Dailybooth Archive 2009-2012, This Is My Life in Photos.

Ok computer, anyone remember Dailybooth? DailyBooth was the original photoblogging site for people to take a photo each day with a caption. The goal was “your life in photos” in order to document and share. It allowed you to post on Twitter and follow other users within the service for  real-time updates. I loved it. Wrote about my Dailybooth romance in this post. Last year in Auston for SXSW I met a Dailybooth friend IRL. It was awesome! In August, 2009, the site had over 3 million unique visitors a month with a growth rate of about 35% a month.[2] On 11 November 2012, it was announced that Dailybooth was closing down, with users able to access and download their content until 31 December. The site was completely deleted after that.  Demi, Ashton, and iJustine used to use it heaps. I download all my nearly 800 photos from my database and put them in a video as a memory. That’s why I started blogging in the first place, to keep more memories. I learned how beat map photos in iMovie when I made this. I’m no expert video editor but I’d like to get better at it. I’m hoping to get a new camera soon so I can start filming some epic si*t. Huzzah! I’m the couch at the cottage watching movies and computing all day. It’s great! Happy Sunday 🙂 <3 CASIE  RIP!

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Goodby Dailybooth, I loved you for years.

Today Twitter announced they’ll be allowing us (users) to download our ENTIRE TWEET HISTORY before the New Year. For me, that’s almost 100,000 tweets! I’ve been publishing the Internet for almost a decade and it’s hard to imagine all the things I’ve posted. This month, Dailybooth, the OG photo sharing service that helped kick off this thing we call ‘social media’ announced they are shutting down. If you have photos on DB you can DL them until Dec. 31, 2012. After that, they’ll be gone. Dailybooth was THE original photo sharing service  when Twitter  came out.  I posted a photo of myself nearly every single day from January 2009-January 2012. The photo updated to the top right corner of my blog showing a new face each day. I hardly had any tattoos back then, nobody had a million followers, and ‘social media’ wasn’t a ‘thing’…yet. It was the experience I loved most about DB. Logging in and seeing familiar faces, comments, making friends.  I hung out w/ Zolloc (Hayden), my friend from Dailybooth for the first time IRL about a month ago. We’d known each other for years. He was visiting Toronto for Nuit Blanche so I showed him around my fav hood, Queen West and Trinity Bellwoods.  The community at Dailybooth was always so positive. This news made me sad. Why do I feel so romantic about a photo sharing service? I took all 756 photos, added music and made a massive vid with them all. The video is coming soon. It’s five minutes of Casie, five whole minutes. Observations? I make a lot of different faces, I wear a lot of hats (actual hats), I travel, I don’t get sick often, I smile most days, I like to have fun. It brought back so many memories. I forgot heaps of people, places, things,…

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These Are The Vines of Our Lives

I loved Twitter’s Vine app. I used it heaps when it first came out and have 200+ thousand views and 400+ videos. Yesterday Twitter announced it’s shutting the app down (and cutting 9% of global staff). This is a good reminder, it’s not about the platform, it’s about the content. As someone who’s been on the internet, making stuff for over a decade I’ve seen a lot of apps have their rise to fame, go viral, get a huge user base, then die. Lets look back at 12secondstv, I was one of their top users and in 2010 they got bought by AOL and closed up shop. I made short videos of almost everything I was doing and posted them on the app. Around the same time I’d been an active user on Dailybooth, a website where you shared a photo of yourself everyday (mostly from your computer webcam). When Instagram came out, nobody needed Dailybooth anymore, there was a new app with filters right in your phone. Dailybooth died in 2012. Anyone remember Viddy? I hung out with the founders in 2013 at CES in Vegas and joined the app right away. It was the video version of Instagram!  Justin Bieber and bunch of celebrities used it all the time. Then, one day, Instagram added video. It was game changer. In months Viddy was done. Users jumped ship to an app they were already on to share content to an existing audience. “it’s not about the platform, it’s about the content” SOME OF MY FAV VINES OF THE TIMES Here are a few of my fav Vines from my channel and the Internet. I hope you enjoy. As a reminder, keep making good content and try all the platforms to see what is out there.   LADA GAGA SCARES LEO – Remember this? OOP! https://vine.co/v/iMAHYTw00bH https://vine.co/v/inAiBuI6UOX THIS KID IS ALL OF…

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Tech | Another One Bites the Dust: RIP Rdio

The list of social sharing services I’ve seen disappear over the last five years keeps getting longer. A bit of sadness for Rdio this week as it’s been purchased by Pandora for $75M and filed for Chapter 11. I’ve been using Rdio since early 2012 when it came to Canada after I was introduced to it at SXSW. Around them I took part in a round table to discussion on the future of music streaming and music piracy with a bunch of music execs and media. Canada.com covered the session (here). After my free year of Rdio was up, I continued to pay $9.99 for the service the last few years, with my own money. Rdio was there for countless road trips, dance parties, summers on the dock, sing-alongs in the boat, and Christmas parties. I made heaps of playlists and Rdio has been part of all my fun the last few years. I mentioned it as one of my fav apps in interviews w/ ApexPR & Mad Hatter Tech. It’s crazy how attached you become to a service, how integrated it becomes in your life. I was really sad when 12seconds.tv was purchased by AOL and dissolved, felt heartbreak over Dailybooth, and another wave of sadness when Viddy shut down. Transfer Your Rdio Playlists to Apple Music Today I’ve been transferring my Rdio playlists to Apple Music. TBH I don’t mind Apple Music but I really loved Rdio. I decided to fork over the $4.99 to have movetoapplemusic.com do the work of moving my playlists over from Rdio. Luckily, I think Apple Music will be around for a while. I am really feeling this 90’s hip hop & R&B playlist from the commercial with Mary J. Blige. You’ll love it too, heaps of good jamz!  

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500 Days of Selfies

Stumbled upon this the other day. Mayjahhhhhh throwback Thursday! This is a collection of 700+ photos uploaded to Dailybooth from 2009-212. I was an avid user of the ‘booth. It was a selfie style social network with a really strong community of users who posted a photo a day. Most of my photos were selfies from travels around the world (LA, SF, NY, London, Mexico, Costa Rica, and more) and events with friends, visitors to my house. These are fond memories for me and maybe a few for you too!    RIP Dailybooth!

