Speaking | SXSW Speaker Tips – Good for Any Speaker!

Speaking today at NXNE, two panels back to back from 9-11am. Here are some things I found from SXSW earlier this year. Simple but good to keep in mind, esp. if this is your first rodeo. My favorite things from this list: – Stay on topic – Always respect the audience The audience is giving you their time to hear about a topic. You can talk about yourself the rest of the day! Perform your knowledge, be yourself. Schedule & description: There is a huge opening party for NXNE Interactive tonight. Imma need to schedule a nap I reckon. Naps are key. I will be around the conference location Hyatt most the day. Say hi! Looking forward to seeing everyone. Happy Thursday! Nice to be home 🙂 CASIE

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Speaking | The Audio from my SXSW Talk is Now Online

LISTEN TO IT HERE: Psychology of Narcissism & How It Affects Brands I listened to it last night, I think you will like it. I make a couple jokes half way through and the discussion really gets going there. I mention a few brands and we all get some info from Dr. Jacob Small and clinical psychotherapist from New York. It’s about an hour with the final Q&A. Let me know what you think. I’m doing a similar talk about psychology, narcissism and brands in July at NXNE. To attend it get a NXNE pass HERE before they go up in price on April 13th. Not exactly sure the day I’m be speaking at NXNE. I’m on more than one panel and there is a TON of great speakers & panels in both music & interactive. I’ll be giving some tickets away closer to the date. This is of the questions we discuss in the panel and I’d love to know your thoughts on the subject. Do you think the internet breeds narcissism?  

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I chuckle to myself at this title and the fact that I’m called upon to talk about the psychology of narcissism and how it affects brands. I know it has a lot to do with how technology and society have changed the way we communicate but it’s still kinda funny. I reckon Mum thinks it’s funny too. I’ve not changed much since I was a kid, seriously. Our SXSW panel was really awesome. The room was packed, we had great discussion and there were lots of questions following. I enjoyed meeting psychotherapist Dr. Jacob Small and discussing my own ‘personality disorder’ and how narcissism is extremely prevalent in todays society. During our panel I learned that Narcissism as a clinical disorder is being removed from ‘the book’ and added as merely a symptom of other personality disorders. Good looking panel, eh? 🙂 It was ADVANCED Level. Oh yeah. Interestingly enough, a couple days before this panel I was written about in local Toronto weekly, The Grid about being an introvert then the very next day an extrovert. I definitely have both sides to my personality but I’m clearly a highly functioning crazy person. I’m speaking at NXNE in June about the same topic and hope you’ll be there to see it. I’m sure I’ll be able to hook up some tickets for our panel closer to the date. Yeeeeeeehaw! All photos by the lovely Kate Killet. Now I am late for lunch w/ Telus. Byeee! Wear sunscreen!

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At WordPress on WordPress, Blogger Blogging #SXSW

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Canada Blast is a showcase of a heap of awesome Canadian bands from March 13-18th at SXSW in Austin. It kicked off yesterday with a BBQ at Brush Square. View of downtown Austin from the Hilton across from the convention centre. Some team Canada friends were stayin’ here. Crazy to see how busy the streets were. Parties EVERYWHERE. Parachute party w/ @richaucoin #sxsw@ Canada Blast instagr.am/p/IK6f2bya-y/ goo.gl/peVkk — CASIE STEWART (@casiestewart) March 14, 2012 Dec 31, 1969 | Source: Keek.com If you are still at SXSW, the Canada House tent has bands all day every day until Sunday. GO!It’s open to everyone and right at the corner of 4th & Neches by the convention centre. This ones for you Mum! @thesheepdogs @ #sxsw @canadianblast Mar 14, 2012 | Source: Keek.com Best beard goes to Ben Caplan. Sheepdoggy style, beards & mega long hair. Love it. Seen then a few times now (see here). Check out the full lineup for the week at canada canadianblast.com/sxsw2012.  

