Remember Summers Like This… Stay Foolish @ Andrew Richard Designs

This annual party is one of the most fun ones of the summer. Thanks ARD for hosting a great event with all the movers and shakers in the city. The food was excellent. Good music. Here’s a little recap! We ended up walking home in the moonlight. Ahhhhh those summer niiiiiiiights! Magical 🙂  

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Hipster Romance at Sunset in Michigan w/ Blind Pilot

Blind Pilot played the closing party of Ford’s Go Further conference in Michigan this week. The show was awesome. It was romantic as the sun was setting during the show. They have a show coming up July 25th in Toronto at The Opera House. I’ll be there. Here’s a little message from Blind Pilot’s lead singer Israel. What a beard! Swoon.

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Sometimes You Just Need A Vacation For Your Mind


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Did you watch #THIS yet?

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OCD Packing Travel Style

OCD packed a suitcase. Suitcase broke. Do you do this too? Five pairs of shoes 2.5 days, about right! Two pairs of Jeffrey Campbells, Sperry’s, Converse & MK thongs. New NellaBella bag, the ‘Avalon’ is perfect for my Macbook. All my outfits have been from 3F. Long black maxi dress on the plane, blue bell bottoms & yellow stripes last night, today khakis & navy ruffle tank. It fits both Dell Ultrabook & Macbook Air, not that I often take them both but one day last weekend I did. I went a little crazy on the NellaBella when I stopped by last week.  This the Moscow was my carryon. It expands so you can fit a heap of stuff in it. Or, if you are like me and gather all kinds or pack in a rush, super handy. It’s PRIDE week in Toronto. I’m missing the parade this year for the first time in the last 7 years so head up north and see the Tragically Hip, Death Cab For Cutie, New Pornographer’s & Rural Alberta Advantage on Canada Day. I reckon a break from the city hustle will be good!  

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In a world where you can be anything, be yourself.

One of the things I love most about having a blog is having a diary of my life to remind me where I have been and what I have learned. I get a an email each day from Time Hop reminding me what I posted that day the year before. My post had the same title on June 28, 2011. I wanted to remind you to be yourself. You are the best you there will ever be. Own it! Sitting in Detroit airport en route to Toronto. Charging phone, sitting floor. Heading to Hoxton tonight for MSTRKRFT w/ ABSOLUT. They are sending a limo to pick us up. Will be a fun night. Looking forward to seeing friends. Have heaps to soak up from an incredibly awesome last three days here with Ford. I have so much to tell you. Time to board our plane… You will never be younger than you are today, do something awesome. < ;3 CASIE

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Design, Technology, Innovation

Blogging from bus en route to mornings event w/ Ford. Follow me if Twitter for the real time goods @casiestewart. These photos were yesterday. So fun! Started the day w/ coffee & sausages 😉

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I Hear The Mermaids Come Out in The Moonlight

I love when the sun shines and makes rainbows like this. Up early and off to Dearborn, Michigan!   I usually wear heels when I travel but at this temperature and 7am for a 1 hour flight, I couldn’t be bothered. Plus, my five pairs of shoes fit nicely in my now broken suitcase. I need new luggage ASAP. Thank you Barbie for these great MK shoes. I need a pedicure.  There’s a wicked deal for shellac mani/pedi on Buytopia right now for $25. Ends tomorrow! 875 people have already got it. I have one, gonna try and go this weekend. This app is called TripIt. It pulls flight & travel info from your email and puts it all here for you. SUPER convenient if you travel heaps. It’s also free 😉 I flew on the smallest little peanut ever. 18 people! Asked the security lady to take my photo. What a diva! Later Toronto! Nice being in ya. Hellooooooo Michigan! Sat in the car with someone from Spain Newswire and Karl Lohnes who is on CTV Metro News & HGTV. Both from TO & super nice. I’m here at the Hyatt in Dearborn, Michigan for Go Further With Ford a conference about Innovation & Design. INNOVATE OR DIE!  Told you that was a trend last week. I think it’s mostly traditional media which is exciting for me. Digital kids paving the way for new media huzzahhhhh! Ford is super savvy about this whole conference from the invite, to registration, logistics and delivery. I was here w/ Ford in January for the International Auto Show and was quite impressed. I posted about it here and here. They sent 150 of the worlds top bloggers for a three day press tour. I met  Stuart Flatt from Average Joe’s Blog in England and stalked Dylan Culhane…

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$2 Short To Take Over The World

