yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Whiteboard destruction, multiples. # had our first band practice tonight. # jewellery making w/ friends & these are my new nails 🙂 # Getting nails done on non-peak times makes a world of difference. #peace #quiet # Very productive day so far! # Special treat from the boss for me! # think i’m gonna pick up that Pantone yellow bike from @curbsidecycle. pretty excited about it too. # We’re live w/ invite for #pepsithrowback May 31 @ Revival. RSVP here: # what’s for lunch team? # sexy rocket RT @nowtoronto: The new TTC subways, spotted this AM. # what’s up guys? # omg brrrrr. what season is it? #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Today is the best day yet. Younger than tomorrow! #ftw # fresh cut grass (@ Toronto Music Garden) [pic]: # Ahhh! My cuz just had a new baby! 7pound 9oz, Travis John Stewart! Now, I must get back to #NewZealand # Photo: › Mena Suvari – Vanity Fair Italia by Mark Liddell, October 2007 # Photo: break dancing ant allcreatures: # this is how i feel today. i love this feeling. (@YouTube # i know i know, that’s what she said. # where did 4pm come from? ah # tomorrow 3-7 @ Roosevelt Room #swag2011 w/ @rightsleeve RSVP here if ya wanna join the par-tay # #NewZealand Wine Fair tomorrow @ Design Exchange # Debt show #CastingCall (I was on one of these once & it totally helped me & I got PAID!) # #friday13th this week! booked a massage & facial. used to hate numbers 13 & 3 but now I take over the day & plan something awesome! #win # Yo ladies! @moovbootcanada SALE tonight!! Selling off samples size 7 & 8 at 545 King West from 5 to 8pm! RT # busy & exciting day today! yeehaw. # View from my office, looks pretty out there! # happy happy birthday from Canada to the lovely & beautiful @NZTopModelColin! ILU xo # building a guestlist for something cool May 31. if i don’t have your email you might wanna flip it to me MEOW. # oh btw @laurenonizzle, i blogged your standup today. hope to see you at Yuk Yuk’s. Me thinks you funny 🙂 # HOW TO: Move Your Band’s MySpace Page Onto Your Facebook Fan Page – cc @brockmclaughlin @universalmusicC # for the record @itsbrownbarbie i did NOT mark us down as common law on the…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

making internet. stewart, art stew. # when you want to book a flight where do you go for good deals? ex. to FLA # hilarity RT @KeriBlog: It’s @casiestewart and I at #SheGotGapd # Babes! RT @rochlatinsky: Found two of my fave blondes @casiestewart @Keriblog @shedoesthecity # #shegotgapd w/ @shedoesthecity! #shoppingparty (@ Gap w/ @rochlatinsky) # Memories of #firstjob & #highschool #teenagedream # OMG OMG #yandr RT @mrssharonnewman: @casiestewart @moovbootcanada would love to have a pair of Moovboots for the farm! They look amazing # Omg I KNOW them! > Wired Women of #Canada @SarahPrevette & @erinbury via @globeandmail # #Uganda “Kill the Gays” bill could be passed in 24 hours-sign this urgent petition to stop it! @alloutorg # may have taken on to many Robaxacet today. feeling floaty but with much less pain. # Photo: i would very much like to be here, in this bath. # balloooooons! ILU. # easy or hard to change favcon in #wordpress # hi. watcha doin? #livefeed # reco for the best desk chair? reckon this mama needs a new. ikea little guy is not cutting it! # Party (@ Sense Appeal) # stoked for FLA in two weeks w/ my sis @jeniestewart! # YUSSSSSS @DQcanada! RT @GeoffGooden: 23,400 lbs. They did it! #dqworldrecord # what’s for lunch? #icecream lolz # OMG guys, working on something really fun/cool w/ a big company you all know. Announcement end of the week! # because at @DQCanada, good isn’t good enough #blog # Jusrt ordered these sexy gold shine boots from @moovbootcanada in US. Not in CAN yet! #win # you know who is really awesome? the team @moovbootcanada that’s who 🙂 thanks guys! # don’t fake it embrace it cause it’s just…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