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Look at this guy. Omg. I’m in heaven. Last day here and it’s all bands and chilling. Drinking a Texas lemonade (whiskey!) and loving the hot sun. We leave tomorrow. More updates later from Canadian House stage. Love from Austin xoxo CASIE

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My SXSW Story – Tuesday, March 13th via @Storify

[View the story “My SXSW Story — Tuesday, March 13th” on Storify]

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It’s seriously hard to sneak away and spend time with computer! Things are going great. Met so many wonderful people. Wore this super cute new shirt from Billabong yesterday with banana yellow Converse. I wish I had a bike to get around in. I want to drive down in a camper van next year. It’s not like this is impossible, as I know quite a few people who go on road trips and camping trips in a camper and it seems like it is so much easier for them. So if you’re thinking to buy camper trailers in Adelaide (location varies depending on where you live), then be sure to do your research before making a decision. I also would like to go to Burning Man one day. I was digging this style of showing off your product. Bikes & babes, nice one guys. I love cruising the conference floor for a lap each day. Had some bevvys with Team New Zealand from Sydney’s TBWA office. Good people. Super fun! Lauren was wearing all new Billabong too. I really want new tattoos. Everyone here has tattoos. There are so many babes. Projeqt is very cool 😉 I really should have brought the ‘casie stewart’ shirts. Kate was lookin’ super cute. If you see Keek stickers or glitter, it was me. Check out some of my videos at keek.com/casie. I’ve been making heaps! Here’s one! Mar 12, 2012 | Source: Keek.com

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Team Canada & Friends @ SXSW

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This vid is for my SXSW panel tomorrow. If you are at SXSW I hope to see you there. Details below! Panel is moderated by Lucia Mancuso and the other panelists are Michael Dolan and Jake Small from New York. For the full description visit the panel page on sxsw.com. Heading to SXSW opening party now. Have Movember brekky in the morning with the MoBros then it’s panel time. Please wish me luck. I was not nervous until now, now that all kinds of people are actually coming! Dohhhh! Don’t forget to change your watch, assuming your phone changes itself. Daylight savings FTW! Spring is near people, weeeeee.

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[View the story “HEY AUSTIN, ILU. #SXSW” on Storify]

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See you in Austin! #SXSWi

View “SXSW Interactive 2012 – March 9-18” on Storify Digging Skeet Skeet’s P.U.K. mix by FTP. Fitting for today ’cause I’m feeling PUMPED UP! Reminds me, Mum learned “LOL IRL” yesterday and was like “ooh, I like that.” haha enough acronyms yet? NBD. Pumped Up Kicks (Skeet Skeet Remix) by Mikemusichealth

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#genyto #canlit #sxswi: second annual

Canadian Livers in Training symposium once again joins forces with #genyto for the 2010 edition. Last year this party was so fucking fun. It was also packed and started early. Hosted by Fair Trade Jewelry Co. with SXSW dignitaries @jaygoldman & @smack416. Music by People Downtown. BYOB + dance moves. Follow @CanLITyeah for up to the minute details. There’s already over 100 people confirmed. Get a ticket right away. See you there!

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Pantone: Unlocking the Language of Branding and Culture

Earlier this year at SXSW in Texas, I had the opportunity to sit down with Elley Cheng, President of Pantone. In this exclusive interview, Cheng discussed the profound impact of colour on communication and branding + shared an exciting collaboration with Grammy-nominated Tierra Whack. I also had to ask her, what’s your fav colour?! Known for its widely used colour-matching system, Pantone sees colour as more than aesthetics, it’s a language that conveys emotions, messages, and brand identities. Colour and Culture After noticing that Elley wore Pantone shoes, we discussed evolving colour trends in culture and society. Elley pointed out that colours are constantly evolving, with their meanings shifting over time. For example, the evolution of pink illustrates a dynamic relationship between colour and culture, from gender norms to millennial pink, and the evolving brand of Barbie. “Color doesn’t stay static, just as culture doesn’t stay static,” Elley mentioned how pink has “gone through a vibe shift.” What was once a colour with limited gender connotations, pink now carries diverse and complex cultural significance. Understanding these cultural shifts is an important consideration for brands as they craft their identities and messages. As Cheng emphasized, “We want to showcase the way colour can express a thought, a brand’s meaning, or what they stand for. It’s the most direct and quickest way to hit the person’s psychology.” Building a Brand with Passion Elley highlighted Pantone’s role in facilitating communication through collaborations, such as the recent partnership with Grammy-nominated rapper Tierra Whack for her album release. Working with conceptual artist Alex Da Corte, a curated palette of colours was inspired by Whack’s persona and artistic vision. This collaboration is a testament to how colour can powerfully express a brand or person’s identity. “Color and culture are very strongly tied because one creates and…

