yesterday on twitter, this happened:

RE: @jacobjunior7 very, very well said. # Thank you @evokesalon! Just what I needed 🙂 # You have a fan @princeperry! # RE: he is a babe. is he on twitter? where do i find him! # Sue is gonna marry herself? Hmm, can I do that too? Tax breaks? My own massive selfish party & honey moon? #glee # RE: @pinkpuffyheart very theatrical, not that i am surprised. the shoulders are scary but i like the story at the sta… # Photo: i love you franco. # RT @derekfabulous: WHAT YOU'VE WAITING FOR! MY OSCARS BEST DRESSED LIST!!! # Nikki & Deacon? ew. #yandr # whatta you think about the #bornthisway video? #blog # planning a trip w/ my sis to visit Mama on her boat in THE BAHAMAS!! # yo, all you new people following me, are you real? then say HI! *waves at you* # how is it 2pm already? # my @klout score is 69. hehe # i seriously need some attantion to my nails. nail salons, where you at? let's work together! # RE: @SidewalkHustle not bad. i like it. i like her. # #nowplaying new tracks from Mickey Avalon – rock bottom, tight blue jeans # ring = POWER # Meeting (@ Spoke Club) # i’d like to that the academy and the internet #blog # RE: YOU WIN. Please DM/email/FB me your address so I can send you the prize! # oh shame. never know where there's a camera! RT @derekfabulous: Oh Dear!!! John Galliano has turned into the Mel Gibson of Fashion… # Morning peeeeeps! What's the plan today? #

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#FF freestyle friday: doritos…THE END IS COMING.

I got ’em I ate ’em, I can’t decide my fav Buffalo Wild Wings N’Ranch or Onion Rings N’Ketchup. I reckon the Ketchup ones are my fav but I totally ate a bag of the other ones the other day. Doritos is looking for someone to write ‘the end’ to their commercial and by doing so you can win $25,000 + 1% of future sales. Pretty rad prize to get. I bet you could live off that 1%. See all the entries, contest details and ends that have been written here. The Freestyle Friday prize from Doritos Canada is valued at $150 and includes the following: Doritos Buffalo Wild Wings N’Ranch chips and Onion Rings N’Ketchup – 4 bags (2 of each flavour) Black Bowl &White Bowl 3 DVDs that start with the “ending”: Memento, Pulp Fiction, Inception Director Merchandise: Mug, T-shirt, Clapper, Megaphone To enter: Like this fabulous blog on FB here Follow me on Twitter here Leave a comment with the flavour you think should be DESTROYED. Winner will be picked Monday. Prize will be mailed to your door.  🙂 BON WEEKEND!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

RE: @shariyatweets i love the back story. you guys are totally awesome and def made me smile. you don’t need a contes… # Photo: workout # Can hardly see the CN Tower. Looks snowy out there. # Photo: lover tights # Photo: the phone from @motorola_ca in blog contest, value: $424/rogers. # anyone have #reco for good app/way to do a slideshow in @wordpress? # RE: yeah. the video is so choppy though, not her best. won’t hold it against her 😉 # Photo: › Sweet, innocent, and cute Audrey Hepburn. # Going to LA LA land. # actually, this movie is kindda emo. #whipit #netflix #

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the internet is a new human experience