#twerk RT @laurenonizzle: The #blondetourage does high tea 🙂 @raymitheminx #w7royaltea # tea party @windsorarms w/ @raymitheminx @erinbury @hipurbangirl @laurenonizzle thanks @shedoesthecity. # thunderstorm was like 5 min? # …an adventure in finance. # Rushour taxt across the city is quite an adventure. # I wanna see positive msgs! RT @jonlim: "Politicians have no idea how to sell me on their platform, they only know how to smear the others." # Royally cute 🙂 heading to #w7royaltea # The rain, its so agressive. # high tea @windsorarms w/ @shedoesthecity then coming home to a hot tub date. life is magical! # RE: i know. it is hard to get used to, been practicing lately, takes work. # releasing my birth cert tomorrow. it's trendy now. # fit for a queen (who goes by the name of casie) #blog # great, i'm SO in style. RT @dkny: P.S. knee bruise is very Spring 2011…. # represent RT @klout: Top 10 Airlines with @Klout not surprising that @VirginAmerica is first # arranging a date for wedding is not fun. best to take your BFF or sister! gah. # craving sushi. # holy kaw. some amazing things happened/happening today guise. EXCITED ABOUT LIFE. # haha RT @EmilioMasella: @Sn00ki still getting my initials? # omg omg @SarahSokol! My long lost love. Are you in Toronto again? # Google Docs for Android Turns Your Photos Into Docs – # RE: @crystalgibson das sexy. # RE: @SidewalkHustle omg those yellows ARE amazing. dear @reebokcanada ican haz? 🙂 # watching #ufc129 press conference. this is more interesting to me than fighting. i don't like ufc. # Cute RT @andeline: "I'm gonna find someone who loves me for who I am and then fix myself up" #overheard #…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

My fav wine @notabletv #notablechileanwines Castillero del Diablo # Photo: Stylish boy in wellies. # Heard my sister @jeniestewart on the radio commercial for @centralcounties finally! Love you! # Everybody dies but not everybody lives – @drakkardnoir # Every night RT @BangsandaBun: Must remember to polish my halo tonight. # Amazing have fun in NYC! RT @VENUSTONG: @casiestewart sending you a tweet 30,000ft high via flying @VirginAmerica. I LOVE IT. # ehllo # S finger motion + dance move + hands in air RT @jenniferherd: @CrystalGibson @juiceboxdotcom there ain't no party like an S Club party. # Come visit. Here for a few 🙂 (@ Darren Kwik) [pic]: # Photo: Got this in the mail from New Zealand! # Can someone check for me? >> There's an @evian campaign truck at Queen and John. Shirts there? # here comes the sun. # RE: das nice. tried to send more photos but gay didn't post. urgh. # im not hiding i live here now # “i can help you w/ < /iframe >” he said, she melted. #blog # wowza congrats @ilovecpstyle 🙂 @FHCanucks lucky to have you! # #flipboard ILU! so does my blog. # Photo: @raymitheminx been reading blog in like a magazine. so pretty # RE: i know. i was DYINGGGGGGGGGGGGG. making this post was such a pleasure. blogged from bed. so hot. gah. # now that they are going extinct. that's the most romantic note you can get. #typewriter # true 🙂 RT @reggieramone: @casiestewart I remember walking on Queen with you, every other person (on or off a bike) was like HI CASIE!!! # socks? RT @alkarim: Come up with something awkward and ask to borrow it day at the office. # thunder. # raymitheminx what…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

this is so damn hot “@kevinjn: The photos to accompany the video (just saw it – via @TheHudsonsBayCo)” # My rain day outfit today via @cammipham. Thanks babe 🙂 # blogs in flipboard are so beautiful. turning the pages of a magazine, i love it. never seen mine so pretty. # I would never go on #wipeout but I like watching it. Looks harrrrrrrd. # tweeting from #ipad keyboard. less fun than lean back typing with fingers. seems more workish but is easier for sure. good for writing. # The #yandr today was so intense. #  #love # Woot: Despite Competitors, Netflix Earnings Rise 88% # Reckon this weather calls for a hot tub + bed early! # soar higher. # Mmmm treats. #easter # i just love diana ok. and prince harry. # hahaha. RT @someecards: I'll marry you if you promise to stop talking about the royal wedding. # Cool!! RT @tristanwalker: Best use of the @foursquare API I've ever seen! 🙂 # the royal wedding live on @youtube #blog # who has today off? anyone? like out of you guys. i know schools etc. # cool people vote. #elxn41 #VoteMob # just made something very internetty for blog. # feels strange w/ no nose ring after so many years. reckon i like it! # RE: @Jarvisemerald that would be amazing. # Way to go sista! <3 RT @VanessaGrillone: My Pen, My Voice.;*: My 100th Blog Post!! .. @casiestewart # The Queen shows up to the the Royal Wedding with an iphone. # can people see my #phonenumber if I use #liveprofile it's there now, should i take it out? i don't want to give it to you. # Mad props @MattMoloney for lunch delivery. You da best.…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

