Day 586: When Life Gives You Monday

After work, I biked over to a last-minute vintage sale on Queen West. April was going to meet me there but she had to work so I went solo. I wasn’t really looking for anything particular but I left with a beautiful silk blazer (with shoulder pads!) and a glass bowl I plan to use for plant propagation. Took home something for April in my bike basket. ? It was absolutely beautiful outside and it felt great to be on my bike in the sun. I cruised down the West Toronto Rail Path, down Dundas West, and back. Loving these warm October days and hope they stick around past Halloween. When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day. Ella Woodward Looking forward to an early night and my run in the morning. Sending you sunshine through the internet!

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Day 415: Case of The Mondays

I usually look forward to Monday but this week I was struggling. I had a relaxing weekend but a bad sleep Sunday night that left me feeling down and out. Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays! Thankful for my job and working with great people, a good dose of motivation when you’re feeling off. The best part of my day was a visit from friends who dropped off one of the new branded hoodies we ordered. It was the perfect pick me up on a rainy day! I put it on right away and heated up a bowl of lentil soup I made on the weekend. It’s been ages since I watched Office Space but I’ve probably seen it 100 times. I used to meet up with my college girlfriends and we would watch it all the time. Highly recommend it if you’re looking for something funny to watch. A true classic!

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Day 387: An Epic Sandwich for Monday

Woke up feeling fresh from a nice relaxing long weekend. I love Monday and not knowing exactly what the day will bring. Every Monday, I have two different morning meetings to set the tone for the week. In each one, I laugh a little and leave feeling actually excited to do the work. Went for a nice run at 8 am, the temperature is perfect right now. Can’t wait to run in shorts, soon! Doing a workout and getting outside each morning keeps me on track for the whole day and I find it gives me energy. I’m still on my smoothie bowl kick and in awe of their beauty. Sean cooked a whole chicken in the afternoon and I made an epic sandwich with chicken, spinach, pineapple, roasted peppers, sweet potato, honey mustard, mayo, pepper, it was amazing. Had a nice walk after work and I love seeing flowers in bloom. Can’t wait for warmer temps, bring on spring!

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Day 330: A Message For Monday

A short little message for Monday! Sending you good vibes for a great week. Hang in there, we’ll get through this! Go for a walk. Get some fresh air. Feel the sun on your face. The wind in your hair.

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Day 310: No Blue Monday Here

On Monday I like to get up, exercise, and get fully dressed for the day. Read my post about why from Day 254 in November 2020. I *really* try to make Monday a productive start to the week. As mum would say ‘start out as I mean to go on‘. Ran 2k at 8am, had a shower, listened to some tunes, and felt the sun on my face. As I was getting dressed, for some reason, I felt it was a good time to wear the yellow Playsuit I ordered from Biddell this summer (Day 124). I didn’t realize it was Blue Monday. I hadn’t really been on social media yet but I guess the universe knew I needed to be a burst of sunshine. I posted my outfit and shared a dance video with a friend. It’s a small thing but seeing my sun shining (and smile!) brought joy and a smile to a couple of others today. We all need a little more sunshine this time of year. Don’t be shy to share yours with someone today, or any day. Post from Blue Monday 2011 Post from Blue Monday 2020

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Day 289: Last Monday of 2020

What a year it’s been! I’m planning to write something thoughtful about the things I’ve learned this year before the end of the week. We’ve all grown and changed so much. It’s crazy to think we’re almost at 300 days of the pandemic with no end in sight. As this is the last Monday of 2020, think about how you can make Monday your fav day of the week in 2021. Today is a holiday (Boxing Day) and I’m looking forward to being back in business tomorrow and meeting with a colleague (over Zoom of course!). We have to clear off some snow from the last couple of days but we’ve got a skating rink and cold-plunge pool down by the lake. Sean has really been into cold immersion this year. I’m not as experienced but I love the idea and how it feels (after, not during!). Planning to do at least one more dip before 2020 is over.

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Day 268: A Monday MOOD.

