My 2012 on Storify: 46 stories viewed 30,553 times.

A bunch of stories have no views but they emailed this info to me and I thought wow, you made those. . It’s nice to know I have 46 memories in Story from the year. In 2013 I will create more. And better. I published 569 blog posts on last year. December 2012 (35) November 2012 (40) October 2012 (46) September 2012 (43) August 2012 (40) July 2012 (46) June 2012 (46) May 2012 (55) April 2012 (51) March 2012 (49) February 2012 (51) January 2012 (67) Below are some of my fav parts of the year told using Storify. [View the story “Have I told you how much I love Halloween? Cause I do. ” on Storify] Have I told you how much I love Halloween? Cause I do. Made a little roundup of some of my fav costumes. Storified by CASIE STEWART· Wed, Oct 26 2011 23:25:39 Zombie Girl (Toronto Zombie Walk – October 22, 2011) lessons in zombieism: halloween how-toyou will need chocolate syrup, cornstarch, red food dye, white face paint, black (eyeliner/shadow) and some green if you have it. take off your shirt. don’t wash your face or hair. dirtier the better. mix 2/3 chocolate syrup with corn starch and add a bunch of red dye drops. shake/mix. blood stained clothes, black eyes, i will eat your brainHalloween is JUST around the corner and I am stoked. I reckon I might follow the blood stained trend and wear some blood for the month of ROctober whenever I feel like it. The Zombie Walk is OCTOBER 23 at 3pm. Zombies meet in Bellwoods and I would love to have you join my Zombie Crew. Sexy Pirate I was a sexy pirate, but what should I be next? I went out as a Zombie and was sexier than the rest! I’ve been out as…

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Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI)

Official NXNE opening party hosted by The Blog Studio named after our NXNE/SXSW panel ‘Look At Me’. I didn’t know what to wear so i grabbed name stencil & spray paint, went to balcony and created this shirt. When in doubt, make your own style. Super great food. Awesome people. Good times. Thanks to everyone who came out. Looking forward to seeing official event photos!

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Speaking | NXNEi 2012 TiCKET GiVEAWAY

In about two weeks Toronto will be filled with all kinds of internationals in music, film and interactive for NXNE June 11-17th. I’m speaking on two panels this year for NXNE Interactive. If you didn’t get to hear my panel from SXSW on “The Psychology of Narcissism and How it Affects Brands“, now is your chance! Psychology of Narcissism & How it Affects Brands with Hal Niedzviecki, Jason Howlett and Casie Stewart, Moderated by Lucia Mancuso from The Blog Studio. Making Social Giveaways Win-Win for Brands and Fans with Casie Stewart, Matt Juniper and Shannon Hunter Moderated by Lindsay Munro from FITC. WHAT iS NXNE?  NXNE, in partnership with FITC, brings you the freshest in interactive social content, as well as the tools and creators behind it to keep you and your campaigns top notch. With over 80 presentations, NXNEi bridges the gap between creators of all kinds and interactivity. NXNEi TiCKET GIVEAWAY: I’m giving two lucky people the chance to win a pass to see me and 150+ other digital aficionados speak. NXNE Interactive 2012 pass is valued at $349. Contest is open to anyone but does not include travel to Toronto. That one is all you! Send one tweet with a link to the session you’re most excited for with hashtag #pickmecasie and the twitter handle @NXNEi for your chance to win. I’ll put your entry Tweets into a Storify and post them so you can see what the popular ones are. If you really, actually, like, seriously would like to hear me speak, or you don’t want to read schedule, click Tweet button for surprise text written by someone who is not typing this right now. Tweet EXAMPLE ENTRY TWEET: “I can’t wait to see @casiestewart‘s panel @NXNEi *link to panel here* #pickmecasie”” Check out my posts from past NXNE:…

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Charlie, how your Angels get down like that?

