yesterday on twitter, this happened:

12seconds – Wedding dance: Etta James, At Last #wedding # I have the hottest date here. #wedding # I have a pretty bow in my hair. Le cutest. #wedding # My sister is the cutest thing everrrrrrrrr. # I change my mind. I want a wedding party and someone to love. # This is a really nice wedding. I would totally marry my sister, if she wasn't my sister and we were not related. Haha. Me = McLoser! # My choice from wedding buffet – prime rib, taters, veg, salad # Wedding reception w/ my sis + party (@ Golf Steak House) # Dad told me @ladygaga is dating @justinbieber. # I don't think I ever want a wedding. Today was nice but I just don't see me doing the whole hippity-hooplah thang. # At Dad's hot rod shop. He's been workin on a '68 baracuda race car today. # My sisters dress. # My dress for the wedding. #1 from the other day. # I'm at LCBO (101 Holiday Inn Dr, Cambridge). # Eye spy a Bride! # Sun came out! Wedding time 🙂 # rain rain go away, come again tomorrow ok 😉 # Fri 2 # Rainy wedding day makes the skies of marriage grey? Let's hope the sun comes out before the 2:30 ceremony 🙁 # Vintage throwback, hometown memories. # Walmart staff meeting at McDonalds, this is weird. # Mum is on the boat in Nova Scotia. Sailing trip to Bahamas halted by hurricane. BE SAFE MUM! ILU! # whoa man. jenie & i have to drive Dad to work this morning so we can use the car. haven't been up this earline in about 1,000 years! cripes. #

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i hope the rain stops before your wedding starts

It’s so fun hanging out with Dad. He’s hilarious. Wise crack city that guy. Jenie & I got up early to take Dad to the Hot Rod Shop for work so we could use the car. We’re going to a friends wedding and poor thing, it’s pouring. I’d be balling my eyes out for sure. Hopefully she’s fine with it. Marrying her best friend and all, the weather shouldn’t really matter. I’d keep telling myself that. Stopped by Value Village, the Cambridge one is a hot spot for style. It’s like a ritual to go there and S.V.D.P when we’re in town. It’s the only shopping I ever do here. There’s always something to be foud. I got new glasses. Jenie found some wicked boots x2. Everything is so cheap here too, not like at home whenre old vintage stuff is the same price as new crappy stuff. Chatted Mum last night and found our they’re in a safe spot and made friend with locals. Important because that damn hurricane is heading straight for them on the East Coast of Canada near Nova Scotia. Dear universe, please keep my Mummy safe. I love storms and thunder. I went through a stage when I was really scared of them. It was after I lived in Fort Wayne, Indiana with a BF. They have really bad nasty storms there and I used to be freaked right out. I’d have anxiety and panic, need to stay in side and away from windows. I got over it once I was back in Canada. Time to get ready for the wedding and pretend it’s not raining. Gaga time! TGIF!!!!!!!!

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the daily twitter thing-a-ma-bobber

(469): you know it’s bad when you need sunglasses to open the refrigerator /via @TFLN # Bone marrow anyone? # I’m at Goodwill (Central Square) (520 Massachusetts Ave, Cambridge). # I’m at Toro (1704 Washington St, at Massachusetts Ave., Boston). # View from my hotel over the Charles in Boston. # Its hard to stalk someone when they don’t tweet often. #justsayin # Michael J Fox was such a babe as a youngin. #backtothefuture # Watching Back to the Future #nowplaying #delorean # See you @ #nuscabana tonight. Who’s going? # There, I said it… “I have a crush on Hal Johnson”. # These Fritos are not cutting it. Ma needs a bacon. #breakfast # 10 Important Technology Infographics via @alltop @nowsourcing /via @jessicaholtz #readlater # Easing a mini bag of $4 fritos in my hotel. Bahaaaa. # Good morning! Successfully not hungover! I am so proud of myself 🙂 # The end of my night is this but it was way more awesome in general. #

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Omg. Last night was so fun. Love you friends!

I still have about 100 pounds of makeup on my eyes but I don’t care. I was at Machine last night in Boston (Cambridge, Mass). It was aweeeeeesome. I have so many friends here. I haven’t even left Boston but can’t wait to come back. Danced my booty off, met MTV Boston and a totally hot little lez. Good night overall. Not hungover either. Pretty proud of how I handled my booze this weekend. I must be maturing. Watching Back to the Future in my hotel now, today is a good day. Nus Cabana tonight for Michael’s birthday. Smirnoff Experience tomorrow. Life is good.