Feeling good today! I love Monday, it’s a day full of opportunity, a fresh start to the week. Yesterday’s outing left me feeling all kinds of happiness. When I posted this today on IG, a few people were surprised at how long my hair is now. It’s growing like crazy! Longest I’ve had it in over a decade. One friend even said they weren’t sure if it was my sister until the mask came off! Did you like the IG post yet?! This mask is a new design by my friend Anela, the designer behind Considerate Goods (posted about her here). I picked up a few new masks from last time I was in the city and they are SO STYLISH. I even got a special one for holiday and I look forward to sharing it with you! I also got the houndstooth which is super nice. I know things are hard right now and we wish it could be different but it’s important to see the joy in little things, to get outside each day, and find things to be happy about. Last winter I wrote a series about dealing with winter SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), you can find those suggestions here. As it gets colder and we have nowhere to go, it’s gonna be hard but WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS. HANG IN THERE MY FRIENDS! This post was featured on Links à la Mode fashion roundup by Independent Fashion Bloggers. More fashion articles: Day 268: A Monday MOOD by Casie Stewart: This Is My Life Made-to-Measure and Custom by Oliver Wicks Belgrade diaries: Life is a collection of moments by Ivana’s World 10 Most Relaxing Nintendo Switch Games For Mindfulness by Emily Underworld

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Day 261: Monday Funday

I woke up this morning excited for work. I have talked about my love for Monday before. Monday is a day full of opportunity, who knows what emails you’ll get, how a call will change a plan, or who might pop into your day and brighten it up. I’ve worked freelance for years but before that, I’d been in full-time jobs where I dreaded Monday morning. If you think about it, Monday doesn’t suck, you just hate your job. I baked some cookies during our all-staff meeting today, then dropped some to our lovely neighbour and my favourite postal lady, Judy, at Kilworthy Post Office. I rang Mum and we talked about little gifts we’ve made/are making for people and let me tell you, nothing like a handmade gift. I loved sewing this weekend and I can’t wait to make more things. It’s taken some time to get familiar with my machine but I’m getting it. Each of my one-of-a-kind scrunchies has its own imperfections, making it unique. It gave me so much joy to make and style each one. A few people have asked how to get them, I’m thinking about making a shop and donating some of the proceeds. Tbh, kinda wanna keep and wear them all but I have enough scraps/ones that turned out bad ( ?) to have a piece of each floofy scrunch. Doing things that don’t involve a phone or computer will inspire you in ways you don’t even know. I highly recommend it. The agency I’ve been working with for the last few months is called FUNDAY. I love the people, the work, the hours, and it generally makes me happy to be on the team. If you are interested to learn more, check out Ran 2.2 km this morning and I’m…

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Day 226: Gloomy Monday

The sky is grey and it’s raining, again. We’ve hardly had any sun over the last week, today is a gloomy Monday in the woods. Friday was beautiful and over 20 degrees, but I was inside working the whole day. We had a really relaxing weekend, I swear I could have used another two days to charge my batteries. I did nothing but watch Netflix all day on Saturday and it was glorious. I’m on S3 of Gossip Girl now. Yesterday I did a bunch of food prep and then took I nap. Things are really exciting these days lol. Sunday afternoon, we met up with Emily’s mum in Gravenhurst to do the switchover. This morning, ‘Stage 2’ is trending on Twitter and Ontario is seeing the highest Corona cases since the start of the pandemic. Sean and I are thinking to stay up here in the woods for most of the week. The cottage isn’t fully winterized but I would be happy to stay up here as long as we can. Please stay safe and wear a mask. We’re all dreaming of the day this is over. I hope you have a great week.

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Monday Motivation

You got this, girl. Monday is a new week. A new opportunity to make magic happen. Focus on what you need to get done and try not to get distracted. When you catch yourself scrolling mindlessly, STOP, and go back to that list. You will thank you later. Check things off when you’re done. Exercise when you can. It may be the morning one day or the night the next but it all counts. Smile. Forget about things that don’t matter and focus on people who do. Love yourself, you are amazing. Monday means the start of a new week and anything can happen. Make something happen.  You got this. The photo is from Happy Place in Toronto, I went to the media preview last week. It’s in TO until January. Tickets here! (not sponsored lol) buy Premarin no prescription Buy Cozaar online

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Cyber Monday, More Like Cyber Funday! ?