I seriously have the coolest Mum. Watched a vid of her in Bahamas on the houseboat. Despite her wishes, I will youtube 🙂 # i wouldn't kick @mrssharonnewman out of my barn either. #yandr # messaging about live events is THE FUTURE. no matter what media. twitter is just a vehicle for a message. # BBM, EMAIL PHONE, MSN ustream, tweet me RT Canada bans election-night tweeting on pain of $25K fine via @BoingBoing # #nowplaying @annacyzon 'Reputation' from @textualitymovie # have a date w/ @jeniestewart tonight. be jeals! 🙂 # looking forward to working tomorrow when most of you have the day off! i get to catch up 🙂 #joblove #bloglove # yahooooooooooooooo! bike tuneup & blog post coming soon. gonna be back on the road in no time! # inspired by @textualitymovie to make him a mixtape 🙂 <3 # JOB: P/T (Fri and Sun) Asst. photo editor at The Globe Position # i'm still in the top 5 biz stocks on @empireave, get'em while they're hot! #CASIE # via @fashionights: # y'know what i'm doing Sunday for Easter? spa date! # Drag queens & sock monkeys? # YO @shawnhawaii MUST be in the Top 10 by tomorrow. He is 11, take ONE SEC to vote for him! # Can you guess how much this D&G print t-shirt is at Harry Rosen? # Peeps – If you visited York, Durham, Markham, Ajax, or anywhere around there, here's easy $100 for you > # Asked a question on FB, would love your answers! # good date movie, good girl movie, highly relevant: #textuality #blog # late on the blogging today, duty calling. # lights & music on my mind # who can cover something for me in NY Ap.…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

the #yandr is very weirdy right now. # amazing “@philmoreira: @casiestewart how does a cheerleader sound?” # what are you doing? # wah, why so chilly out today! brrrrrrrrr. # finally seeing the new @twitter homepage! # looking forward to seeing friends @harryroseninc this evening – looking at you @crystalgibson Canadian jeweller rols out regal designs > my client @shellypurdy in 24HRs today! # New contest alert: Free clothes for YOU! # my name is Kate and I love contests #blog # YPG for a PYT (@ Sense Appeal w/ @modernmod) # inside jobs: the globe & mail + the motion room, raymi the minx & me #blog # who loves having an assistant? [throws glitter up & spins around] meeeeeeeeeeeeee! # inside jobs: @globeandmail + @themotionroom @raymitheminx & me #blog # can someone help me get the html for this video? # yesterday on twitter, this happened: #blog #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Sophie by Kiwi band Goodshirt. new shoes i just got are called Sophie. (@YouTube # saw smith jarred, feel like carrie bradshaw, seeing @textualitymovie, #fun (@ TIFF Bell Lightbox w/ @brockmclaughlin) # one of these days again… (@YouTube # YBT for a PYT (@ Sense Appeal w/ 2 others) # #BlogJob $100/Post – 50 Spots Available #toronto # Photo: hipsterbride:(via Real Wedding: Lora Joe’s Goat Farm Wedding # Photo: I # Photo: if i had long hair i would do this & it would be beautiful. # Photoset: vintage vibrators – saw these in Provinceton, MA. Scary! # iframe makes me feel _________. # Photo: › Winning at Carpooling. # As a half-Jewish Type A personality, I prefer searching for the afikomen & Easter eggs at the same time. via @someecards # jacked up @themotionroom. # Photo: this was a fun night @jgrdnr @laurenonizzle # listening to "Cake – Short Skirt Long Jacket" ♫ # listening to "Sublime – Waiting For My Ruca" ♫ # listening to "Primus – Wynona's Big Brown Beaver" ♫ # listening to "Everclear – Volvo Driving Soccer Mom" ♫ # listening to "The Waifs – Bridal Train" ♫ # you're ugly & your mama dresses you funny – dad's old bumper sticker. # "It takes 1,000 tweets to build a reputation and one to ruin it. Don't tweet anything you don't want on a billboard.” via @unmarketing # Sophie by Kiwi band Goodshirt. new shoes i just got are called Sophie. (@YouTube # RE: Thanks! They are the Sophie shoe from Vans in Black & white I got mine at Nerbury Comics. # i read books & i wear glasses. # launched a thousand…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