That would be he name of a song in my band if I had a band and wrote songs. I can write but I don’t write many songs. I used to write prose and poetry before I had a blog and that made me very happy. A blog is like a long poetic story, this one about my life. I hope it goes on forever and I will go back and read it, living it over and over again. Each day as if it happened yesterday. A romance. There was something disarming about his smile. I gave him my last cigarette in trade for this photo. I shouldn’t smoke anyways. It’s gross. Tomorrow night I am seeing a band. A band I did not know, but a band I know now. They are called Blind Pilot and they are from Portland. Thank you to my friend Jonathan for being a legit hipster who knows bands ,for opening my ears to this lovely sound. They are playing the dinner at the Ford Design conference. You might like them too. I do.  [arve url=””]  

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FW 2012 Levi’s Preview & Your Personal Brand

Last week I attended the FW 2012 preview from Levi’s at The Burroughs Building, one of my favourite venues in the city. I’ve been a lover of the Levi’s brand since I had my first pair as a kid. I remember how excited  was to rock my first 501s. I was happy to see the brand taking a stept outside the denim box into lifestyle clothing. I’d really in love with the little dress. There’s a bunch of denim dresses in the SS collection I would love to be wearing right now. It was nice to see some creativity in the fashion show. You’ll see how the models each came out and walked the stage playing ‘characters’ who wear Levi’s. There was a few couples dressed in similar styles, the preppy kids, hipster boy with a fixie to show lock holder on jeans, pretty girl in the dress, and suave babe in blazer. It was nice. Not to mention the whole performance starting with shirtless hunk. Watch The Video: I’m pretty sure every fashion editor in the city was there. We watched all the models get dressed in different styles right before our eyes. This guy was the babe of all babes. Last year I wrote a piece for The Levi’s Girl blog about building your personal brand. “Casie Stewart knows a thing or two about leaving an online footprint. Recognized by Klout as one of Toronto’s top tweeters and bloggers, she has plenty of tips on how you can leverage social media channels as an invaluable element to your personal brand.”                 Mum used to tell me I was “someone special,” and I guess you could say I believed her. I’ve had lots of different jobs growing up, but my current job…

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Casual Sunday, Content Conductor

Limitless, the movie, the you seen it? Bradley Cooper takes a drug that allows him to use ALL of his human brain. He goes crazy. I’d go crazy. I don’t really go to the gym but I work out my brain. Imagine you could use your whole brain. I love science news. “to that mystery is the contention that humans “only” employ 10 percent of their brain. If only regular folk could tap that other 90 percent, they too could become savants who remember π to the twenty-thousandth decimal place or perhaps even have telekinetic powers.” Scientific American, 2008 I’m working brain triple time today. Backing up my entire Macbook, making it new again. Keri would be proud! Dell Ultrabook is good. iPhone is a such an incredible device for making things. I’m watching Edie Segdwick in Ciao! Manhattan on Netflix. Welcome to THE FUTURE. I wonder what her blog would be like if she was here? Maybe like this, talking to herself. Then I replaced it Rum Diary. Johnny Depp as Hunter S. Thompson.Last night a friend and I made mojitos with mint from my OWN garden. Oh yeah. Thanks Mum for bringing back my green thumb. I read a great article about the making of the movie and Johnny Depp’s Rum Diary promise. It talks about them being at Hotel Nacional in Cuba. I stayed there. Been to Puerto Rico where it’s filmed too.  Somebody get me a mojito. Good quotes. The babe girl in the video has a turtle covered in Swarovski. Are big turtles good pets?  I wanna live at the beach, again. Oh God, why did she have to happen? HA! The fashion in this movie is amazing. Happy Sunday!  

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The Weekend: Beer Bacon Balcony Breakfast

This lettuce is from my garden! Relaxing day, catching up on sleep. Feels good!

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EVENTS: Post Party Meltdown – MMVA, NXNE

Latest ep of my show on @CoralTV. I’ve been more active on YouTube since working with the Coral team. Viddy will load right into YouTube which makes things super fast & easy. From all the conferences I’ve been to this year, it’s clear that the future is in video. TV on the Internet FTW.  LMK what you think! Big ups to Shannon Lit who shoots/edits THIS. I love my Lita’s! Ordered those shoes from Nasty Gal. Wish I had them in every colour/pattern/material. Super high but comfy to wear. I walked for hours in them this weekend. Photos from Carla’s Instagram. I love these Global Warming Tees from Gingerich Group. I got one that says ‘Peace Be With You‘. I’m wearing it in next CoralTV episode of THIS. Caught an awesome set of old school & new school hip hop covers at The Ballroom by Down With Webster after they won a few MMVA awards.  CONGRATS AGAIN TO 1188 FILMS FOR WINNING TOO. Rock version of Drake’s motto. I love this track. I did a lip dub on Viddy the other week.  Instagrammy photos from the weekend made with Flipagram I blogged yesterday.   My YouTube channel has a few updates and we’re over 120,000 views now. Subscribe to it! You don’t wanna miss a thing. Aerosmith FTW. I just drank an iced tea, I forgot how refreshing it was. Enjoy the day. Drink lots of water!

