Day 586: When Life Gives You Monday

After work, I biked over to a last-minute vintage sale on Queen West. April was going to meet me there but she had to work so I went solo. I wasn’t really looking for anything particular but I left with a beautiful silk blazer (with shoulder pads!) and a glass bowl I plan to use for plant propagation. Took home something for April in my bike basket. ? It was absolutely beautiful outside and it felt great to be on my bike in the sun. I cruised down the West Toronto Rail Path, down Dundas West, and back. Loving these warm October days and hope they stick around past Halloween. When life gives you Monday, dip it in glitter and sparkle all day. Ella Woodward Looking forward to an early night and my run in the morning. Sending you sunshine through the internet!

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Day 415: Case of The Mondays

I usually look forward to Monday but this week I was struggling. I had a relaxing weekend but a bad sleep Sunday night that left me feeling down and out. Looks like someone has a case of the Mondays! Thankful for my job and working with great people, a good dose of motivation when you’re feeling off. The best part of my day was a visit from friends who dropped off one of the new branded hoodies we ordered. It was the perfect pick me up on a rainy day! I put it on right away and heated up a bowl of lentil soup I made on the weekend. It’s been ages since I watched Office Space but I’ve probably seen it 100 times. I used to meet up with my college girlfriends and we would watch it all the time. Highly recommend it if you’re looking for something funny to watch. A true classic!

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Day 387: An Epic Sandwich for Monday

Woke up feeling fresh from a nice relaxing long weekend. I love Monday and not knowing exactly what the day will bring. Every Monday, I have two different morning meetings to set the tone for the week. In each one, I laugh a little and leave feeling actually excited to do the work. Went for a nice run at 8 am, the temperature is perfect right now. Can’t wait to run in shorts, soon! Doing a workout and getting outside each morning keeps me on track for the whole day and I find it gives me energy. I’m still on my smoothie bowl kick and in awe of their beauty. Sean cooked a whole chicken in the afternoon and I made an epic sandwich with chicken, spinach, pineapple, roasted peppers, sweet potato, honey mustard, mayo, pepper, it was amazing. Had a nice walk after work and I love seeing flowers in bloom. Can’t wait for warmer temps, bring on spring!

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Day 330: A Message For Monday

A short little message for Monday! Sending you good vibes for a great week. Hang in there, we’ll get through this! Go for a walk. Get some fresh air. Feel the sun on your face. The wind in your hair.

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Day 310: No Blue Monday Here

On Monday I like to get up, exercise, and get fully dressed for the day. Read my post about why from Day 254 in November 2020. I *really* try to make Monday a productive start to the week. As mum would say ‘start out as I mean to go on‘. Ran 2k at 8am, had a shower, listened to some tunes, and felt the sun on my face. As I was getting dressed, for some reason, I felt it was a good time to wear the yellow Playsuit I ordered from Biddell this summer (Day 124). I didn’t realize it was Blue Monday. I hadn’t really been on social media yet but I guess the universe knew I needed to be a burst of sunshine. I posted my outfit and shared a dance video with a friend. It’s a small thing but seeing my sun shining (and smile!) brought joy and a smile to a couple of others today. We all need a little more sunshine this time of year. Don’t be shy to share yours with someone today, or any day. Post from Blue Monday 2011 Post from Blue Monday 2020

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Day 289: Last Monday of 2020

What a year it’s been! I’m planning to write something thoughtful about the things I’ve learned this year before the end of the week. We’ve all grown and changed so much. It’s crazy to think we’re almost at 300 days of the pandemic with no end in sight. As this is the last Monday of 2020, think about how you can make Monday your fav day of the week in 2021. Today is a holiday (Boxing Day) and I’m looking forward to being back in business tomorrow and meeting with a colleague (over Zoom of course!). We have to clear off some snow from the last couple of days but we’ve got a skating rink and cold-plunge pool down by the lake. Sean has really been into cold immersion this year. I’m not as experienced but I love the idea and how it feels (after, not during!). Planning to do at least one more dip before 2020 is over.

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