you make me feel like i'm living a teenage dream. # I don't think I'm going to watch Criminal Minds anymore. # Ikea makes funny commercials. # I don't like the elections ads, I prefer the Dairy Queen ones. Dolphin guitar. # Watching 20/20 Fairytale Romance, so excited for my Kate/Diana ring to come. # I love The Royal Wedding. Very much so. # i miss two & a half men charlie. # Sharon Newman always goes for the 'rescue' type. Urgh. #barn #yandr # Boston’s true luxury experience, The @LenoxHotel #blog # my landlady has the most serious engrish everrrrrrr – always sounds like she has marbles in mouth & is wasted. so cute. # need to be in NYC april 27th to see my babes @derekfabulous @nichvon_k & the lovely @nicolemiller! thank you for invite 🙂 # loooove these cinemagraphs – animated gifs of @cocorocha via @withoutayard # love this song & her. (@YouTube # last night i went to Diddy & didnt take one photo. so many kids taking photos, wonder where they will all go. youtube, FB? # manager – MAMAger # today is 108/2011 – this is what i did on day 8 feat. @lynsieroberst @jeniestewart & @starbucks # whoa on @skype w/ @jeniestewart in Bahamas, she touched a SHARK yesterday! cripes. # Happy to say I have officially hired @katekillet to be my paid assistant/intern. Welcome to the team babe! #awesome # Lunch date w/ Andy (@ Ackee Tree) # BYT (@ Sense Appeal) # would you guy be interested in a massive paint party this summer? think dance party, paint, bodies, babes, hotness. # winner of #textuality ticket is @rayannelangdon! thanks @rockitromo # listening to "Alors on danse – stromae (electro-funky remix)" ♫ # what…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Photo: Day 103 # oh y’know, just hanging out with my fav couple talking Ken & Video Barbie 🙂 # Today’s winner for @iamdiddy is Avery Bilz! See you Sunday at the concert 🙂 # Jerk chicked sandwich + rice & peas (@ Ackee Tree) # #Netflix recos? # super nerds & mayors around the world unite! #4sqday #blog # April. 26th: @artbattleTO 12 & 13 on the SAME night. My post from AB 11 # gonna hear to ackee tree for lunch 2pm. lunch date? # get this boy his dream job! Takes 2 sec to vote @shawnhawaii #ultimateblogger # Photo: › Marketing Campaign of the Day: Ad agency [McCann Worldgroup] sent a life-size kid model soaring… # Photo: Mum used to rock this style. Wish I still had her jeans! borninflames: # Photo: love this sweater # tumblr kinda day – wish i could just crawl right into my computer and snuggle up w/ tumblr & tea # what’s for lunch? # yes! RT @Mariomiotti: Ahhh excellent news! wash over me like sunshine, no matter the cloudy day outside! #positivefeelings # Fun but not as fun as a real ipad! 😛 RT @anniecolbert: iPad dry erase board # really, J.Lo? # guess who? # gonna make some friendship bracelets this weekend for my BFFs. # Looks like my official Kate Middleton ring will arrive next week. Yay! I’m so Royal-ey. # i need a yoga. # guess what i am picking out right now…..jewelery……..very special……. # dear @ladygaga, can you please take extensions out of your shoulders & cheeks? ILU but that shit freaks me out. you were not born that way. # audition for a NDP campaign? no thanks, nothing religious or political for me!…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

super warm out right now. # Imma eat you (@ Z-Teca) # Gah. RT @THR: Rebecca Black’s ‘Friday’ Viewed Online More Than @LadyGaga, @JustinBieber Videos # This is a good read: To My Pre-Internet Ex Who Died via @ThoughtCatalog – To My Pre-Internet Ex Who Died… # the #yandr was very meh today. not enough sharon & @victornewman. # music: found this again today. listened like xx times. #blog # break for mama’s show. #yandr # love @youtube on #ipad + speakers. # java update. #talknerdy # surprising that only ONE person called the number i published today. bunch of txt’s as i asked though, you are so well behaved. # have you votedfor @shawnhawaii today? takes 2 sec. # I favorited a @YouTube video Selah Sue – Raggamuffin # Singing Selah Sue song after song. Do you know her? You’ll like this. # Love it here. (@ Sense Appeal w/ 2 others) # Little visit to my loves. Congrats on great event last week! (@ Nella Bella Head Office) # Loving the intern applications for @artstewmedia. Stew brewin’! # happy when rains so i can wear… # i’d like you to play this one on guitar & we can sing it together. (@YouTube # same. RT @thatdrew: stop. showertime. # blog job: $100/post #humberPR #CCIT #CCPR #toronto #gta # weather this weekend was so nice. patio chills w/ @keriblog # hey ducker. # i have blogged more than 5x today on different sites. who says they have no time for blogging? pfffft. # Photo: › you know you’ve made it when you google yourself on the internet and this comes up via @gublersoup # nice to know. RT @SeanMoffitt: Contrary to popular belief, men…

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i do this every day

in every dailybooth i am smiling heaps. i take a new one like errry day (if you haven’t noticed).  i like it. you should smile more. it’s contageous. i need to get on drawing more. remember the unnecessary wheels collection? the apple the cheese wheel matches 10lb dumbbells canoe fork, grass patch, sexy pump + more

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Been getting really good at leaving parties. (@ The Mansion) # I want to drive an Audi. # We are looking at the same moon. # Casie in the Sky with Diamonds (+ glitter). # Oh hai (@ Lou Dawg’s B-B-Q!) # Picture yourself in a boat on a river… # heading to @loudawgs. # Haha RT @victornewman Love using television to tell my kids to take a long walk off a short pier. # imma professional. are you? let’s #twerk add me! # if you don’t vote you can’t say sh*t. #blog # my daily booth photo right now makes me SMILEY. it’s top right corner on my dot com. # only caught the #yandr once this week. being an entrepreneur is clearly more exciting than the life of @victornewman. # way to crash my own site. # New Blogging Opportunity: $100/post #toronto # stalk it like it’s hot. # oh i am cooking up some fun stuff for you. # Photo: META # #deardiary # #plasticsurgery # i love the internet. # started this blog in 2008: #borderlineartistic # OMG! Yay! Will totes be watchig the news for @guardly tonight 🙂 Congrats team! (@YouTube # ah, just got asked to be in a celebrity poker tourney. this gonna be funny. #POKERFACE > imma dress like gaga. #ladyblogga # RE: @FrontRowMag what a babe. # just realized i am going to be in #boston for #4sqday better find a meetup STAT! # YAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY! #

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New York Cab Lemon Sunflower Scrambled Egg, mellow.

