pure med spa brightened my day…and teeth!

I will update this post with before and after but you can see if you check my Tweets from today! Is was not painful and took just over an hour. Don’t I look excited? Here are my new shiny teeth! Thanks 🙂

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chasing your own tail around the christmas tree

Holidays are pretty much the busiest time of the year…for everyone. This week I’m running around like freaking MANIAC. It seems, so is everyone else I know/need to see/like/love/try to avoid. Tonight is the finale for one of our shows at work, you might have heard of it, Peak Season? Anyhooters, I’ll be tweeting away for that tonight. Tomorrow I’m getting my teeth whitened thanks to Pure Med Spa. Hope it doesn’t hurt! Wednesday is the ever famous HoHoTO that I’m planning to make an appearance at. Thursday, is  pretty much the last day before I leave to finish up all my work for blogMuch/MTV cause Friday is filled with holiday jazz. Thursday night I’ve got my sista coming by to pick up holiday prezzies for the whole fam-dam. Ah…take a deep breath…all I really wanna do is this…..

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i like the way you work it: google android

I can hardly believe this is my life… Last night at the Notable TV Schmooze I got a new phone, again. Boooyah! This is my THIRD phone this year – Koodo, Rogers, Bell. Thankyouverymuch. Is that Telus calling? Cause I still wanna try an iphone y’know. Lessons learned: 1) You don’t ask you don’t get. 2) If you ever have any doubt that you can achieve if you believe, don’t ! 3) Think positive, live positive & positive things will happen to you. I won a Samsung I7500, with the Google Android OS. Here’s the specs for all you little nerds: Android 1.5 OS Quad-band GSM/GPRS/EDGE, dual-band UMTS/HSPA 528 MHz Qualcomm MSM7200A CPU 3.2-inch HVGA capacitive OLED touchscreen display 5 megapixel camera with LED flash Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, GPS 8GB internal flash memory microSD slot 3.5 mm stereo jack Metal case, 11.9 mm thick Party was fun. Familiar faces and a bunch of new ones. Didn’t stay too late. Food Dudes made good foods. Ater the open bar and a couple h9ours I could have used a massive sandwich. Overall, I’d call it another successful Notable Night! Thanks for the good times and new phone too 🙂 Twitter Twabes: @laurenboutette & @keriCDN p.s. found this on my desk today!

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white on blackberry: social media device search

Remember the post to all Canadian phone companies? The one saying I want a social media phone…one for someone who is super social? What is important to me in a new unit: – Camera with a flash that can take clear photos day or night (Twitpic) – Keyboard that is easy to type when walking or with one hand – Ability to Tweet/Facebook – Multiple email accounts – Easy internet browsing (Blog, Tumblr, Posterous) – Cut, copy, paste – Video Camera (12seconds) – Wi-Fi – Backup contacts (for people who lose/break shit) Bonus: – BBM – Blackberry Messenger – 3G I got my first response from Rogers and my brand new white Blackberry 9000 arrived yesterday. The catch is, I have to give it back, but I do get to try it for a while. so i’s kinda good. Already not sure the white leather back is gonna stay clean? Chatted someone from Telus about their phones today and other inquiries are rolling in. This is my search for the ultimate social media phone for my socialness. XO CASIE

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new joizy. omg. fml. i love you.

I’ve been watching and and I think it’s so funny. The accents, fake tans, muscles, the boobs, getting ready to go out,  the boys the girls, “the situation”. I got single a message from a friend who is not on Twitter but knows me really well he said “have you seen jersey shore?” Called him RIGHT BACK. Rambled for a bit how I totally love it and he says, “I know, that;s why I messaged you”. Fake tans, Italians, muscles, spikey hair, tattoos…I used to love it. It’s so entertaining when I’m always on computer/blackberry while watching tv. I went through a stage…Tanning. Nails done. The mall. Dancing. Fast cars. Guys with spikey hair who were tanned with muscles. I checked stalked some old friends who married those guys with hair gel and most still have a tan. I even saw some blonde streaks and a dog named Jerzy. Back then, I had tan even though it was winter in Canada and I didn’t go on vacation. In a recent interview, Mike ‘the situation‘ said “These days in New York and New Jersey a ‘guido’ is a good-looking Italian male that likes to have fun and a ‘guidette’ is a good-looking Italian girl.” For me, it wasn’t Jersey Shore, it was Woodbridge. If you don’t know Woodbridge…it’s Italy just outside Toronto. We used to drive there from Cambridge to hang with the gino’s. Some facts of a true Gino from a helpful site: you have at least one pare of flares. you wear diesel, kappa, energie, parasuco,puma etc. clubbing is life. you glowstick .your addicted to energy drink .spikes hair. at one point had blonde streaks. chilled at Tim hortons before with the gino’s. SAY “BROO THATS MY FAVV SONG TO EVERY EURO SONG”. GOT EXCITED FOR THE SUMMER SO…

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the hemingway: beer. booze. babes. butts.

