Day 74: Take A Moment

Today I am taking a moment to think. To watch. To listen. There is so much going on in the world right now. I need to compose my thoughts before I write about it. When we were on the boat I was taking photos and Emily said the sunset looked really cool through her glasses. This is her glasses as a filter. Tell your friends & family you love them. We all need to stick together.

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Day 73: This Is A Test, You Can Handle It!

Yesterday my blog crashed! Thankfully I contacted my server host and their support team helped me out. I was stressed but calm. In times before now, I might have freaked out, got upset, or had a cry. Not this time, I kept my cool, knowing I have regular backups and that it will be ok. Advice for other bloggers, update your plugins one at a time, update before you post new content, and make sure you have regular backups. Feels good to be back to regularly scheduled blogging!

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Day 72: WorkShop It

Today I did a writing workshop hosted by my friend Ama Scriver on the Addition Elle Instagram. Our internet has been quite slow today making to hard to watch the live video but I was able to catch the tail end that included a writing prompt. I was initially having trouble getting to work on a project so I decided to join in and I am so happy I did. This is my second writing workshop in a week and I am really loving this type of activity right now. A lot of the writing I do never gets published. I think it’s important to write for yourself and write to remember. I started this blog 15 years ago as a way to keep more memories and it has served me well. I write a lot more than you see here though, sometimes long documents, others short verses of prose that nobody knows. Journaling through this quarantine has helped me deal with feelings and get to know myself more. If you don’t have a journal, get one. Write notes to yourself and go back to them another day. Writing is such a therapeutic process. I love the sound of typing on keys. The scratch of pencil on paper. Bold Sharpie strokes in a notebook. I love it all. View this post on Instagram A post shared by CASIE ☀️ (@casiestewart) on May 28, 2020 at 5:37am PDT

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Day 71: What Did You Make?

Over the past few months, I’ve been asked a couple of times “what are you working on” or about clients, brand partnerships, my job. Before COVID I was up for a FT gig I really wanted, and had met w/ a few people from the company. Since COVID, the job was put on hold and a couple of my brand partnerships have been cancelled. TBH…idk what I want to do next. I’ve been feeling the need for change the last year. Since my broken bone accident at the end of 2018, I have worked on myself a lot and finally feel good, physically and mentally. (Most the time.) Some days I feel excited with a childlike fancy, making things, creating, writing, sharing sunshine. Other days, I’m sad for reasons I can’t explain or scared for what the future holds. Despite the sunny photos, there have been a lot of clouds. And, co-parenting an almost 13yo young woman has its challenges. Although I’m not working as much right now, I try to have some normalcy of computer time in the am (emails, blog) and in the afternoon, I make something. It could be art, photos, food, exercise, or upcycling something from my closet. Making space to relax and making time to unwind also count One of my good friends and I have this thing where we text each other saying “what did you make today buddy?”. (We have been calling each other ‘buddy’ since we lived in Australia a lifetime ago!) I find her messages so great, asking this is kinda better than “how are you?” because it helps you think about your day differently. So, what did you make?! Photos @April Wozny last week on a social distance bike ride + coffee date ☀️??

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Day 70: Please Stay Safe

Today Sean and Emily came to pick me up to go back to the cottage. The last few days alone in the city have been really nice. I’ve enjoyed seeing friends a safe distance and rediscovering the city’s beauty on my bike. Looking forward to being back in the woods. Sean and I have been together 24hours a day since the start of March so after a few days apart, I can’t wait to hug him. He said the mosquitos are in full force which is a bit worrying but I’ll fight them the best I can. Little buggers! This week, I’m hoping to get back into my creative groove and make some things. I hope the weather stays nice and I can get out for my first paddleboard session of the season. It looks like it might be a bit rainy which almost always makes me feel like writing or making something. I’ve had a lot of anxiety about the pandemic over the past few days which I know is normal, but it doesn’t make it go away. Over the past few weeks, I’ve found happiness in simple things like drawing, embroidery, making clothes, or cut & paste. Each little activity helps to distract from the news and find a bit of joy. I hope you can find happiness in simple things and use what you have around you to inspire your creativity in new ways. Please stay safe and wear a mask!

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Day 67: Like A Bird, Flying In The Sunshine

I woke up and did some work then set out in the afternoon on the bike. It felt so free to be riding in the sunshine again. I bought a sequin top from a friend on Facebook and when I passed by to pick it up, she tossed it over the balcony and I popped it in my basket. ? I met April in her backyard to do Ryan Heffington’s workout together in the sun, at a distance. We danced in the grass with a couple more of the girls on Houseparty. We decided to wear matching outfits bc why not?! We spent the afternoon biking around the city in the sun. So fun. It felt great to laugh together. Follow April on IG at @aprilwozny!