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Red Hot Chili Peppers at Bud Stage

Last week I went to see the Red Hot Chili Peppers at Bud Stage and we had VIP tickets! My friend Luis Mendoza from LA is on tour with the band and hooked us up with great seats + lounge access before the show. This was my first time at Bud Stage this summer. Before the show, it was POURING down with rain, so much that Lakeshore Blvd was completely flooded. Lorilynn and I took an Uber and by the time we met Sarah at the venue, the sun was out and it turned into a beautiful hot summer evening. The show was awesome and we sang/danced right until the end. Luis and I have been friends since the early days of Twitter. We met on the platform and finally in person at SXSW in 2012. Since then, we have hung out in LA and every time he’s in Toronto on tour with a band. THANK YOU FOR THE TIX MY FRIEND!!!! Hope to catch a few more concerts there before the temps cool down in the fall!

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Interview: Vocab Comm Influencer Tuesdays

I recently did an interview w/ Chrissy, longtime friend, OG PR, and founder of Vocab Comm. I talk about the social media landscape, influencers, and my career. I included part of the interview below, read the whole thing here. Chrissy used to host MMVA and celebrity gifting lounges at the beginning of social media, we worked together on a few. This was a fun one. Tell us a little about yourself. I grew up in Cambridge, Ontario. My parents immigrated here from New Zealand and my dad had a custom Hot Rod shop growing up. I created my first business in grade 2 and at 14 I wrote a book and started a publishing company. I went to Conestoga College and last year was given an Alumni Award for my work from the President of the college. I went to university in Australia and have a B. Com in International Business. I have lived in Toronto since 2005 when I started my blog. Through my blog, I’ve built some amazing brand partnerships (Pepsi, Telus, Aeroplan, Sassoon) and traveled to incredible amazing places in the world (Thailand, New Zealand, Costa Rica, Disneyland). How do you define an influencer? I think the word ‘influencer’ has really taken on a whole new (kinda negative) meaning with the rise of Instagram influencers. To me, influence is a product of something someone does. It’s not something you get by having a lot of followers. My influence has grown from being a pioneer in a new industry and constantly innovating. I share my life with the world and love discovering new things, my influence comes from building trust with my audience. What advice do you have for other people looking to become an online influencer? Don’t do it. Find something you love and do that! Don’t…

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Tech | Another One Bites the Dust: RIP Rdio

The list of social sharing services I’ve seen disappear over the last five years keeps getting longer. A bit of sadness for Rdio this week as it’s been purchased by Pandora for $75M and filed for Chapter 11. I’ve been using Rdio since early 2012 when it came to Canada after I was introduced to it at SXSW. Around them I took part in a round table to discussion on the future of music streaming and music piracy with a bunch of music execs and media. Canada.com covered the session (here). After my free year of Rdio was up, I continued to pay $9.99 for the service the last few years, with my own money. Rdio was there for countless road trips, dance parties, summers on the dock, sing-alongs in the boat, and Christmas parties. I made heaps of playlists and Rdio has been part of all my fun the last few years. I mentioned it as one of my fav apps in interviews w/ ApexPR & Mad Hatter Tech. It’s crazy how attached you become to a service, how integrated it becomes in your life. I was really sad when 12seconds.tv was purchased by AOL and dissolved, felt heartbreak over Dailybooth, and another wave of sadness when Viddy shut down. Transfer Your Rdio Playlists to Apple Music Today I’ve been transferring my Rdio playlists to Apple Music. TBH I don’t mind Apple Music but I really loved Rdio. I decided to fork over the $4.99 to have movetoapplemusic.com do the work of moving my playlists over from Rdio. Luckily, I think Apple Music will be around for a while. I am really feeling this 90’s hip hop & R&B playlist from the commercial with Mary J. Blige. You’ll love it too, heaps of good jamz!  