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Isn’t life a series of images that change as they repeat themselves?

One of the things I loved about DailyBooth (RIP) and love about selfies is they are a way to document your life as you grow and change. I wonder how many times I’ve taken a similar photo of my own face? This video is 4 years of my life on DailyBooth. I exported my archive before it shut down in 2012 and made this so I never forget this stuff.. So many memories here. Any you remember? Today is Anzac day in Australia/New Zealand. It’s like remembrance day in North America. My granddad was in the war. I remember him telling us stories of how he wasn’t old enough and snuck in then worked as a cook. He used to have a butcher shop in Palmerston North, NZ when Mum was growing up. I think he would be really glad to know I kept a blog diary because he was a writer too.  I can’t believe I’m still wearing a scarf and it’s almost May! Urgh! Longest fattest winter of my life.  Loving this new jacked I scored at the Rudsak sale this (deets here, it’s on till Sunday).   Saw this yesterday in my hood when I was walking home from school with EmBot. Here’s to an awesome weekend! <3 CASIE

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My 2012 on Storify: 46 stories viewed 30,553 times.

A bunch of stories have no views but they emailed this info to me and I thought wow, you made those. . It’s nice to know I have 46 memories in Story from the year. In 2013 I will create more. And better. I published 569 blog posts on casiestewart.com last year. December 2012 (35) November 2012 (40) October 2012 (46) September 2012 (43) August 2012 (40) July 2012 (46) June 2012 (46) May 2012 (55) April 2012 (51) March 2012 (49) February 2012 (51) January 2012 (67) Below are some of my fav parts of the year told using Storify. [View the story “Have I told you how much I love Halloween? Cause I do. ” on Storify] Have I told you how much I love Halloween? Cause I do. Made a little roundup of some of my fav costumes. Storified by CASIE STEWART· Wed, Oct 26 2011 23:25:39 Zombie Girl (Toronto Zombie Walk – October 22, 2011) lh6.ggpht.com a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net lessons in zombieism: halloween how-toyou will need chocolate syrup, cornstarch, red food dye, white face paint, black (eyeliner/shadow) and some green if you have it. take off your shirt. don’t wash your face or hair. dirtier the better. mix 2/3 chocolate syrup with corn starch and add a bunch of red dye drops. shake/mix. lh5.ggpht.com blood stained clothes, black eyes, i will eat your brainHalloween is JUST around the corner and I am stoked. I reckon I might follow the blood stained trend and wear some blood for the month of ROctober whenever I feel like it. The Zombie Walk is OCTOBER 23 at 3pm. Zombies meet in Bellwoods and I would love to have you join my Zombie Crew. casiestewart.com a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net Sexy Pirate lh5.ggpht.com I was a sexy pirate, but what should I be next? I went out as a Zombie and was sexier than the rest! I’ve been out as…

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phones & elbows

Today was Picard’s birthday and I came to his office (@PolarMobile) to do a Lunch & Learn about social media to the team. It was fun & informative (I was told) and we had pizza and cake. Way to go Picard on forcing having a colleague bake this double rainbow deliciousness. It was good. We followed that off with a couple celebratory birthday shots at the bar downstairs. It was after 1pm so, totally acceptable and a recommended birthday activity. I lead the team in singing ‘Happy Birthday’. Talk about a deal of a speaker, talks, teaches, sings and more. Winked as I typed that, yeah I did. Nov 23, 2011 | Source: Keek.com Having iPhone is changing my life. I’m able to update all my fav sites. There are so many apps. I’m using Twitter, Facebook, Foursquare, Tumblr, Dailybooth, Keek, My City Lives, Netflix, WordPress, Instagram and a few others. Have any recos? All my devices are synced to iCloud and it’s SO convenient.

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you missed this yesterday

Got a real cute haircut this time @dkwikstudio http://t.co/SOCwsHc5 # Met babes @toristreats @wardrobeprofessor @thedrakehotel http://t.co/fpAQOeig # Never met a girl like you before… (@ The Beaver Café) http://t.co/NhjCrc1D # you missed this yesterday: – finding a few people have been unfollowed but not… http://t.co/ca9MXI7a #thisismylife # JUST in time for my trip new luggage from http://t.co/qd506lH3 to be delivered tomorrow. Woooooooooohoooooo # Looking at posts from this time last year. Remember this day at #Finch station? Gave away @virginamerica flight! http://t.co/pGoZequ1 # Vintage @michaelnus & @shrued http://t.co/hEILie7l # What's for lunch? I'm hungry but can't decide. Wanna deliver a surprise lunch? Because, that would be amazing! # Be nice & share. # I liked a @YouTube video http://t.co/H8tbAIsX Aubade Alarm Clock # A Whole New World: iCasie! It’s like a whole new world now that I’m all Apple… http://t.co/J0SHCqb4 #thisismylife # What inspires you? http://t.co/5n3YelDf http://t.co/uvqpACf1 # Ballerina Rocket Man via @laurenonizzle http://t.co/45Bg5K7x #BLOG # just did my 600th @dailybooth http://t.co/jcGjLclk # Used Siri to ring Mum at work! # RE: @TheDanLevy @thedanlevy @megbutton I blame #hipster culture on the popularity! http://t.co/TntJKgLH # RE: yeah man, i was looking back at posts and thinking WHERE DOES THE DAMN TIME GO?! http://t.co/qNkHsJQD # Sign & sending PDFs on iPad is so satisfying. # Oh my, I will be in Costa Rica for Have Sex with a Man with a Moustache Day – N (@YouTube http://t.co/WtTlHrWb) # #SwarovskiSneakPeek tonight # This makes me sad. I follow YOUR updates for YOU 🙁 RT @aplusk Twitter Management http://t.co/AKhT4U1l # Ooh boys look at his sexy #movember babe, Josh! http://t.co/9OeGXANo # Waiting so long for his taxi I could have walked. #firstworldproblems # Yes please! http://t.co/Z3nGgjnA # Lookin good @keriblog. #swarovskiskisneakpeek http://t.co/aRJFT58e # Thanks for the cotton candy & gift @swarovski. http://t.co/2CFedfX1 # "In…