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DAY 66: Living for Leisure

Mum wore this crochet outfit to a wedding when she was a TEENAGER! Nana’s friend knit it for her and she went with my dad. I AM obsessed!!! She always had such cool style, her clothes are our treasured heirlooms. LOVE YOU MUM! Picked up the orange wool blanket at a thrift shop in Coromandel on my 2018 trip to NZ to visit the fam. ???? The hat is from Lack of Color, Australia and the glasses belonged to someone’s grandma. After this lockdown, I’m never not wearing a full entire outfit! I have such an appreciation for every single item in my closet!

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Day 65: Look Around, There’s Beauty Everywhere

I spent most of the day working on that documentary submission w/ Sean then picked up some packages from the office. It’s been months since I went there. Went for an evening walk in the neighbourhood and it’s so beautiful. After being in the woods for months I’m really noticing all the colour, street art, greenery. I love this area so much. I love the cottage but it feels good to be home.

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Day 63: A Slice of Summer | Hayley Elsaesser x Coors Slice

Different boats = social distancing!??☀️We didn’t actually hang out with anyone on another boat but I guess we could have?! Had a nice day hanging out around the house, it was warm and sunny. We had some work to do in the afternoon for a Tuesday deadline. It’s so nice to have the boat in the water. She’s running well! A box showed up at our door on Friday w/ this outfit and beer. Lol how did I get so lucky in this life?!?? I love the creativity of this summer collab w/ Hayley Elsaesser x Coors Slice. This print is tiny Corrs Light cans made by Hayley. The collection comes out Monday at 3pm here. They’ve got summer swimwear, bucket hats, button-ups, and my fav item, a fanny pack cooler. So good! ??? HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A GREAT LONG WEEKEND! PLS BE SAFE!

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Day 60: Kale ‘Em w/ Kindness

Raining. Long weekend. Quarantine. Guess this weather makes it easier to stay at home!? ? This weekend I’m gonna do another round of tie-dye, finally got some colours. #Whatever shirt is from the gang at HideSeek, and these pants were V1 of my bleach dye. I tried to dye over another piece in The Recess Collection and ended up creating…a blank canvas! Whoops! ? I always did like things one of a kind! ??‍? I was so happy to find this jumpsuit in my closet. I ordered it last summer but it was too small. Thankfully my hard work has paid off and it fits perfectly now. I am not going to tie-dye this one! ? We picked up this beautiful big kale the garden centre last weekend and SHE IS THRIVING. Hoping to spend some time in the garden this weekend getting it ready for summer. Hope you are doing ok. Reach out to me anytime. I’m around, in the woods, hoping for sunshine, and filling carts w/ things I probably won’t buy. Something that has really been lifting me up is @Ryan Heffington’s Sweatfest dance class, it’s on Saturday at 3pm EST via IG Live. If you need a BOOST check out yesterday’s class on his IGTV. I’ve been having dance parties w/ Jen_kirsch & Jo on Houseparty and doing the class together. It fills me with so much love and light I just about float right off the ground. ☁️☁️☁️☀️????? Please, if you are going out this weekend, stay safe. Miss you. ?

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Day 59: Support Your Friends!

Right now, more than ever we need to support our friends! We are all in this together and we will get through it by being there for each other, at a distance! Social media is an amazing tool to share the things you love, you like, and support others. This tweet has been pinned to the top of my Twitter profile for over a year! Last night I joined in a pop-culture trivia game on Facebook hosted by my friend Alex. Follow her on IG @lexniko, I love the content she creates and she’s funny AF. Today my friend Mariah sent me a message about her latest project, a film called Pamela & Ivy. I know I don’t do movies reviews often but today her message came just as I was about to have lunch. So, I watched it and put a few notes into a post here. You can also watch the full 16-minute film in the post or on YouTube. Mariah and I had been internet friends for a little while and last year we met for a coffee date. It was so since to meet face-to-face! I am inspired by her work and how much she has accomplished at a young age. She founded GTE Productions at 21 and is an award-winning actress & filmmaker. Her talent is out of this world! After lunch, I went to the post office to ship a wee package of a card & friendship bracelet + an item from Knixwear. I am so impressed with their customer service! A couple of weeks ago I placed an order from the warehouse sale and when the package arrived, the order wasn’t correct. That same afternoon I was refunded for the missing items and they asked that the wrong size item I received was…