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Feel well. I have no energy. No energy but that to work here with my computer and iPhone. (Which actually takes quite a bit of energy TBH.) I would like to sleep for days but that is not an option. Send love <3 BTW iMovie for iPhone is pretty neat! Happy SUMMER.

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TECH: Take a look, It’s in a book, A Reading Rainbow!

I’m so glad digital kids get to experience Reading Rainbow. OHHHHH YES. I like wizards & fairies, princes & princesses, and pirates. Right now, just like I did as a kid. I actually like all these things. Ocean adventures? Travel? Things that go? Yes, yes and yes. I first visited the genius academy. Obviously! The app picks books for you (the kid) based on selections then the books come aliiiiiiiive! There’s video fieldtrips, easter eggs, and games.  I grew up in the library and spent every summer in the Summer Reading Club. I LOVED RR. I really should read more books now. But I read the whole internet every day?  It’s like a thousand books. 🙂 LeVar was on Jimmy Fallon last night. Jimmy did a cover of the Reading Rainbow song as The Doors once. I chatted with LeVar in 2008 at a dinner I did some work with Women’s Post in honor of  Winnie Mandela. I can’t find any photos or links but it happened! There is on Women’s Post link but it’s got a warning on it. He was super cool &   high energy! We bonded! From Mashable: Reading Rainbow is Back Their app makes good business sense. Many children who grew up watching the television show now have children within the app’s target age range of 3 to 9 — giving Reading Rainbow a clear nostalgic edge over other children’s books in the App Store. But the project is also a sincere attempt to encourage reading. Its digital enhancements of children’s books look more like the subtle, story-building interactivity of pop-up books than distracting bells and whistles. Where the app most departs from its television roots is in the virtual world outside of its books. Each story, for instance, comes with games and puzzles. Kids design their…

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Oh My God Becky, Look At Her Blog

It’s hot. Good day. Good meetings. Played in park. Played in sprinkler. Getting hair did. Nice to have good agent. Love working with agencies too. Drinking lots of water. Trying to decide if I have heat stroke. Got flowers from cutest hipster babe. Park date. Love summer. Love life. Sunshine xo

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InstaObsessed! Insta Raps, Insta Vids, InstaGIFT for YOU.

You know I love my Instagram. Well, yesterday I spent a few hours playing around with my latest iPhone app Flipagram. It turns your Instragram photos into video. Made these of the boys & girls I’ve shot since getting iPhone. Recognize anyone? Then I came across this Instagram RAP. Yes, RAP. It’s by 21 year old cutie Allday (Tom Gaynor) in Australia. There’s another Instagram rap by MikeyBolts (YouTuber) but he’s not as cute or hipster or Australian. I downloaded his album. Producer C1 reminds me of this Maori mega babe I met in NZ. Thanks to the WONDERS of the Internet, Flipagram saw my Tweet, posted my vid on their Instagram & Facebook, connected with me via DM and now we’re friends. So, naturally I asked for a couple codes so I can get you the APP FO FREE. I paid for mine you devils! If you are Instagram obsessed too and wanna try it, click this button and TWEET ME. Tweet to @casiestewart Make sure you’re following both @casiestewart & @flipagram. I have three promo codes for three people anywhere in the world. I will pick this afternoon cause I know you is ANXIOUS.    

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The Future, Ads & Content feat @SayMedia @VictorsnSpoils @VirginAmerica

Check this out! I had no idea, mega agency, Viktor & Spoils made a case study about this. Most of this video was shot by my sister and the whole thing was put together by Sean Evans from 1188 Films. Pretty neat! 1188 just WON for Post Production Of The Year for Down With Webster “Big Wheels” video at the MMVAs tonight. If you like/love Nintendo you will <3 this. CONGRATS to 1188 & DWW! Read a good article about advertising & content on SAY MEDIA’s blog this week. Goes back to what I was saying last week about transmedia storytelling. I love their VENN diagrams.  

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Watch it. #THIS: The Hot Internet Show on Coral TV

Follow Casie on her trip to the Banff World Media festival in the second episode of “THIS: The Hot Internet Show” on Coral. Casie Stewart has an all access pass to the 2012 Much Music Video Awards, follow the 3 part series to get a glimpse inside the event!

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Narcissistic Personality Inventory (NPI)

Official NXNE opening party hosted by The Blog Studio named after our NXNE/SXSW panel ‘Look At Me’. I didn’t know what to wear so i grabbed name stencil & spray paint, went to balcony and created this shirt. When in doubt, make your own style. Super great food. Awesome people. Good times. Thanks to everyone who came out. Looking forward to seeing official event photos!