“lions and tigers used to be kings of the jungle & then one day they wound up in zoos – i suspect we’re on the same track” Josh Harris (internet entrepreneur/ we live in public) Woke up with the plan to read these  magazine and once again, I find myself sharing on the internet, blog, twitter etc. I just accepted 269 friends on Foursquare. Happy stalking. These photos are taken with Retro Camera on my Motorola Milestone android smart phone device. I decided to watch We Live in Public again on Netflix. Have you seen it? I wrote about it when I first wathced, it’s a documentary about the internet. Fascinating to me, honestly. I highly suggest you give it a watch. This is my fav breakfast w/ coffee: plain butter croissant. Hawaii is in the BMW Ultimate Blogger contest. This is so perfect for him. When I read the contest I was like, “Whoa, Hawaii needs to enter this stat.” Click the photo to vote for him, he loves/lives BMW. These are some entries in my Freestyle Friday contest I posted yesterday. Prize is a sexy new phone from Motorola Canada on Rogers, winner chosen Monday.  Each creative pic links to the person who made it. Thanks guys! Super easy to enter: write/type on something, take a pic, upload to internet., link in comments here. Enter NOW! Really looking forward to my workout at The Motion Room today. Happy Saturday!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Laptop, iPad, three androids: my five wireless devices on the couch 🙂 # I have a crush on u but cant say who i am lol.. u have to guess.. go to… — i hate guessing games. # How often do you host #GenYTO events? and what does G… — Once every two or three months. It stands for Generati… # If you could eat at any restaurant in the world tonight, whi… — Terrace End Fish & Chips in Palmerston, New Zealand # Photo: haha # heck yes! this is so you @shawnhawaii – BMW #ultimateblogger #vote #awesome # Photo: @laurenonizzle fo you. meow. # Photo: rrrraaaaaaaaaaaaaa # Photo: for the bloggers and the wannabes # Photo: yes. # Got roses 🙂 #valentine # Photo: I love this. # Love this beer. # This ones for you @keriblog @itsbrownbarbie. Love you!! # Makes a good rose holder. #vodka #pretty # ooh, installed the @klout extension for Chrome, see your scores in my @twitter feed now. # #jeopardy # this is rad. 'who is me' @downwithwebster video w/ kids in #India posted on @ZLISTcom via @carlyannedotcom # Photo: street style blogging. # the wind whipping past our windows is wild. #blog # Photo: › “Anything you can do to draw attention to your mouth is good.” Clueless (1995) # Photo: Learning to fly (by F1X+2) # Photo: rachel bilson = hottie hot hot. nedhepburn: I just looked at my own blog and half of it looks like… # Photo: Invertebrate. # Photo: pretty deep dude # Photo: digital lifestyle via joncrowley # # at a computer store w/ @keriblog #TGIF # tell me…

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the wind whipping past our windows is wild.

this sunset was really rainbow colours. had to see with own eyes though. so much traffic every day.  i don’t have a car. sun looks pretty through these eyes. if i come to your computer store, i will dailybooth. big time blogging, look out world. me in a nutshell. this too. like seriously. been on the streets again eh nus? it was not warm enough for this gramma. you need a jacket. was really windy today, lost my ice cream. see my lashes? whoa. keri lost a burger.

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Ahem, what do we think about THIS? I miss the old Brit-Brit. yeah yeah, yeah yeah, ohhhhhhh. also worked at le chateau #1g5g #retail # my first job was GAP too #1g5g # “prada bag to a beautiful ____” #1g5g @davidrobert @AliyaJasmine # installed the @klout app in #chrome for @twitter. # judging you. being judged. # installed the @klout app in #chrome for @twitter. #fb # ok so consensus is you all hate text marketing. # I went on friend spree and accepted about 100 requests today. #facebook # “@javierlovera: Toronto is thawing.” # #jerseyshore is painful # What do you think about text marketing? # Haha “sloppottomas” #jerseyshore # Dina “the blast” is soooooo gross. Grease bucket. #jerseyswhore # #GTF # Heated Lester seat, pants. # Thinking abut growing my hair. Thoughts? # It’s a process to be a situation. #jerseyshore # #HIAM # having a couple beers tonight. i realize i work almost all day. been in my creative studio since real early. no time for sleep. # omg ronnie looks so cute when he cries #jerseyshore #DOM # fist pump time #jerseyshore #getcrazygetwild # looking at your blog on my big screen w/ @keriblog, @busblog. miss your guts, love you! # I’ve just snapped a new picture: # #kloutchat my score: 70 @Sonita_Lewis # “we’ve heard of it coming up in job interviews/ applications ” @klout #kloutchat # hey peeps in #KloutChat Casie from Toronto. Was in @wsj about @klout 😉 # i started my blog cause i forget stuff all the time so i go back to read and i enjoy it. good job me. # all vitamins are chewable, they just taste shitty. mitch hedberg # Photo: @keriblog except nap, Prairie, and comic book. # Photo: oh, that’s not Ken!!…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

