
crazy awesome

Posts by this author:

Collision Conference 2022

Collision Conference 2022

I went to Collision Conference 2022 and it was great! I’d been once 2019 and after two years of a pandemic, it was nice to … View Post
Bisha Toronto: Work, Stay, Play

Bisha Toronto: Work, Stay, Play

It’s been a busy couple of weeks and I’m back with updates! Events have definitely returned and summer is here. Earlier this … View Post
May Long Weekend in Muskoka

May Long Weekend in Muskoka

We drove up to the cottage on Thursday night to spend the May long weekend in Muskoka. I haven’t been up North much … View Post
Friendship Like This is a Magical Thing

Friendship Like This is a Magical Thing

Met up with Carmela for a much overdue catch-up. We met in high school and were the best of friends. One summer she spent … View Post
Ok, I Like It, Picasso

Ok, I Like It, Picasso

The weather has been kinda nice and that makes me happy. Can finally wear cute outfits & transitional coats. Totally forgot about this stunning … View Post
Gladstone House Opening 2022

Gladstone House Opening 2022

Last month, I attended the opening of Gladstone House after their huge renovation. The space looks amazing! I’ve been going to the Gladstone … View Post
A Different Kind of Busy

A Different Kind of Busy

Busy at the gym, making good meals, getting good sleep, taking care of myself. Before the pandemic, I spent so much time out in … View Post
Bingo Babes!

Bingo Babes!

The other night Natalie and I went to Delta Bingo, it was FUN. We dressed up cute and got to the Friday night game … View Post
Warmer Weather & All The Things

Warmer Weather & All The Things

After what felt like the longest winter ever, spring has finally arrived! I don’t know about you, but I’m so excited for … View Post
Go Outside. You’ll Feel Better.

Go Outside. You’ll Feel Better.

Last week I was so tired. Pretty sure it was Daylight Saving time, mixed with pandemic anxiety, and maybe a little burnout. I was … View Post
Five Good Things

Five Good Things

It’s been a hard few months but winter is nearly behind us and hopefully this pandemic too. I’m looking forward to wearing … View Post
Hippie Market Spring 2022

Hippie Market Spring 2022

Went to the Hippie Market with Lauren & Jen last weekend. It was so fun! Honestly, if you haven’t been, you need to … View Post
I Need A New Passport Photo

I Need A New Passport Photo

This post was written by AI. I recently had to renew my passport and I was absolutely mortified by the photo. I mean, it’… View Post
Ready for Brighter Days

Ready for Brighter Days

Got my hair done at Sasson then popped around Yorkville before heading home. My hair is very blonde now and I love it! It … View Post
Find Your Calm

Find Your Calm

There’s something so peaceful about being up north in the winter. You can stand on the lake and listen to the ice move. … View Post
She’s a Modern Bride!

She’s a Modern Bride!

Never really thought much about my own wedding but I’m super excited to be part of Lauren’s! ? Her and Brock are getting … View Post
Four Weeks of Working Out

Four Weeks of Working Out

I’m totally a gym person now. Over the past four weeks of working out, I have amazed myself at my own strength. I’… View Post
25 Days Till Spring

25 Days Till Spring

This week I’ve been pretty tired but knowing spring is coming gives me hope. Warmer days will be here in a few weeks … View Post
The Best Is Yet To Come

The Best Is Yet To Come

On Friday I worked from the Hvr office in Yorkville. We’re gearing up for some very exciting things including a new podcast! Nelson … View Post
Hvr: Where Browsing Meets Social

Hvr: Where Browsing Meets Social

Right before the pandemic hit, Sean and I spent a weekend hanging out with my good friend Talia and her husband Nelson. I’d … View Post
Focus Your Power

Focus Your Power

The title of this post is a reminder for myself as much, if not more, than anyone else. Focus your power. Believe in yourself. … View Post
Winter Wander with Ease

Winter Wander with Ease

I had such a great day on Saturday. Such a treat when the weekend rolls around and I have little to no plans. Love … View Post
Cold Therapy Does a Body Good

Cold Therapy Does a Body Good

This weekend Sean and I were up at the cottage. It was the first time I’d been up north since our getaway over … View Post
The Magic of Winter

The Magic of Winter

I wasn’t sure if I was going up to the cottage this weekend because rumours of a snowstorm were floating around. Once Friday … View Post
Bars Are Open Again: Hemingways!

Bars Are Open Again: Hemingways!

Went for dinner with Erin & Natalie at Hemingway’s. Was nice to be out! I had fish & chips and it was kinda … View Post
Plant Stores & Vintage Shopping

Plant Stores & Vintage Shopping

Cory and I made a date to go for a nice Saturday walk in the sun. It’s hard to stay positive with the … View Post
Keep Going

Keep Going

This week has been pretty good. I’ve been out running every day except Monday when we had a massive snowstorm. I find it … View Post