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Pahk the cah in Havahd Yahd.

Today I stopped by Harvard and got this picture to prove it. Before coming here I asked my Tweeps what I should do in Boston and O’Nizzle said to check out the legendry S&S Resto in Cambridge, Mass, so today we did. This photo was taken the year I was born. The place has been open for ages, since 1919 and heaps of famous people have dined there. Figured I should pass through too. Heh heh, ya never know how famous you’ll be until you try, ok.  For reals. Check out this hot babe, the mama of the joint: It was really great! Pretty good service, ok coffee. This was my brekky, zomg it was nomnomnom. Pretty sure I recognized this guy, does he not look like Old Spice guy? Uh, yeah… It could be. Honestly. I bet Old Spice guy travelled back in time in his time machine and hand painted this image of himself, using magic leprechaun tears as the water with paint he created and blended with his own bare hands. What an incredible man he is.  Wow. These are my Boston Besties B & E after brekky. Yannis was there too but somebody had to snap the pic eh. I always wanted to visit Harvard so we did that next. I didn’t really have anything in particular I wanted to see, I just wanted to be there. Mostly snap a couple pix and checkin on foursquare. Yes, I am wearing a foursquare day tank. So nerdy. I really hoped a Harvard hottie would notice TBH, but none did. They’re probs all studying and shit. Picked up a couple things from The Coop and toured around. If I lived here I would hang out at Harvard for sure. I kinda miss school. I think if I go…

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some media friends at #lgfw

Shots from my comp in the media tent (which is not actually a tent at all). Liana Saadi. She’s a total babe and a fitness model who shoots for Elle Canada Magazine.. We’re also from the same hometown. This is Fouj, she’s the greatness behind the Social Media for LGFW and the blog of it all (aka the good stuff). She’s a hot babe with great style AND she’s super smart/good at social media. I always find the babes. If you’re at Fashion Week, find her and she’ll snap your outfit photo! Barbie is up later and I scored an extra pass so I can bring Sabrina. She’s my roommate but also my very own Barbie. I play with her hair, do her makeup and sometimes make outfits for her. She’s a jem. LOVE YOU Beans! I made her post for these photos at home. Gawd, she’s cute.

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you can’t fly with the eagles if you’re with the seagulls

Met Louis Lautman last night at Notable TV’s premiere of The YES Movie. I asked him to tell you about the movie since it’s his movie [see video]. He said it’s kinda like The Secret on steroids meets MTV. Would really like to know if the young peeps in the movie have blogs, Tweet etc.  Also, making lotsa money like that, these kids should be rocking serious style/designer shit.  Was surprised at the style, I expected more savy! Watched part of the movie today. Couldn’t make it last night, stopped by to see Raymi before #genyto #canLit. Nice guy, very tall and says ‘theater’ with an accent. He started the Young Entrepreneur Society, so naturally  I chatted him about entrepreneurship. I’m really into the big E. I firmly believe and know I can have anything I want , this is my life. He also told me he didn’t know how to spell ‘entrepreneurship’ for a long time, said lots of people have trouble with it. I’ve never had that problem. I won Young Entrepreneur of Cambridge when I was 15 for starting a publishing company. Little did I know then I’d become a modern daily internet  daily social publisher.  I spend lotsa my time going to these events, Tweetups, Genyto, etc these babies are really all about a crowd, a crown full of entrepreneurial thinkers. Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing. B.Franklin Watched one of Lou’s (can I call you Lou?) video on the YES Ning network and it was about internship and inspiring. I always wanted to intern somewhere really cool but those days passed. In the year 2000 I worked work at a marketing company sorting catalogs for the summer.  Boring. Really excited to be mentoring about 6 girls from PR at Humber College.…

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new joizy. omg. fml. i love you.