neither is "bloggers" …“@davefleet: Note to companies: "consumers" is not a target market.” # I need to chat with high school/college/uni. Lemme work on that. # I would like to teach a class, social media. # #jeopardy time! #Watson # Photo: fashionablethought: # Photo: thedailybeard: twitter: @kevinjn # Photo: cat got your ……. @brockmclaughlin 😉 # Photo: terrysdiary:Me with Pamela Anderson. # Photo: terrysdiary:Dita Von Teese as Me. # Photo: ooh me likey: Evan Rachel Wood by Terry Richardson via bohemea # i love the future. # in the olden twitter days there used to be a "dearbot" & when you wrote "dear 'something'" it rt'd you. it was funny & i liked it. #BOTluv # Dear @TikaSimone, I miss you too. Girl, we need a n ipad party. Stat. Love, Casie xoxo # for the record, i don't like scotch, ron does. # you guys make erry'ting more fun eh # brief reco of my work w/ for #LinkedIn profile? # “@ItsRonBurgundy: I love scotch. Scotchy scotch scotch. Here it goes down. Down into my belly.” # look @morgan_c_ross, it's you! # name that puppy #blog # karaoke session w/ @itsbrownbarbie. our office corporate culture is very casual. # photos from #loveaheart in the @evokesalon blog! they bought ME! # I always get that RT @melissagrelo: Funny when I meet people and they say "You are so much smaller in person." What does that mean, exactly? # RE: @Jarvisemerald tweet' errrrrrry day. # RE: @SidewalkHustle I love @teamyacht 🙂 # the pursuit of happyness #nowplaying #netflix # what are your goals for the day? do you make lists? i love lists. # RE: @parvdos Sounds complex! Good luck, hope you get it done 🙂…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

look who i found!!! @iamkhayyam 🙂 #awesome # setting the wheels in motion #blog # Thinking of this warm place…#puertorico Dec. 2010 # # making a gif from my recent workout at @themotionroom. might be some of my best work. # "you can't kinda be a lesbian" "yes, i can" #greysanatomy # i wanna see #NEVERSAYNEVER3D @irieras @missbitove? # born this way. and thiz way is awesomeeeeeeeeeeee. # YES RT @DeeRuby: Facebook poke me, real-life punch you. # sister is doing her zoomba course tomorrow then will be teaching in the city. get ready for zoomba dance party! 🙂 # do you know @keriblog? it's fun > # things i slept with last night #blog # you are the cutest. (YouTube # it's my @freshbooks birthday 🙂 # you still have time toget me valentines day gift/flowers. if you need my address as me or @itsbrownbarbie for surprises. # evidence @joncrowley #genyto # big thanks to ALL YOU AWESOME PEOPLE who came out to #genyto last night. Great to have you all in a room together 🙂 # my awesome case for ipad andy by @Dodosays BROKE. hope they can fix it! # das funny RT @MarySToronto: The French title of 'No Strings Attached' is 'Sex Friends' hahah # hi # RE: @lynsieroberts you really are awesome. so proud of/in love with you 🙂 # You're my hero. ;] — thank you! # do u draw? — yes. i have a 3/yo drawing blog called #borderlineartistic # Its really pretty outside right now. If I wasn't wearing heels I would totally walk. # Rockin' downstairs @ Lee's @princeperry. Love it! # You are here in spirit & online @Renee3! We love & miss ya xoxo #genyto #…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Finally watching Exit Through The Gift Shop. # She loves this game. # Imma robot too # This is the EMBOT. # Love the song in the St.Ives commercial, something like "heads, shoulders…." # Sticker books! Trade me. # Going on my first ever helicopter ride tomorrow. Whats a doll to wear? # When are you getting married? # Did you bring any of those lovely sex toys home? — From @goodforher? Not this time. # Muscle beach mama. — You know it. # do you wear contacts? — Nope! # View of the island from my balcony right now… # can someone help please: “@shawnhawaii: @casiestewart what's "triangle" in chinese?” # Photo: Dreams # I like going out but I LOVE staying home. # creating/designing blog for/with my sis. i fee like a proud mama 🙂 # Always see babes here (@ Metro w/ 4 others) # very tired looking today @themotionroom. just warning you. # best line of the night "you're precious…just like the MOVIE!" via @jaystrut haha # tttka – time to totally kick ass. haha #whitechicks # laying on the floor. # 2011 Motionball Gala for the Special Olympics #blog # Watching White Chicks, omg this movie so funny. # all the girls be gettin' ready for @themotionroom! # omg. hurt bag. # 2011 Motionball Gala for the Special Olympics #blog # ah # really hope i don't puke at @themotionroom today. 2,000 vodka's last night. # YOU are AWESOME. (YouTube # our photos from last night are hilar/awesome @jeniestewart @liztrinnear @thisisbabel # whoa that #motionball was fun 🙂 #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