A couple years ago, 2007, I was in a job I began to hate so one day, I flat out quit. I started doing freelance PR. It was good glam for a while but then I was poor ass. So… I went to work at Hemingways, Toronto’s very own Little New Zealand in Yorkville. It was really fun. I hadn’t worked in a resto in a few years. It was a bit tough at first to adjust to the lifestyle but it really didn’t take long. I made friends with a heap of awesome people, mostly hot girls. I worked there for the best busiest time of year too; end of summer before Flm Fest – Christmas. I was proud of myself for not getting sad about not making enough money doing freelance work, instead I pulled up my socks, hiked up my miniskirt and started serving. No matter what job I was doing, I never lost sight of what I truly love…being social. Instead of complaining about  the waitress life I took more shifts and worked as much as I could. It was a good strategy and worked well to bond with other employees. I got a call in December from an old colleague, in recruiting who had an opportunity he thought I’d be great for. Turns out, I was great for it! I left Hems for that job and stayed there until recently leaving to work for the MuchMTV Group. It’s amazing to think of all the changes I’ve gone through. Been going through lots of photos lately, there’s only about 10,000 from the past five or so years. Wendy was one of my fav’s. She was a little crazy one just like me. We partied alot together. It was more than fun.  She moved away to Japan…

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holiday heart on and maybe a date tomorrow

I’m feeling really happy. Like happier than usual and I’m usually a happy girl. I’m excited to see all the Tweeps at GenyTO tonight. I’m going to meet people face to face that I know from twitter. I’m dressing up like an elf and helping out all night. We’re going away for the holidays to a hot sunny place.  Also going to a friends fashion show in NY in two weeks. There are lots of things happening with my blogs and I fee like my work is starting to pay off. I’ve set new goals. My job is going well. Tuesday was one month at MuchMTV and I feel really great about it. I love the people and what I’m doing. I followed my passion and stuck at what I love and now it’s my job. I get excited thinking about what the next year will bring.  I’m letting my mind wander and aiming high! Thank you for encouraging me and reading my blog. I love going back and reading it and I love your comments. Don’t be shy, I’m certainly not 🙂

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TGIF – all i hear is click click keyboards

I’ve got some exciting news… I’m heading to NEW YORK and CUBA with my favorite for Christmakkuh. So excited. OMG. Leaving in two weeks… I didn’t update my blog yesterday but let me tell you, tweets are flying with what I  am doing 24/7/365. If you’re ever bored and have already trolled this blog, go read my tweets. You just might pee your pants.  I laugh and love it. For example, today I had toasted coconut after a Boston creme #FML. My friend posted these old pics on Facebook yesterday and I had a chuckle. I’ve changed so much over the years. These were all in about 1998-199. I looked TOTALLY different in 2001 here. New show at work, Jersey Shore. haha so funny;  beers +bitches +beach +protein +tanning +hair gel +cologne = guidos.  I’ve been talking with an accent all day and I can’t get enough.  I’m watching the repeat right now. Tonight is heart for the Holidays at Marben. Come out. Have drinks fun & party with me and a zillion of TO’s coolest., smartest & best looking GenY peeps. See ya there! Happy Friday! TGIF

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you really gotta work hard for what you want

“That’s a strange combination” was the response I got from Darius this morning on Twitter after I posted “tired.inspired.”  That’s how I feel. I told him I’d explain in a blog post and I’m quite happy to. I’m tired. I’m exhausted but I can’t seem to slow down, take a break, rest, sleep, or simply ‘do nothing’ because I am inspired. I’m excited. I want to work more and harder and pick up speed. The hardest part has now become focusing my time making the most out of each moment. It’s either working towards goals or doing things that inspire me to set new ones. It’s how entrepreneurs & inventors feel, driven.  When you bust your ass  working hard and you wanna sleep but you stay up all night to put in a few more hours because you love it. That’s how I feel. I love it. Today I am listening to Selah Sue and I did my hair like this girl with dark purple nail polish, red bandana. I checked Twitter just before posting this and Darius had just posted one of my favorite quotes… Words to live by. Have a nice humpitty hump day… * Did you see Marilyn Monroe smoking pot? It’s Britney’s birthday too, Happy Birthday once former idol. I hope this year is less train-wercky than the past few ♥ xo Casie

