You Are the Engine: Riding Bikes in Chiang Mai

Started the day with a bike ride around Chiang Mai. We cruised all over he place through streets, into the forrest, jungle style, rice fields, visited a hospital, and more.  It was super fun. You know how much I love riding bikes. “The bicycle is a curious vehicle. Its passenger is its engine.” ~ John Howard I swear I’m not that much of a diva but in this group I really seem like one. 700 year old temple.   Wow! Such awesome! So Thailand! Rice. This afternoon we visit elephants and ride them! <3 CASIE Overnight US Drugs Online Pharmacy Around The World Trusted Pharmacy Online US Pharmacy

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Ride & Shine

Took the long route to work today so I could ride more. Biked an hour at lunch too. My arms and abs are feeling the burn from so much riding. Reckon I forgot just how great of exercise it is. I’m stoked to be wearing this Napapijri poncho again, got it in Nov last year so we’ve not spent a full summer together. These khakis I picked up from GAP last week on a mega sale with a matching shirt. My first job ever was at that store so I’ve always had love for it. Crazy things is that I am still the same size as when I worked there at 16. Huzzahhhh! Have driven past this sign so many times, took it’s photo today. Love the typography. Hope you have a RAD DAY and RAD WEEKEND! Much love, <3 CASIE

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Loving my new HTC One. I’ve got a campaign launching with them any day now. As soon as the link is live I’ll share with you. This phone was MADE for someone like me. I had training on it yesterday at lunch. There are sharing and social components to every aspect of it. I took a bunch of photos & used Zoe, the photo assistant on my way to work today and it made this video from all the content. I didn’t edit the video, add effects, or music, it was ALL DONE BY THE PHONE. THE FUTURE IS NOW. I am so in love with this weather. Woke up with a smile and biked to work early. Life is good. This is my favourite month, my birthday is on May 8th. 🙂 Hope you have an awesome day. CASIE

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Woke to Archer, Froze My Face, Sun is OUT, Cold is IN

Guys, I biked to work today and I think my winter biking is coming to an end because I actually almost FROZE. I’m working like crazy  on a wicked event coming up SOON. I will tell you all about it once we get closer to the date. I really love working at Community. I’m on the hunt for a wicked intern to work with ME. You will get the best social media experience and reference ever. If you know someone, LMK. In other news, I’m going to New York next week and have also signed on to do some fun new campaigns. So until I can share more about all the fun things happening behind the scenes, watch this. Archer is a hilarious (potentially offensive) cartoon you can watch online or on Netflix. HAVE A KICK ASS DAY! IT’S ALMOST THE WEEKEND! <3 CASIE

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I Found Inspiration In It All

Today was a wonderful day. It looked like this to me.

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Lifestyles of the Queen West and Fabulous

[View the story “As Keri says \”Best Night of the Week!\”” on Storify] As Keri says "Best Night of the Week!" Thursday is always a good day. There are less than 15 working hours till the weekend so make them COUNT! I’ve got a busy day at work and am excited about upcoming projects. Being Director of Social Media here at community is so fun/crazy/exciting. Each day is a new adventure! Storified by CASIE STEWART· Thu, Jan 10 2013 07:33:11 Good morning! I have a really great feeling about today. Passing it on :)CASIE STEWART This is my Thursday alarm. I plays Lady Gaga ‘Edge of Glory’ super loud. Morning motivation to get moving is great! Gonna be real nice out tomorrow 🙂 STEWART Meet Charlie – My new 3-speed Linus Dutch bike. It’s like a dream to ride. I LOVE IT! Akamaihd Have you SEEN how nice the it’s gonna to be this weekend? Thanks to Lauren for posting this because I am SMILING just as big for Toronto’s weekend weather. To be honest, I don’t mind if spring comes next week. PLEASE SPRING! Akamaihd Got a little haircut last night. I’ve gone back to Sonya and her new salon (Evolve Hair Studio on Fort York) I love the details she takes to doing my hair. Next week I’m bringing back the bleach blonde. It’s gonna be hot.  Akamaihd Made a smoothie and had an avocado for breakfast. I’ve got this ‘Start the Year Off Right’ thing down pat.  Biked to work. Made smoothie. Ate avocado. Sun is out. Day is good! @ Pulp And Fiber STEWART Tried to make a video while biking today and it was a bust. I looked super stylish on my way to work though.  Akamaihd In other news… Looks like #BritneySpears is set…

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Bike, Babe, Blog, BAM!