this one for sure “@liztrinnear: Justin Bieber look # 3” # careful what you wish for # “@nympsam: Want to create an app that makes people's faces look old? "Instagramps" You're welcome.” haha # cutting is the first step. #sewing # Love that postal service outfit on #thebachelor I wanna wear that. # omg so many notifications on FB. wtf am i tagged in now. # yoga, byeeeeee! # joomla. eww. # RE: Yaaaay! Love it. # moving into Charlie Sheen's 'special' house. # californicCASIEtion #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

#hipsters winning vs. #gino w/ @jgrdnr @itsbrownbarbie @laurenonizzle @jedgar @amforever (@ Tattoo Rock Parlour) # had a few spammers today for vic. secret & ipad. hmm. # looking forward to seeing you babes @jgrdnr @laurenonizzle @amforever and of course @itsbrownbarbie & alex! #hipstersunite # paranoid ma android not workin properly. charge baby charge. # is it too much @zlistcom if i wear a tattoo or an isosceles triangle? # baha RT @meanmnach: @samantharonson Anyone you know lose a cat? # watches cerebral movies on netflix. # running around naked can you see that from across the street too @raymitheminx? hehe # RE: @KeriBlog hahahha "dilousionville" i need to use that one. # RE: @Jarvisemerald i have magic powers # Photo: › “Here’s a still frame from our new movie, The Other Scissor Sister.” # Photo: › “As a fixie poet, I’m against two things: bike brakes and line breaks.” # haha @raymitheminx heartbreakers. you in burningoutin? # so ironic that i'm dressing hipster for this party even thought i AM hipster. omg @ZLISTcom, i rule. # whats more hipster: docs or converse? # Photo: › HIPSTER HOUSE. # Photo: › HIPSTER HOUSE. # Photo: i do. # thumbs up from beauty NZ peeps! #summer RT @noozeeland: @casiestewart # insert evil laugh RT @NowAPisces: Drinking wine from a paper bag at the corner of Justin & Bieber. # trying not to laugh at all the "walk like and Egyptian" jokes # Photo: is this true? cause like, i use chrome and firefox at the SAME TIME. # should frame the losing ticket so i remember not to waste my TIME! #lottomax # Photo: CLASSIC. bahahaaa. # Photo: “Of course I’m pissed! I specifically told the artist to make the…

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“in the least creepiest way… i am most positive i saw you at sneaky dees tonight ahah”

always on her phone this one i’m planning to do something special for you with darren’s salon because i am nice and i want you to feel happy. we’re sorting out all the deets but you will know about it when we’re done. i’ll give you a clue, it involves you getting your hair did and someone not paying for it. yay! remember i was telling you about darren being in toronto life’s shopping issue recently? well, guess what? he’s in there again in the bridal issue. great skills. if you are waiting for colour to change it is a bad idea to go outside. you have to keep your head warm, like this kinda. this is my fav part, the shave. stitching came undone on on of my boots. think i can return them? i got them at the docs store last summer. i tweeted about the warranty and someone asked if i got them on the 1990’s. NO, they are new. very funny. haha ok hair done. off to kensington for a friends comedy show that i ended up missing. probably because i stopped to play here.  i am canadian ex. 1 ice rink. this is my fav vintage shop in the city, apt. 909 on dundas. i hardly share anything about it because i want to keep you away so i can get all the goodies for myself. no really though. oh hai again sneaky dee’s. somebody was here… my hair has a mind of it’s own and that mind likes to PAR-TAY. look at these studs, we’ve been friends for over ten years, coming up on 15 soon i reckon. bachelor 1 luke, bachelor 2 chris, both eligible entrepreneurs. they are getting hotter with age. if you wanna date them lemme know 😉 i’m not a fan of…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

