Palladium Momochrome Boots in the Park

Took myself for lunch in the park yesterday. It was lovely. Sun shining bright, people on bikes, shirtless hipsters catching rays, picnic blankets, and puppies playing. This weather puts everyone in a great mood. Video of the Day, Shot w/ HTC One + Zoe These are my new Monochrome boots by Palladium, I was sent them last week and love. Super bright! They come in a bunch of colours. Unfortunately I missed the preview at SoHo House this week but you can see photos from the lookbook by Sidewalk Hustle. Look at how cute Hawley and Kate are in theirs! Adorabs. Have an awesome day! <3 CASIE

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Test Drive from Ted Baker London Spring 2013

On Friday I got to do something that is every girls dream! Stopped by the Ted Baker London showroom at Faulhaber Communications to check out a bunch of spring items to pick something to ‘Test Drive’. Squeeeeeeee! I’ve been an ambassador with lots of different brands over the years and this for sure ranks up there. I was feeling kinda meh and  as soon as I started trying things on my spirits were uplifted! All the Ted Baker London clothes are extremely well made and have strong attention to detail. The style fits me so well, they’re playful and fun yet classy and tailored. I noticed the camel cape as soon as I wanted in but tried on a bunch of things and looked at all the bags. I wish had every item in my wardrobe! I decided to go for the camel cape. It’s 70% virgin wool blended  with cashmere. I love it. The inside also has beautiful orange/yellow ribbon stitching and fine details. I’ll have this thing forever. Matches great with my fav Ted Baker London purse and bulldog print scarf. Now that I’ve sampled this stuff I will deff be making a trip to the Toronto store at Yorkdale Mall. Hope the sun is shining bright on you today. Here’s to a great week! <3 CASIE

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I Am Slowly Going Casie!

Spent lunch shooting new eps. of THIS on Coral TV. Busy day at the office otherwise. Shirt is from Remix clothing, hair is pink & purple/grey, pants are Diesel (from GRADE 9), shoes are sneaker wedges from Jeffrey Campbell. Hope you take a few minutes to soak up some of those rays, it’s beauty out there! Have a beautiful day! <3 CASIE

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Ich Bin in Berlin

Hallo from Germany!!! Fashion Week in Berlin kicked off today–EXCITING! Since I’ve been anxiously waiting 4 months since my arrival, I’m totally pumped to be covering BFW! In true #ALT fashion I wasn’t even going to attend any shows or parties tonight–after all, even though it is opening night, it’s almost better to be too cool to bother going to the mainstream stuff. Instead of making my way down to the defunct airplane hangar playing host to the international trade fair Bread & Butter, I decided to walk around Kreuzberg (read: hipster’s playground) and see what came my way. It turned out that right around the corner after having a sushi dinner was an awesome photography exhibition party starring the edgy fashion photographer Tea Xuxu Nanuti happening at Galleria Butterfly Summit, a multi purpose gallery & store for design, art and photography. Took a few snaps, had a few shots, all and all it was a great little warm up for what’s to come this week. Auf wiedersehen for now my lieblings… xoxo  jgrdnr PS. If you guys are tired of using Instagram you should check out EYEEM, a social photo sharing app which I used for the cool effects you see on the photos. & I made the gif on Loopcam, both of which you can download for free. Made in Berlin baby! This city is not just the capital of Germany but it is pretty much the startup capital of Europe right now. On fiyaaaa!

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glittery lake in the sun, your eyes

Cleaning my room today and so I can laze on Sunday afternoon. Had to take a break already. WHY IS PUTTING AWAY ALL MY CLOTHES SO HARD? This is some of my tshirt collection. How cool is this guy? One of Mum’s old hot rod shirts, also as close as I get to camping. I’m watching My Life As Liz on MTV. It’s pretty funny, I like her. Before the show came out someone at work said that I’d probably like this show. Just noticed, the first thing she says at the start is “This is my life“. No wonder I like this show. She also says “MTV made me do this”, cute. BTW have you seen the FORA ads on MTV? Love this one too, 1977 & from New Zealand. This shirt is older than me and still in great condition. (super soft too).  Now that, is quality. Anyone downtown recognize this? Sun was shining really pretty on the island when I came home from work last night.  It was cloudy with little sunny spots, you can’t really see through my camera but I saw it with my own eyes. Trust me. There’s so many distractions around my house. I feel like painting in the sunshine and staring out the window. Gotta remind my damn self to get off the computer and go do something. Not sure what I’m doing tonight. Have an vid of a guy on crutches rapping from something I was at last night. After I clean my room I’ll post it (which could be now or never). Have a great day. Go outside! Read a book!