Did you buy any stuff today? I’ve been out and about around New Orleans but I’m back in my apartment to check on and share a few deals before the day is done. Last week for Black Friday I ordered a new Instant Pot from Amazon and an Echo Dot. I’ve been obsessed with the Instant Post since we got one last year for Christmas and I use it a couple times a week. SOME OF MY FAV DEALS ON AMAZON TODAY! [amazon_link asins=’B06Y1MP2PY,B00QJDU3KY,B07456NHZ7,B074R17GS5,B01LBWEMP4′ template=’ProductCarousel’ store=’casiestewartc-20′ marketplace=’CA’ link_id=’1850eb58-d3bf-11e7-b8b7-f5b4dff9c389′]

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Weekend Workshop + Book Recos + Monday Motivation

This weekend was fun. I went out for one last kayak before we put all the stuff away. It was surprisingly warm, but damp, great weather for getting things done. Although it’s a lot of work, and I can feel it in my arms today, closing the cottage is something I kinda look forward to. Sean and I do together as a team; heaps of lifting, holding the ladder, carrying the canoe, putting away the outside stuff, and family trips to the dump. We had Embot with us and her fav part was deff packing the trailer then chucking everything into the huge garbage at the dump. For years I’ve been wanting to make cutting boards from some of the beautiful wood laying around and we finally did it! I marked and measured, Sean put them through the planer, then cut them into pieces. I spent ages with the sander making them nice and soft. Before I started my project, I did a look of research and read quite a lot of information on orbital vs sheet sander. After careful consideration, I realized which one I should be using for a nice finish so it was a good job I looked into it! The next step is sealing, drying, and wrapping for the holidays. I need to visit Lee Valley this week. I spent lots of time in the garage with my dad as a kid so doing that as a family this weekend was nice. This weekend I finished a book called The Party by Robyn Harding (a soft-cover gift from Jen Kirsch!) and started another book called The Party by Elizabeth Day (on Kindle!). I was searching Amazon for one and found the other! Since I got a Kindle last year I’ve read SO MANY BOOKS. It’s the…

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SCROLL – 5 Good Things for Monday, March 6, 2017

Hello & happy Monday, here are a few good things to start your day. ☀️ On Sunday I went to detox yoga at noon and it was a really good class. Sean picked me up after and we got groceries and other stuff. Lately I’ve been more conscious of things I’m doing and why. I think it goes back to that sound bath I went to in LA. I swear something happened that day. So, instead of laying the couch and scrolling I’m sitting on the bed writing. I promised to write more. Although, one of my favourite things is sitting and scrolling. I love reading Steph’s The Catch Up or Weekly Enabler Posts on her blog LEOPARD is a NEUTRAL. I also love Gracie’s recipes, yesterday I tried to make cauliflower rice but it ended up being mash. Which was still good. I tried to do a newsletter but I failed miserably, despite ‘wanting‘ to do it I only sent it once. Sorry subscribers. ? Maybe one day I will get there but baby steps are ok. Here are five things I think you might like too. ONE: TRAVEL & LIFE TIPS FROM ONE OF MY FAV BLOGGER/YOUTUBERS Kristen Sarah created Hopscotch The Globe and has been travelling for 13 years with her husband. They’re also moving into an AIRSTREAM. If you haven’t read noticed, is one of my travel goals. TWO: VICE + OCCUPIED VR + CREATORS PROJECT OCCUPIED VR (Sean, my bf’s company) is featured on the VICE Creators Project right now. Watch it here or check out my behind the scenes experience at the shoot in yesterday’s blog post. THREE – THE BANKSY HOTEL  This place is all over headlines with it’s “worst view in the world”. The ‘Walled Off Hotel’ (a play on Waldorf?) is in Bethlehem and looks right out to the concrete wall around the West Bank.The decor inside is crazy/awesome, every room…

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Monday Motivation: Sunshine and Lake Life

