Day 556: TIFF 2021

TIFF 2021 looks a little different than past years! We went to the Visa Skyline Drive-In at Ontario place to see Lakewood. Thank you Proof for hooking us up! The movie was pretty good but I think our fav was the local food trucks. I thought sean would enjoy this film as it’s called Lakewood and was shot in northern Ontario. It follows Naomi Watts as the main character and she spends most of her time running through the woods and dealing with a tragedy at her kid’s school. We both left thinking about what we could shoot up and around the cottage with a couple of cameras and the drone.

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Day 554: An Engagement

Got dressed up and went over to Brock & Lauren’s after work. He did a surprise proposal! I’m so excited for two of my BFFs to be getting married! They’re so great together, congrats guys! Sean and I also attended the TIFF premiere of the Triumph film ‘Rock & Roll Machine’. It was nice to be out for an event but to be honest, it was also weird. I’m so not used to being inside an event venue with a large group. Didn’t stay long and went back over to celebrate with Lauren & Brock. Lauren asked me to be her Maid of Honor. I’ve never been involved in planning a wedding before. Ahhhhh! Blondetourage wedding ftw!

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Day 553: That Evening Sun

Had a nice bike ride after work and then met Michelle in a park. It was so lovely out, hanging onto these last summer days. Absolutely love that evening sun, magic hour. I’ve been wearing this cute smiley ring from Santa Isla all summer and it makes me happy each time.

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Day 552: Put on a New Outfit

Came home to a few packages and I was so excited to open them! I ordered a few new outfits for fall and almost everything fits perfectly. At this point, I am happy to shop online instead of going to a store. I still think about going to the mall a few weeks back and I don’t want to go back. Pandemic anxiety is real! I haven’t been shopping much but it’s amazing how great it feels to put on a new outfit! You are looking at the face of a woman who is refreshed and ready to take on the week. Here’s to making it a good one!

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Day 551: Forest Bathing

Worked from the cottage today to avoid long weekend traffic back to the city. It’s been so nice being up here the last few days. I know I’ve said it a ton of times but I love it up here so much. The lake, trees, garden, long walks in the woods. Have you heard of ‘Forest Bathing’? Originating in Japan, it’s known as Shinrin Yoku which translates to “forest bath”. The practice of “bathing” in the atmosphere of the forest. To partake, simply walk through the woods, enjoying the presence of the trees and absorb the quiet benefits of forest therapy. Highly recommend spending a few days in the woods, it will do amazing things for your soul.

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Day 550: The Art of Sitting

Years ago I was with Sean and Emily at a family media event and one of the hosts was going around asking people their favourite activity. Most people said a sport or hobby and when they came to me, I said ‘sitting‘. She said ‘that’s not an activity‘, but I beg to differ. I love sitting on a couch, plane, boat, bike, beach, pretty much anywhere. The art of sitting and being present where you are takes practice. I’ve wanted to get a nice patio set for the cottage for a while and today we found one on sale at Canadian Tire. The photos above are me in the front seat with a huge piece of the set and cushions around. I am very excited to sit on this down by the dock! Reading outside is one of my fav activities up here and our new set has enough room for at least two people to fully stretch out.

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Day 549: Out of Office

You can find me here, by the lake. Out of office for a few days. Soaking up the sun or sinking into the couch.

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Day 548: Cloud Storage

Read a lot of my book today! Currently reading You Love Me by Karoline Kepnes, the third book in the YOU series. I thought S3 of it for Netflix was candles but it’s not. Kinda wish I hadn’t read it now!

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Day 547: Bon weekend!

I am so ready for the weekend. I can’t wait to cook food, read my book, try to sleep in, and spend time in the sun. We’ve been thinking about painting the bathroom with the Chantilly Lace that’s leftover from the bathroom renovation at home. It will be a big change but a nice refresh! Sean’s mum said we could paint it last summer but we’ve not taken the leap yet. ? Bon weekend!