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tonight we get together and gab about the goss

I’m having a bunch of babes over to watch The Hills/City finale tonight: @kericdn @kaponetwo @biancaswane @elsacohen @rochlatinsky @destiniya @carolzara & maybe @jhoo04 Cast Confessions: From The Hills And The City (9-10 p.m. ET), The Hills Season Finale (10-10:30 p.m. ET), The City Season Finale (10:30 – 11 p.m. ET) and finally Dan & Jessi host The Finale: Live In New York (11 – 11:30 p.m. ET). MTV’s got Audrina, Whitney, Roxy, Kristin, Holly, Stacie, Lo, Brody, Olivia, Erin and Justin Bobby all packed into one amazing night. OMG. It all starts at 9 ET!

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rogers, bell, telus? iphone, blackberry?

this is like the hardest decision I’ve faced in ages… It would be MUCH easier if one of the companies would just CALL/TWEET/EMAIL/SMS/COMMENT/FB me and say: “Hi Casie, I’m “awesome person” from “company that loves social media, buzz & cool people talking about us online/offline all the time” and we’d like to give you a phone! I will say “ok, love you forever”. Easy pleasey. Mama needs a new phone. Gonna get one real soon anyways but I though I’d throw it out there. You don’t ask you don’t get as Mum says! I’m using a non-smart dumb phone at the moment cause I had to give my old BB back.  It makes me sad. Saddy, sad, sad. I wont even get into the Blackberry Intervention I had from 5 friends the other night. My fingaz are CROSSED. [closes eyes and makes a wish] That is all for now.

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holy effing elf shit, it’s december already!

Doesn’t it seem like January was just the other day? Urgh. Well, anyhooters… Feeling positive and ready for the new month. I just got this new stuff in the mail from Givenchy… I can’t wait to test out all these goddies…The mascara is blue/purple. The shadow is black/metallic. The gloss is pink/sparkley.  Yes, I love. (love blogging!) It felt like Christmas at the office yesterday, two bags were delivered and one big one with goodies for Heart for the Holidays on Friday. Remember to get a ticket, if you can’t come then make a donation, and lets all have a good time. I’ll be one of Santa’s little helpers doing good deeds and drinking holiday eggnog juice. I keep all the fragrances out so the girls can try them when they come over. This one was an instant hit. At first spray is citrussy and refreshing then once you let it sit on your skin for a few, it’s gorgeous. It’s right up there with Givenchy Play that I also wear (even though it’s for men). Good holiday gift idea: Available at shoppers until March only and it $60 for the 50ml. I have a fragrance gift set to give to one of you guys this month too. Stay tuned for that! Opened my advent calendar today! Thanks Mum. Love you xo Have a great day! p.s. Hills/City finale is tonight on MTV 9-11:30pm from NYC. I’ll be on @mtvcanada & my Twitter if you wanna follow the gossip/drama 😉

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sale closed open fire sale

The lineup at the sale, I’m sure you’ve heard, was insane. Big and long and everlasting with people.  Met up with AA hottie Joey Ng, aka Sass on team American Apparel who made sure me and my guestlist had a great time. THANK YOU! Wasn’t there long too long but snagged a few jems for sure. Woot! By the way…McDonald’s at Spadina/Queen is closed for reno’s and LCBO at Spadina/King opens Friday! Also saw this Saturday, crazy!