Hello and good morning from Muskoka! We drove up to the cottage yesterday for a couple days of paradise. This week is a short one for us as we’re here till tomorrow, back to the city, then Friday we fly out to Boston for the weekend to see some friends. I am so excited! Went for a nice little walk this morning but there were heaps of bugs swarming our heads. It’s a warm sunny 22 degrees so far. If you stay still the bugs will get you, so you have to keep moving. #mondaymotivation #muskoka — CASiE STEWART (@casiestewart) July 11, 2016 After doing work all morning I’m heading out in to the water on my paddle board to get some sun and exercise. I absolutely love being up here. At the start of August we’re up here for an entire WEEK! The sun is calling me… Enjoy the day! Update: I don’t think I’m quite ready to get back on the board yet. My arm strength/chest muscles are still tender. Looks like I’ll be reading on the dock instead!  

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Monday Feelin’ Like Saturday

Had a great weekend. Good Christmas. Went for a nice walk to the park and enjoyed the warm weather on Chrismas day. Sean enjoying a scarf mum sent. Looks great on him tbh!  Had a bbq with some friends on Saturday night. Was great to get out of the house after hibernating for a few days. We’d been in serious holiday mode watching movies and binging Netflix. Not feeling so hot today. Feels like I’m getting a cold. Gonna rest up and keep this holiday mode spirit alive! Hope you had a great weekend too.

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Monday, Monday, Monday!

This morning I ventured out to Etobiocoke for a plant tour of a clients workshop. It was pretty neat. I love the smell of workshops. My dad owned a big hot rod shop that had a warehouse when I was a kid, I spent so much time there growing up.  Had to fully gear up with glasses and steel toe shoes. It’s crazy warm in Toronto right now, 12 degrees! Apparently it’s NOT because of Global Warming, just an El Niño keeping things warm. A record-breaking El Niño has shunted the jet stream far to the north, paving the way for warm air to shatter records. [More here.] Here’s a little sneak peek at the Christmas tree April and I decorated at the 1188 office on Friday. It’s a selfie tree! We’re even got Drake, Kanye, and Otis the dog (RIP, love you). Had some great chilli for lunch. Tonight I’m doing a holiday screen printing workshop with Peach Berserk. Can’t wait! Might finally do that all over print of my face. I know that’s what you want for Christmas!   

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Monday, Take the Sunshine Wherever You Go

This weekend was just what I needed. After a busy Friday night celebrating 2 of my best friends I spent most of Saturday & Sunday on the couch with my nose in a book. Simon Schuster sent over an advance  copy of Hidden Bodies by  Caroline Kepness. It’s got murder, suspense, sex, and modern lingo like Facebook, Instagram, Tinder, etc. There’s a book before this one with the same character I need to go back and read now! Highly recommend.  I didn’t realize there was a Second Cup at the Stockyards shops when I was there on Saturday, so I decided to try all the baked squares. The pecan was my fav followed by the lemon and Nanaimo. I love Nanaimo bars.  Really got me thinking about holiday baking and making some shortbread soon.    Sean made me the most lovely dinner of steak and scallops last night w/ sprouts, roast vegetables, and kale. Saturday night we stayed in watching Trainwreck w/ takeout. Something I love about the colder months is staying in the house with someone you love. Today I’ve been in Facebook ads reporting all day and will be heading to the Beaches later to see my sister.   I’m really looking forward to reading more of my book once I wrap up all my duties for the day. Sorry this is a boring update lol. Tomorrow I’m Sirius Xm at the Todd Shapiro Show and later this week I’m judging the finals for the travelcuts Travel Documentary Film Festival. Never a dull moment!    

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Motivation | Monday I’m Ready for You

Have to return my little car from Scion Canada today. It’s been so nice driving my own car the last week.  Back to driving Sean’s truck for me. The iM is 4-door and a cute little hatchback that’s been great for city cruising. Driving to London, ON & back to TO on the highway was great too. I’m working at the 1188 office most of this week. Speaking on an influencer panel tomorrow with Jones Media. Later in the week I’m filming some holiday stuff with Umbra at their store. Feeling happy and ready to take on the world! So nice and sunny out today. The weather is STILL (fairly) WARM. ITS AMAZINGGGGGGGG. Sending sunshine and good vibes to you through the Internet ??☀️   

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This is My Life | Why Does Monday Suck Though?