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The Perfect Summer Road Trip #SummerCovered

Summer is the perfect time to hit the road with your BFFs and ditch the concrete jungle. You may already be in the process of looking at a Christchurch motorhome hire company to plan your trip to New Zealand, or maybe a road trip to California is something that you’d all agreed on. Either way, planning your trip is essential. I love packing up the car and heading up north, to Montreal, or across the border. Next time, I might plan on investing in an RV instead of driving. It’s just so I can have a different experience and I’d be with my best friends, so it’d be hard not to have fun! If you are like me and are considering going on a road trip in this fashion, seeing as I was recommended to check out sites such as good sam ESP here, I’m now offering my knowledge to you guys too! I’ve had some pretty epic road trips over the years! However, I’ve never been on a road trip in an RV, which is something that has been reccommended to me on many occasions. I know that Texas has outstanding rv routes, so this would probably be my desired road trip of choice. Once a couple friends and I drove to Austin, Texas for SXSW and another time we drove and sang our way to Chicago. Another one of my favs was a road trip to Montreal, so great in the summer! There’s always a few things I make sure to stock up on before hitting the road and you can find them all at Shoppers Drug Mart. This is my second post in partnership with Shoppers, your one-stop spot before you hit the open road for a summer road trip. Did someone say snacks? SUMMER ROAD TRIP…

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Starting Fashion Week with a BANG! #WMCFW

Hi from the NKPR office s where I’ve been on set all day for an exciting new show. I can’t say anything else about it for now but soon enough you’ll know. Today marks the start of World Mastercard Fashion Week in Toronto and it’s going to be a busy one. Huge thanks to Jodi Urichuk for a great job on makeup today (Follow her IG at @JodiUrichuk). Over the weekend I had a reaction from my eyelash extensions so I was all puffy and red. I had them taken off yesterday and most of the swelling wend down but they were still looking kinda rough this morning. You can’t even tell, eh? In spirit of WMCFW, remember when I walked the runway in SS12? I was wearing a custom Peach Berserk dress and walked right onto the runway after being at SXSW. I loved it. Super rad that I was wearing Doc’s too. Tonight I’m at a Bacardi Legacy event but will be at the tent’s tomorrow for WMCFW. Here’s to a great week! Stay tuned on my Snapchat for up to the minute stories! FOLLOW ME at CASIESTEWART. <3 CASIE

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The Future of Technology | Google+ The HuffPost Live Story

Something interesting happened yesterday and it turned out to be something pretty awesome! It all involves The Internet, social networks, content, blogging, and a little bit of luck I reckon. It starts with this photo… Remember my post  about the ‘Other’ folder in Facebook? Well one of the 99+ messages in there was from a video agency in Venice Beach, California (one of my fav places in the WORLD!) and they messaged me a few months ago to use one of my photos in a video. I did not see the message because it was in the ‘Other’ folder, basically the spam department of Facebook.  In the message, they offered to pay me for the use of my photo. I took a chance an emailed her back to see if 1) they used my photo and 2) if the offer still stands. Turns out it did! Little did I know, the video was for HuffPost Live about the way the web has changed journalism and HuffPost’s use of Google+. Well la di da! I chatted with Tim McDonald from HuffPost Live a few months before I got the email about this video and I don’t think either one is connected. Crazay!  The photo used in the vid was a selfie I took at SXSW 2012 in Austin, Texas inside the WordPress booth at the convention centre. If you look closely, you’ll see WordPress in the background, the video doesn’t show the logo for obvious reasons.  Oh man I miss that acid wash denim jacket, it’s long gone now. Google+: The HuffPost Live Story I’m in the first ten seconds, wait for it! Find me on Google+ here btw. Here’s to the magic of the internet, content that stays online forever, and the power of connecting. You never know what’s gonna happen but if you put out good vibes…