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you make me happy when skies are grey

Woke up to a beautiful sunshine this morning. It doesn’t matter what happens in the day if I wake up and see a beautiful sunrise, I’m happy. It’s just so pretty. Remember when I posted about Movember? How are your faces growing? Good? Nasty? I hope you’ve got those babies groomed cause this Mo Sista is a JUDGE at the Toronto Movember Gala at the Kool Haus. Starts at 8pm, be there and find me if you want to win a prizey-prize. One of my Tweeps Gregory Alan Elliott told me he left a poem for me somewhere downtown and if I found it I win a  prize. Is this it? Did i find it? Ooooh me loves prizes! I’ve written lots of poems. Did you know that when I was 16 I wrote and published an Anthology of Poetry and prose called JEANS [sorry it’s not online anywhere yet, I was still a book/pen/pencil girl]. A friend and I started a publishing company and then won young entrepreneur of my city. Fancy that! This is one of my most favorites, I wrote it at 7am walking along Bondi Beach in 2004. Enjoy & have a wonderful day! As the waves crashed on the shore the wind washed them away And was I walked along the sand I felt I could not stray For I was walking towards the sun And it was a brand new day

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get a heart on this holiday season

You can’t rain on my parade! It’s gonna rain all week and if you need some sunshine you can find it here. I was happy to see a Christmas Tree standing in the window of the bank on my way to work this morning. I’m not really a big Christmas-loving-person but I really love giving. This season, I’m planning to some some serious giving of my time, energy,  PRESENTS to you my readers. For the holidays, a bunch of us behind #GenyTO have launched a campaign called Heart for Holidays. Our goal is to raise $20,000 for Hospice of Canada. Our donation does directly to families affected by terminal illness and give them food and gifts to be able to enjoy what might be the last holiday season they share together. We’re having a party on December 4th and we’d all love you to come. If you can’t make it, it would be really nice of you to purchase a ticket so you can still be involved in the giving. Trust me, giving feels so good inside. If you would like to donate a prize, gift basket or some moolah to our event for Hospice of Canada. Email, Tweet, or holler at me and we’ll sort out the details. Have an awesome day! Happy Monday Tuesday!

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Impact National Conference – Nov.20, 2009

I came in to catch the tail end of a seminar about personal branding & brand leadership. Something I get asked about from time to time and one of my favorite things. Think… Whats the impact of your personal brand – what does your brand say about you? Does it change? Is it different from work to play, drinking vs sober? It matters. For my brand, I chose to use stickers, poster Queen Street downtown Toronto, show up at parties with buttons. Offline stuff to drive peoples attention to what was happening  online, here. I like different types of marketing to define my personal brand, I’m a ‘different’ kinda girl. Jeff  Adams just took the stage as the lunch keynote…I’ve been looking forward to this. You can see my Tweets here.

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love on sale from now till monday

I used to live live in a psychic city, I never knew what would happen in a day. I might be looking out the window and a friend might say, “Come on over over, come on over over, come on over we’re having a party for you. I used to live in a voodoo city, where every little thing had its own secret life. I might be washing up the dishes and the kitchen might say, “Hang around baby baby, hang around baby baby, hang around baby we’ll be baking a cake for you. I used to live in a heartbeat city, I swear I’d fall in love every minute on the street. You might be walking around the corner and our eyes might meet. Where you been darling darling? Where you been darling darling? Where you been darling darling we’ve been holding this moment for you. I told you your dreams would come true I told you your dreams would come true I told you your dreams would come true I told you your dreams would come true This song is by YACHT and it’s called Psychic City. I love the whole album. I listen to it on repeat and I though I should probably share it with you instead of keeping all the joy for myself. Join Team Yacht or follow @teamyacht and feel happy.

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a day in the life of me by: casie

Americano & apple fritter. Sit down at desk. Turn on TV. Login to computer. Open Firefox. Brizzly and four Twitter accounts. Facebook; work and personal. Check email. Check  site stats. Watch Lady Gaga. I love you. Message Twitter. Update the Facebook. Check messages. Friday & Saturday conference. Sunday family. Not tired today. Had a good sleep with you. Thanks. Apple fritter could be fresher but coffee is divine. It’s raining but no wellies. Circa for lunch to hang with Richard Branson. Tomorrow night’s dinner with Jeff and Justin Trudeau. I’m happy to be alive and excited about my life. Sounds like something Dr. Phil would say, haha. Have a great day.