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couple interesting things happened yesterday on twitter

Photo: swimming in the streets. http://tumblr.com/xmj3ufw8ec # I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/o6EXmEXsIEg?a The Sheepdogs Attack Ad : Rolling Stone Choose The Cover Contes # Here’s that 29 y.o. grandfather story told you about yesterday http://t.co/BjZy1Qs # “@Shananigans5: It’s a short week AND next wknd is #beerfest ! Do you have your tickets yet?” CASIE will save you $5 on tix! # everybody blonde! http://flpbd.it/2GPB #photoset # Cover of Rolling Stone, @theSheepdogs & #Beerfest http://flpbd.it/tKTt #Toronto # Yay! @Skype for iPad Makes Debut http://on.mash.to/nZia7M # K+? @YouTube now counts for your @Klout score http://on.mash.to/qUNbnN # Fyi @keriblog you taking special hat i got you to LV? The face cover one? (see photo) RT @BoingBoing: Hacker stock art http://goo.gl/tG1Mc # Starting the day in a panic, missing breakfast meeting, message about good news. What a roller coaster! Gah. # life saver… http://t.co/EgM0SxM # Photo: terrysdiary: Remember… What Goes Around comes Around! http://tumblr.com/xmj3uobp9f # Akoha is shutting down August 15, 2011 due to lack of revenue. http://post.ly/2jNkG # interesting.. @virginamerica Provocateur site is gonezo http://t.co/AkEKUAx # Flash Rob? My goodness. # You are totally an influencer @laurenonizzle! Look that @AmericanApparel carries now! http://t.co/LrQ6Jwn # cute man fixing out smoke alarm right now @itsbrownbarbie 😉 # Guess who is back in action? If you know my number call me! Thanks @Telus & @motorola_ca ILU <3 http://dailybooth.com/u/aoxtr # anyone have a creative way to switch group to page in FB? helping client. dang those groups! # You can do it. I believe in you. # I’m checking out @RowFeeder to track tweets/facebook posts. Anyone used this before? http://t.co/L5g9n5C # RE: @picard102 @picard102 I know. Were you even scared @keriblog? She’d never seen me drive before!  http://disq.us/2v3gfm # he IS really good looking “@zedsq: See ‘Two And a Half Men’ Signature Curtain Shot With Ashton Kutcher…

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je t’aime plus qu’ hier moins que demain

Dinosaur, they used to run the world http://on.mash.to/p6H4n4 # I want to EDGEWALK! RT @blogTO A trip to the CN Tower Edgewalk, 356 metres in the air http://flpbd.it/qI56 # guy who takes me on date to Edgewalk @monbud, is deff a special dude # hai friends. what’s shakin? http://dailybooth.com/u/amf38 # it must be a sign @keriblog 🙂 http://twitpic.com/5xp09z # haha scary face http://twitpic.com/5xp274 # #FF @mrsnikkinewman: an ex-stripper who hit pay dirt when @VictorNewman came in for a lap dance. #yandr # Britney Spears – I Wanna Go #spotify http://t.co/2Q6xb3R # haha. me loving spotify. http://twitpic.com/5xq3nh # RE: @smojoe thanks Rob 🙂 http://disq.us/2t9zzi # RE: Thanks Erica. Trick to rompers is buying one size bigger than your normal size. I do it every time 🙂 http://disq.us/2ta0bg # download my free ebook, it updates daily. http://t.co/k4VDE2L # who knew i’d be into Lil Wayne? Nice. http://t.co/jIlOjG1 Lil Wayne – How To Love # 5 upcoming beer festivals in #Toronto 2011 http://flpbd.it/9256 – save $5 on #beerfest tix using CASIE as code 🙂 # I got a #Spotify account because I have super awesome powers ok. (signed up while in the USA) # Someone asked for my autograph last night. It cost them a beer. # “@shawnhawaii: @casiestewart what does the blonde, Canadian version of Pippa Middleton do on a rainy Friday night #justcurious

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you missed this yesterday

Morning peeps! Happy Friday 🙂 # Dinosaur, they used to run the world http://on.mash.to/p6H4n4 # I want to EDGEWALK! RT @blogTO A trip to the CN Tower Edgewalk, 356 metres in the air http://flpbd.it/qI56 # guy who takes me on date to Edgewalk @monbud, is deff a special dude # hai friends. what's shakin? http://dailybooth.com/u/amf38 # it must be a sign @keriblog 🙂 http://twitpic.com/5xp09z # haha scary face http://twitpic.com/5xp274 # #FF @mrsnikkinewman: an ex-stripper who hit pay dirt when @VictorNewman came in for a lap dance. #yandr # Britney Spears – I Wanna Go #spotify http://t.co/2Q6xb3R # haha. me loving spotify. http://twitpic.com/5xq3nh # RE: @smojoe thanks Rob 🙂 http://disq.us/2t9zzi # RE: Thanks Erica. Trick to rompers is buying one size bigger than your normal size. I do it every time 🙂 http://disq.us/2ta0bg # download my free ebook, it updates daily. http://t.co/k4VDE2L # who knew i'd be into Lil Wayne? Nice. http://t.co/jIlOjG1 Lil Wayne – How To Love # 5 upcoming beer festivals in #Toronto 2011 http://flpbd.it/9256 – save $5 on #beerfest tix using CASIE as code 🙂 # I got a #Spotify account because I have super awesome powers ok. (signed up while in the USA) # Someone asked for my autograph last night. It cost them a beer. # “@shawnhawaii: @casiestewart what does the blonde, Canadian version of Pippa Middleton do on a rainy Friday night #justcurious