‘Mondays are fine, you hate your job’ Years ago I worked as a tech recruiter in the financial district. We had a team meeting each morning at 8am. Thus meaning I would leave the house each day at 7:30am, dressed in a business type suit, with my briefcase style bag, Lenovo Thinkpad computer (it was 2008), and head down to Bay Street.  Around the 1-year mark on a Monday just before lunch, my boss pulled me into his office and said ‘Case, what’s wrong, you don’t seem your happy self?’ It was true. I wasn’t feeling it.  I didn’t want to do this job anymore.  I thought about quitting but I didn’t have much money and being lay off and getting two weeks would be much better. So, I toughed it out and kept going in for those early mornings. At this point, since my boss brought it up, I came out and said ‘I don’t wanna work here anymore’. He told me he knew and it was ok. we talked it out and I cleaned out my desk after lunch. They gave me 2 weeks pay and I never looked back. If you have going into work on Monday morning, BE THE CHANGE. Do something about it. There are heaps of new jobs in new industries being created each and every single day. or, if you’re not ready to leave your job, spend the weekend working on your hobby so you’ve got something exciting to think about. Work to make THAT your job. I work pretty much every single day, often less on weekends but sometimes more! Doing something I love means it doesn’t always feel like work. I mean sometimes I don’t feel like it but most the time I do. We only live once so don’t spent weeks, months, years doing…

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Monday, Make It Great!

Had a wonderful weekend! Mum and I really enjoyed Ottawa and seeing Serena Ryder, photos and stories about that tomorrow. Queen’s Plate yesterday was really fun too.  Today I went to Vaughan Mills to do some shopping for an upcoming project. I’d not been to the mall there before and HOLY MOLY there are so many stores and great deals.      In between doing work today I also got a new mani. 💅🏼   Saw this sweet Camaro.     Absolutely loving this warm weather. We’ve planned some dedicated time up at the cottage this month and I CAN’T WAIT.   Hoping your week is off to a great start! 💛 CASIE  

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One of The Great Things About Monday Is…

I know that Monday feeling, back to work, especially in -40 with windchill weather can be a real downer. BUT one of the great things about Monday is it’s the start of a new week and you never know what the next 5 days will bring. I always find myself looking at the world/into my computer screen with wonder and excitement. Not knowing what emails about coming your way, who’s been creeping your socils profiles, what the world has in store for you. So, keep your head up, put a smile on your face, and greet the world with s sense of wonder and opportunity will come your way. his weekend I recieved a link to a short film by kate Yorks that I was a PA on about 2 years ago. It’s now online! It’s been shows at a few film festivals in North America. You can watch below. Great job 1188 (Sean’s company) and congrats Kate! In other news, Behind the Red Carpet film that I am IN premiere’s tonight on CBC’s documentary channel. Tune in details below. I’ve talked to our producer and distributor about getting a link and or when it will be on iTunes in Canada. Crossing my fingers for Netflix! Sending you positive intentions for the day and week. DAYLIGHT SAVINGS IN IN 13 DAYS! We’re are more than half way through the saddest month of the year and spring is around the corner. I’ll keep reminding you of this! With love from across the Internet,  CASIE

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Mellow Yellow Monday

It’a super nice out today. I took off my jacket to snap some photos on my way to work and the sun was already beating down. I heard it might get up to 20 today. It’s about time I start using my Canon DSLR now that it’s nice out. Last summer I was just getting to learn how to use it as an ambassador w/ Canon for the Canon Blogtography program. I’m happy these pants still fit, I really need to get my summer bod rockin’. Since the winter was so long and cold I managed to stay inside and hibernate for months which also meant a million movies, snacks, takeout. These jellies were sent to me by Narrative PR & Call It Spring, I feel like a kid when I wear them. Especially with my backpack on. It’s a great feeling really 🙂   Our quick visit to the cottage yesterday was ok, the lake is still frozen and it’s still winter up there. The snowbank was too high to put the car in the driveway.  The water is going to be so cold this year! Luckily I have my garden at our house in the city to work on before getting into full cottage mode. It’s much more fun up there when it’s warm! Thinking of my friends in Boston and everyone in the marathon today. Last year Sean and I were in Boston that weekend and downtown right were the bombings happened the day before. I knew a couple people running and it was pretty scary. I hope everything today goes fine ad everyone is safe. Thinking I’ll venture out into the sun over lunch, check out the hood. Try and find a good photo spot, maybe read some of my book. Have a few cool things…

