computer. There are no walls in this office. I looked up. Looked around. Ideas floating freely between the trees and with a fresh haircut feeling quite fresh in general. A rain drop lands on the touchpad. There’s a faint sound of a boy guitar while a girl reads a book and spins a hula on her hips. (It’s quite amazing really.) The breeze is cool for the first time in days and I wish I had a sweater. In any other season this would feel warm.  Another rain drop. Bugger. This office has no walls but it has no roof either. overalls, H&M, top  American Apparel, hair Darren Kwik Studio, Rimmel lipstick

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No. If you ask to ‘pick my brain’ that is your answer.

Student, charity? Sure. I’m a nice girl. BUT, if you are a professional, a big company, an agency, a brand, a beer, a burger co., an app, a toy, a product, a service, and you operate on currency, don’t ask to pick my brain.  We can chat about an idea, you can call me for advice on, or run something past me in an email. Totally cool. Sometimes I brainstorm over lunch, brunch, and sometimes I really get creative after beers. As Harlan Ellison says “cross my palms with silver and you can use my essay“, ideas in this case. I think it’s the actual TERM that drives me mental. It’s basically saying “give me your ideas so I can use them”.  If you are asking someone for advice, it’s because you value their opinion. An amature will give you their ideas for free but a professional’s ideas are what you really want.  Forbes posted a great article and if someone ever asks to pick your brain, you should send it to them. Please don’t use that expression. It’s my biggest pet peeve aside from people calling me CASSIE. It’s happened at least twice in emails today. My email is [email protected] How can you get my name wrong?! Doh. In other news…!!!!!!!!!! Mooohahahahah! Women are now officially smarter than men #work — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) July 17, 2012 READ MORE BOOKS!

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Do You Believe in Magic?

I do.   But you have to create it. You have to build it. Manufacture it. The means of production are all yours. Open the doors to the factory inside your mind. Let it all out. Let it spill over the sides of everything and flood the basement. Build a house out of it. Build a life. A magical life to live.    

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Circadian Rythm, Reflective Clothing

Cleaning up my office today was so good. I’m BACK! Made sewing corner and set up my sewing machine. I call her Zoey and its really about time we spent some time together. I have some patterns I’vebeen dying to make and this is the perfect time. There are so many simple things in style I could make and heaps of DIYs on the web. Note on paper says this probably was written a year ago, fitting for today. Title of post was scribbled on the paper too. I don’t know the significance. I have a bad memory. It’s cold outside, Wanna stay warm, Wind whipping my windows, Winding my thoughts, Whirl wind, words spin I always wrap things around my head. I like my head covered. I like the way it feels. Thinking about wearing a gorgeous vintage silk turban tonight. This is one of my old favourite quotes by the best Dr. around.This almost blank notepad was uncovered when I excavated office junk mountain. It’s amazing the treasures you find cleaning! Must get ready & find something to wear tonight. Lauren and I are going to the Future of Art & Music warehouse party, ‘FOAM. It’s at Brickworks and there are all kinds of art, music, food & beverage things going on. Lozzie Pops did her first segment on the news for CBC today. I woke up early to catch her. So cute. Fav person on Canadian TV.

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“Conversations With Myself”

I’m tempted to write a memoir with this title about my life and the past seven years blogging. I started April 2005, first on myspace, then blogger, then Tumblr, Posterous, and WordPress. Throw all the other platforms into the mix and there has been lots of change in how content is shared and how I personally deliver my stories to the world. It started out as a dairy, a place to keep my memories and back then, I never even imagined it would turn into a career and open up all the doors it has. One of my favourite posts is “A Blog is An Engine” from February 5th, 2010. “A blog is an engine and behind that blog is a person. There, in that very chair,  sits a  person with bounds of creativity. The type of creativity that you can not ever imagine because it is unimaginable to your mind. It creates.  By the time you are reading this the engine has worked twice as fast,  faster.  The engine is moved by some type of driver and the engine has many tools. It employs services to work as engines in order to make it grow. The production must try to keep up with the mind yet the creativity, it DOES NOT STOP.  It flows and drives and moves and the more it makes the more it has for it is infinite.” I’ve been toying with the idea of writing a book for a while. I wrote my first book at 16 and became a published Canadian Author so if I could do it then I can SURELY do it now. I strongly feel that the more creativity I let out, the more I let it flow the more I have.  There’s lots going on but that only motivates me MORE to do the things I…

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deliberately undeveloped literary fragments

Tried marble nails last night. Need practice. Didn’t blog yesterday. First day off in ages. Made cabbage soup. Hope to drop a few LBs. Slept funny on shoulder. It’s hurting now. Have lots of meetings this week. Work is good. Looks relatively warm outside. Sun is shining. Might clean my room today. Probably not likely. Feeling rather artistic. Breakfast with my sketchbook. Heart’s a little empty. Missing you a bit. Time to make coffee. Have a wonderful day. <3

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If not now, when?