hot tub time machine: it’s like a mini vacation #blog # Great Read: 7 Vices of Highly Creative People cc @michaelnus # sick but social # hot tub time machine #blog # best thing about being sick – not being hungry 🙁 # can someone please make this for me and bring it over? ILU forever # we're not in kansas anymore. RT @wafflesgirls: heel click teleportation technology is criminally underdeveloped. get on it scientists! # sisters # well written my love RT @amforever: ashes to ashes. smoking bull rider… moving slow like a ballet. # parkdale landmark @raymitheminx # There's three asian dudes here dancing & playing 'genie in a bottle' so cute. #hottub # hot tub would be good for my cold eh? or no. pool is no i reckon but hot tub is good. # one of you guys works at #TheCounter @thompsontoronto don't you? i can't remember who it is!! # #HELP need a cool dinner spot downtown #toronto to take my old boss for dinner next week? she is cool & in fashion. would like to impress. # what do you think of the new Brit? #holditagainstme # stoked for today's #yandr # being sick is kinda inspiring or making me delusional – chicken soup for the hipster's soul? # got this email over the weekend: # email subject: thanks for being inspirational #blog # do you ever have such runny nose that you do this? no laughing at me ok. wahhh. # BED RT @i_am_joey: chicken soup. vicks RT @casiestewart: sneeze. kleenex. RT @i_am_joey: sniff sniff RT @casiestewart: @i_am_joey wahhhh # sneeze. kleenex. RT @i_am_joey: sniff sniff RT @casiestewart: @i_am_joey wahhhh # i think i might have a cold. he's hiding but slowly…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Gabe on Jeopardy is a babe. # I favorited a YouTube video — Empire Of The Sun – Walking On A Dream (Video) # any bets on how long that lasts? # i have not been drunk yet this year. # worst thing that happened to you this week? #fuckthisweek (@casiestewart live on # – on now can you see? # oh na na whats his name? my baby (@casiestewart live on # aaaand we're live w/@shawnhawaii # i have a baby (@casiestewart live on # wanna hang out with me @shawnhawaii? yeah you do. going live on twitcam sooooo……. #TGIF # # who is the most beautiful person you know ? (inside an… — myself. haha i kid i kid. i dunno, i know lots of very… # yo howd u get through the holiday season. do you have … — i set goals all the time, makes it not so hard when ne… # shit. less than 50 peeps till i hit 5,000. what should i do to celebrate? i wish i had 5,000 of something to give away. rice? # say my name say my name wear it out, oh na na, whats my name? on nanana hahaha # "i am in your phone" RT @flashpunk: Peekaboo! (cc: @casiestewart) # hellooooo, is anybody out there? how are you celebrating this freezing friday? my friend is comi… # Jerk chicked sandwich is so damn good. (@ Ackee Tree) # Huskies are so warm that sometimes I do this @moovbootcanada… # Gonna treat myself to something nice after my hot lunch date w/ @lulula. #TGIF # beuller? RT @DaveColeman: @casiestewart can you help me make #crankydave trend in Toronto 😉 # yes. i'm a NZ citizen.…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

RE: @picard102 That's interesting to learn about you. Fascinating really. I often wonder what it would be like to have… # today professional casie is coming out to play. haha # step away from the computer. # anyone know WHAT the black swan diet is? i've not found actual details. # OMFG NEED TO BE THERE “@Makemeover_Ande: @casiestewart omg Victor Newman will be a guest on the Marilyn Dennis show! Week of Jan17-21!!” # how can i help you? # ‘We Live In Public’ makes me feel funny inside. #blog # Photo: beautiful dress # Photo: Want: Champagne Extinguisher # Photo: what to wear? # yesterday on twitter, this happened: #blog # ok bye for real this time. night night xo (@issarged live on # yes (@issarged live on # rape me? (@issarged live on # mommy there's a creepy guy on the internet i think he's coming to kill me (@issarged live on # no no, you were just darker, i was brighter! it was hard to draw you. (@issarged live on # i can't quit you (@issarged live on # hi baby (@issarged live on #

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Knock, knock? Are you there? Wake up!

Here is a note for you my friends, a quote from one of my fav’s below. I hope you find love in simple things, inspiration in everything and that you are wearing a smile upon your face. Have an awesome day. xo “This is what you shall do: love the earth and sun and the animals, despise riches, give alms to every one that asks, stand up for the stupid and crazy, devote your income and labor to others, hate tyrants… have patience and indulgence toward the people, take off your hat to nothing known or unknown or to any man or number of men, go freely with powerful uneducated persons and with the young and with the mothers of families, read these leaves in the open air every season of every year of your life, reexamine all you have been told at school or church or in any book, dismiss whatever insults your soul, and your very flesh shall be a great poem and have the richest fluency not only in its words but in the silent lines of its lips and face and between the lashes of your eyes and in every motion and joint of your body.” Walt Whitman

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EIGHT CRAZY NIGHTS: gin & tonikkah?