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you missed this yesterday

Good morning from me & my coffee! How is you on this fine Thursday? http://dailybooth.com/u/alu7n # The shortest show on the internet… :36 seconds w/ Casie http://t.co/1D3mJat # Next iPhone to Have a Larger Screen, Thinner Profile [RUMOR] – http://on.mash.to/nMbmr8 # Haha @nataliedee: damn give it a break already http://flpbd.it/Cjot # this backwards scrolling thing turns me into a LION. rarrrrrrrr. #mactoPC # #Android Now Owns 39% of Smartphone Market [STATS] http://on.mash.to/qx7q19 cc @Telus @motorola_ca # Page Speed: Google Offers To Re-Write Your Webpages On The Fly, Promising 25% To 60% Improvements http://tcrn.ch/pcxIRZ by @parislemon # I always seem to think the #ttc is faster, I am late every time I take it. Doh. # Yusssss RT @mashable: Arrested Development Movie a Go … Again – http://on.mash.to/oe9u9k # Hawtness “@thedownlowe: These Thom Browne photos by @streetfsn are f*cking awesome. For serious: http://t.co/GfQN1j8” # Hurry up then Wait is not a fun game. # WHOA area codes. #437 http://disq.us/2sy0fi # To boldy bro where no bro has bro'd before http://tumblr.com/xmj3rh6n7e cc: @caldy # Attn: Every PR Person I know – IF YOU GET JABOT COSMETICS CALL ME! #yandr #serious /cc @victornewman # "once a stripper, always a slut" headline about @mrsnikkinewman. whoaaa! #yandr # hahaha Jack Abbot to Dianne "are you on drugs?" #yandr # Dear Neighbour doing construction, I hate you. xo Casie # Photo: totes need this shirt. MCAWESOME. http://tumblr.com/xmj3rhmvp9 # Thanks for sharing @thatdrew! Cancer Survivors Build Social Network For Social Good http://t.co/mUqhrFE via @RWW #ihadcancer # every time i think about asking you how to do something on my new mac i remember http://t.co/MUsUUCj & find out myself. thanks INTERNET! # Photo: nice outfit this one: accidentalchinesehipsters: http://tumblr.com/xmj3rinre7 # Heading to @Literature4Life at CLounge, anyone close by & wanna be my date? Planning to arrive in 30min.…

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you missed this yesterday

Nice. RT @glamour_fashion: Today's Best Dressed Reader: Sherry channels her inner dancer http://glmr.me/n3q6wX # Facetime. # Morning! Slept with my computer last night, I'm so in love. # Hahahaha RT @mtvnewscanada: Anthony Kiedis cried like a baby when he watched the Bieber movie http://aol.it/qGhhnj # Today is hair done day, this makes me very happy. Loking forward to a nice late afternoon spent at @DarenKwikStudio near Bellwoods. # STOLEN: @JMeeners Drk Grn Urbanite Touring Frame w/ Bullhorn Handlebars Pls keep ur eyes open for it! http://t.co/N3lLm5m RT #BikeTO # Lets play hackey hack RT @jonathanfields: The Hacker’s Guide to Finding a Job: 9 Tactics No One’s Using http://t.co/uLvzCBp # my fav and first drawing in the "unnecessary wheels" collection. circa 2008 http://post.ly/2eUqA # any of you guys attend/have worked with http://t.co/Ze7t7Gn? # think i'm developing an alcohol allergy. seriously. # GOT BANGED! http://t.co/Cpa0ivS #blog # Listened to Beyonce's new album? Thoughts? Loves? Need some Bey info from Bey fans! # You know what would be really cool? To be on @theellenshow 🙂 # what's with the gif avartars on Twitter now? # windows dell commercial plays in my sidebar and i just got a mac. das funny. http://twitpic.com/5wntuv # Photo: Christmas in July. Nice @RockItPromo 😉 http://tumblr.com/xmj3qfg9d0 # Beerfest is next wekeend #Toronto Use CASIE as discount when ordering tix for $5 off. Happy Drinking! http://t.co/NYFAHjO # BTW love txting & tweeting you two different conversations at the same time @Shananigans5. # So excited to get my phone up & running again. HUGE thanks to @Telus & @Motorola_ca for amazing service & help. Love you! <3 # Save 30% on all @PorterAirlines flights. Book by #TODAY July 27! http://post.ly/2eXcy # me & ma camera join for a bike ride http://dailybooth.com/u/al7vx # Guess who I SAW on my walk today? @JustinBieber…

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you missed this yesterday

archives: 25 random facts published in 2009 http://t.co/AJxH9Uv # Photo: ahem @keriblog, what are all those first things mentioned? haha http://tumblr.com/xmj3ou9yk5 # Good morning! # keep calm @keriblog on w/ Tim's 😉 http://post.ly/2ctDR # Did you see I also got a workout @VWCANADA? #driving #Toronto http://post.ly/2ctM0 # Woot! @tweetgasmTO One Year Anniversary & Australian Artists Rock The Horseshoe http://flpbd.it/a1tP # What do YOU love? Seen this yet from @Google? https://casiestewart.com/what-do-you-love/ # I’m in love with this app today. https://casiestewart.com/app-love-comic-book-softsign-spotify # OMFG guys, today is new computer day! #iamsoexcited #MacBookAir https://casiestewart.com/not-just-any-lion-mac-osx-lion # Morning big guy. http://twitpic.com/5vnid6 # Today my dress blows in the wind like I'm walking on a cloud. http://twitpic.com/5vntrg # WHAT IS UP NOWWWWWWW!!! NEW #MACBOOKAIR 🙂 http://dailybooth.com/u/ajzcx # big developments happening at the casiestewart.com head office today 🙂 # Shirtless Nick Newman fight scene. Drooooooling. #swoon #yandr # oh the #yandr is FULL of good lines today. massive outbursts, fights. @mrssharonnewman, you sucker. # can you iPad to HD TV? # iPhone4 hooked to TV w/ composite AV but ipad no. # Internet on the tv via iPhone4 yay @itsbrownbarbie. #nerdlove http://twitpic.com/5vv14i # his name is James Dean & I love him. http://t.co/Cpp2Ecl #macbookair #boyfriend #nerdlove # "@rlangdon: Finally on my way to #tweetgasm Hope some folks are still around to say hi and stuff." Me too! #

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his name is james dean and i love him.