My Style: jacket vintage, pants Element, shirt Element (2012 organic) from West49 (SXSW haul!), glasses Derek Cardigan for Clearly Contacts, smile natural This was a nice start to the day 🙂 Much love to my girls Lauren O’Nizzle & Raymi the Minx. We were shooting for upcoming video project. Super nice out today. Make the most of it. Go for a walk, ride yo bike! <3 CASIE

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Step into Spring Style with @Sherway_Gardens

Spring is my fav time of year, there’s nothing like flowers, fresh cut grass, and  fashion. I love digging out the box of summer dresses, rompers, and shorts that hide under my bed most the year. I’ve partnered with Sherway Gardens to share my favourite spring trends and help style up a lucky person like you. Here’s three of my favourite trends this season. Contest entry details below! SPRING STYLE: Sheer – I’ve been picking up sheer items since my last trip to New Zealand for fashion week. Long skirts, drapey blouses, sleeveless shirts and anything that flows nicely in the wind. I love the way something sheer has a certain innocence while being slightly sexy. Look for lots of bright colours & prints and have at least one skirt in rotation. You’ll find a great selection of sheer tops & bottoms at American Apparel. They have the maxi skirt in a selection of shades. Short Shorts – I’m a big fan of short shorts because they’re fun to wear and make your legs look long when you throw on some heels.  My tip is to make sure you don’t buy them too small, try the next size up when you’re shopping. You want to be cool & comfortable not stuffed in! I got a great pair of denim cutoffs from Victoria Secret. When you’re at Sherway Gadens try VS and American Eagle. AE has a ton of styles including drawstring and white denim. White Lace/Chrochet – Did you notice this trend at Coachella or SXSW?  I’ve got my eye out for a cutesie white crochet number. I’ve seen this on Pinterest in  collars, bathers, blazers, tank tops and platforms. Chill out, it’s the 70’s! You’ll find this look at Guess or Costa Blanca. All photos can be found at…

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Hanging w/ Morgan Ross at the Tiny Danza (Nixon) boys. Lots of babes here and good music. Canadian music killed it at SXSW this year and Canadian Music Week is is not to be missed. The boys are killin’ it right now. Man of the hour/night/year Brock McLaughlin. I really dig the Danza Nixon sound. Great guys, awesome music.

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It’s warm enough to work fromt he patio today. I’m catching up on emails and business etc. It’s crazy how I missed home near the end of SXSW and now that I’ve been back for all of two days, I can’ty wait to travel again. I’m off to Windsor for a press tour Thursday and Friday and might be in Montreal for a few days next week. I love that the weather here is warm already, I might go to the island this week and work on my tan. Caught a beauty sunrise this weekend. Now that we’re into spring I’m trying to get up earlier, exercise more and get off the computer and GO OUTSIDE. Even if it’s just for a little jaunt each day. This weekend I brought out my ta[ shoes and put on a little show. It’a amazing how those skills never leave! I danced for 10 years as a kid going to competitions across Ontario and in New York & Myrtle Beach. I loved it so MUCH. This week I start rehearsals for a cabaret I’m in at the end of May. Think I’m gonna go see Grimes tonight at Horseshoe. She’s a young, punky, hipster babe from Montreal. This vid is rad cause she’s surrounded by all these jocks. I’m into it. Show is $10 and doors are at 8pm. If you wanna join me, you’re totally welcome. Have an awesome day! Remember… YOU ARE YOUNGER TODAY THAN YOU WILL EVER BE AGAIN, DO SOMETHING FUN!

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View from my new pimp penthouse suite at @doubletree in #Austin. Got the very last room! I hear parties from — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) March 14, 2012 Dec 31, 1969 | Source: Holy shit just found this massive roof top balcony ATTACHED to my room. #sxsw #cray… — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) March 14, 2012   POSTED A 360 FROM THE BALCONY HERE. KATE’S FORST CHAMPAGNE OPENING. CHEERS AUSTIN! Dec 31, 1969 | Source: SOME GOOD STYLE HERE. RT @west49: @west49 Girls Spring #lookbook @billabonggirls x @oraclefox @elementeden behind the scenes video &gt; h … — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) March 14, 2012   SPEED BLOGGING FOR THE WIN RIGHT HERE RIGHT NOW. SXSW, OFF TO PARTY NOW. Happiness is the now. RT @casiestewart: Everything is amazing. — Kate Killet (@katekillet) March 14, 2012

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THE GRID: Introvert or Extrovert?