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Ruby Tuesday Baby in Coral Crush

Good morning sunshine 🙂 Hope your day is off to a great start. Brandy Melville bag with “Friend of Saul” and “The Next Zuck” buttons. Got the Zuck one in Austin at SXSW.  Love this Ted Baker makeup tote and I have about 10 of these new Maybelline lipsticks. They’re all the same colour on the outside so it’s kinda hard to know which is which. Today’s colour is Coral Crush. These Sperry’s are so old and starting to crumble but I love them so much. I saw a new similar style but they had different animal prints and they were too tacky.  In other news, it’s beautiful out. I love it. Remember, you will never be younger than you are today, make the most of it! <3 CASIE

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NXNE Interactive 2013 – Ticket Giveaway! #nxnei13

Wednesday this week kicks off NXNE! I absolutely love this festival. Think SXSW more Canadian.  I’ve been attending and doing giveaways for NXNEi since 2010 (photos below).  I spoke on two panels last year about the Psychology of Narcissism and on Social Giveaways. This year, the Interactive festival runs June 12-14, is curated by FITC and two lucky people, will win a pass to attend. You’ll get to experience the intersection of media, technology and culture with the world’s best visionaries and leaders. It’s not hard to win. Tweet this button and you’re in. I’ll pick a winner at two on Tuesday, as in tomorrow, June 11th.  Tweet  If you are in digital, social, or have any passion for anything internet, you will find something here to stimulate your senses. NXNEi 2010 NXNEi 2011 NXNE 2012 Explore Digital – Media / Culture / Marketing / Music / Film / Startups / Web / Comedy / Art 2013 will be huge. “@fitc excited to be curating @nxnei again. Intersecting media, tech + culture. Get ready for awesomeness #nxnei13” — NXNE Interactive (@nxnei) June 11, 2013 NXNE Interactive 2013 Explore Digital – Media / Culture / Marketing / Music / Film / Startups / Web June 12-14: Workshops+Conference nxne.com/interactive NXNEi Speakers Johnny Cupcakes • Saul Colt •  YouTube • HootSuite •  TeamBuy • The Score • john st. • Jay Goldman • Etsy <3 CASIE

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Experiments to Re-Imagine Advertising

Saw this today and think it’s neat. Art, Copy, Code is Google project that launched at SXSW in Austin this year. It’s a series of projects and brand stories about the current creative revolution, driven by art, copy, and code. The film project shows experiments in ads, apps, social, and mobile that are reimagining advertising’s future. Screenshots in this post are from when I watched it earlier, but based on where you live, the weather, and time, your video will be different. Check it out! About the Video The marriage of art, copy and code is creating entirely new kinds of experiences, but it’s also revolutionizing more familiar ones, too. Here, we partnered with director Ben Tricklebank and Tool to create a dynamic video experiment that changes every time it’s viewed. When a viewer presses play, the program gathers data points like time, location, weather and what’s happening on the web and incorporates them into the video. The result is a personalized experience that rewards repeat views. Talking Shoe This is me today. Hope day is treating you  well. Sending you sunshine because there is none outside! <3 CASIE

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Dailybooth Archive 2009-2012, This Is My Life in Photos.

