Day 88: The Day We Had No Internet

I was so tired today from staying up most of the night. I couldn’t sleep with the crazy storm and we had a slight leak in the kitchen ceiling. I was stressed! Our power came back on around 1 am but we still didn’t have internet access. We decided to take a break from work/school and watched a DVD of Edward Scissorhands. It was also a bit cooler so we made a fire and took the time to relax. We had a chipmunk in the cottage and they’re cute yes, but not INSIDE. We haven’t set a trap to catch him but the little guy gets in sometimes and I scream, then Sean manages to safely escort him outside. I took a 2hr nap in the afternoon and by the time I woke up the internet was back in action. THANKFUL FOR WIFI!

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Day 87: Wild Wind, Mega Storm

This afternoon we all hung out on the dock in the sun. Finally got Emily outside to have some fun! She’s been spending a lot of time on the computer. We knew a storm was on the way and stayed out to watch the clouds roll in then danced in the rain. It was so warm but VERY WINDY (see video below haha). The storm rolled in around dinner time and then we lost power for most of the night. We sat around with candles and talked about what’s going on in the world.

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Day 86: Dressing Up for Town

Today I took a trip to town and picked up my online order from Walmart. A couple of weeks ago I ordered some solar-powered Edison bulbs for outside on the stairs. I think they’ll look great! Each time I go to town, I put on a cute outfit, makeup, and pack a mask. I really miss seeing people and getting dressed up. If a trip to Walmart is my outing for the week, I’m gonna wear something nice. Celebrating the small wins these days! Earlier the afternoon, I went out on the paddleboard for an hour and a half, circling around a few of the little islands and laying in the sun. I didn’t take my phone or anything, just me, the lake, my board, and the sun. Saw this little guy when I came back. Haven’t seen one this big here before!

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Day 85: Let’s Go Back To The Cottage

Today we are heading back to the cottage. I was up early with Sean to re-shoot the project I’m working on. It went ok. Thankful for his help, it was very challenging to do it all by myself yesterday. I stopped by to see April and Nataleigh before we left. I really hope we have some HOT DAYS this week. I am ready for sun. ☀️ Sat outside and read my book by the fire before bed. Nice to be back. ?

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Day 84: Sunshine, Bike Ride, Fresh Air Therapy

I tried really hard to do something today. I put my expectations high, I thought I could do it all by myself. I didn’t want help. I failed. I sucked at it. I had a total meltdown. The day started well with a 3.5km run around the neighbourhood. I stopped at the OKAYOK Store to take this photo, they have a great mirror film on the window. I’m wearing the Joe Fresh outfit again bc I am 1000% obsessed. After my meltdown, I took to the streets on my bike and discovered a great new (to me!) spot in our area. The other day mum told me how she used to love running on a track so I was so happy to find one at École secondaire Toronto Ouest. I leaned back on my bike, called a friend, and read my book. I also did another one of Elaisha’s daily meditations. It was so nice. I traced my fingers with my eyes closed, took deep breaths, and soaked in the sun. If you haven’t subscribed you can get on her 30-day course on Your Mindful for free here. WE WILL GET THROUGH THIS.

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Day 83: New Ways, New Mask, New Look

Biked around early in the morning and met April for a social distance hang with coffee in her backyard around 8 am. We talked about life, everything going on in the world, things outside us, feelings inside us, it was really nice. She always has good advice, makes me laugh, and is there with a compliment or to a reminder when I need it the most. It’s crazy to think back to a few months ago when everything was different and we had no idea what was coming. Things will never be the same, this is a new way of life, of living, of thinking, of feeling. In the afternoon I walked to Danica’s Bathing Belle shop in Roncy to pick up my mask and see her new mural being painted. It looks so nice and the art is done by @Viszla_Bacon on IG. He has a couple other in the area, you might recognize his work! Bathing Belle will be opening up soon to take appointments at the shop. I ordered the Rasta Lion mask to match my suit and scrunchie. I love it! Her suits are the best bathing suits I’ve ever owned, she makes them herself, and the fabric so nice. Highly recommend. It was a full moon last night, I sat out and read my book for a bit. I placed my crystals out under the moonlight and made my wishes on the moon. Even though I couldn’t’ see it through the clouds, I knew it was there. I got this yellow bowl two summer’s ago from a shop in the LXMarket, Lisbon. I was hesitant to buy it but I’m so glad to have it now. This orange outfit is my most favourite thing right now, I copped the crop/shorts from Sasha Exeter‘s post and…

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Day 82: Change The Way You Think

Find the original post & creator at @vibesofablackgirl on Instagram.