I’ve been watching and and I think it’s so funny. The accents, fake tans, muscles, the boobs, getting ready to go out,  the boys the girls, “the situation”. I got single a message from a friend who is not on Twitter but knows me really well he said “have you seen jersey shore?” Called him RIGHT BACK. Rambled for a bit how I totally love it and he says, “I know, that;s why I messaged you”. Fake tans, Italians, muscles, spikey hair, tattoos…I used to love it. It’s so entertaining when I’m always on computer/blackberry while watching tv. I went through a stage…Tanning. Nails done. The mall. Dancing. Fast cars. Guys with spikey hair who were tanned with muscles. I checked stalked some old friends who married those guys with hair gel and most still have a tan. I even saw some blonde streaks and a dog named Jerzy. Back then, I had tan even though it was winter in Canada and I didn’t go on vacation. In a recent interview, Mike ‘the situation‘ said “These days in New York and New Jersey a ‘guido’ is a good-looking Italian male that likes to have fun and a ‘guidette’ is a good-looking Italian girl.” For me, it wasn’t Jersey Shore, it was Woodbridge. If you don’t know Woodbridge…it’s Italy just outside Toronto. We used to drive there from Cambridge to hang with the gino’s. Some facts of a true Gino from a helpful site: you have at least one pare of flares. you wear diesel, kappa, energie, parasuco,puma etc. clubbing is life. you glowstick .your addicted to energy drink .spikes hair. at one point had blonde streaks. chilled at Tim hortons before with the gino’s. SAY “BROO THATS MY FAVV SONG TO EVERY EURO SONG”. GOT EXCITED FOR THE SUMMER SO…

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some days you just wanna take a break from life

The day after a relaxing weekend and all I want is the couch, horizontal with a pillow, watching tv. Back is better but the pain is still there. Had pho for lunch. Was tasty as usual. I really miss my camera. I forgot how pretty and green Cambridge is. I feel torn between my love of the city and  my love of bring in a quiet place surrounded by nature and peace. This is driving in Blair beside Mum’s favorite tree. I really missed Cambridge until I got back home to my glass box in the sky. I love the city too. Had a good chuckle at Do Your Fucking Dishes. I had a roomate that didn’t do his and I put them in his room. When I was in highschool I really wanted these prescription Gucci glasses. Mum’s work would pay for them and I cheated my eye exam to get them. My prescription was barely there at all. Two years later after wearing them my eyes had gotten a little worse. Last time I got them checked they were 20/20 again. My new prescription glasses have no prescription.

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you never met a M.F. quite like me

I wanted to go see Kid Rock over the Killers cause I love his wild-whisky-drinking-country-singing-long-hair-badass style. He was wearing a leather shirt with rhinestones when he started. Serious swooning over here. We caught about 20 minutes of Lynard Skynard. He has some serious muscles. I’m not sure how old he is buyt from my seat he looked FIT. The first sound I heard from the stage when K.Rock came on was one of my favorite songs ever. I taped it for you: More videos are uploading. Will add later. This one drunk guy said “is this like the good looking girl section”, nice pick up line buddy. ‘We’re all married” I said. There were so many drunken mullets and wire beaters. Good entertainment! Jenie ran into Kory and Lisa and bunch of other girls I know from back home in Cambridge. We crammed them in our box but then the security girl kicked them out. A few got to stay for the rest of the show. Fun times 🙂 I also got a $50 for Subway which is pretty rad. The Jets are so loud. They keep zipping right above our condo and scaring the bejebas out of me. Heading to the Lake to read my book and watch them overhead. Have a great day! Big party at Tattoo Rock Parlor on Sunday night hosted by the Magen Boys.  If you’re in the city on this fine weekend, come. Shawn Hawaii, my boy is DJ and I’ll be cuttin’ a rug on the dance floor! Facebook invite is here.

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you gotta take the time to think and breathe a bit

i took a little walk this afternoon past the place we met. it reminded me of you. i remember you saying ‘even if the coffee wasn’t so good i’d still come for the music’. the music is always good. you told your friend ‘i’m gonna go talk to that girl’. i’m glad you did. i’ve been feeling very positive and inspired despite drinking both nights this week. i managed to get to bed at a decent hour. taking a b50 complex every day helps too. sleeping with a sleep mask over my eyes keeps the sun out in the mornings. thanks Ellen for that one. i hear that people get inspired by things i do and how i look at life. i’ve learned that more this week than ever. i actually heard it from  a few people and it brightens my day to know i brought sunshine to someone elses.  i look at each day with an open mind and i see beauty in little things that people miss when they are busy, stressed, focused etcetera. i like how ‘etcetera’ looks when typed. there is a small shop in cambridge called etcetera and my second mum used to often get presents and kick-nacks there. it was beautiful and old and had glassware and picture frames and pewter stuff.  i think it’s still here. i hope it is. mexico here i come. i’m only there for about 48 hours.  i WILL NOT FORGET CAMERA and will have new laptop (Bobby) there with me. thinking about doing something cool. i’d like to ustream from the resort.  i love adventure and new airports. my friend i’m visiting is very chill and wants to relax. and that to me, sounded just right.