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you’re gonna love these guys

Can you guess what they are? Shoe accessories! Fuckyeahamazing.  They’re called shoellery and these babies are perfect for making (cheap ass) shoes look more expensive and super stylish. They’re pretty badass so I was stoked when they hooked me up. Dragon’s Den & Jeanne Beker love them too. There’s so many different ones like sparkly shoe straps, boot sleeves, leg warmers. Tey’re designed in Italy & this chain one is my fav. SO hot. They range from $20 to about $125 and you can buy them online.  Sending the suede/rhinestone one out to a friend & keeping the leather one as seen on Barbie at a fetish party. Now, I’d really love if someone sent me shoes to go with them! Mohahaaaaaaaaa!

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wet and muddy all over the place

On Saturday I went to Edgefest. It wasn’t the most fun I’ve ever had but Karrera and I sure made the best of it. Metric @ Edgefest 2009 from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. I confirmed my girl crush on Emily. It was the first time I’ve seen Metric in real life. Yep, kinda love ‘er. I was happy to see today that Metric is now following me on Twitter. We hung out in the car for a bit and tried to escape the rain, no chance. However, there was a beer tent with an overhead that saved the day. It really should be called something line ‘Line Fest’ because if you want to get a beer, food, use the loo or see anything, you gotta wait in line. I hate lines. I don’t really know what I was expecting in all honesty. The line for the porta-potty was the worst. For events or weddings in Palmdale or Lancaster CA, Platinum Pro Portables can provide luxury porta potty trailer rentals. Maybe if they had known this before hand, there would have been far more portable toilets at this place. I have a friend that jokes ‘Just do it, it’ll be warm for a second’ and let me tell you, I almost did. It would have been great to have my Wellies, I ruined a pair of shoes for the day. There was heaps of people sliding around in the mud. I coached this drunk lassie to take her shirt off with a bunch of by standers. It was quite comical. She seemed to really love the attention. We cruised home after Metric. I wanted to see her and I did. She was great. I think that will be my last Edgefest. I felt like it would have been more fun if…

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made for a man but good for a girl

it reminds me of him, the smell is strong, slightly sexy and sensual. i lay in my bed and i think of him and the way he smells. it’s only been two weeks since the scent first captivated my senses.  i like it.  i put it on.  it’s made for a man but  i think about how nice it is on my skin.  they said play evokes emotion.  a certain style surrounds me, one of sophistication and sexuality at the same time. play could mean anything,  it makes my thoughts soar…it’s strong but soft, it’s my new favorite scent. the new givenchy fragrance arrived in my mail bag about two weeks ago. i’ve been wearing it and i really like it. it’s called  play and it’s for men .   justin timberlake is the face of the fragrance.  it smells good. sabrina likes it too, i put it on today and she came in asking about it.  the bottle is designed by french artist and designer serge mansau. it comes out in august 2009 at the bay & shoppers. if you’re lucky to come across it before then, take a whiff.  if you see me, i’ll have it on.

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they all make me happy

Urgh, I’m having trouble concentrating all I can think about is how sunny it is and how much I want to be outside. I’m really feeling the ADD today and it doesn’t make it any easier that I spend all day on computer. I’ve been asked to download one of our casino’s to check some numbers and it involves looking at a bunch of games – get it now? Makes it really difficult to get things done. My skin feels warm from my tan at lunch, I like it very much. I had a Booster Juice, there’s a new one in Liberty Village, like that very much too. Strawberry Sunshine is my favorite. Love it. Found out today that some goodies are coming my way in the mail next week.  Guess what? I really, really like that. I get everything delivered to my office so that our secretary brings over big bags and boxes and everyone wonders what I got.  Makes me feel happy. I’m going for dinner with a really awesome friend  tonight and then gonna see my sister too – very happy about that. I like to dressin fun outfits and costumes up  and I found some pictures of different things I’ve worn and well, that all makes me happy too. Ok, now that I got that out I go play games with my happy face on. Enjoy the day! ♥

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fond, found, fortune, fashion, focus

I’m wearing a mum outfit today. Her old belt that still smells like New Zealand and a shortened Dashiki that matches my orange vintage boots. Tomorrow is going to warm but today its so windy and cold. I think I’m going to write on my way in more often. I lost my computer and ipod so now I use what I got, my device and thoughts and spend less time on the actual computer. I’m inspired in the morning, except for sporadic days when I am not. I usually wake up with a smile. Damn its cold. This morning I woke up to a message from a friend that said he’s in London England and the style there reminds him of me. I think that’s the nicest thing ever. I’ve never been to London but I know about style there. I can’t type as fast as thoughts fly, I can barely talk that fast and when I do its funny and I sound like a nut. I missed a call from a magazine editor last night. I wonder what he wants? H has the closing party for his art show tonight and I’m also planning to chat with Poster Boy. I’m going to make some. Cut and paste was one of my most favorite things to do at the kitchen table when I was younger. It still is along with writing. I wrote a poetry book in 1996 called Jeans. It’s not on Amazon because its out of print, its time for a new book. We started our publishing company without Internet and did it old the fashion way. We learned a lot. Its seems so easy now. I forgot my sunnies, the vintage ones from France. They would have matched perfect. As I take off my jacket I forget…

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yeaaaaaaaaaaaaah! i am nude no more!