This week has been full of awesome fun. While I’ve been away I was written about TWICE in Toronto’s culture newspeper The Grid. One day I was in an article about being an introvert and the very next day was a video about me being extroverted and all over the city. Truth is, I’m a little bit of both. I really love spending time alone, in silence and at home and, as you all know, I also love being around lots of people and in the spotlight. Here’s a link to each article. Casie Stewart is a 29-year-old blogger who was recently featured in an article in The Walrus by Maryam Sanati called “Brand Me,” which shone a spotlight on the major players among Toronto’s “Gen Y personal branders.” These professional internet personalities have managed to generate the success and attention they quite openly—and shamelessly—seek, simply by transcribing the minutiae of their existence online. “Because Stewart’s peers have not known self-doubt as much as we have,” Sanati, a self-identified Gen-Xer, writes, “and because they’re so much better at maneuvering in the digital age than we were, they feel perfectly at ease.” That may be true for Stewart. When it came time for her to speak at the pub, she described herself as “hyper-social.” In fact, the only time she admitted feeling less than socially fluent was during her offline hours. One more thing! If you are at SXSW Storify will build a story from all your online activity automatically if you connect your accounts. I’ll publish mine tomorrow. Now, off to the convention centre for some fun! Have an awesome day 🙂

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SXSW first @keek update.  SX3B.COM

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Yesterday Lau and I went shopping for some new SXSW digs. West49 hooked us up with a whole bunch of gear from Billabong & Element’s SS 2012 collection. I’m a long time huge fan of surf life & culture so this was totally rad. Safe to say, we had fun! I tried on a bunch and you’ll see all the goodies I picked over the next 10 days while we’re in Texas. There’s a whole bunch of pretty things the full West 49 lookbook here. Billabong recently partnered up with Aussie style blogger Oracle Fox and she designed 15 new items. I’d love to do that! “Growing up by the sea with all my girlfriends, we had an entire lifestyle that revolved around surfing and having fun – we pretty much still do. Most sunny days we have off you can find us surfing, sun baking, chilling a tour local beach kiosk/organic café or going on some road trip adventure. The pieces I designed with Billabong encompass that freedom.” – Oracle Fox Lauren and I both got this totally rad fringe sweater from her collection.  Glittery shorts? Yep, they’re mine now. Follow @West49 on Twitter & Facebook here. Yesterday Kate showed me this totally RAD chose-your-own-adventure HTML5 music video for Chairlift’s new video for “Met Before”. There’s more story lines than I’m sure you have time for in your busy day. However, I suggest you check it out for it’s sheer creativity & production value. Can we make one of these please?  HAVE AN AWESOME DAY!

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Good  morning, good morning, and how are you today? I’m feeling a wee bit frazzled since we leave for SXSW Wednesday. I woke up early, cleaned my room, did the dishes and started packing. I’m about to get dressed and head to MTCC for The Art of Marketing, Randi Zuckerberg from Facebook is speaking today. Been offered a pretty sweet new in fashion so I need to make one stop around Dundas Square today.  I can’t wait to tell you about it, it’s cool.  Meeting Lauren at Yorkdale mid day for a SHOPPING SPREE at West 49 & Billabong cause they’re sponsoring us for SXSW. How freaking cool eh? Ahhhhh. On my way back downtown I’ve got a fitting at Peach Berserk cause guess what? I’m walking in the (huge) closing show, Dare to Wear Love for Mastercard International Fashion Week on March 17th. Ahhhhhh again! Tonight my SXSW team has a meeting to plan out the final details and out route from Toronto to Texas.  It’s been years since I went on a big road trip and this is by far the biggest one ever. I can’t wait to get there. If you’re gonna be there LMK & make sure you add my panel to your schedule. It’s Sunday at 12:30! Have an awesome day! P.S. MUM, I miss you. Call me xo  

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Lauren, Kate and I leave for SXSW in Austin on Wednesday. Packed my cowboy hat already. It’s gonna be warm & sunny 😉 We’re working on a blog travel diary that’ll be run by Kate the whole trip. For now, check out our Pinterest board of all things SXSW 2012. I am beyond excited. This is the biggest/bloggest trip I/we’ve ever done/blogged. Yeah, jam packed 10 days of non-stop. When I come back I’m taking a few days off then going on Whiskey vacation with Canadian Club. This video is good style inspiration, Wildfox Spring 2012  “Even Cowgirls Get The Blues”. Going to CanLIT training event tonight. If you want more information… you will find it!

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CONVERSE SS12 – Bring on Spring!

Earlier this week Lauren and I went to the SS 12 preview for Converse. It was help at the beautiful St. Germain Hotel downtown. These are my fav picks. There’s a this one pair called Chuckit Stripe Gore Lady CVO Slip, they’re really light (weight) kicks with a sailor feel. You know how much I love all things nautical! Here’s a slideshow of some of my favourites.  I love the collaborations with Marvel Comics and The Gorillaz. There’s a bunch of new colours & styles out this season too. I’m super stoked to have a few pairs delivered next week as Converse is one of our SXSW Sponsors!!

