woke up thinking it smells like back to school

Part 1 Woke up thinking I don’t want to share what I think/feel today. I’m gonna tell a story, not sure what but a story. Then I have several messages regarding a Twittascope Tweet (Twitter/Horoscope). I have trouble accessing the site, so I get ready, leave and have no idea what it says. Part 2 Riding in the sunshine I hear “get off that bike, that’s nnot your bike”. Familiar face, man, beard, bike, running with dog on leash, he works near me. The bells are ringing and the GO train was fastly approaching. She raced it and crossed the tracks. She looked homeless and dressed in Mugatu Derilict. I asked if he wanted me to hold the dog so he could chase her. I see cops everyday when I ride around Liberty and was she she would not get away. I peddled hard across the tracks after the train and went after. No idea what I would do. I dreamed of throwing a side kick from my bike and knocking her down. Locking my bike while she scrambled then riding off on his to return it. However, I just followed her. Saw a police car and knew she was on the other side of  the car park.  Yelled out to him “she stole that bike”. Told him it was my friends and he was chasing her.  He went to get her. Part 3 Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20) Your key planet Venus is encouraging you to boldly state your feelings out loud today. But you should think twice before doing something that can upset the delicate balance of power. Your life is already complicated enough; you don’t need to add another layer of emotional drama on top of everything else. Acknowledge your desires, but consider keeping them to…

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we have hundreds of mc donalds toys

Things are a little different in the East end. They move at a different pace then the West. The people look different. More dogs, wives, kids, lawns, antique shops, less hipsters. I’ve never seen a house like this before. It’s in the East end at Queen and Bertmount Ave on Bertmount, about a block North of Queen. Necessary pull over for photos. I’ve been trying to think up stories all day about the people that live here. The lady that put all these guys up. How long? What does she look like? Her name is Shirley. She won best small garden from the city one year. Best garden. Yes, best GARDEN! Look at this baby and say ‘best small garden’ out loud. There are so many random and tattered toys all over. It’s crazy. We collected Mc Donald’s Happy Meal toys. Mum has hundreds of them in the basement. Boxed. Original packaging. Barbies, Beanie Babies, Playmobile, Lego, Batman, Disney stuff and more. Somebody needs a thingamabob? So creepy. Tahnee keeps freaking out every time she looks at my screen. She said at Christmas Shirley decks the place out in lights. I can’t even imagine. Ok, I can but I don’t want to. These are most definitely different to the type of kids toys you see on Youtube. Quite frankly, I think a child looking at these toys too long would need to go to therapy. Today was as the kind of hot I love when it’s sticky and your skin stays soft all day. I took a watermelon to a bbq in the afternoon. Love summer melons. Thanks for having me guys! Browsed a book at their place with some valuable lessons in it. This was a cute one.

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what life used to be like B.T

I knew right when I woke up that something wasn’t right. I had a knot in my stomach and I tossed and turned.  Ropes hit the window as I was getting ready and the window cleaning men saw me naked. I rode through a stop sign in front of a police man. Twitterberry was returning no signal and I figured I hate you you stupid phone.  I get to the office and think ‘oh no they blocked twitter gadget finally’. I pinned Kurt and Keri and Tiffany on BBM and said “IS TWITTER DOWN?”. I was in a bit of a panic and thought it has to be the office big brother. Asked Dr. Google for an answer prescription and I got all I needed to know…Twitter is down. Some things I would have Tweeted: Everything you can imagine is real. Pablo Picasso Coupon for $2.00 off Tylenol Aches and Pains MMMM roast chicken and mashed w. veggies from catering today. I love. I woke up and imagined it was Friday I Hope it doesn’t rain on my white dress today. new Vegimite flavour suggestions in the NZ Herrald [link] oooh typornopgraphy j’adore [see for yourself] http://hipstercollective.com/ style stalked Zanita. Zanita who? [babe] Making these Betsy J. style [legs] keep checking and still no twitter GAH! @americanapparel chambray hooray! [awesome]

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tasty brain snack

Great sleep. Lots of rest. Following a bunch of new Tweeps. Sun is shining and it’s warm outside. I woke up thinking Zombie. I want to dress Zombie again. Did it a few times during October last year. I don’t like scary movies, blood, gore, surgery, guts, pretty much anything gross….but you put me in Zombie and I’m not even scared. Zombies eat brains.  Last year I went on my first Zombie walk. Starts in the pit at Trinity Bellwoods with hundreds of dead people then they climb out of the pit and take the streets.  Oh what fun it is to stride with all the bloody faces.  I put a bloody finger up my nose. It was sick. I’m gonna walk it again this year for sure.  I hope Karrera is back from BC. Soon as August rolls around I start thinking about Halloween. That’s my favorite day of the year. I love to dress up, I just love it.