Getting ready to head back to LA then home. Man, last night was fun. These pix from @stealingkitty. Upload mine later. I’m too hurrying to get outta this hotel and to the airport. (See Dailybooth over here —–>) This guy, Jesse designed my Virgin biz cards. Virgin babe. She is super cute. SO GLAD WE FINALLY MET IRL. I’ll show you my pix soon enough. BTW was hanging out with Steph Pratt from the Hills and Josh from Desperate Housewives (total babe) last night. I also met Willie Nelson and Richard Branson, y’know NBD. Virgin America sure knows how to party. Hope you are having a GREAT day. Watched these vids this morning. Love Adam Sandler & tonight’s gonna be a good night like the next few 🙂 HAPPY HANUKKAH!

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

smoove # …staying up waiting for @VirginGR’s Project on #iPad # RE: @casiestewart picking stella beer me fun time winner tomorrow! # Awesome!! “@pinkbrickroad: @casiestewart a few of my coworkers came back with some cupcakes from @virginamerica so cute!” # Whoa the #yandr is serrrrious today. Adam and Sharon are gross. # Stopped into @nellabellabrand and got some GORGEOUS new bags for my travels this month! #soexcited # holiday gift ideas from @notabletv: my fav's > # i need a western outfit. help me please?! thinking something like this # take a break for your work day and have some fun. posted some goodies for you # Photo: # omgizzle, friend has an underwater camera and wants to make under water vids for blog while in San Juan next week! LE AWESOME 🙂 # Photo: # twitter for #ipad is faster than @tweetdeck on my pc. mac win! #observation # is eating Marmite 🙂 # just did an interview for @whatwomenwant. look for it soon! # omg LA tomorrow. i love airports and stoked to fly @virginamerica again. gonna try and ustream during my flight 😉 # doh, why you send that one again huh? grr. # Dad's Birthday today 🙂 # incredible india wecomes you! # Photo: can i have these please? # listening to @tinydanza – beat fly # go get 'em! # peace, love & cupcakes #toronto from @virginamerica!! # this is good to know guys, because… # do you like cupcakes? # yesterday on twitter, this happened: # a short bedtime story #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Date night w/ TMN & HBO. Saving myself for #smirnoffexperience tomorrow night! Will you be there? # Whoa. When did I miss @VictorNewman storming out on @mrsnikkinewman? Girl, you gonna have to change that handle btw. # yandr # mum is using toronto company to get internet while on her sailing trip. to bahamas. she's so connected. makes me proud. # so cute mum telling me boat drama from the marina w/ boaters. soap opera, boat opera! # on skype w/ mum <3 # generalized anxiety disorder: Canada: Between 3-5 percent of adults # downloading classes from @ukabbalah # whoa bond girl name jenie stewart (sis) is casey casum # the thinking and dreaming song(YouTube # Photo: why do birds suddenly appear? # the MO'ning after#movember w/! @irieras @KeriBlog @itsbrownbarbie # Photo: holy cats. want. # Oh snap @keriblog just stopped by w/ 21LB turkey for Sunday's #Turducken # Photo: new zealand # Photo: love this sweater and skipping through fields. # MOvemblog: #movember #toronto # Photo: he is very cute. what’s his name? so grown up now. # Photo: like these tattoos. NSFW. # you're in trouble @kurtgooden #movember # george michaels? #movember # Mr. @MichaelNus @ #Movember Gala # Video: quite funny: ellen/modern family girl prank gingesnap: # Photo: › florence. ILU. # omg SNOW! # Me & Mr. #Movember Toronto 2010 # Me & Mr. #Movember Toronto 2009 # twitter is smart: #FF @raymitheminx @michelsavoie #

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do you have any idea how many tweets i send a day?