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Sometimes I don’t feel like it. #5

Blogging is a weird and wonderful thing. I love it but just like everyone else, sometimes I don’t feel like going to work. I’ve been sitting in front of my computer, watching a movie, editing photos iPhone for upcoming posts. I made jello earlier. I have lots of things I want to write about but, sometimes I don’t feel like it. Sometimes my mind is distracted and floats into an ocean of ideas, it takes a vacation. I keep gazing out the window and watching the lake.   It’s very peaceful out there today. I need to catch up on sleep this weekend. I’ve been going non-stop for days, months and it’s only beginning to sink in that SXSW is next week, then Fashion Week, then Canadian Club secret adventure, Canadian Music Week, and then, and then, and then. NO MORE AND THEN. I get anxiety thinking about all the people, events, travel, everything.  Had some of the jello, it’s strawberry & delicious. This is a good song. This weekend is break time. I need to tidy up and pack for our drive across America. I’m watching this movie called ‘Cyber Bully’ and it makes me sick/sad hearing this girls story. I can only imagine what it’s like for kids in school these days. (Am I old now for saying that?) I had a hard enough time in high school and there wasn’t Facebook, Twitter or blogs. Her ‘friend’ created a profile of a cute boy who made friends with her and then spread rumors and basically ruined her reputation which leads the girl to attempt suicide. Having a jealous friend is the worst, worst, worst. If you have one, beware. They’re toxic to keep around, better to ditch ’em.  I learned that lesson the hard way. I think it’s time for a nap. Upcoming posts &…

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World MasterCard Fashion Week March 13-17th

People are starting to talk about the upcoming Toronto Fashion Week World Mastercard Fashion Week March 13-17th. I’ll be in Austin, Texas for SXSW the entire time, so…I need someone I trust who I can send in my place to shows, events and parties. This is no easy feat, fashion week is tiring!  I’m looking for someone who: Currently runs their own blog Is active on Twitter Is looking to get experience in fashion industry Has a good camera Lives in Toronto or will be here for FW duration Is NOT shy I’ve had a couple great writers cover fashion weeks for me before including Carrie Jade (Toronto FW SS12) and Jess Gardner (Berlin Fashion Week). It’s a fun week and I’d love to go if I wasn’t living out my dream of speaking at SXSW. Can’t say I really like the look & feel of the newly branded Toronto Fashion Week so I’m quite interested to see how it all unfolds this season.   This pic is from Ottawa Fashion Week (Semaine de Mode FW 2012) earlier this month. Fun times! If you are interested in covering fashion week for please email your detail (as per above) and tell my WHY YOU are awesome to FASHION[at] Thanks & have an awesome day!

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Nella Bella FW 2012 Collection @ Urbanspace Gallery

Last night went to Nella Bella’s FW 2012 media reception. I’ve been taking NellaBella bags on all my travels, bike rides, festivals & fun for the last two years. They’re got lots of different shapes & styles this year. One of the designers for this collection, Andreas Kyriakos who started working with them at 15, he’s 16 now, but still,  he designed a whole batch of beautiful things. I got to catch up with a few really lovely girls I hadn’t seen in a while.  Thanks Raymi, you babe, for photos and Tarek for the invite. Can’t wait to get something new and BRIGHT! Bring on, SPRING on! My current fav is the KIEV bag in black (in photo but hard to see). It fits my 11 Macbook Air, camera and a few other necessities. Comes in handy when’re always on the go/working!  Shirt: Joe Fresh Cardi: GAP Pants: Bench – shopping trip! Hair: Ken Murphy Color Bug, Goody Accessories Shoes: Ego & Greed One things I love about clothes is the stories they tell. Links to the above items go to past posts wearing. Archives rule. Crashed my bike the day I got the Joe Fresh shirt, ordered shoes from Got GAP  cardi over holidays cruising vintagey shops in Cambridge with Mum. Tarek, Val Photos via WE REPRESENT THE LOLLIPOP GUILD  on   Walked home home with the Septembre & Bella. Made .gif with Loopcam, from Berlin! Check out Jessica’s post & pic here. It was really fun. Good night. Nice to see beautiful bags and smiling faces. The food was excellent and catered by The Daily Bread Food Bank’s catering campany. They put all the proceeds from catering, right back in. Been busier than ever planning and preparing things for SXSW. We have a new blog coming. I’m super excited. Let’s do this.  😉 <3 CASIE    