Dear Threadless, I’m Casie & I love you. ♥ Today after a meeting I came back my desk to find a lovely little t-shirt shaped package from Threadless. They are having a huge sale and I ordered a few goodies. I love getting mail. Their packaging is adorable, it arrived fast and prices can not be beat. Also, you are more likely to have unique clothes than the other kids who pick up their stuff at wanna-be hipster retail chains. Here’s my new goodies. I got two shirts that glow in the dark too. Yahoooooooooooots!

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things in my room

When I was last home visiting Mum I came across an old journal of mine from when I was eleven. To read it is simply divine. I am happy to relive my own life through it. My writing style is similar and my attitude is the same. I will post some excerpts from it one of these days! Also in my room is this lovely photo of Audrey and a quote I admire. It from a book by Genevive Antoine Dariaux called A Guide to Elegance: For Every Woman Who Wants to Be Well and Properly Dressed on All Occasions. It’s a great read and contains everything from accessories to zippers in a classic & elegant style. I discovered it reading Elegance by Kathleen Tessaro, also a great chic lit book.

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fashionable by choice

Last night I went to the Escada fashion show at the Spoke Club. It was fun. The clothes were nice. Nothing stood out to make me REALLY excited. The models were skinny as usual. It was really nice to be at the Spoke again after such a long winter. It made me excited for summer! I saw familiar faces including Tony Charr, Julian & Derek. We had a really nice time. Our bartender was making these lovely cocktails with fresh crushed raspberries. It was delicious. Escada Toronto Fashion Week 2009 from Casie Stewart on Vimeo. I made a mistake on this video and the audio is longer than necessary. Forgive, for I am only a human!

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hey yo its cold outside ( a rhyme for you chilly willys)

hey yo, i woke up to sunshine, but the weather’s on decline put on my white tights an’ pulled ’em up so high keepin’ me so warm and safe from the cold storm the wind chill is freezin’ and my cold’s got me sneezin’ wanna stay in my hot bed with my hat on my cold head don’t wanna get frost bite, if i go out i just might put on my snow shoe, grab a cup of a warm brewtime to huddle together and brace for the weatherits winter in the city but I ain’t feelin’ shittyenjoy. stay in. make love ♥

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mail is great, especially when it has style

I love getting mail. Makes me happy. I mean real old fashioned snail mail. The kind mum sends in the summer when she’s sailing on her boat and abandons the internet. The kind with stamps. The only people who really send me mail are mum and companies that want me to test out, chat about, review their stuff. I get all my packages delivered to my office because I love when they get dropped off at my desk and the girls go ‘oooooooh what did you get this time’ and it makes me feel even happier to get it. This year I have been given subscriptions to Wired (totally love the most) and Flare (props to Canada). Flare arrived this week. Getting mags for free and delivered is much more fun than buying them. I like this section on of stuff. I buy alot of vintage stuff and this is ‘stylespiration‘. Yes, that is a word, I just added it to the Urban Dictionary.

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put on that ruskie baby

I’m love my ruskie hat, plus, it is warm as hell. It’s winter in Toronto and the wind is once again whipping at my windows. There’s something about Russian girls and theses hats that is super hot. I keep thinking to myself ‘each day is one closer to summer’ hoping it will keep my spirits up. I usually get the S.A.D.ness this time of year and I’m tryna fight it. Taking vitamin D and B50 complex helps alot.

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another thing for spring

is coming from me

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didn’t over do it

I was successful. I feel good about it. Didn’t eat too much or spend money that I didn’t have (as people often do!). I had a great time over the holidays. I managed to make it home to see my parents and spend a meal with each one. I got to hang with a bunch of the hometown crew. I miss them quite dearly. Found this in the basement which I wore for half the day: Did some artsy stuff on Christmas Day waiting for dinner: I ran into an old friend… Made a shirt for friend who spent a little too much time at the Drake recently: I made all my cards for family and friends this year as I have before. It’s so much better to do it that way. I also hunted around for some gorgeous vintage scarves that were carefully packaged up for my friends. It’s lovely when they open the present knowing that I made the card and a special effort to give them something I know they will love. I went shopping on boxing day and we had a total riot. Shopping with mum and sister is the best. We seem to have this way about us that we laugh and laugh and laugh and forget that there is even anyone else around. We all found this great mod dress and all tried it on. The other people in the store were having a good chuckle and after seeing the photo, I reckon you will too. I found a real jem, these vintage boots that fit me perfect. It’s great having small feet for vintage shoes. It’s rare to find big sizes in amazing boots. Well, that’s my experience. Check out these babies. Oooh yeah.