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Canadian Women in Film | Review: Pamela & Ivy

My friend Mariah messaged me today about her latest project Pamala & Ivy. I know I don’t write film reviews that often but this film was written and produced by Canadian women in film and I am happy to show some support! I watched the 16-minute feature over lunch. You can watch it below or on YouTube. Pamela & Ivy is the untold, female-made, feminist origin story of DC antiheroine Poison Ivy. The film is beautifully shot and although short, has strong characters. I was taken in from the first 60 seconds. I am so proud this was created by someone I know and by strong Canadian women in film. Watch Pamela & Ivy Below! GTE Presents: A film by Leah McKendrick Produced by Mariah Owen PAMELA & IVY Every Villain Has An Origin. #PamelaAndIvyFilm View this post on Instagram A post shared by ? ⚡️ EVERYBODY’S HYPE GIRL⚡️? (@mariahowen) on May 11, 2020 at 10:51am PDT

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Day 56: For The Mamas

Mums, step-moms, grandmas, sisters, pet mums, plant mums, sister and friends who are there for us with mum love, today is for you. Had a nice chat with my mum and then went to a garden centre. We Facetimed Sean’s mum and had her pick out a big beautiful hanging plant to go at the cottage front door. In the evening, I did a self-care spa including a foot mask, face mask, and watched Dead to Me in bed while drinking rosé. It was nice! Good show. Sending special love to my mum who had been a source of strength and inspiration every day of my life. I love you so much! She always has good advice, a creative idea, or the right thing to say when I need it.

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Day 54: A Quarantine Birthday

Thank you! I had the best day and it’s mostly bc of you, friends, family. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH. Grateful to have you in my life and appreciate your love. I often have anxiety around my birthday and this year, I somehow felt calm amidst all the chaos. I ran 4K with Sean in the morning and we did a meditation on a rock in the woods. He surprised me with a bunch of useful presents then cooked a huge BBQ for dinner. I opened a few goodies from friends and loved getting messages from around the world. At 8pm I had a Zoom party and my favourite thing was each friend taking a moment to share what they loved about me. It was like a Casie Conference of Love! I don’t remember the last time I had a birthday party but this was better than I could have imagined. Will never forget my Quarantine Birthday and can’t wait to hug IRL when this is over. ????

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Day 53: Exactly Where I Need to Be

Today was very active! The sun makes me want to get outside, I really hope the temperature warms up soon. Ran 2k in the morning and then walked for 8k in the late afternoon. I was listening to my latest book on Audible, Witch by Lisa Lister. I feel so calm in nature, sun on the face, wind in the trees, listening to the sound of the woods. Even saw a couple flowers blooming! My friend Cheryl sent me a beautiful Gratitude Journal from her company Please Notes. I’m going to do my first entry the day after my birthday. I love keeping my online diary of daily activities but this type of journal is great for personal reflection. Thank you Cheryl! Check out her other journals, notes, decals, and items to keep you inspired here.

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Day 52: Friends, ILYSM.

This day was the first time I saw any friends IRL in months. I was so nice to visit at a safe distance to laugh, smile, and be together. It was hard to be so close and not hug each other. I love hugs. Had a nice shower and out on a dress before heading out on a drive around the city. It was a beautiful day, I had tunes on and the sunroof open. Michelle’s birthday is the day after mine (May 9th) and for the last couple of years, we’ve celebrated together. We will celebrate again once this is all over! I LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU! Before heading back to the cottage we stopped by Jen’s place to safely say hi to her and her dad. She drew a birthday message on the driveway for me. I was so excited, laughing, and jumping up and down. I can’t wait to hang out again. Some of my BFFs started receiving their packages and it’s a way for us to stay connected. We’re all rocking friendship bracelets I made last week. I sent each package with a little handmade card filled with good vibes. I can’t wait to be together again. Tomorrow I’m gonna decorate for my birthday and make my own cake. I think we might do a Zoom party on Friday. Sending good vibes. Love you xo

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Day 51: You Are Free To Rest

I came across this image and it was just what I needed at the time. Today was a very challenging parenting day, it took all my energy and I hardly got anything done. The air was thick and finally, once the child went to bed, we let it all go and soaked in the hot tub. Tomorrow we are taking Em back to her mum and Sean and I will be here alone for a week. My birthday is on Friday. I’m planning to do a drive-by and see some friends IRL before coming back to the cottage. I can’t wait to see their faces again.