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Speaking | Panels, Parties & People #SMW

Social Media Week kicks off around the world today. Here’s my picks on what you wanna check out including parties and panels. I’m speaking on two that fall on Thursday & Friday. There’s a TON of things going on so check the schedule & see what peaks your interest. Image is from Say Media’s blog, LEGGOOOO, VROOOOOOOOOM! Monday: 7pm: SMW Tweetgasm & Official Launch Party (Both at Gladstone Hotel) Tuesday: 8am-6pm SMW Coffee House @ ING Direct 2-3:30 Keynote: Jon Sinden on Brands & Fans 3:30-4:30 Conversation in Social Metrics @ Entrinsic Wednesday: 10am-12pm: Content may be king, but without Context – no one will pay attention 4:30-5:30: Not Another Open Bar Event: Is Your Brand Seeing a Return On Influence? 9pm: Social Media Week Toronto Official After-Party: After Hours Conversation Thursday: there’s LOTS of great stuff! 9am-1pm: Entrinsic Presents: CaseCamp (No it’s not Camp about ME!) 1-2:30: Social Media Friends, Anxiety & You: 5:30-6:30: Community Management beyond Twitter & FB 5:30-7pm: Getting Serious About Travel Blogging 5:30-9pm: SXSW Pre-Party @ Spice Route Friday:  8:45-10:30pm: Driving the Social Media Conversation w/ GM 12:30-3:30 Post it, Pin It Party (lunch/drinks) 3-4pm: Social Storytelling: Creating and Curating Content Strategies That Work Friday 6-8pm: Building Valuable Social Features into your Web and Mobile Applications Information about my panels:  Thursday, 1-2:30: Social Media Friends, Anxiety & You: Hosted by Maria Lianos-Carbone, publisher & editor of, this panel will be talking about the anxiety that can come along with being so open in social media and sharing more of your life than ever. I’m looking forward to this cause I deal with anxiety ALL THE TIME. Other panelists include Stéphanie Montreuil Principal, The Lotus Pad Consulting, and Chris Eh Young. Location is The Office Pub, 117 John Street, 2nd Floor at Adelaide. There will be networking after so come say HI. Friday 6-8pm: Building Valuable Social Features into your Web and…

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Daily Twitter News for 2012-02-04

It’s harder than you think. #thisismylife #tvontheinternet #video # Photo: Believe in yourself # Good morning! two exciting event dates to launch today #genyto & @BridleBash! # ##GENYTO: Mardi Gras style at @LouDawgs, Feb 21! #thisismylife #friends #socialmedia # Happy Birthday @dylanculhane you sexy South African babe! Love from Canada <3 # Last year's #MotionBall was fun. Archive post w/ @jeniestewart @nicoleMTV @liztrinnear @julianbrass & the Ned Ma guy 😛 # Date of @BridleBash announced for July, 28. Mark your calendar, gonna be WILD! #poolparty # I uploaded a @YouTube video Daily Vid Challenge: 3/29 – Feb.3, 2012 # I've just snapped a new picture: # preeeeeeeeetttttttyyyyyyyyy # Infographic: Generation Y and Facebook "actively shaping culture" #genyto # Tavi to Perform Neil Young Cover Live During Fashion Week # Jesus Crotch he is so sexy!! The fashion evolution of David Beckham # Disco never dies via @dazedmagazine via @wearemansion #party # NKOTB ftw # how could you hate this face? # London College launches UK’s first ever ‘iPhoneography’ course # haha "@maulingmueller If I text you a question and you immediately call me instead of texting back, I hate you." # Netflix on too many devices and now can't watch. Damn me for being nice and sharing account info! I need to watch my TARA! # i can't wait to hear what the personality disorder expert on my panel for #SXSW has to say about ME? i've never been assessed. (thank god!) # Sweet Dreams & Delivered Lunch #thisismylife #socialmedia # Mad Men’s Minimalist Subway Ads Get Street Art Remixes # don't bite, little doggy # don't bite, little doggy # Who' gonna be next? Eddy Murphy ain't dead.…

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DON’T MAKE FUN OF ME. Ok, you can. I make fun of me every day. People have been asking me ‘why don’t you make more videos?’.  I asked myself the same question and… I HAVE NO IDEA!? I’m going to make a video every day until the end of the month and then MAYBE FOREVER. Who knows? When I set my mind to something I get pretty serious about it. Have any deep dying questions you’ve wanted to ask? Want me to teach you something? Any questions? Any idea? Bueller?! I’m sure I can find things to make videos about every day but I am giving you a chance to inspire something. My Youtube channel is HERE and you can subscribe to it here or subscribe to my blog here (get it email, RSS, fairy, letter mail). I have a team helping me get a few things in order before I got to SXSW next month and making videos is part of the plan. It’s about to get crazy crazier. You can call me Crasie 🙂 Know who are two of my favs on the internet, these two: My Drunk Kitchen & Jenna Marbles. Enjoyyo.