Ask yourself this every single day.  I’m sitting in the Boston Logan Airport lounge listening to music and soaking up as much free wifi as a girl can. I got to thinking about life and goals and what I dreamed of doing and where I’m going. Not like, back to Toronto but where am I really going? I think January is a time everyone does that introspective look into their life and wonders, what am I doing? It’s probably also why people get sad and maybe have breakdowns! Last year in January I considered giving up blogging and getting a 9-5 job. I’m really glad I didn’t.  The last two years have been filled with all kinds of things I only ever dreamed would happen. How did I get to do them? How did I make them a reality? I feel inspired to tell you today. When I was in Australia at Uni (2004 & pre-blog) I often felt homesick. I missed my sister terribly and everyone from home seemed light years away. One fine day I went to a bookstore in search of  ‘something’ that would give me guidance or direction or make me feel better.  I picked up The Power of Kabbalah by Yehuda Berg, a book that claimed to be ‘technology for the soul’. I went home and read it cover to cover in one sitting, staying up all night, moving from couch to bed to floor until it was finished.  I was not raised religious and this book wasn’t about that at all. It was about the power of the universe and creating the life you wanted.  It was spiritual wisdom. It helped me realize that I could have everything I ever wanted. It helped me understand that I already did. As I embarked on this journey of self-discovery (I…

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time capsule creative: november 16, 2006

Once I thought I lost the contents my first external hard drive. It was November 16, 2005. I was heart broken. Like no other love I’ve ever had, it was my everything. Devastated. Distraught. Thinking about that day now, and you reading this, my heart, it still hurts, feels like like a day old punch. I went to the bar and I got a martini. What the hell else was I supposed to do, I LOST  goddamn EVERYTHING?! There was a hole in my heart. And it was bleeding. So I wrote… #1 now i must write. today i think i lost my work, my life my story. my external drive showed up empty. my brain is very full. the words i wrote, can not be gone. i must remember what is lost. _______________ #2 where what now here me loud my story goes untold a life worth living a legend will unfold _________________ #3 life lost. a legend burried deep within the walls four of them that hold my life a broken link holds it togehter a photo in my mind it is all remembered. __________________ Later that day, I decided to take all the cords apart (there were two to connect it to my PC, it was 2006) and put them back together. It turned back on. I didn’t  lose anything. The end. Lessons learned: 1) Make sure you back up. 2) Drama inspires creativity.  3) I might be rtrd. 🙂

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what do you love? ♥

I love discovering new things. Last month Google rolled out and I just found out about it from Techcrunch. It’s hard to keep up on all the Google gossip! With all the talk about Google+ lately, I see how it slipped by most peoples radar. I checked it out last night & found an interesting discovery… Here we go: Went to the site, searched something I love (uh, myself! You would search yourself too right?). Found a few things, including explore “casie stewart” in 3D with Google Sketchup. You can create anything 3D there, haven’t tried it yet.  Youtube channel and gmail came up along with searches in blogs, photos, and books. Books? I recognize that book. That’s my book. I wrote when I was 14 with Holly Heiblinger, it’s called JEANS. Published Canadian Author, oh yeah. I’ve never seen it online. I mean, I never reallllllly looked but there she is right in Google Books and the library archives. I was mega involved with writing and my community at that age. Our book is categorized in Canadian poetry (English) 20th century, Literary Collections / Canadian, Children’s Literature & Teenagers’ writings, Canadian (English). It’s no longer in print so don’t try to order one! I’ve only got a couple draft copies. Reckon Mum might have some in the basement. I used to write heaps. Well, I still write lots but more diary than poetry. One say I will escape to a far away place and get all the notes from the notebooks into digital form. Maybe with my new computer? Omg, I ‘m getting a new computer today. Downloaded a poetry magnet app for iPad called Verses Poetry. I like to play on/with words. Need to get more words unlocked though, running slim on options. Spent lots of time with Andy (my iPad) this weekend. Maybe deep down I…

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The thing that really is blowing my mind is… #japan