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Day 81: Nature Break

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Day 80: Sending Flowers

Today has been heavy. It’s hard to watch what’s going on in the world right now and not take action. I’ve hit pause on posting my own content to continue making space for POC creators and resources. If you are looking for resources on how you can help or show support see here. I’m still keeping my daily diary, it’s my way to remember, and a time capsule to look back on in the future. I hope that by sharing a little bit of sunshine here on the blog it can bring a smile to at least one person. ? We went to Beaverton in the afternoon and while Sean had a meeting, I got some groceries and called a friend. Today I made a delicious beet salad with leftover beets Sean BBQ’d the other day. I really love beets. The afternoon was really nice, I took some time to plant the flowers we got for Sean’s mum. She’s not planning to be up here for a while but we wanted to fill her flower pots and tidy the garden. Tomorrow we’re putting up the hummingbird feeder, we’ve seen a bunch of the beautiful little birds buzzing around. I think Sean’s parents have been keeping up with the blog so, “HI LORNA & KEITH, WE MISS YOU!”. ? Sean got a new power washer last week and it was quite therapeutic to blast the stairs and wash outside. This thing is a beast, so powerful! I power washed my paddleboard and Sean’s mum’s kayak, can’t wait to get out on the water. In other news, I beat yesterday’s 5K record on my run for Global Running Day. ?

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Day 79: Take a Minute, Meditate

This morning I felt like I needed meditation to start my day. To stop, pause. Think. Take a minute. I took a break from posting sunshiney selfies and cottage life to share content by black creators, friends, and use my platform to share their voices. I did a morning meditation by Elaisha Jade and signed up for her 30-day daily course. I love her voice, it’s so soothing and you can head her smile. Elaisha started her company after working in tech for years and feeling the burn out all often go through. At Your Mindful, she focusses on bringing mindfulness and meditation in-person or online to people around the world. Thank you Elaisha! If you want to book a private online session with her, book it here. She also has a self-guided silent retreat you can sign up for here. To sign up and join me for 30-days of meditation for free, scroll down! 30 Days of Meditation: Sign Up Here! In other news, I broke my personal 5K record on Nike Training and have been officially running for 6 months! Extremely grateful to Amy Shio aka @lesbest for her monthly challenges, she’s really motivated me to get off my booty and hit the pavement. I ran 100Km last month! P.S. If you are looking for anti-racism links, check this document or see these resources in Canada. You can also check the link in my Instagram bio here for a list of resources, places to donate, and petitions to sign! ?

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Day 78: Black Lives Matter

This weekend I watched, I listened, I had conversations that were heartbreaking. This is a human issue and I can’t sit by and not say something. I acknowledge my privilege, I can speak up, I can do better. We all can do better. A post & illustration by @mimimoffie has been running through my mind, “if you’re tired of hearing about racism, imagine how fucking exhausting it is living it”. BIPOC friends & I love you, I stand with you, I support you. White friends, do your research, educate yourself, talk to the people you love. Acknowledge the role white privilege plays in racism. ??????????

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Day 77: Advice From A Tree

My eye is starting to look less scary. The swelling has gone done after hours of ice, laying down, antihistamines, and CBD. Today we took a long drive around Muskoka and stopped to get a few supplies. This sign was at a market in Port Carling. Most of the stores there have closed and it doesn’t look like they are reopening. ? We picked up plants to put around the house for Sean’s mum. I hope it doesn’t rain tomorrow so I can get out in the garden. I will be wearing full body bug protection! I also made a veg lasagna and it turned out so good. Emily has made a choice to be vegetarian so we’re all giving it a go. I don’t eat a lot of meat and hardly any dairy so it’s not much of a change. The lasagna was INCREDIBLE. Sending you love today and everyday.

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Day 76: Look In The Mirror

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Day 75: Mosquito Eye

I woke up with a mosquito bite (bites?) on my eye. It’s swollen and uncomfortable. I have so many bites, this is definitely the worst of them all. They bit me in the night while I was peacefully sleeping. LITTLE BUGGERS! I will never sleep without an eye mask again. ? Sean is going to the city to drop Emily off with her mum today. I had planned to go, but with my eye, I’m gonna take the day to rest. I really hate mosquitos but I keep reminding myself it could be worse.

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Day 74: Take A Moment

Today I am taking a moment to think. To watch. To listen. There is so much going on in the world right now. I need to compose my thoughts before I write about it. When we were on the boat I was taking photos and Emily said the sunset looked really cool through her glasses. This is her glasses as a filter. Tell your friends & family you love them. We all need to stick together.

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Day 73: This Is A Test, You Can Handle It!

Yesterday my blog crashed! Thankfully I contacted my server host and their support team helped me out. I was stressed but calm. In times before now, I might have freaked out, got upset, or had a cry. Not this time, I kept my cool, knowing I have regular backups and that it will be ok. Advice for other bloggers, update your plugins one at a time, update before you post new content, and make sure you have regular backups. Feels good to be back to regularly scheduled blogging!

