Blog Life: This Is How We Do

You know face you make when you’re looking deep into the computer working away on something? It’s on  we all know well! This was me yesterday afternoon..and most days actually. Concentrating, editing, writing, coding, emailing, blogging, thinking, working, twerking. Ok, only sometimes on the last one! Went for a run this morning and pushed myself a bit harder. Feeling fresh and inspired. It’s so nice out, you should go outside. It was 21 at 9am! This is how we do! I’ve learned a lot of thing blogging the last (almost) 10 years. I can hardly believe it’s been so long. Persistence is a big part if making your dreams a reality. I thought about giving up a few times and doing something more traditional, like not keeping a diary of my life on the internet but each time I decide to go on, something amazing happens. This was a good little read: I’d Like to Be a Fashion Blogger, But I’m Mostly Wearing Sweatpants via @thecoveted Thx for sharing @crystalgibson! — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) August 20, 2014 I’ve seen a ton of bloggers come and go over the years and I think that’s due the fact that people don’t realize how much work and energy it is. TBH, sometimes it’s totally exhausting! It also takes a time to build a brand, trust, a reputation, all which can be destroyed in an instant. I always remember this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt and think it’s best to surround your self with great minds. “Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people.” I’ve always counted on Mum to be my first phone when something exciting happens instead of telling friends or the world right away. She can always tell when i’s something big. I’ll ring her at work and say ‘OMG Mum, guess what?!”.…

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TURONNO: Where It’s At!

OH HEYYYYYYYY. LIKE MY NEW SHIRT? I came across this beauty and just had to have it! They were out of stock when I placed my order so I kinda forgot about it, then when I came home from vacation, it was here. ‘Turonno’ by Button Machine calls to how us Torontonians say ‘Toronto’. Nobody says ‘Tor-onto’ we all say Turonno. I absolutely LOVE when brands send it little ad-ons when you buy something online. They included their ‘Ol’ Dirty Rob‘ sticker. Thanks guys! In other news, I really hope we get a new mayor when the election rolls around. Our choices aren’t that great, but just about anyone is better than RoFo! You can get your very own Turonno shirt or tank here. MUCH LOVE FROM THE T.DOT, The 6, TEEOHH, TURONNO! BYE FELICIA. <3 CASIE

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Inspiration | We All Need Love

We all need flowers too. These are for you ♥

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Spring Is Here! | Ted Baker Prints, No Socks, Sunshine

Oooh that sunshine is NICE! I took one look outside today and knew it was the day to bust out these Ted Baker flower pants. I’m wearing my fav shoes from last summer, cutout brogues from Browns. They killed my feet last summer but I’m hoping they’ll be a-ok today! Weekend seemed to whiz by. We filmed for 10 hours on Saturday in Ajax for Cooking with Cuisinart. The next three episodes are done and you’re gonna like them. Totally different that that first pilot episode. Much better! Spent more of yesterday relaxing and then watched Saving Mr. Banks, GREAT MOVIE. Brought back so many memories of our Disney Vacay to California last summer. Disneyland really is the happiest place on earth! Today I’ve got a lunch date with Ainsley Kerr then the Lacoste Spring/Summer preview after work. Hope your day is off to a great start. Make sure you soak up some of the sunshine out there! ♥ CASIE

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Another Day, Another GIF

Is it Friday yet? Is it Spring yet? I’m super tired today and feel like I mightbe coming down with something. Urgh. This wool sweater is so warm and I’m wearing my scarf and hat all day. It appears to be snowing again too. Sheesh! Looking forward to the weekend, don’t have much planned. Oscars party Sunday at Tahnee’s place. Hope to spend time working on blog, watching movies w/ my love, and tidying up our spare room. Love ya! <3 CASIE

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In Living Colours | Shot by Becca Lemire

These are a couple selects from a recent shoot w/ Becca Lemire in Toronto. I needed some head shots for an upcoming project so we snapped a bunch and had some fun. I’m wearing Ted Baker London and silver pearls from Tiffany’s that Sean got me for christmas. I added a little tint so give them a punch today. I’m super happy with how they turned out! Thanks Becca! Multiple Exposure + Colour “A blog means I know where I was every minute. That’s why I blog. It’s a visual diary.” ― Casie Stewart “A picture means I know where I was every minute. That’s why I take pictures. It’s a visual diary.” ― Andy Warhol Sending love, light, and sunshine to you across the Internet with every keystroke. ♥ CASIE

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Errrryday I’m tumblring | Leave Yours in the Comments!