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Day 546: Currie’s Music in Gravenhurst

Sean and I went on an adventure to Gravenhurst after work. One of our fav spots to visit is Currie’s Music & Antique Goods. They’ve got heaps of music equipment, records, and in the back, there’s a section with vintage clothes. I’ve gotten some real gems here! Today picked up this lovely red hat with a sequin star. Stopped into a Rustix for a coffee and since it was closing time, they gave it to me for free! I also found a Fiddle Fig for $15 (50% off!) at the grocery store which is a steal because I’ve paid over $50 for one the same size. Overall a great time! Also, we have so many peppers from the garden!

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Day 537: In A Fairytale

Have you ever been somewhere that makes you want to run away? I was looking back at photos from a shoot at OBJX Studio last week and I forgot how dreamy it was. I’d love to live somewhere like this, feels like a palace. A penthouse castle, a warehouse filled with light, plants, and beautiful furniture. I can’t wait to go back I’m wearing a dress from Never Fully Dressed (Thanks Cory!) and the new shoes I picked at Door Number Two vintage last week (Day 525). brb dreaming of living in a fairytale xo

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Day 536: Romance Yourself

Take yourself on a bike ride in the sun. Feel the wind in your hair. Sit in the grass and read a book. Watch the sunset. Learn to love yourself. Listen to your favourite music. Take a picture to remember the moment. Romance yourself.

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Day 535: Backyard Wedding

Last night we went to Val & Mike’s backyard wedding, it was beautiful. Thank you Chino for snapping these great photos of us. It was really nice to see everyone, celebrate with them, and dance. Congrats!!!! I wish them lots of love & laughs together. It was really heartwarming to have a big family experience together. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Chino Bar ( I had originally planned to wear a dress from The Fitzroy but I ended wearing this gorgeous number by Greta Constantine (thanks April!). Sean wore his best suit and it was so good to get dressed up. I can’t remember the last time I went to a wedding, it was years ago!

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Day 533: OBJX Studio

Had the most dreamy afternoon at OBJX Studio with Cory & Ish. The studio is now open again and it’s such a cool space. My last shoot pre-covid was here with Brigitte for Mark’s. I have so many great new photos to share!

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Day 528: I Went To IKEA

I went to IKEA with April just after opening at 9am. It was my first trip inside since before the pandemic. I did click and collect a couple of months ago but going inside is such a different experience. I always end up getting a few extra things and come home with new towels and a big mirror. I helped April with something for her work then biked home. It was definitely too hot for this jumpsuit. Bonga was in town for the day and stopped by on his bike. I heard him arrive before I got the text, this bike is FAST and LOUD. We got ice cream in the neighbourhood and went for a walk. Tomorrow I’m going on my first flight since January 2020. Flair Airlines invited me on a media trip to Montreal for a fashion show to see their new uniforms and meet tennis star, Genie Bouchard. Must be in bed at a good hour because I’m scheduled to be at YYZ by 5:30 am. Ahhhhh! I’m nervous/excited, not sure how travel has changed due to covid. We’ll see in the AM!

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Day 527: Nice Ride

This is probably my fav outfit right now. Not sure where Sean got this old Harley shirt but, it’s mine now. My neon snakeskin shorts are perfect for bike rides. I can only imagine if someone with an actual motorcycle saw me wearing this, then my bike, they’d probably say ‘nice ride‘. ? I added andsome sparkly lights and sunflowers to the basket before meeting Michelle in Bellwoods.

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Day 526: Friday the 13th

I really wish I could have gotten a tattoo today. I’ve gotten 6 tattoos on Friday the 13th and consider it a lucky day. Got dressed up in something cute after work and took some photos instead. Long live summer & cheers to the weeeeeeeekend!

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Day 525: A Return to The Office (Kinda)

Wowza, after almost a year I made a return to the office! I spent the afternoon working at Hvr in Yorkville and it was great to be back. I won’t be working there every day but it was great to see the gang and work in the same room. Saw this guy from the office balcony, maxing out that patio bro! Went for a bike ride (again!) in the evening and noticed Door Number Two vintage near our place was open. I’ve gone past here so many times during Covid and it’s never been open. Such a cute shop with 3 floors of treasures. I got a pair of green wedge sandals to wear at Val’s wedding next weekend (Emily’s mum).