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NXNE Interactive: Free Stuff, Narcissism, OOTD, Viddy

Turns out NXNE had me listed three times for a badge so this combo pass gives me full NXNE Media, Interactive and access to the Speakers lounge during the festival. Years ago I used to sneak in to this stuff so it’s pretty neat!   [<a href=”” target=”_blank”>View the story “NXNE Interactive: What are people saying?” on Storify</a>] OOTD – Yellow denim 3F, green sheer some store in the USA, vintage demin jacket, Chanel wannabe glasses (I always break them so I go for the low price ones!), JewelMint BF ring necklace, NellaBella bag, shoes from some random shop. Check your conference bags for a gift card from 3F and you can get some sweet colours in denim too. I’m on a BOD for the shop and there are HEAPS of nice things in there at the moment. I was asked ‘what is the store like?’. 3F brand comes from a hign end textile company that works with Calvin Klein, Ralph Lauren, so the clothes are great fabrics, really well made but not high price. They have clothes for men and women. Store is at YD Square near movie theatre entrance.   SO MANY BANDS PLAYING. I can’t handle it. I wanna go to everything. Tonight is the official NXNE Interactive Opening Party sponsored by my LOOK AT ME Panel. Here are the details. It’s at my old friend Brennan’s studio. <3 CASIE

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We are not living in eternity.

“Begin doing what you want to do now. We are not living in eternity. We have only this moment, sparkling like a star in our hand – and melting like a snowflake.” Marie Beyon Ray Wonderful day. Always on the go. Great party last night, thanks The Blog Studio and every narcissist out last night. See all the faces in the FB album. Got to meet Faris finally. Friends online for years, first IRL meeting. We are in this video. Feeling good about work. Loving life. Sunshine on the face. BBQ later. So many shows. Gifting lounges tomorrow w/ O’Nizz. Cinderella has nothing to wear to Rockstar Hotel or MMVAs. Please stay calm. Fiji Water delivered me a case today. Just in time for a killer weekend. Putting on Converse, jean shorts and a tshirt heading to see bands and a BBQ. NXNE FTW. MMVA madness tomorrow. Here we go. Come! I am thankful for iPhone. I love the renegade road blog. I’ll try to do my best this weekend as eyes & ears on the ground, finger on the pulse. I’m your Information DJ, signing off. And running late 😉

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Speaking | SXSW Speaker Tips – Good for Any Speaker!

Speaking today at NXNE, two panels back to back from 9-11am. Here are some things I found from SXSW earlier this year. Simple but good to keep in mind, esp. if this is your first rodeo. My favorite things from this list: – Stay on topic – Always respect the audience The audience is giving you their time to hear about a topic. You can talk about yourself the rest of the day! Perform your knowledge, be yourself. Schedule & description: There is a huge opening party for NXNE Interactive tonight. Imma need to schedule a nap I reckon. Naps are key. I will be around the conference location Hyatt most the day. Say hi! Looking forward to seeing everyone. Happy Thursday! Nice to be home 🙂 CASIE

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Banff World Media Festival: That’s a wrap!

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Storytelling Real Life Through Real People and Real Things

Oh hey & good morning! Busy day ahead here in Banff. I’m shooting for THIS my show on Coral TV in the afternoon and this evening is The Rockies award show. Made some friends yesterday in rad suits. Posted a bunch of goodies on Instagram. Pretty stoked to be heading back to Toronto tomorrow for NXNE. I was mentioned on BlogTO‘s short list of things to catch at this year’s festival here. Hope you are having an AWESOME day. CASIE

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Trends at Banff World Media Festival: Social TV, Transmedia Storytelling, 3D, Innovation, Mobile Everything

It’s been an exciting two days so far. We’re going to see LOTS more social integration with broadcast media this year. Everyone is talking about transmedia storytelling, telling stories with brands across different platforms in traditional & new media. Mobile everything. I’ve learned about some really neat technology in 3D that is really freaking cool. No glasses and the most real picture you have ever seen. I hear sports look absolutely amazing. I’ve got a couple minutes in my hotel room before my Blackoptek treat mate Darren Pereira is on the panel about Social TV. Panel starts at 3pm Calgary time. Panel is Social Television: Ways to Engage, it’s gonna be a good one. Deets here: Larry King isn’t coming tomorrow night for the award show. I was hoping we could hang out. Oh well, off to next panel! Hope you’re having an awesome day. If you are in Banff and see me, make sure you say HI! Check out these horses I saw this morning!

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