To be completely honest, I wanted one of these mugs. Keri has one. Process Yellow C is fresh, bright and beautiful. It’s the colour of sunshine. I love when people call me sunshine. Any of you guys have a Pantone mug? Send me a pic! I will make something. The mug came with the epicly awesome HP Envy print/scan/copy machine today. I can’t wait to make stuff. Yay to making stuff! Ok, here’s the yesterday recap. It was a great day from the moment I woke up. Yesterday on Twitter This Happened: I am in looooove with everything! (@ Bicyclette Boutique) # You maaaaaaake me feel shiny & new… # Mix: @nellabellabrand bags, @metowestyle beaded heart, @rubyboutique fur # Daily reminder to take a sec & vote for my boy @shawnhawaii #ultimateblogger # had a kinda fun request from my agent @fairlieagency this morning. i love fun jobs! # just had lasagna. i love lasagna. what you having for lunch? # Photo: kinda like me. # Where do you want to live? — on the internet. # How are you? — Awesome. # If you had the opportunity to live one year of your life over again, which year would you choo… — 2004 in Australia # I was wondering if you’d like to grab a coffee, Thursday aft, you, me ? Riot Zone.? — who are you would help? # What do you think the world will be like in 50 years? — less fighting, less water, less trees. # Photo: i need these coins STAT. # 15% OFF Latex Clothing # Photo: i would get this for nerd boyfriend: Circuit Board Tie # How to Put Together an Effective Startup Press Kit via @erinbury – erinbury:…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

If you are close come by. (@ The Rhino w/ @picard102) # Babes trying on clothes for us (@ Buckler) # this was played during dinner at Campagnolo this weekend. love this song. ♫ # haiiiiiiiii @raymitheminx, what are you doing tonight? # Photo: THIS – is this the real life of is this just Fanta-sea # Photo: for @raymitheminx # omg Sense Appeal is at 699, at 700 we get free coffee! go like the shiz # Nadim at Sense Appeal is stylish, check his gear. # and yes dappleganger is a more dapper doppleganger # there is a dappleganger of @thedanlevy at Sense Appeal right now. # yay team! # i miss you @raymitheminx . we need a play date just you & me to catch up please! also gave gift for you xoxo # I liked a @YouTube video TEDxToronto 2010 Sponsor – The Working Group – Produced by The # Super cute extra long boyfriend cardi from @MarksWW w/ cowboys & jeans today # My friend @GuyKawasaki sent me a signed copy of his book! #blog # Love it here every day. (@ Sense Appeal w/ 2 others) # oooh! Nice! RT @ShopBicyclette: Currently unpacking floral & denim rompers, a vintage-inspired lace trim dress & floral cardi’s #lovemyjob # i love ipad. # This is your daily reminder to vote for #ultimateblogger @shawnhawaii #winning #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Where is karaoke tonight? # hey @SaladKingTO, i'm coming to you for dinner. do i need a reso? # having an affirmations girl moment again…. i love my life, i love my friends, i love… # VIP Invitation to Casey's Dundas Jarvis # you guys are THE BEST at knowing stuff i don't know. what would i do without you! (don't say google haha!) # aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand thanks for all your suggestions! SALAD KING it is! 🙂 Thank you! # i need a thai place near Eaton Centre. reco? i never eat thai or in the area! #HELP # omg just found out one of my client's cousin is LAUREN from the #yandr i knew we had a connection! #OMG # I'm going to be hiring more bloggers, in order to be considered you gotta be on & have posted on @ZLISTcom 😉 #staytuned # Thank you @ToyotaCanada for the car last week. We had a fun time! #matrixlove # god we're cute! me & @shananigans5 @ Saatchi # Hi friends! I am in your house 😉 (@ Saatchi & Saatchi) # Jamming to @tinydanza! # if i win those #fabfind leafs tix onf of you can have them ok. # All good on the hood @toyotacanada, no parking ticket! See ya soon 🙂 # Dear life, I LOVE YOU. Thank you for being awesome. xo Casie # omg parking ran out, i better not have a parking ticket. gah. # ha @CrystalGibson he probably saw my tweet because he just txt me. oh, i love the internet. (boy reading this you are awesome too) # #whitestboyalive – forgot how happy you make mama's ears. # he hasn't txt me back yet because _________? # wow you guys are really awesome. blesses with awesome people around…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