Soon as Josh & Josh helped me setup (THANK GUYS!). I had a few things to do, check blog, post DailyBooth, make quick vid w/ Keek. Mooohahahahha. Barbie got an iPhone4 today. We are nerd swooning so hard right now. She just put Gaga singing Edge of Glory on Howard Stern radio on the TV.  So good. God, she’s great. I’m in love today. I still love Andy too. There’s enough to go around 😉

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you missed this yesterday

Morning!! # RT @mashable: Apple to Launch Mac OS X Lion & New MacBook Air Wednesday [REPORT] – http://on.mash.to/oCzVy8 # im never gonna drown with these things on http://flpbd.it/PKU0 # Working from home by myself all the time is starting to wear on my I reckon. I want to find a job. # Lots of friends birthdays today, all awesome people. Today is a great day! # having a hell of a time trying to convert this dvd file. thing is massive! sheesh. i need an editing suite or something. # I’m at Spoke Club (600 King Street West, at Portland St, Toronto) http://4sq.com/pCWNLn # dailybooth peeps are nice. # Photo: flying sister. http://tumblr.com/xmj3l4v0tq # Something filming at King & Portland outside Spoke today. Anyone know what? Lots of extras. http://twitpic.com/5slnfi # Called to sing happy birthday to @MichaelNus 🙂 # I love today. I also love my friends & PR peeps & you Tweetps. I’m Maxwell @brewsomegood optimism girl. Ok bye! http://t.co/ldOvj6n # is it too early to be excited for #TIFF i think not. # I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/-kKswLd65Ws?a Maxwell House commercial with Affirmation girl # blogged: last night’s #panelonpanels & shining optimism 🙂 enjoy! http://t.co/Qjl8tc4 # Photo: Love this skirt. Cute look. neonsugar: (via barquentine skirt MADE TO ORDER by Makool on Etsy) http://tumblr.com/xmj3l6ovba # RE: @tristanx Thanks so much @tristanx! Was lovely to meet you too after being friends online for HEAPS long! http://disq.us/2o0qlq # Doc Martens Fall preview tonight. Pretty excited about that. Love me some docs. Current count is 3, always room for more! # I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/wxkgJU4HFxM?a vitaminwater backyard: casie stewart # I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/1fqehg_aTOk?a PUMA Social After Hours – Toronto # This is kinda cool – sign up and check it out: http://www.keek.com/rt3/Cbaaaab # Super exciting…

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you missed this yesterday

I’ve had the same Twitter photo since May, 5 2008. I just changed it. I don’t really wear glasses. Only sometimes. # Where does the time go? Into the internet, that’s where. # philanthropic ecommerce i like you RT @mashable: Is Sevenly the Next TOMS Shoes? http://on.mash.to/quFUE4 # If you ever want to host a panel, learn how to do it RIGHT @ #panelonpanels July 18th @ MaRs Info: http://t.co/S6QVENQ # Sexy new dress design features last person on Earth men want to picture during sex. http://t.co/iS9KqEU via @HappyPlace # Ah! @keriblog, THIS! Man Flies Like a Bird [VIDEO] http://on.mash.to/nEXTeg # wednesday is wig day http://flpbd.it/09wh # This is really cool RT @mashable: The State of the Web: An Interactive HTML5 Infographic http://t.co/HUiy56j # The Science of Social: Periodic Table & Google+ https://casiestewart.com/social-media-periodic-table-google/ # “your passion” she said complete with two GIFs to brighten your day. Enjoy! https://casiestewart.com/your-passion-she-said/ # Have an awesome day! # You’re looking at a winner. http://twitpic.com/5pjida # Mail from @etsy Phillipines & @egocloset in BC. Woo hoo http://twitpic.com/5pjqew # Pretty & yummy. http://twitpic.com/5pjrlo # I love chatting great clients. Off the phone & full of smiles. # Twitter is my water cooler. # Everyday is a future memory. # Standing desk today. I find it makes me more productive. # awesome is you! http://dailybooth.com/u/acyvy # Surround yourself with people who inspire you. # “@shrued: SPOTTED: @casiestewart and @KeriBlog heading towards #HondaIndy http://t.co/HKK3MAw” #paparazzi # Video of Photovine, Google’s Mysterious Photo Sharing Service http://on.mash.to/phasJk # But I love it here!! …Toronto ranked Canada’s most expensive city http://flpbd.it/EnLN via @blogto # Help. I’m stuck in my onesie. #hipsterproblems # I’m at Abode Supper Club (128 Peter Street, Peter and Richmond, Toronto) http://4sq.com/qdUQAV # Yes (@ Sushi Queen) [pic]: http://4sq.com/pENyhe # I need A FAN? Any recos? Don’t say…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