I closed my blinds last night and got to thinking about Japan. In bed with iPad & Android, I looked outside, the lake was calm.  I said goodnight to Twitter. I don’t usually do that, I often leave like an irish goodbye. I said goodbye because I love my friends and in the back of my head I know that so many people in Japan woke up Friday morning and never got a chance to say goodbye. They woke up to their houses and lives right fucked up. I can only imagine that happening. There is no word to explain how is makes me feel when I watch those videos over and over. It’s like a movie but it’s not a movie, its real. The world trade centre, that was real. We all remember that day. I remember lots of other stuff in my life but that WTC stands out as something totally monumental, like Japan. I will never get any of these images out of my head. The water rushing over the city, the planes crashing into the buildings. Yes, one distaster was man made and one natural but to me, they are the biggest I’ve ever seen. The thing that really is blowing my mind is the severity, scale and consequences of it all. How the hell do you fix a first world nation that’s been shaken, stirred and radiated? Japan was pretty much run through the dishwasher. There’s going to be a massive ripple affect on society from this. Japan is home to vehicles and electronics that WE love. It is the third largest national economy in the world after US and China in GDP & purchasing power parity (aka PPP if you forgot). I read on that Cannon, Sony, Panasonic, Toyota, Honda, Sapporo have all suspended production. I…

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Stories are gifts.

How long have you been reading stories? Forever. How many stories do you read a day? Where do you read them? How long are they? Who is in them? What are they doing? What are you doing when you read them? What are you reading? Why are you reading it? How does the story make you feel? What do you think about them? Where are you when you read it? Think about it. Read more.

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thereis a certain calming peace when it’s this foggy

Restless Its a thin line that divides the ocean and the sky. A thin line which divides you and I. A small space. Without a trace, feelings vanish before my eyes. People leave to go back home and I am left here all alone. Resting by the ocean and taking in the sky. The waves are restless and so am I. Written:2004 Posted: May 22, 2006 Found these old pix as I was traveling through a time warp in MSN hotmail land from 2005-2006. I had really dark hair for a season here and there. I lived in New York and Indiana. I dated a hockey player. Seems so weird and long ago that life. It’s crazy how much we change as time goes by. I’ve been through so many different stages and likes, habits and hobbies. When I really think about it like now it’s quite amazing. I’m really excited for the future. Who knows what I will get up to, my wildest dreams I guess.  I’m happy to get wiser as I get older too, make better decisions that way. Have a great day 🙂

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break. it down. give thanks. rest. love it. smile.

“Be careful what you wish for” Mum said to me today as I was chatting her about what I’m up to. She called via Skype from the boat on the East Coast of Canada. Been a couple days since we last taked. Before she went on her sailing trip we used to chat almost daily. I would fill her on on what I’m up to. She inspires me, always has. I miss her.  Everything I’m doing r I always wanteight now… the parties, the makeup the hair the clothes. It’s all new to me.  I always wanted to be doing this stuff. Mum says luck is where preperation meets opportunity. I feel grateful. I’ve worked my ass off the last few years. I arrived in Toronto five years ago post uni in Australia. Back then, I didn’t know exactly what I wanted to do. I just did it. I believed in myself and I worked hard at whatever it was I was doing. When I was younger I used to say I wanted to be really well known for being good at something, I wasn’t sure what it was yet.  Maybe I still don’t? Either way, I have always been determined. When I really want to do something there is little to no stopping me. Mum will for SURE tell you that. I want to interview her one day so you can meet her.  She’s not been able to read my blog much from the boat, she usually reads it daily to see what I’m up to. She said it makes her happy. It makes me happy too. I love looking back on what I was doing previous years, same time.  Makes me dream big about what I might be doing next year. Quite looking forward to the long  flight…

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When I was in grade school…

When I was in grade school I was part of a skipping team for the Heart & Stroke Foundation. We went around to schools like yours and did crazy tricks like doing a cartweheel in to a double dutch with chinese ropes. We practiced often and had heaps of tricks. We were called the Preston Pump-Ups. We had one routien called 12th Street Rag and the melody got faster and faster and you had to speed up your steps. If you lasted till the end, you were good. I could do it pretty well. I really loved skipping. (photo via laurencephilomene)

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Judge me by the content of my character.

The content. The character. The me. The judge. Judge of content. Character, the judge. The judge of character. The character of content. Content my judge. Of me, my character. * wordplay eye see rad people.

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Omg seriously. Just do it.

