woke up thinking it smells like back to school

Part 1 Woke up thinking I don’t want to share what I think/feel today. I’m gonna tell a story, not sure what but a story. Then I have several messages regarding a Twittascope Tweet (Twitter/Horoscope). I have trouble accessing the site, so I get ready, leave and have no idea what it says. Part 2 Riding in the sunshine I hear “get off that bike, that’s nnot your bike”. Familiar face, man, beard, bike, running with dog on leash, he works near me. The bells are ringing and the GO train was fastly approaching. She raced it and crossed the tracks. She looked homeless and dressed in Mugatu Derilict. I asked if he wanted me to hold the dog so he could chase her. I see cops everyday when I ride around Liberty and was she she would not get away. I peddled hard across the tracks after the train and went after. No idea what I would do. I dreamed of throwing a side kick from my bike and knocking her down. Locking my bike while she scrambled then riding off on his to return it. However, I just followed her. Saw a police car and knew she was on the other side of  the car park.  Yelled out to him “she stole that bike”. Told him it was my friends and he was chasing her.  He went to get her. Part 3 Taurus (Apr 20 – May 20) Your key planet Venus is encouraging you to boldly state your feelings out loud today. But you should think twice before doing something that can upset the delicate balance of power. Your life is already complicated enough; you don’t need to add another layer of emotional drama on top of everything else. Acknowledge your desires, but consider keeping them to…

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socialnomics? does that make you a socialnomist?

Sprung out of bed and yawned out loud, the sun was on my face. Slugged to the kitchen, to the loo, not yet in a race. My mind, it slipped me…such good sleep! I saw the clock, I was in SHOCK… I was nearly late! For brunch today, I was graced with the lovely presence of British, Bangs and a Bun writer Muireann Carey-Campbell. I pulled up to see her locking her bike up in a cute blue dress, bangs and a bun and all. It’s one of the hottest days so far, I wore the Edie dress.  Gah, I’d rather bike in my bathing suit. We had some damn good laughs over brekky. Looking forward to reading about he life in NY and Japan. I’m waiting for friends to come over and go swimming. The air is like a thick brick cloud and it sticks to you when you walk through it. This video has been circulating on Twitter today and I found it to be quite interesting.

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interest in spying on people engaged in behaviors

So nice out yesterday. I could have let the day last forever. Today too.  I like it hot. They were talking about mozzies while we were sitting in the grass and I was like ‘no, what mosquitos? I don’t feel them’. Biggest loser. Today I’m scratchy-mc-scratcherton. The baddest bikes around. Pete was having a one night stand with this one and testing it out. Cervelo got the green jerz in Tour de France and they’re partying this week. Picture makes me giggle cause the leg looks kinda like the bike to me. I was in friend heaven last night hugging everyone so tight. I missed you guys! I haven’t seen so many favorite faces all together for a while. I met some cool new people and my purse is full of business cards. Lost my keys but my glasses have been located. Pretty much everyone in the joint tweets. I met two people that were don’t, how weird. Follow @pinkbrickroad and @dariusbashar, they’re cool kids. Patio was beau-teeeee-ful. Fun, sun, friends, beer, music, like OMG can it get any better. Then I met this guy who is nice (sorry I forgot your name) and we chatted but he had something to say, he doesn’t get my blog. Like really, what is the point? Um, well, ah….it started because I wanted to remember stuff better and I was bored and I like writing. Now, people read it and like it and some people even say I’m inspiring. How cool is THAT! Me thanks Mum and Daddio for inspiring me. My stickers are always a hit. I make stickers because I think it’s better than a business card at this kind of thing. They get stuck on peoples clothes and name tags and they wear them around proudly. You can’t wear a…

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you can’t rain on my parade

Good Morning! I feel like I could be a radio show today. I am happy to be at work. It’s a beautiful day might even thunderstorm later. The ride in is what I have been missing for the past two weeks. Breaks fixed. Wore my helmet and felt good about it. Smarter, like it keeps my thoughts all bunched up close together and in a jumble and now I sit here and they all flow out like waterfalls fast how I like them to.  Held my nose past the slaughterhouse, stinks bad man. Gross. NO strikers anymore. Good thing. Saw a soda pop  van covered in astro-turf grass. Breakfast Television has lost my interest but I like the news and weather of CP24. Hot today still humid. Thunderstorm would be nice. I like to ride through the puddles. Dad’s got a sewing machine for me and I’ve got heaps of fabric and vintage patterns at home. Really excited. Twestival Local is coming up September 12th 2009, mark your calendar. In Twestival Global raised over $250,000.00 for charity: water. It was really fun. Twitter has grown so much since February. I hope it rains when I bike home.