These shots are Borderline Artistic. Took them with the Olympus Pen. Awesome camera. Pretzel w/ marmite is so yummy! # omg same @mandimarc! #ThunderstormsIncreaseMyPowersOfAwesomeness # Notes for a Young Gentleman – youmightfindyourself: http://tumblr.com/xmj3aps3si # Photo: i very much enjoy bookshelf stairs. http://tumblr.com/xmj3apqh70 # Photo: › HAPPY BIRTHDAY LILO xoxo, the waffles girls & me. http://tumblr.com/xmj3apposq # I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/i9LCHgpzfxQ?a This Is What Rock N Roll Looks Like (Explicit) # I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/yBncMqjZgsg?a Motorola DEFY. It’s life proof. Official TV Commercial. Directe # Energy in the sky light up my life, I love you! #lightening # Better scoot home here comes the rain!!!! (@ HTO park) http://4sq.com/l2Snkl # try to get a pic! “@BeeIsTheNewBlog: Watching the USA and COL game…seeing a girl with an adorable blonde pixie cut and thinking its casie” # Omg. Shoe porn. Insane Loub Alert: http://glmr.me/jMgvcs # hi http://dailybooth.com/u/a6oa6 # Freddy Got Fingered is on IFC at 9 tonight. “Daddy, would you like some sausage” # 100% pure energy coming to you from across the pond @KarlKovak @officialkovak! <3 # Photo: sammich art. http://tumblr.com/xmj3aln71m # Photo: NO! http://tumblr.com/xmj3aln3wc # Kinda wanna move into one of these and cruise for life. http://twitpic.com/5kaefj # Blame straight people. http://twitpic.com/5kabrp # Haha “@Paisano: I can hear PR/marketing types now. “I’ll trade you 5 retweets for 10 google pluses & 20 facebook likes.” #SocialBribes quot; # thanks for having me @marcetotw! @openrooffest Was cool, deff need to come early next time! # Warm fuzzy & lovely new ad from Coca Cola http://bit.ly/mFyOzB # Those Germans! Crazy smoking taxi http://t.co/gfp5rM9 via @simplyviral # Good points RT @SimplyZesty: Why Attributing A Link Is No Longer Good Enough From The “Cut And Paste” Media http://bit.ly/iVVT2X # Clever way to get hired, Twitter #JobHustle Love it! http://tnw.to/19oWw by @SimplyZesty on…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Rochester NY looks bright from my house. # What is THE INTERNET? # Photo: Got these bad boys from Mum’s. Nerd history artifacts. http://tumblr.com/xmj387hsut # “You’re a screen junkie. Stop checking.” # I always miss Jeopardy in the summer and my room is almost clean. What are you doing? # Say hello to my little friends! (I was scared TBH) http://twitpic.com/5icb18 # Yes 100% “@ETCanada: Do you think the #Newsweek cover of ‘Diana at 50’ is disrespectful? Vote: http://t.co/BD87e6H” # This Thursday Plantation from Aus is good for mozzy bites. Gently soothes big time. I’m covered & smell like one b http://twitpic.com/5i9wmk # * do not get that tea tree stuff in your eye though. Omg kills. # My skin gonna be like a child w/ all these goodies! Thanks Mreadesso 🙂 http://twitpic.com/5i8p3i # Summer reading, untold story of Diana. Middle name after her, Mum’s fav. http://twitpic.com/5i8mqg # #teenagedream ! @brentwinsor http://twitpic.com/5i8log # Mailbag! Wooo hoo. Omg @brentwinsor, mama coveren in glitter! <3 thank you xoxo http://twitpic.com/5i8k4a # I’m back Toronto and you look smoggy! http://twitpic.com/5i84bn # Haha RT @garyvee: Stopping by the ATM ( have decided to buy Myspace ) # Lawn hang at Mum’s! RT @KeriBlog: It’s @casiestewart and me! http://twitpic.com/5i76wc # Found @keriblog at Mum’s house! http://dailybooth.com/u/a45ac # RE: @brentwinsor omg so excited! #TeenageDream come trueeeeeeeeeeee! http://disq.us/2fds95 # The History of Advertising on Facebook [INFOGRAPHIC] – http://on.mash.to/lmlMG0 # Oh how I love @HeidiKlum! Check out her cover story: http://glmr.me/mpzemY # Dad is building this sweet hot rod, called Rat Rod cause it stays rusty & rough looking http://t.co/4xdpZVk # mum always says that one! “@itsbrownbarbie: “Never ASSUME, for it makes an ASS out of U and ME.” – Anonymous” # In a world where you can be anything, be yourself. http://t.co/e6Bk7B4 # What Do You Love: Google’s…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

excited for a great week. bon nuit! # watching “Friends with Money” on Netflix. Good movie so far, half way. # Photo: Aggy? http://tumblr.com/xmj37r13lf # Photo: › *This relaxes me. Therefore I like it. http://tumblr.com/xmj37r016q # RE: @ValTorontoGal like, duh. “blog girl gets fat after being paid in chocolate bars” epic fail omgaga.  http://disq.us/2f5ydv # RE: @zachbussey Exactly! Last year I went to New Zealand for 2 weeks as VIP for #NZFW 10 bloggers from around the wo… http://disq.us/2f5kls # new photo is hot @danadearmond # RE: @dobbernation So many ways to integrate. I’m with you Andrew. Totally agree & great job BTW! http://disq.us/2f53x1 # RE: @zachbussey It’s more about companies pitching 2-5 ‘top bloggers’ to do a campaign. I turned down one recently th… http://disq.us/2f4xk9 # The Dark Side of Successful Blogging http://t.co/zYWtS0y # RE: @zachbussey Good post Bussey. You kinda missed my point though, I was saying there’s a difference in blogging abo… http://disq.us/2f4fsf # ate the most delish ice cream. hope i don’t get a tummy ache. haven’t had real-cream ice cream in years. ahhh # Find happiness within. # Holykawwww this place is freaking amazing! (@ Marble Slab Creamery) [pic]: http://4sq.com/kcHAzV # Thinking of you @crystalgibson. #cupcake http://twitpic.com/5hv791 # “Dad, bluetooth has nothing to do with teeth” # Great start to a new week today! Excited 🙂 # BBQ #2 of the day @ Dad’s. Salad is fresh lettuce from garden. Woo hoo. # I would love to drive to the cottage this weekend. # So many mosquito bites omg. # Dinner w/ Dad tonight! #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

there is so much that hasnt been said about star wars i could talk about it all day forever http://flpbd.it/hMXG # With the babes! (@ Vertical Restaurant w/ @jgrdnr @urbannativegirl) http://4sq.com/laNPoE # Thanks for the compliments & pix. Today was really fun. Love the runway, funway! #crystallightchallenge # Omg I’m a model! <3 RT @erinbury: My good friend @casiestewart on the runway at #crsytallightchallenge http://instagr.am/p/GJXl2/ # Thanks mama! <3 RT @itsbrownbarbie: There she is! @casiestewart http://lockerz.com/s/112899866 # Omg, my name is CASE-EEEE not CAS-eeeeeee. Get it straight. # Creepin’ you @jgrdnr @itsbrownbarbie @keriblog! #crystallightchallenge http://twitpic.com/5ex3al # Pleasure meetin’ you today @staceymckenzie1! # fashion show get ready time. here we go. #crystallightchallenge http://dailybooth.com/u/a0ew9 # Thanks babe!! RT @UrbanNativeGirl: .@casiestewart has the coolest hair! #crystallightchallenge http://t.co/R0k0JN4 # Hey what’s up guys. Busy day w/ #crystallightchallenge Hair, makeup & rehearsal done. # Runway is huge! RT @UrbanNativeGirl: Pic of the massive pacha runway #crystallightchallenge http://t.co/L4rYHx7 # Brought my new harmonica to the hotel so I can practice. http://twitpic.com/5et2x9 # Fry like bacon you freshman fcuks! http://twitpic.com/5et2st # Got a totally sweet leather jacket & new dress at #Holts Thanks #crystallightchallenge # What’s for lunch today kids? I’m going to Holts Cafe w/ the girls. Any recos? # Have a personal shopper for #crystallightchallenge Radness. (@ Holt Renfrew Centre w/ @urbannativegirl) http://4sq.com/jJCrGX # Beauty day out there eh (@ Metropolitan Hotel) http://4sq.com/jeko7I # bloggy blog blog http://t.co/2autYwi # i always travel w/ incense & my hotel room smells like a hippie # Morning & happy summer! # don’ wanna mess wit the #seniors eh @raymitheminx. #babe http://twitpic.com/5elkdg #