See this face? This is a face that is going to buy a new BIKE at lunch! And, Bikes on Wheels tweeted mer last night. I wonder if they have a tweet peeps discount? Cause, that would be really awesome! @casiestewart You’ve got good taste – sweet ride! — Bikes On Wheels (@BikesOnWheels) January 9, 2013 It looks like this. I have had my eye on this baby for MONTHS! Have an awesome day! I’m dreaming of spring. Bye!   <3 CASIE  

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This BLEW My Mind: Invisible Bike Helmet #fashion

I was at Sazerac Gastro Lounge for a media dinner last night and my Andrew Dobson told me about this crazy Invisible Bike Helmet. Say wha? I hate wearing a helmet but I have one. Call me intrigued…he sent the video but I hadn’t looked at it yet. Today, Lauren O’Nizz wrote a story about it for CBC “Would you trust an invisible bike helmet?“. Call me intrigued…  If you haven’t seen this yet, please watch: The Invisible Bicycle Helmet | Fredrik Gertten from Focus Forward Films  Hövding operates like a collar for cyclists around the neck that inflates like to an airbag for your head.  The trigger is controlled by ‘sensors which pick up the abnormal movements’ before you get into an accident. My favourite parts of the video other than being invisible:  

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Its lovely outside today but tonight we’re getting a snow storm and winter will be back here.. I’m made the most of a beautiful day by biking on a Bixi downtown. Weeeee! Jacket: Mubaa leather, Holts Shoes: Ego & Greed, Shirt: Joe Fresh Overalls: H&M Glasses: Vintage from NZ Lipstick: Kate for Rimmel in Rosetto Today TWO crazy awesome things happened today… (remember when I used to ALWAYS say ‘crazy awesome’) … Anyhoo, CTS, my fav vintage shop ever, reopened today and it looks SO NICE. Also, Lauren and I also went to a Mill. The best mill in town!

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Cruise Control: Chevy Sonic, Hot Rods, Open Roads

Woke up pretty early and drove to Dad’s. It was so beautiful out yesterday, temp was about 4 degrees and I had the sunroof open. I’m completely in love with driving the Chevy Sonic. It’s small & zippy, good pickup I feel like it’s a little rally car. This is the exact  vehicle I won in September from Chevrolet Canada live on youtube. I’ve never really needed a car, I lived with parents and the beach in Australia before moving downtown Toronto. I mostly walk, ride bikes or streetcar everywhere I go. It’s my first time using Bluetooth to connect my phone to hands free calling or get directions using OnStar.  Hellooooo convenience!! Driven a few cars over the last year and one thing I really dig about the Sonic is that your phone charges while you drive when it’s plugged into USB. A few cars have USB now but they don’t all work to charge your device.  The back seat door handles are on the window making it look like a hatchback also has extra trunk space.  Driven heaps since Wednesday and still have gas too. The drive to Dad’s is nice country-ish roads. Tiny bit of snow in the backyard. After brekky got Dad to show us the garage and three cars he’s currently working on. My Dad builds hot rods and had a chassis shop when I was growing up called “Toys for Boys”. This pink rocket was my first car ever. He built it and Mum/him used to push Jenie and I around at car shows across North America when we were little. It’s dusty and needs a clean BUT IT HAS FLAMES. This one time a well known, cool car guy (Mum who?) said “Y’know kid, you got the best car on the lot” to me. Something like…

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Fashion: The Roaring Twenties

View “Vintage Elegance – Tweed” on Storify

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National Post: Toronto Tweed Ride

Read about the Tweed Ride in the National Post or get event deets here on FB. I was a judge in the Tweed Ride style contest and this is the winner Arthur. Love the finishing touches of  the arm band & goggles. Bike colour is a nice touch too. Lookin’ good. I’m stoked to pick out my outfit and ride in style. See you there old chaps 😉

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Toronto Tweed Ride: A dashing metropolitan ride in style!