I don’t think I can leave the house. # The mustache has spoken, @victornewman. #movember # I can’t believe the evil of @victornewman. #yandr # Watching @victornewman on the computer. Kinda hot not gonna lie. #yandr haha # the best post of the day # Happy afternoon! Thanks @proofbrands #whisky #tgif # consulting for a new photography studio today then going with the owner to ikea. social meda and interior design. FTW i am awesome. # # driver arranged. # RT @Toronto_Media: Publicist, CTV Digital: # anyone like latex and wanna be my driver to a designer next Wed? no creeps. haha # oh man friend arriving at 1:30 and i need to get my ass in gear. # can will & grace please come back? i LOVE # And people you can’t google! RT @Aronado: beware of extremely secretive people. # kinda want this girl as a tattoo puking a rainbow into her hand # it hurts my feelings when @dailybooth is down. # Love and Other Drugs. YES Please. Remember when I dated Jake? For a minute… # Photo: how cuuute are you? # Photo: OMGIZZLE ANGRY BIRDS ART!! # Photo: terrysdiary: Andre… one of my all time favorite male models. # shark punch # this is my babe from NYC > @derekfabulous . NY’s finest and most fab! #style #NZFW # blog > for the world you walk on love what you wear #cougarboots thanks, @matchstick! # “if you’re heading in that direction you better use contraception cause babies ruin your dreams” #cougartown # Photo: 40deuce:This is my morning girlfriend #Swoon Say hi and play nice # free your mind # Mordern Family is so funny. # Photo: oh na na whats my name…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Where are you guys? I can't see anything. (@ Toronto Fog w/ @_jsa @ngreene @jgrdnr) # what are you doing home on a friday night ? — hibernating # do you like your new job? — yes, my boss is so smart/good looking # how many tunes do ya hav in yer itunes? and what's ur… — like 200, using netbook and full library is on TB driv… # What do you value more time or money? — time. money comes and goes. # trapped sky high in condo by fog perhaps? # "for the record we are not a racist show" RT @nationalpost: Lake Shore creators apologize for anti-Semetic trailer # i love this fog. # Go to this > RT @lynsieroberts: The gallery tonight is at 684 College st, from 9pm-3am. # monkey jumping on bed # You seem really busy. Do you ever spend time reading books? — on ipad # What's the most you ever lost on a bet? — my dignity # What's ur favorite color???hhehe — greeeeeen. # omg today is le tired. nap time. # #tastemakers gifting lounge! (@ Elgin and Winter Garden Theatres) # Photo: this is awesome – colouring walla paper. # Photo: the truthest truth. # RT @adtgrg: Be the world you want to change – Not the Mahatma # htting up the #tastemakers gemini awards lounge today. yahoooooo. happy friday to me 🙂 # omg 300 photos last night. aaaaaaaaaah. # had a call w/ @virginamerica this morning friends…. you gonna likey what we got a cookin! #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Buncha babes in sequins! @raymitheminx blogtourage ftw! # Party time! @raymitheminx 10 year FTW! (@ Wrongbar) # somebody haz party dress on! # can you hear the horses cause here they comeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee # i love my blog. there i said it. it’s true and i’m not taking it back ever. true love <3 # if you are not making it to wrongbar for the awesome @raymitheminx party you should go see @morgan_c_ross at rivoli 🙂 # Today i tried on some great dresses at @ShopFY and the winner is…. # omg nick and sharon are getting married again. way to follow in your dad @victornewman‘s footsteps guy. # damn, i forgot to get eyelash glue. # this one’s for you miss # hai # Recognized by someone I don’t know on the street. Love when that happens 🙂 # Omg there are so many nice things here peeps. Think we found a @shopfy winner! # You will be happy to know that this morning, my room started gettin cleaned. Oh yeah. New leaf haha. # Heading to @shopfy for an outfit for @raymithemix huge bloggerama party. Look out style baby! Outfit pix coming soooooooon! #

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every day is special if you make it so!

today was a full on day. scooted out to a meeting about a new project. had lunch at this cute place called Bld on Toronto Street. like it there. oh hai, lemme take this call while i take my own photo aka work. walked by and say this guy remmebering. made me sad. i paused and thought about all the soldiers who have fought for our freedom and made the ultimate sacrifice, their lives. i thought about grandad and grandpa and my family and mum and all the things that i’m grateful for. so many things. thank you for being part of my life. this is nana and grandad and mum and my aunt & uncles. i bet grandad never thought he would be on the internet! amazing eh grandad?! love and miss you. ok onto the next stop… popped into  fashionably yours where i was most fabulously styled by jay strut for raymi’s 10 year anniversary party tonight at wrongbar. so many great finds in there. it’s located at 632 queen street west west of bathurst. go there say HI to JANET and JAY for me when you do. they are lovely and nice. oh what to wear? i tried on some seriously lovely dresses. it came down to the fuchsia betsy johnson or the little sequin french connection number. i look like a huge dork…i am. get used to it. i want to walk in your shoes, yes yes i do. one day i will have a boyfriend who can wear these shoes with style and look hot. and the winner is…SEQUINS. kinda knew it, i love sequins so. probably all the years i spent wearing them as a young ballerina from the age of three for ten years that did it. ok time to get ready for…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