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Beat that. #bhdsuites http://twitpic.com/5djxwo # How fucking cool am I now? Pretty much the baddest bitch everrrrrr. #bhdsuites http://twitpic.com/5djugb # Custom converse FTW. Be le jealous. #bhdsuites http://twitpic.com/5djtn1 # Totes flirting w/ @karlwolfs. New bffs. #bhdsuites # Second gifting lounge of the day! #vocab (@ ING Direct w/ @dvln) http://4sq.com/jy5p4X # live from #BHD suites #MMVA gifting lounge at le germain http://flpbd.it/TnRC # here choke on this giant pill http://flpbd.it/ZRso # Thanks @raymitheminx! You almost here? Love ya #bhdsuites # Mum is home from the boat after being away from one year!! #excited # #bhdsuites w/ @jessegiddings & @nicolemtv http://twitpic.com/5dg35n # chillin’ #bhdsuites #mmva lounge w/ @hustlegrl @benchcanada (@ Hotel Le Germain Maple Leaf Square w/ 3 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/mov4sF # Photo: reminder to bring barbie printout to next party http://tumblr.com/xmj326ru3g # Photo: um, strange but i like it http://tumblr.com/xmj326rkzc # chilling w/ @brenter37 in my @benchcanada #BHDsuites #leafs #babe # had a cucumber sandwich. is that wierd or funny? i think it’s funny. #bhdsuites # playin’ DJ Hero w/ @kardinalO in #BHDsuites w/ @benchcanada. #mmva # Celebs and Bloggers: Today’s Branding Experts http://bit.ly/iicUzy # the #EMbot so cute. http://twitpic.com/5dbufd # whats for lunch today guys? # kinda wish i didn’t look so tired today omg. #nxne #nxnei #bhdsuites # woot @7dollarpants & @benchcanada @ #BHDsuites http://dailybooth.com/u/9yh82 # RE: yeah dude. it was insane. bacon roses, quail in turkey in pig & roasted.RTRD. http://disq.us/2b59fm # DIE. “@M3foods: M3Foods and @casiestewart at the #bizmedia @EpicMealTime event http://t.co/yLBnNv0” # * pix are from the VOCAB Communications gifting lounge at ING Direct in Yonge Street. Thanks for the invite & the goodies team! Everyone & every thing is a brand 😉