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some times i don’t feel like it

I walked around for about an hour thinking about my life. I was having realizations and I felt like a crazy person. It was as if I was in a fog. I was having anxiety. Sometimes I freak out. Sometimes I don’t want to be on the internet anymore. Sometimes I don’t know what to do about stuff and sometimes I forget things.  I started freaking about my last minute trip to a foreign country. Panicked. Instant attack. I left the store. I walked down the street back in my own fog again.  I’m nervous about going but then think not going would be silly too. For a bunch of different reasons.  It’s a chance to relax and go some place  cool with bunch of cool old friends. Relax. I’m packing one bag;  one nice outfiit, one dress, one piece bathing suit, one yoga mat. This is the relax retreat. A true mini vacation/airport tour. Vanilla as some may say. I know when I come back Sunday I’ll have had lots of time with self.  I love traveling; airport, airplane, people, waiting, watching, thinking, moving.  I love being in motion.

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take a look at yourself and make a change

Mum rung me while I was at the track and told me about MJ. I knew he went to the hospital and while I was biking he passed. Poor Farrah, will forever be remembered in the shadow of the world greatest pop icon. I realize now much I love him  when I look at photos,  listen and see him dance in videos. Jenie and I used to watch Much Music for hours and learn his moves and make up dances. We’ve got a stack of MJ collection cards at Mum’s from when we were kids.  He’s got dark black skin black and wearing the red leather jacket in some of them,  he looks hot. God, I love him, always will. Michka made a tribute picture and sent it to me this morning. She looks great as MJ.

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add some spice to your life already

Girls were working out in the park.  They start in a circle then change formation to watch the teacher. I stopped to have a sit in the grass and relax.Needed to  cool down from the hot heat on the bike ride. Was tired on the bike today, really warm out today. Humid. Sat down for a cold refreshing one on the bench and felt calm.  Gonna get a new style today.The stuff is in my hair is hot and it feels like I’m in direct afternoon sunlight on a hot summer day.  It kinda burns a bit but it’s good.  I’m starting to get excited for Pride. I get talking about past times and all the girls start calling and we make plans.  OMG its so fun.  I love. Its hot, burning right now a bit. I love coming here. I was so crazy with a mind a racin’ that I wasn’t relaxed. Now I’m relaxed. Beautiful outside right now, lovely. I looked at your picture but it wasn’t you it was an inposter of you circa something. I laughed. Facebook on phone means double notifications and major annoyance. Don’t like it. Do like getting my hair done. The colour is setting in.  Its gonna be bright. I’m  gonna freak out at first like I always do then love it. It’s going to be perfect for the weekend. I love it.

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guess who came over?

Her birthday is coming up and Grama wants to have a party. She’s turning 100. She loves to dance and get down. She doesn’t mind a few drinks or a toke either.   You’d never know how old she is by her body. I think she’s had work done but she’ll never tell us. This one time she came out for Halloween and she was a hit. All the boys were checking her out from behind and dancing with her. When she turned around, they were shocked to see her age all over her face.  Oh, Grama, you so funny. There’s a video of her…but it’s really quite creepy.

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crazy going slowly am i

Sometimes I just can’t seem to relax. My mind races with a hundred thousand thoughts at a time and I lose my concentration and have no focus. I think there’s a good chance it might have to do with how much time I spend on the Internet soaking up information. My daily intake of news, facts, and randomness is very high. I constantly multitask and when I’m not on the Internet I have blackberry that receives three different emails, Blackberry Messenger and has wireless access.  I’m addicted to information. I’m very creative. My mind never stops. I think back to learning about entrepreneurs and how the really successful ones work their asses off.  That’s what you gotta do to get anywhere. I’ve been so busy lately and but not just going-places-busy, thoughts-process-busy. It’s really good and I like it but sometimes it gives me knots in my stomach and I feel like I’m going to puke. That’s how I felt this morning. I got up extra early so I could get to the office and check some things off my list before everyone else got in. The ride in was nice and my bike makes me feel free. I managed to get a bit ahead but I’ve still got a full day staring me in the face. Lunch meeting, after work meeting, concert, opening party, then finally bed. It’s days like this I sing the song from Sharon Lois and Bram and think it’s OK, you’re gonna be OK. It’s just another day.

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in this department

I’m feeling restless and I want to go to the beach. The sun is shining bright and I’m a little bit hungry. I went for a walk because I was so restless and sat on the artsy project bench and didn’t have anyone to talk to but myself. I could still hear something and I’m sure it’s my thoughts. They were racing around about all kinds of things that are real and not real and happening around me and inside my wild and vivid imagination. I walked into a spider web and it graced my face. No spiders thankfully. I want to lay in the grass and stretch my arms out really wide and feel the sun on my face. I want to relax. I want to write. I will do that this weekend. I hope it’s sunny. I really should check the weather network and download the app for Blackberry. A guy from the office sent and email in at 6 am today saying he quit. His team wasn’t really happy but there is part of me that admires him for leaving his desk clean and Blackberry in the top drawer last night before heading home. I sent him an email and it bounced back. Kinda funny, well, to me. Oh god I’m hungry now. Do you know my friend Elsa Cohen? She’s coming to visit from NYC soon.