I recently had a photoshoot early one morning in Kensington with some lovely bike enthusiast and former Mayor, Mr. Miller. We were decked out in tweed and vintage digs gearing up for the Toronto Tweed Ride October 16th in Toronto. (My brain is programmed to type Tweet not Tweed. Stop it CASIE!) The leisure ride starts at Trinity Bellwoods and raises money for Bikes without Borders‘ work in Africa. It’s also chance to ride in style. You know I love a good dress up! What is a Tweed Ride? Tweed Rides are a worldwide phenomenon, started in London in the fall of 2009 as “The Tweed Run London.”  Promoted as a slower-paced “metropolitan ride with a bit style” they dressed up in tweeds, rode their bikes through London streets celebrating the bike and raising money for a good cause. Where do we meet?  We will leave Trinity Bellwoods Park at 3pm, through the gates on Queen St. at the traffic light travelling east. There will be a loud bell (or something obvious like a trumpet/trombone) signalling the start of the ride. How do I join? To register for the 2011 Tweed Ride Toronto, visit the registration page.  All funds raised will support Bikes Without Borders‘ work in Malawi, Africa. If you have any questions see the info site here or leave a comment. I’m better with questions like “What are you gonna wear? What am I going to wear?!”.  I hope you will join us. Cheeriooooooo!

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Back to COOL #tweedup

Get your luggage… we’re goin’ back, back, back to COOL. Former Mayor, the lovely David Miller & Yvonne Bambrick, Kensington Market BIA Coordinator. Cool bikes. My divine outfit, styled by me from Flashback in Kensington. David getting dolled up. Lookin’ sharp too! This shoot was for the upcoming Tweed Ride October 15th. See last year’s Tweed ride here. (I keep writing TWEET! doh) For volunteer opportunities or info see Tweed Ride on FB. Clothes provided by Flashback in Kensington. Great shop, thanks George! Perfect way to start the day. David Miller is quite a riot, we spent most the time cracking jokes. Can’t wait to see our photos & the press release. Happy to be involved with him and this, there’s no WAY you’d see me rubbing elbows with the current Mayor Rob F0rd. Urgh! We be keepin’ it classy ridin’ Tweed style. Have a lovely day, cheeeeeriooooooo! * photos taken w/ Motrola DEFY & bikes from my friends at Curbside Cycle

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put your hands up for TO.

Stopped by Beerfest Thursday for the media preview. Omg there was so much food & drink to be had. This was cookin’ in the grill house. Get grub there. My big party day is tomorrow at Beerfest. We’ve got an awesome crew and the Social Lounge is where we’ll be. Planning to walk there for about 1pm and drink slow & steady all afternoon. Shrimp wrapped in bacon, dipped in something delish & battered in crushed chips. This steak was gently placed on top of a butter infused baked potato. Divine. Practically licked the plate, see! Thanks Labatt. After I chowed down I biked to see the Arkells live in the parking lot by the SOHO. How cute is singer? Heaps of peeps in the crowd. I was up front in media area where it wasn’t crowded. Thanks Samsung. KARINE from MTL! Friends were yelling to me from top of the balcony up there but I didn’t know that until I checked Twitter. I can see my house. Have I told you how much I LOVE living downtown? This guy was a babe too. This guy was ________. Beige? Missed The Midway State. All hail the HAILWOOD tights copied by H&M. Knew this was coming. Remember me rocking this style last year? NZ Designer Adrian Hailwood gifted me his signature & fab two toned tights last year at NZFW. Thanks Adrian! NZ has always been ahead of style in Canada. Hailwood NZ. I see boring. Oooh organic, zzzzzzzzz. Not boring! Sammy & I went biking. These neon bikes are all over the city now. City wide art project of awesome. I love this city. <3

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you are younger today than you will be again. remember that!

Exciting news again today!! This lil’ mama is back on the road. Oh yeah.  My friend/boss from my first job in Toronto had it in storage and after I tweeted “I really need a bike”. She happily to pass it on to me. Thank you! Bike is a little rusty but we’re getting along great. Took her for a cruise last night to Java, stopped by Gladstone for Tweetgasm Anniversary, visited a friend and cruised home. West End girl, FTW. Lubed ‘er up with some plant based bike lube from Orontas. Thanks for sending guys! Should probably take it to Curbside for a tuneup this weekend. Been loving my new Macbook Air BF James Dean. Really looking forward to the weekend so we can really snuggle up and spend some quality time together. It’s going to take some time to make the 100% switch from PC. I’m taking a Mac intro course at Riverdale Mac next month. Thanks for the invite guys! It’s amazing the quality of audio/video/photo difference from my PC. Been testing it out on I love making videos and I love you. P.S. WHAT IS IT ABOUT BACON GUYS?  “Jesus, how much space on the internet do we need to discuss breakfast meat? haha Natalie Dee you kill me.