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my two mums

When I was growing up Mum had a best friend named Pat Hope. They’re still best friends. They lived around the corner from us. Pat only had one son but no daughters. To us, she was like a fairy god mother. She was our second mum. She would pick up girly things on her travels like jewelry and dresses. She always had sweet treats with her. She had a room full of bunny things. She dressed beautifully and had great style. Her house was always beautiful and decorated better than any other…for every occasion. She would host elegant dinner parties with a long list of guests. Snacks on every table.  She rules, my second mum. They came to visit Jenie and I after work. Was excited to show Mum new comp and helmet. She was really happy. Had some wine and chatted while the Y&R was on. Found out today that it was Dad that got Mum into watching it before I was born. Dad picked my name from the show. Casey was Nikki Newman’s sister, a hot doctor. It’s great having them over for a visit. Thanks for making the trip guys. Love you!

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you gotta tell yourself a couple times first

I’m so glad this work day is over. I’m dying to watch the Y&R when I get home. Sit on the couch. Give Robert kiss. Thought about him today, all alone in my room. I’m gonna bring him to work tomorrow, it’s a half day. Have a doctors appt that’s a follow up from surgery last year. I never told you about it and I’ll save it for a rainy day when it’s not as sunny. Luis is gonna come over then I am getting  a helmet.  I’ve not been on bike since last week and god I miss it. Keri is the cutest and sent me  a photo when I was away saying bike misses me. I missed it too. I find that if I tell myself enough times and write it down that I’m way more likely to actually get something done.  I wanna grow my hair back.  I’m gonna order an ipone tomorrow. Jenie got her hair done by Darren last week and is super blonde like me now. I love it. Mum said we look even more alike now. I love that too.

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bike helmet meets babe

I’ve been avoiding wearing/getting a helmet despite Mum’s efforts to convince me I need one. This is going to be hard for Mum to read the most I think… Last night at the intersection where near my house, a 34 year old woman was  hit almost killed when a car struck her while biking. She was not wearing a helmet. The streets were closed off and as I rode by and saw the lonely bike standing beside the police car, my heart dropped. I took these photos on the way to meet Saul Colt for dinner. The accident happened while I was there and 3 blocks behind me in the photo. I’m going to get a helmet within the next week. I will be photo-blogging it all the time. If you or your company wanna be my helmet head sponsor please email [email protected]

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artventure #1107009

was nice to go to the AGO. as a member i should go  more often. there’s a new surrealist exhibit and it is beautiful. have lots of old clothes and pretty dresses to see. i imagined my self stepping into the exhibit and putting them on and dancing or walking around the room. i heard about the community bike racks around the city. hadn’t seen one before. nice bikes, nice rack. nathan phillips square is taking part in the outdoor art exhibit. lots of nice things to take photos of. was feeling artistic.    sun was really hot on my skin. started to feel tired from walking around. didn’t realise it was so hot out. heading down to harbourfront now with the girls to see Broken Social Scene. awesome. night is young and warm.

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Luminato: An Unusual Degree of Enlightenment

The city was illuminated last night and full of people our for Luminato. I was at the Harbourfront for Cirque Du Soleil. Pretty amazing but kinda hard to see. I’m little and there were so many people closer to the stage. I had a blast cruising around on bikes and hanging in parks. There is an art installation in the music garden that features a toilet.  I thought it was the funniest thing to pretend to use it. I laughed so hard. Oh god, I laughed hard. I got in trouble from security but it was totally worth it. She just told me to get off . My dress is from Apt 909. My favorite store.  It’s a perfect biking dress.

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shining right down on me

I biked  the boardwalk trail this morning beside the Lake. So brilliant the sun was shining down on me. The temperature as I left the house was already over 14 degrees and the clouds cleared shortly after 8am. This is my favorite mug. I’ve had it since I was little kid. It’s Care Bears and says “Make the most of every good thing”, I think that’s a pretty good philosophy. I loved Care Bears, used to watch at 8am before school. I woke up extra early, about 6:30. Something about summer mornings  makes me jump out of bed fleeing alive and ready to take on the day. Love this picture.  I often look out and see whats happening with this massive boat, its usually nothing, but it doesn’t mind me staring. Very busy today. Catering brought Penne a la vodka w/ chicken and it’s so yummy. Eating at desk and then going for coffee to draw cartoons of this guy and this girl.