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Music Monday + GIF Madness

Monday Madness! Busy day ahead. Catching up on weekend ‘tings at the office. Blue hair don’t care. It’s cold but oh so sunny outside.  Just ate a poutine. Dinner w/ friends at the Four Seasons after work. Got back a bunch of photos from my shoot this weekend w/ Adrian Fiebig, squeee! Ordered new prescription glasses (finally after like 5 years). Have new GelaSkins en route for my laptop, iPhone, and iPad mini. Productivity is at an all time high! Below is the July Talk album, been listening to it heaps lately. Love both their voices. Met the lovely blonde lead singer Leah Fay at the Kee to Bala this summer. They opened for Sam Roberts. Sean just worked on Sam Roberts new video too. We’re all so connected! OK, that’s all for meow now! <3 CASIE cymbalta without prescription cytotec without prescription diflucan without prescription doxycycline without prescription

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These Vids Will Warm Up Your Monday!

Oh helloooooo! Really had to pull myself out of bed this morning even though I had heaps of sleep on the weekend. All this cold and snow makes for perfect sitting on the couch reading, working, in jammies weather. Can’t believe it’s almost Christmas! Mum is in NZ with the family, HI GUYS! In other news… Check out these awesome vids made by Seattle’s Travels and Gunnarolla on our Thailand trip. Oh man, today with this cold ass winter I really miss the hot hot sun! Contiki Thailand (iPhone 5s slo-mo) If you do nothing else today, watch this short love letter vid from @seattlestravels of her #contikithai adventure — Contiki Holidays (@ContikiCAN) December 15, 2013   Christmas Safari! ♫ (ft. Nanalew & Hey Nadine) Post by High On Life Sundayfundayz. Stay warm out there! <3 CASIE   buy lasix without prescription buy nexium without prescription buy prednisone without prescription Buy prevacid without prescription

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NOISEY + VICE present: Before Monday Comes – Berlin

Exciting news! Meet my first post in a partnership with one of my fav companies in the world, VICE! I’ve been reading the mag for about 10 years after finding it outside a cool little boutique in Bondi Beach, Australia. I’ve blogged heaps about VICE since then and attended a ton of VICE parties in back alleys, abandoned spaces, and hipster hangouts. VICE’s music channel Noisey, is launching a new series called Before Monday Comes. The 8 episode series is the ultimate weekend adventure of eating, drinking, dancing, music, and partying across five cities in five countries.  It looks like a whole lotta fun, and partying, and fun. Check out this episode from Berlin and get  a glimpse into some of the worlds most exciting underground music scenes via Dismantle and Boxfresh.  The series is them travelling around and checking out party scenes in New York, Beijing, Berlin, Stockholm and London as part of a partnership with Boxfresh. I love it. BEFORE MONDAY COMES – BERLIN Tweet Share with friends who like to PARTY!

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I Don’t Care if Monday’s Blue

Had a great weekend up at the cottage with my love. Hung out with Lauren too. I’m off to NY on Thursday and can’t wait to get away for a few days. Passed by Beerfest for a little tour yesterday afternoon. It was fun. Lauren had her first big comedy show last night. Like proud parents, we were there to support! Put this on and think happy thoughts. Always puts a smile on my face 🙂

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Happy Monday from Community and ME!

I posted on the work blog today. It’s all about Monday and me thinks you will like it. See the entire post here.  It’s a short week and only 3 days till the long weekend. Leave a comment if you love it! Monday FTW! 🙂 <3 CASIE

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