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bike season, babe season, bixi toronto

Noticed this big guy the other evening. Recognized him from Montreal. He is BIXI. BIXI: Toronto’s public bike system. It’s the bike that’s really an alternative means of urban transport. Accessible to everyone, 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. You reckon it will be a hit? Biking is pretty rad and this city if full of people pushing pedals in the streets. I tihnk it’s cool. You have to give a deposit on your CC $250 and there are several plans available. I’m interested to try it out & see the bikes when they arrive. Ate a box of this last night with Keri. Omg so good. In other news of the day, can you guess who this is? No really, try and guess. Then click/see. I have this kinda wierd thing for him. We’ve never met. He used to creep me out but this gives me a whole different feeling.

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she looks old and rusty but she’s a real beaut

yesterday i biked to the meetings i had. it was sunny and warm and i didn’t even have to wear a jacket! it’s the end of october, that is fascinating… well, because it makes me think about global warming and how it used to be cold by now but on the other hand it is totally freaking awesome. today i am telling you about my stuff… bike: raymi the minx, vintage > i need to fix the alignment. wanna help? jeans: shop girl gallery boutique, yoga jeans > these guys are so comfy. remember when i NEVER wore jeans at all, yeah, well that has changed now that i have these. rest time at the fake beach by the lake. nice to get feet in the sand and look out across the water with sun on your face. was quite beautful. sweater: marks, SOFT edge to edge cardigan > very soft and long, i like to wear it on the plane because it works like a snuggie but fits in your carry on purse. it also covers up your whole outfit and shows only the legs so you feel skinny and never ugly. i was walking back to bike when camera shot here. needed to take off sweater cause it was so warm out. btw it is also quite warm, the sweater, snuggly really. washes up nice and soft, ok in dryer too. mum and sister, you would both love this. tank: holt renfrew, bamjamz > made from bamboo and really really comfy, breathes nice, actually for sleeping/yoga…bike riding i guess too. that’s exercise. it has a panda on it. not a sad panda, a happy panda i like to think. hat: some vintage shop @ st. kevins arcade, ponsonby, nz. got it that day i went shopping with a…

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good morning, good morning and how are you today?

Oh man so beauty out there today. Woke up earls and jumped on my new cruiser for a ride in the sunshine by the lake. Riding is so much more free than walking. Faster, wind in your hair. I rode alonside the lake lazily dreaming about traveling, writing and where the path will take me, the road less travelled that is. Love and miss you Mum. Enjoy sailing today. I think of her everytime I see the boats chilling. All this week’s plans are in a schedule so I make sure I maximize my time. Today I’ve got a dinner for Marc (HAPPY BIRTHDAY!), inerview for a Uni newspaper and family friend coming to visit this AM. Her name is Pat and she was like a second Mum to me growing up. I thank her for my love of designer clothes and outgoing style. She was always dressed so elegant and stylish. I would love to raid her closet and see what jem’s she’s still got kicking around. I’m gonna ask her today for sure hehe. Put my old basked on my new bike last night. Got my hands all dirty playing with tools. Reminded me of working in the garage with Dad as a kid. I loved that. Pretty stoked about Wakestock this weekend. We’re still  looking for accomodation, if you can help PLEASE TELL ME NOW! We’re open to hotel, cottage, RV, B&B anything that isn’t camping really. We need to get al dolled up pretty so no bathroom = no fun. Ok, man I gotta run. Pat’s gonna be here soon with Nicole and I’ve not showered or cleaned up the place. Oh, INTERNET, You are so distracting! I just can’t seem to quit you my love. Have an awesome day peeps 🙂

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I’m a lucky girl to have you in my life.

Night time creepout at Ireland Park. Not as scary in the day… The white marks in the rock that came all the way from Ireland are oyster shells. Pretty & neat, saw the heart, thought of Mum sailing the seas. In the night the statue had loonies and quarters but the next day, the money was all gone. I would have never taken it. Bad karma. Here’s the story: Ireland Park honours the Irish immigrants  who fled during the amine of 1847. 38,000 of them arrived here that summer,  at that time our city had about 20,000 living here. Wow, my blog is so educational! Saw this pretty thing too and thought it was a lucky day. Little did I know JUST how lucky it would be… Hung out with Keri and caught up on recent happenings. Love her. Shoutout to Team Boston from us both!! Caught up with Raymi later and she is letting me use her old bike! Yahoooooooooo. Check out this PYT I’ll be riding ’round town. Thanks RAYMI!! ILU. I’m so freaking happy to be riding again. I felt so FREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE cruising home. Ahhh, the wind in my hair, the open road.  I’m home again. Remember how much I rode my old bike last summer? Stoked to take her out for a ride tomorrow AM. I think we look really good together, you could say I’m now in a relationship ♥.