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where every little thing had its own secret life

I’m sitting here eating a big fatty poutine and my mind is racing with all the things I have to get done. Spent the weekend doing fun stuff with friends.  It was Jeff’s birthday and Karrera came over and tested me for allergies too. More on that stuff later. I’ve got heaps of emails that need my attention, not to mention all the work I have to get done at the office. I’m not complaining, I truly love it, I just wish there were more hours in a day or I could function without sleeping.  I had an awesome week last week. I got asked to attend a Young Entrepreneurs Conference this weekend as a Social Media Star & MTV girl.  I’m working on a part for a pilot with YTV. Paid writing gigs are becoming more frequent.  I’ve got some holiday giveaways planned for December with some Givenchy and Burts Bees for you. AND people keep asking me for advice on social media. Finally, my hard work is paying off!! On a naughtier note, I watched Sex Rehab last night. I saw a promo for it at the office and though it would be interesting…it is.  I’ll be tuning in every Sunday for therapy. haha I also wanna be Lady Gaga in Bad Romace. zomg. One more thing, Keri’s blog party is tomorrow night at 6:30. Get the info here and hope to see you there! Have a great day!

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friday the 13th: me = highly excitable

I have always had this thing about threes. I make a conscious effort not to do things in threes, I stick to two and four when I notice. I used to be much worse but I’ve gotten over it a bit now. Earlier this year I got a tattoo I wanted for years. In order to change my negative thoughts about 3 or 13, I booked my much wanted tattoo on Friday the 13th. Now, I have a positive outlook every time one of those lucky days rolls around. This is me laughing at a Tweet re: a new word I learned – Twoosh. It’s when your Tweet is exactly the max allowed 140 characters. Twooshbag is when you do it alot-lot. Twitter is really fun. If you like fun, you should join and follow me so we can laugh together. Twilight New Moon cast members are at Much today for MOD. They’re got barriers set up and the crowd is gonna be huge. I’ve never seen the movie/read the books but the fact that people go ape shit over it is  pretty exciting. There’s people lined up and it’s not even 10am. I love working here. Happy Friday the 13th. Go do something that scares you.

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learn from, laugh with and love

I checked in on a friend, a  babe who blogs. We are one day apart and both get auto-tweetted horoscopes. I don’t always read my horrorscope (stupid word, usually positive when I read them) but sometimes I do. My birthday is May 8th and I am a Taurus. Did you know? Would you have guessed differently? You are ready to step into a role of service now, perhaps to help someone less fortunate than you. Maybe you are more concerned with paying back a debt to society or balancing old karma. In any case, consider what you are willing to give up in order to accomplish your altruistic goals. You won’t be of any assistance if you abandon your work midstream. Making a commitment is serious business, so think carefully about what you are going to do before you do it. Funny. Earlier today I was just getting a heart on for some social good…December #genyto. There’s lots of cool-smart people involved and you can be too. More details to come. This holiday season is gonna be the best, I’ve got lots of giving on my list. The jewelry factory has opened up for one of a kind and customs. I love making stuff. You can now see a bunch of Toronto Blog Girls all in one spot. Pretty cool. I’ve been totally excited  for many days in a row, now that I look back a month. Weirdo. Totally. Note: Is every store having massive sales? I keep getting discount emails? There’s so many sales, uh, makes me want none of it. I want iphone…soon… and ♥ Follow Friday: Alexi Wasser – blog babe from LA, she’s boy crazy, she’s cool and I like her. @imboycrazy

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they’re over rated and rarely worn

It’s been going on for a while, or should I say not going on…on my legs, pants that is. Yes, pants.  I rarely wear them. I’ve got under ten pairs now since I cleaned out my closet. I gave away all the ones I never wore. They just didn’t get used. I saw this post earlier today and HA..thanks to GaGa and all the other Hollywood whores, no pants is picking up speed. There’s a bunch of references to me and #nopants in Google from the last year. I usually wear tights but with a skirt, long shirt or DRESS. Tights are not pants. Once I had a boyfriend take me shopping just so I would wear pants jeans, they’re just not my thing. Looking forward to The 9th Annual Toronto No Pants ride in January 2010. I’ll be riding that rocket for sure. Here’s a little dance for you from me. Happy HUMP day.

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reality tv, internet celebrity, blah blah balls balls