Guys, I updated my tumblr. Omg. It’s been years. Started from the bottom now we here … at this new design. Do you have a tumblr too? Leave it in the comments so I CAN FOLLOW YOU home. It just started raining and I didn’t bring an umbrella. I was meant to go to an event tonight but when I look outside and see the sky falling, all I wanna do it be on the couch with my computer (and BF lol). Some rain songs for you! Enjoy! ♥ CASIE   I didn’t bring an umbrella. Fml. #firstworldproblems #dlws #millivanilli — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) February 19, 2014   I look out the window and … via @youtube — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) February 19, 2014

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Will You Be Mine, Valentine? | Studio Shoot w/ Shelfies

This weekend Lauren and I had a shoot w/ Becca Lemire at her studio for Shelfies and it WAS SO MUCH FUN. Here’s a sneak peek at some shots that are just in time for Valentines Day. Shelfies are crazy outrageous sweaters (tanks, and jewellery) and you can check them out here. <3 CASIE     Propecia no prescription Sildenafil no prescription Trazodone no prescription Zithromax no prescription

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Today I wore an Iron Maiden Shirt + Leather Shorts

Going to the Body Mind Change POD implantation + wrap party tonight w/ Sean at TIFF. I’m sure there will be heaps of weirdos (including me). Tomorrow I’m getting my hair done, back to super blonde & chopped to a pixie. I can’t wait. I’ve been missing the old me. I’m getting ready for summer early this year. I don’t care, I need a change and some sunshine motivation. Hope you had a great day,  <3 CASIE Flomax no prescription Abilify no prescription Aciphex no prescription

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I’m Not Crying, It’s Just SNOWING ON MY FACE!

Gah. Today is like the maddest winter blizzardy day we’ve had YET! It’s snowing like cats and dogs everywhere. I tried to make it look pretty with my little pink coat from NastyGal and GoPro but I feel there is almost nothing a girl can do in weather like this. Look at my hair when I got to work…. urgh! WTF is this? Well, that’s all for now. Stay safe out there yo! <3 CASIE   Amoxil no prescription Clomid no prescription Flomax no prescription Fluoxetine no prescription

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And just like that…we’re back to work.

Oh hai. Back to work. It’s cold. Stress hits you like a ton of bricks the second you get back to this wIld city! We ran into a bunch of road closures trying to leave Collingwood and then there was a gunman on the loose in my work/home neighbourhood. Traffic was insane. Sean had a late meeting to get to. It’s amazing how a few days of relaxation can just evaporate witht the hustle and bustle of city life. I long for the days when I used to live in Australia and the beach + surf was my sanctuary. In other news, I have a package from NastyGal (with shoes!) at the Postie and my new glasses from Warby Parker arrive today. Booked a 90 min massage + pedicure for Saturday morning so countdown to the weekend is on. I really hope Spring comes early this year, Winter has been a real B*TCH THIS YEAR! 🙂 <3 CASIE P.S. Have some Valentines Day giveaways coming up next week for youuuuuuuuuuu! ♥  

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Art is the proper task of life.

New iPhone skin w/ my face on it. Yellow collar shirt Matis by Lucian Matis, skull necklace Zara * title is a quote from this guy 😉   propecia without prescription prozac without prescription sildenafil without prescription tadalafil without prescription

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Innovation Distinguishes Between a Leader and a Follower

Oh hai Wednesday! I’m ready for the weekend to get here. Prepping for a shoot w/ Adiran Fiebig, an awesome photographer from UK. Saturday afternoon is EmBot’s 6th birthday which should be fun (and loud!). It’s Hello Kitty so will 100% kawaii. OOTD: Red wool sweater H&M, leather shorts Zara, ankle boots Zara (Hong Kong, coat Banana Republic, Burberry scarf, essence lip colour, smile 🙂 Good morning! You coo Also…this is the funniest thing I have seen in a WHILE. I know it look ssssssscary but it’s just a promo for a new horror film. I don’t watch scary movies EVER so you can trust me that it’s not actually ‘that’ scary. We watched it last night and I was ROFL. Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower. Steve Jobs Have a great day! CASIE   Bactroban cream without prescription bupropion without prescription cipro without prescription

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Who’s the Weird Girl?

Oh, it’s just me. Taking selfies at my desk. Feeling happy about work. Excited about life. Loved and in love. Wearing neon in the middle of winter. Socializing all over the internet. Making media. Creeping art. Writing things. Feeling pretty good about it all. It’s not weird to me. ♥  

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Something Awesome…

Ok, it’s just ME! Still awesome. <3 CASIE Amitriptyline without prescription Amoxicillin without prescription Clomid without prescription Cymbalta without prescription

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Holiday GIFs: I’ve Been An Awful Good Girl, Santa Baby

This is my favourite Christmas sweater. Dance party? Desk dancing? Sure! Put on the tunes… This heart’s for you. Yes, you reading this, I see you. <3 HAPPY HOLIDAYS! XO CASIE Buy Cipro without prescription Buy Clomid without prescription Buy Cozaar without prescription Buy Flagyl without prescription