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spinning the sunshine

I was looking at what I posted around this time last year and saw this video,  same dress I’m wearing today. Around this time last year was the crazy Tamil protest on the Gardener I found love in a zombie tattoo I finally got a helmet and Porter was in town from the islands I played hopscotch on Queen Street I wrote about our generation and why we’re not lazy Posted on this exact day,  May the Forth be With You 2009 I was in cartoon motion, dreaming of being a cartoon. I wore pants and a tuxedo shirt while biking to work. I wrote a really long run on sentence and through about Andy Warhol. I was closer to god (in a NIN animal kinda way) I played with Charlie in Kensington Market, vintage close & second hand books. I got my hair done before my birthday, suprisingly, I get my hair done today too 🙂 I love looking through old posts to remind myself of things and inspire me to keep creating new things. I’ve got a lunch date with the lovely Rayanne today and I’m really looking forward to it. Toot-a-loooooooo!!!!!!

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gonna fixer up real good old rusty

Finally gonna take my baby in for a tuneup. I very unsuccesfully fixed her myself. The chain is so rusty and not on properly. Maybe I should try some rust converter spray? I’m pretty sure someone jumped on it and twisted the middle pedal part while it was locked up on one of the TO bike stands. I reeeeeally hope it can get fixed, I love this bike so much. She’s like my summer bff. Looks like a nice day out. Kinda overcasty but warmish. I went to Wicked last night. It was wicked.

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one giant leap for nerd kind

i wish it was warm outside and my bike was fixed, the grass was warm, green i wanna sing a real song. her voice is so freaking good. i’ve been watching this all day. i really need to clean my room. if i don’t do it before sunset i’ve lost the day. maybe i should try a lesson in singing, but i’m scared. this is the dude i saw last night. i was at a place on richmond row for a friends event. first act up is bian notice who had a broken leg. his ‘crutch dancing’ was quite impressive. i didn’t get the best of it, sorry, i’ll let you imagine the kicks, spins and crotch thrusting. haha

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04012010: day four oh one twenty ten

It was really cold out so I stayed inside after a quick trip to see a few awesome people. Checked stealklingkitty.tumblr found this. Made me think of Fall and a photo from the summer by kellykruschel in Liberty Village. Bids flying, warm, sun on my face, it was beautiful that day. Monday will be beautiful too, it will be day 4: 04012010, the numbers look nice.

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ambition, aspiration, inspiration, dream, live

This is my notebook blowing in the wind on a beautiful summer day at Trinity Bellwoods park in Toronto. This forest photo is from Suicide Blonde, love the photos there. So glamorous, smart and sexy. Just what I like. I also learned about Ogze Samanel’s from Suicide Girl. He did these drawings for fun. Today I went to winners. I picked up some great Betsy Johnson tights. One pair is bright gold with a lightening rod down the side. You’ll see, when they’re ready to come out.  I finally got some earphones too, bright pink ones. Today i’m a guest at the 2009 the Impact National Conference at the Westin. It’s part of Global Entrepreneurship Week and it brings together 500 of Canada’s top young leaders. I’m really looking forward to the lunch speaker, I heard he’s handsome and a tear-jerker. [bring a kleenex in your pocket] The conference is encouraging young people to achieve their dreams. That fits to my beat I reckon. Good friends Saul, Sarah & Darius are doing workshops. If you’re young and smart and want to learn from amazing people, go see them. There is a Gala at night. I have a hot date but don’t know the dress code. I always do better that way, just dress fabulous. Happy Friday

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check that one of the list.

My first sport bike ride ever. The best part is the outfit. Full story here.

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it’s is more fun with moustachio

This time of year is great. I can feel change in the air. I followed my own advice and read my book outside on the grass yesterday.  Sabrina got a set of mustaches and I really think we should wear them at the office party tomorrow. It seems my bike has been having dates lately…Keri messaged me a photo that my bike was on date,  well, a boys cruiser was parked next to it.  We both had quite a chuckle when the next morning as I was leaving for work, it seemed that the date was not yet over! In other exciting news on #SpadinaWatch, there’s something coming around the corner………………..LCBO! It’s quite a good idea considering the amount of people populating the small area. I can feel the winter being warmer already!

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