wow. formspring questions over 400! have already responded to 1,434 # Do you like your name? — love it. # What is your favorite way to exercise? — Walking. # What's the first thing you do when you wake up in the mornings? — Check my phone. # Do you do drugs? — Your love is my drug. # Do you like hearts? — have a few heart tattoo's. # Do you have a Mac? (computer) — Not yet. I want one real bad. # Why are you weird? — Baby I was #BORNTHISWAY # Have you played 7 minutes in heaven? — Not for a long time, like since grade 8. # < Are there lenses in these glasses? > — Yes and they are vintage! Very very weak prescription. # Fav lunch: jerk chicked sandwich (@ Ackee Tree) # #springfever #fail…she is wearing flip flops too. # i fucked up my site 🙁 i'll just ball my eyes out for the next hour. # RE: @KeriBlog GREAT hair. Kinda sames at mine there. haha #SAMES # omffffffffffahk. wordpress. fury. throws computer. # Photo: you need this @irieras! # Photo: nice to meet shoe. # Photo: pretty shoe. # Photo: i need to recreate photos of her. STAT. # Photo: you know who you are. # The same thing we do every night, Pinky… #blog # hello sunshine! # Twerk. (@ Sense Appeal) # dear blog, i have so many things to tell you. i wish i had someone to blog it for me before i approve for post. miss you xo # NextGen gallery, making me angryyyyyyyyyyyyy. # Boston vacay 12 days away, excited for adventure. #…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Today is a good day. Everyday is a good day in some way 🙂 # Starrrrrrrrrving. (@ Mi.Ne Sushi) # #FF your dreams. # Weekend is like errrrry day yo (@ LCBO w/ 3 others) # chop chop! (@ Darren Kwik) # Omg omg its beautiful @michaelnus! # ok so that @molsoncoors thinger… #blog # RE: exactly. # RE: gotcha #aprilfooled # RE: April Fools yo not real. # #FF @jeniestewart: love you sister. # editing CSS. # at a studio full of diamonds & gooooooooooooooooooooooooold. # homo pener # The post is a joke # yesterday on twitter, this happened: #blog # Party hardy. (@ The Hideout) #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

#twestivalto #uniformproject @kurtgooden @bigthinkerjon & boy # You are all so cute! Aaaahh @keriblog @bigthinkerjon @kurtgooden @Joyghosh #twestivalto # I love you friends! (@ TwestivalTO @ The Fifth Social Club w/ @kathanley @ahmadnassri @scottyhons @ilovecpstyle) # remember the first #twestival i met so many awesome people. @funkstop @40deuce & i had shirts with our names on them. # I waited my whole life for this. # omg i am so nervous for the news on Global. i asked if i should take of my glasses they said no, it was sunny. i look like a diva. ah. # i love this city! # Never did I think I would see the day that @victornnewman takes Newman Enterprises public. #yandr # hacking is not cool. last week had the blog hacked and comp virus. use crazy passwords! #security # RE: i wanna take your photo now # got my ticket for #twestivalTO thanks @NadforGenGo. looking forward to it. have been involved in the past & happy to support the team! # RE: i know no time 🙁 # i no not know who tweeted that from the #japanquakeTO account. i am sorry and mortified. # Video: this new phone from motorolacanada looks rad. made for lifestylie like mine, CRAZY awesome. # just kidding # spending tomorrow afternoon at a spa then attending the Greta show & Spoke club. all this week's hard work needs a reward! # you are younger today than you will be tomorrow, enjoy it! 🙂 # having lunch at @BLDRestaurantTO w/ the lovely @amforever today. gonna get the burger. SO good. # RE: @klout thanks for sharing guys! # getting a patent for my doodles on googles too. # share. # ROLLIN' @GREEFAH #ZLIST # est. 1982…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