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Good things come to those who…


Watched State of The Union last night (sounds like a movie, no?). Obama is a great speaker. I find him really charming. I used to blog about him heaps before he was President. Love this photo essay from his college years in Time Magazine. Click image to see it all again. When I was growing up I used to go to dance competitions in New York and Myrtle Beach fairly often. I was in love/obsessed with the American flag.  I had jackets, shorts, shirts, hats GALORE. Jenie and I had matching full sequin flag hats. Snapped this photo at the Boston airport the other day. I love Instagram. In other American news my young Canadian friend from the west coast, Alex Kazemi recently interviewed LANA DEL REY. I love her. Check out his interview here. I’ve been on a bit of an optimism kick this week. I’m working on some exciting projects with awesome people that I will tell you about in DUE TIME. Reminded myself of Optimism Girl last night. Did you know she’s over 16 now? Crazy. This will perk you up no matter what kind of day you’re having. This morning I have a car service taking Sammy & I to Pearson Airport for a luncheon with HP & Air Canada. No, not leaving the country yet though! Will be at the DX3 conference later in the afternoon. Getting really stoked for Austin & SXSW in March. Started prep with my panel mates and loving our ‘Narcism Notes’. Chuckle to myself there haha 😉 Couple goodies from friends for the day:  Album download of Toronto band The Slakadeliqs feat. babe Justin Nozuka (free!) Win a ticket to the CONDO SHOW OR a trip to BAHAMAS from (on FB) Did you know MIT is starting to offer FREE classes? Oh…

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I’d like to thank the academy & blah, blah, blog!

Remember a couple months ago I asked you nicely to click a link and show some love for my life(s) work? Welllllllllll…..thanks for your votes and thank you for reading because…drum roll please…we made the shortlist for Best Life Weblog in Canada!  Congrats to my friends for noms in their categories Unbrelievable, Shop My Clothes and Dear Photograph. To check out all nominees or judging criteria go here. In other exciting news…MY SXSW panel has been scheduled. If you are going to be please please don’t miss it. There’s lots of things to see & do there but our panel is Psychology of Narcissism & How It Affects Brands. The hashtag is #LOOKATME and it’s sure to be entertaining. On that note I leave you with this song I’ve been diggin’ ‘Somebody That I Used To Know’ feat. Kimbra from Gotye’s album Making Mirrors. Sitting at Darren Kwik Studio waiting for toner in my hair while blogging and tweeting away. Thank you Telus & iPhone for the MAGIC of Personal Hotspot. I now have the freedom to stop & blog it like it’s hot any time, any place. Heading to get Sammy & meet my darling sister Jenie & friends at Gio Rana’s Really Really Nice Restaurant for her birthday dinner. Have an awesome night!

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Entrepreneurs Don’t Call in Sick, They Work

When you work for yourself you can’t really call in sick. I felt a bit of a cold coming on when I woke up so I’m going to work from bed today with hope of kicking this by tomorrow. In Boston this weekend and a cold is not an accessory I’d like to pack. Y’know what I’m sayin’? I’m cookin’ up lots of fun stuff to share with you over the next coming weeks. Thinking that my new classes from Clearly Contacts will arrive today. I might whip up a nice home made soup this afternoon. If you are AT ALL feeling sick here’s two cures from my darling Mum that will kill those bad germs like the soldiers in Louie Pasteur kids book (it was my fav!).  Cure for throat here & cure for overall cold/sickness here. Thanks Mum 🙂 P.S. I entered to win this TRIP TO BAHAMAS. You can too right here. Mum just came back from a year there and wouldn’t we ALL love to be there right meow. <3 AND one more thing… MY SXSW PANEL IS SCHEDULED!