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Day 72: WorkShop It

Today I did a writing workshop hosted by my friend Ama Scriver on the Addition Elle Instagram. Our internet has been quite slow today making to hard to watch the live video but I was able to catch the tail end that included a writing prompt. I was initially having trouble getting to work on a project so I decided to join in and I am so happy I did. This is my second writing workshop in a week and I am really loving this type of activity right now. A lot of the writing I do never gets published. I think it’s important to write for yourself and write to remember. I started this blog 15 years ago as a way to keep more memories and it has served me well. I write a lot more than you see here though, sometimes long documents, others short verses of prose that nobody knows. Journaling through this quarantine has helped me deal with feelings and get to know myself more. If you don’t have a journal, get one. Write notes to yourself and go back to them another day. Writing is such a therapeutic process. I love the sound of typing on keys. The scratch of pencil on paper. Bold Sharpie strokes in a notebook. I love it all. View this post on Instagram A post shared by CASIE ☀️ (@casiestewart) on May 28, 2020 at 5:37am PDT

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Day 71: What Did You Make?

Over the past few months, I’ve been asked a couple of times “what are you working on” or about clients, brand partnerships, my job. Before COVID I was up for a FT gig I really wanted, and had met w/ a few people from the company. Since COVID, the job was put on hold and a couple of my brand partnerships have been cancelled. TBH…idk what I want to do next. I’ve been feeling the need for change the last year. Since my broken bone accident at the end of 2018, I have worked on myself a lot and finally feel good, physically and mentally. (Most the time.) Some days I feel excited with a childlike fancy, making things, creating, writing, sharing sunshine. Other days, I’m sad for reasons I can’t explain or scared for what the future holds. Despite the sunny photos, there have been a lot of clouds. And, co-parenting an almost 13yo young woman has its challenges. Although I’m not working as much right now, I try to have some normalcy of computer time in the am (emails, blog) and in the afternoon, I make something. It could be art, photos, food, exercise, or upcycling something from my closet. Making space to relax and making time to unwind also count One of my good friends and I have this thing where we text each other saying “what did you make today buddy?”. (We have been calling each other ‘buddy’ since we lived in Australia a lifetime ago!) I find her messages so great, asking this is kinda better than “how are you?” because it helps you think about your day differently. So, what did you make?! Photos @April Wozny last week on a social distance bike ride + coffee date ☀️??

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Podcast: Lockdown Love w/ Jen Kirsch

I’m listening to this right now and have to share! One of my BFFs Jen Kirsch, journalist & relationship expert, has a new podcast on eOne called Lockdown Love and I love it! It was the Monday boost I needed this morning to kickstart my workday and have a little laugh. She shares real stories about her own dating during COVID, talks to experts and her dad Dr. Kirsch even makes an appearance to comment on her ‘dating’ during COVID. I love her voice, her storytelling, and how funny she is. I was literally laughing out loud. You don’t need to be dating to enjoy it but if you are, you might be going through some of the same things she is. I can’t wait to see what’s next in this 8-episode mini-series. Congrats Jenny Jen! Looking for love in lockdown? Join dating expert and columnist Jen Kirsch as she searches for a socially (but hopefully not emotionally) distant Mr. Right! She talks with experts and exposes her own pandemic love life to help you figure out the Do’s and Don’ts of the strange world of dating in quarantine. Expect funny stories, surprising insights, and just a dash of drama.

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Day 70: Please Stay Safe

Today Sean and Emily came to pick me up to go back to the cottage. The last few days alone in the city have been really nice. I’ve enjoyed seeing friends a safe distance and rediscovering the city’s beauty on my bike. Looking forward to being back in the woods. Sean and I have been together 24hours a day since the start of March so after a few days apart, I can’t wait to hug him. He said the mosquitos are in full force which is a bit worrying but I’ll fight them the best I can. Little buggers! This week, I’m hoping to get back into my creative groove and make some things. I hope the weather stays nice and I can get out for my first paddleboard session of the season. It looks like it might be a bit rainy which almost always makes me feel like writing or making something. I’ve had a lot of anxiety about the pandemic over the past few days which I know is normal, but it doesn’t make it go away. Over the past few weeks, I’ve found happiness in simple things like drawing, embroidery, making clothes, or cut & paste. Each little activity helps to distract from the news and find a bit of joy. I hope you can find happiness in simple things and use what you have around you to inspire your creativity in new ways. Please stay safe and wear a mask!