Ok computer, anyone remember Dailybooth? DailyBooth was the original photoblogging site for people to take a photo each day with a caption. The goal was “your life in photos” in order to document and share. It allowed you to post on Twitter and follow other users within the service for  real-time updates. I loved it. Wrote about my Dailybooth romance in this post. Last year in Auston for SXSW I met a Dailybooth friend IRL. It was awesome! In August, 2009, the site had over 3 million unique visitors a month with a growth rate of about 35% a month.[2] On 11 November 2012, it was announced that Dailybooth was closing down, with users able to access and download their content until 31 December. The site was completely deleted after that.  Demi, Ashton, and iJustine used to use it heaps. I download all my nearly 800 photos from my database and put them in a video as a memory. That’s why I started blogging in the first place, to keep more memories. I learned how beat map photos in iMovie when I made this. I’m no expert video editor but I’d like to get better at it. I’m hoping to get a new camera soon so I can start filming some epic si*t. Huzzah! I’m the couch at the cottage watching movies and computing all day. It’s great! Happy Sunday 🙂 <3 CASIE  RIP!

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CORAL TV: Superimpose for iPhone, so fun!

Remember that time I was at SXSW with James Franco? Yeah, well I do. One of my latest iPhone downloads is this app called Superimpose. It’s 99c and allows you to superimpose yourself into any background, anytime, anywhere. No vacation time? No problem. Go on a Google Earth vacation and shop yourself into a pic and share that baby to Facebook! Watch my latest episode of THIS on Coral TV CASIE IN PARIS! CASIE AND SOME SAILOR BABES! CASIE AT THE GOOGLE OFFICE! CASIE AT THE FACEBOOK OFFICE! CASIE AT THE OSCARS! And of course… CASIE AT SXSW w/ JAMES FRANCO! Happy Friday friends 🙂 <3 CASIE

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Drambuie presents AUSTRA at Canadian Music Week

What are you doing on Saturday, March 23? That weekend is post fashion week/Canadian Music Week and there are SO many things going on. Well,  I’d like to extend an invite for you to come to see Austra at the Danforth Music Hall. I saw them last summer at Fort York in the pouring rain and it was SO GOOD. They are on world tour right now and this is their first stop post SXSW. Wanna go? Send a tweet to @casiestewart and @drambuiecanada that you want to see @austratalks on March 23, 2012. I’ll pick winners early next week and have tickets couriered to your own house. If you don’t have Twitter, get it or leave a lovely comment below.  This will be a good show. Tweet to @casiestewart Date: Saturday March 23rd, 2013 Location: Danforth Music Hall (venue / map) Time: Doors 7pm About Austra: Austra is a Canadian electronic music band from Toronto, Ontario, formed in 2009. The band consists of Katie Stelmanis, her former Galaxy bandmate Maya Postepski and former Spiral Beach bassist Dorian Wolf. austramusic.com

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CAA and Life-Side Assistance Savings for You

Last week I got a CAA membership and I’m pretttttty excited about it. Why you ask? Remember having an SPC card as a student? Well, a CAA Membership is kinda like one of those for adults. CAA offers Life-side assistance in the form of savings and rewards from heaps of partners in North America. I’ve never owned a car but when I started driving my Mum had CAA memberships for both my sister and I. She didn’t feel safe with us on the road without knowing we had CAA, just in case something happened. You would not believe how many times it came in handy. I remember saying “It’s ok I have CAA” and getting a friends card towed, a boyfriends car towed, or saving the day when someone accidentally’ locked the keys in the car.  (No not me, never!) I really enjoy driving and having a CAA membership makes me feel safer, especially for long highway drives. Would have been great for our trip to Austin for SXSW last year! Doh. Over the next couple weeks I’ll be sharing some of my shopping, dining, and entertainment savings that come with having a CAA Membership.  I was honestly shocked to see just how many partners they have including a full service travel agency. I’ll be exploring that option in great detail. Most of all I’m looking forward to shopping discounts at Gap & Banana Republic Factory stores, finally visiting the Ontario Science Centre, and taking my BF out for a dinner and a movie. To see all the Life-side Assistance benefits visit caasco.com or check out CAA South Western Ontario on Twitter and Facebook. Have an awesome day! CASIE

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