I used to watch The O.C., seems like ages ago when THAT was on. I loved that show. Marissa. Cooper. I got into Laguna Beach next it wasn’t as good but it was. It was realer but then also turned out to be fake-real. I know a bit of the gossip from the internet but I’ve not been watching those kids that much. I did tonight though…I watched The Hills. Knowing what’s happening on the show will only help my job. Here we go… Brody’s Mom, plastic surgery much? I like Jayde, she’s nice, hot and Canadian. Kristin not so much. She did get skinnier from when I used to watch though. When Audrina talks all I hear is ‘wah wah’. She’s kinda like a Jennifer Aniston in the getting-publicly-dumped, ‘i’m annoying’ way. Look me with longish hair! Throwback 2006 to the Moxie Princess Party. There was tons of us, all in crinoline’s, glitter and  crowns. Heidi and Spencer are definitely unique, the thought of them having kids gives the tabloids panty soup I’m sure.  His appointment at the vasectomy doctor painful but Heidi saying “Hi honey, I snipped by balls off” was almost worth watching the show alone. It’s more drama in 30 minutes than an hour of the Young and the Restless, that’s for sure. It was nominated a Peoples Choice Award, ‘Favorite TV Obsession. I’ll be watching it from now on. Don’t worry. I’ll keep the updates to a minumum 🙂

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lets not play games with each other ok?

It was freezing cold out last night. We did just what mature responsible adults do. Eat warm homemade chilli, drink wine, play board games. It was my very first time playing Cranium and I was stoked. This is me acting out “Winnie the Pooh”. Can’t you totally tell? Amy and I realized that we’ve been friends for a while yet never ‘actually’ hung out.  Crossing paths online and offline for god knows how long. It was about time. She’s in town from Quebec and it was a special treat to spend the night laughing together. I can draw pretty good…except with my eyes closed. It’s really harder than you think. You should probably try it this afternoon. Kelly may be better than me? Amy and I WON the game of Risk after. I have always hated that game but found a new love for it. Being on a team makes it way more fun. I went to bed early and woke up early and it feels wonderful. Today I’m going to a Frock Swap and then gonna Shmotter my closet. Enjoy the day. It’s beautifully chilly and sunny at the same time.

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i heard swine flu gives you pig tail

I hate this stupid H1N1. I hate hearing about it an seeing the long lines of people non TV. You will not catch me lined up. I reckon you’re more likely to get swine flu in the line of ‘high risk’ people. I mentioned on Twitter I wasn’t gonna get a flu shot. Peter Mansbridg and I exchanged a few DM’s (direct messages). He told me I’m in a high risk group and that not getting it was selfish. Gah! I love that the Raptors & Leafs players got the shot already. ‘High Risk’ my ass. That doesn’t make sense, I know. If you have money you can probably buy a shot from a private clinic. Who says we don’t have two tier health-care? ha! I wondered what the Swine Flu, urgh, I mean H1N1 looks like through a microscope. Like a pig I reckon… outbreak, outbreak, there’s an outbreak of chaos! crashing and burning, spreading like wildfire! worldwide & deadly it’s an epic pandemic! (knocks on wood coffee table reciting I hope I don’t get it)

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a woman needs a man like a fish a bicycle

Feeling busy today and it’s only eight am. I’m ready for the weekend. It’s been a busy week. My wrist has been hurting, stress. Castor oil really helps, thanks Mum. The MTV Video Music Awards will be live on MTV.ca today and I’ll be Tweeting about it for work. I’ve got an album to review from Musebox, Adriane Lake. Watched my friends from Scribblelive on Dragons Den last night. Attending the opening of O’Brien‘s Roosevelt Room tonight and missing Art Battle. Possible attendance to see a major band tonight in style, depending on my tiredness. Came home for lunch yesterday, felt great to do that. Made today’s lunch last night. Been daily reading Zucket’s secrets and Raymi’s public life. I need to take more photos. I need a coffee today for sure. Nominations for the 2009 Weblog Awards opened yesterday, if you love, please nominate me for Best Twitterer or Best Canadian Blog. Raymi pretty much owns this yearly but it’s worth a shot! Enjoy the day. Rain boots and a brolly necessary!

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just when you thought it couldn’t get….

…any better! I realized a few things yesterday as the clock struck 5pm, I’m not rush to get the hell out of here like my old job and omg, the Y&R is on and I have a TV with cable sitting right here at my very own freaking desk. No lie. I thought to myself as turned to my new friend and I swear the look on my face was if I had died and gone to job heaven again for the 40th time since yesterday. I confessed out loud “I can watch my show at work, do you know how happy this makes me?” So happy. Gah. I swear guys, if you really want something go out there and GET IT! Don’t hold yourself back, you’re the only one standing in your way. I also got some great news yesterday that made me really proud …my old office UNBLOCKED Twitter and Facebook. Yep, now that I’m gone. They hated what I was doing and I loved it.  haha!  I should have totally sent out an interoffice email with my Twitter ID before I left. Have a great day!

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