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it’s good be a crazy cool kiwi girl

About two yearsago I worked at Hemingways, a Kiwi pub in Toronto or a couple months.I was working away on the patio one night and had been watching Conchords on HBO non-stop for about a month. It was On Demand andI could not get enough of it. I saw this one guy who had the most uncanny resemblance to Jemaine Clement from Flight of the Conchords. At the same time,  I had also been checking out this cute boy who looked kinda like Brett Mackenzie, also from FOTC. I always have a thing for those cute ones that have the Sam Roberts hair. Seperately, I told them about FOTC, at the time it was a hilarious Kiwi show that hardly anyone had heard of. The were both nice and said  ‘ok, sounds kinda cool’ but I needed evidence. I rounded them up like sheep and got them together for a pic. Totally awesome. First pic is the real ones and the other two pictures are the fakes. They look just like ’em!

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stereo eight and a heart of glass

It’s always something. You think everything is fine and then something shows up to the party and ruins your day. It’s sunny outside and I wore a cute outfit but I can’t help but feel grey. I don’t like feeling this way. I should be happy, it’s the weekend and it’s warm out.  I found this old eight-track tape in Mum’s basement a little while ago. I wish I had a player to play it.  I sorted through a huge pile of business cards. There’s lots of cool people in that pile.  I think the cards look neat when wrapped and stacked.  I feel like this is the slowest day ever.  It’s one of those day’s i’d watch Closer and listen to Damien Rice I think. There’s heaps cool things in Mum’s basement.  Lots of our old stuff. The movie Yes Man is really funny.  Zack and Miri Make a Porno is one of the worst movies i’ve ever seen.  No link to that one, imbarassed to say I even watched the whole thing. I hope it’s nice out tomorrow.  I could use a vacation day.

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is she yours, yes, she’s mine

I love this scene in Closer. Natalie Portman is a favorite of mine. In this movie she moves me.  She plays this girl, so mysterious and naughty yet childlike and carefree. This is the only movie that has ever made me have strong feelings for at least two days after seeing it in theatres. The relationships between the characters are real and crowded with mixed messages. They are allso strong but weak at the same time. Pulling their feelings from one another and back to where they used to be. It’s my most favorite at 4:37 when she  says “Where is this love?  I can’t see it,  I can’t touch it.  I can’t feel it.  I can hear it.  I can hear some words, but I can’t do anything with your easy words.”  I used to watch Closer over and over. So many times  I found comfort in her honesty, the way she could just just let herself  be so open and vulnerable.  Meanwhile,  the whole time she was really just hiding.

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they all make me happy

Urgh, I’m having trouble concentrating all I can think about is how sunny it is and how much I want to be outside. I’m really feeling the ADD today and it doesn’t make it any easier that I spend all day on computer. I’ve been asked to download one of our casino’s to check some numbers and it involves looking at a bunch of games – get it now? Makes it really difficult to get things done. My skin feels warm from my tan at lunch, I like it very much. I had a Booster Juice, there’s a new one in Liberty Village, like that very much too. Strawberry Sunshine is my favorite. Love it. Found out today that some goodies are coming my way in the mail next week.  Guess what? I really, really like that. I get everything delivered to my office so that our secretary brings over big bags and boxes and everyone wonders what I got.  Makes me feel happy. I’m going for dinner with a really awesome friend  tonight and then gonna see my sister too – very happy about that. I like to dressin fun outfits and costumes up  and I found some pictures of different things I’ve worn and well, that all makes me happy too. Ok, now that I got that out I go play games with my happy face on. Enjoy the day! ♥

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i don’t think you should drink and bike dudes

NOTL – That’s what they call it. Like it’s a gangsta-short- code for something really bad ass. It’s a popular spot for wino’s and people from the State. If you enjoy people watching, grab a drink and score a seat because you’re sure to see some entertaining characters. I’m not sure where the people come from but it’s so much different than being in the city.  Here, it’s busy and noisy and there are so many people that you can’t even tell who the crazy ones are and you barely have time to watch the days go by. Good food at this place, Prince of Whales. I was a little shocked to see the below advertisement for Wine Tours combined with biking.  I’ve learned that biking and drinking, especially to multiple destinations, isn’t usually a good idea. By the time you get to your last stop you’re half in the bag and then you have to go all the way back home. I’m surprised that this place even exists. I wonder if I can take a dirt bike around to different breweries anywhere? Now, doesn’t that sound like a bright idea? This building made for pretty pictures. It’s a really old one covered in vines. I’m watching The Bachelorette and I think she’s a wild one. This could be an interesting show.  I dig that she drives a purple vintage classic. I think guys get snarkier than girls do and there will be some fights.  Shame the preview gives the show away and the guys are such dorks.

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