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i’m blushing now

because he wrote this. “There is a reason I started all this gibberish, or at least there was … I had a moment today, a kinky one. Which is true, and it was a moment of pure joy to click on the Awesomest Blog Ever and find a blog void of gibberish. It was one of those moments that can change a man’s attitude about himself and his life for a while… Like the time a man first shaves his balls and realizes he just became that much closer to being just like David Lee Roth in his hey-day… Unchained! And unchained she is… Fun, Honest, Humble and Authentic are just a few of the words I can use to describe this modern artist, without even knowing her or her character. But I can say this… Her genuine nature comes through in her blog and coming from a professional Gibberish Rustler, take it as a lesson… Her words have the power to shrivel nuts of the toughest Gibberish Rustler and make them fall off the body like raisins off a bush. Lucky for me I’m not that tough…“ read it and comment, if you have feelings ♥

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i don’t think you should drink and bike dudes

NOTL – That’s what they call it. Like it’s a gangsta-short- code for something really bad ass. It’s a popular spot for wino’s and people from the State. If you enjoy people watching, grab a drink and score a seat because you’re sure to see some entertaining characters. I’m not sure where the people come from but it’s so much different than being in the city.  Here, it’s busy and noisy and there are so many people that you can’t even tell who the crazy ones are and you barely have time to watch the days go by. Good food at this place, Prince of Whales. I was a little shocked to see the below advertisement for Wine Tours combined with biking.  I’ve learned that biking and drinking, especially to multiple destinations, isn’t usually a good idea. By the time you get to your last stop you’re half in the bag and then you have to go all the way back home. I’m surprised that this place even exists. I wonder if I can take a dirt bike around to different breweries anywhere? Now, doesn’t that sound like a bright idea? This building made for pretty pictures. It’s a really old one covered in vines. I’m watching The Bachelorette and I think she’s a wild one. This could be an interesting show.  I dig that she drives a purple vintage classic. I think guys get snarkier than girls do and there will be some fights.  Shame the preview gives the show away and the guys are such dorks.

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really fun but my legs kinda hurt today

Happy I didn’t drink much last night so I can fully remember all the greatness that was #spinTO. There were so many awesome people there that above and beyond the flashing lights, bare skin and dancing the crowd was larger than life.  I spent most the night outside racing in racing suit and cheering on all the other peeps that gave ‘er a go. I raced 2x and in this video I’m Racing Kevin Joseph and he beat me. #spinTO Bike Race from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. He was fast. It’s hard to race like a mother bitch for 500 metres. My legs can feel that I worked them and they’re probably going to make me pay for it tomorrow. The lady beside me was cheering me on so hard, she thought I was kicking his ass. I wasn’t but she was so encouraging, it made me feel like I did! This was my best time and last time. #spinTO rain suit dancing guy from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. I hope you have a great weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Celebrate and drive safe please.

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i like when the leaves come on the building

I was walking into the office this morning and it was really beautiful outside. Sabrina and I were giggling our little asses off as I proceeded to say “I like then the leaves come on the building”. Being our immature selves she replied with “I like when you come on the building”. I hope you can imagine just how funny this was. I almost peed my pants. No, I did not make an error I wore pants today. I’m heading to Spin TO tonight at the MOD Club on College. SpinTO is a fundraising project that kicks off today and celebrates the Friends for Life Bike Rally from Toronto to Montreal in support of the Toronto People with AIDS Foundation. The theme is Solid Gold and I think you should all come if you can.  Tickets are on sale for like the next two hours but you can also get ’em at the door. There’s lots of fun stuff happpening there tonight.

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palmerston is beautiful on both sides

I’ve find that biking is toning up my beach body.  This is really nice considering I hate the gym. It gives me anxiety. I’m lucky to have these super mutant-like muscles that when I do any exercise I get almost instant results.  Yesterday I was biking to Yorkville for #wiredwedTO and took back streets. Didn’t have helmet on, sorry Mum. Will pick it up this evening just for you. I rode down Palmerston Boulevard, one the most beautiful and truly one of my favorites. Most of the houses on Palmerston Boulevard were built between 1903 and 1910. It’s a nice one to bike on and there’s hardly any cars. I like it because of the trees and the houses and because a bunch of my family live in Palmerston North, New Zealand.  ‘Young heart, easy living’ they call it.Palmy (as the Kiwi’s call it) is a very beautiful city north of the capital, Wellington, in the eastern part of the Manawatu Plains, and close to the northern bank of the Manawatu River. I love it there. They have lots of windmills and rolling hills that is absolute bliss. You can see them from the back yard at Nana’s old house where Mum grew up. It’s really pretty.

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lay down in the grass and feel the sun on yo face

I always know the start of summer from two distinct things: The first time I have Chippy’s on the grass in Trinity Bellwoods The first outdoor Drum Circle in the pit at the back of Bellwoods Last night, I experienced both. My fish and chips never tasted so good as I got my hands dirty and wiped the grease on my sleeve. It was magical. The sun was shining down on my face sending vibes of energy so bright I could not help myself from just laying in the grass and soaking them up. Welcome summertime, I’m happy you’ve arrived!!