been reading and watching things in #japan it's really bad over there. we need to help them, they would help us. #japanquakeTO # Photo: tonight i saw paint porn. see blog tomo. this is sneak peak 😉 # Photo: art @thedrakehotel # Came home to this lovely treat. Thanks @itsbrownbarbie, ILU 🙂 #bestroomie # who let the dawgs out (@ Lou Dawg's B-B-Q! w/ @jaypishere @thedanlevy) # Photo: Painting by Jeff Dywelska @artbattleTO Mar.22 # If you have never been to @artbattleTO you are missing out. (@ The Great Hall w/ 2 others) # I uploaded a YouTube video — Jukari & Reebok # Toronto Red Light? Really. Silly. People will be swimming there, will there be a 24 hour ferry "ride". HAHA. # #Jukari Fit to Fly #Toronto launch w/ @ReebokCanada & Cirque du Soleil #blog # Photo: # hey @TuckerMax have you met @raymitheminx yet? # hey @dvln meet my girl @keriblog she has some Q's about music & licencing etc think you can help her out 🙂 #trintro # going to BNotions for my first time tomorrow 🙂 # Photo: the hustle – @sidewalkhustle @hawleydunbar # OH " Photoshop has made me sexually attracted to mannequins" haha # Nick Newman is into startup companies. #yandr # #nerdvana # do i know any @rogers people at the event in Orlando today? # dear friends, i love you. # for the very first #twestivalTO in 2009 we donated to @charitywater, #toronto raised enough to build TWO wells in Ethiopia! #worldwaterday # thanks for a good time last night @philipsparks # take the high road. # parkdale warning: crazy attacker on the loose RT @raymitheminx: dad brang the news # Found money! # New kicks from @reebokcanada,…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

aw, my Mum's twin bro is askin' me about the 'social networking phenomenon' on facebook. he asked for my twitter too 🙂 #cute # i am gonna miss your lips and everything attached to them. #elizabethtown # my so good long time friend said "you look like when you were little" # i'm not used to girls like you "that's because i'm one of a kind" #elizabethtown #love # love this dance & also miss EC RT @Canadian_Shield: I miss Electric Circus: # RE: @Jarvisemerald thank you! took it today w/ new camera # Roarrrrrr RT @heathermeeker: "Why Women Rule the Internet" by @aileenlee – we drive social, shopping, relationships # Better to write for yourself and have no public, than to write for the public and have… #blog # Photo: # i think i have #supermoon powers now. feeling high, on life. # it was NOT warm enough for this today! #springfever # RAW. # On @skype w/ mum in Bahamas and she is in Cat Island here Omg SO PRETTY! # super SNUG # Photo: touched the big unit today # been to darling harbour? know this fountain? i do. # whoa #criminalminds w/ gavin rossdale & @gublernation still has long hair! # Photo: photographer t-shirt. very rad. # iamericliu asked: Hey Casie (AKA Ms Steez) you are le awesome. # the friday song is the new rick roll. haha # before i had a blog, i was a poet. # # Photo: The knife jacket that Gaga wore! # Today's Observations via @shopmyclothes – › • Spring is here…and with that new handlebars… › • Popover baby!… # Photo: try something new today # be more, need less. #…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

OH a woman on the streetcar say she considered breaking her leg so she could have paid leave to get ahead at work. Movie editor I think. # wow RT @ladygaga: BORN THIS WAY # #toronto # excited for perigee #supermoom tomorrow! # Photo: focus # who the fire is burning. # i hope that big Samoan guy kills Adam. #yandr # Tickets are now LIVE for #japanquakeTO Get'em now! # i am not good at picking a place for dinner. # on @skype w/ mama in bahamas, love catching her up on what i'm up to. miss you Mum 🙂 # this really should have been followed with… #winning RT @CBCToronto: Charlie Sheen adds Canadian dates to tour # it's me! it's me! RT @alensadeh: I met a firecracker today. Don't let her blond hair fool you, @casiestewart is a quick one. # i wonder if likky & daniel will fall in love again? #yandr # yes this! RT @rlangdon: Don't get fancy, just get dancey. # haha he just called Chance "soulja boy" god i love the #yandr # imma photographer now guys! # is there such a thing as left handed camera? # yes new #yandr today after nothing for two days. # Photo: photo on love it. # RE: Thanks Court. They are Ksubi. Got them when I was in NZ for #NZFW # RE: @ArushiFabBlab thanks for commenting babe. Diggin' your blog. Great style! Meet my roomie @itsbrownbarbie 🙂 # RE: @KeriBlog i am stoked for this video. you look gorgeous. # happy friday 🙂 today is a really great day! # Two new babies added to my family! Please welcome the sexy XZ and Mr. Pen 🙂 thx @getolympus # Here…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