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Day 69: Self-Isolation, Self Care, Self Time

I spent the morning on the patio writing and gave myself a much-needed spa day. I did a face mask, a hair treatment, and finished my book. My most recent read was an advance copy of Little Disasters by Sarah Vaughan from Simon & Schuster Canada. It was so good! Great story! My plan was to venture out on the bike for a little ride around the neighbourhood and I ended up biking for hours. It was such a beautiful day and I was happy to be out, alone, and in the sun. I finally picked up some new fake flowers to decorate my basket. Tomorrow Sean an Em are coming to pick me up and we’ll be back together as a family in the woods. I can’t wait. ?

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Day 68: Writing In The Sun

I jumped out of bed and hopped on the bike to meet a friend for morning coffee. It was so nice to see Rachel Bies and her little boy Bowie. We chatted 6-feet apart in the sun before I biked back home. The bike works as a great little tripod btw. At 1 pm, I did a writing workshop with Meghan Yuri Young where she gave us prompts over Zoom. We wrote thoughts, feelings, and to end the class I wrote a bunch of postcards to send to friends. This is a hard time for all of us but we can all stay home and make the most of our space while connecting online. Please be safe out there and know that this will be over one day.

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Day 67: Like A Bird, Flying In The Sunshine

I woke up and did some work then set out in the afternoon on the bike. It felt so free to be riding in the sunshine again. I bought a sequin top from a friend on Facebook and when I passed by to pick it up, she tossed it over the balcony and I popped it in my basket. ? I met April in her backyard to do Ryan Heffington’s workout together in the sun, at a distance. We danced in the grass with a couple more of the girls on Houseparty. We decided to wear matching outfits bc why not?! We spent the afternoon biking around the city in the sun. So fun. It felt great to laugh together. Follow April on IG at @aprilwozny!

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DAY 66: Living for Leisure

Mum wore this crochet outfit to a wedding when she was a TEENAGER! Nana’s friend knit it for her and she went with my dad. I AM obsessed!!! She always had such cool style, her clothes are our treasured heirlooms. LOVE YOU MUM! Picked up the orange wool blanket at a thrift shop in Coromandel on my 2018 trip to NZ to visit the fam. ???? The hat is from Lack of Color, Australia and the glasses belonged to someone’s grandma. After this lockdown, I’m never not wearing a full entire outfit! I have such an appreciation for every single item in my closet!

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Day 65: Look Around, There’s Beauty Everywhere

I spent most of the day working on that documentary submission w/ Sean then picked up some packages from the office. It’s been months since I went there. Went for an evening walk in the neighbourhood and it’s so beautiful. After being in the woods for months I’m really noticing all the colour, street art, greenery. I love this area so much. I love the cottage but it feels good to be home.

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Day 64: Hello, Meet My Natural Hair Colour

Dirty blonde! LOL. I’m not a true bleach blonde, ok? I’ve been dying my hair since my first attempt with Sun In around grade 7. Remember this yellow bottle? I just looked it up and apparently it’s still around. ?Sean really likes this natural colour and lucky for him, I can’t lighten it again for the foreseeable future. Today we are heading to the city to pick up Emily for the child switchover. Sean and I have been working on a big submission for a VR documentary and will be working at the house for 24 hours. This week he’s heading back up north w/ Emily for some dad-daughter time while I stay home. I didn’t expect to be away for 2.5 months and I need to get a few things sorted before heading back to the cottage. I have a bit of anxiety about being around so many people but I’m also kind of excited to be home. I’ve hardly seen anyone for months and some days I find it really hard. I’m a social person and my friends are like family. If it’s nice out, I’d like to bike around a bit and see some friends IRL, at a safe distance. Before heading out, I repotted some indoor plants, my propagations with their new roots, and planted some herbs. It’s finally warm enough for them to live outside. ? Do you like my gardening outfit? This hat is absolutely necessary, the bugs are out in full force. The mosquitos haven’t started yet but I am dreading them. Those buggers seem to love me so much and thank you but NO THANK YOU, PLS GO AWAY. My bites swell up and are itchy AF. I have run over 60k this month and am shooting for 100K by May 31st.…

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Day 63: A Slice of Summer | Hayley Elsaesser x Coors Slice

Different boats = social distancing!??☀️We didn’t actually hang out with anyone on another boat but I guess we could have?! Had a nice day hanging out around the house, it was warm and sunny. We had some work to do in the afternoon for a Tuesday deadline. It’s so nice to have the boat in the water. She’s running well! A box showed up at our door on Friday w/ this outfit and beer. Lol how did I get so lucky in this life?!?? I love the creativity of this summer collab w/ Hayley Elsaesser x Coors Slice. This print is tiny Corrs Light cans made by Hayley. The collection comes out Monday at 3pm here. They’ve got summer swimwear, bucket hats, button-ups, and my fav item, a fanny pack cooler. So good! ??? HOPE YOU ARE HAVING A GREAT LONG WEEKEND! PLS BE SAFE!

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