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there’s something about ‘zombie face’

Months ago I went through a Zombie phase. I loved it. I love Zombie face. I don’t like scary things, I mean like blood and guts and horror. Makes me feel anxiety and pain but let me tell you, there’s something about the tattoo I put on my arm that I totally love. I put it on again.  I wear fake tattoos and when I find one I like I buy the whole lot. Sometimes I don’t want it enough to have it all the time, just sometimes. I went for a bike ride to the LCBO on Queens Quay by the water. It was beautiful. There was one problem, this guy. This guy with his gut out, walking so freely along while topless.  It was not appealing. Thus,  I share with you as fair warning it is not recomended style to go walkabout like this unless you’re a babe. The tower.  The tower was pretty today beside my bike.

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It’s a little bit funny this feeling inside I’m not one of those who can easily hide

I wake up and have a quick shower before getting dressed. I wear pants today. I put on a dress shirt, the tuxedo one and a heart shaped locket without any photos in it. It’s long and silver and dangles as I gather my things and reach for my coat. Glasses, keys, phone, camera, do you have everything? I say to myself as I pick up my laptop carry case and head for the elevator. It’s not too slow today, I get to the ground and lead the herd our the door to work. I dry off my seat from the rain. I unlock and mount my bicyclette. The air is cool but warm on my face as I photograph the skyline over the lake. I steer towards the office. It’s cloudy and grey yet very beautiful. I feel free and alive and barely notice how my body aches for the first two days back on the road. It feels great. I arrive in the village greeted by the hustle and bustle of a place that thrives from nine to five. The train must have just left. There is a pleasant joy in the air; spring is here to stay. Smiling inside, I ride over the old brick road through the train tracks to the back of the factory. For the first time I dream of working in an art factory, my own. I park my bike and head inside. I arrive in ten minutes, this ten minutes glides me through the day. I’m ready to work today. I have the day off tomorrow, it’s my 27 birthday: May 8, 2009.

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mum says i need a helmet

Last night I had a bbq with some of my besties ever. Our boy @NickiP is visiting from Curacao and we took it to the roof and roasted some meat. The sky was full of colour and the tower was unobstructed.Mum rung me last night knowing that I’m back on the bike and insisted that ask I my online friends to help me find something to protect my head. I have always loved riding and when I was younger Mum said “No more riding bike without helmet” and from then on so I never rode a bike until I moved out of the house. I had a BMX bike in Bondi that had pegs on the back. This red cruiser is my favorite. If I’m going to get a helmet, I don’t want to spend a fortune on it. My mum showed me some that she likes so I’ll see if they’ve been reviewed by Helmet Hunt and if I like any. I guess if she keeps nagging, I’ll be getting a helmet!Please help me find a red helmet that’s not mortifying. I want to wear a helmet. Wearing a helmet may not be ‘the coolest‘ but neither is being brain dead. Please leave a comment or link or something if you have any suggestions. Mum wants it to be red too. ?

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lovage and chocolate sweetness

Lately I’ve been listening to Lovage thanks to @jaygoldman. The tunes are a cool ass collaborative project headed by Dan the Automator, under his pseudonym “Nathaniel Merriweather” (he made up that name for Handsome Boy Modeling School).Something else I have alot of love for is my bike. I’m hoping to get the baby tuned up this week so I can get riding. This weekend’s weather is going to sweet as. Last night I made chocolate brownies with fancy icing for my roomate. She’s sweet.

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it’s not that far away

In order to distract myself from cleaning the mess that I call my room I went down to the pool for a swim. The sun was so bright, I’m dying for it to be warm enough for bikini time.

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Sketches: Part I

I drew this sketch. It is called ‘Skin Trade: pornstars are entrepreneurs’. I have it posted on my wall at home and I thought, why not post it here. I was thinking to myself how really, if you can make money selling your body as you may wish to, you are an entrepreneur. This is not something that I have done nor have any desire to. I was just thinking in general. The Free Dictionary online defines an entrepreneur as “A person who organizes, operates, and assumes the risk for a business venture.” Thus, I would say I am correct. This is a sketch I did of my bike. It really is my pride and joy. Well, it was, until she got a flat tire because I left her in a bad hood over night . Now she’s not going for any rides. Next summer, this beauty will be back on the road and all over downtown. Just how she likes it.

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It was my beauty…

As you may be aware, I have a bike. I love this bike and I love riding it. A while ago I was riding my bike in a beautiful long summer dress which was flowing & big glasses gleaming. As I approached a traffic light ,I was paired beside a truck of men who were clearly involved in some type of labour work. They were obviously enjoying my bike ride just about as much as I was. At that point, the light changed, I proceeded to pedal forward. They drove forward. I continued, and they, totally fucking rear ended the car in front of them. I tried my best not to laugh, when an elderly man turned to me and said, “You better get out of here little lady, those boys are going to be mighty embarrassed if they see you around”. The End.

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Vrooom Vroom: my first bike ride!!

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