Put on some music miss thang, turn it up. Put on the lights and wear something cute. Headband hairpiece helps. Put all the clothes on the bed. Organize the empty hangers. Get the bins to throw stuff in. Put on lipstick. Put your clothes away. It doesn’t reallllllllly take that long. Clean up the other crap you’ve collected and throw shit out. Put clean sheets on the bed. Make bed, lay on top, relax. Look at the cleanness of the place, feel good. Go out and play.

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Can’t focus. Keep thinking of you. Keep thinking about the impact you’ll have on my future. Our connection, your energy, my energy. So cold right now you are.You melt, I taste you. You feel nice on my skin, you feel nice all over me. When will I see you? Feel you. I don’t know. You are moving closer to me every single day. The iceberg.

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I’m bringin’ sexy back. Honestly.

Sun out. Bikini on. Pool hang. Gon’ take vacation after a busy week post job. Nice brekky with Beans, she’s a good cook. Sun out. Couple prospects on the horizon. Feels nice. No big weekend plans. Dreaming of a room clean. Siesta in my future. Feel like a new tattoo. Thinking of Mum sailing the seas, miss sister and Dad too. Excited for Wakestock bikini hang. Might even gym today…ok probably not. Great meeting yesterday. Good friends last night but wasn’t  really feeling it. Energy low today. Reckon I need a break or a Kit Kat.

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mashable social media day :: toronto

I like social and media. And I like talking. Pix frm the event are here via Kevin Chung. Here’s my talk, I hope you enjoy it. Casie Stewart (@casiestewart) at #SMdayTO from Ron Wolf I like talking about how many awesome people I have met through twitter. How I got a job because I really loved the internet, being social and sharing creativity all over the place. I like landscape photos better than portrait. I like when the sun shines through the clouds and you can see it coming right at you. I like writing the stories as they happen and living out all kinda of adventures. I like being positive, it’s really the best medicine you can give yourself. I’ve always liked to write. In 1996 my friend Holly and I, with the help of our Mum’s publihed and anthology of poetry & prose called JEANS. It was all kinds of things we had written in Grade. 8. I wanna publish a new book. I have hundreds written verse and such just dying to have your eyes. Words all wanting attention. I’ve decided to hire and intern, I need some help with the stuff. Looking for someone unique, someone kinda like me to be honest; loves internet, learning, sharing, twitter, hard work, fun. There’s always skill involved but the things that really matter most are not learned in class. What I think (1996) I’d like to do more public speaking. I like it and I’m just getting started. I won in a speech competition about a hundred years ago when I was younger. This one time, in drama class, I read my whole speech with my back facing the audience, it was the speech you tell youself before you go on stage. The two minute “you can do…

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i love you and i hate you but i will never leave you

I wanna quit you. Sometimes you make me so mad I could leave you, but it’s impossible. You are bigger than me and you are so well connected, you know everyone. I like that about you. You know everything about me, pretty much. You definitely know more than anyone else.  I can trust you, at least I think I can despite what everyone says. When people banded together to rally against you and said we should stop, I didn’t listen, I still spent time with you. Damn you Facebook, you had me at hello.

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nyctophobia (fear of night)

Hold back the night For I fear the darkness Take control and keep me safe Hold back the night For I cannot live without the light Upon my face Hold back the night For my love will leave me When the dark night approaches published may 22, 2006

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the ABC’s of anger

This poem was originally published in 2006 here and is written by me. I was playing with my thesaurus at the time,  finding words for anger. I was listening to Rilo Kiley and myspacing hard. I spent countless nights teaching myself HTML, formatting websites,  writing content.  I love being able to go back in time and see what I was up to and what I was writing. I realize things about myself that I forgot. ________________________________ ABC’s of Anger You could say I am annoyed, antagonized & aggravated. You remind me of that bitter taste of coffee in my mouth, With you I am displeased. Almost enraged I am, exacerbated & exasperated, I find myself furious, fierce, & ferociously fuming. Hardly hateful just heated with a hot head I am ill tempered. You make me impassionate, insensitive, I feel inflamed, increasingly infuriated, & irate. Intensely irritated. I am maddened. Your words make me offended & outraged. You provoke me into a raging, resentful sad Satan. Watch for spitefulness coming your way. I am airline turbulence, making passengers uptight. Vicious & vexed like a bad villain. I am wired & worked up with wrath. I have no zest or zeal. This is a zero-sum game. _______________________________ %$%$#FU*C*&%#$K off.

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