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thanks betsy

My darling love, Ms. Betsy J. is planning a limited-edition design collaboration with an undisclosed retailer. Yahooooooooooooooooo! She’s reducing costs on her next runway show and creating a recession proof line of clothes that are more affordable for kids like us. “Nobody really needs new clothing, so what people will buy will have to be something special and tied into a more emotional connection, it needs to feel as if it’s something you don’t already have in your closet.”

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Bettykisses for Moi!!

I got something totally fabulous in the mail this week. Arianne at Bettykiss Style sent me one of her couture signature clutches. It is satin, pink, zebra AND reversible. I had seen them online but let me tell you, it is gorgeous!! I absolutely love it. It came in a nice box and I was quite excited to open it! Then, there was another box. It was tied up with a lovely pink ribbon. Opening the packaging made me feel so very special! My cute clutch is revealed!! The little card inside says: “Thank you for finally doing something for yourself. You are a true Blue Betty…with Kicks and kisses, Bettykiss” Isn’t it just lovely!!There is more greatness, the holiday special price of each clutch is $20 or two for $35. Shipping is about $10 but if you are in the GTA, you can arrange to have it delivered at no extra cost. I’m going to be taking an order and having them delivered to me. If you’d to get some Bettykiss for yourself contact through here or email me at [email protected] to get in on my order if you live close. Happy Friday!! ♥

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Totally Kick’in It – Bettykiss Inc. Style

Retro inspired and ravishingly beautiful. One of my incredibly talented friends has created something worth blogging about. With her amazing sense of style and personality to boot, Arianne’s Bettykiss Style Inc. is creating a revolution of clutch couture. Reversible retro inspired clutches that are bashfull and beautiful. Bettykiss Style “vows to remain true to the heart & life of a past era while injecting the sensibilities based on inspiration found in music, fashion & pop culture today.” I’ve been planning how many to order and exactly what styles and fabric I want. You can purchase via the webiste or direct from the group on Facebook (click picture to be redirected). I have known Arianne for several years and I am quite happy to see her true colors showing in such a wearable way. Well, a way I can wear her style now!! To quote and recognize the fabulous designer, “let’s make impossibilities deliciously attainable; temptation just became a little more tangible. It’s ALWAYS been about you – I don’t care what Joni or Janet have to say.”For more information click the photos to be linked up with my girl Arianne and her fantabulous style. ♥

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Gimme hotness ♥

Speaking of hotness….. I’ve received a bottle and gift bag from Givenchy not too long ago containing Hot Couture EDT. At first smell, I loved it. Well… I have had the beautiful bottle in my room for the past month. When the ladies come over for drinks, or before going out, it is common to hear “i’m just gonna steal a little spray of this“. Voila! I have shared the greatness of Givenchy and now, the girls all seem to love it. I highly recommend buying it yourself. As for my dear best friends, you can buy me a new one whenit runs out!!! (I joke , I joke!!) Love you ♥

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you’ll like this one my friends ———->

Hand-made Jewelry by the one & only Mr.Michael Mercanti Check it out now.

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Aggy is so amazing. She can sing too ♥


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Vice Mag – Fashion Issue Cover

Today I picked up the new Vice mag and with more excitement than usual due to the fact that is was the Fashion Issue. As I browsed through the pages, as I always do first I noticed a fw things: New paper – 10% post consumer waste, environmentally friendly, printed in Canada Some raised image on the cover that despite my efforts, I could not distinguish (and neither could my mates!) This, after a quick search, is what I found….. Vice Magazine Changes Everything As Usual [SOURCE]Vice Magazine, which was ironically abandoned by its target audience of dirty trendsetters at the exact moment it became popular, has finally discovered how to sell out IN SECRET. The new issue has an ad for BMW superimposed on the freaking cover itself—but it doesn’t appear until you turn out the lights! As long as you don’t read it in the dark, nobody will know you are bought and owned by corporations just like everything else in this rotten country, dude. This is a brilliant idea that may save the American print media and destroy the editorial/ advertising divide as we know it, and that’s really all we have to say about that. [Media In Canada]

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A: fashion mags, that’s why.

Q: why do i wonder if my legs look fat?

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