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Yup @epicmealtime, so #epic See blog https://casiestewart.com #bizmedia (@ The Biz Media w/ @sachasayan @tedinframe) http://4sq.com/jB4zRI # ahhh, @epicmealtime just said 'bacon condom' omg… #bizmedia # aaaaaaaaaand the #EMbot has left the building. sucha cutie pie kid. # addicted to documenting. # i amaze myself with how i can get so many things done sometimes. # RE: @TweetgasmTO So rad! I bet I will love @ladystarlightNY too 😀 #mmva http://disq.us/2az5f4 # Loving your linens @aulitfinelinens. OMGAGA need some for my bed! http://t.co/XSljUcF # Aw, me & the #EMbot both have baby blue #Converse #swag http://twitpic.com/5czayc # iblog https://casiestewart.com # omg. so hungry. must. wait. for @epicmealtime @ #bizmedia # bahaaaaaa RT @shariyatweets: Anyone checking out the Jersey Shore festival… I mean Taste of Little Italy! # yo! you live there? if so we're neighbors. RT @TheNameIsIsh: Poolside… http://lockerz.com/s/111625752 # omg little monster Emily is coming over to play. she is 4. look out! # going to Alabama in August I think. Gonna be an exciting experience. # omg thank god for time shifting. pvr didn't record mama's show today. #yandr # you had a hot date last night @shawnhawaii. hope night was fun! #nxne http://twitpic.com/5cyb6b # the other night @cobranightclub w/ @bucky_buck #DWW #mmva #nxne http://twitpic.com/5cyasm # #Nerdbird @VirginAmerica's Newest Plane Is a Hashtag #FTW http://t.co/yC8bEiK via @mashable # I'm speaking at @mashable #SMday June 30th about building your personal brand. Come http://bit.ly/ms8sst # i'm so hungry for @epicmealtime. # epicnaptime. # Wieners for #bhdsuites are @Shananigans5 @brockmclaughlin @carlyannedotcom @7dollarpants. See you tomorrow! Thanks @BHdiaries # Photo: The Australian. http://tumblr.com/xmj31ncuki # this kitten needs a cat nap! epic nap time before @epicmealtime tonight. zzzzzzzzzzzz http://dailybooth.com/u/9y11j # Met a couple fans today. Makes me happy! #nxnei # "I go to a lot of parties, like Casie" @stephenhenrik during @globeandmail session at…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Beer me. #nxne (@ The Black Bull) http://4sq.com/msFCLG # Seeing Kovak! Totally hot babes! #nxne (@ El Mocambo w/ 7 others) [pic]: http://4sq.com/mJrASj # blogged: is this the real life cause sometimes it feels like fantasy http://t.co/lLjidKu #NXNE #nxnei # RE: @christineestima love you <3 http://disq.us/2ajy74 # thank you! “@mandylor: The beautiful @casiestewart. Looking so hot at Converse FW11. http://t.co/4KlGpaR” # next week i have a modelling job & get to have a shopping spree at Holts. freaking out. so excited! # Van riots remind me of G20 that sht was crazy… http://t.co/UknBGte # hey guys! http://post.ly/2E2N8 # Photo: to kool for school. http://tumblr.com/xmj315cjvj # I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/KlyXNRrsk4A?a Katy Perry – Last Friday Night (T.G.I.F.) # i miss getting mail. #postalstrike # i hope Billy & Victoria stay togeher. #yandr # Omg I know her! Cc @laurenonizzle #nxnei http://twitpic.com/5cgr5u # Hi. #nxne http://4sq.com/ipJIAl # If you are wondering who ate all the onion rings, it was me. #sneakydees #nxne # Hire us for your event RT @Jarvisemerald: http://twitpic.com/5cfk6v Casie Stewart and @raymitheminx ch-ch-chillin @pepsicanada #NXNE 🙂 # Legendary lunch of champions. http://twitpic.com/5cg07i # #nxnefest w/ @pepsicanada & @raymitheminx http://4sq.com/mmLaDZ # USA tippin' http://twitpic.com/5cfmf8 # That was me! RT @SFS1981: @casiestewart Pretty sure I just saw you walk by on Blue Jays way. Unless I'm mental. #bloggersightings # Thank you RT @mandylor: Wish all Toronto girls were as cool and positive as the beautiful @casiestewart. Always a pleasure running into her. # Gd we're cute RT @raymitheminx: The @nxnefest diaries w/ @casiestewart and @raymitheminx continues http://twitpic.com/5cfgwf # #glitterbomb RT @natekogan: @jylui @affan I woke up covered in glitter because of @casiestewart VERY true # Thanks for the new kicks Converse. Heading to @pepsicanada media event #nxne # Say hi to my Aussie bf if you stop by. http://4sq.com/kkUWGT…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Good night. I love you 🙂 # That 10Spot manicure I got yesterday is falling apart already. Looks brutal. # Margaritaville = Most comfy bed I've EVER slept in for sure. Tonight, ILU. #pensacola # Photo: don’t you wish your girlfriend was grammatically correct like me. http://tumblr.com/xmj2ww30oz # Photo: happy girls are the prettiest girls http://tumblr.com/xmj2ww0s1l # Photo: › “Erna and Hrefna are eleven-year-old identical twins from Iceland. I started to photograph them… http://tumblr.com/xmj2ww0l9s # sleeping with balcony door open, ocean breeze & crashing waves. #thisismylife # Photo: Buying this bikini right now. So hot! http://tumblr.com/xmj2wvxo4x # Kids making shadows in a big sea shell. So cute. I would if they weren't 🙂 (@ Quietwater Beach Boardwalk) http://4sq.com/mg0ORI # Gator heads http://post.ly/2B7I5 # Far away from hotel, not exactly sure how to get back but have a new bikini & 'Kiss The GirlM is playing at the bar I'm passing. Awesome! # sugar white sands (@ Pensacola Beach) http://4sq.com/khx84l # Found a bouncy castle! OMG # #casieshore # Walking along the beach, ocean at my feet. Me & the darkness, it's beautiful. # awesome mahi mahi dinner & great service! (@ The Grand Marlin) http://4sq.com/jSgP6J # My first key lime pie ever! http://post.ly/2B5KP # Oy! http://twitpic.com/58v8l2 # Starting dinner w/ a PBJ: PBR & Jager! #hipster http://post.ly/2B4Qn # Beachside dining w/ live music! http://twitpic.com/58v1n3 # Gonna walk that pier tonight. http://twitpic.com/58v1hk # I liked a @YouTube video http://youtu.be/Y99UqvgCmE8?a Yelle – Je Veux Te Voir # whats for dinner? # Any of you guys have a membership to @agotoronto? think imma renew mine again. great place to hang, go for dates 😉 # some people claim that there's a woman to blame, you know who she is? http://bit.ly/kNjyNb #beach #mermaid #margaritaville # "If you don’t love yourself, you cannot love others.…

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yesterday on twitter, this happened:

Stereotype of myself. # Nurse watch, new kicks, ice cream. http://twitpic.com/56ji6g # Very good host you are @raymitheminx. Thank you! # I am dancing on my own. #robyn # Whatta ya think of this glitter babes? #robyn http://twitpic.com/56jfxp # dance party! #tgif # love having a Handler. tonight @ #echobeach w/ @raymitheminx! # Photo: meow. http://tumblr.com/xmj2tsolas # it’s natural RT @elsacohen this is quite hilarious https://casiestewart.com/quad-blog/ # #ff RT @raymitheminx: TGIForget about it http://bit.ly/m1rUwp # Watermelon <3 RT @raymitheminx: Ftw#tgif http://twitpic.com/56i3hx # Games may be based on pure strategy, chance and fun in the sun. #blog #mattel http://bit.ly/kOvmVD # time for classssssss https://casiestewart.com/class-today-we-have-two-special-guests/ # i have 400 @dailybooth http://dailybooth.com/casiestewart # is there a thing you put on computer screen so you can work in the sun? # Photo: party favors http://tumblr.com/xmj2tp931q # Photo: @laurenonizzle i dunno why but this made me think of you http://tumblr.com/xmj2tp8tz7 # office anywhere. # Photo: patio chills baby http://tumblr.com/xmj2tp6oyy # brightest everrrrrrrrr! patio at Teacher’s house w/ @raymitheminx! #tgif #twerk http://dailybooth.com/u/9q899 # Gettin’ minx’d w/ @raymitheminx! http://twitpic.com/56fsdi # Photo: http://tumblr.com/xmj2to16gg # Kinds feels like there is a person in the trunk of this taxi. Moving around etc. #hooker # bikini Friday @ the office! cc @itsbrownbarbie #FF #TGIF # if you could pause time, what would you do? — float in mid air http://4ms.me/iHBnRm # brewsters millions question … you have 30 million, you have to spend the whole 30 million i… — LIGHT IT ON FIYAH. http://4ms.me/lKoIlc # If you had your own country, what would you name it? — casiestewart.com http://4ms.me/j2jRs0 # Phyllis is CRAZY. #yandr # eh eh RT @MichaelNus: what kind of girl are you into? — Smart, patient, beautiful, funny. http://4ms.me/jQbN5Z # ILU @wafflesgirls <3 # Sweet new summer kicks – white canvas #drmartens http://twitpic.com/56e967 # Jerk chicken sandwich &…

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