I’m wearing a mum outfit today. Her old belt that still smells like New Zealand and a shortened Dashiki that matches my orange vintage boots. Tomorrow is going to warm but today its so windy and cold. I think I’m going to write on my way in more often. I lost my computer and ipod so now I use what I got, my device and thoughts and spend less time on the actual computer.
I’m inspired in the morning, except for sporadic days when I am not. I usually wake up with a smile. Damn its cold. This morning I woke up to a message from a friend that said he’s in London England and the style there reminds him of me. I think that’s the nicest thing ever. I’ve never been to London but I know about style there. I can’t type as fast as thoughts fly, I can barely talk that fast and when I do its funny and I sound like a nut. I missed a call from a magazine editor last night. I wonder what he wants?
H has the closing party for his art show tonight and I’m also planning to chat with Poster Boy. I’m going to make some. Cut and paste was one of my most favorite things to do at the kitchen table when I was younger. It still is along with writing. I wrote a poetry book in 1996 called Jeans. It’s not on Amazon because its out of print, its time for a new book. We started our publishing company without Internet and did it old the fashion way. We learned a lot. Its seems so easy now.
I forgot my sunnies, the vintage ones from France. They would have matched perfect. As I take off my jacket I forget I wore this. I smile thinking of Mum and also what my friend is going to say. He makes fun of my clothes all time but its because I’m unique and he knows I can take it. It’s fun. I hope you have a great day.