whoa rounding up #NZFW analytics. i blogged heaps and tweeted about it like 300 +. cripes! # Christmas Dinner for all the #Toronto Kiwi’s > Tickets here #kea # look for @itsbrownbarbie at the raps game tonight. she will be styling as usual. # i want christmas lights this year. not even big on christmas i just wants lights and candy canes ok. presents are ok too i guess. # i am so excited to meet @richardbranson in dallas december 1st. omg. # cooking up some awesome w/ @virginamerica… #provocateur #staytuned # do you know that on monday, someone in the fine city of #toronto is going to get a @virginamerica flight… #provocateur # Make your weekend jealous! @VirginAmerica wants to upgrade your Monday. Yahoooooo! > # a photo diary of my day # party ticket info is here > # our house is so bright. sunnies on. # making my media/cool blog friends list for @raymitheminx 10 year blog party. add you? # How long you reckon wait is? (@ Service Ontario) # Go go gadget solar charging phone. #walking #dying #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Who has new Windows phone? # College Champs on #Jeopardy tonight. # "What brings you happiness is meaning and purpose and contribution" @deepakchopra /via @shiralazar # Returning camera again & loving Christmas music (@ Best Buy) # If someone says something mean to you on the internet you should probably just ignore therm. # Is this the real life? # what companies have really great interactive facebook pages that you enjoying being involved with? anyone? anyone? bueller? /via @JulieGong # Lunch date /w my BF @raymitheminx (@ Boom Breakfast & Co. (College)) # Found a @downwithwebster button on streetcar. # lunch date w/ @raymitheminx today. # RT @laurenonizzle: Putting together a list of influential Canadian bloggers… Anyone I'd be remiss to omit? #bloggers #blogchat # Did you get your ticket to @raymitheminx 10 Year Anniversary Blog Party on Thursday? #gongshow #wrongbar # can't wait for vacation next month. oh man. # Serious deals on @nellabellabrand happening right now. Get a fancy bag like me! # say hellooooo to my little friend, WALDO! #ipad #hard # shit. just downloaded where's waldo for ipad. see you next spring! # RE: @turkuaz @advergirling oh cripes. you are good then! first one I saw was her but you were obvs on the ball & movin… # Photo: snap snap! love this roller girl # been practicing Florence And The Machine, Dog Days Are Over for karaoke. not bad at all. # yesterday's @virginamerica winner was @rochlatinsky but really, we're all winners here! # Now I've heard there was a secret chord That David played, and it pleased the Lord But you don't really care for music, do you? # Photo: › Missing Unicorn… Reward # Photo: a picture for you # makeup styling.…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Oh that @KFUCKINGP is so charming. # Dexter has a guuuuuurrrrrrrrlfriend. # Haha “@Dan_L: @laurenonizzle when will women & #cosmo get it. There’s NO SECRET to male arousal.” # Holy shit Nick Newman, do that to me please? #yandr # Photo: love her # Photo: ring like @keriblog # Photo: › @@circlespex? # Photo: heart on # Photo: fuckyeahladygaga: # Headache. Please go away. Thank you 🙂 # Can’t wait to see what @VictorNewman is gonna get up to today. # i am so excited for next month. dallas, boston and a week in san juan and a week in LA. omgizzzzzzzzzle! # omg my camera flash is broken. good thing i got that damn warranty. returning it for the second time! # The random @virginamerica #flightclub winner at Finch Station is @rochlatinsky!! # Who is gonna get thew @virginamerica flight today? I’m excited. #flightclub # I feel like Marla #flightclub # You better have your signs ready I want a warm welcome. Getting out of subway car soon. Look for Virgins. #flightclub # look for the virgins. i’ll be with a pack. #flightclub #

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