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The sun will set you free. She is there for you. She loves you. She will hug you with her warmth and shine down on you. Turn your face to the sun and let her warmth fall on your face. It’s gonna be ok.

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Day 49: Work It Out


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Day 46: It’s Gonna Be May

Wow does it ever feel great to get dressed in an outfit, do my hair and wear makeup! I’m not sure the last day I did this! I figured since I was leaving the house I’d pull myself together. Went to the post office today and have made friends w/ Judy, our local essential worker postage lady. Each visit I’ve been bringing her a little surprise as a thank you for receiving my packages and working during this time. I am SO EXCITED to run in my new shoes, they’re beautiful and feel amazing. Will have to wait till it dries up a bit outside, it’s been pretty rainy. I know it’s annoying but this is my fav meme of the YEAR! May is my FAV month, my birthday and it’s when the weather *usually* starts to warm up., may I am here for you and all your Taurus glory! One week until the day it’s all about meeeeee! LOL!

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Day 45: It’s Ok To Not Be Ok

I spent the day mostly on the couch watching Outer Banks. It’s not a great show but I’m heavily invested now and want to complete my task. Ate some leftovers. Made some cards & bracelets to send to friends. It’s totally ok to not feel like doing anything or to lack motivation during this time. If you survived another day, that in itself is an accomplishment. We are in the middle of a global pandemic and it’s hard to deal with. Tomorrow is a new day.

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#Takeoutday: My First Writeup on Muskoka411!

#TakeOutDay is a nationwide effort to help our favourite local restaurants by ordering takeout. The national campaign was started by Canada Takeout in an effort to help Canada’s hard-hit food industry and is now being co-signed by celebrities, chefs, and notable Canadians nationwide. I chatted with a few notable Canadians to find out their fav spots to eat in the Muskoka region. See tweet below or read it here. Last week we ordered takeout from Muskoka Beer Spa, they’re offering pizza from pie Muskoka, beer & food from Clear Lake Brewing, and several other local items. We even got meat pies! ? For more information on how you can help, visit

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Day 44: Through The Woods

Personally, today was a good day. Ran 4k in the morning and took Sean’s route down the road and though Balfour Woods. It felt great to be out in nature and I made it back just before the rain. For lunch, I made tortilla soup with leftovers and then tried a recipe for sweet potato gnocchi. It was my first time and they turned out pretty good! Watched Netflix at night and made bracelets to send to friends in the mail. Parenting wise, today was a very challenging day.

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Day 43: Isolation is Exhausting

Was not feeling great today. Felt sluggish and unmotivated. Did not exercise. Started a new book, read outside in the sun. Hung some new plants in the kitchen window. Had a dip in the hot tub. My arm has been very sore. Have been applying CBD cream and heating pad all day. Made a nice lentil coconut curry for dinner with rice. Took an afternoon nap and then went to bed at 8 pm. Tomorrow is a new day. Still have about 10k to conquer on my monthly NTC Challenge so hoping to get up early and go outside like I used to. I think my body and mind are exhausted. It’s ok to rest. This whole experience is tiring. Read a great article on Medium, see below.

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Day 42: Baking Bread

I finally made bread! I didn’t take a photo because tbh, it wasn’t that pretty. I’ll try again but I turned out pretty flat, a flatbread. ?It tasted great right out of the oven with some butter. Today was a lazy day and I did next to nothing other than baking bread and eating it. Took a 24 -hour break from Instagram to laze around and recharge my batteries. Found this book from my childhood and am rediscovering my love for bracelet making. We’ll see how I get on with this, would be nice to send these to friends in the mail.

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Day 40: Quarantena, Meaning “Forty Days”

Wow, 40 days! Thankful I’ve kept a diary because all the days would have mixed into weeks by now. It’s taken about forty days to figure out what balance looks like right now. It’s been a bit challenging to adjust to this new way of life but I think we’re getting the hang of it. Below I’ve linked to a few of my favourite posts since the start of isolation. We ordered takeout for the first time in 40 days today and it was so good! Muskoka Beer Spa offers pizza, beer, and a few other local pre-made items for pickup at the brewery in Bala. Aside from pre-made pizza from Pie Muskoka we got butter tarts and meat pies. When we were driving back we say the most beautiful fox. I think we interrupted him having a little snack. Looked right at me! Yesterday by 10am I’d written a blog post, done some client work, and ran 2.6K. Some days are productive others not so much. I did 3.85K today and I’m on track to complete my goal of 55k by the end of the month. I can’t believe how much I look forward to running. Order new shoes today because I’ve worn mine out! Looking Back, 40 Days of Isolation

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