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WMCFW: Tips on Shooting Fashion from @SteveCarty & Canon Canada

I recently met up with the Canadian Canon Ambassadors for a professional photo session with Steve Carty (you’ve seen him here on the blog before!). I’m really getting the hang of using my DSLR! It may sound silly but it took me a while to get shutter speed and aperture. After the last session, I finally hold my camera like a professional and not a n00b. No really though! In this session we learned how to shoot moving subjects on the runway, portraits, and about the built in filters on our cameras. To be honest, I discovered  the filters in my Canon Rebel SL1 right away! I’ve been using Canon since I got my first digital camera pre-blog back in 2004 and I’ve  always loved the creative filters. [Way to be ahead of Instagram guys!] A Word About Fashion GIFs I really love GIFs as you know.  I took all these photos the night of our fashion photography session with Carty and made them into GIFS to see the differences with using the Canon filters. Please note, photo quality was drastically reduced when I put these together. I need a photoshop session before I learn to make high quality GIFs! I think they’re fun. I love when designers and bloggers put out GIFs from runway shows so I wanted to test my skills. Scroll down for some tips from Carty and Canon! 1. Try Canon’s Creative Filters Canon’s Creative Filters can be applied both before and after shooting and can take a photo from average to spectacular You can also stack the filters and create your own unique combinations like Miniature Effect + Soft Focus or Toy Camera + Grainy B&W (The order that you apply the filters also makes a difference in the final output!) If you’ve snapped a photo that seems unsalvageable, try out some…

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Friday At the Office Before Long Weekend?

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It’s October 3rd.

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Happy Friday my Friends! A GIF for You <3

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Dailybooth Archive 2009-2012, This Is My Life in Photos.

Ok computer, anyone remember Dailybooth? DailyBooth was the original photoblogging site for people to take a photo each day with a caption. The goal was “your life in photos” in order to document and share. It allowed you to post on Twitter and follow other users within the service for  real-time updates. I loved it. Wrote about my Dailybooth romance in this post. Last year in Auston for SXSW I met a Dailybooth friend IRL. It was awesome! In August, 2009, the site had over 3 million unique visitors a month with a growth rate of about 35% a month.[2] On 11 November 2012, it was announced that Dailybooth was closing down, with users able to access and download their content until 31 December. The site was completely deleted after that.  Demi, Ashton, and iJustine used to use it heaps. I download all my nearly 800 photos from my database and put them in a video as a memory. That’s why I started blogging in the first place, to keep more memories. I learned how beat map photos in iMovie when I made this. I’m no expert video editor but I’d like to get better at it. I’m hoping to get a new camera soon so I can start filming some epic si*t. Huzzah! I’m the couch at the cottage watching movies and computing all day. It’s great! Happy Sunday 🙂 <3 CASIE  RIP!

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Earth Day 2013 + Big Face Animal Shirt from The Mountain

It’s Earth Day! Today, more than usual, we give attention and praise to our cool green & blue planet!  I am so freaking happy the weather is finally getting warm. I try to trick myself into thinking if doesn’t bother me but, it’s almost MAY and cold. I was born May 8th and I prefer it to be hot by then. (THAT IS A HINT) This weekend, I was lucky to be up  north opening the cottage. Took some photos with my new Fuju XF1 and wore my BIG FACE GREAT HORNED OWL from The Mountain. I was sent it as a gift just in time for Earth Day. So great. WHOOOOOO is the coolest? Get it? Urgh, clearly I am not cool or funny. I also have the Boston Terrier but I’m saving that one, for a special occasion. A typical day at work at The Mountain… — The Mountain Tees (@TheMountainTees) March 14, 2013 The Mountain seems like a pretty fun company (see tweet above if you did not already see tweet above). The Mountain produces tees made in the U.S. with water based inks and PVC-free operations and even invented a new dye oxidation system that cleans their dye waste water without the use of any chemicals. My friend Kenny at work has a couple, so when they emailed me I was totally into it. I want more friends to have them so we can be a wild kingdom. Mine is Youth XL for $14. If you are my friend and your birthday is coming you might get one. I was laying on my yoga mat in the sun staring up at this tree. It looked pretty and different colours in the sun. After a relaxing weekend staring at trees, sky, lake, and sunshine, it was time for me…

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Fools Gold

Did you get fooled today? I didn’t. I wrote about corporations pulling pranks as a marketing attempt for the Pulp & Fiber blog though. Check it out here. This mixtape is pretty good. Listening to it now meow. Makes me think about being at an outdoor music festival in the middle of hot, hot summer. Ahhhh, soon enough my friends! Hope day is good! <3 CASIE

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I bet if I give all my love then nothings gonna tear us apart.

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Sometimes I feel like

life is moving so fast. So many things happen in a day, where does the time go?

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