YES WE CAN. #blog # Omg Global called me “KC” but spelled CASSIE. Gah. # today i registered a new domain, company and twitter account. makes me happy 🙂 will share in the next few weeks! # if i ever lose my memory i think i will like reading my blog from the very start. # good thing i got TWO bags of Doritos cuz’ i just ate half of one whole bag. # PCP Party tonight! # Das pretty watermelon. Nice one @sobeys! # OMG AMAZING! RT @torontofc: Hey @casiestewart #TFC Player Matt Stinson has a little message for you –> #TFCLive # Photo: › Chris Benz F/W 2011 # Photo: omg this looks fun # can someone take me to Prom at the ROM, imma good date. # eh, BRO! # this is pretty neat. I agree w/ Oglivy 🙂 (YouTube # grenade is trending – is that cuz’ @sn00ki? # tomorrow on the blog i am lauching a program where you get $$ instead of just a contest or crap 😉 #staytuned # how long does it take to validate a MX record when setting up godaddy email? anyone? # you tell ’em @TheTVJunkie, hear that @IFCtv! #itgetsbetter # i absolutely love planning events, especially charity ones! # omg just realized i didn’t watch yesterday’s #yandr been twerkin’ so hard! # hope i don’t look like Li Lohan on camera, just realized this new last-minute-had-to-run-to-shoppers bronzer is well, BRONZE. # Still tweeting on camera. Hi friends. # Global news is filming me as I type this for tonights news regarding #japanquakeTO # location location location #japanquakeTO # omg just found out a friend was on the subway platform when the earthquake hit, 10 hours to walk back to the…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Sleeping with my clothes tonight 🙂 I love them, and you. #night # i ate all the chocolate fingers, cadbury. # translation is hard to read # i want to go bungy jumping. # A calculator is only as fast as it’s operator. # show me your teeth! #livefeed #gaga #smile #retainer # and the wieners winners are….@jedgar & jarvisemerald! #blog # #pumasocial vid will be up tomorrow, checkin’ their youtube channel, looks pretty neat. like the header # ‘brazen’ is a word I do NOT like. # whaaaa? #HelpJapan is a promoted tweet? PROMOTED BY WHO? # i’m glad i don’t have a twin. that would be TOO MUCH CASIE. # being the uglier twin is like pretty much, the worst. # also, he is the uglier twin. #bachelor # The #Bachelor loser is not good enough for that cute blonde one, he should pick brown hair. # who just typed BONG instead of BLOG. i think i know what mama needs. uh….blog coming right up 😉 # what browser do you use WP in and do you notice a difference? #blogger # #jeopardy time! # today i learned all about nuclear reactors. #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Lots of @charliesheen references at #canlit If anyone here banged him it would be me. # one of those nights i'm making sure i have shorts on under my dress. look out dancefloor! #canlit # oh how i swoon over a young Nick Newman. #dreamboat #yandr # you can count on it RT @HausofKraus: I expect some Charlie Sheen-esq quotes tonight from #CanLIT # Office visit (@ 1188 Films) # kinda excited for this in May. # whoa first login to @fetlife in over 6 weeks. # music is played for love, cruisin is made for love #blog # the BritBrit interview RT @jacobjunior7: @casiestewart 😀 # what should i wear to #CanLit is there a theme other than AWESOME? # go see @annavon kick some ASS! RT @blogTO: Girlfight (a women's boxing tournament) is happening tonight! # found it: blog post from last year's #CanLit w/ chatroulette video of girl booty shakin it aaahahaha. love it. # RE: @seanward coming tonight? # photos from last year's #CanLit #GenYTO from @photojunkie. SUCH great memories! remember we did #Chatroulette # i always feel cheeky when i send someone a LMGTFY link. hope you like it @amforever 🙂 # I favorited a YouTube video — LADY GAGA PERFORMS "BORN THIS WAY" WITH MARIA ARAGON IN … # have you even been to @abodebar? my #FF prize today will get you into this private residence # top 10 facebook pages # Charlie Sheena. # survey says? # took my new #Cruze for a spin this morning @GMCanada. We're in a romance already 🙂 #FF # just got my #canlit ticket. look out. # where's the link for a #CanLit ticket? # #FF freestyle friday contest: are you feeling fabulous? #blog…

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this post is alllllllll about winning.

The other night I was at Century Room for a music video shoot. Was chilling with a bunch of babes/models/friends: Jo, Jess, Me, Grace & Lilly. You are so cute JoJo. Renee, Kevin & her cute friend. (R-L) Jo dancing in the back, Jess txting in fur. I lost count on how many fireworks/bottles there were over the course of the night. We had a great time, I ended woke up with a killer hangover. Casie Sheen, aaahaha. My friend JD Howel was shooting the video, check out this awesome footage he shot of the Shuttle Discovery on a plane the other day. It’s now on MSNBC. WIN! “I was returning to Toronto from a shoot in Cuba on an Air Canada flight, and awoke just as it was happening,” Howell told me in an e-mail. “I started rolling my iPhone and caught two minutes of it before it exited the atmosphere. Talk about timing!” Went for a little stroll fitst thing this morning. Super sunny outside today. Check out this super hot photo of Keri by Suzy Lamont. WIN! Lady Gaga killed the runway in Paris last night for the Theirry Mugler  A/W 2011 show. God I love her. Waiting for a call from my sister to see if we will be attending her show tonight. Fingers crossed. I saw her last time she was in town, LOVE. Photo from In other news, I would like to thank GM Canada because tomorrow A CAR is being dropped off at my place for the weekend. I tweeted the other day that I would love the use of a vehicle now & then and that I didn’t want to own it, just use it. By the powers on the internet, I got an email from the lovely Adria  at…

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