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Day 524: If You See Me Happy

Really enjoyed the Daily Calm meditation the Calm app today. I haven’t mentioned it recently but I absolutely love this app. I bought the paid version last summer and have been using it nearly every day. I find it helps w/ sleep, focus, and anxiety. My fav part from today was something like, “You have no power over how the universe may respond to your actions. … We must realize that control is an illusion, it is only by accepting our lack of control do we find peace.” It was SO hot out today. Biked over to visit Cory Lee after work and went for a swim in her pool. Great to catch up under the sun while cooling down in the water. The title from this post comes from the video I posted on IG, watch it here or click below. I love summer. View this post on Instagram A post shared by CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart)

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Day 523: Refreshed, Tanned, and Ready

As much as I loved being away this weekend it was great to sleep in my own bed and wake up in my room. Feeling refreshed, tanned, and ready to take on the week.

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Day 522: Live from the Lake

Comin’ at the live from the lake! Set up my WFH space on the dining table and had a productive day at work. It’s so nice to be able to work from anywhere. I’m really enjoying my role at Funday and what we’ve been creating with Hvr. The view here is absolutely stunning! We’ve been visiting this same cottage on Stoney lake for about 4 years. How about this for a view? haha. Did a poll w/ this filter on IG. I made a kinda hot dude, bit of a Bieber vibe. On the way home, we stopped by Cityplace, Sean and I both used to live here in these neighbouring condos. We passed by Michelle’s place to meet Beau, her new puppy, so cute!

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Day 521: Lazing On a Sunday Afternoon

Today is Sean’s birthday and we lazed around the cottage all day. It’s been such a nice time and the internet is good so we’ve decided to stay an extra day. Gonna work from here tomorrow. Nothing quite like lazing on a Sunday afternoon!

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Day 520: Stoney Saturday

We drove up to ‘Scottage‘ on Stoney Lake to spend a couple of days with our friend Jake. It was such a relaxing time. I spent most of Saturday laying in the sun, floating, and reading my book. I was due for a battery recharge and couldn’t have asked for a better place to do it. We had a big bbq for dinner and finished it off with a delicious birthday cake for Sean from Pusateri’s. His birthday is Sunday but since there were other guests, it was the perfect way to celebrate. Jake is the Manager for The Tragically Hip and their drummer Johnny Fay was staying there with his partner too. So cool! Young me never imagined I’d be hanging out with the Tragically HIp and singing HBD to Sean togetehr. What a trip!

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Day 519: Biddell Fashion Show!

I was in a fashion show! I had such a fun time walking in Evan Biddell’s ‘Playsuit’ show at The Grande Bizarre. Watch his video about the show here! It was so great to sit by the pool and chat with other models before heading into hair & makeup. I absolutely love being on stage and it felt good to be out. I did have some Covid anxiety about all the people but it was still extremely fun. Ann Kaplan, Evan Biddell, Christopher Paunil and Michael Zoffaneri invited guests for a night of fashion and entertainment. We also got a sneak peek at Ann’s new fashion line ANNKM. The Biddell Playsuit is extremely comfortable and stylish. Check out all the different styles in the Biddell Shop. Last year on Day 124 I received my first Playsuit order, a custom butter yellow! Professional non-selfies courtesy of George Pimentel.

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Day 518: Life is Beautiful

Life is beautiful! Was in Yorkville today for my first hair appointment in almost a year. It was GREAT to be back at Sassoon Toronto and have a more in-depth post on that soon. I stopped into the Mr. Brainwash pop-up to see a few of my fav art pieces. A few years ago Sean and I hung out with him at Soho House. What a night that was!

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Day 517: Business Babe

It’s all business babe! Went for a walk down a secret alley that April’s friend found filled with colourful garage doors. I absolutely love finding hidden gems like this in the city. So fun!

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Day 516: Back from Burnout

Spent the last week at the cottage and it was so nice. Worked s few days and had 4 days of vacation. I needed it. I had burnout. Last night I felt refreshed and got a jump on work for the week. I was excited this morning. Aside from the fact that I have a torn muscle in my leg and have been limping for a couple of days. Been really trying to rest it as I’m booked to walk in a big fashion show on Friday for Evan Biddell. Ahhhhh! In other news, our plants are really growing + she’s back from burnout, ready to blog again.

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