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larry big foot bird

It’s a cool place this city. Wandered around the Quincy Market. Lots of history and things to look at. I’ve got a Red Sox hat now too. These kids were about to do a parade. There were heaps of them around. All girls in this photo but there were mostly boys. We stopped to ask what they were doing and one of the boys said ‘put your hands over your head’. I did. What I didn’t realise was that he was on the phone and not talking to me at all. Pretty funny if you were there. Talk about big shoes to fill, Larry Bird had some massive feet. I loved learning about all the buildings around Boston. There’s some really neat ones with beautiful windows and doors that are really old. I like that stuff. Popped into Cheers to see some old friends. Everyone knew my name.  Glad to know they’re keeping it real in Beantown. Look Mum, travelled all the way to Boston and found Cambridge. It was scheduled to rain today but it did a little this morning and not it’s all sun, sun, sun. Heading out to a special party tonight. Going to jump in the pool now. Have a great day!

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happy birthday canada you sexy thang

In 1996, on the weekend before Canada Day in my hometown of Cambridge, I was a contestant in the annual Miss Teen pageant. Since I was little I had always wanted to ride in the convertible waving like the Queen with a sash and tiara. That year I was in a group of about 18 girls all competing for a chance represent our city for a year at events as the Miss Teen. I had to write a speech about why I was proud to be Canadian. Before our speeches we had preliminaries and I was the first person to ever get 100%. They asked about Canadian history and politics, good thing Mum prepped me before my interview. I got up on stage in the middle of the mall podium to recite my speech for the audience. I was a natural. The judges scored me the highest and that day I won my first (and so far only) beauty pageant. I got to ride in the convertible for the Canada Day parade like it was my job. That was my favorite Canada Day ever. Canada Blog friends wrote about me recently, check it out!  

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fatty tuesday, what’s for lunch?

I’m wondering what to have for lunch today. We get catered lunched in the office on Monday, Wednesday and Friday so today, it’s all about me and whatever I want. I’ve been trying to avoid eating McDonalds as I have been eating it religiously my whole life. Lucky enough, I’m still mini. I’m a big pho lover traditionally but when I went home for family day I had a really bad pho at Ben Thahn in Cambridge and I’m just not feeling it. I ordered the wrong one and it had nasty meat parts that I can’t describe. That’s what you get for not REALLY reading the menu. Tonight I’m going to Facebook Camp Toronto 5 at Mars. I’m interested to hear how Twitter will be brought up, if at all. Although, I can’t imagine it just not coming up. I wonder what I might learn? This is my date @shawnhawaii. He is the coolest.

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riverside adventure

When I was home this weekend I went on an adventure in Riverside Park. The Grand River was higher than normal and most of the park interior was flooded. Bonga and I set off in to the forest. It was not long before we found ourselves trapped in the middle of melting ground, mud, ice and marsh. It was time to conquer the elements. The sun was shining bright giving us super powers to take on the cold. Not even the high flowing river could hold us back. I was dressed to lead the pack with my warm jacket and Hunter Wellies.We grabbed walking sticks to ensure we knew exactly if the ground was hard or soft and to make it easier to jump over stuff. This also helped in breaking up the ice on the boardwalk. It was really fun.

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great times in the hometown

I went home to Cambridge after Valentines Day to hang with my friends and family. I had a really great time. Karrera and I stopped to get some pho on the way at Ben Thahn in Cambridge. I used to love it there but my pho was gross and over priced compared to downtown.The sun was shining so bright I needed to wear my sunnies. In the car Karrera has a crystal and I caught some rainbows on my tattoo’s as we drove through the sunshine.

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WORK! Nathan Brannen is running yo. Stay tuned for him at the Olympics!

Listen to this shit man!“Nathan Brannen of Cambridge, Ont., who had been granted an extension of the Olympic qualifying deadline, ran 3:34.65 at Rome’s Golden Gala meet to qualify for the Beijing Olympics.His time was a new personal best and is well under the Olympic A+ standard of 3:36.60.” Fuck yeah. Show them who’s got it going on babe!!!! Love ya!! Cambridge bitches represent. xoCheck his ass out here ♥

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