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Take a Different Look, See Things Differently

Had a good day working at home yesterday. Finished it off with a bevy downstairs at the Fox with Shan. My trend of winter hibernating has a bit of a new meaning now that I have to go less than 20 steps to a place where real humans hang out. Arrived there with two day old hair in a headband, huge Nana sweater, baggy harem pants from Raymi and an over sized fur. Trust me it sounds more glam than it looked. Man repelling hard. Watched a few episodes of United Stated of Tara on Netflix when I got home and discovered this cool thing from Google Earth. Check out these cool interactive polar panorama images. Nana’s old house in New Zealand: Napier Road, Palmerston North, Manawatu-Wanganui. Behind Nana’s house are these massive windmills and huge hills like in Lord of the Rings,. My old house on Curlewis in Bondi Beach, Australia. It was a fave min ute walk from the beach. I loved living there. You might love this photo, depending what you’re into. 😉 Been thinking heaps about moving back there. Some days the desire is so strong. Yesterday was one of them. The house I live in until I was 21 in Cambridge. Condo city, heaps of tall glass buildings, concrete jungle and the CN Tower. I love this city, it will always be home no matter where I end up. Check out this creepy “Like a Doll” shoot I saw on Valfre’s blog. Man I love that girl. I don’t know her but I love her style and creativity.  She posts the cutest things and I really rad drawings. Isn’t it cool how you get to know a blogger through their creative expression? Starting to plan things for SXSW in March. Super stoked to go, I’ve been dreaming…

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Ahhh. WHIRLWIND the last few weeks but nice to home. Not going anywhere but the parents till January. Reckon what happens now -March will determines most of 2012. I love this time of year and if my lunch meeting gets rescheduled today (I was still in CST not EST, whoops!) then I am going to the Eaton Centre and walking on Queen to see if I can catch some holiday spirit. Lots of work the next couple weeks, feeling really good about it. Can’t wait to spend time with my family & friends now that I’m back in the city. Those killer bites on my ankles are so ugly right now. I’m dyyyyying to go for a pedicure but they’re too gross to show ANYONE. These shots are from a recent afternoon shooting with My City Lives and the Biz Media Agency. Kate was on set as my PA and took some great shots, her flickr here. I love that my hair is growing. Lipstick is my most fav ‘999 Ara Red’ by Dior. In other exciting news: SXSW– My Speaker profile is live! Check out this fancy Gold Registrant -Panelist. See you in 2012 Austin! Air Canada, En Route Film Festival 2011- I made the credits for Working It Out  a short film by  Matt Apedaile. His film is one of the top finalists and will be shows in Air Canada flights. Watch in in the sky or here! HoHoTO – Toronto’s biggest most fun charity holiday event is Thursday. I have a ticket. Get one here. Community 54– Some friends opened a rad shop, check it out here. Gonna be there for a party Friday. Independent Fashion Bloggers – I’m there. I would love a BLT. Stop. Showertime.

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you missed this yesterday

Video: Sexy Sammy dancing # Video: Amazing # Party w/ @lynsieroberts!! # Boyfriend heaven # I'm at Double Double Land (209 Augusta, Toronto) w/ 2 others [pic]: # Beaut # Has a crush on Sam # W @keriblog at #HRCholoday # Hipster party I am at in Kensington is SOOOO @katekillet. # Peace # Just posted a photo # Dance party # Professional party life is pretty good. # My house. # What is the number to pizza pizza? # BF # Met so many awesome people last night! # I love cold pizza for breakfast. # So bright right now. # So Mod is all Virgin now. Interesting. # Drive movie soundtrack # Find of the day: @90sgirlproblem! Laughing out loud hahahahaha. #FF # Drew is trending in Toronto, hmm @thatdrew? # A real human being. # Careful what you wish for, you might get it. # Love new app Tripit. Thanks for reminder! # Lovemarks, treasures. # Live each day to the funnest. #thisismylife # New FB vs Blog # Photo: # Photo: fuckyeahladygaga # Photo: @laurenonizzle holy cats! # Nella Bella Sample Sale RIGHT NOW! #video #fashion #toronto My friends at… #thisismylife # Guess who is hovering!? # Photo: so pretty # I liked a @YouTube video Lana Del Rey – Born To Die (Official Audio) # Photo: nice # For the past two months I've been recording six things I'm grateful for each day w/ @1thingapp. It's really rad to… # If you are wondering what to get me, this is a good idea 😉 # Interview w/ @NateKogan via @quipmag: Fine Line Between Art & P0rnography. Love…

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